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Chapter One
"Life is a series of rude awakenings." -R. V. WINKLE Of all the various unpleasant wa s to !e aroused fro" a sound sleep# one of the worst is the noise of a dragon and a uni$orn pla ing tag. I pried one e e open and !learil tried to fo$us on the roo". % $hair toppled noisil to the floor# $onvin$ing "e the !lurred i"ages " "ind was re$eiving were due at least in part to the irregular vi!rations $o"ing fro" the floor and walls. One without " vast storehouse of knowledge &hard won and painfull endured' "ight !e in$lined to !la"e the pande"oniu" on an earth(uake) I didn*t. +he logi$ !ehind this $on$lusion was si"ple. Earth(uakes were e,tre"el un$o""on in this area. % dragon and a uni$orn pla ing tag wasn*t. It was starting out as an ordinar da . . . that is# ordinar if ou*re a -unior "agi$ian apprenti$ed to a de"on. If I had !een a!le to predi$t the future with an degree of a$$ura$ and thus foresee the events to $o"e# I pro!a!l would have sta ed in !ed. I "ean# fighting has never !een " forte# and the idea of taking on a whole ar" . . . !ut I*" getting ahead of " self. +he thud that aroused "e shook the !uilding# a$$o"panied ! the $rash of various dirt dishes shattering on the floor. +he se$ond thud was even "ore spe$ta$ular. I $onsidered doing so"ething. I $onsidered going !a$k to sleep. +hen I re"e"!ered " "entor*s $ondition when he had gone to !ed the night !efore. +hat woke "e up fast. +he onl thing nastier than a de"on fro" .erv is a de"on fro" .erv with a hangover. I was on " feet and headed for the door in a flash. &/ agilit was a tri!ute "ore to " fear rather than to an in!orn talent.' Wren$hing the door open# I thrust " head outside and surve ed the terrain. +he grounds outside the inn see"ed nor"al. +he weeds were totall out of hand# "ore than $hest high in pla$es. 0o"ething would have to !e done a!out the" so"eda # !ut " "entor didn*t see" to "ind their riotous growth# and sin$e I was the logi$al $andidate to $ut the" if I raised the point# I de$ided on$e again to keep silent on the su!-e$t. Instead# I studied the various flattened pat$hes and newl torn paths in the overgrowth# tr ing to deter"ine the lo$ation or at least the dire$tion of " (uarries* "ove"ent. I had al"ost $onvin$ed " self that the silen$e was at least se"iper"anent and it would !e all right to go !a$k to sleep# when the ground !egan to tre"!le again. I sighed and shakil drew " self up to " full height# what there was of it# and prepared to "eet the onslaught. +he uni$orn was the first to $o"e into view# great $lu"ps of dirt fl ing fro" !eneath his hooves as he du$ked around the $orner of the inn on " right. "1utter$up2" I shouted in " "ost authoritative tone. % split se$ond later I had to -u"p !a$k into the shelter of the doorwa to avoid !eing tra"pled ! the speeding !east. +hough a !it "iffed at his diso!edien$e# I didn*t reall !la"e hi". 3e had a dragon $hasing hi"# and dragons are not notoriousl agile when it $o"es to (ui$k stops. %s if a$ting on a $ue fro" " thoughts# the dragon !urst into view. +o !e a$$urate# he didn*t reall !urst# he thudded# shaking the inn as he re!ounded off the $orner. %s I said# dragons are not notoriousl agile. "4leep2" I shouted. "0top it this instant2" 3e responded ! taking an affe$tionate swipe at "e with his tail as he !ounded past. 5ortunatel for "e# the gesture went wide of its "ark# hitting the inn with another -arring thud instead. 0o "u$h for " "ost authoritative tone. If our two faithful $harges were an "ore o!edient# I*d !e lu$k to es$ape with " life. 0till I had to stop the". Whoever $a"e up with the i""ortal (uote a!out waking sleeping dragons had o!viousl never had to $ontend with a sleeping de"on. I studied the two of the" $hasing ea$h other through the weeds for a few "o"ents# then de$ided to handle this the eas wa . 6losing " e es# I envisioned !oth of the"# the dragon and the uni$orn. +hen I superi"posed the i"age of the dragon over that of the uni$orn# fleshed it out with a few strokes of " "ental paint!rush# then opened " e es. +o " e es# the s$ene was the sa"e# a dragon and a uni$orn $onfronting ea$h other in a field of weeds. 1ut# of $ourse# I had $ast the spell# so naturall I wouldn*t !e taken in. Its true effe$t $ould !e read in 4leep*s rea$tion. 3e $o$ked his head and peered at 1utter$up# first fro" this angle# then that# stret$hing his long serpentine ne$k to its li"its. +hen he swiveled his head until he was looking !a$kward and repeated the pro$ess# s$anning the surrounding weeds. +hen he looked at 1utter$up again. +o his e es# his pla "ate had suddenl disappeared# to !e repla$ed ! another dragon. It was all ver $onfusing# and he wanted his pla "ate !a$k. In " pet*s defense# when I -speak of his la$k of agilit # !oth ph si$all and "entall # I don*t "ean to i"pl he is either $lu"s or stupid. 3e*s oung# whi$h also a$$ounts for his "ere ten-foot length and half-for"ed wings. I full e,pe$t that when he "aturesin another four or five hundred ears-he will !e ver deft and wise# whi$h is "ore than I $an sa for " self. In the unlikel event I should live that long# all I*ll !e is old. "4leep7" +he dragon was looking at "e now. 3aving stret$hed his li"ited "ental a!ilities to their ut"ost# he turned to "e to $orre$t the situation or at least provide an e,planation. %s the perpetrator of the situation $ausing his distress# I felt horri!l guilt . 5or a "o"ent# I wavered on the !rink of restoring 1utter$up*s nor"al appearan$e.

> "If ou*re (uite sure ou*re "aking enough noise . . . ." I win$ed at the deep# sar$asti$ tones !oo"ing $lose !ehind "e. %ll " efforts were for naught. %ah9 was awake. I assu"ed " !est hangdog attitude and turned to fa$e hi". Needless to sa # he looked terri!le. If# per$han$e# ou think a de"on $overed with green s$ales alread looks terri!le# ou*ve never en$ountered one with a hangover. +he nor"al gold fle$ks in his ellow e es were now $opper# a$$ented ! a thro!!ing network of orange veins. 3is lips were drawn !a$k in a painful gri"a$e whi$h e,posed even "ore of his pointed teeth than his frightening# reassuring s"ile. Loo"ing there# his fists $len$hed on his hips# he presented a pi$ture terrif ing enough to "ake a spider-!ear faint. I wasn*t frightened# however. I had !een with %ah9 for over a ear now# and knew his !ark was worse than his !ite. +hen again# he had never !itten "e. "4ee# %ah9#" I said# digging a s"all hole with " toe. ":ou*re alwa s telling "e if I $an*t sleep through an thing# I*" not reall tired." 3e ignored the !ar!# as he so fre(uentl does when I $at$h hi" on his own (uotes. Instead he s(uinted over " shoulder at the s$ene outside. "Kid#" he said. "+ell "e ou*re pra$ti$ing. +ell "e ou haven*t reall s$rounged up another stupid dragon to "ake our lives "isera!le." "I*" pra$ti$ing2" I hastened to reassure hi". +o prove the point# I (ui$kl restored 1utter$up*s nor"al appearan$e. "4leep2" said 4leep happil # and the two of the" were off again. "Reall # %ah9#" I said inno$entl to head off his ne,t $austi$ re"ark. "Where would I find another dragon in this di"ension7" "If there was one to !e found here on Klah# ou*d find it#" he snarled. "%s I re$all# ou didn*t have that "u$h trou!le finding this one the first ti"e I turned " !a$k on ou# %pprenti$es2 " 3e turned and retreated out of the sunlight into the di" interior of the inn. "If I re$all#" I $o""ented# following hi"# "that was at the 1a9aar on ;eva. I $ouldn*t get another dragon there !e$ause ou won*t tea$h "e how to travel through the di"ensions." "4et off " $ase# kid2" he "oaned. "We*ve !een over it a thousand ti"es. ;i"ension traveling is dangerous. Look at "e2 0tranded without " powers in a !a$k-assward di"ension like Klah# where the lifest le is !ar!ari$ and the food is disgusting." ":ou lost our powers !e$ause 4arkin la$ed his spe$ial effe$ts $auldron with that -oke powder and then got killed !efore he $ould give ou the antidote#" I pointed out. "Wat$h out how ou talk a!out our old tea$her#" %ah9 warned. "+he old sli"e-"onger was in$lined to get $arried awa with pra$ti$al -okes on$e in a while# true. 1ut he was a "aster "agi$ian . . . and a friend of "ine. If he wasn*t# I wouldn*t have saddled " self with his "outh apprenti$e#" he finished# giving "e a "eaningful look. "I*" sorr # %ah9#" I apologi9ed. "It*s -ust that I-" "Look# kid#" he interrupted wearil # "if I had " powers-whi$h I don*t-and if ou were read to learn di"ension hopping-whi$h ou aren*t-we $ould give it a tr . +hen# if ou "is$al$ulated and du"ped us into the wrong di"ension# I $ould get our tails out !efore an thing !ad happened. %s things stand# tr ing to tea$h ou di"ension hopping would !e "ore dangerous than pla ing Russian roulette." "What*s Russian7" I asked. +he inn shook as 4leep "issed the $orner turn again. "When are ou going to tea$h our stupid dragon to pla on the other side of the road7" %ah9 snarled# $raning his ne$k to glare out a window. "I*" working on it# %ah9#" I insisted soothingl . "Re"e"!er# it took "e al"ost a whole ear to house!reak hi"." ";on*t re"ind "e#" %ah9 gru"!led. "If I had " wa # we*d. . ." 3e !roke off suddenl and $o$ked his head to one side. ":ou*d !etter disguise that dragon# kid#" he announ$ed suddenl . "%nd get read to do our <du!ious $hara$ter* !it. We*re a!out to have a visitor." I didn*t $ontest the infor"ation. We had esta!lished long ago that %ah9*s hearing was "u$h "ore a$ute than "ine. "Right# %ah9#" I a$knowledged and hurried a!out " task. +he trou!le with using an inn for a !ase of operations# however a!andoned or weather-!eaten it "ight !e# was that o$$asionall people would stop here seeking food and lodging. /agik was still outlawed in these lands# and the last thing we wanted was witnesses.

Chapter Two
"5irst i"pressions# !eing the longest lasting# are of ut"ost i"portan$e." -=. 6%R+ER %ah9 and I had a$(uired the inn under rather du!ious $ir$u"stan$es. 0pe$ifi$all # we $lai"ed it as our rightful spoils of war after the two of us &with the assistan$e of a $ouple of allies# now a!sent' had routed Isstvan# a "ania$ "agi$ian# and sent hi" pa$king into far di"ensions along with all his surviving a$$o"pli$es. +he inn had !een Isstvan*s !ase of operations. 1ut now it was ours. Who Isstvan had gotten it fro" and how# I didn*t want to know. ;espite %ah9*s $onstant assuran$es# I lived in dread of

? en$ountering the inn*s rightful owner. I $ouldn*t help re"e"!ering all this as I waited outside the inn for our visitor. %s I said# %ah9 has ver good hearing. When he tells "e he hears so"ething "$lose ! #" he fre(uentl forgets to "ention that "$lose ! " "a !e over a "ile awa . I have also noted# over the $ourse of our friendship# that his hearing is $uriousl errati$. 3e $an hear a li9ard-!ird s$rat$hing itself half a "ile awa # !ut o$$asionall see"s una!le to hear the politest of re(uests no "atter how loudl I shout the" at hi". +here was still no sign of our ru"ored visitor. I $onsidered "oving !a$k inside the inn out of the late "orning sun# !ut de$ided against it. I had $arefull arranged the s$ene for our guest*s arrival# and I hated to disrupt it for su$h a "inor thing as personal $o"fort. I had used the disguise spell li!erall on 1utter$up# 4leep# and " self. 4leep now looked like a uni$orn# a $hange that did not see" to !other 1utter$up in the slightest. %pparentl uni$orns are less dis$ri"inating a!out their pla "ates than are dragons. I had "ade the" !oth $onsidera!l "ore disheveled and unke"pt-looking than the a$tuall were. +his was ne$essar to "aintain the i"age set forth ! " own appearan$e. %ah9 and I had de$ided earl in our sta that the !est wa to handle unwanted guests was not to threaten the" or frighten the" awa # !ut rather to !e so repulsive that the left of their own a$$ord. +o this end# I had slowl devised a disguise designed to $onvin$e strangers the did not want to !e in the sa"e inn with "e# no "atter how large the inn was or how "an other people were there. In this disguise# I would greet wa ward travelers as the proprietor of the inn. /odestl # I will ad"it the disguise was a s$rea"ing su$$ess. In fa$t# that was the spe$ifi$ rea$tion "an visitors had to it. 0o"e s$rea"ed# so"e looked ill# others sket$hed various religious s "!ols in the *air !etween the"selves and "e. None of the" ele$ted to spend the night. When I e,peri"ented with various ph si$al defe$ts# %ah9 $orre$tl pointed out that "an people did not find an single defe$t revolting. In fa$t# in a di"ension su$h as Klah# "ost would $onsider it nor"al. +o guarantee the desired effe$t# I adopted "an of the". When disguised# I walked with a painful li"p# had a hu"p-!a$k# and a defor"ed hand whi$h was noti$ea!l diseased. What teeth re"ained were twisted and stained# and the fo$us of one of " e es had a tenden$ to wander a!out independentl of the other. / nose-in fa$t# " entire fa$e-was not s ""etri$al# and as a "asterstroke of " disguise a!ilities# there appeared to !e vi$ious-looking !ugs $rawling a!out " "ang hair and tattered $lothes. +he overall effe$t was horrif ing. Even %ah9 ad"itted he found it dis(uieting# whi$h# $onsidering the things he*s seen in his travels through the di"ensions# was high praise indeed. / thoughts were interrupted as our visitor $a"e into view. 3e sat ra"rod-straight astride a huge# flightless riding !ird. 3e $arried no visi!le weapons and wore no unifor"# !ut his !earing "arked hi" as a soldier "u$h "ore than an outer trappings $ould have. 3is e es were war # $onstantl darting suspi$iousl a!out as he walked his !ird up to the inn in slow# deli!erate steps. 0urprisingl enough# his ga9e passed over "e several ti"es without registering " presen$e. .erhaps he didn*t reali9e I was alive. I didn*t like this. +he "an see"ed "ore the hunter than the $asual traveler. 0till# he was here and had to !e dealt with. I went into " a$t. ";oes the no!le sahr re(uire a roo"7" %s I spoke I "oved forward in " pra$ti$al# rolling gait. In $ase the su!tlet of " disguise es$aped hi"# I allowed a large go! of spittle to oo9e fro" the $orner of " "outh where it rolled unhindered down to " $hin. 5or a "o"ent the "an*s attention was o$$upied $ontrolling his "ount. 5lightless or not# the !ird was tr ing to take to the air. %pparentl " disguise had tou$hed a pri"al $hord in the !ird*s "ind that went !a$k prior to its flightless an$estr . I waited# head $o$ked $uriousl # while the "an fought the !ird to a fidget standstill. 5inall # he turned his attention to "e for a "o"ent. +hen he averted his e es and stared $arefull at the sk . "I $o"e seeking the one known as 0keeve the "agi$ian#" he told "e. Now it was " turn to -u"p. +o the !est of " knowledge# no one knew who I was and what I was# "u$h less where I was# e,$ept for %ah9 and "e. "+hat*s "e2" I !lurted out# forgetting " self and using " real voi$e. +he "an turned horrified e es on "e# and I re"e"!ered " appearan$e. "+hat*s "e "aster2" I a"ended hastil . ":ou wait . . . I fet$h." I turned and s$uttled hastil into the inn. %ah9 was waiting inside. "What is it7" he de"anded. "3e*s . . . he wants to talk to 0keeve . . . to "e2" I !a!!led nervousl . "0o7" he asked pointedl . "What are ou doing in here7 4o outside and talk to the "an." "Looking like this7" %ah9 rolled his e es at the $eiling in e,asperation. "Who $ares what ou look like7" he !arked. "6*"on# kid. +he "an*s a total stranger2" "I $are2" I de$lared# drawing " self up haughtil . "+he "an asked for 0keeve the "agi$ian# and I think-" "3e what7" %ah9 interrupted. "3e asked for 0keeve the "agi$ian#" I repeated# $overtl stud ing the figure waiting outside. "3e looks like a soldier to "e#" I supplied. "3e looks s$ared to "e#" %ah9 retorted. "/a !e ou should tone down our disguise a !it ne,t ti"e."

B ";o ou think he*s a de"on-hunter7" I asked nervousl . Instead of answering " (uestion# %ah9 turned a!ruptl fro" the window. "If he wants a "agi$ian# we*ll give hi" a "agi$ian#" he "ur"ured. "@ui$k# kid# slap the 4arkin disguise on "e." %s I noted earlier# 4arkin was " first "agik instru$tor. %n i"posing figure with a salt-and-pepper !eard# he was one of our favorite and "ost oft-used disguises. I $ould do 4arkin in " sleep. "4ood enough# kid#" %ah9 $o""ented# surve ing the results of " work. "Now follow $lose and let "e do the talking." "Like this7" I e,$lai"ed. "Rela,# kid#" he reassured "e. "5or this $onversation I*" ou. Anderstand7" %ah9 was alread heading out through the door without waiting for " repl # leaving "e little $hoi$e other than to follow along !ehind hi". "Who seeks an audien$e with the great 0keeve7" %ah9 !ellowed in a resonant !ass voi$e. +he "an shot another nervous glan$e at "e# then drew hi"self up in stiff for"alit . "I $o"e as an e"issar fro" his "ost no!le /a-est # Rodri$k the 5ifth# King of .ossiltu"# who-" "Where*s .ossiltu"7" %ah9 interrupted. "I !eg our pardon7" the "an !linked. ".ossiltu"#" %ah9 repeated. "Where is it7" "Oh2" the "an said with sudden understanding. "It*s the kingdo" -ust east of here . . . other side of the E"!er River . . . ou $an*t "iss it." "Oka #" %ah9 nodded. "4o on." +he "an took a deep !reath# then hesitated# frowning. "King of .ossiltu"#" I pro"pted. "Oh es2 +hanks." +he "an shot a (ui$k s"ile# then another (ui$k stare# then $ontinued# "King of .ossiltu"# who sends his respe$ts and greetings to the one known as 0keeve the "agi$ian . . ." 3e paused and looked at %ah9 e,pe$tantl . 3e was rewarded with a polite nod of the head. 0atisfied# the "an $ontinued. "3is /a-est e,tends an invitation to 0keeve the "agi$ian to appear !efore the $ourt of .ossiltu" that he "ight !e reviewed for his suita!ilit for the position of $ourt "agi$ian." "I don*t reall feel (ualified to pass -udg"ent on the king*s suita!ilit as a $ourt "agi$ian#" %ah9 said "odestl # e eing the "an $arefull . "Isn*t he $ontent -ust to !e king7" "No# no2" the "an $orre$ted hastil . "+he king wants to review our suita!ilit ." "Oh2" %ah9 said with the appearan$e of sudden understanding. "+hat*s a different "atter entirel . Well# well. %n invitation fro" . . . who was it again7" "Rodri$k the 5ifth#" the "an announ$ed# lifting his head haughtil . "Well#" %ah9 said# grinning !roadl . "I*ve never !een one to refuse a fifth2" +he "an !linked and frowned# then glan$ed at "e (ui99i$all . I shrugged# not understanding the -oke " self. ":ou "a tell 3is /a-est #" %ah9 $ontinued# unaware of our $onfusion. "I shall !e happ to a$$ept his kind invitation. I shall arrive at his $ourt at " earliest $onvenien$e." +he "an frowned. "I !elieve 3is /a-est re(uires our i""ediate presen$e#" he $o""ented darkl . "Of $ourse#" %ah9 answered s"oothl . "3ow sill of "e. If ou will a$$ept our hospitalit for the night# I and " assistant here will !e "ost pleased to a$$o"pan ou in the "orning." I knew a $ue when I heard one. I drooled and !ared " teeth at the "essenger. +he "an shot a horrified look in " dire$tion. "%$tuall #" he said hastil # "I reall "ust !e going. I*ll tell 3is /a-est ou*ll !e following $lose !ehind." ":ou*re sure ou wouldn*t like to sta 7" %ah9 asked hopefull . ".ositive2" +he "an nearl shouted his repl as he !egan !a$king the !ird awa fro" us. "Oh# well#" %ah9 said. ".erhaps we*ll $at$h up with ou on the road." "In that $ase#" the "an said# turning his !ird# "I*ll want a head . . . that is# I*d !est !e on " wa to announ$e our $o"ing." I raised " hand to wave good-! e# !ut he was alread "oving at a rapid pa$e# urging his "ount to still greater speeds and ignoring "e $o"pletel . "E,$ellent2" %ah9 e,$lai"ed# ru!!ing his hands together gleefull . "% $ourt "agi$ian2 What a soft -o!2 %nd the da started out so "isera!l ." "If I $an interrupt#" I interrupted. "+here*s one "inor flaw in our plan." "3""7 What*s that7" "I don*t want to !e a $ourt "agi$ian2" %s usual# " protest didn*t da"pen his enthusias" at all. ":ou didn*t want to !e a "agi$ian# either#" he re"inded "e !luntl . ":ou wanted to !e a thief. Well# here*s a good $o"pro"ise for ou. %s a $ourt "agi$ian# ou*ll !e a $ivil servant . . . and $ivil servants are thieves on a grander s$ale than ou ever drea"ed possi!le2"

Chapter Three
"Ninet per$ent of an !usiness transa$tion is selling ourself to the $lient." -C. 3OLL%N;ER "Now let "e see if I*ve got this right#" I said $arefull . ":ou*re sa ing the pro!a!l won*t hire "e on the !asis of " a!ilities7" I $ouldn*t !elieve I*d interpreted %ah9*s le$ture $orre$tl # !ut he !ea"ed enthusiasti$all . "+hat*s right# kid#" he approved. "Now ou*ve got it." "No# I don*t#" I insisted. "+hat*s the $ra9iest thing I*ve ever heard2" %ah9 groaned and hid his fa$e in his hand. It had !een like this ever sin$e we left the inn# and three da s of a de"on*s groaning is a !it "u$h for an one to take. "I*" sorr # %ah9#" I said testil # "!ut I don*t !elieve it. I*ve taken a lot of things ou*ve told "e on faith# !ut this . . . this goes against $o""on sense." "What does $o""on sense have to do with it7" he e,ploded. "We*re talking a!out a -o! interview2" %t this out!urst# 1utter$up snorted and tossed his head# "aking it ne$essar for us to du$k out of range of his horn. "0tead # 1utter$up2" I ad"onished soothingl . +hough he still rolled his e es# the uni$orn resu"ed his stoi$ plodding# the travois loaded with our e(uip"ent dragging along !ehind hi" still inta$t. ;espite in$idents su$h as had o$$urred !a$k at the inn# 1utter$up and I got along fairl well# and he usuall o!e ed "e. In $ontrast# he and %ah9 never reall hit it off# espe$iall when the latter $hose to raise his voi$e angril . "%ll it takes is a little gentleness#" I infor"ed %ah9 s"ugl . ":ou should tr it so"eti"e." "While ou*re showing off our du!ious rapport with ani"als#" %ah9 retorted# " ou "ight $all our dragon !a$k. %ll we need is to have hi" stirring up the $ountr side." I $ast a (ui$k glan$e a!out. 3e was right. 4leep had disappeared . . . again. "4leep2" I $alled. "6o"e here# fella2" "4leep2" $a"e an answering $r . +he !ushes off to our left parted# and the dragon*s head e"erged. "4leep7" he said# $o$king his head. "6o"e here2" I repeated. / pet needed no "ore en$ourage"ent. 3e !ounded into the open and trotted to " side. "I still sa we should have left that stupid dragon !a$k at the inn#" %ah9 gru"!led. I ignored hi"# $he$king to !e sure that the gear hung saddle!ag fashion over the dragon*s !a$k was still se$ure. .ersonall # I felt we were $arr ing far too "u$h in the wa of personal !elongings# !ut %ah9 had insisted. 4leep tried to nu99le "e affe$tionatel with his head# and I $aught a whiff of his !reath. 5or a "o"ent# I wondered if %ah9 had !een right a!out leaving the dragon !ehind. "What were ou sa ing a!out -o! interviews7" I asked# !oth to $hange the su!-e$t and to hide the fa$t I was gagging. "I know it sounds ridi$ulous# kid#" %ah9# !egan with sudden sin$erit # "and it is# !ut a lot of things are ridi$ulous# parti$ularl in this di"ension. +hat doesn*t "ean we don*t have to deal with the"." +hat gave "e pause to think. +o a lot of people# having a de"on and a dragon for traveling $o"panions would see" ridi$ulous. %s a "atter of fa$t# if I took ti"e to think it through# it see"ed prett ridi$ulous to "e2 "Oka # %ah9#" I said finall # "I $an a$$ept the e,isten$e of ridi$ulousness as realit . Now tr e,plaining the $ourt "agi$ian thing to "e again." We resu"ed walking as %ah9 organi9ed his thoughts. 5or a $hange# 4leep trailed pla$idl along !eside 1utter$up instead of taking off on another of his e,plorator side trips. "0ee if this "akes an sense#" %ah9 said finall . "6ourt "agi$ians don*t do "u$h . . . "agi$all at least. +he *re pri"aril kept around for show# as a status s "!ol to de"onstrate a $ourt is advan$ed enough to rate a "agi$ian. It*s a rare o$$asion when the *re $alled upon to do an thing. If ou were a -ester# the *d work our tail off# !ut not as a "agi$ian. Re"e"!er# "ost people are skittish a!out "agik# and use it as seldo" as possi!le." "If that*s the $ase#" I said $onfidentl # "I*" (ualified. I*ll "at$h " a!ilit to do nothing against an "agi$ian on Klah." "No argu"ent there#" %ah9 o!served dr l . "1ut it*s not (uite that eas . +o hold the -o! takes ne,t to no effort at all. 4etting the -o! $an !e an uphill struggle." "Oh2" h said# "ollified. "Now to get the -o!# ou*ll have to i"press the king and pro!a!l his advisors#" %ah9 $ontinued. ":ou*ll have to i"press the" with ou# not with our a!ilities." "3ow*s that again7" I frowned. "Look# kid. Like I said# a $ourt "agi$ian is window dressing# a showpie$e. +he *ll !e looking for so"eone the want to have hanging around their $ourt# so"eone who is i"pressive whether or not he ever does an thing. :ou*ll have to e,ude $onfiden$e. /ost i"portant# ou*ll have to look like a "agi$ian . . . or at least# what the think a "agi$ian looks like. If ou $an dress like a "agi$ian# talk like a "agi$ian# and a$t like a "agi$ian# "a !e no one will noti$e ou don*t have the a!ilities of a "agi$ian." "+hanks# %ah9#" I gri"a$ed. ":ou*re reall doing wonders towards !uilding " $onfiden$e." "Now don*t sulk#" %ah9 ad"onished. ":ou know how to levitate reasona!l large o!-e$ts# ou $an fl after a fashion# and ou*ve got the disguise spell down pat. :ou*re doing prett well for a rank novi$e# !ut don*t kid ourself into !elieving ou*re an where

F near full "agi$ian*s status)" 3e was right# of $ourse# !ut I was loath to ad"it it. "If I*" su$h a !u"!ling in$o"petent#" I said stiffl # "wh are we on our wa to esta!lish "e as a $ourt "agi$ian7" %ah9 !ared his teeth at "e in irritation. ":ou aren*t listening# kidE" he snarled. "3olding the -o! on$e ou*ve got it will !e a !ree9e. :ou $an handle that now. +he tri$k part will !e getting ou hired. 5ortunatel # with a few "inor "odifi$ations and a little $oa$hing# I think we $an get ou read for polite so$iet ." "/odifi$ations su$h as what7" I asked# $urious despite " self. %ah9 "ade a !ig show of surve ing "e fro" head to foot. "5or a start#" he said# "there*s the wa ou dress." "What*s wrong with the wa I dress7" I $ountered defensivel . "Nothing at all#" he replied inno$entl . "+hat is# if ou want people to see ou as a !u"pkin peasant with dung on his !oots. Of $ourse# if ou want to !e a $ourt "agi$ian# well# that*s another stor . No respe$ta!le "agi$ian would !e $aught dead in an outfit like that." "1ut I a" a respe$ta!le "agi$ian2" I argued. "Reall 7 Respe$ted ! who7" 3e had "e there# so I lapsed into silen$e. "+hat*s spe$ifi$all the reason I had the foresight to !ring along a few ite"s fro" the inn#" %ah9 $ontinued# indi$ating 1utter$up*s !urdens with a grand sweep of his hand. "%nd here I thought ou were -ust looting the pla$eE" I said dr l . "Wat$h our "outh# kid#" he warned. "+his is all for our !enefit." "Reall 7 :ou aren*t e,pe$ting an thing at all out of this deal7" / sar$as"# as usual# was lost on hi". "Oh# I*ll !e around#" he a$knowledged. ";on*t worr a!out that. .u!li$l # I*ll !e our apprenti$e." "/ apprenti$e7" +his -o! was suddenl sounding "u$h !etter. ".u!li$l 2" %ah9 repeated hastil . ".rivatel # ou*ll $ontinue our lessons as nor"al. Re"e"!er that !efore ou start getting frisk with our <apprenti$e.* " "Of $ourse# %ah9#" I assured hi". "Now# what was it ou we*re sa ing a!out $hanging the wa I dress7" 3e shot "e a sidelong glan$e# apparentl suspi$ious of " sudden enthusias". "Not that there*s an thing wrong with "e the wa I a"#" I added with a theatri$al s$owl. +hat see"ed to ease his dou!ts. "Ever thing*s wrong with the wa ou dress#" he growled. "We*re lu$k those two I"ps left "ost of their wardro!e !ehind when we sent *e" pa$king along with Isstvan." "3iggens and 1ro$khurst7" ":eah# those two#" %ah9 grinned evill at the "e"or . "I*ll sa one thing for I"ps. +he "a !e inferior to ;eveels as "er$hants# !ut the are snapp dressers." "I find it hard to !elieve that all that stuff ou !undled along is wardro!e#" I o!served skepti$all . "Of $ourse it isn*t#" " "entor "oaned. "It*s spe$ial effe$ts gear." "0pe$ial effe$ts7" ";on*t ou re"e"!er an thing# kid7" %ah9 s$owled. "I told ou all this when we first "et. 3owever eas "agik is# ou $an*t let it look eas . :ou need a few hand props# a line of patter . . . ou know# like 4arkin had." 4arkin*s hut# where I had first !een introdu$ed to "agik# had !een full of $andles# vials of strange powders# dust !ooks . . . now there was a "agi$ian*s lair2 Of $ourse# I had sin$e dis$overed "ost of what he had was unne$essar for the a$tual working of "agik itself. I was !eginning to see what %ah9 "eant when he said I*d have to learn to put on a show) "We*ve got a lot of stuff we $an work into our presentation#" %ah9 $ontinued. "Isstvan left a lot of his -unk !ehind when he left. Oh# and ou "ight find so"e fa"iliar ite"s when we unload. I think the I"ps helped the"selves to so"e of 4arkin*s e(uip"ent and !rought it !a$k to the inn with the"." "Reall 7" I saidE genuinel interested. ";id the get 4arkin*s !ra9ier7" "1ra9ier7" / "entor frowned. ":ou re"e"!er#" I pro"pted. ":ou used it to drink wine out of when ou first arrived." "+hat*s right2 :eah# I think I saw it in there. Wh 7" "No spe$ial reason#" I replied inno$entl . "It was alwa s a favorite of "ine# that*s all." 5ro" wat$hing 4arkin !a$k in " earl apprenti$e da s# I knew there were se$rets to that !ra9ier I was d ing to learn. I also knew that# if possi!le# I wanted to save it as a surprise for %ah9. "We*re going to have to do so"ething a!out our ph si$al appearan$e# too#" %ah9 $ontinued thoughtfull . "What*s-" ":ou*re too oung2" he answered# anti$ipating " (uestion. "No!od hires a oung "agi$ian. +he want one who*s !een around for a while. If we-"

G 3e !roke off suddenl and $raned his ne$k to look around. "Kid#" he said $arefull # stud ing the sk . ":our dragon*s gone again." I did a fast s$an. 3e was right. "4leep2" I $alled. "3ere# fella2 " +he dragon*s head appeared fro" the depths of a !ush !ehind us. +here was so"ething sli" with legs dangling fro" his "outh# !ut !efore I $ould "anage an e,a$t identifi$ation# " pet swallowed and the what9it disappeared. "4leep2" he said proudl # li$king his lips with his long forked tongue. "0tupid dragon#" %ah9 "uttered darkl . "3e*s $heap to feed#" I $ountered# pla ing on what I knew to !e %ah9*s tight-fisted nature. %s we waited for the dragon to $at$h up# I had ti"e to refle$t that for on$e I felt no "oral or ethi$al (ual"s a!out taking part in one of %ah9*s s$he"es. If the unsuspe$ting Rodri$k the 5ifth was taken in ! our $harade and hired us# I was $onfident the king would !e getting "ore than he !argained for.

Chapter Four
"If the proper preparations have !een "ade and the ne$essar pre$autions taken# an staged event is guaranteed su$$ess." E+3ELRE; +3E ANRE%;: +he $andle lit at the !arest fli$k fro" " "ind. ;elighted# I snuffed it and tried again. % sidelong glan$e# a fleeting $on$entration of " will# and the s"oldering wi$k !urst into fla"e again. I snuffed the fla"e and sat s"iling at the fa"iliar $andle. +his was the first real proof I*d had as to how far " "agi$al powers had developed in the past ear. I knew this $andle fro" " ears as 4arkin*s apprenti$e. In those da s# it was " ar$h ne"esis. Even fo$using all " energies failed to light it then. 1ut now... I glan$ed at the wi$k again# and again it rewarded "e with a !urst of fla"e. I snuffed it and repeated the e,er$ise# " $onfiden$e growing as I reali9ed how easil I $ould now do so"ething I on$e thought i"possi!le. "Will ou kno$k it off with the $andle2" I -u"ped at the sound of %ah9*s out!urst# nearl upsetting the $andle and setting the !lanket afire. "I*" sorr # %ah9#" I said# hastil snuffing the $andle for the last ti"e. "I -ust-" ":ou*re here to audition for $ourt "agi$ian#" he interrupted. "Not for town 6hrist"as tree2" I $onsidered asking what a 6hrist"as tree was# !ut de$ided against it. %ah9 see"ed un$o""onl irrita!le and nervous# and I was prett sure# however I $hose to phrase " (uestion# that the answer would !e !oth sar$asti$ and unprodu$tive. "0tupid $andle !linking on and off#" %ah9 gru"!led half to hi"self. "%ttra$t the attention of ever guard in the $astle." "I thought we were tr ing to attra$t their attention#" I pointed out# !ut %ah9 ignored "e# peering at the $astle through the earl "orning light. 3e didn*t have to peer far# as we were $a"ped in the "iddle of the road -ust short of the $astle*s "ain gates. %s I said# I was under the i"pression our position was spe$ifi$all $hosen to attra$t attention to ourselves. We had $rept into position in the dead of night# $lu"sil pi$king our wa through the sleeping !uildings $lustered a!out the "ain gate. Not wishing to show a light# unpa$king had !een "ini"al# !ut even in the dark# I had re$ogni9ed 4arkin*s $andle. %ll of this had to do with so"ething %ah9 $alled a "dra"ati$ entran$e." %s near as I $ould tell# all this "eant was we $ouldn*t do an thing the eas wa . Our appearan$e was also $arefull designed for effe$t# with the aid of the I"ps* a!andoned wardro!e and " disguise spells. %ah9 was outfitted in " now traditional "du!ious $hara$ter" disguise. 4leep was standing pla$idl !eside 1utter$up disguised as a uni$orn# giving us a "at$hed pair. It was " own appearan$e# however# whi$h had !een the "ain fo$us of our attentions. 1oth %ah9 and I had agreed that the 4arkin disguise would !e unsuita!le for this effort. While " own natural appearan$e was too oung# 4arkin*s would !e too old. 0in$e we $ould prett "u$h $hoose the i"age we wanted# we de$ided to field a "agi$ian in his "id to late thirtiesE oung without !eing outhful# e,perien$ed without !eing old# and powerful !ut still learning. +o a$hieve this disguise involved a !it "ore work than nor"al# as I did not have an i"age in "ind to superi"pose over " own. Instead# I $losed " e es and envisioned " self as I appeared nor"all # then slowl erased the features until I had a !lank fa$e to !egin on. +hen I set to work with %ah9 wat$hing $arefull and offering suggestions and "odifi$ations. +he first thing I $hanged was " height# ad-usting the i"age until the new figure stood a head and a half taller than " a$tual di"inutive stature. / hair was ne,t and I $hanged " straw!err -!lond that$h to a "ore sinister !la$k# at the sa"e ti"e darkening " $o"ple,ion several shades. +he fa$e gave us the "ost trou!le. "Elongate the $hin a little "ore#" %ah9 instru$ted. ".ut on a !eard . . . not that "u$h# stupid2 =ust a little goatee2 . . . +hat*s !etter2 . . . Now lower the side!urns . . . oka # !uild up the nose . . . narrow it . . . "ake the e e!rows !ushier . . . no# $hange *e" !a$k and sink the e es a little instead . . . for $r ing out loud $hange the e e $olor2 /ake *e" !rown . . . oka # now a $ouple of frown wrinkles in the "iddle of the forehead . . . 4ood. +hat should do it." I stared at the figure in " "ind# !urning the i"age into " "e"or . It was effe$tive# "a !e a !it "ore sinister than I would have designed if left to " own devi$es# !ut %ah9 was the e,pert and I had to trust his -udg"ent. I opened " e es.

