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Report Geographic Information System Management Information System

Submitted to Mr. Ahmer Umer

Submitted by Hafsa Siddiqua (Sp12-MB-0038)

Submitted date:

I am highly indebted to respected Sir Ahmer Umer to given me this opportunity & with a deep sense and profound gratitude I convey my thanks to Assistant Manager GIS PTCL - Khi for all support.


Our report consists of GIS, its benefits & uses of GIS in different business. There are vast fields where GIS is practicing. We concluded some of highlighted industries gaining advantages by using GIS technique mentioned below Financial institutions Logistics Defense and intelligence Emergency/disaster management Transportation Water resources Agriculture Petroleum Electric Gas Telecommunications

Table of Contents

GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM..........................................................05 TOP FIVE BENEFITS OF GIS................................................................................06 WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH GIS? ........................................................................14 WHO USES GIS? ......................................................................................................15 GIS FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS................................................................15 GIS FOR LOGISTICS...............................................................................................17 GIS FOR DEFENSE AND INTELLIGENCE........................................................18 GIS FOR EMERGENCY/DISASTER MANAGEMENT.....................................19 GIS FOR TRANSPORTATION..............................................................................22 GIS FOR WATER RESOURCES...........................................................................25 GIS FOR AGRICULTURE......................................................................................29 GIS FOR PETROLEUM..........................................................................................30 GIS FOR ELECTRIC...............................................................................................32 GIS FOR GAS............................................................................................................33 GIS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS..................................................................38 CONCLUSION & REFERENCES..46

Geographic Information System

A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts. A GIS helps you answer questions and solve problems by looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared. GIS technology can be integrated into any enterprise information system framework

Top Five Benefits of GIS

GIS benefits organizations of all sizes and in almost every industry. There is a growing awareness of the economic and strategic value of GIS. The benefits of GIS generally fall into five basic categories:


Cost Savings and Increased Efficiency

GIS is widely used to optimize maintenance schedules and daily fleet movements. Typical implementations can result in a savings of 10 to 30 percent in operational expenses through reduction in fuel use and staff time, improved customer service, and more efficient scheduling. Example: City of Woodland Refines Water Crew Dispatch Route Sequencing Gives City Leverage in Contractor Bidding Today's decreasing budgets and volatile gas prices have forced governments to closely evaluate their fleet deployment practices. Even small local government fleets can log enough miles to require routing software to save fuel and vehicle wear and tear. Last year, the City of Woodland, California, concluded that dispatching crews to shut off water for nonpayment of services (one of its most fuel-consuming operations) could be easily improved with an electronic routing system. Costly Backtracking With a population of 55,000 and relatively small footprint, Woodland has crews that know the pavement well. Since a portion of the work orders entail only single visits to homes (e.g., to turn off water service in a vacated residence), dispatchers don't need to generate routes for those trips. But when Woodland began to notice a steady increase in the number of residents failing to pay for water service, which often required multiple visits per address, improving staff response to water payment delinquency seemed in order. To respond to water bill nonpayment, the City of Woodland's Finance Department creates driver manifests for its water crews. With so much doubling back, even drivers familiar with the geography of Woodland had no time to think about their lists spatially and logistically. "Our system consisted of nothing more than the finance guys handing crews an Excel file with a randomly organized list of addresses that required shutoff," says Hewitt. "Even with an understanding of the local geography, they could not always respond nearest to farthest, which would obviously make the most sense in terms of vehicle wear and tear and fuel consumption." Easy Transition The evaluation copy of ArcLogistics allowed Hewitt to import the Excel lists of nonpaying residences that the Finance Department generated and create an ordered list of stops. To communicate with the geodatabase, the software requires that Excel spreadsheets have columns denoting city and state. "I added those columns to the spreadsheets so I could feed them into the system," says Hewitt. "From there, the program generated sequenced, turn-by-turn routes for water crews." Hewitt took his findings to Manuel Soto, technology services manager in Woodland's Public Works department, to see if he could get support for the full version of ArcLogistics. Initially,

the department questioned whether precise routing in a small city with a staff of mostly Woodland natives was even needed. To address that concern, Hewitt used maps to show that sequencing each stop from nearest to farthest was more critical than the routing. "The main problem we had was lots of unnecessary backtracking," says Soto. But the logistics software created a sequenced order of stops from a simple address list. After clarifying the specific benefit, Soto got approval from the Public Works department to purchase the full subscription. Soon after, Woodland applied for and received a grant from Esri's ArcLogistics Government Grant Program and began officially implementing the solution. The new efficiency in creating ordered driver manifests has reduced the number of crews needing to travel. Before acquiring its new routing software, Woodland sent out an average of eight water crew vehicles per day. Today, five vehicles can do the same amount of work. GIS helped the City of Woodland refine its fleet scheduling practices and reap dividends in fuel and labor savings. Bonus Benefit Woodland also found a novel use for its GIS as a bargaining tool for outsourcing. Recently, the city hired a contractor to replace thousands of faulty water meters with more accurate, tamperproof meters. "Contractors give us a bid on what they think all their driving will add up to in replacing these meters," says Hewitt. "We showed them how sequencing their stops shorten travel, which helps them calculate a more appropriate cost."


