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Esprit/C SRC File Utility

CSRCFileUtility.exe is a utility for copying or renaming .src files from Esprit/C to .esw files for loading into ESPRIT !!". Esprit/C files cannot #e loaded into ESPRIT !!" wit$ t$e .src extension. %owe&er' t$e files are compati#le and can #e loaded into ESPRIT !!" using an .esw extension (to ma)e it appear as if t$ey come from Esprit/*+. So t$e .src file must eit$er #e copied to a file wit$ an .esw extension or renamed as .esw. T$is can #e time consuming to do manually. CSRCFileUtility.exe will mass copy or rename entire folders of .src files to .esw names. T$e CSRCFileUtility.exe file can #e placed anyw$ere. *$en you run it' you will #e presented wit$ t$e following dialog,

T$e first option will copy t$e .src files to .esw files' and lea&e t$e original .src files. T$is option s$ould #e used if you t$in) you will need to reload t$e .src files into Esprit/C. T$e second option will rename t$e .src files wit$ an .esw extension. T$e original .src files will not remain' so #e careful wit$ t$is option. It cannot automatically #e undone. S$ould you wis$ to reload one of t$e files into Esprit/C later' you would $a&e to c$ange it #ac) to an .src extension manually. T$e recursi&e option if c$ec)ed will copy or rename all of t$e .src files in all of t$e su#-folders #elow t$e c$osen folder. If unc$ec)ed' only t$ose files wit$in t$e c$osen folder will #e copied or renamed. .fter you /0 t$e dialog' you will #e presented wit$ a standard windows /pen dialog to allow you to pic) t$e folder t$at you wis$ to con&ert (pic) t$e folder #y pic)ing any .src file underneat$ it1 if t$ere is no .src file directly underneat$ it' you can 2ust type in any #ogus name' li)e 3.src' and t$e folder will #e selected+. .not$er window will appear gi&ing a status log. Simply Close t$at dialog w$en you are done re&iewing t$e log. T$ere is also a separate ES*FileUtilities program a&aila#le t$at can #e used to mass con&ert .esw files to ESPRIT .esp files. 4oo) for t$at on t$e we# site and see t$e Read5e.$tm file included wit$ it for more information.

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