H "+errifi$# kid2" %ah9 !ea"ed. "Now put on that !la$k ro!e with the gold and red tri" the I"ps left# and ou*ll $ut a figure fit to gra$e an $ourt." "/ove along there2 :ou*re !lo$king the road2" +he rude order wren$hed " thoughts !a$k to the present. % soldier# resplendent in leather ar"or and !randishing an evil-looking pike# was angril approa$hing our $rude en$a"p"ent. 1ehind hi" the gates stood slightl a-ar# and I $ould see the heads of several other soldiers wat$hing us $uriousl . Now that the light was i"proving# I $ould see the wall !etter. It wasn*t "u$h of a wall# !arel ten feet high. +hat figured. 5ro" what we had seen sin$e we $rossed the !order# it wasn*t "u$h of a kingdo"# either. ":ou deaf or so"ething7" the soldier !arked drawing $lose. "I said "ove along2" %ah9 s$uttled forward and planted hi"self in the soldier*s path. "0keeve the /agnifi$ent has arrived#" he announ$ed. "%nd he-" "I don*t $are who ou are2" the soldier snarled# wasting no ti"e pla$ing his pike !etween hi"self and the figure addressing hi". ":ou $an*t-" 3e !roke off a!ruptl as his pike leaped fro" his grasp and floated hori9ontall in "id-air until it was for"ing a !arri$ade !etween hi" and %ah9. +he o$$urren$e was " doing# a si"ple feat of levitation. Regardless of our planned ga"!it# I felt I should take a dire$t hand in the pro$eedings !efore things got $o"pletel out of hand. "I a" 0keeve2" I !oo"ed# for$ing " voi$e into a resonant !ass. "%nd that is " assistant ou are atte"pting to threaten with our fee!le weapon. We have $o"e in response to an invitation fro" Rodri$k the 5ifth# King of .ossiltu"2" "+hat*s right# 1os$o2" %ah9 leered at the soldier. "Now -ust run along like a good fellow and pass the word we*re here . . . eh7" %s I noted earlier# all this was designed to i"press the hell out of the general popula$e. %pparentl the guard hadn*t read the s$ript. 3e did not $ower in terror or $ringe with fear. If an thing# our little a$t see"ed to have the e,a$t opposite effe$t on hi". "% "agi$ian# eh7" he said with a "o$king sneer. "5or that I*ve got standing orders. 4o around to the !a$k where the others are." +his took us a!a$k. Well# at least it took "e a!a$k. %$$ording to our plan# we would end up arguing whether we entered the pala$e to perfor" in the king*s $ourt# or if the king had to !ring his $ourt outside to where we were. 1eing sent to the !a$k door was not an option we had $onsidered. "+o the !a$k7" %ah9 glowered. ":ou dare to suggest a "agi$ian of " "aster*s stature go to the !a$k door like a $o""on servant7" +he soldier didn*t !udge an in$h. "If it were up to "e# I*d <dare to suggest* a far less pleasant a$tivit for ou. %s it is# I have " orders. :ou*re to go around to the !a$k like all the others." "Others7" I asked $arefull . "+hat*s right#" the guard sneered. "+he king is holding an open air $ourt to deal with all ou <"ira$le workers.* Ever ha$k $har"-peddler for eight kingdo"s is in town. 0o"e of *e" have !een in line sin$e noon esterda . Now get around to the !a$k and (uit !lo$king the road2" With that he turned on his heel and "ar$hed !a$k to the gate# leaving his pike hanging in "id-air. 5or on$e# %ah9 was as spee$hless as I was. %pparentl I wasn*t the onl one the king had invited to drop ! . %pparentl we were in !ig trou!le.

Chapter Five
". . . Eve of newt# toe of frog. . . "-1elieved to !e the first re$ipe for an e,plosive "i,ture . . . +he forerunner of gunpowder. "What are we going to do# %ah97" With the guard out of earshot# I $ould revert to " nor"al voi$e and spee$h patterns# though it was still ne$essar to keep " ph si$al disguise inta$t. "+hat*s eas #" he responded. "We pa$k up our things and go around the !a$k. Weren*t ou listening# kid7" "1ut what are we going to do a!out . . ." 1ut %ah9 was alread at work# re!inding the few ite"s we had unpa$ked. ";on*t do an thing# kid#" he warned over his shoulder. "We $an*t let an one see ou doing "enial work. It*s !ad for the i"age." "3e said there were other "agi$ians here2" I !lurted at last. ":eah. 0o7" "Well# what are we going to do7" %ah9 s$owled. "I told ou on$e. We*re going to pa$k our things and-" "What are we going to do a!out the other "agi$ians7" ";o7 We aren*t going to do an thing. :ou aren*t up to dueling# ou know." 3e had finished pa$king and stepped !a$k to surve his handiwork. Nodding in satisfa$tion# he turned and shot a glan$e over " shoulder. ";o so"ething a!out the pike# will a# kid7" I followed his ga9e. +he guard*s pike was still hanging suspended in "id-air. Even though I hadn*t !een thinking a!out it# part of

I " "ind had !een keeping it afloat until I de$ided what to do with it. +he (uestion was# what should I do with it7 "0a # %ah9 . . ." I !egan# !ut %ah9 had alread started walking along the wall. 5or a "o"ent I was i""o!ili9ed with inde$ision. +he guard had gone so I $ouldn*t return his weapon to hi". 0till# si"pl letting it drop to the ground see"ed so"ehow anti$li"a$ti$. Ana!le to think of an thing to do that would have the proper dra"ati$ flair# I de$ided to postpone the de$ision. 5or the ti"e !eing# I let the pike float along !ehind "e as I hurried after %ah9# first giving it additional elevation so it would not !e a danger to 4leep and 1utter$up. "Were ou e,pe$ting other "agi$ians to !e here7" I asked# drawing a!reast of " "entor. "Not reall #" %ah9 ad"itted. "It was a possi!ilit # of $ourse# !ut I didn*t give it a ver high pro!a!ilit rating. 0till# it*s not all that surprising. % -o! like this is !ound to draw $o"petition out of the woodwork." 3e didn*t see" parti$ularl upset# so I tried to take this new develop"ent in stride. "Oka #" I said $al"l . "3ow does this $hange our plans7" "It doesn*t. =ust do our thing like I showed ou and ever thing should $o"e out fine." "1ut if the other "agi$ians-" %ah9 stopped short and turned to fa$e "e. "Look# kid#" he said seriousl # "-ust !e$ause I keep telling ou ou*ve got a long wa to go !efore ou*re a "aster "agi$ian doesn*t "ean ou*re a ha$k2 I wouldn*t have en$ouraged ou to show up for this interview if I didn*t think ou were good enough to land the -o!." "Reall # %ah97" 3e turned and started walking again. "=ust re"e"!er# as di"ensions go# Klah isn*t noted for its "agi$ians. :ou*re no "aster# !ut "asters are few and far !etween. I*" !etting that $o"pared to the $o"petition# ou*ll look like a real e,pert. " +hat "ade sense. %ah9 was (uite outspoken in his low opinion of Klah and the Klahds that inha!ited it# in$luding "e. +hat last thought "ade "e fish for a !it "ore reassuran$e. "%ah97" ":eah# kid7" "What*s our honest appraisal of " $han$es7" +here was a "o"ent of silen$e !efore he answered. "Kid# ou know how ou*re alwa s $o"plaining that I keep tearing down our $onfiden$e7" ":eah7" "Well# for !oth our sakes# don*t push too hard for " honest appraisal." I didn*t. 4etting through the !a$k gate proved to !e no pro!le" . . . "ostl !e$ause there wasn*t a !a$k gate. +o " surprise and %ah9*s disgust# the wall did not e,tend $o"pletel around the pala$e. %s near as I $ould see# onl the front wall was $o"plete. +he two side walls were under $onstru$tion# and the !a$k wall was none,istent. I should $larif that. / state"ent that the side walls were under $onstru$tion was an assu"ption !ased on the presen$e of s$affolding at the end of the wall rather than ! the o!servation of an a$tivit going on. If there was an work !eing perfor"ed# it was !eing done $arefull enough not to distur! the weeds whi$h a!ounded throughout the s$affolding. I was !eginning to have grave dou!ts a!out the kingdo" I was a!out to all " self with. It was diffi$ult to tell if the $ourt was !eing $onvened in a garden# or if this was a $ourt ard losing its fight with the weeds and under!rush whi$h $rowded in through the opening where the !a$k wall should have !een. &3aving grown up on a far"# " !asi$ edu$ation in plants was that if it wasn*t edi!le and growing in neat rows# it was a weed.' %s if in answer to " thoughts# 1utter$up took a large "outhful of the nearest $lu"p of growth and !egan $hewing enthusiasti$all . 4leep sniffed the sa"e !ush and turned up his nose at it. %ll this I noted onl as an aside. / "ain attention was fo$used on the $ourt itself. +here was a s"all open-sided pavilion set against the wall of the pala$e sheltering a seated figure# presu"a!l the king. 0tanding $lose !eside hi" on either side were two other "en. +he $rowd# su$h as it was# was split into two groups. +he first was standing in a so"ewhat orderl line along one side of the garden. I assu"ed this was the waiting line . . . or rather I hoped it was as that was the group we -oined. +he se$ond group was standing in a disorgani9ed "o! on the far side of the garden wat$hing the pro$eedings. Whether these were re-e$ted appli$ants or "erel interested hangers-on# I didn*t know. 0uddenl # a oung $ouple in the wat$hing group $aught " e e. I hadn*t e,pe$ted to en$ounter an fa"iliar fa$es here# !ut these two I had seen !efore. Not onl had I seen the"# %ah9 and I had i"personated the" at one point# a $harade whi$h had resulted in our !eing hanged. "%ah92" I whispered urgentl . ";o ou see those two over there7" "No#" %ah9 said !luntl # not even turning his head to look. "1ut the *re the-" "5orget *e"#" he insisted. "Wat$h the -udges. +he *re the ones we have to i"press." I had to ad"it that "ade a $ertain a"ount of sense. 4rudgingl # I turned " attention to the figures in the pavilion. +he king was surprisingl oung# perhaps in his "id-twenties. 3is hair was a tu"!le of shoulderlength $urls# whi$h $o"!ined with his slight !uild al"ost "ade hi" look effe"inate. =udging fro" his posture# either the interviews had !een going on for so"e

8J ti"e# or he had "astered the art of looking totall !ored. +he "an on his left !ent and urgentl whispered so"ething in the king*s ear and was answered ! a vague nod. +his "an# onl slightl older than the king !ut !alding noti$ea!l # was dressed in a tuni$ and $loak of dra! $olor and $onservative $ut. +hough rela,ed in posture and (uiet in !earing# there was a wat$hful !rightness to his e es that re"inded "e of a feverish weasel. +here was a stirring of the figure on the king*s right# whi$h drew " attention in that dire$tion. I had a flash i"pression of a "assive furr lu"p# then I reali9ed with a start that it was a "an. 3e was tall and !road# his head $rowned with thi$k# !la$k# unke"pt $urls# his fa$e nearl o!s$ured ! a full !eard and "usta$he. +his# $o"!ined with his heav fur $loak# gave hi" an ani"al-like appearan$e whi$h had do"inated " first i"pression. 3e spoke !riefl to the king# then re$rossed his ar"s in a gesture of finalit and glared at the other advisor. 3is $loak opened !riefl during his oration# giving "e a gli"pse of a glittering shirt of "ail and a "assive dou!le-headed hand-a,e hung on a !elt at his waist. 6learl this was not a "an to $ross. +he !alding figure see"ed uni"pressed# "at$hing his rival*s glare with one of his own. +here was a sharp nudge in " ri!s. ";id ou see that7" %ah9 whispered urgentl . "0ee what7" I asked. "+he king*s advisors. % general and a $han$ellor unless I "iss " guess. ;id ou see the gold "edallion on the general7" "I saw his a,e2" I whispered !a$k. +he light in the $ourt ard suddenl di""ed. Looking up# I saw a "ass of $louds for"ing overhead# !lotting out the sun. "Weather $ontrol#" %ah9 "ur"ured half to hi"self. "Not !ad." 0ure enough# the old "an in the red $loak $urrentl !efore the throne gestured wildl and tossed a $loud of purple powder into the air# and a light dri99le !egan to fall. / spirits fell along with the rain. Even with %ah9*s $oa$hing on presentation# " "agik was not this powerful or i"pressive. "%ah9 . . ." I whispered urgentl . Instead of responding# he waved "e to silen$e# his e es riveted on the pavilion. 5ollowing his ga9e# I saw the general speaking urgentl with the king. +he king listened for a "o"ent# then shrugged and said so"ething to the "agi$ian. Whatever he said# the "agi$ian didn*t like it. ;rawing hi"self up haughtil # he turned to leave# onl to !e $alled !a$k ! the king. .ointing to the $louds# the king said a few "ore words and leaned !a$k. +he "agi$ian hesitated# then shrugged# and !egan gesturing and $hanting on$e "ore. "+urned hi" down#" %ah9 said s"ugl . "+hen what*s he doing now7" "6learing up the rain !efore the ne,t a$t goes on#" %ah9 infor"ed "e. 0ure enough# the dri99le was slowing and the $louds !egan to s$atter# "u$h to the relief of the audien$e who# unlike the king# had no pavilion to prote$t the" fro" the stor". +his further displa of the "agi$ian*s power# however# did little to !olster " sagging $onfiden$e. "%ah92" I whispered. "3e*s a !etter "agi$ian than I a"." ":eah#" %ah9 responded. "0o7" "0o if the turned hi" down# I haven*t got a $han$e2" "/a !e es# "a !e no#" $a"e the thoughtful repl . "%s near as I $an tell# the *re looking for so"ething spe$ifi$. Who knows7 /a !e ou*re it. Re"e"!er what I told ou# $ush -o!s don*t alwa s go to the "ost skillful. In fa$t# it usuall goes the other wa ." ":eah#" I said# tr ing to sound opti"isti$. "/a !e I*ll get lu$k ." "It*s going to take "ore than lu$k#" %ah9 $orre$ted "e sternl . "Now# what have ou learned wat$hing the king*s advisors7" "+he don*t like ea$h other#" I o!served i""ediatel . "Right2" %ah9 sounded surprised and pleased. "Now that "eans ou pro!a!l won*t !e a!le to please the" !oth. :ou*ll have to pla up to one of the" . . . or !etter still insult one. +hat*ll get the other one on our side faster than an thing. Now# whi$h one do ou want on our side7" +hat was easier than his first (uestion. "+he general#" I said fir"l . "Wrong2 :ou want the $han$ellor." "+he $han$ellor2" I e,$lai"ed# !lurting the words out louder than I had intended. ";id ou see the si9e of that a,e the general*s $arr ing7" "Ah-huh#" %ah9 replied. ";id ou hear what happened to the gu who interviewed !efore old Red 6loak here got his turn7" I $losed " e es and $ontrolled " first sharp re"ark. "%ah9#" I said $arefull # "re"e"!er "e7 I*" 0keeve. I*" the one who $an*t hear whispers a "ile awa ." %s usual %ah9 ignored " sar$as". "+he last gu didn*t even get a $han$e to show his stuff#" he infor"ed "e. "+he $han$ellor took one look at the $rowd he !rought with hi" and asked how "an were in his retinue. <Eight#* the "an said. <+oo "an 2* sa s the $han$ellor and the poor fool was dis"issed i""ediatel ." "0o7" I asked !luntl .

88 "0o the $han$ellor is the one wat$hing the purse strings#" $on$luded %ah9. "What*s "ore# he has "ore influen$e than the general. Look at these sill walls. ;o ou think a "ilitar "an would leave walls half-finished if he had the final sa 7 0o"e!od de$ided too "u$h "one was !eing spent $onstru$ting the" and the pro-e$t was $an$eled or dela ed. I*" !etting that so"e!od was the $han$ellor." "/a !e the ran out of stones#" I suggested. "6*"on# kid. 5ro" what we*ve seen sin$e we $rossed the !order this kingdo"*s prin$ipal $rop is stones." "1ut the general . . ." %s I spoke# I glan$ed in the general*s dire$tion again. +o " surprise and dis$o"fort# he was staring dire$tl at "e. It wasn*t a friendl stare. I hesitated for a "o"ent# hoping I was wrong. I wasn*t. +he general*s ga9e didn*t waver# nor did his e,pression soften. If an thing# it got uglier. "%ah9#" I hissed desperatel # una!le to tear " e es fro" the general. Now the king and the $han$ellor were staring in " dire$tion too# their attention drawn ! the general*s ga9e. "Kid2" %ah9 "oaned !eside "e. "I thought I told ou to do so"ething a!out that pike2" +he pike2 I had $o"pletel forgotten a!out it2 I pulled " e es fro" the general*s glare and glan$ed !ehind "e as $asuall as I $ould. 1utter$up and 4leep were still standing patientl to our rear# and floating serenel a!ove the" was the guard*s pike. I guess it was kind of noti$ea!le. ":ou2" I turned toward the pavilion and the sound of the !ellow. +he general had stepped forward and was pointing a "assive finger at "e. ":es# ou2" he roared as our e es "et on$e "ore. "Where did ou get that pike7 It !elongs to the pala$e guards." "I think ou*re a!out to have our interview# kid#" %ah9 "ur"ured. "4ive it our !est and kno$k *e" stiff." "1ut-" I protested. "It !eats standing in line2" With that# %ah9 took a long leisurel step !a$kward. +he effe$t was the sa"e as if I had stepped forward# whi$h I definitel hadn*t. With the attention of the entire $ourt ard now $entered on "e# however# I had no $hoi$e !ut to take the plunge.

Chapter Six
"+hat*s entertain"ent2" -VL%; +3E I/.%LER 6rossing " ar"s# I "oved toward the pavilion# keeping " pa$e slow and "easured. %ah9 had insisted I pra$ti$e this walk. 3e said it would "ake "e look $onfident and self-possessed. Now that I was a$tuall appearing !efore a king# I found I was using the walk# not as a show of arrogan$e# !ut to hide the weakness in " legs. "Well7" the general ru"!led# loo"ing !efore "e. "I asked ou a (uestion2 Where did ou get that pike7 :ou*d !est answer !efore I grow angr 2" 0o"ething in "e snapped. %n fear I felt of the general and his a,e evaporated# repla$ed ! a head glow of strength. I had dis$overed on " first visit to the 1a9aar at ;eva that I didn*t like to !e pushed ! !ig# loud ;eveels. I dis$overed now that I also didn*t like it an !etter when the arrogan$e $a"e fro" a !ig# loud fellow Klahd. 0o the !ig "an wanted to throw his weight around# did he7 With a twit$h of " "ind# I su""oned the pike. Without turning to look# I !rought it arrowing over " shoulder in a $ourse destined to e"!ed it in the general*s $hest. +he general saw it $o"ing and paled. 3e took an awkward step !a$kward# reali9ed it was too late for flight# and groped "adl for his a,e. I stopped the pike three feet fro" his $hest# floating it in front of hi" with its point leveled at his heart. "+his pike7" I asked $asuall . "%hh . . ." the general responded# his e es never leaving the weapon. "I took this pike fro" an overl rude soldier. 3e said he was following orders. Would those orders $o"e fro" ou# ! an $han$e7" "I . . . u" . . . ." +he general li$ked his lips. "I issued orders that " "en deal with strangers in an e,pedient fashion. I said nothing a!out their !eing less then polite." "In that $ase . . ." I "oved the pike ninet degrees so that it no longer threatened the general. ". . . I return the pike to ou so that ou "ight give it !a$k to the guard along with a $larifi$ation of our orders . . . ." +he general hesitated# s$owling# then e,tended his hand to grasp the floating pike. =ust !efore he rea$hed it# I let it fall to the ground where it $lattered noisil . ". . . and hopefull additional instru$tions as to how to handle their weapons#" I $on$luded. +he general flushed and started to pi$k up the pike. +hen the $han$ellor sni$kered# and the general spun around to glare at hi". +he $han$ellor s"irked openl and whispered so"ething to the king# who tried to suppress a s"ile at his words.

8> +he general turned to "e again# ignoring the pike# and glared down fro" his full height. "Who are ou7" he asked in a tone whi$h i"plied " na"e would !e i""ediatel "oved to the head of the list for pu!li$ e,e$ution. "Who*s asking7" I glared !a$k# still not $o"pletel over " anger. "+he "an ou are addressing#" the king inter$eded# "is 3ugh 1ada,e# 6o""ander of the Ro al %r"ies of .ossiltu"." "%nd I a" =. R. 4ri"!le#" the $han$ellor added hastil # afraid of !eing left out. "5irst %dvisor to 3is /a-est ." +he general shot another !la$k look at 4ri"!le. I de$ided it was ti"e to get down to !usiness. "I a" the "agi$ian known as 0keeve#" I !egan grandl . "I have $o"e in response to a gra$ious invitation fro" 3is /ost No!le /a-est # Rodri$k the 5ifth." I paused and in$lined " head slightl to the king who s"iled and nodded in return. "I have $o"e to deter"ine for " self if I should $onsider a$$epting a position at the $ourt of .ossiltu"." +he phrasing of that last part had !een $hosen ver $arefull ! %ah9. It was designed to displa " $onfiden$e ! i"pl ing the $hoi$e was "ine rather than theirs. +he su!tlet was not lost on the $han$ellor# who raised a $riti$al e e!row at " $hoi$e of words. "Now# su$h a position re(uires $onfiden$e on !oth sides#" I $ontinued. "I "ust feel that I will !e a"pl rewarded for " servi$es# and 3is /a-est "ust !e satisfied that " skills are worth of his sponsorship." I turned slightl and raised " voi$e to address the entire $ourt. "+he generosit of the $rown of .ossiltu" is known to all#" I de$lared. "%nd I have ever $onfiden$e 3is /a-est will reward his retainers in proportion to their servi$e to hi"." +here was a strangled sound !ehind "e# fro" the general# I think. I ignored it. "+herefore# all that is re(uired is that I satisf 3is /a-est . . . and his advisors . . . that " hu"!le skills will indeed suffi$e his needs." I turned to the throne on$e "ore# letting the king see " se$ret s"ile whi$h !elied the hu"ilit of " words. ":our /a-est # " powers are "an and varied. 3owever# the essen$e of power is $ontrol. +herefore reali9ing ou are a !us "an# rather than waste ti"e with "ere $o""er$ial tri$keries and "inor de"onstrations su$h as we have alread seen# I shall weave !ut three spells and trust in our wisdo" to per$eive the depths !ehind the"." I turned and stret$hed forth a finger to point at 1utter$up and 4leep. ":onder are " pri9e pair of "at$hed uni$orns#" I said dra"ati$all . "Would :our /a-est !e so kind as to $hoose one of the"7" +he king !linked in surprise at !eing invited to parti$ipate in " de"onstration. 5or a "o"ent he hesitated. "A"" . . . I $hoose the one on the left#" he said# finall indi$ating 1utter$up. I !owed slightl . "Ver well# :our /a-est . 1 our word shall that $reature !e spared. O!serve the other $losel ." %$tuall # that was another little stunt %ah9 had taught "e. It*s $alled a ""agi$ian*s for$e#" and allows a perfor"er to offer his audien$e a $hoi$e without reall giving the" a $hoi$e. 3ad the king $hosen 4leep# I would have si"pl pro$eeded to work on "the $reature he had doo"ed with a word." 0lowl # I pointed a finger at 4leep and lowered " head slightl . "Walla walla Washington2" I said so"!erl . I don*t know what the words "eant# !ut %ah9 assured "e the had histori$ pre$eden$e and would $onvin$e people I was a$tuall doing so"ething $o"ple,. "%lla ka9a" sha9a"#" I $ontinued# raising " other ar". "1i!!it !o!!it . . ." I "entall re"oved 4leep*s disguise. +he $rowd rea$ted with a gasp# drowning out " final "goo-gleep." / dragon heard his na"e# though# and rea$ted i""ediatel . 3is head $a"e up and he lu"!ered forward to stand do$ilel at " side. %s planned# %ah9 i""ediatel sha"!led forward to a position near 4leep*s head and stood wat$hful and read . +his was "eant to i"pl that we were prepared to handle an diffi$ult whi$h "ight arise with the dragon. +he $rowd*s rea$tion to hi"# however# overshadowed their horror at seeing a uni$orn transfor"ed to a dragon. I had forgotten how effe$tive the "disreputa!le $hara$ter" disguise was. %fraid of losing the "o"entu" of " perfor"an$e# I hurried on. "+his "isshapen wret$h is " apprenti$e %ah9#" I announ$ed. ":ou "a wonder if it is within his power to stop the dragon should the !east grow angr . I tell ou now . . . it is not2" +he $rowd edged !a$k nervousl . 5ro" the $orner of " e e# I saw the general*s hand slide to the handle of his a,e. "1ut it is within " power2 Now ou know that the for$es of darkness are no strangers to 0keeve2" I spun and sta!!ed a finger at %ah9. "1o!!elt gook# $ru"!s and "art rs2" I re"oved %ah9*s disguise. +here was a "o"ent of stunned silen$e# then %ah9 s"iled. %ah9*s s"ile has !een known to "ake strong "en weak# and there were not "an strong "en in the $rowd. +he audien$e half tra"pled ea$h other in their haste to !a$kpedal fro" the de"on# and the sound of s$ree$hes was inter"i,ed with hastil $hanted prote$tion spells. I turned to the throne on$e "ore. +he king and the $han$ellor see"ed to !e taking it well. +he were $o"posed# though a !it

8? pale. +he general was s$owling thoughtfull at %ah9. "%s a de"on# " apprenti$e $an suppress the dragon if need !e . . . na # ten dragons. 0u$h is " power. :et power "ust !e te"pered with gentleness . . . gentilit if ou will." I allowed " e,pression to grow thoughtful. "+o $onfuse one*s ene"ies and re$eive one*s allies# ou need no open show of power or "ena$e. 5or o$$asions su$h as those# one*s powers $an !e "asked until one is no "ore $onspi$uous than . . . than a stripling." %s I spoke the final words# I stripped awa " own disguise and stood in " outhful unsplendor. I pro!a!l should have used so"e fake "agik words# !ut I had alread used up all the ones %ah9 had taught "e and was afraid of e,peri"enting with new ones. +he king and the $han$ellor were staring at "e intentl as if tr ing to penetrate " "agi$al disguise with willpower alone. +he general was perfor"ing a si"ilar e,er$ise staring at %ah9# who folded his ar"s and !ared his teeth in a $onfident s"ile. 5or a $hange# I shared his $onfiden$e. Let the" stare. It was too late to penetrate " "agik !e$ause I wasn*t working an "ore. +hough the ro al troupe and the entire audien$e was $onvin$ed the were witnessing a powerful spell# in a$tualit all I had done was re"ove the spells whi$h had !een distorting their vision. %t the "o"ent# all of us# %ah9# 1utter$up# 4leep# and " self# were our nor"al selves# however a!nor"al we appeared. Even the "ost adept "agi$al vision $ould not penetrate a none,istent spell. "%s ou see# :our /a-est #" I $on$luded. "/ powers are far fro" ordinar . +he $an "ake the gentle fearso"e# or the "ight har"less. +he $an destro our ene"ies or a"use our $ourt# depending upon our whi". 0a the word# speak our approval# and the powers of 0keeve are ours to $o""and." I drew " self up and !owed " head respe$tfull # and re"ained in that position awaiting -udg"ent fro" the throne. 0everal "o"ents passed without a word. 5inall # I risked a peek at the pavilion. +he $han$ellor and the general were e,$hanging heated whispers over the head of the king# who in$lined his head this wa and that as he listened. Reali9ing this $ould take a while# I (uietl eased " head to an upright position as I waited. "0keeve2" the king $alled suddenl # interrupting his advisor*s argu"ents. "+hat thing ou did with the pike. 6an ou alwa s $ontrol weapons so easil 7" "6hild*s pla # :our /a-est #" I said "odestl . "I hesitate to even a$knowledge it as a power." +he king nodded and spoke !riefl to his advisors in undertones. When he had finished# the general flushed and# turning on his heel# strode off into the pala$e. +he $han$ellor looked s"ug. I risked a glan$e at %ah9# who winked at "e. Even though he was further awa # apparentl his a$ute hearing had given hi" advan$e noti$e of the king*s de$ision. "Let all here asse"!led !ear witness2" the $han$ellor*s ringing voi$e announ$ed. "Rodri$k the 5ifth# King of .ossiltu"# does here! $o""end the "agi$al skill and knowledge of one 0keeve and does for"all na"e hi" /agi$ian to the 6ourt of .ossiltu". Let all applaud the appoint"ent of this "aster "agi$ian . . . and then disperse2" +here was a s"attering of halfhearted applause fro" " van(uished rivals# and "ore than a few glares. I a$knowledged neither as I tried to $o"prehend the $han$ellor*s words. I did it2 6ourt /agi$ian2 Of the entire sele$tion of "agi$ians fro" five kingdo"s# I had !een $hosen2 /e2 0keeve2 I was suddenl aware of the $han$ellor !e$koning "e forward. +r ing to !e non$halant# I approa$hed the throne. "Lord /agi$ian#" the $han$ellor said with a s"ile. "If ou will# "ight we dis$uss the "atter of our wages7" "/ apprenti$e handles su$h "atters#" I infor"ed hi" loftil . "I prefer not to distra$t " self with su$h "undane "atters." %gain# we had agreed that %ah9 would handle the wage negotiations# his knowledge of "agik !eing surpassed onl ! his skill at haggling. I turned and !e$koned to hi". 3e responded ! hurr ing forward# his eavesdropping having forewarned hi" of the situation. "+hat $an wait# 4ri"!le#" the king interrupted. "+here are "ore pressing "atters whi$h $o""and our "agi$ian*s attention." ":ou need onl $o""and# :our /a-est #" I said# !owing grandl . "5ine#" the king !ea"ed. "+hen report to 4eneral 1ada,e i""ediatel for our !riefing." "1riefing a!out what7" I asked# genuinel pu99led. "Wh # our !riefing a!out the invading ar" # of $ourse#" the king replied. %n alar" gong went off in the !a$k of " "ind. "Invading ar" 7" I !lurted# forgetting " rehearsed po"pous tones. "What invading ar" 7" "+he one whi$h even now approa$hes our !orders#" the $han$ellor supplied. "Wh else would we suddenl need a "agi$ian7"

Chapter Seven
"Nu"eri$al superiorit is of no $onse(uen$e. In !attle# vi$tor will go to the !est ta$ti$ian." -4. %. 6A0+ER "6ush -o!# he said2 6han$e to pra$ti$e# he said2 .ie$e of $ake# he said2" "0i""er down# kid2" %ah9 growled. "0i""er down7 %ah9# weren*t ou listening7 I*" supposed to stop an ar" 2 /e2" "It $ould !e worse#" %ah9 insisted. "3ow7" I asked !luntl . ":ou $ould !e doing it without "e#" he replied. "+hink a!out it." I did# and $ooled down i""ediatel . Even though " asso$iation with %ah9 see"ed to land "e in an inordinate a"ount of

8B trou!le# he had also !een unfailing in his a!ilit to get "e out . . . so far. +he last thing I wanted to do was drive hi" awa -ust when I needed hi" the "ost. "What a" I going to do# %ah97" I "oaned. "0in$e ou ask"-%ah9 s"iled-"" -advi$e would !e to not pani$ until we get the whole stor . Re"e"!er# there are ar"ies and there are ar"ies. 5or all we know# this one "ight !e weak enough for us to !eat fair and s(uare." "%nd if it isn*t7" I asked skepti$all . "We*ll !urn that !ridge when we $o"e to it#" %ah9 sighed. "5irst# let*s hear what old 1ada,e has to sa ." Not !eing a!le to think of an thing to sa in repl to that# I didn*t. Instead# I kept pa$e with " "entor in gloo" silen$e as we followed the $han$ellor*s dire$tions through the $orridors of the pala$e. It would have !een easier to a$$ept the offered guide to lead us to our destination# !ut I had !een "ore than a little eager to speak with %ah9 privatel . 6onse(uentl # we had left 1utter$up and 4leep in the $ourt ard with our e(uip"ent and were seeking out the general*s $ha"!ers on our own. +he pala$e was hone $o"!ed with $orridors to the point where I wondered if there weren*t "ore $orridors than roo"s. Our trek was "ade even "ore diffi$ult ! the light# or la$k thereof. +hough there were nu"erous "ountings for tor$hes set in the walls# it see"ed onl a!out one out of ever four was !eing used# and the light shed ! those tor$hes was less than ade(uate for a$$urate navigation of the la! rinth. I $o""ented on this to %ah9 as further proof of the tightfisted nature of the kingdo". 3is $urt response was that the "ore "one the saved on overhead and "aintenan$e# the "ore the would have to splurge on lu,uries . . . like us. 3e was doggedl tr ing to e,plain the $on$ept of an "energ $risis" to "e# when we rounded a $orner and sighted the general*s (uarters. +he were fairl eas to distinguish# sin$e this was the onl door we had en$ountered whi$h was !ra$keted ! a pair of snat$hing honor guards. +heir polished ar"or glea"ed fro" !road shoulders as the o!served our approa$h through narrowed e es. "%re these the (uarters of 4eneral 1ada,e7" I in(uired politel . "%re ou the "agi$ian $alled 0keeve7" the guard $hallenged !a$k. "+he kid asked ou a (uestion# soldier2" %ah9 inter$eded. "Now are ou going to answer or are ou so du"! ou don*t know what*s on the other side of the door ou*re guarding7" +he guard flushed !right red# and I noti$ed his partner*s knu$kles whitening on the pike he was gripping. It o$$urred to "e that now that I had landed the "agi$ian*s -o!# it "ight not !e the wisest $ourse to $ontinue antagoni9ing the "ilitar . "A"# %ah9 . . ." I "ur"ured. ":es2 +hese are the (uarters of 4eneral 1ada,e . . . sir2" the guard !arked suddenl . %pparentl the "ention of " $olleague*s na"e had $onfir"ed " identit # though I wondered how "an strangers $ould !e wandering the halls a$$o"panied ! large s$al de"ons. +he final# painful# "sir" was a tri!ute to " perfor"an$e in the $ourt ard. %pparentl the guards had !een instru$ted to !e polite# at least to "e# no "atter how "u$h it hurt . . . whi$h it o!viousl did. "+hank ou# guard#" I said loftil # and ha""ered on the door with " fist. "5urther#" the guard o!served# "the general left word that ou were to go right in." +he fa$t that he had withheld that !it of infor"ation until after I had kno$ked indi$ated that the guards hadn*t $o"pletel a!andoned their low regard for "agi$ians. +he were si"pl finding "ore su!tle wa s of !eing anno ing. I reali9ed %ah9 was getting read to start a new round with the guard# so I hastil opened the door and entered# for$ing hi" to follow. +he general was standing at the window# silhouetted ! the light strea"ing in fro" outside. %s we entered he turned to fa$e us. "%h2 6o"e in# gentle"en#" he !oo"ed in a "ellow tone. "I*ve !een e,pe$ting ou. ;o "ake ourselves $o"forta!le. 3elp ourselves to the wine if ou wish." I found his sudden displa of friendliness even "ore dis(uieting than his earlier show of hostilit . %ah9# however# took it all in stride# i""ediatel taking up the indi$ated -ug of wine. 5or a "o"ent I thought he was going to pour a !it of it into one of the go!lets whi$h shared the tra with the -ug and pass it to "e. Instead# he took a deep drink dire$tl fro" the -ug and kept it# li$king his lips in appre$iation. In the "idst of the $haos " life had suddenl !e$o"e# it was ni$e to know so"e things re"ained $onstant. +he general frowned at the displa for a "o"ent# then for$ed his features !a$k into the -ovial e,pression he had first greeted us with. "1efore we !egin the !riefing#" he s"iled# "I "ust apologi9e for " rude !ehavior during the interview. 4ri"!le and I have . . . differed in our opinions on the e,isting situation# and I*" afraid I took it out on ou. 5or that I e,tend " regrets. Ordinaril # I would have nothing against "agi$ians as a group# or ou spe$ifi$all . " "Whoa2 1a$k up a "inute# 4eneral#" %ah9 interrupted. "3ow does our feud with the $han$ellor involve us7" +he general*s e es glittered with a fier$eness that !elied the gentilit of his oration. "It*s an e,tension of our old argu"ent $on$erning allo$ation of funds#" he said. "When news rea$hed us of the approa$hing for$e# " advi$e to the king was to i""ediatel strengthen our own ar" that we "ight ade(uatel perfor" our sworn dut of defending the real"." "0ounds like good advi$e to "e#" I inter-e$ted# hoping to i"prove " status with the general ! agreeing with hi". 1ada,e responded ! fi,ing "e with a hard glare.