Better Decision Making

GIS is the go-to technology for making better decisions about location. Common examples include real estate site selection, route/corridor selection, evacuation planning, conservation, natural resource extraction, etc. Making correct decisions about location is critical to the success of an organization. Example: Disaster Decision Support System System Features Time-Aware Functionality, Data Integration, and Remote-Sensing Image Comparison In August 2009, Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan and resulted in record-breaking accumulated rainfall within a short period of time (one rain gauge recorded a total rainfall of 2,965 millimeters in three days). Hundreds of casualties and severe debris flows were caused by Morakot. In 2010, RiChi developed an application named "CEOCDSS" to streamline data analysis and optimize its display for NCDR using ArcGIS API for Flex. CEOCDSS has the following four main features: User-Friendly Interface CEOCDSS employs the interface design concept of full map content and user-friendliness. Disaster response commanders and other CEOCDSS users can navigate the system easily even without being familiar with GIS. The user interface is divided into three main sections: map setting, basic toolbar, and advanced toolbar. The map setting region includes a basemap switch and map scale slider, with which users can select streets, terrain, and aerial and satellite image maps. The basic toolbar features the four functionalities that are used most frequently during typhoons. The toolbar can float on the table of contents (TOC) and includes a map bookmark list,

GIS tools, and a map position tool. The advanced toolbar includes a time slider, dual-view mode, map event editing, and interface settings. Time-Aware Functionality During typhoons, disaster response commanders need to know all the different situations occurring at each point in time. In non-flood periods, disaster researchers need to analyze historical data regarding past typhoons. Therefore, CEOCDSS provides a custom time slider that allows users to view the data at any time; this data includes any type of attribute containing time, such as satellite imagery (visible and enhanced), water level, forecasted typhoon paths, real-time rainfall reports, radar data, and road disasters. In addition to the time slider, users can access the calendar list, which shows all historical typhoons and disasters and can be used for switching time periods faster. An auto-update time slider is also available. It is helpful for finding disaster information from older periods and monitoring current data in real time. Users can also use the time player to display each moment of data between periods of time or during one typhoon. Heterogeneous Data Integration and Management CEOCDSS embraces heterogeneous data that can be divided into dynamic map services, points in the database, tiled maps, customized advanced layers, and the nearest real-time picture from the operational point of view. Formats of and access and methods of connection to all the data are very different. For example, the base layer is published by an Esri map service using map documents (MXD); several types of real-time data are stored in the database; and real-time pictures, like radar images, are stored in folder directories in image format. Integration of multiple types of data in one GIS platform leads to restrictions about layer setting dispersal. System administrators must be aware of the data type and layer operation before applying settings. To solve these limitations, the NCDR-RiChi development team strengthened all parts of the system structure by inserting a data control mechanism between the data entities and system display. All information must be displayed using this mechanism, which includes layer labels, scale restrictions, default modules in CEOCDSS, data sources, and sorting in the TOC. All these items are centralized in the system database and can be set easily at the CEOCDSS management website. Comparing Remote-Sensing Images During typhoons, remote-sensing images can provide reliable information that rescue organizations can use to make decisions and immediately follow up on disaster response issues. CEOCDSS provides a satellite image dual-view mode, allowing users to compare two different images side by side. This functionality can be used for comparing different datasets for the same area or viewing data in different time periods. When users pan or zoom in or out on the map in one view, the other view moves simultaneously. With CEOCDSS, satellite images are published as the web map service and can be filtered and overlaid by a time slider. So far in 2011, CEOCDSS has integrated more than 100 datasets for NCDR with assistance from RiChi. In fact, CEOCDSS has actually been applied to six of Taiwan's typhoons, two exercises for disaster response, and two workshops about disaster intelligence; it also provides great performance in NCDR's decision support system. Decision makers can easily understand the different time period status of disasters via the time-aware functionality.


Improved Communication

GIS-based maps and visualizations greatly assist in understanding situations and in storytelling. They are a type of language that improves communication between different teams, departments, disciplines, professional fields, organizations, and the public. Example: International Engineering and Construction Contractor Uses GIS to Better Serve Its Divisions and Customers Michels Corporation Improves Collaboration and Communication From its humble beginnings as a pipeline construction company in Brownsville, Wisconsin, almost 50 years ago, Michels Corporation has grown to one of the top 100 contractors and one of the top 10 utility contractors in the United States, according to Engineering News-Record. Michels Corporation continues to be a family-owned business working in design-build construction for the utility, transportation, communication, and infrastructure markets. The company takes pride in its innovation and leadership in the marketplace, always looking for a better way of doing business. To help maintain its history of innovation, Michels chose to invest in GIS because it offered the ability to visualize the corporation's assets and to plan for future projects and development. "GIS technology has helped Michels plan and execute projects for our customers," states chief executive officer Pat Michels. "We view our use of GIS as an important step in enabling Michels to be more collaborative with our customers." ArcGIS software was chosen to better communicate with clients who also use GIS for utility infrastructure planning, design, and bidding. The company first started using ArcGIS in 2004 to assist in asset management and to track permits. Dave Melum, environmental compliance specialist in the Michels Materials Division, states that GIS allows him to see and analyze this information by location, giving the division a better understanding of Michels' real estate holdings, property leases, and local and state permits. Furthermore, he is able to quantify future reserves by mapping the aggregate resources, operations permits, and test sites. The adoption of ArcGIS also allows Michels to manage the deployment, performance, and maintenance of its organizational assets. This is leading to cost and time savings by improving equipment and staff productivity, reducing capital outlays, and enabling better decision making. The corporation can now recognize assets that are underutilized and is eliminating holdings with limited strategic value based on market conditions and future development. Prior to using ArcGIS, real estate, permitting, and project information were handled by different groups within the corporation. Michels finds that GIS provides the tools it needs to analyze how every facet of its design relates to its environment. For example, it uses GIS to find out how future growth of a community will affect the pattern of streets and community services. Michels also uses GIS to solve construction layout problems and provide a new way ofthinking about predesign analysis. Doug Heider, outside plant/GIS manager of Mi-Tech, Michels' engineering division, uses GIS for design and management of information for third-party clients, including telecommunication companies nationwide. "Adding ArcGIS to our engineering toolbox allows us to provide many value-added benefits for our current customers," he says, "and to better communicate with our customers throughout the life of their project from design to construction status to as-builts. By creating our project data in real-world coordinates and using our software's data interoperability, we can create a standardized method to interact with the many entities that are normally involved in large utility construction projects. It is not uncommon to have to deal

