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Universidad Tecnolgica de El Salvador

Topic: Research Project

Teachers name: Lic. Nelson Martinez.

Module: Management of the technology resources for TEFL.

Students names: Arias Moran David Isa Estrada Cony Elizabeth Blanca Ienifer Gonzalez Vsquez Cortez Milagro Elizabeth

Topic: Technological Resources Research title: The use of Internet for educational purposes in Basic English level at UTEC

Statement of the problem: students from Basic English level at UTEC do not use internet to develop their linguistics skills in the English language, most of the students dont know how to use the computer. According to this problem the researchers post the following research question, Does students dont use internet so much for educational purposes because they cant have access to a computer?

General Objective: -To identify what are the uses students make of Internet for educational purposes

Specific Objective: - To identify the reasons why students do not take advantage of technological resources and use the wrong integration of technological processes to teachinglearning, considering the facilities than the Internet offers to us at presents days.

-To establish in detail the different forms how students can handle the use of Internet for better approaches in the English learning process.

Justification: At present, the use of the Internet brings along a series of negative consequences, as you know that become an addiction to its use, which is why is justifiable that the individual should be conscious to use the Internet for intentions of scape of reality or losing time in senseless things like social networks and besides the objective does not come from this resource, it is so basic importance that the use of new

technologies not create addictions of harmful consequences, granted that the new technologies must be for the benefit in the quality of life and improving the process of teaching learning whose they use themselves and not stop the increase of problems of psychological and adaptation type to the society. Affirming the above, we treated research topic because some students do not know how to use the internet for their benefit in the area of learning and they use it for negative aspects, the same way that it is easy to find good and wrong information, disagreeable information (pornography,explicity violence, terrorism) that you can affect specially the minors like in the same way and besides they generate great dependence or vice to the internet, that they generate oversight to the process of learning. The fact that students make an effort in their proper tasks that take too long less does to the Internet and they neglect their tasks. As well as everything, there are good things and bad things, as soon as it is necessary to know how to balance our use of the Internet in order to get benefits in our life.

Theoretical Framework Keywords: Internet, education, Basic English

The Internet is simply a network of hundreds of thousands of computers all over the World, connected in a way that lets other computers access information on them. So if a computer is connected to the Internet, in principle, it can be connected to any other computer on the network. Today, the Internet comprises more than 45000 regional, national and international networks, which connect more than 30 million people in over 200 countries. This includes organizations, schools, universities, companies, governments, groups and individuals. Educational uses of the Internet in the world

The Internet can be used as a supplement to traditional instructional methods. To complement a lecture, instructors may ask students to find specified Web sites to gain more in-depth knowledge about a particular topic. An instructor may also ask students to search the Internet for information on services offered in a particular location. In preparation for a class topic such as diversity, students may be asked to search the Internet to learn about different ethnic groups or populations at risk.

The Internet may also be used to replace the traditional classroom lecture. A number of courses are being developed in which portions of the course or the entire courseware offered via the Internet. The instructor may place course notes on Web pages, may create a video recording of a live lecture for viewing on the Internet, or use combinations of these ideas. Forsyth (1998) discussed several methods of preparing courses for the Internet including facilitating the use of video clips on Web pages as well as the use of forms and other graphics on Web pages. Advantages of Internet in Education The fast and relatively low-cost access is one of the major benefits of Internet to people and students all over the world as getting an Internet connection are easy. Communication and information are the two most important uses of the Internet. Secondly, information can be updated or modified at any time and for any number of times, which helps in learning and better understanding. Easy Contact School/College Projects Encyclopedia News Using Multimedia Affordable knowledge Easy Education System No Age Bracket for Education

Disadvantages of Internet in Education As we know there are some advantages and disadvantages when using internet in education, some disadvantages are:

Limited Social Interaction Technology Cost and Scheduling Effectiveness of Assessments Problematic for Instructors

Internet has many benefits

There is so much that students can do with the Internet. Not only can they communicate with international students, they can gain from others' knowledge and experiences, participate in chat rooms, share ideas and solutions and learn about the many diverse cultures out there. While the Internet does a lot for students, there are also benefits for parents and teachers. The interactive learning that the Internet provides can help students and parents with little or no English skills to learn English. Parents can become more involved in their children's education by connecting the school with homes, libraries or other access ports. Teachers can adjust to the different learning styles and in the classroom. They can also set their own pace of teaching. Individual teaching techniques can become more available, which has been proven to be a factor in student achievement.

Teachers have the chance to be able to teach at more than one place simultaneously. They may be in a small town but through the Internet, they can be linked to students in more populated areas. Also, the Internet enables administrators and teachers to spend less time on administration and recordkeeping. This would also give them more time to spend with their students. In some situations the inconvenience of maintaining a consistent school schedule prohibits potential students from furthering their education. It is also true that learning is highly dependent on the individuals motivation to learn. So the bottom line is th at the efforts any student puts into their education that eventually determines how much he/she will retain and how beneficial the overall experience was to his/her future career.


As a conclusion about the reading before, we can see that the use of Internet in Education is so important because makes students the learning process easier and also to the teacher, most of the students has the accessibility to internet and they can give the correct or incorrect use of it, depends on the students consideration.

Students and teachers can communicate each other by websites, links, and also has the opportunity to share the information among other students.

References Usun, S. (2003). Educational Uses Of Internet In The World and Turkey, (4)3. Canakkale Retrieved from

Pandit, M. (2013). Advantages of the Internet in Education Retrieved from education.html

Kumar, D. (2010). Pros and Cons of Online Education. Raleigh Retrieved from

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