8D "0trange that ou should sa that# "agi$ian#" he o!served stonil . "4ri"!le*s advi$e was to invest the "one elsewhere than in the ar" # spe$ifi$all in a "agi$ian." It suddenl !e$a"e $lear wh we had !een re$eived ! the guards and the general with so"ething less than open-ar"ed $a"araderie. Not onl were the getting us instead of reinfor$e"ents# our presen$e was a slap at their a!ilities. "Oka # 4eneral#" %ah9 a$knowledged. "%ll that*s water under the draw!ridge. What are we up against7" +he general glan$ed !a$k and forth !etween "e and %ah9# apparentl surprised that I was allowing " apprenti$e to take the lead in the !riefing. When I failed to re!uke %ah9 for his forwardness# the general shrugged and "oved to a pie$e of par$h"ent hanging on the wall. "I !elieve the situation is shown $learl ! this-" he !egan. "What*s that7" %ah9 interrupted. +he general started to respond sharpl # then $aught hi"self. "+his#" he said evenl # "is a "ap of the kingdo" ou are supposed to defend. It*s $alled .ossiltu"." ":es# of $ourse#" I nodded. "6ontinue." "+his line here to the north of our !order represents the advan$ing ar" ou are to deal with." "+oo !ad ou $ouldn*t get it to s$ale#" %ah9 $o""ented. "+he wa ou have it there# the ene" *s front is longer than our !order." +he general !ared his teeth. "+he drawing is to s$ale#" he said pointedl . ".erhaps now ou will reali9e the "agnitude of the task !efore ou." / "ind !alked at a$$epting his state"ent. "Reall # 4eneral#" I $hided. "0urel ou*re overstating the $ase. +here aren*t enough fighting "en in an kingdo" to for" a front that long." "/agi$ian#" the general*s voi$e was "ena$ing# "I did not rea$h " $urrent rank ! overstating "ilitar situations. +he ar" ou are fa$ing is one of the "ightiest for$es the world has ever seen. It is the striking ar" of a rapidl growing e"pire situated far to the north. +he have !een advan$ing for three ears now# a!sor!ing s"aller kingdo"s and $rushing an resistan$e offered. %ll a!le-!odied "en of $on(uered lands are $ons$ripted for "ilitar servi$e# swelling their ranks to the si9e ou see indi$ated on the "ap. +he onl reason the are not advan$ing faster is that in addition to li"itless nu"!ers of "en# the possess "assive war "a$hines whi$h# though effe$tive# are slow to transport." "Now tell us the !ad news#" %ah9 $o""ented dr l . +he general took hi" seriousl . "+he !ad news#" he growled# "is that their leader is a strategist without peer. 3e rose to power troun$ing for$es triple the si9e of his own nu"!ers# and now that he has a "assive ar" at his $o""and# he is virtuall un!eata!le." "I*" !eginning to see wh the king put his "one into a "agi$ian#" " "entor o!served. "It doesn*t look like ou $ould have asse"!led a for$e large enough to stop the"." "+hat wasn*t " plan2" the general !ristled. "While we "a not have !een a!le to $rush the ene" # we $ould have "ade the" pa dearl enough for $rossing our !order that the "ight have turned aside for weaker lands easier to $on(uer." ":ou know# 1ada,e#" %ah9 said thoughtfull # "that*s not a !ad plan. Working together we "ight still pull it off. 3ow "an "en $an ou give us for support7" "None#" the general said fir"l . 8 !linked. "E,$use "e# 4eneral#" I pressed. "5or a "o"ent there# I thought ou said-" "None#" he repeated. "I will not assign a single soldier of "ine to support our $a"paign." "+hat*s insane2" %ah9 e,ploded. "3ow do ou e,pe$t us to stop an ar" like that with -ust "agik7" "I don*t#" the general s"iled. "1ut if we fail#" I pointed out# ".ossiltu" falls." "+hat is $orre$t#" 1ada,e replied $al"l . "1ut-" "%llow "e to $larif " position#" he interrupted. "In " esti"ation# there is "ore at stake here than one kingdo". If ou su$$eed in our "ission# it will esta!lish that "agik is "ore effe$tive than "ilitar for$e in defending a kingdo". Eventuall # that $ould lead to all ar"ies !eing dis!anded in preferen$e to hiring "agi$ians. I will have no part in esta!lishing a pre$edent su$h as that. If ou want to show that "agi$ians are superior to ar"ies# ou will have to do it with "agik alone. +he "ilitar will not lift a finger to assist ou." %s he spoke# he took the -ug of wine fro" %ah9*s unresisting fingers# a sign in itself that %ah9 was as stunned ! the general*s words as I was. "/ feelings on this su!-e$t are ver strong# gentle"en#" 1ada,e $ontinued# pouring hi"self so"e wine. "0o strong# in fa$t# I a" willing to sa$rifi$e " self and " kingdo" to prove the point. What is "ore# I would strongl suggest that ou do the sa"e." 3e paused# regarding us with those glittering e es. "1e$ause I tell ou here and now# should ou e"erge vi$torious fro" the i"pending !attle# ou will not live to $olle$t our reward. +he king "a rule the $ourt# !ut word of what happens in the kingdo" $o"es to hi" through " soldiers# and those soldiers will !e posted along our return path to the pala$e# with orders to !ring !a$k word of our a$$idental de"ise# even if the have to arrange it. ;o I "ake " self $lear7"


Chapter Eight
"%n thing worth doing# is worth doing for a profit." -+ERE0I%0 With a "assive effort of self-$ontrol# I $ontained " self not onl after we had left the general*s (uarters# !ut until we were out of earshot of the honor guard. When I finall spoke# I "anaged to keep the telltale note of h steria out of " voi$e# whi$h would have !etra ed " true feelings. "Like ou said# %ah9#" I $o""ented $asuall # "there are ar"ies and there are ar"ies. Right7" %ah9 wasn*t fooled for a "inute. "3 steri$s won*t get us an where# kid#" he o!served. "What we need is sound thinking." "E,$use "e#" I said pointedl # "!ut isn*t <sound thinking* what got us into the "ess in the first pla$e7" "Oka # oka 2" %ah9 gri"a$ed. "I*ll ad"it I "ade a few oversights when I originall appraised the situation." "% few oversights7" I e$hoed in$redulousl . "%ah9# this <$ush -o!* ou set "e up for doesn*t !ear even the vaguest rese"!lan$e to what ou des$ri!ed when ou sold "e on the idea." "I know# kid#" %ah9 sighed. "I definitel owe ou an apolog . +his sounds like it*s a$tuall going to !e work." "Work2" I shrieked# losing $ontrol slightl . "It*s going to !e sui$ide." %ah9 shook his head sadl . "+here ou go overrea$ting again. It doesn*t have to !e sui$ide. We*ve got a $hoi$e# ou know." "0ure#" I retorted sar$asti$all . "We $an get killed ! the invaders or we $an get killed ! 1ada,e*s !o s. 3ow sill of "e not to have reali9ed it. 5or a "o"ent there I was getting worried." "Our $hoi$e#" %ah9 $orre$ted sternl # "is to go through with this la"e-!rained "ission# or to take the "one and run." % ra of hope !roke through the dis"al gloo" that had !urdened " "ind. "%ah9#" I said in genuine awe# " ou*re a genius. 6*"on# let*s get going." "4et going where7" %ah9 asked. "1a$k to the inn# of $ourse#" I replied. "+he sooner the !etter." "+hat wasn*t one of our options#" " "entor sneered. "1ut ou said-" "I said <take the "one and run* not -ust <run#* ** he $orre$ted. "We aren*t going an where until we*ve seen 4ri"!le." "1ut %ah9-" " <1ut %ah9* nothing#" he interrupted fier$el . "+his little -aunt has $ost us a !undle. We*re going to at least "ake it !reak even# if not show a s"all profit." "It hasn*t $ost us an thing#" I said !luntl . "It $ost us travel ti"e and ti"e awa fro" our studies#" %ah9 $ountered. "+hat*s worth so"ething." "1ut-" "1esides#" he $ontinued loftil # "there are "ore i"portant issues at stake here." "Like what7" I pressed. "Well . . . like# u" . . ." "+here ou are# gentle"en2" We turned to find 4ri"!le approa$hing us rapidl fro" !ehind. "I was hoping to $at$h ou after the !riefing#" the $han$ellor $ontinued# -oining us. ";o ou "ind if I wat$h with ou7 *8 know ou*ll !e eager to start off on our $a"paign# !ut there are $ertain "atters we "ust dis$uss !efore ou leave." "Like our wages#" %ah9 supplied fir"l . 4ri"!le*s s"ile fro9e. "Oh2 :es# of $ourse. 5irst# however# there are other things to deal with. I trust the general supplied ou with the ne$essar infor"ation for our "ission." ";own to the last grueso"e detail#" I $onfir"ed. "4ood# good#" the $han$ellor $hortled# his enthusias" undi""ed ! " sar$as". "I have ever $onfiden$e ou*ll !e a!le to deal with the riffraff fro" the North. I*ll have ou know ou were " personal $hoi$e even !efore the interviews. In fa$t# I was the one responsi!le for sending ou the invitation in the first pla$e." "We*ll re"e"!er that#" %ah9 s"iled# his e es -narrowing *dangerousl . % thought o$$urred to "e. "0a . . . u"# Lord 6han$ellor#" I *said $asuall # "how did ou happen to hear of us in the first pla$e7" "Wh do ou ask7" 4ri"!le $ountered. "No spe$ial reason#" I assured hi". "1ut as the interview proved so fruitful# I would like to send a token of " gratitude to that person who spoke so highl of "e to ou." It was a prett fli"s stor # !ut the $han$ellor see"ed to a$$ept it. "Well . . . u"# a$tuall it was a wen$h#" he ad"itted. "Rather $o"el # !ut I don*t re$all her na"e -ust offhand. 0he "a have d ed her hair sin$e ou "et her. It was green at the ti"e we . . . er . . . "et. ;o ou know her7" Indeed I did. +here was onl one wo"an who knew of %ah9 and "e# "u$h less our wherea!outs. +hen again# there was onl one

8G wo"an I knew who fit the des$ription of !eing voluptuous with green hair. +anda2 I opened " "outh to a$knowledge " re$ognition# when %ah9 dug a warning el!ow into " ri!. "4lah2" I said intelligentl . "3ow*s that again7" 4ri"!le in(uired. "I . . . u"# I $an*t pla$e the person# -ust offhand#" I lied. "1ut ou know how a!sent"inded we "agi$ians are." "Of $ourse#" the $han$ellor s"iled# for so"e reason relieved. "Now that that*s settled#" %ah9 interrupted# "I !elieve ou "entioned so"ething a!out our wages." 4ri"!le s$owled for a "o"ent# then !roke into a good-natured grin. "I $an see wh /aster 0keeve leaves his !usiness dealings to ou# %ah9#" he $on$eded. "5latter *s ni$e#" %ah9 o!served# "!ut ou $an*t spend it. +he su!-e$t was our wages." ":ou "ust reali9e we are a hu"!le kingdo"#" 4ri"!le sighed# "though we tr to reward our retainers as !est we $an. +here have !een (uarters set aside for the $ourt "agi$ian# whi$h should !e spa$ious enough to a$$o""odate !oth of ou. :our "eals will !e provided . . . that is# of $ourse# assu"ing ou are on ti"e when the are served. %lso# there is a possi!ilit . . . no# I*d go so far as to sa it is a $ertaint that 3is /a-est *s generosit will !e e,tended to in$lude free sta!le spa$e and food for our uni$orns. 3ow does that sound7" "0o far# prett $heap#" %ah9 o!served !luntl . "What do ou "ean# <$heap7* " the $han$ellor snarled# losing his $o"posure for a "o"ent. "What ou*ve offered so far#" %ah9 sneered# "is a roo" we won*t !e sleeping in# "eals we won*t !e eating# and sta!le spa$e we won*t !e using !e$ause we*ll !e in the field fighting our war for ou. In e,$hange# ou want 0keeve here to use his skills to save our kingdo". 1 " $al$ulations# that*s $heap2" ":es# I see our point#" 4ri"!le $on$eded. "Well# there will# of $ourse# !e a s"all wage paid." "3ow s"all7" %ah9 pressed-) "0uffi$ient to $over our e,penses#" the $han$ellor s"iled. "0hall we sa fift gold pie$es a "onth7" "Let*s sa two hundred#" %ah9 s"iled !a$k. ".erhaps we $ould go as high as sevent -five#" 4ri"!le $ountered. "%nd we*ll $o"e down to two-twent -five#" %ah9 offered. "6onsidering his skills# we $ould pa . . . e,$use "e#" the $han$ellor !linked. ";id ou sa two-twent -five7" "%$tuall #" %ah9 $on$eded# "I "isspoke." "I thought so." 4ri"!le s"iled. "I "eant two-fift ." "Now see here-"the $han$ellor !egan. "Look# 4ri"!le#" %ah9 "et hi" halfwa # " ou had three $hoi$es. :ou $ould dou!le the si9e of our ar" # hire a "agi$ian# or lose the kingdo". Even at three hundred a "onth# 0keeve here is our !est deal. ;on*t look at what ou*re spending# look at what ou*re saving." 4ri"!le thought a!out it for a few "o"ents. "Ver well#" he said# gri"a$ing. "+wo-fift it is." "I !elieve the figure under dis$ussion was three hundred#" I o!served pointedl . +hat earned "e a !la$k look# !ut I stood " ground and returned his stare levell . "+hree hundred#" he said# for$ing the words out through gritted teeth. ".a a!le in advan$e#" %ah9 added. ".a a!le at the end of the pa period#" 4ri"!le $orre$ted. "6*"on# 4ri"!le#" %ah9 !egan# !ut the $han$ellor interrupted hi"# holding up his hand. "No2 On that point I "ust re"ain infle,i!le#" he insisted. "Ever one in the Ro al Retinue is paid at the sa"e ti"e# when the vaults are opened at the end of the pa period. If we !reak that rule and start allowing e,$eptions# there will !e no end to it." "6an ou at least give us a partial advan$e7" %ah9 pressed. "0o"ething to $over e,penses on the up$o"ing $a"paign7" ";efinitel not2" 4ri"!le retorted. "If I paid out "onies for servi$es not et rendered# $ertain people# spe$ifi$all 3ugh 1ada,e# would suspe$t ou intended to take the "one and flee without entering !attle at all2" +hat hit un$o"forta!l $lose to ho"e# and I found " self averting " e es for fear of !etra ing " guilt. %ah9# however# never even !linked. "What a!out !ri!es7" he asked. 4ri"!le s$owled. "It is unthinka!le that one of the king*s retainers would a$$ept a !ri!e# "u$h less $ount on it as part of his in$o"e. %n atte"pt to !ri!e ou should !e reported i""ediatel to 3is /a-est 2" "Not taking !ri!es# 4ri"!le#" %ah9 snarled. "4iving the". When we give "one out to the ene" # does that $o"e out of our wages# or does the kingdo" pa for it7" "I seriousl dou!t ou $ould !u off the ar" fa$ing ou#" the $han$ellor o!served skepti$all . "1esides# ou*re supposed to $arr the da with "agik. +hat*s what we*re pa ing ou for." "Even "agik is aided ! a$$urate infor"ation#" %ah9 replied pointedl . "6*"on 4ri"!le# ou know $ourt intrigue. % little advan$e warning $an go a long wa in an !attle." "+rue enough#" the $han$ellor ad"itted. "Ver well# I guess we $an give ou an allowan$e for !ri!es# assu"ing it will !e kept

8H within reason." "3ow "u$h in reason7" %ah9 in(uired. "0a . . . five gold pie$es." "+went -five would-" "5ive2" 4ri"!le said fir"l . %ah9 studied his adversar for a "o"ent# then sighed. "5ive#" he said# e,tending his pal". +he $han$ellor grudgingl dug into his purse and $ounted out five gold pie$es. In fa$t# he $ounted the" twi$e !efore passing the" to %ah9. ":ou reali9e# of $ourse#" he warned# "I will re(uire an a$$ounting of those funds after our vi$tor ." "Of $ourse#" %ah9 s"iled# fondling the $oins. ":ou see" ver $onfident of our vi$tor # Lord 6han$ellor#" I o!served. 4ri"!le regarded "e with $o$ked e e!row for a "o"ent. "Of $ourse I a" $onfident# Lord /agi$ian#" he said at last. "0o $onfident# I have staked " kingdo"# and "ore i"portantl # " reputation# on our su$$ess. :ou will note I rate " reputation a!ove the kingdo". +hat is no a$$ident. Kingdo"s rise and fall# !ut a $han$ellor $an alwa s find e"plo "ent. +hat is# of $ourse# providing it was not his advi$e whi$h !rought the kingdo" to ruin. 0hould ou fail in our $a"paign to save .ossiltu"# " $areer is finished. If that should happen# gentle"en# our $areers fall with "ine." "+hat has the sound of a threat to it# 4ri"!le#" %ah9 o!served dr l . ";oes it7" the $han$ellor responded with "o$k inno$en$e. "+hat was not " intent. I a" not threatening# I a" stating a fa$t. I "aintain ver $lose $onta$t with the $han$ellors of all of the surrounding kingdo"sE in fa$t I a" related to several. +he are all aware of " position in this "agik versus the "ilitar issue. 0hould I prove wrong in " -udg"ent# should ou fail in our defense of .ossiltu"# the will note it. +hereafter# an "agi$ian-and ou spe$ifi$all # 0keeve-will !e denoun$ed as a fraud and a $harlatan should ou seek further e"plo "ent. In fa$t# as the $han$ellors fre(uentl $ontrol the $ourts# I would not !e surprised if the found an e,$use or a tru"ped-up $harge whi$h would allow the" to have ou put to death as a favor to "e. +he "ethod of death varies fro" kingdo" to kingdo"# !ut the end result is the sa"e. I trust ou will keep that in "ind as ou plan our $a"paign." With that# he turned on his heel and strode awa # leaving us standing in silen$e. "Well# %ah9#" I said finall # "do ou have an sound advi$e on our situation now7" "Of $ourse#" he retorted. "What7" I asked. "Now that we*ve got the whole stor #" he said sole"nl # "now ou $an pani$."

Chapter Nine
"+here is "ore at stake here than our lives." -6OL. +R%VI0 %la"o .ep +alk On the third night after leaving .ossiltu"*s $apital# we $a"ped on a s"all knoll overlooking the kingdo"*s "ain north-south trail. %$tuall # I use the phase "north-south" rather loosel in this instan$e. In three da s* travel# our progress was the onl northward "ove"ent we had o!served on this parti$ular strip of !eaten dirt. +he dearth of north!ound traffi$ was e"phasi9ed ! the high volu"e of people !ound in the opposite dire$tion. %s we traveled we were $onstantl en$ountering s"all groups and fa"ilies pi$king their wa steadil toward the $apital in that unhurried et groundeating pa$e that t pifies people a$$usto"ed to traveling without "eans of transport other than their feet. +he did not see" parti$ularl frightened or pani$k # !ut two $o""on $hara$teristi$s "arked the" all as !eing "ore than $asual travelers. 5irst# the great a"ount of personal effe$ts the $arried was far in e,$ess of that re(uired for a si"ple pilgri"age. Whether !ound in $u"!erso"e !a$kpa$ks or heaped in s"all# hand-pushed $arts# it was o!vious the south!ound travelers were !ringing with the" as "u$h of their worldl possessions as the $ould $arr or drag. 0e$ond# no one paid us an heed other than a passing glan$e. +his was even "ore noteworth than the prior o!servation. 6urrentl # our part $onsisted of three) " self# %ah9# and 4leep. We had left 1utter$up at the pala$e# "u$h to %ah9*s disgust. 3e would have preferred to leave 4leep and !ring 1utter$up# !ut the ro al orders had !een fir" on this point. +he dragon was not to re"ain at the pala$e unless one or !oth of us also sta ed !ehind to handle hi". %s a result# we traveled as a trio-a outh# a dragon# and a gru"!ling de"on-not e,a$tl a $o""on sight in these or an other parts. +he peasants flowing south# however# !arel noti$ed us other than to give us $lear road spa$e when we passed. %ah9 "aintained that this was !e$ause whatever the were running fro" inspired su$h fear that the !arel noted an thing or an !od in their path. 3e further sur"ised that the "otivating for$e for this e,odus $ould onl !e the ver ar" we were on our wa to oppose. +o prove his point# we atte"pted to (uestion several of the groups when we en$ountered the". We stopped doing this after the first da due to the si"ilarities of the replies we re$eived. 0a"ple)

8I %ah9) 3old# stranger2 Where are ou going7 %nswer) +o the $apital2 %ah9) Wh 7 %nswer) +o !e as near as possi!le to the king when he "akes his defense against the invaders fro" the North. 3e*ll have to tr to save hi"self even if he won*t defend the outlands. %ah9) 6iti9en ou need flee no "ore. :ou have underesti"ated our king*s $on$ern for our safet . :ou see !efore ou the new $ourt "agi$ian# retained ! 3is /a-est spe$ifi$all for the purpose of defending .ossiltu" fro" the invading ar" . What sa ou to that7 %nswer) One "agi$ian7 %ah9) With " own a!le assistan$e# of $ourse. %nswer) I*d sa ou were $ra9 . %ah9) Now look%nswer) No# ou look# whoever or whatever ou are. /eaning no disrespe$t to this or an other "agi$ian# ou*re fools to oppose that ar" . /agik "a !e well and good against an ordinar for$e# !ut ou aren*t going to stop that ar" with one "agi$ian . . . or twent "agi$ians for that "atter. %ah9) We have ever $onfiden$e%nswer) 5ine# then ou go north. /e# I*" heading for the $apital2 +hough this e,$hange had eventuall (uelled our efforts to reassure the popula$e# it had given rise to an argu"ent whi$h was still unresolved as we prepared to sleep on the third night. "What happened to our plan to take the "one and run7" I gru"!led. "1ig deal#" %ah9 shot !a$k. "5ive whole gold pie$es." ":ou said ou wanted a profit#" I pressed. "Oka 2 We*ve got one. 0o it*s s"all . . . !ut so was the effort we put into it. 6onsidering we didn*t spend an thing-" "What a!out the uni$orn7" %ah9 $ountered. "While the *re still holding the uni$orn# we*ve lost "one on the deal." "%ah9#" I re"inded hi". "1utter$up didn*t $ost us an thing# re"e"!er7 3e was a gift fro" @uigle ." "It would $ost "one to repla$e hi"#" %ah9 insisted. "+hat "eans that we lost "one on the deal unless we get hi" !a$k. I*ve told ou# I want a profit . . . and definitel refuse to a$$ept a loss." "4leep7" %ah9*s heated words had awakened " dragon# who raised his head in sleep in(uir . "4o !a$k to sleep# 4leep2" I said soothingl . "Ever thing*s all right." Reassured# he rolled onto his !a$k and laid !a$k his head. Ridi$ulous as he looked# l ing there with his four legs sti$king up in the air# he had re"inded "e of so"ething. I pondered the "e"or for a "o"ent# then de$ided to $hange " ta$ti$s. "%ah9#" I said thoughtfull # "what*s the real reason for our wanting to go through with this7" "Weren*t ou listening# kid7 I 0aid-" "I know# I know#" I interrupted. ":ou said it was# for the profit. +he onl thing-wrong with that is ou tried to leave 4leep !ehind# who $ost us "one # instead of 1utter$up# who didn*t $ost us an thing2 +hat doesn*t ring true if ou*re tr ing to show a profit with the least possi!le effort." "A"# ou know how I feel a!out that stupid dragon-" %ah9 !egan. "%nd ou know how I feel a!out hi"#" I interrupted# "%s su$h# ou also know I*d never a!andon hi" to save " own skin# "u$h less for "one . 5or so"e reason# ou wanted to !e sure I*d see this thing through . . . and that reason has nothing at all to do with "one . Now# what is it7" It was %ah9*s turn to lapse into thoughtful silen$e. ":ou*re getting !etter at figuring things out# kid#" he said finall . Nor"all # I would have !een happ to a$$ept the $o"pli"ent. +his ti"e# however# I saw it as what it was) an atte"pt to distra$t "e. "+he reason# %ah9#" I said fir"l . "+here are several reasons# kid#" he said with un$hara$teristi$ sole"nit . "+he "ain one is that ou*re not a "aster "agi$ian et." "If ou don*t "ind " sa ing so#" I $o""ented dr l # "that doesn*t "ake a whole lot of sense. If I*" short on a!ilit # wh are ou so eager to shove "e into this "ission7" "3ear "e out# kid#" %ah9 said# raising a restraining hand. "I "ade a "istake# and that "istake has du"ped us into a situation that needs a "aster "agi$ian. /ore than a "aster "agi$ian*s a!ilities# we need a "aster "agi$ian*s $ons$ien$e. ;o ou follow "e7" "No#" I ad"itted. "Not surprising#" %ah9 sighed. "+hat*s wh I tried to tri$k ou into $o"pleting this "ission instead of e,plaining it. 0o far# all our training has !een on ph si$al a!ilities without developing our professional $ons$ien$e." ":ou*ve taught "e to keep one e e on the profits#" I pointed out defensivel . "+hat*s not what I "ean# kid. Look# for a "inute forget a!out profits." "%re ou feeling oka # %ah97" I asked with genuine $on$ern. ":ou don*t sound like ourself at all." "Will ou get off " !a$k# kid#" he snarled. "I*" tr ing to e,plain so"ething i"portant2" I sank into a $owed silen$e. 0till I was reassured. %ah9 was definitel %ah9.

>J "When ou were apprenti$ed to 4arkin#" %ah9 !egan# "and even when ou first "et "e# ou didn*t want to !e a "agi$ian. :ou wanted to !e a thief. +o fo$us our energies !ehind our lessons# I had to stress how "u$h !enefit ou $ould reap fro" learning "agik." 3e paused. I didn*t sa an thing. +here was nothing to sa . 3e was right# !oth in his re$olle$tions and his interpretation of the". "Well#" he sighed# "there*s another side to "agik. +here*s a responsi!ilit . . . a responsi!ilit to our fellow pra$titioners# and# "ore i"portantl # to "agik itself. Even though we have rivals and will pro!a!l a$(uire "ore if we live that long# and even though we "a fight with the" or !eat the" out for a -o!# we are all !ound ! a $o""on $ause. Ever "agi$ian has a dut to pro"ote "agik# to see that its use is respe$ted and reputa!le. +he greater the "agi$ian# the greater his sense of dut ." "What*s that got to do with our $urrent situation7" I pro"pted. "+here*s an issue at stake here# kid#" he answered $arefull . ":ou heard it fro" 1ada,e and 4ri"!le !oth. /ore i"portantl # ou heard it fro" the popula$e when we talked to the peasants. Rodri$k is ga"!ling his entire kingdo" on the a!ilit of "agik to do a -o!. Now# no one !ut a "agi$ian $an tell how reasona!le or unreasona!le a task that "ight !e. If we fail# all the la "en will see is that "agik failed# and the *ll never trust it again. +hat*s wh we $an*t walk awa fro" this "ission. We*re here representing "agik . . . and we*ve got to give it our !est shot." I thought a!out that for a few "o"ents. "1ut what $an we do against a whole ar" 7" I asked finall . "+o !e honest with ou#" %ah9 sighed# "I reall don*t know. I*" hoping we $an $o"e up with an idea after we*ve seen e,a$tl what it is we*re up against." We sat silentl together for a long ti"e after that# ea$h lost in his own thoughts of the "ission and what was at stake.

Chapter Ten
"One need not fear superior nu"!ers if the opposing for$e has !een properl s$outed and appraised." -0. 1ALL / last vestige of hope was s(uashed when we finall sighted the ar" . Reports of its "assive si9e had not !een overstatedE if an thing# the had failed to e,press the full i"pa$t of the for$e*s "ight. Our s$outing "ission had taken us a$ross .ossiltu"*s northern !order and several da s* -ourne into its neigh!or*s interior. +he na"e of this kingdo" was in$onse(uential. If it was not alread $onsidered part of the new e"pire# it would !e as soon as the news spread. We weren*t sure if we had -ust "issed the last !attle# or if the kingdo" had si"pl surrendered. Whi$hever the $ase# there were no defending troops in eviden$e# -ust large en$a"p"ents of the E"pire*s for$es spread out in a rough line whi$h disappeared over the hori9on in either dire$tion. 5ortunatel # the ar" was not $urrentl on the "ove# whi$h "ade our s$outing $onsidera!l easier. +here were sentries posted at regular intervals all along the front line# !ut as the were not "ore than a given distan$e fro" the en$a"p"ents# we si"pl traversed the line without approa$hing the" too $losel # and thus es$aped dete$tion. .eriodi$all # we would $reep $loser to an en$a"p"ent or $li"! a tree to i"prove our view. %ah9 see"ed ver a!sor!ed in his own thoughts# !oth when we were a$tuall viewing the troops and as we were traveling to new lo$ations. 0in$e I $ouldn*t get "ore than an o$$asional grunt or "onos lla!le out of hi"# I o$$upied " self "aking " own o!servations. +he soldiers were $lothed roughl the sa"e. 0tandard e(uip"ent see"ed to in$lude a leather hel"et and !reastplate# a rough knee-length $loth tuni$# sandals# sword# two -avelins# and a large re$tangular shield. %pparentl the were not planning to "ove i""ediatel # for the had pit$hed their tents and spent "ost of their ti"e sharpening weapons# repairing ar"or# eating# or si"pl lolling a!out. O$$asionall # a "etal-en$rusted soldier# presu"a!l # an offi$er# would appear and shout at the others# whereupon the would listlessl for" ranks and drill. +heir pra$ti$e would usuall grind to a halt as soon as the offi$er passed fro" view. +here were o$$asional pie$es of siege e(uip"ent designed to throw large ro$ks or spears long distan$es# though we never saw the" in operation. +he onl pie$es of e(uip"ent that see"ed to !e used with an regularit were the signal towers. Ea$h en$a"p"ent had one of these# a ri$ket affair of lashed together poles stret$hing roughl twent feet in the air and sur"ounted ! a s"all# s(uare platfor". 0everal ti"es a da # one soldier in ea$h en$a"p"ent would "ount one of these stru$tures# and the would signal to ea$h other with pennants or standards. +he towers also did dut as $lotheslines# and were periodi$all draped with dr ing tuni$s. %ll in all# it looked like an in$redi!l !oring e,isten$e. In fa$t# fro" " appraisal# the onl thing duller than !eing a soldier of the E"pire was spending da s on end wat$hing soldiers of the E"pire2 I $o""ented on this to %ah9 as we la !ell -down on a grass knoll# surve ing et another en$a"p"ent. ":ou*re right# kid#" he ad"itted a!sentl . "1eing a soldier is prett dull work." "3ow a!out us7" I pro!ed# eager to keep hi" talking. "What we*re doing isn*t e,a$tl e,$iting# ou know2" ":ou want e,$ite"ent7" he asked# fo$using on "e for the first ti"e in da s. "+ell ou what. Wh don*t ou -ust stroll down there and ask the Offi$er of the ;a for a (ui$k rundown on how their ar" operates7 I !et that*ll liven things up for ou." "I*" not that !ored2" I a"ended hastil . "+hen what sa ou -ust keep (uiet and let "e do this " wa ." %ah9 s"iled and resu"ed his studies. ";o what our wa 7" I persisted. "E,a$tl what is it we*re tr ing to a$$o"plish an wa 7" %ah9 sighed.