with five or more permitting agencies, including multiple cities and counties, Department of Transportation, Department of Natural Resources, railroads, and other utility companies." GIS gives Michels the tools it needs to bring together the multiple dataset types that come with dealing with all those different entities. At the end of a project, the company can provide its customers with very accurate and feature-rich products in any format they wish. Recently, Michels adopted ArcGIS Server software to support an even wider range of internal operations, as well as provide a platform for job tracking by its clients. To oversee the deployment of ArcGIS Server, Michels recently hired Phil Paradies as GIS manager. As part of the implementation, Paradies started an enterprise-wide GIS database on ArcSDE. He has been transferring geospatial datasets that were acquired during the previous two years and adding new geospatial data from around Michels' nine-state operating area.


Better Recordkeeping

Many organizations have a primary responsibility of maintaining authoritative records about the status and change of geography. GIS provides a strong framework for managing these types of records with full transaction support and reporting tools. Example: The Big Sky State Finds Gold in Statewide Cadastral Database Montana's GIS-Based Cadastre Layered with Riches As the fourth-largest state in the United States, Montana is synonymous with frontier. Under the state's famous "big sky" are 145,552 square miles of sparsely populated open land. Running in a diagonal line from northwest to south-central Montana, the Continental Divide splits and roughly defines the topography of the Big Sky State. West of the divide stand the northern and central Rocky Mountains, while east of the divide are mostly prairies and plains. Meanwhile, rivers; lakes; forests; national parks and monuments; long, lonesome highways; Canada; and four other US states divide, dot, and border Montana's 56 counties. Managing all the geographic data associated with a territory as immense as Montana is no small task. The state recognized this challenge and pioneered a GIS-based statewide cadastral database. Montana's spatial data infrastructure, as recognized by the Montana Land Information Council, consists of 14 layers, with the cadastral layer being one of the most mature. The layer is based on the tax cadastre, a legal repository of land records that identifies the owner, location, boundaries, description, and property rights associated with a parcel of land. Montana's cadastral layer is most closely associated with the property assessment processes, but usage of the data goes far beyond the state Department of Revenue (DOR). "More than half of government business processes are associated with parcels," says Montana Base Map Service Center (BMSC) chief Stewart Kirkpatrick. "Questions like, Who owns that parcel? or What features are associated with this parcel? are a constant at the local and state levels. It made sense that we, the State of Montana, had a standardized digital cadastre system that everyone could access." According to the US Office of Management and Budget's Federal Enterprise Architecture framework, Kirkpatrick is right. The framework states that 74 percent of government data is location based, and that number is even higher at the state and local levels. Back in 1996, Montana hired Kirkpatrick as the project manager to explore the concept of a statewide cadastre, build a project plan, and obtain funding to collect and maintain tax parcel data in a standardized format using ArcGIS technology as the platform. Recognizing how their organizations could

benefit from a statewide cadastre, Burlington Northern, Montana Dakota Utilities, Montana Power, and the United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) all signed on as major contributors to the project. With initial funding in place, the conversion of paper records to digital format commenced in 1998, and in 2003, when the new digital tax parcel framework was complete, Montana had the only statewide cadastral database in the nation. Although the data was available by then, full benefits, such as a return on the state's $3 million cadastre database investment, were not realized until 2005. That initial investment included the development of the cadastral database. It also included the five-year task of paying contractors and state staff to convert, standardize, and integrate mostly paper-based data from approximately 900,000 parcels into the new ArcGIS software-based cadastral database. By 2009, the state estimated the minimum annual value of its digital parcel and cadastral data at just over $10 million. It figures that the annual return on investment (ROI) is $9,335,700. ROI figures came from a Montana state study that focused on the value and costs associated with the cadastral system, including an evaluation of the IT investment in the cadastral layer; identification of business processes, users, and beneficiaries that depend on the cadastral layer; identification of the relationship between the cadastral framework and the other 12 framework layers; and development of a financial analysis that documents the current and ongoing costs and benefits of the cadastral layer. An abundance of government agencies lend data to the system. DOR and eight counties collect the tax parcel data, while other agencies and interests collect ancillary data on conservation easements; municipal and school district boundaries; special districts like water, sewer, and mosquito abatement; and other data that conveys rights and interest on the land. It is BMSC's responsibility to integrate the tax parcels and related data into a statewide database monthly and link the tax parcels to DOR's computer-assisted mass appraisal system, ORION. BMSC also integrates BLM's geographic coordinate database as the digital representation of the public land survey (PLS) in Montana, since the PLS is the foundation of landownership in the state. All cadastral data, including parcels and other spatially coincident feature classes, is stored in an Esri geodatabase by BMSC, while DOR's tabular data is moved to an Oracle database linked to the parcels. The data is housed in ArcGIS Server, then distributed as shapefiles and geodatabases where businesses, organizations, and other interested parties can go for cadastral data and maps.


