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The services to be provided by the Consulting Civil/Structural Engineer hereafter called the Consulting Engineer and for which they shall take full responsibility shall comprise all or any of the following as may be necessary: 1. &. !ork within a team of Consultants" where the #rchitect would act as Team $eader/%rincipal #gent of the Client. The submission of preliminary proposals" in the form of a report and/or sketch plan" for consideration by the %rincipal #gent" including as may be necessary: &.1 &.& &.' &.) &.* #n inspection of the site Consultations with the %rincipal #gent and/or the Client (nvestigation and collation of available data Consultation with $ocal #uthorities in connection with the proposals #dvice to the %rincipal #gent to the necessity for model tests" laboratory tests" analyses" site" foundation or other investigations and arranging for these at the Client+s e,penses" with the consent of the Client and/or his %rincipal #gent.


-pon approval by the Client and/or his %rincipal #gent of the preliminary proposals" the Consulting Engineer shall proceed with such of the following as are re.uired by the Client and/or his %rincipal #gent: '.1 '.& '.' The preparation of designs" drawings and specifications for the Structural and Civil Engineering !orks /referred to as 0the !orks12. #ttendance at meetings in connection with the design of the !orks. #dvice on conditions of contract" on forms of tender and documents" on matters necessary for placing a contract for the construction of the !orks" on acceptance or otherwise of any tenders and on prices or estimates where competitive tenders are not obtained.


!here included within the scope of services" on commencement of construction" the Consulting Engineer will carry out such of the following as are re.uired by the Client and/or his %rincipal #gent. ).1 The general inspection of the construction of the !orks in the form of such periodic visits to the site as he considers necessary in order to ensure that the !orks are carried out in accordance with the re.uirements and intention of the design. .../&

3&3 ).& ).' #ttendance at the site meetings for the duration of the construction of the !orks. Checking Contractor+s drawings for the permanent !orks for conformity with design re.uirements but e,cluding detailed checking of shop details for erection fit. 4aking arrangements with the consent of the Client and/or his %rincipal #gent" for the inspection and testing" at the Client+s e,pense" of such material and plant as are usually inspected or tested. 5etailed inspection of all e,cavations. 5etailed checking of reinforcement/structural steel/timber in position on the site.


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*. #dditionally" we shall design the section of internal roads including storm water drains thereto based on soil/C.7.8. tests to be conducted at Client+s e,penses. 9eometrical layout and levels of the internal roads and services will be carried out by others. (nspection of construction of section of the roads/drain to reasonably ensure that they are carried out in accordance with the re.uirements and intention of our design" drawings and specifications. The engineering design of the other services" i.e. water/sewerage/irrigation/ reticulation" telecom/electricity network and treatment plant will be performed by others. :owever" the design/inspection of reinforced concrete/steel structural works for these services is included in our offer. 3 3

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