>8 "We*re s$outing the ene" #" he e,plained patientl . "We*ve got enough going against us on this $a"paign without rushing in uninfor"ed." "3ow "u$h infor"ation do we need7" I gru"!led. "+his en$a"p"ent doesn*t look an different fro" the last five we looked at." "+hat*s !e$ause ou don*t know what ou*re looking for#" %ah9 s$offed. "What have ou learned so far a!out the opposition7" I wasn*t read for the (uestion !ut I ga"el rose to the $hallenge. "A" . . . there are a lot of the" . . . the *re well ar"ed... u" . . . and the have $atapults . . ." "+hat*s all7" %ah9 sneered. "1rilliant2 :ou and 1ada,e "ake a great tea" of ta$ti$ians." "Oka # so tea$h "e2" I shot !a$k. "What have ou learned7" ":ou $an spend ears tr ing to learn "ilitar theor without s$rat$hing the surfa$e#" " "entor replied sternl . "1ut I*ll tr to give ou the i"portant parts in a nutshell. +o appraise a for$e# su$h as we*re doing now# re"e"!er two words) <0a"* and *;o$.* " <0a"* and *;o$#* " I repeated dutifull ) "0o"e folks prefer to re"e"!er <0alute* !ut I like <0a"* and *;o$# * " %ah9 added as an aside. "+errifi$#" I said# gri"a$ing. "Now tell "e what it "eans." "+he *re to help ou re"e"!er an infor"ation $he$klist#" %ah9 $onfided. " <0alute*s stands for 0i9e# %$tivit # Lo$ation# Anit# +i"e# and E(uip"ent. +hat*s fine as far as it goes# !ut it assu"es no -udg"ental a!ilit on the part of the s$out. I prefer <0a"* and *;o$.* +hat stands for 0trength# %r"a"ent# /ove"ent# and ;eplo "ent# Organi9ation# and 6o""uni$ations." "Oh#" I said# hoping he wasn*t e,pe$ting "e to re"e"!er all this. "Now# using that fra"ework#" %ah9 $ontinued# "let*s su""ari9e what we*ve seen so far. 0i9e) there are lots of the"# enough so it*s kind of pointless to tr for an e,a$t $ount. /ove"ent) $urrentl # the *re -ust sitting there." "I got that far all ! " self#" I pointed out sar$asti$all . "+he !ig ke # however#" %ah9 $ontinued# ignoring "e# "is in their %r"a"ent and E(uip"ent. When ou look at this# $onsider !oth what is there and what isn*t." "3ow*s that again7" I asked. "What there is# is a lot of foot-s$hloggers# infantr # a little artiller in the for" of $atapults and ar$hers# !ut nothing even vaguel rese"!ling $avalr . +hat "eans the *re going to go slow when the "ove# parti$ularl in !attle. We don*t have to worr a!out an fast# flanking "ovesE it*ll !e a toe-to-toe slugfest." "1ut# %ah9-" I !egan. "%s to the ;eplo "ent and Organi9ation#" he pushed on undaunted# "the *re strung out all over the pla$e# pro!a!l !e$ause it*s easier to forage for food that wa . +hen again# it displa s a $ertain $onfiden$e on their part that the don*t feel it*s ne$essar to "ass their for$es. I think we*re looking at their Organi9ation# a $olle$tion of $o"panies or !attalions ea$h under the leadership of two or three offi$ers# all under the guidan$e of a super-leader or general." "%ah9-" I tried again. "6o""uni$ations see"s to !e their "ost vulnera!le point#" %ah9 pushed on doggedl . "If an ar" this si9e doesn*t $oordinate its "ove"ents# it*s in !ig trou!le. If the *re reall using signal towers and runners to pass "essages# we "ight !e a!le to -in, the works for the"." "%ll of whi$h "eans what7" I interrupted finall . "3""7 Oh# that*s a $apsule su""ar of what we*re up against#" %ah9 replied inno$entl . "I know. I know#" I sighed. "1ut for da s ou*ve !een sa ing ou*ll for"ulate a plan after ou*ve seen what we*re up against. Well# ou*ve seen it. What*s the plan7 3ow $an we !eat *e"7" "+here*s no wa # kid#" %ah9 ad"itted heavil . "If I had seen one# I would have told ou# !ut I haven*t# and that*s wh I keep looking." "/a !e there isn*t one#" I suggested $autiousl . %ah9 sighed. "I*" starting to think ou*re right. If so# that "eans we*ll have to do so"ething I reall don*t want to do." ":ou "ean give up7" I said# genuinel startled. "%fter that !ig spee$h ou gave "e a!out responsi!ilit and-" "Whoa#" %ah9 interrupted. "I didn*t sa an thing a!out giving up. What we*re going to do is-" "4leep2 " +he un"istaka!le sound $a"e to us fro" !ehind# rolling up the hill fro" the !rush-filled gull where we*d left " pet. "Kid#" %ah9 "oaned# "will ou keep that stupid dragon (uiet7 %ll we need now is to have hi" pull the ar" down our ne$ks." "Right# %ah92" I agreed# wor"ing awa !a$kward as fast as I $ould. %s soon as I was $lear of the $rest of the hill# I rose to a low $rou$h and s$uttled down the slope in that position. 6rawling is neither a fast nor $o"forta!le "eans of travel for "e. %s per our now nor"al pro$edure# we had tethered 4leep to a tree . . . a large tree after he had su$$essfull uprooted several s"all ones. Needless to sa # he wasn*t wild a!out the idea# !ut it was ne$essar $onsidering the deli$ate nature of our $urrent work. "4leep2" I $ould see hi" now# eagerl straining at the end of his rope. 0urprisingl # however# for a $hange he wasn*t tr ing to get to "e. In fa$t# he was tr ing his !est to get at a large !ush whi$h stood so"e distan$e fro" his tree . . . or at so"ething hidden in the !ush2 6old sweat suddenl popped out on " !row. It o$$urred to "e that 4leep "ight have !een dis$overed -! one of the ene" ar" s$outs. +hat would !e !ad enough# !ut even worse was the possi!ilit said s$out "ight still !e around. I hurriedl stepped sidewa s into the shadow of a tree and reviewed the situation-. I hadn*t a$tuall seen a s$out. In fa$t# there

>> was no "ove"ent at all in the indi$ated !ush. I $ould sneak !a$k and get %ah9# !ut if I were wrong he wouldn*t !e ver happ over !eing $alled to handle a false alar". I $ould set 4leep loose and let hi" find the intruder# !ut that would "ean e,posing " self. %s I stood de!ating " ne,t $ourse of a$tion# so"eone slipped up !ehind "e and put hands over " e es. "0urprise2" $a"e a soft voi$e in " ear.

Chapter Eleven
"0hould old a$(uaintan$e !e forgot . . ." -6OAN+ O5 /ON+E 6RI0+O I -u"ped2 .erhaps I should $larif . When I sa "I -u"ped#" I "ean I reall -u"ped. Over a ear ago# %ah9 had taught "e to fl # whi$h is a$tuall $ontrolled hovering $aused ! reverse levitation. Whatever it was# I did it. I went straight up in the air a!out ten feet and sta ed there. I didn*t know what had snu$k up !ehind "e# and didn*t want to know. I wanted help2 I wanted %ah92 I drew a "ight !reath to e,press this desire. "Kinda -u"p # aren*t ou# handso"e7" +hat penetrated " pani$. 0tifling " shout !efore it trul !egan# I looked down on " atta$ker. 5ro" " vantage point# I was treated to a view of a gorgeous golden-olive $o"ple,ioned fa$e# a$$ented ! al"ond-shaped $at*s e es# fra"ed ! a "agnifi$ent tu"!le of light green hair. I $ould also see a generous e,panse of $leavage. "+anda2" I $rowed with delight# for$ing " e es !a$k to her fa$e. ";o ou "ind $o"ing down7" she $alled. "I $an*t $o"e up." I $onsidered swooping down on her -dra"ati$all # !ut de$ided against it. I*" still not all that good at fl ing# and the effe$t would !e lost $o"pletel if I $rashed into her. Instead# I settled for lowering " self gentl to the ground a few pa$es fro" her. "4ee# +anda# I . . . gla$k2" +he last was s(uee9ed for$efull fro" "e as she swept "e into a !one-$rushing e"!ra$e. "4ee# it*s good to see ou# handso"e#" she "ur"ured happil . "3ow have ou !een7" "I was fine#" I noted# untangling " self !riefl . "What are ou doing here7" +he last ti"e I had seen her# +anda was part of the ill-fated group %ah9 and I had seen off to di"ensions unknown. Of the whole $rowd# she had !een the onl one I was sorr to see go. "I*" waiting for ou# sill #" she teased# slipping an affe$tionate ar" around " waist. "Where*s %ah97" "3e*s-" I started to point up the hill when a thought o$$urred to "e. "0a . . . how did ou know I had %ah9 with "e7" "Oh2 ;on*t get "ad#" she s$olded# giving "e a pla ful shake. "It stands to reason. Even %ah9 wouldn*t let ou fa$e that ar" alone." "1ut how did ou-" "4leep2" / dragon had dis$overed his (uarr was no longer hiding !ehind the !ush. %s a result# he was now straining at the end of his rope tr ing to rea$h us. +he tree he was tethered to was swa ing dangerousl . "4leep2" +anda $alled in a delighted voi$e. "3ow are a# fella7" +he tree dipped to new lows as " dragon (uivered with glee at having !een re$ogni9ed. I was (uivering a little " self. +anda had that affe$t on "ales. 3eedless of her own safet # +anda !ounded forward to kneel !efore the dragon# pulling his whiskers and s$rat$hing his nose affe$tionatel . 4leep loved it. I loved it# too. In addition to her usual soft# $alf-high !oots# +anda was wearing a short green tuni$# whi$h hugged her generous $urves and showed off her legs -ust swell. What*s "ore# when she knelt down like that# the he" rode up until.... "What*s wrong with that dragon7" %ah9 !oo"ed# !ursting out of the !rush !ehind "e. +his ti"e I didn*t -u"p . . . "u$h. "4ee# %ah9#" I !egan. "It*s . . ." I needn*t have !othered tr ing to e,plain. +anda un$oiled and $a"e past "e in a !ound. "%ah92" she e,$lai"ed# flinging herself into his ar"s. 5or a $hange# " "entor was $aught as flat-footed as I had !een. 5or a "o"ent# the tangle of ar"s teetered on the !rink of $ollapse# then down it went. +he landed with a resounding thu"p# %ah9 on the !otto" and therefore soaking up "ost of the i"pa$t. "0till i"pulsive# aren*t ou7" +anda leered. "Whoosh.... hah . . . ah . . ." %ah9 responded ur!anel . +anda rolled to her feet and !egan rearranging her tuni$. "%t least I don*t have to ask if ou*re glad to see "e#" she o!served. "+anda2" %ah9 gasped at last.

>? ":ou re"e"!ered7" +anda !ea"ed. "0he*s !een waiting for us# %ah9#" I supplied !rightl . "+hat*s right2" %ah9 s$owled. "4ri"!le said ou set us up for this -o!." +anda win$ed. "I $an e,plain that#" she said apologeti$all . "I $an hardl wait#" %ah9 intoned. "I*" kind of $urious a!out that " self#" I added. "A" . . . this $ould take a while# gu s#" she said thoughtfull . "4ot an thing around to drink7" +hat was easil the "ost reasona!le (uestion asked so far toda . We !roke out the wine# and in no ti"e were sitting around in a s"all $ir$le (uen$hing our thirst. /u$h to %ah9*s disgust# I insisted we sit $lose enough to 4leep that he not !e left out. +his "eant# of $ourse# his rather aro"ati$ !reath flavored our dis$ussion# !ut as I pointed out it was the onl wa to keep hi" (uiet while we talked. "What happened after ou left7" I prodded. "Where are Isstvan and 1ro$khurst and 3iggins7 What happened to @uigle 7 ;id the ever !ring 5ru"ple !a$k to life# or is he still a statue7" "Later# kid#" %ah9 interrupted. "5irst things first. :ou were a!out to e,plain a!out 4ri"!le." "4ri"!le#" +anda responded# wrinkling her nose. ";id ou ever noti$e the <$rookeder* a person is# the "ore possessive he is7 3e*s the "ain reason I didn*t wait for ou at .ossiltu"." "5ro" the !eginning#" %ah9 instru$ted. "5ro" the !eginning." +anda pursed her lips thoughtfull . "Well# I pi$ked hi" up in a singles !ar . . . he*s "arried# !ut I didn*t know that till later." "What*s a singles !ar7" I interrupted. "0hut up# kid#" %ah9 snarled. "Well# it wasn*t a$tuall a singles !ar#" +anda $orre$ted. "It was "ore of K tavern. I should have known he was "arried. I "ean# no!od that oung is that !ald unless he*s got a wife at ho"e." "0kip the philosoph #" %ah9 "oaned. "=ust tell us the stor # huh7" +anda $o$ked an e e!row at hi". ":ou know# %ah9#" she a$$used# "for so"eone as long-winded as ou are when it $o"es to telling stories# ou*re awfull i"patient when it $o"es to listening to so"eone else." "0he*s right# ou know#" I $o""ented. "Enough2" %ah9 !ellowed. "+he stor 2" "Well# one of the things 4ri"!le "entioned while he was tr ing to i"press "e with how i"portant his -o! was# was that he was tr ing to find a $ourt "agi$ian. 3e said he had $onvin$ed the king to hire one# !ut now he $ouldn*t find one and was going to end up looking like an idiot." "%nd when he "entioned idiots#" I supplied# "naturall ou thought of us." "Now# don*t !e that wa #" +anda s$olded. "I thought it was a good wa to help out a $ouple of friends. I knew ou two were hanging out in this ne$k of the woods . . . and ever !od knows what a $ush -o! !eing a $ourt "agi$ian is." "What did I tell ou# kid#" %ah9 $o""ented. "We "ust !e talking a!out different -o!s#" I retorted. "3e #" +anda interrupted# la ing a soft hand on " ar". "When I gave hi" our na"es# I didn*t know a!out the invading ar" . 3onest2" / anger "elted awa at her tou$h. Right then# she $ould have told "e she had sold " head as a $enterpie$e and I would have forgiven her. "Well . . ." I !egan# !ut she persisted# whi$h was fine ! "e. "%s soon as I found out what the real stor was# I knew I had gotten ou into a tight spot#" she said with soft sin$erit . "Like I said# I would have waited at .ossiltu"# !ut I was afraid what with our disguises and all# that ou*d re$ogni9e "e !efore I spotted ou. If ou gave "e the kind of greeting I*ve grown to e,pe$t# it $ould have reall (ueered the deal. 4ri"!le*s a -ealous twit# and if he thought we were "ore than nodding a$(uaintan$es# he would have held !a$k whatever support he "ight nor"all give." "1ig deal#" %ah9 gru"!led. "5ive whole gold pie$es." "+hat "u$h7" +anda sounded honestl surprised. "Whi$h ar" did ou !reak7" "%ah9 alwa s gets us the !est possi!le deal#" I said proudl . "%t least# "onetaril ." "Well#" +anda $on$luded# "at least I won*t dig into our war funds. When I found out the "ess I had gotten ou into# I de$ided I*d work this one for free. 0in$e I got ou into it# the least I $an do is help get ou out." "+hat*s terrifi$#" I e,$lai"ed. "It sure is2" %ah9 agreed. 0o"ething in his voi$e anno ed "e. "I "eant that she was helping us#" I snarled. "Not that she was doing it for free." "+hat*s what I "eant# too# apprenti$e#" %ah9 glowered !a$k. "1ut unlike so"e# I know what I*" talking a!out2" "1o s# !o s#" +anda said# separating us with her hands. "We*re on the sa"e side. Re"e"!er7" "4leep2" said the dragon# siding with +anda. %s I have said# 4leep*s !reath is powerful enough to stop an $onversation# and it was several "inutes !efore the air $leared

>B enough for us to $ontinue. "1efore we were so rudel interrupted#" +anda gasped at last# " ou were starting to sa so"ething# %ah9. 3ave ou got a plan7" "Now I do#" %ah9 s"iled# $hu$king her under the $hin. "%nd !elieve "e# doing it without ou would have !een rough." +hat had an an,ious sound to it) +anda*s "ain $alling# at least the onl one "entiona!le in polite $o"pan # was %ssassin. "6*"on# %ah9#" I $hided. "+anda*s good# !ut she*s not good enough to take on a whole ar" ." ";on*t !et on it# handso"e#" she $orre$ted# winking at "e. I !lushed !ut $ontinued with " argu"ent. "I still sa the -o!*s too !ig for one person# or three people for that "atter#" I insisted. ":ou*re right# kid#" %ah9 said sole"nl . "We -ust $an*t . . . what did ou sa # %ah97" "I said ou were right#" %ah9 repeated. "I thought so#" I "arveled. "I -ust wanted to hear it again." ":ou*d hear it "ore often if ou were right "ore often#" %ah9 pointed out. "6*"on# %ah9#" +anda interrupted. "What*s the plan7" "Like the kid sa s#" %ah9 said loftil # "we need "ore help. We need an ar" of our own." "1ut %ah9#" I re"inded hi"# "1ada,e said-" "Who said an thing a!out 1ada,e7" %ah9 replied inno$entl . "We*re supposed to win this war with "agik# aren*t we7 Well# fine. With +anda on our tea"# we*ve got a $ouple of e,tra skills to draw on. Re"e"!er7" I re"e"!ered. I re"e"!ered %ah9 sa ing he wasn*t worried a!out +anda leaving with Isstvan !e$ause she $ould travel the di"ensions ! herself if things got rough. +he light !egan to dawn. ":ou "ean. . ." "+hat*s right# kid#" %ah9 s"iled. "We*re going !a$k to ;eva. We*re going to re$ruit a little invasionar for$e of our own2"

Chapter Twelve
"+his is no ga"e for old "en2 0end in the !o s -W. 3%:0 I don*t know how +anda transported us fro" Klah to ;eva. If I did# we wouldn*t have needed her. %ll I know is that at the appropriate ti"e she $o""en$ed to $hant and shift her shoulders &a fas$inating pro$ess in itself'# and we were there. "+here#" in this $ase# was at the 1a9aar at ;eva. +hat phrase alone# however# does not !egin to des$ri!e our new surroundings as the $a"e into fo$us. % long ti"e ago# the di"ension of ;eva had undergone an e$ono"i$ $ollapse. +o survive# the ;eveels &who I on$e knew as devils' used their a!ilit to travel the di"ensions and !e$o"e "er$hants. +hrough the pro$ess of natural sele$tion# the "ost su$$essful ;eveels were not the !est fighters# !ut the !est traders. Now# after $ountless generations of this pro$essE the ;eveels were a$knowledged as the !est "er$hants in all the di"ensions. +he were also a$knowledged as !eing the shrewdest# $oldest# "ost profit-hungr $heats ever to $o"e down the pike. +he 1a9aar at ;eva was their show$ase. It was an all-da # all-night# ear-round fair where the ;eveels "et to haggle with ea$h other over the wares fet$hed !a$k fro" the various di"ensions. +hough it was originall esta!lished and "aintained ! ;eveels# it was not unusual to find travelers fro" "an di"ensions shopping the endless rows of displa s and !ooths. +he rule of thu"! was# "If it*s to !e found an where# ou*ll find it at the 1a9aar at ;eva." I had !een here on$e !efore with %ah9. %t the ti"e# we were sear$hing for a surprise weapon to use against Isstvan. What we ended up with was 4leep and +anda2 . . . ;istra$tions a!ound at the 1a9aar. I "ention this in part to e,plain wh # as unusual as our fourso"e "ust have appeared# no one paid us the slightest attention as we stood wat$hing the kaleidos$ope of a$tivit whirling a!out us. 4leep pressed against "e for reassuran$e# "o"entaril taken a!a$k at the sudden $hange of surroundings. I ignored hi". / first visit to this pla$e had !een far too !rief for " satisfa$tion. %s su$h# I was ru!!erne$king "adl # tr ing to see as "u$h as possi!le as fast as possi!le. +anda was "ore !usinesslike. "Now that we*re here# %ah9#" she drawled# "do ou know where we*re going7" "No#" %ah9 ad"itted. "1ut I*ll find out right now." Without further warning# he $asuall rea$hed out and gra!!ed the ar" of the nearest passer! # a short# ugl fellow with tusks. 0pinning his $hosen vi$ti" around# %ah9 !ent to s$owl in his fa$e. ":ou2" he snarled. ";o ou like to fight7" 5or a "o"ent " heart stopped. %ll we needed now was to get into a !rawl. 5ortunatel # instead of produ$ing a weapon# the tusker gave ground a step and e ed our part suspi$iousl . "Not with a .ervert !a$ked ! a dragon# I don*t#" he retorted $autiousl . "4ood2" %ah9 s"iled. "+hen if ou wanted to hire so"eone to do our fighting for ou# where would ou go7" "+o the 1a9aar at ;eva#" the tusker shrugged. "I know that2" %ah9 snarled. "1ut where at the 1a9aar7" "Oh#" the tusker e,$lai"ed with sudden understanding. "%!out twent rows in that dire$tion# then turn right for another thirt or

>D so. +hat*s where the "er$enaries hang out." "+went # then up thirt #" %ah9 repeated $arefull . "+hanks." "% finder*s fee would !e appre$iated "ore than an thanks#" the tusker s"iled# e,tending a pal". ":ou*re right2" %ah9 agreed# and turned his !a$k on our !enefa$tor. +he tusker hesitated for a "o"ent# then shrugged and $ontinued on his wa . I $ould have told hi" that .erverts in general and %ah9 spe$ifi$all are not noted for their generosit . "We go twent rows that wa # then up thirt #" %ah9 infor"ed us. ":eah# we heard#" +anda gri"a$ed. "Wh didn*t ou -ust ask hi" flat out7" "/ wa is (ui$ker#" %ah9 replied s"ugl . "Is it7" I asked skepti$all . "Look kid#" %ah9 s$owled. ";o ou want to lead us through this 9oo7" "Well. . ." I hesitated. "+hen shut up and let "e do it# oka 7" %$tuall # I was "ore than willing to let %ah9 lead the wa to wherever it was we were going. 5or one thing# it kept hi" !us navigating a path through the $rowd. 5or another# it left "e with ne,t to nothing to do e,$ept "arvel at the sights of the 1a9aar as I followed along in his wake. +r as I "ight# though# there was -ust too "u$h for one set of e es to see. In one !ooth# two ;eveels argued with an elephant-headed !eing over a skullE at least# I think it was a skull. In another# a ;eveel was putting on a de"onstration for a "i,ed group of shoppers# su""oning $louds of floating green !u!!les fro" a tin wooden !o,. %t one point# our path was all !ut !lo$ked ! a !ooth selling rings whi$h shot !olts of lightning. 1etween the sales"an*s de"onstrations and the $usto"ers tr ing out their pur$hases# the wa was virtuall i"passa!le. %ah9 and +anda never !roke stride# however# $onfidentl "aintaining their pa$e as the walked through the thi$k of the !olts. /ira$ulousl # the passed through uns$athed. 4ritting " teeth# I sei9ed one of 4leep*s ears and followed in their footsteps. %gain# the !olts of energ failed to find us. %pparentl no ;eveel would !ring in-ur or allow an one in his shop to !ring in-ur to a potential $usto"er. It was a hand fa$t to know. +he lightning rings !rought so"ething else to "ind# however. +he last ti"e we parted $o"pan with +anda# %ah9 had given her a ring that shot a heat ra $apa!le of fr ing a "an-si9ed target on the spot. +hat*s right . . . I said he gave it to her. :ou "ight think this was proof of the depth of his feelings for her. It*s " theor he was si$k. %n wa # I was re"inded of the ring and $urious as to what had !e$o"e of it. In$reasing " pa$e slightl # I $losed the distan$e !etween " self and the pair in the lead# onl to find the were alread deepl engrossed in $onversation. +he din that prevails at the 1a9aar st "ies an atte"pt at serious eavesdroppingE !ut I "anaged to $at$h o$$asional !its and pie$es of the $onversation as we walked. ". . . heard . . . awfull e,pensive# aren*t the 7" +anda was sa ing. ". . . li$k their weight in . . ." %ah9 replied s"ugl . I "oved in a little $loser# tr ing to hear !etter. ". . . "akes ou think the *ve got an one here7" +anda asked. "With the nu"!er of !ars here7" %ah9 retorted. "+he wa I hear it# this is one of their "ain. . ." I lost the rest of that argu"ent. % knee-high# tenta$led "ass suddenl s$uttled a$ross " !oots and du$ked through a tent flap# $losel pursued ! two ver frustrated-looking ;eveels. I ignored the $hase and the following s$rea"s# hurr ing to $at$h up with %ah9 and +anda again. %pparentl the were dis$ussing "er$enaries# and I wanted to hear as "u$h as possi!le# !oth to further " edu$ation# and !e$ause I "ight have to lead the" into !attle eventuall . ". . . find the"7" +anda was asking. "%ll we have is a general area." ". . . eas #" %ah9 replied $onfidentl . "=ust listen for the singing." "0inging7" +anda was skepti$al. "It*s their trade"ark#" %ah9 pronoun$ed. "It also lands the" in "ost of their. . ." % ;eveel stepped in front of "e# proudl displa ing a handful of seeds. 3e threw the" on the ground with a flourish# and a dense !la$k thorn!ush sprang up to !lo$k " path. +errifi$. Nor"all # I would have !een fas$inated# !ut at the "o"ent I was in a hurr . Without even pausing to up!raid the ;eveel# I took to the air# desperation giving wings to " feet . . . desperation assisted ! a little levitation. I $leared the thorn!ush easil # tou$hed down lightl on the far side# and was pra$ti$all tra"pled ! 4leep as he !urst through the !arrier. "4leep7" he said# $o$king his head at "e $uriousl . I pi$ked " self up fro" the dust where I had !een kno$ked ! his enthusias" and $uffed hi". "Wat$h where ou*re going ne,t ti"e#" I ordered angril . 3e responded ! snaking out his long tongue and li$king " fa$e. 3is !reath was devastating and his tongue left a trail of sli"e. O!viousl " ad"onish"ent had terrified hi". 3eaving a deep sigh# I sprinted off after %ah9 with 4leep lu"!ering along in hot pursuit. I was -ust overtaking the" when %ah9 stopped suddenl in his tra$ks and started to turn. Ana!le to halt " headlong sprint# I

>F plowed into hi"# kno$king hi" sprawling. "In a hurr # handso"e7" +anda asked# e eing "e sl l . "4ee# %ah9#" I sta""ered# !ending over hi"# "I didn*t "ean to-" 5ro" a half sitting position# his hand lashed out in a $uff that spun "e halfwa around. "Wat$h where ou*re going ne,t ti"e#" he growled. "4leep2" said the dragon and li$ked " fa$e. Either " head was spinning "ore than I thought# or I had !een through this s$ene !efore. "Now (uit $lowning around and listen# kid." %ah9 was on his feet again# and all !usiness. "3ere*s where we part $o"pan for a while. :ou wait here while I go haggle with the "er$enaries." "4ee# %ah9#" I whined. "6an*t I-" "No# ou $an*t2" he said fir"l . "+he $rew I*" going after is sharp. %ll we need is one of our du"! (uestions in the "iddle of negotiations and the *ll triple their pri$es." "1ut-" I !egan. ":ou will wait here#" %ah9 ordered. "I repeat# wait. No fights# no window shopping for dragons# -ust wait2" "I*ll sta here with hi"# %ah9#" +anda volunteered. "4ood#" %ah9 nodded. "%nd tr to keep hi" out of trou!le# oka 7" With that# he turned and disappeared into the $rowd. %$tuall # I wasn*t too disappointed. I "ean# I would have liked to have gone with hi"# !ut I liked having so"e ti"e alone with +anda even "ore . . . that is# if ou $an $onsider standing in the "iddle of the 1a9aar at ;eva !eing alone with so"eone. "Well# +anda#" I said# flashing " !rightest s"ile. "Later# handso"e#" she replied !riskl . "Right now I*ve got so"e errands to run." "Errands7" I !linked. ":eah. %ah9 is !ig on "anpower# !ut I*d -ust as soon have a few e,tra tri$ks up " sleeve in $ase the going gets rough#" she e,plained. "I*" going to du$k over to the spe$ial effe$ts se$tion and see what the have in sto$k." "Oka #" I agreed. "Let*s go." "No# ou don*t#" she said# shaking her head. "I think I*d !etter go this one alone. +he kind of pla$es I have in "ind aren*t fit for $ivili9ed $usto"ers. :ou and the dragon wait here." "1ut ou*re supposed to !e keeping "e out of trou!le2" I argued. "%nd that*s wh I*" not taking ou along#" she said# s"iling. "Now# what do ou have along in the wa of weaponr 7" "Well . . ." I said hesitantl # "there*s a sort of a sword in one of 4leep*s pa$ks." "5ine2" she said. "4et it out and wear it. It*ll keep the riffraff at a distan$e. +hen . . . u" . . . wait for "e in there2" 0he pointed at a strange-looking stone stru$ture with a peeling sign on its front. "What is it7" I asked# peering at it suspi$iousl . "It*s a <:ellow 6res$ent Inn#* " she e,plained. "It*s sort of a restaurant. 4et ourself so"ething to eat. +he food*s unappeti9ing# !ut vaguel digesti!le." I studied the pla$e for a "o"ent. "%$tuall #" I de$ided finall # "I think I*d rather . . ." Right a!out there I dis$overed I was talking to " self. +anda had disappeared without a tra$e. 5or the se$ond ti"e in " life I was alone in the 1a9aar at ;eva.

Chapter Thirteen
"3old the pi$kles# hold the lettu$e." -3ENR: VIII 5as$inating as the 1a9aar is# fa$ing it alone $an !e rather frightening. 1eing parti$ularl sus$epti!le to fear# I de$ided to follow +anda*s advi$e and entered the inn. 5irst# however# I took the pre$aution of tethering 4leep to the inn*s hit$hing post and unpa$king the sword. We had one de$ent sword. Anfortunatel # %ah9 was $urrentl wearing it. +hat left "e with 4arkin*s old sword# a weapon whi$h has !een sneered at ! de"on and de"on-hunter alike. 0till# its weight was reassuring on " hip# though it "ight have !een "ore reassuring if I had known an thing a!out how to handle it. Anfortunatel # " lessons with %ah9 to date had not in$luded swords"anship. I $ould onl hope it would not !e apparent to the $asual o!server that this was " first ti"e to wear a sword. .ausing in the door# I surve ed the inn*s interior. Ana$$usto"ed as I was to gra$ious dining# I reali9ed in a flash that this wasn*t it. One of the few pie$es of advi$e " far"er father had given "e !efore I ran awa fro" ho"e was not to trust an inn or restaurant that appeared overl $lean. 3e "aintained the $leaner a pla$e was# the "ore du!ious the (ualit and origin of their food would !e. If he were even vaguel right# this inn "ust !e the !otto" of the !arrel. It was not onl $lean# it glea"ed. I do not "ean that figurativel . 3arsh overhead lights glinted off a hapha9ard arrange"ent of tin ta!les and un$o"forta!lelooking $hairs $onstru$ted of shin "etal and a hard white su!stan$e I didn*t re$ogni9e. %t the far end of the inn was a $ounter !ehind whi$h stood a large stone gargo le# the onl de$orative feature in the pla$e. 1ehind the gargo le was a door# presu"a!l

>G leading into the kit$hen. +here was a s"all window in the door through whi$h I $aught gli"pses of the food !eing prepared. .reparation $onsisted of passing patties of "eat over a stove# $ra""ing the" into a split roll# slopping a variet of $olored pastes on top of the "eat# and wrapping the whole "ess in a pie$e of paper. Wat$hing this pro$ess $onfir"ed " earlier fears. I do all the $ooking for %ah9 and " self# as I did !efore that for 4arkin and " self# and !efore that -ust for " self. While I have no delusions as to the high (ualit of " $ooking# I do know that what the were doing to that "eat $ould onl ield a "eal the $onsisten$ and flavor of $harred glove leather. ;espite the o!vious low (ualit of the food# the inn see"ed nearl full of $usto"ers. I noti$ed this out of the $orner of " e e. I also noti$ed that a high per$entage of the" were staring at "e. It o$$urred to "e that this was pro!a!l !e$ause I had !een standing in the door for so"e ti"e without entering while working up " $ourage to go in. 5eeling slightl e"!arrassed# I stepped inside and let the door swing shut !ehind "e. With fiendish a$$ura$ # the door $losed on " sword# pinning it "o"entaril and for$ing "e to !reak stride $lu"sil as I started forward. 0o "u$h for " i"age as a swords"an. 3u"iliated# I avoided looking at the other $usto"ers and "ade- " wa hurriedl to the inn*s $ounter. I wasn*t sure what I was going to do on$e I got there# sin$e I didn*t trust the food# !ut hopefull people would stop staring at "e if I went through the "otions of ordering. 0till tr ing to avoid e e $onta$t with an one# I "ade a !ig show of stud ing the gargo le. +here was a grinding noise# and the statue turned its head to return " stare. If wasn*t a statue2 +he reall had a gargo le tending the $ounter2 +he gargo le see"ed to !e "ade of $oarse gra stone# and when he fle,ed his wings# s"all pie$es of $rushed ro$k and dust showered silentl to the floor. 3is hands were taloned# and there were $urved spikes growing out of his el!ows. +he onl redee"ing feature I $ould see was his s"ile# whi$h in itself was a !it unnerving. ;o"inating his wrinkled fa$e# the s"ile see"ed per"anentl et$hed in pla$e# stret$hing well past his ears and displa ing a set of pointed teeth even longer than %ah9*s. "+ake our order7" the gargo le asked politel # the s"ile never twit$hing. "A" . . ." I said taking a step !a$k. "I*ll have to think a!out it. +here*s so "u$h to $hoose fro"" In a$tualit I $ouldn*t read the "enu . . . if that*s what it was. +here was so"ething et$hed in the wall !ehind the gargo le in a language I $ouldn*t de$ipher. I assu"e it was a "enu !e$ause the pri$es weren*t et$hed in the wall# !ut written in $halk over "an erasures. +he gargo le shrugged. "0uit ourself#" he said indifferentl . "When ou "ake up our "ind# -ust holler. +he na"e*s 4us." "I*ll do that . . . 4us#" I s"iled# !a$king slowl toward the door. +hough it was " intent to e,it (uietl and wait outside with 4leep# things didn*t work out that wa . 1efore I had taken four steps# a hand fell on " shoulder. "0keeve# isn*t it7" a voi$e pro$lai"ed. I spun around# or started to. I was !rought up short when " sword !anged into a ta!le leg. / head kept "oving# however# and I found " self fa$e to fa$e with an I"p. "1ro$khurst2" I e,$lai"ed# re$ogni9ing hi" i""ediatel . "I thought I re$ogni9ed ou when ou . . . he 2" +he I"p took a step !a$kward and raised his hands defensivel . "+ake it eas 2 I*" not looking for an trou!le." / hand had gone to " sword hilt in an involuntar effort to free it fro" the ta!le leg. %pparentl 1ro$khurst had interpreted the gesture as an effort to draw " weapon. +hat was fine ! "e. 1ro$khurst had !een one of Isstvan*s lieutenants# and we hadn*t parted on the !est of ter"s. 3aving hi" a little afraid of " "read sword" was pro!a!l a good thing. "I don*t hold an grudges#" 1ro$khurst $ontinued insistentl . "+hat was -ust a -o!2 Right now I*" !etween -o!s . . . per"anentl 2" +hat last was added with a note of !itterness whi$h pi(ued " $uriosit . "+hings haven*t !een going well7" I asked $autiousl . +he I"p gri"a$ed. "+hat*s an understate"ent. 6o"e on# sit down. I*ll !u ou a "ilkshake and tell ou all a!out it." I wasn*t $ertain what a "ilkshake was# !ut I was sure I didn*t want one if the were sold here. "A" . . . thanks an wa # 1ro$khurst#" I said# for$ing a s"ile# "!ut I think I*ll pass." +he I"p ar$hed an e e!row at "e. "0till a little suspi$ious# eh7" he "ur"ured. "Well# $an*t sa as I !la"e ou. +ell ou what we*ll do." 1efore I $ould stop hi"# he strolled to the $ounter. "3e # 4us2" he $alled. "/ind if I take an e,tra $up7" "%$tuall . . ." the gargo le !egan. "+hanks2" 1ro$khurst was alread on his wa !a$k# !earing his pri9e with hi"# so"e kind of a thin-sided# fli"s $annister. .lopping down at a near! ta!le# he !e$koned to "e# indi$ating the seat opposite hi" with a wave of his hand. +here was no gra$ious $ourse for "e to follow other than to -oin hi"# though it would later o$$ur to "e I had no real o!ligation to !e gra$ious. /oving $arefull to avoid kno$king an thing over with " sword# I "aneuvered " wa to the indi$ated seat. %pparentl # 1ro$khurst had !een sitting here !efore# as there was alread a $annister on the ta!le identi$al to the one he had fet$hed fro" the $ounter. +he onl differen$e was that the one on the ta!le was three-(uarters full of a $urious pink li(uid.