Managing Geographically

GIS is becoming essential to understanding what is happeningand what will happenin geographic space. Once we understand, we can prescribe action. This new approach to managementmanaging geographicallyis transforming the way that organizations operate. Example: Building Smart from the Ground Up Kuwait University, Sabah Al-Salem Campus, Uses GIS to Design and Build MultibillionDollar Development Initiative Kuwait University is embarking on one of the most ambitious campus development projects in the world. The massive University City is being designed and built from the ground up and will emerge over the next four years of construction as part of a multibillion-dollar development initiative.

In addition to teaching GIS, Kuwait University chose to apply the geospatial concepts discussed in the classroom to support the entire process of designing, building, and operating the huge new University City at Shadadiyah Campus. In early 2010, Kuwait University recognized a need for specialized consulting and documentation of requirements for geodatabase design of the Sabah Al-Salem University City project. For the plan to be successful, the needs of both planning company Turner Projacs and Kuwait University were to be incorporated in the details of design and construction of the project. Those needs included using GeoDesign processes and techniques to bring value to each stage of the facility life cycle, from site analytics and design to planning and construction, as well as operations, security, and sustainability. This ambitious vision posed many challenges and represented a level of enterprise data development unmatched in the world today. Modeling and Storing Data for an Entire Campus One of the major challenges in addressing the scope of these ideas was how to model and store data for an entire campusdata spanning indoors, outdoors, and underground, connected and temporal. The process that ensued was a major effort to bring international experts to the table to design a unique, world-class data model for implementing this vision in GIS. The result of this effort is one of the more remarkable all-encompassing data models ever implementedone which will support the full life cycle of Kuwait University's vision and beyond. The goals of the project included establishing a powerful GIS system for the new university based on a comprehensive geodatabase that integrates as-built design data. ArcGIS for Server, along with ArcGIS for Windows Mobile and many web applications created with ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight, is used to manage the campus assets and provide a platform for future geospatial needs. Using ArcGIS as the foundation technology, the project team has created a number of advanced applications. Master Plan Support Coordinating a design and construction job of this size and duration requires a small army of dedicated experts and many years of planning and revisions. The project is engaging firms from around the world to design specialized structures for the 100-plus proposed buildings on campus. The master planning process is one of the first places where GeoDesign plays an integral role, optimizing program elements and unifying the designs from individual bid packages into a single seamless view. By doing so, planners and decision makers can recognize design impacts and understand considerations that would be missed without a holistic understanding of the sum of the design parts. Construction Management and Planning Support At the peak of construction, there will be more than 10,000 construction personnel on-site daily and untold vehicle trips requiring access to building sites for deliveries. The construction management team is a seasoned group of professionals that has traditionally worked through planning and daily operations using paper drawings and markup pens. Through the use of GIS, team members can now retrieve, update, and analyze construction logistics and scheduling data, temporary staging locations and assignments, and daily operations across the entire campus through a simple web viewer. Daily standup meetings utilize this information through the Construction Management viewer and allow quick sketching and markup, which is printed and taken to the field. This quick temporal snapshot helps meet the demands of the day, as well as the longer-term planning activities, to make construction logistics run smoothly.

Status Monitoring and Reporting As the project progresses, reporting and schedule monitoring are critical aspects of project controls. Because so many tasks are dependent on other critical milestones, there needs to be a razor-sharp view of progress for all the ongoing activities. The GIS Reporting web application takes data from the tabular project report and displays it on the map, showing where activities are falling behind and which adjacent efforts might be impacted. This quick visual reporting accompanies all progress reports for a full project snapshot that can be easily understood by anyone on the project team.


What Can You Do with GIS?

GIS gives us a new way to look at the world around us. With GIS you can:

Map Where Things Are

Mapping where things are lets you find places that have the features you're looking for and to see patterns.

Map Quantities
People map quantities to find places that meet their criteria and take action. A children's clothing company might want to find ZIP Codes with many young families with relatively high income. Public health officials might want to map the numbers of physicians per 1,000 people in each census tract to identify which areas are adequately served, and which are not.

Map Densities
A density map lets you measure the number of features using a uniform areal unit so you can clearly see the distribution. This is especially useful when mapping areas, such as census tracts or counties, which vary greatly in size. On maps showing the number of people per census tract, the larger tracts might have more people than smaller ones. But some smaller tracts might have more people per square milea higher density.

Find What's Inside

Use GIS to monitor what's happening and to take specific action by mapping what's inside a specific area. For example, a district attorney would monitor drug-related arrests to find out if an arrest is within 1,000 feet of a schoolif so, stiffer penalties apply.

Find What's Nearby

GIS can help you find out what's occurring within a set distance of a feature by mapping what's nearby.

Map Change
Map the change in an area to anticipate future conditions, decide on a course of action, or to evaluate the results of an action or policy. By mapping where and how things move over a period of time, you can gain insight into how they behave. For example, a meteorologist might study the paths of hurricanes to predict where and when they might occur in the future.


