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Department of Environment :: Interim National Water Quality Standards For Malaysia Ta...

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Interim National Water Quality Standards For Malaysia Table2.3 INTERIM NATIONAL WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FOR MALAYSIA CLASSES I IIA 0.1 1 10 7 6.5 8.5 15 1000 N N

PARAMETERS Ammoniacal Nitrogen BOD COD DO pH Colour

UNIT mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

IIB III 0.3 0.9 3 25 6 50

IV 2.7 12 100 <3 5-9 6000 2 4000 300

V >2.7 >12 >100 <1 300

0.3 3 25 5-7 6-9 150 1000 N N 1 N 1000 50

5-7 3-5 6-9 5-9 150 N N N 50 150


Elec. Conductivity * umhos/cm Floatables Odour Salinity (% ) Taste Total Dissolved Solid Total Suspended Solid Temperature (C) Turbidity (NTU)

0.5 N

mg/l mg/l

500 25 5


Normal +20C 50 50 100 5000

Faecal Coliform ** counts/100mL 10 Total Coliform Notes N taste * ** a : : : : counts/100mL 100

Normal +20C 5000 5000 400 (20000) (20000) a a

5000 50000 50000 >50000

No visible floatable materials or debris or No objectionable odour, or No objectionable Related parameters, only one recommended for use Geometric mean maximum not to be exceeded Uses Conservation of natural environment water supply 1 - practically no treatment Fishery 1 - very sensitive aquatic species

Class CLASS I : necessary. 6/10/2008

Department of Environment :: Interim National Water Quality Standards For Malaysia Ta... Page 2 of 2


Water Supply II - conventional treatment required Fishery ll - sensitive aquatic species CLASS IIB : Recreational use with body contact CLASS III : Water Supply lll - extensive treatment required Fishery lll - common, of economic value, and tolerant species livestock drinking CLASS IV : Irrigation

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