>H With great $ere"on # the I"p pi$ked up the $annister fro" the ta!le and poured half its $ontents into the new vessel. +he li(uid poured with the $onsisten$ of swa"p "u$k. "3ere2" he said# pushing one of the $annisters a$ross the ta!le to "e. "Now ou don*t have to worr a!out an funn !usiness with the drinks. We*re !oth drinking the sa"e thing." With that# he raised his vessel in a "o$k toast and took a health swallow fro" it. %pparentl he e,pe$ted "e to do the sa"e. I would have rather su$ked !lood. "A" . . . it*s hard to !elieve things aren*t going well for ou#" I stalled. ":ou look well enough." 5or a $hange# I was a$tuall sin$ere. 1ro$khurst looked good . . . even for an I"p. %s %ah9 had said# I"ps are snapp dressers# and 1ro$khurst was no e,$eption. 3e was outfitted in a rust-$olored velvet -erkin tri""ed in gold# whi$h set off his pink $o"ple,ion and sleek !la$k hair super!l . If he were starving# ou $ouldn*t tell it fro" looking at hi". +hough still fairl slender# he was as well "us$led and adroit as when I had first "et hi". ";on*t let appearan$es fool ou#" 1ro$khurst insisted# shaking his head. ":ou see !efore ou an I"p pushed to the wall. I*ve had to sell ever thing-" $ross!ow# " pou$h of "agi$ tri$ks-I $ouldn*t even raise enough "one to pa " dues to the %ssassins 4uild." "It*s that hard to find work7" I s "pathi9ed. "I*ll tell ou# 0keeve#" he whispered $onfidentiall # "I haven*t worked sin$e that fias$o with Isstvan." +he sound of that na"e still sent $hills down " !a$k. "Where is Isstvan# an wa 7" I asked $asuall . ";on*t worr a!out hi"#" 1ro$hkurst said gri"l . "We left hi" working $on$ession stands on the Isle of 6one # a $ouple of di"ensions fro" here." "What happened to the others7" I was genuinel $urious. I hadn*t had "u$h of a $han$e to talk with +anda sin$e our reunion. "We left 5ru"ple under a $loud of !irds in so"e park or other . . . figured he looked !etter as a statue than he did alive. +he de"on hunter and the girl took off for parts unknown one night while we were asleep. / partner# 3iggens# headed !a$k to I"per. 3e figured his $areer was over and that he "ight as well settle down. /e# I*ve !een looking for work# ever sin$e# and I*" starting to think 3iggens was right." "6o"e on# 1ro$khurst#" I $hided. "+here "ust !e so"ething ou $an do. I "ean# this is the 1a9aar." +he I"p heaved a sigh and took another sip of his drink. "It*s ni$e of ou to sa that# 0keeve#" he s"iled. "1ut I*ve got to fa$e the fa$ts. +here*s not a !ig de"and for I"ps an wa # and none at all for an I"p with no powers." I knew what he "eant. %ll the di"ension travelers I had "et so far-%ah9# Isstvan# +anda# and even the ;eveel 5ru"ple-see"ed to regard I"ps as inferior !eings. +he ni$est thing I had heard said a!out the" was that the were st leless i"itators of the ;eveels. I felt sorr for hi". ;espite the fa$t we had first "et as ene"ies# it wasn*t that long ago I had !een a loser no!od wanted. ":ou*ve got to keep tr ing#" I en$ouraged. "0o"ewhere# there*s so"eone who wants to hire ou." "Not ver likel #" the I"p gri"a$ed. "+he wa I a" now# l wouldn*t hire "e. Would ou7" "0ure I would#" I insisted. "In a "inute." "Oh# well#" he sighed. "I shouldn*t dwell on " self. 3ow have things !een with ou7 What !rings ou to the 1a9aar7" Now it was " turn to gri"a$e. "%ah9 and I are in a !ad spot#" I e,plained. "We*re here tr ing to re$ruit a for$e to help us out." ":ou*re hiring people7" 1ro$khurst was suddenl intense. ":eah. Wh 7" I replied. +oo late# I reali9ed what I was sa ing. "+hen ou weren*t kidding a!out hiring "e2" 1ro$khurst was !eside hi"self with glee. "A" . . ." I said. "+his is great#" the I"p $hortled# ru!!ing his hands together. "1elieve "e# 0keeve# ou won*t regret this." I was regretting it alread . "Wait a "inute# 1ro$khurst#" I interrupted desperatel . "+here are a few things ou should know a!out the -o!." "Like what7" "Well . . . for one thing# the odds are !ad#" I said -udi$iousl . "We*re up against an ar" . +hat*s prett rough fare $onsidering how low the pa is." I thought I would tou$h a nerve with that re"ark a!out the pa . I was right. "3ow low is the pa 7" the I"p asked !luntl . Now I was stu$k. I didn*t have the vaguest idea how "u$h "er$enaries were nor"all paid. "We . . . u" . . . we $ouldn*t offer ou "ore than one gold pie$e for the whole -o!#" I shrugged. ";one2" 1ro$khurst pro$lai"ed. "With the $urrent state of " finan$es# I $an*t turn down an offer like that no "atter how dangerous it is." It o$$urred to "e that so"eti"e I should have %ah9 give "e a (ui$k $ourse in rates of e,$hange. "A" . . . there*s one other pro!le"#" I "ur"ured thoughtfull .

>I "What*s that7" "Well# " partner# ou re"e"!er %ah97" +he I"p nodded. "Well# he*s out right now tr ing to hire a for$e# and he*s got the "one #" I $ontinued. "+here*s a good $han$e that if he*s su$$essful# and he usuall is# there won*t !e enough "one left to hire ou." 1ro$khurst pursed his lips for a "o"ent# then shrugged. "Well#" he said# "I*ll take the $han$e. I wasn*t going an where an wa . %s I said# the haven*t e,a$tl !een !eating " door down with -o! offers." I had run out of e,$uses. "Well"-I s"iled la"el -"as long as ou*re aware-" "3eads up# !oss#" the I"p*s "ur"ur interrupted "e. "We*ve got $o"pan ." I*" not sure whi$h worried "e "ore# 1ro$khurst $alling "e "!oss" or the spe$terlike $hara$ter who had -ust stepped up to our ta!le.

Chapter Fourteen
"We*re looking for a few good "en." -1. 6%00I;: 5or a "o"ent I thought we were !eing $onfronted ! a skeleton. +hen I looked $loser and reali9ed there reall was skin stret$hed over the !ones# though its dust -white $olor "ade it see" ver dead indeed. +he figure*s paleness was "ade even "ore $orpselike ! the !lue-!la$k hooded ro!e that enshrouded it. It wasn*t until I noted the wrinkled fa$e with a short# !ristl white !eard that I reali9ed our visitor was a$tuall a ver old "an . . . ver old. 3e looked weak to the point of near $ollapse# desperatel $lut$hing a twisted !la$k walking staff whi$h see"ed to !e the onl thing keeping hi" ere$t. 0till# his e es were !right and his s"ile $onfident as-he stood regarding us. ";id I hear ou !o s right7" he asked in a $ra$kling voi$e. "I !eg our pardon7" 1ro$khurst s$owled at hi". +he an$ient figure sneered and raised his voi$e. "I said# <;id I hear ou !o s right7*2" he !arked. "What*s the "atter7 %re ou deaf7" "A" . . . e,$use "e#" I interrupted hastil . "1efore we $an answer ou# we have to know what ou thought we said." +he old "an thought for a "inute# then !o!!ed his head in a sudden nod. ":ou know# er right2" he $a$kled. ".rett s"art# oung fella." 3e !egan to list# !ut $aught hi"self !efore he fell. "+hought I heard ou tell .inko here ou were looking for a for$e to take on an ar" #" he pronoun$ed# -erking a thu"! at 1ro$khurst. "+he na"e*s 1ro$khurst# not .inko2" the I"p snarled. "%ll right# 1ratwurst#" the old "an nodded. "No need to get our dander up." "+hat*s 1ro$khurst2" ":ou heard right#" I interrupted again# hoping the old "an would go awa as soon as his $uriosit was satisfied. "4ood2" the "an de$lared. "6ount "e in2 /e and 1la$kie haven*t !een in a good fight for a long ti"e." "3ow long is that in $enturies7" 1ro$khurst sneered. "Wat$h our "outh# 1ratwurst2" the old "an warned. "We "a !e old# !ut we $an still tea$h ou a thing or two a!out winnin* wars." "Who*s 1la$kie7" I asked# $utting off 1ro$khurst*s repl . In repl # the old "an drew hi"self ere$t . . . well# nearl ere$t# and patted his walking staff. "+his is 1la$kie2" he announ$ed proudl . "+he finest !ow ever to $o"e fro" %r$hiah# and that takes in a lot of fine !ows2" I reali9ed with a start that the walking staff was a !ow# unstrung# with its !owstring wrapped around it. It was unlike an !ow I had ever seen# lu"p and uneven# !ut polished to a sheen that see"ed to gli""er with a life all its own. "Wait a "inute2" 1ro$khurst was suddenl attentive. ";id ou sa ou $o"e fro" %r$hiah7" "+hat I did#" the old "an grinned. "%-a,*s the na"e# fighting*s " ga"e. %in*t seen a war et that $ould la old %-a, low# and I*ve seen a lot of *e"." "A" . . . $ould ou e,$use us for -ust a "inute# sir7" 1ro$khurst s"iled apologeti$all . "0ure# son#" %-a, nodded. "+ake our ti"e." I $ouldn*t understand the I"p*s sudden $hange in attitude# !ut he see"ed (uite intense as he -erked his head at "e# so I leaned $lose to hear what he had to sa . "3ire hi"# !oss2" he hissed in " ear. "What7" I gasped# not !elieving I had heard hi" right. "I said hire hi"2" the I"p repeated. "I "a not have "u$h to offer ou# !ut I $an give ou advi$e. Right now# " advi$e is to hire hi"." "1ut he*s-"

?J "3e*s fro" %r$hiah2" 1ro$khurst interrupted. "1oss# that di"ension invented ar$her . :ou don*t find "an genuine %r$hers of an age for hire. If ou*ve reall got a war on our hands# hire hi". 3e $ould tip the !alan$e for us." "If he*s that good#" I whispered !a$k# "$an we afford hi"7" "One gold pie$e will !e ade(uate#" %-a, s"iled toothil # adding his head to our $onferen$e. "I a$$ept our offer." "E,$ellent2" 1ro$khurst !ea"ed. "Wait a "inute#" I shrieked desperatel # "I have a partner that-" "I know# I know#" %-a, sighed# holding up a restraining hand. "I heard when ou told 1ratwurst here." "+hat*s 1ro$khurst#" the I"p growled# !ut he did it s"iling. "If our partner $an*t find help# then we*re hired2" the old "an laughed# shaking his head. "It*s a "ite strange# !ut these are strange ti"es." ":ou $an sa that again#" I "uttered. I was !eginning to think I had spoken too loud in " $onversation with 1ro$khurst. "One thing ou should know# though# oungster#" %-a, "ur"ured $onfidentiall . "I*" !ein* followed." "1 who7" I asked. ";on*t rightl know#" he ad"itted. "3aven*t figured it out et. It*s the little !lue fella in the $orner !ehind "e." I $raned " ne$k to look at the indi$ated $orner. It was e"pt . "What fella7 I "ean# fellow#" I $orre$ted " self. %-a, whipped his head around with a speed that !elied his frail appearan$e. ";ang it#" he $ursed. "3e did it again. I*" telling ou# oungster# that*s wh I $an*t figure what he*s after2" "%h . . . sure# %-a,#" I said soothingl . ":ou*ll $at$h hi" ne,t ti"e." +errifi$. %n I"p with no powers# and now an old %r$her who sees things. / thoughts were interrupted ! a gentle tap on " shoulder. I turned to find the gargo le loo"ing over "e. ":our order*s read # sir#" he said through his per"a-s"ile. "/ order7" ":es# if ou*ll step this wa ." "+here "ust !e so"e "istake#" I !egan# "I didn*t. . ." +he gargo le was alread gone# lu"!ering !a$k to his $ounter. I $onsidered ignoring hi". +hen I $onsidered his si9e and $ountenan$e# and de$ided I should straighten out this "isunderstanding in a polite fashion. "E,$use "e#" I told " $harges. "I*ll !e right !a$k." ";on*t worr a!out us# !oss#" 1ro$khurst waved. I wasn*t reassured. I "anaged to "ake " wa to the $ounter without !anging " sword against an thing or an one# a feat that raised " spirits for the first ti"e that afternoon. +hus !olstered# I approa$hed the gargo le. "I . . . u" . . . I don*t re$all ordering an thing#" I stated politel . ";on*t !la"e ou# either#" the gargo le growled through his s"ile. "1eats "e how an one or an thing $an eat the slop the serve here." "1ut-" "+hat was -ust to get ou awa fro" those two#" the gargo le shrugged. ":ou see# I*" sh ." "0h a!out what7" "%!out asking ou for a -o!# of $ourse2" I de$ided I would definitel have to keep " voi$e down in the future. / (uiet $onversation with 1ro$khurst see"ed to have attra$ted the attention of half the 1a9aar. "Look . . . u". . ." "4us2" the gargo le supplied. ":es# well# ah# 4us# I*" reall not hiring-" "I know. :our partner is#" 4us interrupted. "1ut ou*re here and he isn*t# so I figured I*d "ake our pit$h to ou !efore the se$ond tea" roster is $o"pletel filled." "Oh2" I said# not knowing what else to sa . "+he wa I see it#" the gargo le $ontinued# "we $ould do ou a lot of good. :ou*re a Klahd# aren*t ou7" "I*" fro" Klah#" I a$knowledged stiffl . "Well# if " "e"or serves "e $orre$tl # warfare in that di"ension isn*t too far advan$ed te$hnologi$all ." "We have $ross!ows and $atapults#" I infor"ed hi". "%t least the other side does." "+hat*s what I said#" 4us agreed. ".ri"itive. +o stop that for$e# all ou need is air support and a little firepower. We $an suppl !oth# and we*ll work $heap# !oth of us for one gold pie$e." Now I was sure I had underesti"ated the "arket value of gold pie$es. 0till# the pri$e was te"pting. "I dunno# 4us#" I said $agil . "%-a, there is supposed to !e a prett good %r$her." "%r$hers#" the gargo le snorted. <-<I*" talking a!out real firepower. +he kind " partner $an give ou." "Who is our partner7" I asked. "3e isn*t short and !lue ! an $han$e# is he7" "Naw#" 4us replied# pointing to the far $orner. "+hat*s the 4re"lin. 3e $a"e in with the %r$her." "% 4re"lin7" I said# following his finger.

?8 0ure enough# per$hed on a $hair in the $orner was a s"all# elfish $hara$ter. /is$hievous e es dan$ed in his soft !lue fa$e as he nodded to "e in silent re$ognition. Refle,ivel # I s"iled and nodded !a$k. %pparentl I owed %-a, an apolog . "I thought 4re"lins didn*t e,ist#" I $o""ented $asuall to 4us. "% lot of folks think that#" the gargo le agreed. "1ut ou $an see for ourself# the *re real." I wasn*t sure. In the split se$ond I had taken " e es off the 4re"lin to speak with 4us# he had vanished without a tra$e. I was te"pted to go looking for hi"# !ut 4us was talking again. "=ust a se$ond and I*ll introdu$e ou to " partner#" he was sa ing. "3e*s here so"ewhere." %s he spoke# the gargo le !egan ru""aging a!out his own !od # feeling his ar"pits and peering into the wrinkles on his skin. I wat$hed $uriousl # until " attention was arrested ! a s"all li9ard that had $rawled out of one of the gargo le*s wing folds and was now regarding "e fi,edl fro" 4us*s right shoulder. It was onl a!out three in$hes long# !ut glowed with a !rilliant orange hue. +here were !lot$h red patterns whi$h see"ed to $rawl a!out the li9ard*s skin with a life of their own. +he overall effe$t was startlingl !eautiful. "Is that our li9ard7" I asked. "+here he is2" 4us $rowed triu"phantl # snat$hing the reptile fro" his shoulder and $upping it in his hands. "/eet 1erfert. 3e*s the partner I was telling ou a!out." "3ello# 1erfert#" I s"iled# e,tending a finger to stroke hi". +he gargo le rea$ted violentl # -erking the li9ard !a$k out of " rea$h. "6areful# there#" he warned. "+hat*s a good wa to lose a finger." "I wasn*t going to hurt hi"#" I e,plained. "No# he was a!out to hurt ou2" 4us $ountered. "1erfert*s a sala"ander# a walking fire!o"!. We get along !e$ause I*" one of the few !eings around that won*t !urn to a $risp when I tou$h hi"." "Oh#" I said with sudden understanding. "0o when ou said <firepower*-" "I "eant firepower#" 4us finished. "1erfert $leans *e" out on the ground# and I work *e" over fro" the air. Well# what do ou sa 7 3ave we got a deal7" "I*ll . . . u" . . . have to talk it over with " partner#" I $ountered. "5ine#" 4us !ea"ed. "I*ll start pa$king." 3e was gone !efore I $ould stop hi". I sagged against the $ounter# wishing ferventl for %ah9*s return. %s if in answer to " thoughts# " "entor !urst through the door# following $losel ! +anda. / greeting died in " throat when I saw his s$owl. %ah9 was not in a good "ood. "I thought I told ou to wait outside#" he !ellowed at "e. "6al" down# %ah9#" +anda soothed. "I thought he*d !e "ore $o"forta!le waiting in here. 1esides# there*s no reason to get upset. We*re here and he*s here. Nothing has gone wrong." ":ou haven*t !een dealing with an ;eveels7" %ah9 asked suspi$iousl . "I haven*t even talked with an #" I protested. "4ood2" he retorted# slightl "ollified. "+here*s hope for ou et# kid." "I told ou he $ould sta out of trou!le#" +anda s"iled triu"phantl . "Isn*t that right# handso"e7" +r as I "ight# I $ouldn*t !ring " self to answer her.

Chapter Fifteen
"I*ll worr a!out it to"orrow." -0. O*3%R% "A" . . . are the "er$enaries waiting outside7" I asked finall . ":ou didn*t answer her (uestion# kid#" %ah9 o!served# peering at "e with renewed suspi$ion. ";on*t strain our ne$k looking for our troops# handso"e#" +anda advised "e. "+here weren*t an . It see"s our "ight negotiator has "et his "at$h." "+hose !andits2" %ah9 e,ploded. ";o ou have an idea what it would $ost us if I had agreed to pa their !ar !ill as part of the $ontra$t7 If that*s a nonprofit group# I want to audit their !ooks." / hopes for salvation sank like a ro$k. ":ou didn*t hire the"7" I asked. "No# I didn*t#" %ah9 s$owled. "%nd that "oves us !a$k to s(uare one. Now we*ve got to re$ruit a for$e one at a ti"e." ";id ou tr -" I !egan. "Look# kid#" %ah9 interrupted with a snarl# "I did the !est I $ould# and I got nowhere. I*d like to see ou do !etter." "3e alread has2" 1ro$khurst announ$ed# rising fro" his seat. "While ou were wasting ti"e# 0keeve here has hired hi"self a fighting tea"." "3e what7" %ah9 !ellowed# turning on his $riti$. "1ro$khurst2 What are ou doing here7" "Waiting for orders in our up$o"ing $a"paign#" the I"p replied inno$entl . "What $a"paign7" %ah9 glowered. "+he one on Klah# of $ourse#" 1ro$khurst !linked. "3aven*t ou told hi" et# !oss7"

?> "1oss7" %ah9 roared. "1oss7" "No need to shout#" %-a, gru"!led# turning to fa$e the asse"!lage. "We hear a plain enough." "%-a,2" +anda e,$lai"ed gleefull . "+anda2" the old "an elped !a$k. 0he was at hi" in a !ound# !ut he s"oothl interposed his !ow !etween the". "Eas # girl#" he laughed. "None of our athleti$ greetings. I*" not as oung as I used to !e# a know." ":ou old fraud2" +anda teased. ":ou*ll outlive us all." %-a, shrugged dra"ati$all . "+hat kinda depends on how good a general the oungster there is#" he $o""ented. "Kid#" %ah9 growled through gritted teeth# "I want to talk to ou2 Now2" "I know that te"per2" 4us announ$ed# e"erging fro" the !a$k roo". "4us2" %ah9 e,$lai"ed. "In the stone2" the gargo le $onfir"ed. "%re ou in on this e,pedition7 +he !oss didn*t sa an thing a!out working with .erverts." Instead of repl ing# %ah9 sank heavil into a $hair and hid his fa$e in his hands. "+anda2" he "oaned. "+ell "e again a!out how this kid $an sta out of trou!le." "A" . . . %ah9#" I said $autiousl # "$ould I talk to ou for a "inute . . . privatel 7" "Wh # I think that*s an e,$ellent idea . . . !oss#" he said. +he s"ile he gave "e wasn*t pleasant. "Kid2" %ah9 "oaned after I had finished " tale. "3ow "an ti"es do I have to tell ou7 +his is the 1a9aar a> ;eva2 :ou*ve got to !e $areful what ou sa and to who"# espe$iall when there*s "one involved." "1ut I told the" nothing was definite until we found out if ou had hired so"eone else#" I protested. "1ut I didn*t hire an one else# so now the deal is final#" %ah9 sighed. "6an*t we get out of it7" I asked hopefull . "1a$k out of K deal on ;eva7" %ah9 shook his head. "+hat would get us !arred fro" the 1a9aar so fast it would "ake our head spin. Re"e"!er# the /er$hants %sso$iation runs this di"ension." "Well# ou said ou wanted outside help#" I pointed out. "I didn*t e,pe$t to go that far outside#" he gri"a$ed. "%n I"p# a senile %r$her# and a gargo le." "%nd a sala"ander#" I added. "4us is still !u""ing around with 1erfert7" %ah9 asked# !rightening slightl . "+hat*s a plus." "+he onl reall un$ertain fa$tor#" I said thoughtfull # "is the 4re"lin." "3ow do ou figure that7" %ah9 awned. "Well# he*s !een following %-a,. +he (uestion is# wh 7 %nd will he follow us to Klah7" "Kid#" %ah9 said sole"nl # "I*ve told ou !efore. +here are no su$h things as 4re"lins." "1ut %ah9# I saw hi"." ";on*t let it !other ou# kid#" %ah9 s "pathi9ed. "%fter a da like ou*ve !een through# I wouldn*t !e surprised if ou saw a =a!!erwo$k ." "What*s a-" "Is ever thing set7" +anda asked# -oining our $onversation. "%!out as set as we*ll ever !e#" %ah9 sighed. "+hough if ou want " honest opinion# with a $rew like this# we*re set "ore for a 9oo than a war." "%ah9 is a !it $riti$al of " $hoi$e in re$ruits#" I $onfided. "What*s our gripe# %ah97" she asked# $o$king her head. "I thought ou and 4us were old fo,hole !uddies." "I*" not worried a!out 4us#" %ah9 put in hastil . "Or 1erfert either. +hat little li9ard*s terrifi$ under fire." "Well# I $an vou$h for %-a,#" +anda infor"ed hi". ";on*t let his age fool ou. I*d rather have hi" !a$king " "ove than a whole $o"pan of-$ounterfeit ar$hers." "Is he reall fro" %r$hiah7" %ah9 asked skepti$all . "+hat*s what *he*s said as long as I*ve known hi"#" +anda shrugged. "%nd after seeing hi" shoot# I*ve got no reason to dou!t it. Wh 7" "I*ve never "et a genuine %r$her !efore#" %ah9 said. "5or a while I was willing to !elieve the whole di"ension was a legend. Well# if he $an shoot half as well as %r$hers are supposed to# I*ve got no gripes having hi" on the tea"." I started to feel a little !etter. Anfortunatel # %ah9 noti$ed " s"ile. "+he I"p is another stor #" he said gri"l . "I*" not wild a!out working with an I"p# !ut to hire one without powers is a waste of good "one ." ";on*t forget he*s an %ssassin#" +anda pointed out. ".owers or no powers# I*ll !et we find a use for hi". When we were talking with the 4re"lin -ust now-" "Now don*t ou start on that2" %ah9 snarled. "0tart on what7" +anda !linked. "+he 4re"lin !it#" %ah9 s$owled. "%n half-wit knows there are no su$h things as 4re"lins." ";o ou want to tell hi" that7" +anda s"iled. "I*ll $all hi" over here and . . . oh# rats2 3e*s gone again." "If ou*re (uite through#" %ah9 gru"!led# rising fro" his $hair# "we*d !est get "oving. +here*s a war waiting for us# ou know."

?? "Oops2 +hat re"inds "e2" +anda e,$lai"ed# fishing inside her tuni$. "I know I shouldn*t ask#" %ah9 signed# "!ut what-" "3ere2" +anda announ$ed# flipping hi" a fa"iliar o!-e$t. It was a "etal rod a!out eight in$hes long and two in$hes in dia"eter with a !utton on one end of it. "% ;-3opper2" I $ried# re$ogni9ing the devi$e instantl . "It*s the sa"e one ou gave Isstvan#" +anda s"iled proudl . "I lifted it fro" hi" when we parted $o"pan . :ou*ll pro!a!l want to undo whatever ou did to the $ontrols !efore ou use it# though." "If I $an re"e"!er for sure#" %ah9 s$owled# staring at the devi$e. "I thought it "ight $o"e in hand in $ase we get separated on this -o! and ou need a fast e,it#" +anda shrugged. "+he thought*s appre$iated#" %ah9 s"iled# putting an ar" around her. ";oes this "ean ou*ll !e a!le to tea$h "e how to travel the di"ensions7" I asked hopefull . "Not now I won*t#" %ah9 gri"a$ed. "We*ve got a war to fight# re"e"!er7" "Oh2 :es# of $ourse." "Well# get our troops together and let*s go#" %ah9 ordered. "Oka #" I agreed# rising fro" " $hair. "I*ll get 4leep and . . . wait a "inute2 ;id ou sa " troops7" ":ou hired *e"# ou lead *e"#" " "entor s"iled. "1ut ou*re-" "I*ll !e our "ilitar advisor# of $ourse#" %ah9 $ontinued $asuall . "1ut the -o! of 5earless Leader is all ours. :ou*re the $ourt "agi$ian# re"e"!er7" I swallowed hard. 0o"ehow this had never entered into " thinking. "1ut what do I do7" I asked desperatel . "Well#" %ah9 drawled. "5irst# I*d advise ou to "ove *e" outside so we $an all head for Klah together . . . that is# unless ou*re willing to leave our dragon !ehind." +hat didn*t even deserve an answer. I turned to fa$e the troops# sweeping the" with what I hoped was a "asterful ga9e whi$h would i""ediatel $o""and their attention. No one noti$ed. +he were all involved in a -ovial $onversation. I $leared " throat noisil . Nothing. I $onsidered going over to their ta!le. "Listen up2" %ah9 !arked suddenl # s$aring "e half to death. +he $onversation stopped a!ruptl and all heads swiveled " wa . "%ah . . ." I !egan $onfidentl . "We*re read to go now. Ever !od outside. Wait for "e ! the dragon." "Right# !oss2" 1ro$khurst $alled# starting for the door. "I*ll !e a "inute# oungster#" %-a, whee9ed# struggling to rise. "3ere# 4ra"ps#" 4us said. "Let "e give ou a hand." "Na"e*s not 4ra"ps# it*s %-a,2" the %r$her s$owled. "=ust tr ing to !e helpful#" the gargo le apologi9ed. "I kin* stand up ! " self#" %-a, insisted. "=ust *$ause I*" old don*t "ean I*" helpless." I glan$ed to %ah9 for help# !ut he and +anda were alread headed out. %s I turned !a$k to %-a,# I thought I $aught a gli"pse of a s"all# !lue figure slipping out through the door ahead of us. If it was the 4re"lin# he was nowhere in sight when I finall rea$hed the street.

Chapter Sixteen
"/ th-$on$eptions are the "a-or $ause of wars2" -%. 3I+LER 5ortunatel # the ar" had not "oved fro" the position it held when we left for ;eva. I sa fortunatel !e$ause %ah9 pointed out the "ight well have renewed their advan$e in our a!sen$e. If that had happened# we would have returned to find ourselves !ehind the ene" lines# if not a$tuall in the "iddle of one of their en$a"p"ents. Of $ourse# he pointed this out to "e after we had arrived !a$k on Klah. %ah9 is full of helpful little tid!its of infor"ation# !ut his ti"ing leaves a lot to !e desired. %-a, lost no ti"e upon our arrival. /oving with a !riskness that !elied his ears# he strung his !ow and stood s(uinting at the distant en$a"p"ents. "Well# oungster#" he asked# never taking his e es fro" the ene" *s for"ations# "what*s " first !at$h of targets7" 3is eagerness took "e a!a$k a !it# !ut %ah9 $overed for "e neatl . "5irst#" he said loftil # "we*ll have to hold a final planning session." "We didn*t e,pe$t to have ou along# %-a,#" +anda added. "3aving a genuine %r$her on our side naturall $alls for so"e drasti$ revisions of our !attle plans. " ";on*t !other "e none." %-a, shrugged. "=ust wanted to let ou know I was read to earn " keep. +ake er ti"e. 0een too "an wars "essed up *$ause no!od !othered to do an plannin*2 If a don*t "ind# though# think I*ll take "e a little nap. =es* holler

?B when a want so"e shootin* done." "%lt . . . go ahead# %-a,#" I agreed. Without further $onversation# %-a, plopped down and pulled his $loak a !it $loser a!out hi". Within a few "inutes# he was snoring lightl # !ut I noti$ed his !ow was still in his grip. "Now there*s a seasoned soldier#" %ah9 o!served. "4ets his sleep when and where he $an." ":ou want "e to do a little s$outing# !oss7" 4us asked. "A" . . ." I hesitated# glan$ing (ui$kl at %ah9. %ah9 $aught " look and gave a s"all nod. "0ure# 4us#" I finished. "We*ll wait for ou here." "I*ll s$out in the other dire$tion#" 1ro$khurst volunteered. "Oka #" I nodded. "%ah9# $an ou give *e" a (ui$k !riefing7" I was tr ing to drop the load in %ah9*s lap# !ut he -oined the $onversation as s"oothl as if we had rehearsed it this wa . "+here are a $ouple of things we need spe$ifi$ infor"ation on#" he said sole"nl . "5irst# we need a !attlefield# s"all with s$attered $over. 4us# ou $he$k that out. :ou know what we*re going to need. 1ro$khurst# see what details ou $an !ring !a$k on the three nearest en$a"p"ents." 1oth s$outs nodded !riskl . "%nd !oth of ou# sta out of sight#" %ah9 warned. "+he infor"ation*s no good to us if ou don*t $o"e !a$k." "6*"on# %ah9#" 4us ad"onished. "What have the got that $an put a dent in the old ro$k7" 3e de"onstrated ! s"ashing his forear" into a sapling. +he tree went down# apparentl without affe$ting the gargo le*s ar" in the slightest. "I don*t know#" %ah9 ad"itted. "%nd I don*t want to know# et. :ou*re one of our surprise weapons. No point in giving the ene" an advan$e warning. 4et " "eaning7" "4ot it# %ah9#" 4us nodded# and lu"!ered off. "1e !a$k in a !it#" 1ro$khurst said with a wave of his hand# heading off in the opposite dire$tion. "Now that we*ve got a "inute#" I "ur"ured to %ah9 as I returned 1ro$khurst*s wave# "would ou "ind telling "e what our final plan is7 I don*t even know what the preli"inar plans were." "+hat*s eas #" %ah9 replied. "We don*t have one . . . et." "Well# when are we going to for" one7" I asked with for$ed patien$e. ".ro!a!l on the !attlefield#" %ah9 awned. "Antil then it*s pointless. +here*re too "an varia!les until then." "Wouldn*t it !e a good idea to have at least a general idea as to what we*re going to do !efore we wander out on the !attlefield7" I insisted. "It would do a lot for " pea$e of "ind." "Oh# I*ve alread got a general idea as to what we*ll !e doing#" %ah9 ad"itted. "Isn*t he sweet7" +anda gri"a$ed. "Would ou "ind sharing it with us# %ah97 We*ve got a stake in this# too." "Well#" he !egan la9il # "the na"e of the ga"e is dela and de"orali9e. +he wa I figure it# we aren*t going to overpower the". We haven*t got enough going for us to even tr that." I !it !a$k a sar$asti$ o!servation and let hi" $ontinue. ";ela and de"orali9e we should !e a!le to do# though#" %ah9 s"iled. "Right off the !at# we*ve got two !ig weapons going for us in that kind of a fight." "%-a, and 4us#" I supplied helpfull . "5ear and !ureau$ra$ #" %ah9 $orre$ted. "3ow*s that again7" +anda frowned. "+anda# " girl#" %ah9 s"iled# " ou*ve !een spoiled ! our sk larking through the di"ensions. :ou*ve forgotten how the "an on the street thinks. +he average person in an di"ension doesn*t know the first thing a!out "agik# parti$ularl a!out its li"itations. If the kid here tells *e" he $an "ake the sun stop or trees grow upside down# the *ll !elieve hi". .arti$ularl if he*s got a few strange $hara$ters parading around as proof of his power# and I think ou*ll have to ad"it# the $rew he*s got !a$king hi" this ti"e around is prett strange." "What*s !ureau$ra$ 7" I asked# finall getting a word in edgewise. "Red tape . . . the s ste"#" %ah9 infor"ed "e. "+he organi9ation to get things done that keeps things fro" getting done. In this $ase# it*s $alled the $hain-of-$o""and. %n ar" the si9e of the one we*re fa$ing has to fun$tion like a well-oiled "a$hine or it starts tripping over its own feet. I*" !etting if we toss a $ouple of handfuls of sand into its gears# the *ll spend "ore ti"e fighting ea$h other than $hasing us." +his was one of the first ti"es %ah9 had a$tuall $larified so"ething he said. I wished he hadn*t. I was "ore $onfused than I had !een !efore. "A" . . . how are we going to do all this7" I asked. "We*ll !e a!le to tell !etter after ou*ve had our first war $oun$il#" %ah9 shrugged. "%ren*t we having it now7" "I "eant with the ene" #" %ah9 s$owled. "0o"eti"e in the near future# ou*re going to have to sit down with one of their offi$ers and de$ide how this war*s going to !e fought." "/e7" I !linked. ":ou are the leader of the defenses# re"e"!er7" %ah9 grinned at "e.

?D "It*s part of the -o!# handso"e#" +anda $onfir"ed. "Wait a "inute#" I interrupted. "It -ust $a"e to "e. I think I have a !etter idea." "+his I*ve got to hear#" %ah9 grinned. "0hut up# %ah9#" +anda ordered# poking hi" in the ri!s. "What$ha got# handso"e7" "We*ve got a $ouple of trained %ssassins on our side# don*t we7" I o!served. "Wh don*t we -ust put *e" to work7 If enough offi$ers suddenl turn up dead# odds are the ar" will fall apart. Right7" "It won*t work# kid#" %ah9 announ$ed !luntl . "Wh not7" "We $an !end the rules# !ut we $an*t !reak *e"#" %ah9 e,plained. "Wars are fought !etween the troops. Killing off the offi$ers without engaging their troops goes against tradition. I dou!t if our own for$e would stand still for it. Old- troopers like %-a, would have no part of a s$he"e like that." "3e*s right#" +anda $onfir"ed. "%ssassins take $ontra$ts on individuals in personal feuds# !ut not against the general staff of an ar" ." "1ut it would !e so eas #" I insisted. "Look at it this wa # kid#" %ah9 put in. "If ou $ould do it# the $ould do it. +he wa things are now# ou*re e,e"pt fro" %ssassins. Would ou reall want to $hange that7" "What do I sa in a war $oun$il7" I asked. "I*ll !rief ou on that when the ti"e $o"es#" %ah9 reassured "e. "Right now we have other things to plan." "0u$h as what7" +anda asked. "0u$h as what to do a!out those signal towers#" %ah9 retortedE -erking his head at one of the distant stru$tures. "We pro!a!l won*t have ti"e to !reak their $ode# so the ne,t !est thing is to disrupt their signals so"ehow. Now# ou said ou pi$ked up so"e spe$ial effe$ts ite"s !a$k at the 1a9aar. 3ave ou got an thing we $ould use on the signal towers7" "I*" not sure#" +anda frowned thoughtfull . "I wish ou had said so"ething a!out that !efore I went shopping." "What a!out %-a,7" I suggested. "What a!out hi"7" %ah9 $ountered. "3ow $lose would he have to !e to the towers to disrupt things with his ar$her 7" "I don*t know#" %ah9 shrugged. "Wh don*t ou ask hi"." Eager to follow up on " own suggestion# I s(uatted down ne,t to the do9ing !ow"an. "Arn . . . %-a,#" I $alled softl . "What$ha need# oungster7" the old "an asked# $o"ing instantl awake. ";o ou see those signal towers7" I asked# pointing at the distant stru$tures. %-a, rose to his feet and s(uinted in the indi$ated dire$tion. "0ure $an#" he nodded. "We . . . u" . . . I was wondering#" I e,plained# "$an ou use our !ow to disrupt their signals7" In response# %-a, drew an arrow fro" !eneath his $loak# $o$ked it# and let fl !efore I $ould stop hi". +he shaft disappeared in the dire$tion of the nearest tower. With sinking heart# I strained " e es tr ing to tra$k its flight. +here was a "an standing on the tower*s platfor"# his standard leaning against the railing !eside hi". 0uddenl # his standard toppled over# apparentl !reaking off a handspan fro" its $rosspie$e. +he "an !ent and retrieved the !otto" portion of the pole# staring with apparent $onfusion at the !roken end. "%n other targets7" %-a, asked. 3e was leaning $asuall on his !ow# his !a$k to the tower. 3e hadn*t even !othered wat$hing to see if his "issile stru$k its "ark. "A" . . . not -ust now# %-a,#" I assured hi". "4o !a$k to sleep." "5ine ! "e# sonn #" %-a, s"iled# resettling hi"self. "+here*ll !e plent of targets to"orrow." "3ow do ou figure that7" I asked. "%$$ording to that signal I -ust $ut down#" he grinned# "the ar" *s fi,in* to "ove out to"orrow." ":ou $an read the signals7" I !linked. "0ure#" %-a, nodded. "+here*re onl a!out eight different $odes ar"ies use# and I know *e" all. It*s part of " trade." "%nd the *re "oving out to"orrow7" I pressed. "+hat*s what I said." +he !ow"an s$owled. "What*s the "atter# are ou deaf7" "No#" I assured hi" hastil . "It -ust $hanges our plans is all. 4o !a$k to sleep." Returning to our little $onferen$e# I found %ah9 and +anda engrossed in a $onversation with 1ro$khurst. "1ad news# kid#" %ah9 infor"ed "e. "1ro$khurst here sa s the ar" *s going to "ove out to"orrow." "I know#" I said. "I -ust found out fro" %-a,. 6an ou read the signal flags too# 1ro$khurst7" "Naw#" the I"p ad"itted. "1ut the 4re"lin $an." "What 4re"lin7" %ah9 !ared his teeth. "3e was here a "inute ago#" 1ro$khurst s$owled# looking around. "Well# handso"e#" +anda sighed# e eing "e# "I think we -ust ran out of planning ti"e. 1etter $all our dragon. I think we*re going to need all the help we $an get to"orrow." 4leep had wandered off shortl after our arrival# though we $ould still hear hi" o$$asionall as he poked a!out in the under!rush. ":ou go get the dragon# +anda#" %ah9 ordered.