Who Uses GIS?

Thousands of organizations use GIS to solve problems and improve processes. Learn best practices and get ideas on how you can implement GIS in your organization or community.

GIS for Financial Institutions

Banking is a competitive business. Market share and brand recognition alone aren't enough to attract and retain customers. To be more effective, many banks, credit card companies, credit unions, and other financial services organizations are turning to GIS to help them understand their data better than ever. GIS allows your organization to o Enhance your understanding of risk, customer interaction, and economic conditions using spatial models based on geography and geodemographics. o Improve profitability and operational performance by sharing knowledge-based decision making across departments. o Grow line-of-business collaboration across departments with economic forecasts, neighborhood studies, and territory analysis. o Reduce business complexity through a more accurate analysis of real-world market conditions. o Increase your market understanding based on a single, common view of business performance using geoextended workflow and business processes.



GIS for Logistics

Fleet managers need to make sure daily fleet movements and maintenance schedules run efficiently without compromising quality customer service. Esri solutions can help you save 10 to 30 percent in operational expenses through reduction in mileage, overtime, and routing planning time. Mileage savings translate into reduced fuel use and a smaller carbon footprint, which will advance your goals for green operations. GIS also provides a platform for integrating data from existing workforce, fleet, and customer management systems so you can get the most out of your IT investment. Customized Internet or intranet views give company executives, dispatchers, and customer representatives access to the most up-to-date information in a user-friendly format. GIS is an integrating technology that helps you o Manage variable costs and routing and scheduling effectively. o Track your mobile assets in real time. o Implement fuel-saving green initiatives to minimize carbon emissions. o Meet customer expectations.


live weather feed data to analyze how routes and deliveries will be impacted.

GIS for Defense and Intelligence

GIS: A Critical Defense and Intelligence Capability Most national security decisions involve geography. Whether assessing potential terrorist targets, planning where to strike on the battlefield, or deciding where to locate a new building with minimal environmental impact, geography always comes into the equation. GIS software plays an increasingly important role in making these types of decisions. Unlock the Meaning in Your Data GIS software gives you the tools to unlock and reveal meaningful patterns in your geospatial data and provide the intelligence support you need for mission success. GIS lets you capture, manage, analyze, and display geographically referenced information, giving you a clear picture of your data and the many complex relationships behind it.


GIS for Emergency/Disaster Management To prepare for and mitigate emergencies, GIS can map and model potential disasters to help visualize critical vulnerabilities and damage consequences. As rebuilding begins, GIS aids local, state, and federal agencies with technology that supports collaboration between multiple agencies. Field data captured with mobile GIS provides the ability to add updates from remote locations for more efficient incident management. It also supplies rapid damage assessment and more accurate recovery operations.


This NASA Image shows smoke plumes and detected aerosols from November, 2008 fires in southern California. Current GIS systems are capable of ingesting and quickly analyzing data like this to provide critically important information for emergency managers.


GIS-based spatial distribution of the IJMA, the epicenter (star), and the surface projection (thick line) of the fault plane for the 2000 Tottori earthquake.


Maps of earthquake shaking hazards are used to create & update buildings codes in the U.S.


GIS for Transportation Transportation professionals, the world over have discovered and embraced GIS as an important tool in managing, planning, evaluating, and maintaining transportation systems.


Analysis of change patterns of traffic count data between two years.

Historical spatiotemporal GIS database of traffic count data by years.



GIS for Water Resources GIS is a powerful tool for developing solutions for water resources such as assessing water quality and managing water resources on a local or regional scale.

A high-resolution drainage network was produced via watershed modeling.

A map shows the thickness of the Marcellus Shale below several states.


GIS Used to Monitor Groundwater Quality in Pakistan The Pakistani government agency Directorate of Land Reclamation is using GIS to study the quality of groundwater that farmers in Punjab province are using to irrigate their crops. The use of groundwater for crop irrigation in Pakistan has a long history. The existence of vertical well systems, or karezes, in Balochistan was documented by Greek travelers as far back as 2,500 years ago. Persian wheels were a popular method of irrigation on the Indus Plain before the development of surface irrigation. Today, The groundwater in the areas marked in motor pumps are used to bring up pink have high sodium absorption ratios, groundwater. In Punjab province alone, there meaning it is unfit for crop irrigation are now about 700,000 wells, known as tube purposes. wells, which are used for field irrigation. In 2005, annual groundwater extraction to the extent of 35 million acre feet (MAF) was reported in Punjab, a 35-fold increase since 1947. This large-scale groundwater extraction has greatly depleted the levels of good quality, or "sweet," groundwater. Groundwater Tables Falling This overexploitation in the sweet groundwater areas has lowered groundwater tables by two to four meters in some places, resulting in the intrusion of saline groundwater zones into overpumped sweet groundwater zones. Now more than 70 percent of tube well water is unfit for irrigation purposes because of high soluble salt concentrations. Increased concentrations of soluble salts in groundwater interfere with metabolic processes and enzymatic activities suitable for optimum plant growth-often limiting the water uptake by plants and restricting root growth. In the Faisalabad district that the Directorate of Land Reclamation studied using GIS, people use groundwater for more than irrigating crops. They also drink it. The consumption of such polluted groundwater containing high concentrations of soluble salts and heavy metals coming from industries and pathogens can cause health problems in people, including stomach cancer and osteoporosis (from excessive calcium loss due to ingesting high concentrations of salt).

A GIS of Sweet and Saline Groundwater Pockets in Faisalabad Due to this complex set of problems, the Directorate of Land Reclamation conducted a study in Faisalabad district to identify the sweet and saline groundwater pockets using a GIS. A better understanding of the problems can be obtained by overlaying the sweet and saline groundwater areas with key urban features such as topography, traffic networks, and locations of towns. Urbanization leads to the generation of more municipal effluent from households and industries. In Pakistan, the drains are unlined, and this municipal effluent, which contains soluble salts, heavy metals, and pathogens, is disposed into drains where it seeps into the groundwater and affects its quality. The use of GIS will help the farmers identify areas with sweet or saline groundwater. If they are irrigating crops with saline groundwater, they can then develop better agricultural management practices that will improve their crop growth. The study will also lead to the development of a permanent GIS database and GIS maps of the Faisalabad district. For the study, 210 groundwater samples were collected from farmers' tube wells and mapped using a GPS. Then these samples were analyzed in a laboratory to get attribute data on groundwater quality indicators such as electrical conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), and residual sodium carbonate (RSC). GIS layers of irrigation canals, roads, and railway lines, as well as main city and district boundaries, were digitized from topographic sheets with a scale of 1:50,000 using Esri's ArcGIS software. Contouring of attribute data was carried out using Surfer 8.00 software from Golden Software, Inc. The results of the analysis showed that 84

percent of the water samples were unfit for irrigation because of high EC, SAR, and RSC values. Problems of soil salinity and sodicity can be attributed to the continuous use of saline/brackish groundwater to irrigate the crops. The GIS maps, available from the Directorate of Land Reclamation, Lahore, can now be used to encourage farmers in areas with saline groundwater to adopt better management practices such as adding sulfur, sulfuric acid, and gypsum to soil and water. This can reduce some of the negative impacts of saline irrigation water

The areas mapped in yellow have lower levels of residual sodium carbonate in the groundwater than the blue and pink areas. Groundwater in the yellow areas is fit for irrigation.

on soils and crops. Another management option is to blend brackish/saline water with sweet groundwater or canal water. Using GIS proved to be the best strategy for not only highlighting the sweet and saline groundwater areas but also for creating a database of the groundwater quality parameters like EC, SAR, and RSC as advisory services for the farmers.


GIS for Agriculture Balancing the inputs and outputs on a farm is fundamental to its success and profitability. The ability of GIS to analyze and visualize agricultural environments and workflows has proven to be very beneficial to those involved in the farming industry. From mobile GIS in the field to the scientific analysis of production data at the farm manager's office, GIS is playing an increasing role in agriculture production throughout the world by helping farmers increase production, reduce costs, and manage their land more efficiently.

Soil moisture gradient produced from samples collected during June 2002 at 5 cm depth. Individual soil moisture gradient values occur within each of the three juniper competition levels (high, moderate, control). Dark green pixels represent western juniper canopy cover


GIS for Petroleum For years, petroleum companies have used Esri's GIS to decide where to drill a well, route a pipeline, build a refinery, and reclaim a site. Today's GIS provides oil and gas industry solutions throughout the petroleum life cycle. All major oil companies in the world use Esri's GIS technology to manage their location-based information, from leases, wells, and pipelines to environmental sites, facilities, and retail outlets.



GIS for Electric As an electric utility professional, you recognize the value of good data. When you link that data to a geographic location on a map, you can visualize the big picture which gives you a powerful decision-making tool. GIS provides you with an efficient platform for data management, planning and analysis, workforce automation, and situational awareness. Any utility company can leverage these capabilities since you can easily integrate GIS with your existing information technology infrastructure.


GIS for Gas Gas utilities worldwide rely on GIS for maintaining, mapping, and reporting on utility infrastructure and millions of miles of pipes. With the mobile capabilities of GIS, field employees can easily move critical data to and from the office, keeping information up-to-date. GIS-based planning and analysis allows gas utilities to asses and prioritize construction and maintenance activities, ensure regulatory compliance, complete risk and integrity analyses, and better understand customer needs. Through GIS, utility asset data links directly to other key information providing situational awareness to proactively monitor work orders and emergency shutdowns, and to ensure public safety. Example: Pakistan's Balochistan Province boasts a formidable landscape dominated by barren, rugged mountains that stretch southward to the Makran, an infamous desert through which Alexander the Great, ruler of ancient Greece, marched his army on its return from conquests in South Asia in 325 BC. The Greek historian Plutarch described Alexander's perilous journey across the Makran and the hardships that his army endured in his seminal bookParallel Lives: "And [Alexander] returned himself by land through the country of the Orites mountain people, where he was reduced to great straits for want of provisions, and lost a vast number of his men, so that of an army of one hundred and twenty thousand foot and fifteen thousand horse, he scarcely brought back above a fourth part out of India, they were so diminished by disease, ill diet, and the scorching heats, but most by famine." While the harsh environment of nearly 2,400 years ago continues to prevail today, the discovery of rich natural gas fields in 1952 near the city of Sui, in Balochistan, has allowed the province to become Pakistan's center for hydrocarbon exploration. The Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGC), headquartered in Karachi, is the country's leading integrated natural gas company. It operates transmission and distribution systems throughout southern Pakistan in the Sindh and Balochistan provinces. SSGC's Gas Transmission Pipeline Network (gas field to city/town) comprises more than 3,000 kilometers of high-pressure pipeline ranging from 12 to 24 inches in diameter and extending from Sui to Quetta in Balochistan to Karachi in Sindh. The Gas Distribution Pipeline Network (within city or town), which includes more than 120 towns and 930 villages in the Sindh and Balochistan provinces, is organized through the company's six regional offices. The company supplies nearly 350,000 million cubic feet of natural gas to about 1.8 million users through the distribution network totaling approximately 26,000 kilometers of pipeline. SSGC's GIS is being implemented in a two-stage process. The first phase of the project includes the development of a basemap for both its transmission and distribution networks and will be completed by June 2007. After the completion of this stage, staff members will be able to visualize and query the network's georeferenced data for better planning and development within the company. This information will be distributed via the company's intranet-based Web GIS. The second phase will focus on the deployment of the GIS basemap for analytical purposes within the commercial, distribution, transmission, engineering, and management divisions of