?F "+hough it es$apes "e how he*s supposed to !e an help. +he <!oss* here and I have to dis$uss his war $oun$il to"orrow." %n $onfiden$e I "ight have !uilt up listening to %ah9*s grand plan earlier fled "e. +anda was right. We had run out of ti"e.

Chapter Seventeen
";iplo"a$ is the deli$ate weapon of the $ivili9ed warrior." -3AN# %.+. We waited patientl for our war $oun$il. +he two of us# %ah9 and "e. %gainst an ar" . +his was# of $ourse# %ah9*s idea. Left to " own devi$es# I wouldn*t !e $aught dead in this position. +r ing to ignore that unfortunate $hoi$e of words# I $leared " throat and spoke to %ah9 out of the $orner of " "outh. "%ah97" ":eah# kid7" "3ow long are we going to stand here7" "Antil the noti$e us and do so"ething a!out it." +errifi$. Either we*d rot where we stood# or so"eone would shoot us full of arrows. We were standing a!out twent ards fro" one of the en$a"p"ents# with nothing !etween us and the" !ut "eadow. We $ould see $learl the !ustle of a$tivit within the en$a"p"ent and# in theor # there was nothing keeping the" fro" seeing us. +his is wh we were standing where we were# to draw attention to ourselves. Anfortunatel # so far no one had noti$ed. It had !een de$ided that %ah9 and I would work alone on this first sortie to hide the true strength of our for$e. It o$$urred to "e that it also hid the true weakness of our for$e# !ut I felt it would !e ta$tless to point this out. %t first# 1ro$khurst had argued in favor of his $o"ing along with "e instead of %ah9# $lai"ing that as an I"p he had "u$h "ore e,perien$e at !argaining than a de"on. It was pointed out to hi" rather for$efull ! %ah9 that in this instan$e we weren*t !argaining for glass !eads or whoopie $ushions# !ut for a war . . . and if the I"p wanted to prove to %ah9 that he knew "ore a!out fighting .... Needless to sa # 1ro$khurst !a$ked down at that point. +his was good# as it saved "e fro" having to openl re-e$t his offer. I "ean# I "a not !e the fastest learner around# !ut I $ould still distin$tl re"e"!er %ah9 getting the !est of 1ro$khurst the last ti"e# the two of the" had s(uared off for a !argaining session. 1esides# if this "eeting went awr # I wanted " "entor $lose at hand to share the $onse(uen$es with "e. 0o here we stood# !latantl e,posed to the ene" without even a sword for our defense. +hat was another of %ah9*s !rainstor"s. 3e argued that our !eing unar"ed a$$o"plished three things. 5irst# it showed that we were here to talk# not to fight. 0e$ond# it de"onstrated our faith in " "agi$al a!ilities to defend us. +hird# it en$ouraged our ene" to "eet us si"ilarl unar"ed. 3e also pointed out that %-a, would !e hiding in the tree line !ehind us with strung !ow and $o$ked arrow# and would pro!a!l !e !etter at defending us if an thing went wrong than a $ouple of swords would. 3e was right# of $ourse# !ut it did nothing to settle " nerves as we waited. "3eads up# kid#" %ah9 "ur"ured. "We*ve got $o"pan ." 0ure enough# a rather sto$k individual was striding !riskl a$ross the "eadow in our dire$tion. "Kid2" %ah9 hissed suddenl . ":our disguise2" "What a!out it7" I whispered !a$k. "It isn*t2" $a"e the repl . 3e was right2 I had $arefull restored his "du!ious $hara$ter" appearan$e# !ut had forgotten $o"pletel a!out $hanging " own. 3aving our "otle $rew a$$ept " leadership in " nor"al for" had $aused "e to overlook the fa$t that Klahds are harder to i"press than de"ons. "0hould I-" I !egan. "+oo late2" %ah9 growled. "5ake it." +he soldier was al"ost upon us now# $lose enough for "e to noti$e when he a!andoned his !ored e,pression and for$ed a s"ile. "I*" sorr # folks#" he $alled with pra$ti$ed authorit . ":ou*ll have to $lear the area. We*ll !e "oving soon and ou*re !lo$king the path." "6all our dut offi$er2" %ah9 !oo"ed !a$k at hi". "/ who7" the soldier s$owled. ";ut offi$er# offi$er of the da # $o""ander# whatever ou $all whoever*s $urrentl in $harge of our for"ation#" %ah9 $larified. "0o"e!od *s got to !e running things# and if ou*re offi$er "aterial# I*" the @ueen of the /a ." Whether or not the soldier understood %ah9*s allusion &I didn*t'# he $aught the general i"pli$ation. ":eah# there*s so"eone in $harge#" he snarled# his $o"ple,ion darkening slightl . "3e*s a ver !us "an right now# too !us to stand around talking to $ivilians. We*re getting read to "ove our troops# "ister# so take our son and get out of the wa . If ou want to wat$h the soldiers# ou*ll have to follow along and wat$h us when we $a"p tonight." FF;J ou have an idea who ou*re talking to7" I said in a surprisingl soft voi$e. "I don*t $are who our father is# sonn #" the soldier retorted. "We*re tr ing to-" "+he na"e*s not <sonn #* it*s 0keeve2" I hissed# drawing " self up. "6ourt "agi$ian to the kingdo" of .ossiltu"# pledged to that kingdo"*s defense. Now I advise ou to $all our offi$er . . . or do ou want to wake up to"orrow "orning on a lil pad7" +he soldier re$oiled a step and stood regarding "e suspi$iousl .

?G "Is he for real7" he asked %ah9 skepti$all . "3ow*s our taste for flies7" %ah9 s"iled. ":ou "ean he $an reall -" "Look#" interrupted %ah9# "I*" not pla ing servant to the kid !e$ause of his terrifi$ personalit # if ou know what I "ean." "I see . . . u". . . ." +he soldier was $autiousl !a$king toward the en$a"p"ent. "I*ll . . . u" . . . I*ll !ring " $o""anding offi$er." "We*ll !e here#" %ah9 assured hi". +he soldier nodded and retreated with noti$ea!l greater speed than he had displa ed approa$hing us. "0o far# so good#" " "entor said with a grin. "What*s wrong with " personalit 7" I asked !luntl . %ah9 sighed. "Later# kid. 5or the ti"e !eing# $on$entrate on looking aloof and dignified# oka 7" Oka or not# there wasn*t "u$h else to do while we waited for the offi$er to put in his appearan$e. %pparentl # news of our presen$e spread through the en$a"p"ent in re$ord ti"e# for a $rowd of soldiers gathered at the edge of the $a"p long !efore we saw an sign of the offi$er. It see"ed all preparations to "ove were suspended at least te"poraril while the soldiers lined up and $raned their ne$ks to gawk at us. It was kind of a ni$e feeling to have $aused su$h a sensation# until I noti$ed several soldiers were taking ti"e to strap on weapons and ar"or !efore -oining the $rowd. "%ah92" I whispered. ":eah# kid7" "I thought this was supposed to !e a pea$eful "eeting." "It is#" he assured "e. "1ut the *re ar"ing2" I pointed out. "Rela,# kid#" he whispered !a$k. "Re"e"!er# %-a, is $overing us." I tried to fo$us on that thought. +hen I saw what was apparentl the offi$er approa$hing us flanked ! two soldiers# and I fo$used on the swords the were all wearing. "%ah92" I hissed. "Rela,# kid#" %ah9 advised "e. "Re"e"!er %-a,." I re"e"!ered. I also re"e"!ered we were vastl outnu"!ered. "I understand ou gentle"en are e"issaries of .ossiltu"7" the offi$er asked# $o"ing to a halt in front of us. I nodded stiffl hoping the a!ruptness of " "otion would !e interpreted as anno an$e rather than fear. "5ine#" the offi$er s"irked. "+hen as the first representative of the E"pire to $onta$t a representative of .ossiltu"# I have the pleasure of for"all de$laring war on our kingdo"." "What is our na"e7" %ah9 asked $asuall . *6laude#" the offi$er responded. "Wh do ou ask7" "+he historians like details#" %ah9 shrugged. "Well# 6laude# as the first representative of .ossiltu" to "eet with a representative of our E"pire in ti"es of war# it is our pleasure to de"and our un$onditional surrender." +hat got a s"ile out of the offi$er. "0urrender7" he $hortled. "+o a $ripple and a $hild7 :ou "ust !e "ad. Even if I had the authorit to do su$h a thing# I wouldn*t." "+hat*s right." %ah9 shook his head in "o$k selfad"onish"ent. "We should have reali9ed. 0o"eone in $harge of a suppl $o"pan wouldn*t swing "u$h weight in an ar" like this# would he7" We had $hosen this parti$ular group of soldiers to approa$h spe$ifi$all !e$ause the were a suppl unit. +hat "eant the were lightl ar"ed and hopefull not an elite fighting group. %ah9*s !ar! stru$k ho"e# however. +he offi$er stopped s"iling and dropped his hand to his sword hilt. I found " self thinking again of %-a,*s prote$tion. "I have "ore than enough authorit to deal with ou two#" he hissed. "%uthorit # "a !e#" I awned. "1ut I frankl dou!t ou have the power to stand against us." %s I "entioned# I did not feel as $onfident as I sounded. +he offi$er*s honor guard had "i"i$ked his a$tion# so that now all three of our adversaries were standing read to draw their swords. "Ver well#" 6laude snarled. ":ou*ve !een warned. Now we*re going to !ring our wagons a$ross this spot# and if ou*re on it when we get here ou*ve no one to !la"e !ut ourselves." "%$$epted2" %ah9 leered. "0hall we sa noon to"orrow7" "+o"orrow7" the offi$er s$owled. "What*s wrong with right now7" "6o"e# $o"e# 6laude#" %ah9 ad"onished. "We*re talking a!out the first engage"ent of a new $a"paign. 0urel ou want so"e ti"e to plan our ta$ti$s." "+a$ti$s7" 6laude e$hoed thoughtfull . ". . . and to pass the word to our superiors that ou*re leading the opening ga"!it#" %ah9 $ontinued $asuall . "3""#" the offi$er "ur"ured. ". . . and to su""on reinfor$e"ents#" I supplied. "Anless# of $ourse# ou want to keep all the glor for ourself." "4lor 2" +hat did it. 6laude poun$ed on the word like a ;eveel on a gold pie$e. %ah9 had !een right in assu"ing suppl offi$ers don*t see

?H $o"!at often. "I . . . uh . . . I don*t !elieve we*ll re(uire reinfor$e"ents#" he "ur"ured $agil . "%re ou sure7" %ah9 sneered. "+he odds are onl a!out a hundred to one in our favor." "1ut he is a "agi$ian#" 6laude s"iled. "% good offi$er $an*t !e too $areful. 0till# it would !e pointless to involve too "an offi$ers . . . er . . . I "ean# soldiers in a "inor skir"ish." "6laude#" %ah9 said with grudging ad"iration# "I $an see ours is a "ilitar "ind without e(ual. Win or lose# I look forward to having ou as an opponent." "%nd ou# sir#" the offi$er returned with e(ual for"alit . "0hall we sa noon then7" "We*ll !e here#" %ah9 nodded. With that# the offi$er turned and strode !riskl !a$k to his en$a"p"ent# his !od guard trudging dutifull !eside hi". Our $o"rades were !ristling with (uestions when we reentered the tree line. "Is it set# !oss7" 1ro$khurst asked. "%n trou!le7" +anda pressed. ".ie$e of $ake#" %ah9 !ragged. "Right# kid7" "Well#" I !egan "odestl # "I was a little worried when the started to rea$h for their swords. I would have !een terrified if-I didn*t know %-a, was . . . sa # where is %-a,7" "3e*s up in that $lu"p of !ushes#" 4us infor"ed "e# -erking a "assive thu"! at a thi$ket of greener on the edge of the tree line. "3e should !e !a$k ! now." When we found %-a,# he was fast asleep $urled around his !ow. We had to shake hi" several ti"es to wake hi".

Chapter Eighteen
"=ust !efore the !attle# /other# I was thinking "ost of ou... " -0ONN: 1%RKER % long# sli" tongue assaulted "e fro" the darkness# a$$o"panied ! a !last of !ad !reath whi$h $ould have onl one sour$e. "4leep2" I started to auto"ati$all $uff the dragon awa # then had a sudden $hange of heart. "3i# fella#" I s"iled# s$rat$hing his ear. "Lonel 7" In response# " pet flopped on his side with a thud that shook the ground. 3is serpentine ne$k was long enough that he "anaged to perfor" this "aneuver without "oving his head fro" " grasp. 3is lo al affe$tion !rought a s"ile to " fa$e for the first ti"e sin$e I had taken up " lonel vigil. It was -a wel$o"e antidote to " nervous inso"nia. I was leaning against a treeE wat$hing the pinpoints of light that "arked the ene" *s en$a"p"ent. Even though the da *s events had left "e e,hausted# I found " self una!le to sleep# " "ind awash with fears and anti$ipation of to"orrow*s $lash. Not wishing to draw attention to " dis$o"fort# I had $rept to this pla$e to !e alone. %s stealth as I had atte"pted to !e# however# apparentl 4leep had noted " "ove"ent and $o"e to keep "e $o"pan . "Oh# 4leep#" I whispered. "What are we going to do7" 5or his answer# he snuggled $loser against "e and laid his head in " lap for additional patting. 3e see"ed to have unshaka!le faith in " a!ilit to handle an $risis as it arose. I wished with all " heart I shared his $onfiden$e. "0keeve7" $a"e a soft voi$e fro" " right. I turned " head and found +anda standing $lose !eside "e. +he dis(uieting thing a!out having an %ssassin for a friend is that the "ove so silentl . "6an I talk to ou for a "o"ent7" "0ure# +anda#" I said# patting the ground ne,t to "e. "3ave a seat." Instead of sitting at the indi$ated spot# she sank to the ground where she stood and $urled her legs up under her. "It*s a!out %-a,#" she !egan hesitantl . "I hate to !other ou# !ut I*" worried a!out hi"." "What*s wrong7" I asked. "Well# the tea"*s !een riding hi" a!out falling asleep toda when he was supposed to !e $overing ou#" she e,plained. "3e*s taking it prett hard." "I wasn*t too wild a!out it " self#" I $o""ented !itterl . "It*s a !ad feeling to reali9e that we reall were alone out there. If an thing had gone wrong# we would have !een $ut to shreds while pla$idl waiting for our e,pert !ow"an to inter$ede2" "I know." +anda*s voi$e was al"ost too soft to !e heard. "%nd I don*t !la"e ou for feeling like that. In a wa # I !la"e " self." ":ourself7" I !linked. "Wh 7" "I vou$hed for hi"# 0keeve#" she whispered. ";on*t ou re"e"!er7" "Well# sure#" I ad"itted. "1ut ou $ouldn*t have known-" "1ut I should have#" she interrupted !itterl . "I should have reali9ed how old he is now. 3e shouldn*t !e here# 0keeve. +hat*s wh I wanted to talk to ou a!out doing so"ething." "/e7" I asked# genuinel startled. "What do ou want "e to do7" "0end hi" !a$k#" +anda urged. "It isn*t fair to ou to endanger our "ission !e$ause of hi"# and it isn*t fair to %-a, to put hi" in a spot like this."

?I "+hat isn*t# what I "eant#" I "ur"ured# shaking " head. "I "eant wh are ou talking to "e7 %ah9 is the one- ou have to $onvin$e." "+hat*s where ou*re wrong# 0keeve#" she $orre$ted. "%ah9 isn*t leading this group# ou are." "1e$ause of what he said !a$k on ;eva7" I s"iled. "6*"on# +anda. :ou know %ah9. 3e was -ust a little "iffed. :ou noti$ed he*s $alled all the shots so far." +he "oonlight glistened in +anda*s hair as she shook her head. "I do know %ah9# 0keeve. 1etter than ou do#" she said. "3e*s a sti$kler for $hain of $o""and. If he sa s ou*re the leader# ou*re the leader." "1ut-" "1esides#" she $ontinued over " protest# "%ah9 is onl one "e"!er of the tea". What*s i"portant is all the others are $ounting on ou# too. On ou# not on %ah9. :ou hired *e"# and as far as the *re $on$erned# ou*re the !oss." +he frightening thing was she was right. I hadn*t reall stopped to think a!out it# !ut ever thing she said was true. I had -ust !een too !us with " own worries to refle$t on it. Now that I reali9ed the full e,tent of " responsi!ilities# a new wave of dou!ts assaulted "e. I wasn*t even that sure of " self as a "agi$ian# and as a leader of "en .... "I*ll have to think a!out it#" I stalled. ":ou don*t have "u$h ti"e#" she pointed out. ":ou*ve got a war s$heduled to start to"orrow." +here was a $ra$kling in the !rush to our left# interrupting our $onversation. "1oss7" $a"e 1ro$khurst*s soft hail. "%re ou !us 7" "0ort of#" I $alled !a$k. "Well# this will onl take a "inute." 1efore I $ould repl # two shadows deta$hed the"selves fro" the !rush and drew $loser. One was 1ro$khurst# the other was 4us. I should have known fro" the noise that the gargo le was a$$o"pan ing 1ro$khurst. Like +anda# the I"p $ould "ove like a ghost. "We were -ust talking a!out %-a,#" 1ro$khurst infor"ed "e# s(uatting down to -oin our $onferen$e. +he gargo le followed suit. ":eah#" 4us $onfir"ed. "+he three of us wanted to "ake a suggestion to ou." "Right#" 1ro$khurst nodded. "4us and "e and the 4re"lin." "+he 4re"lin7" I asked. +he I"p $raned his ne$k to peer around hi". "3e "ust have sta ed !a$k at $a"p#" he shrugged. "%!out %-a,#" +anda pro"pted. "We think ou should pull hi" fro" the tea"#" 4us announ$ed. "0end hi" !a$k to ;eva and out of the line of fire." "It*s not for us#" 1ro$khurst hastened to $larif . "It*s for hi". 3e*s a ni$e old gu # and we*d hate to see an thing happen to hi"." "3e is prett old#" I "ur"ured. "Old2" 4us e,$lai"ed. "1oss# the 4re"lin sa s he*s tailed hi" for over two hundred ears . . . two hundred2 %$$ording to hi"# %-a, was old when their paths first $rossed. It won*t kill hi" to "iss this one war# !ut it "ight kill hi" to fight in it." "Wh is the 4re"lin tailing hi"# an wa 7" I asked. "I*ve told ou !efore# kid#" a voi$e !oo"ed in " ear# "gre"lins don*t e,ist." With that pronoun$e"ent# %ah9 sank down at " side# !etween "e and +anda. %s I atte"pted to restore " heart!eat to nor"al# it o$$urred to "e I knew an awful lot of light-footed people. "3i# %ah9#" I said# for$ing a s"ile. "We were -ust talking a!out-" "I know# I heard#" %ah9 interrupted. "%nd for a $hange I agree." ":ou do7" I !linked. "0ure#" he awned. "It*s a $lear-$ut !rea$h of $ontra$t. 3e hired out his servi$es as a !ow"an# and the first assign"ent ou give hi"# he literall lies down on the -o!." %$tuall # it had !een the se$ond assign"ent. I had a sudden flash re$olle$tion of %-a, drawing and firing in a s"ooth# fluid "otion# $utting down a signal standard so distant it was !arel visi!le. "/ advi$e would !e to send hi" !a$k#" %ah9 was sa ing. "If ou want to soothe our $ons$ien$e# give hi" partial pa "ent and a good re$o""endation# !ut the wa he is# he*s no good to an !od ." .erhaps it was !e$ause of +anda*s le$ture# !ut I was suddenl aware that %ah9 had spe$ifi$all stated his suggestion as "advi$e#" not an order. "3eads up# !oss#" 1ro$khurst "ur"ured. "We*ve got $o"pan ." 5ollowing his ga9e# I saw %-a, stu"!ling toward us# his ghostlike paleness fli$kering in the darkness like . . . well# like a ghost. It o$$urred to "e that what had started out as a "o"ent of solitude was !e$o"ing awfull $rowded. "Evenin*# oungster#" he saluted. ";idn*t "ean to interrupt nothin2 ;idn*t know ou folks was havin* a "eetin*." "We . . . ah . . . we were -ust talking#" I e,plained# suddenl e"!arrassed. "I kin guess a!out what# too#" %-a, sighed. "Well# I was goin* to do this private-like# !ut I suppose the rest o* ou "ight as well hear it# too." ";o what# %-a,7" I asked. "Resign#" he said. "0ee"s to "e to !e the onl de$ent thing to do after what happened toda ." "It $ould have happened to an one#" I shrugged.

BJ "Ni$e of ou to sa so# oungster#" %-a, s"iled# "!ut I kin see the handwriting on the wall. I*" -ust too old to !e an good to an !od an "ore. *1out ti"e I ad"itted it to " self." I found " self noti$ing the droop in his shoulders and a listlessness that hadn*t !een there when we first "et on ;eva. ";on*t fret a!out pa in* "e#" %-a, $ontinued. "I didn*t do nothin*# so I figger ou don*t owe "e nothin*. If so"e!od *ll -ust !lip "e !a$k to ;eva# I*ll get outta our wa and let ou fight our war the wa it should !e fought." "Well# %-a,#" %ah9 sighed# rising to his feet and e,tending his hand. "We*re going to "iss ou." "=ust a "inute2" I found " self sa ing in a $old voi$e. "%re ou tr ing to tell "e ou*re !reaking our $ontra$t7" %-a,*s head $a"e up with a snap. "I e,pe$ted !etter fro" a genuine %r$her#" I $on$luded. "I wouldn*t $all it a !rea$h of $ontra$t# oungster#" the old !ow"an $orre$ted "e $arefull . "/ore like a ter"ination ! "utual $onsent. I*" -es* too old-" "Old7" I interrupted. "I knew ou were old when I hired ou. I knew ou were old when I planned " strateg for to"orrow*s fight around that !ow of ours. I knew ou were old# %-a,# !ut I didn*t know ou were a $oward2" +here was a sharp intake of !reath so"ewhere near! # !ut 8 didn*t see who it was. / attention was fo$used on %-a,. It was no longer a defeated# drooping old "an# !ut a proud# angr warrior who loo"ed suddenl over "e. "0onn #" he growled# "I know I*" old# *$ause in " ounger da s I would have killed ou for sa in* that. 8 never ran fro" a fight in " life# and 8 never !roke a $ontra$t. If ou got so"e shootin* fer "e to do to"orrow# I*ll do it. +hen "a !e ou*ll see what havin* a genuine %r$her on our side is all a!out2" With that# he spun on his heel and stalked off into the darkness. It had !een a $al$ulated risk# !ut I still found I was $overed with $old sweat fro" fa$ing the old "an*s anger. I also reali9ed the rest of the group was staring at "e in silent e,pe$tation. "I suppose ou*re all wondering wh I did that#" I said# s"iling. I had hoped for a response# !ut the silen$e $ontinued. "I appre$iate all our advi$e# and hope ou $ontinue to give it in the future. 1ut I*" leading this for$e# and the final de$isions have to !e "ine." Out of the $orner of " e e# I saw %ah9 $o$k his e e!row# !ut I ignored hi". "Ever one# in$luding %-a,# said if I let hi" go# if I sent hi" !a$k to ;eva# there would !e no har" done. I disagree. It would have taken awa the one thing the ears have left untou$hed . . . his pride. It would have $onfir"ed to hi" his worst -fears# that he*s !e$o"e a useless old "an." I s$anned " audien$e. Not one of the" $ould "eet " e e. "0o he "ight get killed. 0o what7 3e*s a$$epted that risk in ever war he*s fought in. I*d rather order hi" into a fight knowing for $ertain he*d !e killed than $onde"n hi" to a living death as a washed-up has-!een. +his wa # he has a $han$e# and as his e"plo er# I feel I owe hi" that $han$e." I paused for !reath. +he were looking at "e again# hanging on " ne,t words. "One "ore thing#" I snarled. "I don*t want to hear an "ore talk a!out hi" !eing useless. +hat old "an still handles a !ow !etter than an one I*ve ever seen. If I $an*t find a wa to use hi" effe$tivel # then it*s " fault as a ta$ti$ian# not his2 I*ve got " short$o"ings# !ut I*" not going to !la"e the" on %-a, an "ore than I*d !la"e the" on an of ou." 0ilen$e reigned again# !ut I didn*t $are. I had# spoken " pie$e# and felt no $o"pulsion to !lather on ai"lessl -ust to fill the void. "Well# !oss" -1ro$khurst $leared his throat getting to his feet-"I think I*ll turn in now." "/e# too#" e$hoed 4us# also rising. "=ust one thing." +he I"p paused and "et " ga9e s(uarel . "5or the re$ord# it*s a real pleasure working for ou." +he gargo le nodded his agree"ent# and the two of the" faded into the !rush. +here was a soft kiss on " $heek# !ut ! the ti"e I turned " head# +anda had disappeared. ":ou know# kid#" %ah9 said# " ou*re going to "ake a prett good leader so"eda ." "+hanks# %ah9#" I !linked. ". . . if ou live that long#" " "entor $on$luded. We sat side ! side in silen$e for a while longer. 4leep had apparentl do9ed off# for he was snoring softl as I $ontinued petting hi". "If it isn*t pr ing#" %ah9 asked finall # "what is this "aster plan ou have for to"orrow that*s !uilt around %-a,7" I sighed and $losed " e es. "I haven*t got one#" I ad"itted. "I was kind of hoping ou*d have a few ideas." "I was afraid ou were going to sa that#" %ah9 gru"!led.

Chapter Nineteen
"What if the gave a war and onl one side $a"e-" -LA6I5ER "Wake up# kid2" I returned to $ons$iousness as I was !eing for$efull propelled sidewa s along the forest floor# presu"a!l assisted ! the read

B8 toe of " "entor. %fter I had slid to a stop# I e,erted "ost of " energ and raised " head. "%ah9#" I announ$ed sole"nl # "as leader of this tea"# I have rea$hed another de$ision. In the future# I want +anda to wake "e up." "Not a $han$e#" %ah9 leered. "0he*s off s$outing our right flank. It*s "e or the dragon." 4reat $hoi$e. I suddenl reali9ed how !right it was. "3e 2" I !linked. "3ow late is it7" "5igure we*ve got a!out a "inute !efore things start popping#" %ah9 said $asuall . "3ow long7" I gasped. %ah9*s !row furrowed for a "o"ent as he refle$ted on his words. Klahdish units of ti"e still gave hi" a !it of trou!le. "%n hour2" he s"iled triu"phantl . "+hat*s it. %n hour." "+hat*s !etter#" I sighed# sinking !a$k to a hori9ontal position. "On our feet# kid2" %ah9 ordered. "We let ou sleep as late as we $ould# !ut now ou*re needed to review the troops." "3ave ou !riefed ever !od 7" I awned# sitting up. "Is the plan $lear7" "%s $lear as it*s going to !e# all things $onsidered#" %ah9 shrugged. "Oka #" I responded# rolling to " feet. "Let*s go. :ou $an fill "e in on an new develop"ents along the wa ." %ah9 and I had !een up "ost of the night for"ulating toda *s plan# and I found I was a$tuall eager to see it i"ple"ented. ":ou should !e thankful ou aren*t on the other side#" %ah9 $hortled as we "oved to -oin the others. "Old 6laude*s !een "aking the "ost of the ti"e we gave hi"." "Keeping the" !us # is he7" I s"iled. "0in$e sunup#" %ah9 $onfir"ed s"ugl . ";rilling# sharpening swords# never a dull "o"ent in the E"pire*s ar" # that*s for sure." I wasn*t sure I shared %ah9*s enthusias" for the ene" *s spending lots of ti"e sharpening their swords. 5ortunatel # I was spared the dis$o"fort of repl ing as 4us lu"!ered up to us. ":ou -ust "issed 1ro$khurst*s report#" he infor"ed us. "0till nothing on the left flank." "Wouldn*t we !e a!le to tell fro" their signals if the were "oving up additional support7" I asked. "If ou !elieve their signals#" %ah9 $ountered. "It wouldn*t !e the first ti"e an ar" figured out the ene" had !roken their $ode and started sending "isleading "essages." "Oh#" I said wisel . "0peaking of signals#" %ah9 said with a grin# " ou know the "essages the were sending esterda 7 +he ones that went <en$ountered "inor resistan$e*7" "I re"e"!er#" I nodded. "Well# it see"s 6laude has de$ided he needs to up the ante if he*s going to get a pro"otion out of this. Overnight we*ve !e$o"e <ar"ed opposition . . . "ust !e su!dued for$efull 2* Neat# huh7" I swallowed hard. ";oes that "ean the *ll !e "oving in reinfor$e"ents7 *L*I asked# tr ing to sound $asual. "Not a $han$e# kid." %ah9 winked. "6laude there has turned down ever offer of assistan$e that $a"e down the line. 3e keeps insisting he $an handle it with the $o"pan he*s $o""anding." "I*d sa he*s got his ne$k wa # wa out#" 4us $o""ented. ". . . and we*re -ust the ones to $hop it off for hi"#" %ah9 finished. "Where*s %-a,7" I asked# $hanging the su!-e$t. ";own at the forest line pi$king out his firing point#" 4us replied. ";on*t worr # !oss. 3e*s awake." %$tuall # that wasn*t " worr $on$erning %-a, at all. In " "ind*s e e# I $ould still see his angr stan$e when I $alled hi" a $oward the night !efore. "/ornin*# oungster#" the !ow"an hailed# e"erging fro" the !ush. "+hink I got us a pla$e all pi$ked out." "3i# %-a,#" I replied. "0a . . . u" . . . when ou get a "inute# I*d like to talk to ou a!out last night." "+hink nothin* of it#" %-a, assured "e with a grin. "I*ve plu" fergot a!out it alread ." +here was a glint in his e e that $ontradi$ted his words# !ut if he was willing to pretend nothing had happened# I*d go along with it for now. "I hate to interrupt#" %ah9 interrupted# "!ut I think friend 6laude*s -ust a!out read to "ake his "ove." 0ure enough# the distant en$a"p"ent was lining up in a "ar$hing for"ation. +he hand-drawn wagons were pa$ked and aligned# with the es$ort troops arra ed to the front and sides. +he signal tower# despite its appearan$e# was apparentl also porta!le and was !eing pushed along at the rear of the for"ation ! several sweating soldiers. "Late2" %-a, sneered. "I tell a# oungster# ar"ies are the sa"e in an di"ension." "Oka # kid#" %ah9 said !riskl . ";o our stuff. It*s a!out ti"e we got into position." I nodded and $losed " e es for $on$entration. With a few strokes of " "ental paint!rush# I altered 4us*s features until the gargo le was the "irror i"age of " self. ".rett good#" %-a, $o""ented $riti$all # looking fro" 4us to "e and !a$k again. I repeated the pro$ess# returning %ah9 to his "du!ious $hara$ter" disguise. "Well# we*re off#" %ah9 waved. "6onfusion to the ene" 2" +oda *s plan $alled for 4us su!stituting for "e. +he logi$ was that should an thing go wrong# his stone flesh would not onl

B> keep hi" fro" har"# !ut also serve as a shield to defend %ah9. 0o"ehow it didn*t see" right to "e# to re"ain !ehind in relative safet while sending so"eone else to take " risks for "e. It o$$urred to "e that perhaps I had $alled the wrong person "$oward" last night when speaking with %-a,. +he !ow"an see"ed to a$$ept the arrange"ent without (uestion# however. "5ollow "e# oungster#" he $a$kled. "I don*t want to "iss an of this2" With that# he turned and plunged into the !rush# leaving "e little $hoi$e !ut to trail along !ehind. 5ortunatel # %-a,*s $hosen vantage point wasn*t far. Old or not# I found he set a wi$ked pa$e. 0tringing his !ow# he $rou$hed and waited# $hu$kling softl in anti$ipation. 0ettling in !eside hi"# I took a "o"ent to $he$k the energ lines# the invisi!le strea"s of energ "agi$ians draw their power fro". +here were two strong lines near! # one air# one ground# whi$h was good. While %ah9 had taught "e how to store the energies internall # with the a"ount of a$tion s$heduled for the da # I wanted all the power I $ould get. We $ould see %ah9 and 4us striding with great dignit toward the sele$ted $o"!at point. +he opposing for$e wat$hed the" in fro9en silen$e as the took their pla$es. 5or a "o"ent# ever one stood in ta!leau. +hen 6laude turned to his for$e and !arked out an order. I""ediatel a half do9en ar$hers !roke fro" the for"ation and fanned out on either side of the wagons. /oving with slow deli!eration# the ea$h drew and $o$ked an arrow# then leveled the !ows at the two figures !lo$king the $o"pan *s progress. I $on$entrated " energies. 6laude shouted so"ething at our $o"rades. +he re"ained "otionless. I $on$entrated. +he !ow"en loosed their "issiles. 4us threw up one hand dra"ati$all . +he arrows stopped in "id-air and fell to the ground. +he !ow"en looked at ea$h other in a"a9e"ent. 6laude !arked another order at the". +he shakil drew and fired another !arrage. +his one was "ore ragged than the first# !ut I "anaged to stop it as well. "Ni$e work# oungster#" %-a, e,$lai"ed gleefull . "+hat*s got *e" going." 0ure enough# the neat ranks of soldiers were rippling as the "en "uttered !a$k and forth a"ong the"selves. 6laude noted it# too# and ordered his !ow"en !a$k into the ranks. Round one to us2 / elation was short-lived# though. +he soldiers were drawing their swords now. +he two groups assigned to guarding the sides of the wagon pivoted forward# for"ing two wings read to engulf our tea""ates. %s further eviden$e of 6laude*s nervousness# he even had the troops assigned to pulling the wagons leave their posts and "ove up to reinfor$e the $enter of his line. +hat*s what we were waiting for. "Now# %-a,2" I hissed. "%r$h *e" high." "I re"e"!er# oungster#" the ar$her grinned. "I*" read when ou are." I waited until he raised his !ow# then $on$entrated an intense !ea" of energ at a point a few in$hes in front of his !ow. It was like the $andle-lighting e,er$ise# and it worked as well now as it had when we had tried it last night. %s ea$h shaft sped fro" %-a,*s !ow# it !urst into fla"es and $ontinued on its flight. %gain and again with in$redi!le speed the !ow"an sent his "issiles hissing through " ignition point. It re(uired all " $on$entration to "aintain the ne$essar strea" of energ # "oving it o$$asionall as his point of ai" $hanged. 5inall # he dropped his !ow !a$k to his side. "+hat oughta do it# oungster#" he grinned. "+ake a look." I did. +here in the distan$e# !ehind the soldiers* lines# thin plu"es of s"oke were rising fro" the wagons. In a few "o"ents# 6laude*s suppl $o"pan would !e without supplies. If we had a few "o"ents2 %s we wat$hed# the "en !egan to advan$e on %ah9 and 4us# their swords glea"ing in the sun. "+hink we*d !etter do so"ething a!out that2" %-a, "uttered# raising his !ow again. "Wait a se$ond# %-a,2" I ordered# s(uinting at the distant figures. +here had !een a !rief $onsultation !etween %ah9 and 4us# then the gargo le stepped !a$k and !egan gesturing wildl at his $o"panion. It took "e a "o"ent# !ut I finall got the "essage. With a s"ile# I $losed " e es and re"oved %ah9*s disguise. .ande"oniu" reigned. +he soldiers in the front ranks took one look at the de"on opposing the" and sta"peded for the rear# half tra"pling the "en !ehind the". %s word spread through the for"ation# it !e$a"e a rout# though I seriousl dou!t those in the rear knew what the were running fro". If an one noti$ed the !urning wagons# the didn*t slow on$e. "Whooee2" %-a, e,$lai"ed# thu"ping "e on the !a$k. "+hat did it. Look at *e" run. :ou*d think those fellers never seed a .ervert !efore." "+he pro!a!l haven*t#" I $o""ented# tr ing to "assage so"e feeling !a$k into " shoulder. ":ou know#" the !ow"an drawled# s(uinting at the s$ene !elow# "I got "e an idea. +he" fellers ran off so fast the fergot to signal to an !od . +hink we should do it for *e"7" "3ow7" I asked.