SSGC, as well as the integration of GIS with SSGC's customer information, SCADA, and enterprise resource planning systems. "SSGC is recognized as the most technology-enabled utility company not only in Pakistan but also in the South Asia region," says Zuhair Siddiqui, IT general manager at SSGC. He adds that SSGC now has the required proficiency to provide advisory services to other companies in Pakistan and the region on IT, as well as optimization and conservation technology. "The entire SSGC GIS system has been developed from scratch in-house, and it is a notable achievement that has been recognized by GIS professionals," says Munawar Baseer Ahmad, SSGC managing director. "The technology flag bearersthe IT Department, and the entire SSGC GIS teamdeserve much credit." Because Esri provides a full spectrum of ready-to-use geospatial data products delivered either as Web services or as packaged media, SSGC chose to use several products within the ArcGIS software family, including ArcView for creating GIS projects and developing various mapping products, ArcSDE for spatial data storage and management, and ArcIMS for delivering dynamic maps and GIS data and services via the Web. ArcGIS Engine is being used for creating custom GIS desktop applications. In addition, Esri provides an easy-to-use software interface and comprehensive documentation for all levels of GIS users. Using ArcIMS, SSGC recently developed a Web-based GIS application for Karachi and Hyderabad, two major cities in its franchised area. The application allows SSGC's staff members in its various offices to visualize and query pipeline network information from the same central database for better planning and development. The GIS database was developed from highresolution satellite imagery (2.5 meters) and scanned paper maps. The data layers include landuse functions, administrative units, water resources, gas pipeline network and fittings, road and railway networks, and major and minor landmarks. According to Syed Ali Naqi, GIS manager at SSGC, "One of the primary objectives of our GIS implementation is to increase efficiency and productivity in our existing operations. For the planning, development, management, analysis, maintenance, and operation of our existing pipeline network, SSGC uses more than 5,000 paper maps. Since our gas pipeline network is continuously expanding, the number of these paper maps is also increasing. Therefore, the dayto-day handling, storage, restorage, and maintenance of these maps are becoming a significant problem. Moreover, these maps have outdated information and can't be combined with each other because of variable scales and several geometric problems. With the implementation of our GIS, these logistical issues will be resolved, and the GIS will provide us with a centralized and seamless asset information system. We want to create and promote an efficient GIS environment here at SSGC that fosters cooperation and geographic data sharing between the various divisions of our company." To develop a strong foundation for an asset information system, SSGC is planning to deploy GIS throughout its entire enterprise using the products from Esri and its partners for analysis, visualization, and decision support. With the rapidly expanding economies of countries in South Asia, plans to develop gas and petroleum pipeline grids to redistribute these resources throughout the region have been under discussion for many years. The geographic location of Pakistan, along with its own proven natural gas resources and a deepwater port at Gwadar, makes Pakistan a strategic player in any construction of a regional pipeline network. GIS will play a critical role in the development of this infrastructure.


Concludes Ahmad, "It is widely recognized that Pakistan is ideally situated to cater to the energy and trading needs of other countries in the region, particularly the landlocked central Asian republics. Moreover, Gwadar, the new port of Pakistan, in the Balochistan Province is expected to provide a secure outlet for the Middle East and central Asia oil and gas supply corridor, as well as for the entire region."

Operations Map



GIS for Telecommunications As you compete across traditional geographic boundaries with an evolving product lineup, you need tools that give you an advantage in a dynamic market. GIS technology gives you the right tools to solve business challenges and gain a competitive edge. GIS provides a common platform for integrating your information across departments. With GIS, you can examine work processes while incorporating external data such as demographics and market trends. Tools for quantitative analysis and visualization help you systematically model, measure, and visualize issues in your network planning and engineering, marketing and sales, and customer care departments. Telegraphic GIS The telecommunications services have been computerized since about a decade and all this information is maintained in tabular form. The spatial information is being maintained in carefully hand drawn maps which are of several levels/kinds and innumerable. Whenever any changes are to be made in the telephone cables like diverting a telephone cable to another nearby pillar or erecting a new pillar, a lot of time is wasted in drawing the new maps or updating the already drawn maps. The personnel of the telephone department also have to take into consideration the existing telephone facilities that have been laid down i.e. they have to have the tabular information alongside while planning such changes. Hence, a need has been felt to explore the possibility of transferring the map information in digital format and to design and develop a software package to provide query based access using the available technology of GIS; where the spatial and non-spatial data could reside under a common umbrella. Geographical information system in telecom industry plays an important role. GIS can be a great planning and decision-making tool for telecom industries. GIS platform with a dedicated telecommunication application is the optimum solution since it can store the network inventory in a geographical manner. Telecom applications have specially designed data model, providing ability to build models of frequently used items like ports, cards, chassis, equipment, cables, structures etc. These models can be instantiated directly or configured into frequently repeating combinations, which in turn can be instantiated on the map. GIS technology allows telecom to enhance o A variety of application ranging from engineering application, o Customer relationship management, o Workforce management and o Location based services.

GIS helps telecom to create competitive advantage by o optimizing installation, o maintenance and o Tracking of network assets. GIS helps to analyze o location-specific information for network infrastructure management, o wireless coverage and o Assets management. Applications and solutions include: o Strategic and Corporate Planning o Network Roll-out and Site Acquisition o Network Planning and Optimization o Operations Support Systems o Facilities and Assets Management o Marketing and Sales o Customer Relationship Management Telecommunication networks are characterized by vast geographical expanse and large number of features. Continuously evolving telecom technology and tremendous competition has necessitated very tight financial and inventory controls, maximization of utilization of installed physical inventory and high quality of uninterrupted service to the customers. GIS based Telecom applications are ideally suited to meet all of these requirements. A GIS based Telecom Application is not only capable of supporting standard GIS functions, but because of its specially developed telecom data model and functionalities, also supports various telecom inventory and operational service system related requirements. The database consists of spatial and non-spatial component. The spatial component includes coverages like o road o the locality map to serve as reference coverage o primary cable coverage and o Pillar location coverage The non-spatial component consists of


o subscribers list( which includes detail of name, address, the associated pillar and the distribution point and his address in MDF) o pillar utilization data from time to time o Primary cable data with details on size, weight, tags etc. The spatial and non-spatial data have been appropriately linked to generate the required information. At the outset as the cursor is moved over locations of different telephone exchanges a pop-up window gives details of telephone exchange like the number of levels, no of pillars, primary cables, geographical area, no of subscribes etc. GISDATA enables wireless telecommunication organizations incorporate geographic data into o o o o o complex network design, planning, optimization, maintenance and Operation activities.

Task performed by using Arc GIS o Create master maps, locality maps, road maps, pillar location maps, junction & Access maps (with man hole, hand hole, splices exchanges, cabinets/onu, dps, (basically planning maps which contain Duct info i.e. total number of duct spare duct or fill duct, Cable information i.e. how many cables are passing through, type of cable and the distribution of every cable from exchange to cabinets then to DPs & then to the costumer. Every DP has 10 pairs, and carrying rest along with and again distributing some 10, 20, 50,100, pairs and so on. DP has Capacity of 10,20 Pair. Tag Box 30,40,50 Pairs usually used to avoid use of more that 2,3 DPs at a single point ( It depend on the requirement, for apartments or any big office needing 50 connections. etc ) o Edit an already existing map. o Import a map that has been created elsewhere in Arc/Info format and google earth o Import a scanned map o Cleaning and building of coverages o Creation of non-spatial table


Subscribers list (which include details of name, address, the associated pillar & distribution point and his address in MDF) Primary cable data with details on size, weight, tags etc. Duct details total no, spare & fill no. Junction and access route length from each exchange. Man hole & Hand hole no, landmarks & its distance. Splices types info Cabinets no. its origin exchange & its capacity Dps no., routes. Serving homes & offices o Altering the structure of non -spatial table o Importing of non-spatial table from dbase format. o Cleaning and creation of topology of the coverages o Create a network for the entire map features o Update the network of an existing network. This is useful if any updating has been done after the network was created. o Create bifurcating routes Felt about accuracy issue Accurate geo-referenced map data is insufficient to derive maximum value from the Telco application. Accuracy of survey data is of utmost importance. Survey data with trench, man-hole & hand-hole details, number and alignment of ducts is migrated from AutoCAD platform. Correct models of span & ducts are populated. Cables are also drawn using models developed on Telco application. Further, cross-sectional views of the trench are added and cables are associated with ducts. Cable splicing / connection and slack loop addition is carried out and lastly, as built data of cable optical & run length is entered.

In case of Optical Fiber Cables (OFC), OTDR equipment is able to provide an optical distance with excellent accuracy. However, following factors affect accuracy of fault localization: o Fiber length of cable is generally 2-3% more than the cable length. o Cable is blown in conduits, which have 'snaking', thus increasing the cable and fiber length. o Slack loops of 10-20 meters are left in each chamber, approximately every kilometer.

o Line feature in the map does not consider differences in elevations, which add to the cable and fiber length. o OTDR equipment can be 100 km away from the fault. Unless the fault localization algorithm compensates for these factors, inaccuracies may add up to several hundred meters, defeating the whole purpose.





Geographical Information System (GIS) is the backbone for planning and management. Essentially it seeks to integrate a large range of spatial and non spatial information with respect to topography & other spatial information. With the help of satellite based map and digital information all the required information are integrated in the GIS. This not only helps to unify but also enable updating information as and when required with ease and accuracy. This has specific importance in the context of every field, where accurate representation of the ground scenario with that of the field is a necessity for planning inclusively.

References PTCL-GIS department


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