B? "Well#" he grinned. "I know the signals# and ou*re a "agi$ian. If I told ou what signal to run up# $ould ou do it7 Without an !od holdin* it7" "0ure $ould#" I agreed. "What*ll we need for the signal7" "Le""e think#" he frowned. "We*ll have to get a skull# and a $ouple of pie$es of red $loth# and a !la$k !all# an-" "Wait a "inute# %-a,#" I said# holding up a hand. "I think there*s an easier signal the *ll understand. Wat$h this." I sent one "ore !last of energ out# and the tower platfor" !urst into fla"es. "+hink the *ll get the "essage7" I s"iled. %-a, stared at the !urning tower for a "o"ent. ":er prett good at that# oungster#" he "ur"ured finall . "+hrowin* fire that far." "Well#" I !egan "odestl # "we "agi$ians $an-" " *6ourse#" he $ontinued. "If ou $an do that# then ou didn*t reall need "e and 1la$kie to handle those wagons# did ou7" +oo late I reali9ed " "istake. "%-a,# I-" "Kinda strange# ou goin* to all that trou!le -es* to $onvin$e "e I*" not useless." ":ou*re not useless#" I !arked. "=ust !e$ause so"eti"es ou*re not ne$essar doesn*t "ean ou*re useless. I "a !e oung# !ut I*" old enough to know that." %-a, regarded "e for a "o"ent# then he suddenl s"iled. ";anged if ou aren*t right# oungster . . . 0keeve#" he laughed. "4uess I knew it# !ut plu" fergot it there fer a while. Let*s go get so"e wine fro" that $ask strapped to our dragon. I*d like to thank ou proper fer re"indin* "e." We headed !a$k to $a"p together.

Chapter Twenty
"6hain of $o""and is the !a$k!one of "ilitar stru$ture and "ust !e stri$tl o!e ed." -5. 63RI0+I%N +he "ood !a$k at the $a"p was understanda!l $ele!rator . If I had had an hopes for -oining in the festivities# however# the were dashed when %ah9 hailed "e. "Over here# kid2" he waved. "We*ve got so"e planning to do2" "+hat*s the other side o* !ein* a general# oungster#" %-a, "ur"ured s "patheti$all . " *+*aint all spee$hes and glor . :ou go on ahead. I*ll do " drinkin* with the !o s." With a -erk of his head# he indi$ated 4us and 1ro$khurst who were alread at the wine. +anda was waiting for "e with %ah9. +hat "ade " $hoi$e a little easier. "Oka # %-a,#" I s"iled. "I*ll $at$h up with ou in a little !it." "6ongratulations# handso"e2" +anda winked as I -oined the". "+hat was as neat a !it of work as I*ve seen in a long ti"e." "+hanks# +anda#" I !lushed. "I see ou and %-a, are on speaking ter"s again#" %ah9 said# regarding "e with $o$ked e e!rows. "+hat*s not a !ad tri$k in itself. 3ow did ou do it7" "We . . . u" . . . we had a long talk#" I replied vaguel . ":ou said we had so"e planning to do7" "/ore like a !riefing#" %ah9 ad"itted. "+anda here !rought along a few spe$ial effe$ts ite"s I think ou should know a!out." I had $o"pletel forgotten a!out +anda*s errand whi$h had left "e alone at the 1a9aar. Now that I had !een re"inded# " $uriosit soared. "What$ha got# +anda7" I asked eagerl . "Nothing spe$ta$ular#" she shrugged. "Knowing %ah9 was involved# I figured we*d !e on a tight !udget so I stu$k to the !asi$s." "=ust show hi"# huh7" %ah9 growled. "0pare us the editorial $o""ents." 0he stu$k her tongue out at hi" !ut produ$ed a s"all $loth sa$k fro" her !elt. "5irst off#" she !egan# "I thought we $ould use a little flash powder. It never fails to i"press the okels." "5lash powder#" I said $arefull . ":ou set fire to it#" %ah9 supplied. "It !urns fast and gives ou a $loud of s"oke." "I*ve got a!out a do9en s"all !ags of it here#" +anda $ontinued# showing "e the $ontents of her sa$k. "Various $olors and si9es." "6an I tr one7" I asked. "I*ve never worked with this stuff !efore." "0ure#" +anda said. 0he grinned# e,tending the sa$k. "+he *re ours to use as ou see fit. :ou "ight as well know what ou*ve got." I took the sa$k and $arefull sele$ted one of the s"all !ags fro" its interior. "1etter toss it to the ground# kid#" %ah9 $autioned. "0o"e folks $an set it off in their hand# !ut that takes pra$ti$e. If ou tried it that wa now# ou*d pro!a!l lose a few fingers." I*d o!edientl tossed the !ag on the ground a few feet awa . Wat$hing it $uriousl # I fo$used a (ui$k !urst of energ on it. +here was a !right flash of light a$$o"panied ! a soft pop. 1linking " e es# I looked at where the !ag had !een. % s"all $loud of green s"oke hung in the air# slowl dissipating in the !ree9e. "+hat*s neat2" I e,$lai"ed# rea$hing into the sa$k again. "+ake it eas #" %ah9 warned. "We don*t have that "u$h of the stuff."

BB "Oh2 Right# %ah9#" I replied# feeling a little sheepish. "What else do ou have# +anda7" "Well#" she said# s"iling# "I guess this would !e a pie$e-de-resistan$e." %s she spoke# she see"ed to draw so"ething fro" !ehind her !a$k. I sa "see"ed" !e$ause I $ouldn*t see an thing. 5ro" her "ove"ents# she looked to !e holding a rod a!out three feet long# !ut there was nothing in her grasp. "What is it7" I asked politel . 5or a response# she grinned and held whatever it was in front of her. +hen she opened her grip and disappeared into thin air. "Invisi!ilit #" %ah9 e,$lai"ed. "% $loak of invisi!ilit 2" "6ouldn*t afford one#" $a"e +anda*s voi$e fro" so"ewhere in front of us. "I had to settle for one of these." What "one of these" was# it turned out# was a sheet of invisi!ilit . It was a sheet of stiff "aterial a!out three feet ! seven feet. +anda had !een $arr ing it rolled up in a tu!e# and her disappearan$e had !een $aused ! the sheet unrolling to its full si9e. %s she and %ah9 $hatted e,$itedl a!out her new find# I had an opportunit to further " knowledge in the field of invisi!ilit . Invisi!le sheets# it see"s# were "ade of roughl the sa"e "aterial as invisi!le $loaks. 0in$e the sheets were $arried# not worn# the did not re(uire the fle,i!ilit and softness ne$essar for a $loak. 6onse(uentl # the were $onsidera!l $heaper than the $loaks. +he effe$t was sort of like one-wa glass. When ou were on the right side of an invisi!le sheet# ou $ould see through it perfe$tl well to o!serve whatever or whoever was on the other side. +he # however# $ould not see ou. We were still dis$ussing the potential uses of the new tool when 1ro$khurst hastened up to our group. "3e # !oss2" he $alled. "We*ve got $o"pan 2" "Who7 Where7" I asked $al"l . ";own on the "eadow#" the I"p responded# pointing. "+he 4re"lin sa s there*s so"e kind of group for"ing out there." "What 4re"lin7" %ah9 snarled. "6*"on# %ah9#" +anda $alled# starting off. "Let*s $he$k this out." +here was indeed a group on the "eadow# E"pire soldiers all. +he pu99ling thing was their a$tivit # or spe$ifi$all their la$k of it. +he see"ed to !e si"pl standing and waiting for so"ething. "What are the doing# %ah97" I whispered as we studied the group for" the $on$eal"ent of the tree line. "+he *re standing and waiting#" %ah9 supplied. "I $an see that#" I said. "1ut what are the waiting for7" ".ro!a!l for us#" " "entor replied. "5or us7" I !linked. "Wh 7" "5or a war $oun$il#" %ah9 grinned. "Look at it# kid.. %ren*t the doing the sa"e thing we did when we wanted to talk7 +he *re even standing in the sa"e spot." I restudied the group in this light. %ah9 was right2 +he ene" was $alling for a war $oun$il2 ";o ou think we should go out there7" I asked nervousl . "0ure#" %ah9 replied. "1ut not right awa . Let *e" sweat a little. +he kept us waiting the first ti"e# re"e"!er7" It was nearl half an hour !efore we stepped fro" the tree line and advan$ed a$ross the "eadow to where the soldiers stood waiting. I had taken the pre$aution of outfitting %ah9 in his "du!ious $hara$ter" disguise for the $onferen$e. / self# I was !earing the invisi!ilit sheet !efore "e# so that though I was walking along !eside %ah9# to the soldiers it appeared he was alone. +here were "ore soldiers at the "eeting point than there had !een at our first "eeting with 6laude. Even to " untrained e e# it was apparent that there were "ore than half a do9en offi$ers present a"ong the honor guard. ":ou wish a "eeting7" %ah9 asked haughtil # drawing to a halt !efore the group. +here was a ripple of (ui$k $onsultation a"ong the soldiers. 5inall one of the"# apparentl the leader# stepped forward. "We wish to speak with our "aster2" he announ$ed for"all . "3e*s kinda !us right now#" %ah9 awned. "%n thing I $an help ou with7" +he leader reddened slightl . "I a" the $o""ander of this se$tor2" he !arked. "I de"and to see 0keeve# $o""ander of the defense# not his la$k 2" I dropped one of the !ags of flash powder on the ground at " feet. "If ou insist#" %ah9 growled# "I*ll get hi". 1ut he won*t !e happ ." "I*" not here to "ake hi" happ #" the leader shouted. "Now !e off with ou." "+hat won*t !e ne$essar #" %ah9 leered. "3e*s a "agi$ian. 3e hears and sees what his servants hear and see. 3e*ll !e along." +hat was " $ue. I let drop the sheet of invisi!ilit and si"ultaneousl ignited the !ag of flash powder. +he results were spe$ta$ular. +he soldiers# with the e,$eption of the leader# fell !a$k several steps. +o the"# it looked as if I had suddenl appeared fro" thin air# "ateriali9ing in a $loud of red s"oke. 5or "e# the effe$t was less i"pressive) %s the !ag of flash powder went off# it was "ade apparent to "e that wat$hing a $loud of s"oke fro" a distan$e was "arkedl different fro" standing at ground 9ero. %s I was enveloped in the s$arlet !illows# " feeling was not of elated triu"ph !ut rather a nearl overwhel"ing desire to $ough and snee9e. / efforts to suppress " rea$tions $aused "e to $ontort " features to the point where I "ust have !orne "ore than a faint rese"!lan$e to 4us. "0tead # /aster2" %ah9 $autioned.

BD "%ah9. %h2" I gasped. ";o not let our anger over$o"e our reason#" " "entor $ontinued hastil . "+he don*t know the powers the trifle with." "I . . . I did not wish to !e distur!ed#" I "anaged at last# regaining " !reath as the s"oke dissipated. +he leader of the group had held his ground through the entire pro$eedings# though he looked a !it paler and less sure of hi"self than when he had !een dealing with -ust %ah9. "We . . . u" . . . apologi9e for !othering ou#" he !egan un$ertainl . "1ut there are $ertain "atters re(uiring our i""ediate attention . . . spe$ifi$all the war we are $urrentl engaged in." I e ed hi" $arefull . 3e see"ed to !e of a different $ut than 6laude had !een. "I*" afraid ou have "e at a disadvantage# sir#" I said $agil . ":ou see" to know "e# !ut I don*t re$all having "et ou !efore." "We have not "et !efore#" the offi$er replied gri"l . "If we had# !e assured one of us would not !e here $urrentl . I know ou ! reputation# spe$ifi$all for our re$ent efforts to resist the advan$e of our ar" . 5or " self# I a" %ntonio# $o""ander of the right wing of the left flank of the E"pire*s ar" . +hese are " offi$ers." 3e indi$ated the soldiers !ehind hi" with a vague wave of his hand. +he "en responded ! drawing the"selves "ore ere$t and thrusting out their $hins arrogantl . I a$knowledged the" with a slight nod. "Where is 6laude7" I asked $asuall . "I was under the i"pression he was an offi$er of this se$tor." ":ou are $orre$t#" %ntonio s"irked. "3e was. 3e is $urrentl !eing detained until he $an !e properl $ourt-"artialed . . . for in$o"peten$e2" "In$o"peten$e7" I e$hoed. "6o"e now# sir. %ren*t ou !eing a little harsh7 While 6laude "a have overstepped his a!ilities a !it# I wouldn*t sa he*s in$o"petent. I "ean# after all# he was dealing with supernatural powers# if ou know what I "ean." %s I spoke# I wiggled " fingers dra"ati$all at %ah9 and re"oved his disguise. +he -aws of the attending offi$ers dropped# ruining their arrogant -ut. +hen %ah9 grinned at the"# and their "ouths $li$ked shut in unison as the swallowed hard. %ntonio was uni"pressed. ":es# es#" he said !riskl # waving a hand as if at an anno ing fl . "We have had reports# "an reports# as to our rapport with de"ons. 6laude*s in$o"peten$e is in his disastrous underesti"ation of the for$es opposing hi". 1e assured# I will not !e guilt of the sa"e error." ";on*t $ount on it# +on #" %ah9 leered. "We de"ons $an !e a prett tri$k lot. +he offi$er ignored hi". "3owever# we are not here for idle pleasantries#" he said# fi,ing "e with a stern ga9e. "I !elieve we have a dispute to settle $on$erning right of passage over this parti$ular pie$e of terrain." "We have a dispute $on$erning our right of passage over the kingdo" of .ossiltu"#" I $orre$ted. ":es# es#" %ntonio awned. "Of $ourse# if ou want to stop us fro" gaining .ossiltu"# ou had !est stop us here." "+hat*s a!out how we had it figured#" %ah9 agreed. "Not to !ela!or the point# %ntonio#" I s"iled# "!ut I !elieve we do have ou stopped." "+e"poraril #" the offi$er s"iled. "I e,pe$t that situation to $hange shortl . . . shall we sa # a few hours after dawn7 +o"orrow7" "We*ll !e here#" %ah9 nodded. "=ust a "o"ent#" I interrupted. "%ntonio# ou strike "e as !eing a sporting "an. Would ou like to "ake our en$ounter to"orrow a little "ore interesting7 0a # with a little side wager7" "0u$h as what7" the offi$er s$owled. "If ou lose to"orrow#" I said $arefull # "will ou ad"it 6laude*s defeat had nothing to do with in$o"peten$e and drop the $harges against hi"7" %ntonio thought for a "o"ent# then nodded. ";one#" he said. "Nor"all I would fear what the rea$tion of " superiors would !e# !ut I a" $onfident of " vi$tor . +here are things even a de"on $annot stand against." "0u$h as7" %ah9 drawled. ":ou will see#" the offi$er s"iled. "+o"orrow." With that## he spun on his heel and "ar$hed off# his offi$ers trailing !ehind hi". "What do ou think# %ah97" I "ur"ured. "+hink7" " "entor s$owled. "I think ou*re going soft# kid. 5irst 1ro$khurst# now 6laude. What is this <!e kind to ene"ies* ki$k ou*re on7" "I "eant a!out to"orrow#" I $larified (ui$kl . "I dunno# kid#" %ah9 ad"itted. "3e sounded too $onfident for $o"fort. I wish I knew what he*s got up his sleeve that*s supposed to stop de"ons." "Well#" I sighed# "I guess we*ll see to"orrow."

Chapter Twenty-One
"It takes a giant to fight a giant."

BF -3. .R:/ OAR pensiveness was still with us the ne,t da . Our opponents were definitel up to so"ething# !ut we $ouldn*t tell e,a$tl what it was. +anda and 1ro$khurst had headed out on a s$outing trip during the night and had !rought !a$k pu99ling news. +he E"pire*s soldiers had !rought up so"e kind of heav e(uip"ent# !ut it was hidden fro" sight ! a huge !o,. %ll our s$outs $ould sa for sure was that whatever the se$ret weapon was# it was !ig and it was heav . 4us offered to fl over the !o, to take a (ui$k peek inside# !ut we vetoed the idea. With the !o, $onstantl in the $enter of a "ass of soldiers# there was no wa the gargo le $ould $arr out his "ission uno!served. Even if he used the invisi!ilit sheet# the ar" was so far flung that so"eone would see hi". 0o far we had kept the gargo le*s presen$e on our tea" as a se$ret# and we preferred to keep it that wa . Even if we disguised hi" as %ah9 or " self# it would !etra the fa$t that so"eone in our part was a!le to fl . %s %ah9 pointed out# it looked as if this $a"paign would !e rough enough without giving the opposition advan$e warning of the e,tent of our a!ilities. +his was all ta$ti$all sound and irrefuta!l logi$al. Nonetheless# it did nothing to reassure "e as %ah9 and I stood waiting for %ntonio to "ake his opening ga"!it. "Rela,# kid#" %ah9 "ur"ured. ":ou look nervous." "I a" nervous#" I snapped !a$k. "We*re standing out here waiting to fight# and we don*t know who or what we*re supposed to !e fighting. :ou*ll forgive "e if that "akes "e a trifle edg ." I was aware I was !eing unne$essaril harsh on " "entor. %-a, and 4us were standing ! # and 1ro$khurst and +anda were wat$hing for an new develop"ents. +he onl tea" "e"!er una$$ounted for this "orning was the 4re"lin# !ut I thought it wisest not to !ring this to %ah9*s attention. I assu"ed our elusive !lue friend was off so"ewhere with 4leep# as " pet was also "issing. Ever thing that $ould have !een done in preparation had !een done. 3owever# I still felt uneas . "Look at it this wa # kid#" %ah9 tried again. "%t least we know what we aren*t up against." What we weren*t dealing with was soldiers. +hough a large nu"!er of the" were gathered in the near vi$init # there see"ed to !e no effort !eing "ade to organi9e or ar" the" for !attle. %s the appointed ti"e drew near# it !e$a"e "ore and "ore apparent that the were to !e spe$tators onl in the up$o"ing fra . "I think I*d rather deal with soldiers#" I said glu"l . "3eads up# kid#" %ah9 retorted# nudging "e with his el!ow. "Whatever*s going to happen is a!out to. I knew what he "eant# whi$h !othered "e. +here was no ti"e to ponder it# however. %ntonio had -ust put in his appearan$e. 3e strolled around one $orner of the "a""oth !o, deep in $onversation with a suspi$ious-looking $hara$ter in a hooded $loak. 3e shot a glan$e in our dire$tion# s"iled# and waved "erril . We didn*t wave !a$k. "I don*t like the looks of this# kid#" %ah9 growled. I didn*t either# !ut there wasn*t "u$h we $ould do e,$ept wait. %ntonio finished his $onversation with the stranger and stepped !a$k# folding his ar"s a$ross his $hest. +he stranger waved so"e of the onlooking soldiers aside# then stepped !a$k hi"self. ;rawing hi"self up# he !egan weaving his hands !a$k and forth in a pu99ling "anner. +hen the wind $arried the sound to "e and I reali9ed he was $hanting. "%ah92" I gasped. "+he *ve got their own "agi$ian." "I know#" %ah9 grinned !a$k. "1ut fro" what I $an hear he*s !luffing the" the sa"e wa ou !luffed the $ourt !a$k at .ossiltu". 3e pro!a!l doesn*t have an "ore powers than I do." No sooner had " "entor "ade his o!servation than the side of the huge !o, whi$h was fa$ing us slowl lowered itself to the ground. Revealed inside the "assive $ontainer was a dragon. +he !o, had !een !ig# !etter than thirt feet long and twent feet high# !ut fro" the look of the dragon he "ust have !een $ra"ped for spa$e inside. 3e was !ig2 I "ean# reall !ig2 Now I*ve never kidded " self a!out 4leep*s si9e. +hough his ten-foot length "ight look trig here on Klah# I had seen dragons on ;eva that "ade hi" look s"all. +he dragon $urrentl fa$ing us# however# dwarfed ever thing I had seen !efore. 3e was an irides$ent !luish-green his entire length# whi$h was far "ore serpentine than I was a$$usto"ed to seeing in a dragon. 3e had "assive !at wings that he stret$hed and fle,ed as he $lawed his wa out of the $onfining !o,. +here was a silver glint fro" his e e so$kets whi$h would have "ade hi" look "a$hinelike were it not for the fluid gra$e of his powerful li"!s. 5or a "o"ent# I was al"ost over$o"e ! the !eautiful spe$ta$le he presented# e"erging onto the !attlefield. +hen he threw his head !a$k and roared# and " ad"iration turned i$ $old within "e. +he great head turned until its e es were fo$used dire$tl on us. +hen he !egan to stalk forward. "+i"e for the !etter part of valor# kid#" %ah9 whispered# tugging at " sleeve. "Let*s get out of here." "Wait a "inute# %ah92" I shot !a$k. ";o ou see that7 What the keeper*s holding7" % glint of gold in the sunlight had $aught " e e. +he dragon*s keeper had a gold pendant $lasped in his fist as he urged his !east forward. ":eah2" %ah9 answered. "0o7" "I*ve seen a pendant like that !efore2" I e,plained e,$itedl . "+hat*s how he*s $ontrolling the dragon2" +he ;eveel who had !een running the ;ragon stall where I a$(uired 4leep had worn a pendant like that. +he pendant was used

BG to $ontrol dragons . . . unatta$hed dragons# that is. %tta$hed dragons $an !e $ontrolled ! their owner without other assistan$e. % dragon !e$o"es atta$hed to ou when ou feed it. +hat*s how I got 4leep. I fed hi"# sort of. %$tuall # he helped hi"self to a heft !it of " sleeve. "Well# don*t -ust stand there# kid#" %ah9 !arked# interrupting " reverie. "4et it2" I rea$hed out with " "ind and took a gra! at the pendant. +he keeper felt it start to go and tightened his grip on it# fighting "e for its possession. "I . . . I $an*t get it# %ah9#" I $ried. "3e won*t let go. "+hen hightail it outta hereE kid#" " "entor ordered. "+ell %-a, to !ag us that keeper. 1etter tell 4us to stand ! with 1erfert -ust in $ase. I*ll tr to keep the dragon !us ." %n i"age flashed in " "ind. It was a view of "e# 0keeve# $ourt "agi$ian# !olting for safet while %ah9 fa$ed the dragon alone. 0o"ething snapped in " "ind. ":ou go2" I snapped. "Kid# are ou-" "It*s " war and " -o!#" I shouted. "Now get going." With that I turned to fa$e the on$o"ing dragon# not knowing or $aring if %ah9 followed " orders. I was 0keeve2 1ut it was an awfull !ig dragon2 I tried again for the pendant# nearl lifting the keeper fro" his feet with " effort# !ut the "an $lung fir"l to his possession# s$rea"ing orders at the dragon as he did. I shot a nervous glan$e at the gri" !ehe"oth !earing down on "e. If I tried to levitate out of the wa # he $ould -ust .... "Look out# kid2" $a"e %ah9*s voi$e fro" !ehind "e. I half turned# then so"ething !arreled past "e# positioning itself !etween "e and the on$o"ing "ena$e. It was 4leep2 "4leep2" I shouted. "4et !a$k here2" / pet paid "e no "ind. 3is "aster was !eing threatened# and he "eant to have a hand in this no "atter what I said. No longer a do$ile# pla ful $o"panion# he planted hi"self !etween "e and the "onster# lowered his head to the ground# and hissed savagel # a si,-foot tongue of fla"e leaping fro" his "outh as he did. +he effe$t on the !ig dragon was astonishing. 3e lur$hed to a stop and sat !a$k on his haun$hes# $o$king his head $uriousl at the "ini-dragon !lo$king his path. 4leep was not $ontent with stopping his opponent# however. 3eedless of the fa$t that the other dragon was over four ti"es his si9e he !egan to advan$e stiffl # $hallenging his rival*s right to the field. +he large dragon !linked# then shot a look !ehind hi". +hen he looked down on 4leep again# drawing his head !a$k until his long ne$k for"ed a huge (uestion "ark. 4leep $ontinued to advan$e. I $ouldn*t understand it. Even if the "onster $ouldn*t fla"e# Whi$h was dou!tful# it was o!vious he had the sheer ph si$al power to $rush " pet with "ini"al effort. 0till he did nothing# looking desperatel a!out hi" al"ost as if he were e"!arrassed. I wat$hed in spell!ound horror. It $ouldn*t last. If nothing else# 4leep was getting too $lose to the giant to !e ignored. %n "inute now# the "onster would have to rea$t. 5inall # after a final glan$e at his franti$ keeper# the !ig dragon did rea$t. With a sigh# one of his taloned front paws lashed out hori9ontall in a $uff that would have $aved in a !uilding. It stru$k 4leep on the side of his head and sent hi" sprawling. / pet was ga"e# though# and struggled painfull to his feet# shaking his head as if to $lear it. 1efore he $ould assu"e his aggressive stan$e# however# the !ig dragon stret$hed his ne$k down until their heads were side ! side# and he !egan to "utter and gru"!le in 4leep*s ear. / dragon $o$ked his head as if listening# then "whuffed" in response. %s the stunned hu"ans and nonhu"ans wat$hed# the two dragons $onversed in the $enter of the !attlefield pun$tuating their "utterings with o$$asional puffs of s"oke. I tried to edge forward to get a !etter idea of e,a$tl what was going on# !ut the !ig dragon turned a !aleful e e on "e and let loose a !last of fla"e whi$h kept "e at a respe$tful distan$e. Not that I was afraid# "ind ouE 4leep see"ed to have the situation well in hand . . . or talon as the $ase "ight !e. Well# I had alwa s told %ah9 that 4leep was a ver talon-ted dragon. 5inall # the !ig dragon drew hi"self up# turned# and "a-esti$all left the field without a !a$kward glan$e# his head i"pressivel high. Ignoring the angr shouts of the soldiers# he returned to his !o, and dropped his haun$hes# sitting with his !a$k to the entire pro$eeding. 3is keeper*s rage was surpassed onl ! %ntonio*s. 3e s$rea"ed at the keeper with purpled fa$e and franti$ gestures until the keeper angril pulled the $ontrol pendant fro" around his ne$k# handed it to the offi$er# and stalked off. %ntonio !linked at the pendant# then flung it to the ground and started off after the keeper. +hat was all the opening I needed. Rea$hing out with " "ind# I !rought the pendant winging to " hand. "%ah92" I !egan. "I don*t !elieve it#" " "entor "u"!led to hi"self. "I saw it# !ut I still don*t !elieve it." "4leep2" / pet $a"e ra$ing up to " side# understanda!l pleased with hi"self. "3i# fella2" I $ried# ignoring his !reath and throwing " ar"s around his ne$k in a hug. "What happened out there# an wa 7" "4leep2" " pet said evasivel # $arefull stud ing a $loud.

BH If I had e,pe$ted an answer# it was $lear I wasn*t going to get one. "I still don*t !elieve it#" %ah9 repeated. "Look# %ah9#" I said# holding the pendant aloft. "Now we don*t have to worr a!out that or an other dragon. We*ve shown a profit2" "0o we did#" %ah9 s$owled. "1ut do "e a favor# huh# kid7" "What*s that# %ah97" I asked. "If that dragon# or an dragon# wanders into our $a"p# don*t feed it2 We alread have one# and that*s a!out all " nerves $an stand. Oka 7" "0ure# %ah9#" I s"iled. "4leep2" said " pet# ru!!ing against "e for "ore petting# whi$h he got.

Chapter Twenty-Two
"3ell hath no fur like a de"on s$or$hed" -6. /%+3ER Our ne,t war $oun$il "ade the previous ones look s"all. +his was onl to !e e,pe$ted# as we were dealing with the $o""ander of the entire left flank of the E"pire*s ar" . Our "eeting was taking pla$e in a pavilion $onstru$ted spe$ifi$all for that purpose# and the stru$ture was pa$ked with offi$ers# in$luding 6laude. It see"ed %ntonio was true to his word# even though he hi"self was not $urrentl present. In the fa$e of su$h a gathering# we had de$ided to show a !it "ore for$e ourselves. +o that end# +anda and 1ro$khurst were a$$o"pan ing us# while 4leep snuffled around outside. 4us and %-a, we were still holding in reserve# while the 4re"lin had not reappeared sin$e the $onfrontation of dragons. I didn*t like the offi$er we were $urrentl dealing with. +here was so"ething a!out his eas # oil "anner that set "e on edge. I strongl suspe$ted he had as$ended to his $urrent position ! poisoning his rivals. "0o ou*d like us to surrender#" he was sa ing thoughtfull # dru""ing his fingers on the ta!le !efore hi". ". . . or withdraw# or turn aside#" I $orre$ted. "5rankl # we don*t $are what ou do# as long as ou leave .ossiltu" alone." "We*ve a$tuall !een $onsidering doing -ust that#" the $o""ander said# leaning !a$k in his $hair to stud the pavilion*s $anop . "Is that wh ou*ve !een "oving up additional troops all da long7" 1ro$khurst asked sar$asti$all . "/erel an internal "atter# I assure ou#" the $o""ander purred. "%ll " offi$ers are asse"!led here# and the *re afraid their troops will fall to "is$hief if left to their own devi$es." "What " $olleague "eans#" %ah9 inter-e$ted# "is we find it hard to !elieve ou*re a$tuall planning to a$$ede to our de"ands." "Wh not7" the $o""ander shrugged. "+hat is what ou*ve !een fighting for# isn*t it7 +here $o"es a point when a $o""ander "ust ask hi"self if it won*t $ost hi" "ore dearl to fight a !attle than to pass it ! . 0o far# our resistan$e utili9ing de"ons and dragons has shown us this !attle $ould !e diffi$ult indeed." "+here are "ore where the $o"e fro"#" I inter-e$ted# "should the need arise." "0o ou*ve de"onstrated#" the $o""ander s"iled# waving a $asual hand at +anda and 1ro$khurst. "Wit$hes and devils "ade an i"pressive addition to our for$e." I dee"ed it unwise to point out to hi" that 1ro$khurst was an I"p# not a ;eveel. "+hen ou agree to ! pass .ossiltu"7" %ah9 asked !luntl . "I agree to dis$uss it with " offi$ers#" the $o""ander $larified. "%ll I ask is that ou leave one of our . . . ah . . . assistants !ehind." "What for7" I asked. I didn*t like the wa he was e eing +anda. "+o !ring ou word of our de$ision# of $ourse#" the $o""ander shrugged. "None of " "en would dare enter our $a"p# even granted a "essenger*s i""unit ." +here was a "o$king tone to his voi$e I didn*t like. "I*ll sta # 0keeve#" %ah9 volunteered. I $onsidered it. %ah9 had de"onstrated his a!ilit to take $are of hi"self ti"e and ti"e again. 0till I didn*t trust the $o""ander. "Onl if ou are willing to give us one of our offi$ers in return as a hostage#" I replied. "I*ve alread said none of-" the $o""ander !egan. "3e need not enter our $a"p#" I e,plained. "3e $an re"ain well outside our for$e# on the edge of the tree line in full view of our for$e. I will personall guarantee his safet ." +he $o""ander $hewed his lip thoughtfull . "Ver well#" he said. "0in$e ou have shown an interest in his $areer# I will give ou 6laude to hold as a hostage." +he oung offi$er paled !ut re"ained silent. "%greed#" I said. "We will await our de$ision." I nodded to " $o"rades# and the o!edientl !egan filing out of the pavilion. 6laude hesitated# then -oined the pro$ession. I wanted to tell %ah9 to !e $areful !ut de$ided against it. It wouldn*t do to ad"it " partner*s vulnera!ilit in front of the $o""ander. Instead# I nodded $urtl to the offi$ers and followed " $o"rades. +anda and 1ro$khurst were well on their wa !a$k to the treeline. 6laude# on the other hand# was waiting for "e as I e"erged and fell in step !eside "e.

BI "While we have a "o"ent#" he said stiffl # "I would like to thank ou for inter$eding in " !ehalf with " superiors." ";on*t "ention it#" I "u"!led a!sentl . "No# reall #" he persisted. "6hivalr to an opponent is rarel seen these da s. I think-" "Look# 6laude#" I growled# "$redit it to " warped sense of -usti$e. I don*t like ou# and didn*t when we first "et# !ut that doesn*t "ake ou in$o"petent. Anpleasant# perhaps# !ut not in$o"petent." I was harsher with hi" than I had intended to !e# !ut I was worried a!out %ah9. 5inding hi"self thus re!uked# he sank into an un$o"forta!le silen$e whi$h lasted al"ost until we rea$hed the trees. +hen he $leared his throat and tried again. "A" . . . 0keeve7" ":eah7" I retorted $urtl . "8 . . . u" . . . what I was tr ing to sa was that I a" grateful and would repa our favor ! an reasona!le "eans at " disposal." ;espite " $on$ern# his offer penetrated " "ind as a potential opportunit . "Would answering a few (uestions fall under the heading of <reasona!le*7" I asked $asuall . ";epending upon the (uestions#" he replied $arefull . "I a" still a soldier# and " $ode of $ondu$t $learl states-" "+ell ou what#" I interrupted. "I*ll ask the (uestions# and ou de$ide whi$h ones are oka to answer. 5air enough7" "0o it would see"#" he ad"itted. "Oka #" I !egan. "5irst (uestion. ;o ou think the $o""ander will a$tuall ! pass .ossiltu"7" +he offi$er avoided " e es for a "o"ent# then shook his head !riskl . "I should not answer that#" he said# "!ut I will. I do not feel the $o""ander is even $onsidering it as a serious possi!ilit # nor does an offi$er in that tent. 3e is known as <the 1rute#* even a"ong his "ost lo al and seasoned troops. /a I assure ou he did not a$(uire that ni$kna"e ! surrendering or $apitulating while his for$e was still inta$t." "+hen wh did he go through the "otions of the "eeting -ust now7" I (ueried. "+o gain ti"e#" 6laude shrugged. "%s our assistants noted# he is using the dela to "ass his troops. +he onl $ode he adheres to is <Vi$tor at all $osts.* In this $ase# it see"s it is $osting hi" his honor." I thought a!out this for a "o"ent !efore asking " ne,t (uestion. "6laude#" I said $arefull # " ou*ve fa$ed us in !attle# and ou know our own ar" . If our predi$tion is $orre$t and the 1rute atta$ks in for$e# in our opinion# what are our $han$es of vi$tor 7" "Nil#" the offi$er replied (uietl . "I know it "a sound like ene" propaganda# !ut I ask ou to !elieve " sin$erit . Even with the additional for$es ou displa ed this evening# if the 1rute sets the legions in "otion# the *ll roll right over ou. Were I in our position# I would take advantage of the $over of night to slip awa # and not fear the stig"a of $owardi$e. :ou*re fa$ing the "ightiest ar" ever asse"!led. %gainst su$h a for$e there is no $owardi$e# onl self-preservation." I !elieved hi". +he onl (uestion was what should I do with the advi$e. "I thank ou for our $ounsel#" I said for"all . "%nd will $onsider our words $arefull . 5or now# if ou will please re"ain here in the open as pro"ised# I "ust $onsult with " troops." "One "ore thing#" 6laude said# la ing a restraining hand on " ar". "If an har" !efalls our assistant# the one ou left at the "eeting# I would ask that ou re"e"!er I was here with ou and* had no part in it. "I will re"e"!er#" I nodded# withdrawing " ar". "1ut if the 1rute tries to la a hand on %ah9# I*ll wager he*ll wish he hadn*t." %s I turned to seek out " tea"# I wished I felt as $onfident as I sounded. +anda $a"e to "e readil when I $aught her e e and !e$koned her awa fro" the others. "What is it# 0keeve7" she asked as we "oved awa into the shadows. "%re ou worried a!out %ah97" I was# though I didn*t want to ad"it it -ust et. +he night was al"ost gone with no signs of "ove"ent or a$tivit fro" the pavilion. 0till# I $lung to " faith in %ah9. When that failed# I turned " "ind to other e,er$ises to distra$t it fro" fruitless worr . "%ah9 $an take $are of hi"self#" I said gruffl . "+here*s so"ething else I wanted our opinion on." "What*s that7" she asked# $o$king her head. "%s ou know#" I !egan po"pousl # "I a" una!le to see the disguise spells I $ast. +hough ever one else is fooled# as the originator of the spell# I still $ontinue to see things in their true for"." "I didn*t know that#" she $o""ented. "1ut $ontinue." "Well#" I e,plained# "I was thinking that if we a$tuall have to fight the ar" # we $ould use additional troops. I*ve got an idea# !ut I need ou to tell "e if it a$tuall works." "Oka #" she nodded. "What is it7" I started to resu"e " oration# then reali9ed I was "erel stalling. Instead# I $losed " e es and fo$used " "ind on the s"all grove of trees ahead. "3e 2" $ried +anda. "+hat*s terrifi$." I opened " e es# !eing $areful to "aintain the spell. "What do ou see7" I asked nervousl . "% whole pa$k of de"ons . . . oops . . . I "ean .erverts#" she reported gail . "1ristling with swords and spears. +hat*s wild2" It worked. I was $orre$t when I guessed that " disguise spell $ould work on an living thing# not -ust "en and !easts. "I*ve never seen an thing like it#" +anda "arveled. "6an ou "ake the" "ove7"

DJ "I don*t know#" I ad"itted. "I -ust-" "1oss2 3e # 1oss2" 1ro$khurst shouted# sprinting up to us. "6o"e (ui$k2 :ou*d !etter see this2" "What is it7" I $alled# !ut the I"p had reversed his $ourse and was headed for the tree line. % sudden fear $lut$hed at " heart. "6*"on# +anda#" I growled and started off. 1 the ti"e we rea$hed the tree line the whole# tea" was asse"!led there# talking e,$itedl a"ong the"selves. "What is it7" I !arked# -oining the". +he group fell silent# avoiding " e es. 1ro$khurst lifted a hand and pointed a$ross the "eadow. +here# silhouetted against a huge !onfire was %ah9# hanging ! his ne$k fro" a $rude gallows. 3is !od was li"p and lifeless as he rotated slowl at the end of the rope. %t his feet# a group of soldiers were gathered to witness the spe$ta$le. Relief flooded over "e# and I !egan to giggle h steri$all . 3anging2 If onl the know2 %lar" showed in the fa$es of " tea" as the studied " rea$tion in sho$ked silen$e. ";on*t worr 2" I gasped. "3e*s oka 2" Earl in " $areer with %ah9# I had learned that one doesn*t kill de"ons ! hanging the". +heir ne$k "us$les are too strong2 +he $an hang all da without !eing an the worse for wear. I had# of $ourse# learned this the hard wa one da when we .... "%t least the have the de$en$ to !urn the !od #" 6laude "ur"ured fro" $lose !eside "e. / laughter died in " throat. "What7" I $ried# spinning around. 0ure enough# the soldiers had $ut down %ah9*s "!od " and were $arr ing it toward the !onfire with the o!vious intention of throwing it in. 5ire2 +hat was a different stor . 5ire was one of the things that $ould kill %ah9 deader than .... "%-a,2" I $ried. "@ui$k2 0top the" fro"-" It was too late. With a heave fro" the soldiers# %ah9 ar$hed into the roaring fla"es. +here was a (ui$k !urst of light# then nothing. 4one2 %ah92 I stood staring at the !onfire in dis!elief. 0ho$k nu"!ed "e to ever thing else as " "ind reeled at the i"pa$t of " loss. "0keeve2" +anda said in " ear# la ing a hand on " shoulder. "Leave "e alone2" I $roaked. "1ut the ar" . . ." 0he let the word trail off# !ut it "ade its i"pa$t. 0lowl I !e$a"e $ons$ious of the world around "e. +he legions# having given us our answer# were "assing for !attle. ;ru"s !oo"ed# heralding the rising sun as it refle$ted off the polished weapons arra ed to fa$e us. +he ar" . +he had done this2 With deli!erate slowness I turned to fa$e 6laude. 3e re$oiled in fear fro" " ga9e. "Re"e"!er2" he $ried desperatel . "I had nothing to-" "I re"e"!er#" I replied $oldl . "%nd for that reason onl I a" letting ou go. I would advise# however# that ou $hoose a path to follow other than re-oining the ar" . I have tried to !e gentle with the"# !ut if the insist on having war# as I a" 0keeve# we shall give it to the"2"

Chapter Twenty-Three
"What is this# a 6hinese fire drill7" -0AN +MA I didn*t see where 6laude went after I finished speaking with hi"# nor did I $are. I was stud ing the opposing ar" with a new e e. Ap to now I had !een thinking defensivel # planning for survival. Now I was thinking as the aggressor. +he legions were in tight !lo$k for"ations# arra ed so"e three or four !lo$ks deep and perhaps fifteen !lo$ks wide. +ogether the presented an aweso"e i"pression of power# an irresisti!le for$e that would never retreat. +hat suited "e fine. In fa$t# I wanted a little insuran$e that the would not retreat. "%-a,2" I $alled without turning " head. "3ere# oungster2" the !ow"an replied fro" $lose !eside "e. "6an 1la$kie send our arrows out !e ond those for"ations7" "I re$kon so#" he drawled. "Ver well#" I said gri"l . "+he sa"e drill as the first !attle# onl this ti"e don*t go for the wagons. I want a half $ir$le of fire around their rear." %s !efore# the !owstring set up a rh th"i$ "thung" as the !ow"an !egan to lose shaft after shaft. +his ti"e# however# it see"ed the arrows !urst into fla"e "ore readil . "Ease off# oungster#" %-a, $alled. ":er !urnin* e" up !efore the rea$h the ground." 3e was right. Either I was standing dire$tl on a for$e line# or " anger had intensified " energies. Whatever the reason# I found " self with an in$redi!le a"ount of power at " disposal. "0orr # %-a,#" I shouted# and diverted a portion of " "ind awa fro" the ignition point.

D8 "+anda2" I $alled. "Run !a$k and get 4leep2" "Right# 0keeve#" $a"e the repl . I had a hun$h " pet "ight $o"e in hand !efore this !rawl was done. +he front row of the ar" *s for"ation was !eginning to advan$e to the rh th"i$ pounding of dru"s. I ignored the". "1ro$khurst2" "3ere# !oss2" the I"p responded# stepping to " side. "3ave ou spotted the $o""ander et7" "Not et#" $a"e the !itter repl . "3e*s pro!a!l !uried !a$k in the "iddle of the for"ation so"ewhere." "Well# $li"! a tree or so"ething and see if ou $an pinpoint hi"#" I ordered. "Right# !oss2 When I see hi"# do ou want "e to go after hi"7" "No2" I replied gri"l . "Report !a$k to "e. I want to handle hi" " self." +he front line was still advan$ing. I de$ided I*d !etter do so"ething a!out it. With a sweep of " "ind# I set fire to the "eadow in front of the line*s $enter. +he !lo$ks $onfronted ! this !arrier ground to a halt while the right and left wings $ontinued their forward "ove"ent. "4leep2" $a"e a fa"iliar voi$e a$$o"panied ! an even "ore fa"iliar !last of !ad !reath. "We*re !a$k2" +anda announ$ed unne$essaril . I ignored the" and studied the situation. .lu"es of white s"oke rising fro" !ehind the E"pire*s for"ation indi$ated that %-a, was al"ost finished with his task. 0oon# the ar" would find itself $ut off fro" an retreat. It was ti"e to start thinking a!out our atta$k. +he first thing I needed was "ore infor"ation. "4us2" I said thoughtfull # "I want ou to take a (ui$k flight over their for"ations. 0ee if ou $an find a spot to drop 1erfert where he $an do so"e proper da"age." "Right# !oss#" the gargo le grunted# lu"!ering forward. "Wait a "inute#" I said# a thought o$$urring to "e. "+anda# have ou still got the invisi!ilit sheet with ou7" "Right here2" she grinned. "4ood#" I nodded. "4us# take the sheet with ou. Keep it in front of ou as long as ou $an while ou*re $he$king the" out. +here*s no sense drawing fire until ou have to." +he gargo le a$$epted the sheet with a shrug. "If ou sa so# !oss#" he "uttered. "1ut the $an*t do "u$h to "e." "Ase it an wa #" I ordered. "Now get "oving." +he gargo le sprang heavil into the air and started a$ross the "eadow with slow sweeps of his "assive wings. I found it hard to !elieve an thing that !ig and "ade of stone $ould fl # !ut I was seeing it. /a !e he used levitation. "%ll set# oungster#" %-a, $hortled# interrupting " thoughts. "%n thing else I $an do for a7" "Not -ust now# %-a,#" I replied. "1ut stand ! ." I was glad that portion of " $on$entration was free now. +his ne,t stunt was going to take all the energ I $ould "uster. I fo$used " "ind on the grass in front of the advan$ing left wing. %s testi"on to the effe$tiveness of " efforts# that portion of the line ground to an i""ediate halt. "0a 2" +anda !reathed in genuine ad"iration. "+hat*s neat." +he effe$t I was striving for was to have the grass for" itself into an ar" of I"ps# rising fro" the ground to $onfront the E"pire*s troops. I $hose I"ps this ti"e instead of de"ons !e$ause I"ps are shorter# therefore re(uiring less energ to "aintain the illusion. Whatever " efforts a$tuall a$hieved# it was enough to have the soldiers rea$t. %fter several shouted orders fro" their offi$ers# the troops let fl a ragged !arrage of -avelins at the grass in front of the". +he weapons# of $ourse# had no effe$t on their phanto" foe. "0a # oungster#" %-a, said# nudging "e lightl . ":ou want "e to do so"ething a!out those -okers shootin* at our gargo le7" I turned slightl to $he$k 4us*s progress. +he fl ing figure had passed over the $enter line troops# the ones " fire was holding in $he$k. +he soldiers $ould now see the figure !ehind the invisi!le sheet# and were rea$ting with envia!le $o"peten$e. +he ar$hers in their for"ation were !us loosing their shafts at this strange figure that had suddenl appeared overhead# while their $o"rades did their !est to rea$h the gargo le with hurled -avelins. I saw all this at a glan$e. I also saw so"ething else. "Wait a "inute# %-a,#" I ordered. "Look at that2" +he various "issiles loosed ! the $enter line were falling to earth in the "assed for"ations of the troops still awaiting $o""ands. Needless to sa # this was not well re$eived# parti$ularl as the were still una!le to see the a$tual target of their advan$e for$e. +o the"# it "ust have appeared that ! so"e "agik or de"oni$ possession# their allies had suddenl turned and fired on the". Now a few !lo$ks !egan to return the fire# ordering their own ar$hers into a$tion. Others responded ! raising their shields and starting forward with drawn swords. +he result was utter $haos# as the $enter line troops tried to defend the"selves fro" the atta$ks of their own reinfor$e"ents. /ind - ou# I hadn*t planned it this wa # !ut I was (ui$k to $apitali9e on the situation. If the presen$e of a gargo le $ould $ause this kind of tur"oil# I thought it would !e a good idea to up the ante a little. With a (ui$k !rush of " "ind# I altered 4us*s appearan$e. Now the had a full-grown dragon hovering over their "idst. +he

D> effe$t was spe$ta$ular. 8# however# did not allow " self the lu,ur of wat$hing. I had learned so"ething in this !rief e,$hange# and I wanted to tr it out. I dissolved " I"p ar" # then refor"ed the"# not in front of the troops# !ut in their "idst2 +his threw the for"ations into total disorder. %s the soldiers stru$k or threw at the phanto" figures# "ore often than not the stru$k their $o"rades instead. If this kept up# the would !e too !us fighting ea$h other to !other with us. "1oss2" 1ro$khurst $alled# darting up to " side. "I*ve got the $o""ander spotted2" "Where7" I asked gri"l # tr ing not to take " $on$entration fro" the !attle raging in the "eadow. +he I"p pointed. 0ure enough2 +here was the 1rute# striding angril fro" for"ation to for"ation# tr ing to restore order to his for$e. I heard the telltale whisper of an arrow !eing drawn. "%-a,2" I !arked. "3old our fire. 3e*s "ine . . . all "ine2" %s I said this# I dissolved all the I"ps in the 1rute*s vi$init # and instead $hanged the $o""ander*s features until he took on the appearan$e of %ah9. +he da9ed soldiers saw a de"on appear in their "idst !randishing a sword# a de"on of a t pe the knew $ould !e killed. +he needed no further pro"pting. I had one !rief gli"pse of the 1rute*s startled fa$e !efore his troops $losed on hi"# then a forest of unifor"s !lotted hi" fro" " view. "/ission a$$o"plished# !oss2" 4us announ$ed# appearing !eside "e. "What ne,t7" "What . . . did ou . . ." I sta""ered. I had forgotten that on his return trip# the invisi!ilit sheet would shield the gargo le fro" our view. 3is sudden appearan$e had startled "e. "1erfert*ll !e along when he gets done with their siege e(uip"ent#" 4us $ontinued# waving toward the ene" . I looked a$ross the "eadow. 3e was right2 +he heav e(uip"ent whi$h had !een lined up !ehind the ar" was now in fla"es. +hen I noti$ed so"ething else. +he ar" wasn*t fighting ea$h other an "ore. I reali9ed with a start that !etween settling a$$ounts with the 1rute and 4us*s reappearan$e# I had forgotten to "aintain the I"p ar" 2 In the a!sen$e of an visi!le foe# the E"pire troops had apparentl $o"e to their senses and were now "illing a!out tr ing to reesta!lish their for"ations. 0oon now# the would !e read to atta$k again. "What do we do ne,t# !oss7" 1ro$khurst asked eagerl . +hat was a good (uestion. I de$ided to stall while I tried to work out an answer. "I*ll draw ou a diagra"#" I said $onfidentl . "0o"e!od give "e a sword." "3ere# kid. Ase "ine#" %ah9 replied# passing "e the weapon. "+hanksE" I said a!sentl . "Now# this line is their "ain for"ation. If we . . . %ah927" "Read and a!le#" " "entor grinned. "0orr I*" late." It was %ah92 3e was standing there $al"l with his ar"s folded as if he had !een part of our group all along. +he rea$tions of the others# however# showed that the were as surprised as I was at his appearan$e. "1ut ou . . ." I sta""ered. "+he fire. . ." "Oh# that#" %ah9 shrugged. "%!out the ti"e I figured what the were doing# I used the ;-3opper to !link out to another di"ension. +he onl trou!le was I hadn*t gotten around to rela!eling the $ontrols et# and I had a he$k of a ti"e finding " wa !a$k to Klah." Relief flooded over "e like a $ool wave. %ah9 was alive2 /ore i"portant# he was here2 +he prospe$ts for the !attle suddenl looked "u$h !etter. "What should we do ne,t# %ah97" I asked eagerl . "I don*t know wh ou*re asking "e#" " "entor !linked inno$entl . "It looks like ou*ve !een doing a fine -o! so far all ! ourself." +errifi$2 Now that I need advi$e# I get $o"pli"ents. "Look# %ah9#" I !egan sternl . "We*ve got a !attle $o"ing up that-" "1oss2" 1ro$khurst interrupted. "0o"ething*s going on out there2" With a sinking heart# I turned and surve ed the situation again. % new figure had appeared on the s$ene# an offi$er fro" the look of hi". 3e was striding !riskl along the front of the for"ation alternatel shouting and waving his hands. +railing along in his wake was a $luster of offi$ers# "u"!ling together and shaking their hands. "What in the world is that all a!out7" I "ur"ured half to " self. "1ra$e ourself# kid#" %ah9 advised. "If I*" hearing $orre$tl # it*s !ad news." "6*"on# %ah9#" I sighed. "3ow $ould things get worse than the alread are7" "Eas #" %ah9 retorted. "+hat is the supre"e $o""ander of the E"pire*s ar" . 3e*s here to find out what*s holding up his left flank*s advan$e."


Chapter Twenty-Four
" . . . and then 8 said to " self# <Wh should I split it two wa s-*" 4. /OA0ER +he supre"e $o""ander*s na"e was 1ig =ulie# and he was $o"pletel different fro" what I had e,pe$ted. 5or one thing# when he $alled for a war $oun$il# he $a"e to us. 5lanked ! his entire entourage of offi$ers# he $a"e all the wa a$ross the "eadow to stand -ust short of the tree line# and he $a"e unar"ed. What was "ore# all of his offi$ers were unar"ed# presu"a!l at his insisten$e. 3e see"ed utterl la$king in the arrogan$e so prevalent in the other offi$ers we had dealt with# inviting us into the large tent he had had ere$ted in the "eadow for the "eeting. Introdu$ing hi" to the "e"!ers of " for$e# I noti$ed he treated the" with great respe$t and see"ed genuinel pleased to "eet ea$h of the"# even 4leep. Our whole tea" was present for the "eeting. We figured that if there was ever a ti"e to displa our power# this was it. In a surprising show of generosit # %ah9 !roke out the wine and served drinks to the asse"!lage. I was a little suspi$ious of this. %ah9 isn*t a!ove do$toring drinks to win a fight# !ut when I $aught his e e and raised an e e!row# he responded with a s"all shake of his head. %pparentl he was pla ing this round straight. +hen we got down to !usiness. 1ig =ulie heard us out# listening with rapt attention. When we finished# he sighed and shook his head. "%h*" sorr #" he announ$ed. "1ut I $an*t do it. We*ve got to keep advan$ing# ou know7 +hat*s what ar"ies do2" "6ouldn*t ou advan$e in another dire$tion for a while7" I suggested hopefull . "%ie2" he e,$lai"ed# spreading his hands defensivel . "What do ou think I got here# geniuses7 +hese are soldiers. +he "ove in straight lines# know what I "ean7" ";o the have to "ove so vigorousl 7" %ah9 "uttered. "+he don*t leave "u$h !ehind." "What $an I sa 7" 1ig =ulie shrugged. "+he *re good !o s. +he do their -o!. 0o"eti"es the get a little $arried awa . . . like the 1rute." I had hoped to avoid the su!-e$t of the 1rute# !ut sin$e it had $o"e up# I de$ided to fa$e it head on. "0a . . . u" . . . =ulie#" I !egan. "1ig =ulie2" one of the offi$ers growled out of the $orner of his "outh. "1ig =ulie2" I a"ended hastil . "%!out the 1rute. A" . . . he was . . . well . . . I wanted. . ." ";on*t "ention it#" =ulie waved. ":ou want to know the truth7 :ou did "e a favor." "I did7" I !linked. "I was getting a little worried a!out the 1rute# ou know what I "ean7" the $o""ander raised his e e!rows. "3e was getting a little too a"!itious." "In that $ase . . . ." I s"iled. "0till . . ." =ulie $ontinued# "that*s a !ad wa to go. 3a$ked apart ! our own "en. I wouldn*t want that to happen to "e." ":ou should have fed hi" to the dragons#" %ah9 said !luntl . "+he 1rute7" =ulie frowned. "5ed to the dragons7 Wh 7" "1e$ause then he $ould have !een <et# too*2" %pparentl this was supposed to !e funn # as %ah9 erupted into sudden laughter as he fre(uentl does at his own -okes. +anda rolled her e es in e,asperation. 1ig =ulie looked vaguel pu99led. 3e glan$ed at "e# and I shrugged to show I didn*t know what was going on either. "3e*s strange#" =ulie announ$ed# sta!!ing an a$$using finger at %ah9. "What*s a ni$e !o like ou doing hanging around with strange people7 3e 7" "It*s the war#" I said apologeti$all . ":ou know what the sa a!out strange !edfellows." ":ou see" to !e doin* all right for ourself2" =ulie winked# then leered at +anda. ":ou want I should $lean up his a$t# 1oss7" 1ro$khurst asked gri"l # stepping forward. "0ee2" =ulie e,ploded. "+hat*s what I "ean. +his is no wa to learn warfare. +ell ou what. Wh don*t ou let "e fi, ou up with a -o!# he 7 What do ou sa to that7" "What pa s$ale7" %ah9 asked. "%ah92" I s$owled# then turned !a$k to =ulie. "0orr # !ut we*ve alread got a -o! . . . defending .ossiltu". I appre$iate our offer# !ut I don*t want to leave a -o! unfinished." "What have I !een telling ou7" =ulie appealed to his offi$ers. "%ll the good "aterial has !een taken alread . Wh $an*t ou !ring "e re$ruits like this# eh7" +his was all ver flattering# !ut I $lung tena$iousl to the purpose of our "eeting. "A" . . . =ul . . . I "ean# 1ig =ulie#" I $ontinued. "%!out defending .ossiltu". 6ouldn*t ou find another kingdo" so"ewhere to atta$k7 We reall don*t want to have to fight ou." ":ou don*t want to fight7" =ulie erupted sar$asti$all . ":ou think 8 want to fight7 :ou think I like doing this for a living7 :ou think " !o s like killing and $on(uering all the ti"e7" "Well . . ." I !egan ta$tfull . 1ig# =ulie wasn*t listening. 3e was out of his seat and pa$ing up and down# gesturing violentl to e"phasi9e his words.

DB "What kind of ding-!at wants to fight7" he asked rhetori$all . ";o 8 look $ra9 7 ;o " !o s look $ra9 7 Ever !od thinks we got so"e kind of weird drive that keeps us going. +he think that all we want to do in the whole world is "ar$h around in sweat ar"or and sharpen swords on other people*s hel"ets. +hat*s what ou think too# isn*t it7 Eh7 Isn*t it7" +his last was shouted dire$tl at "e. 1 now I was prett fed up with !eing shouted at. ":es2" I roared angril . "+hat*s what I think2" "Well#" =ulie s$owled. ":ou*re wrong !e$ause-" "+hat*s what I think !e$ause if ou didn*t like doing it# ou wouldn*t do it2" I $ontinued# rising to " own feet. "=ust like that2" =ulie shouted sar$asti$all . "=ust stop and walk awa ." 3e turned and addressed his offi$ers. "3e thinks it*s eas 2 ;o ou hear that7 %n of ou who don*t like to fight# -ust stop. Eh7 =ust like that." % low $horus of $hu$kles rose fro" his asse"!led "en. ;espite " earlier !urst of anger# I found " self starting to !elieve hi". In$redi!le as it see"ed# =ulie and his "en didn*t like !eing soldiers2 ":ou think we wouldn*t (uit if we $ould7" =ulie was sa ing to "e again. "I !et there isn*t a "an in " whole ar" who wouldn*t take a walk if he thought he $ould get awa with it." %gain there was a "ur"ur of assent fro" his offi$ers. "I don*t understand#" I said# shaking " head. "If ou don*t want to fight# and we don*t want to fight# what are we doing here7" ";id ou ever hear of loan sharks7" =ulie asked. ":ou know a!out organi9ed $ri"e7" "Organi9ed $ri"e7" I !linked. "It*s like govern"ent# kid#" %ah9 supplied. "Onl "ore effe$tive." ":ou*d !etter !elieve <"ore effe$tive#* " =ulie nodded. "+hat*s what we*re doing here2 /e and the !o s# we got a list of ga"!ling de!ts like ou wouldn*t !elieve. We*re kinda working it off# pa ing *e" !a$k in land# ou know what I "ean7" ":ou haven*t answered " (uestion#" I pointed out. "Wh don*t ou -ust (uit7" "@uit7" =ulie see"ed genuinel astonished. ":ou gotta !e kidding. If I (uit !efore I*" paid up# the !reak " leg. :ou know7" 3is wolfish grin left no dou!t the thugs in (uestion would do so"ething a great deal "ore fatal and painful than -ust !reaking a leg. "It*s the sa"e with the !o s here. Right# !o s7" 3e indi$ated his offi$ers with a wave of his hand. Vigorous nods answered his wave. "%nd ou ought to see the $olle$tion agent the use. Kid# ou "ight !e a fair "agi$ian where ou $o"e fro". 1ut"-he shuddered-"this# !elieve "e# ou don*t want to see." Knowing how tough 1ig =ulie was# I !elieved hi". 4iving "e a war" s"ile# he draped his ar" around " shoulders. "+hat*s wh it*s reall gonna !reak " heart to kill ou. :a know7" "Well#" I !egan# " ou don*t have to . . . KILL /E7" "+hat*s right#" he nodded vigorousl . "I knew ou*d understand. % -o!*s a -o!# even when ou hate it. "Whoa2" %ah9 interrupted# holding one flattened hand a$ross the top of the other to for" a $rude +. "3old it2 %ren*t ou overlooking so"ething# =ules7" "+hat*s <1ig =ulie.* " one of the guards ad"onished. "I don*t $are if he $alls hi"self the Easter 1unn 2" " "entor snarled. "3e*s still overlooking so"ething. " "What*s that7" =ulie asked. "As." %ah9 s"iled# gesturing to the tea". "%side fro" the "inor detail that 0keeve here*s a "agi$ian and not that eas to kill# he*s got friends. What do ou think we*ll !e doing while ou "ake a tr for our leader7" +he whole tea" edged forward a little. None of the" were s"iling# not even 4us. Even though the were " friends who I knew and loved# I had to ad"it the looked "ean. I was suddenl ver glad the were on " side. 1ig =ulie# on the other hand# see"ed uni"pressed. "%s a "atter of fa$t#" he s"iled# "I e,pe$t ou to !e d ing right along with our leader. +hat is# unless ou*re reall good at running." "Running fro" what7" 4us growled. "I still think ou*re overlooking so"ething. 1 " $ount# we*ve got ou outnu"!ered. Even if ou were ar"ed-" +he supre"e $o""ander $ut hi" short with a laugh. It was a rela,ed# $onfident laugh whi$h no one else -oined in on. +hen the laugh disappeared# and he leaned forward with a fier$e s$owl. "Now# I*" onl gonna sa this on$e# so alla ou listen $lose. 1ig =ulie didn*t get where he is toda ! overlooking nothin*. :ou think I*" outnu"!ered7 Well# "a !e ou*d -ust !etter $ount again." Without taking his e es fro" us# he waved his hand in a short# a!rupt "otion. %t the signal# one of his guards pulled a $ord and the sides of the tent fell awa . +here were soldiers outside. +he hadn*t !een there when we entered the tent# !ut the were there now. 3oo !o were the . Ranks and ranks of the" $o"pletel surrounding the tent# the nearest !arel an ar"*s length awa . +he front three rows were ar$hers# with arrows no$ked and drawn# leveled at our tea". I reali9ed with a sudden $al" $larit that I was a!out to die. +he whole "eeting had-!een a trap# and it was a good one. 4ood enough that we would all !e dead if we so "u$h as twit$hed. I $ouldn*t even kid " self that I $ould stop that "an arrows if the were all loosed at on$e. 4us "ight survive the !arrage# and "a !e the others $ould !lip awa to another di"ension in ti"e to save the"selves# !ut I was too far awa fro" %ah9 and the ;-3opper to es$ape.

DD "I . . . u" . . . thought war $oun$ils were supposed to !e off li"its for $o"!at." I said $arefull . "I also didn*t get where I a" toda ! pla ing fair#" 1ig =ulie shrugged. ":ou know#" %ah9 drawled# "for a gu who doesn*t want to fight# ou run a prett nast war." "What $an I sa 7" the supre"e $o""ander asked# spreading his hands in helpless appeal. "It*s a -o!. 1elieve "e# if there was an other wa # I*d take it. 1ut as it is . . ." 3is voi$e trailed off# and he !egan to raise his ar". I reali9ed with horror that when his hand $a"e down# so would the $urtain. "3ow "u$h ti"e do we have to find another wa 7" I asked desperatel . ":ou don*t#" 1ig =ulie sighed. "%N; WE ;ON*+ NEE; %N:2" %ah9 roared with sudden glee. %ll e es turned toward hi"# in$luding " own. 3e was grinning !roadl while listening to so"ething the 4re"lin was whispering in his ear. "What*s that supposed to "ean7" the supre"e $o""ander de"anded. "%nd where did this little !lue fella $o"e fro"7 Eh7" 3e glared at the en$ir$ling troops# who looked at ea$h other in e"!arrassed $onfusion. "+his is a 4re"lin#" %ah9 infor"ed hi"# slipping a $o"radel ar" around the shoulders of his $onfidant# "%nd I think he*s got the answer to our pro!le"s. %ll our pro!le"s. :ou know what I "ean7" "What does he "ean7" =ulie s$owled at "e. ";o ou understand what he*s sa in*7" "+ell hi"# %ah9#" I ordered $onfidentl # wondering all the while what possi!le solution " "entor $ould have found to this "ess. "1ig =ulie#" %ah9 s"iled# "what $ould those loan sharks of ours do if ou and our ar" si"pl disappeared7" %nd so# in$redi!l # it was ended. Not with fireworks or an e,plosion or a !attle. 1ut like a lot of things in " life# in as $ra9 and off-hand a wa as it had started. %nd when it had ended# I al"ost wished it hadn*t. 1e$ause then I had to sa good-! e to the tea". 0a ing good-! e to the tea" was harder than I would have i"agined. 0o"ehow# in all " planning# I had never stopped to $onsider the possi!ilit of e"erging vi$torious fro" the war. ;espite " original worries a!out the tea"# I found I had grown (uite $lose to ea$h of the". I would have liked to keep the" around a little longer# !ut that would have !een i"possi!le. Our ne,t stop was the $apital# and the would !e a little too "u$h to e,plain awa . 1esides# as %ah9 pointed out# it was !ad for "orale to let the troops find out how "u$h their $o""ander was !eing paid# parti$ularl when it was e,tre"el disproportionate to their own wages. 5ollowing his advi$e# I paid ea$h of the" personall . When I was done# however# I found " self strangel at a loss for words. On$e again# the tea" $a"e to " aid. "Well# !oss#" 1ro$khurst sighed. "I guess this is it. +hanks for ever thing." "It*s !een a real pleasure working for ou#" 4us e$hoed. "+he "one *s ni$e# !ut the wa I figure it# 1erfert and I owe ou a little e,tra for getting us out of that slop $hute. %n ti"e ou need a favor# look us up." ":oungster#" %-a, said# $learing his throat# "I "ove around a lot# so I*" not that eas to tra$k. If ou ever find ourself in a spot where ou think I $an lend a hand# -es* send a "essage to the 1a9aar and I*ll !e along shortl ." "I didn*t think ou visited the 1a9aar that often#" I asked# surprised. "Nor"all I don*t#" the !ow"an ad"itted. "1ut I will now . . . -est in $ase." +anda was tossing her $oin in the air and $at$hing it with pra$ti$ed ease. "I shouldn*t take this#" she sighed. "1ut a girl*s gotta eat." ":ou earned it#" I insisted. ":ea# well# I guess we*ll !e going#" she said# !e$koning to the others. "+ake $are of ourself# handso"e." ":ou will !e $o"ing !a$k7" I asked hurriedl . 0he "ade a fa$e. "I don*t think so#" she said wr l # "If 4ri"!le saw us together . . ." "I "eant# ever#" I $larified. 0he !rightened i""ediatel . "0ure#" she winked. ":ou won*t get rid of "e that easil . 0a good-! e to %ah9 for "e." "0a good-! e to hi" ourself#" %ah9 growled# stepping out of the shadows. "+here ou are2" +anda grinned. "Where*s the 4re"lin7 I thought ou two were talking." "We were#" %ah9 $onfir"ed# looking around hi". "I don*t understand. 3e was here a "inute ago." "It*s as if he didn*t e,ist# isn*t it# %ah97" I suggested inno$entl . "Now look# kid2" " "entor !egan angril . % $horus of laughter erupted fro" the tea". 3e spun in that dire$tion to deliver a s$athing repl # !ut there was a !lip of light and the were gone. We stood silentl together for several "o"ents staring at the va$ant spa$e. +hen %ah9 slipped an ar" around " shoulder. "+he were a good- tea"# kid#" he sighed. "Now pull ourself together. +riu"phant generals don*t have slow leaks in the vi$init of their e es. It*s !ad for the i"age."


Chapter Twenty-Five
"Is ever !od happ 7" -/%63I%VELLI %ah9 and I entered the $apital at the head of a -u!ilant "o! of .ossiltu" $iti9ens. We were pra$ti$all herded to the front of the pala$e ! the $rowd pressing us forward. +he $heering was in$redi!le. 5lowers and other less identifia!le o!-e$ts were thrown at us or strewn in our path# "aking the footing un$ertain enough that "ore than on$e I was afraid of falling and !eing tra"pled. +he people# at least# see"ed thoroughl delighted to see us. %ll in all# though# our triu"phal pro$ession was al"ost as potentiall in-urious to our life and li"! as the war had !een. I was loving it. I had never had a large $rowd "ake a fuss over "e !efore. It was ni$e. "3eads up# kid#" %ah9 "ur"ured# nudging "e in the ri!s. "3ere $o"es the re$eption $o""ittee." 0ure enough# there was another pro$ession e"erging fro" the "ain gates of the pala$e. It was s"aller than ours# !ut "ade up for what it la$ked in nu"!ers with the prestige of its "e"!ers. +he king was front and $enter# flanked $losel ! 4ri"!le and 1ada,e. +he $han$ellor was !ea"ing with undisguised delight. +he general# on the other hand# looked positivel gri". 0weeping the $rowd with his e es# 1ada,e spotted several of his soldiers in our entourage. 3is dark e,pression grew even darker# !oding ill for those "en. I guessed he -was $urious as to wh the had failed to $arr out his orders to stop our return. Whatever he had in "ind# it would have to wait. +he king was raising his ar"s# and the asse"!lage o!edientl fell silent to hear what he had to sa . "Lord /agi$ian#" he !egan# "know that the $heers of the grateful $iti9ens of .ossiltu" onl e$ho " feelings for this servi$e ou have done us." % fresh wave of applause answered hi". "News of our vi$tor has spread !efore ou#" he $ontinued. "%nd alread our historians are re$ording the details of our triu"ph . . . as "u$h as is known# that is." %n appre$iative ripple of laughter surged through the $rowd. "While we do not pretend to $o"prehend the workings of our powers#" the king announ$ed# "the results speak for the"selves. % "ight ar" of invin$i!le warriors vanished into thin air# weapons and all. Onl their ar"or and siege "a$hines littering the e"pt !attlefield "ark their passing. +he war is won2 +he threat to .ossiltu" is ended forever2" %t this# the $rowd e,ploded. +he air again filled with flowers and shouting shook the ver walls of the pala$e. +he king tried to shout so"ething "ore# !ut it was lost in the -u!ilant noise. 5inall he shrugged and reentered the pala$e# pausing onl for a final wave at the $rowd. I thought it was a rather $heap plo # allowing hi" to $ash in on our applause as if it were intended for hi"# !ut I let it go. Right now we had !igger fish to fr . 6at$hing the e es of 4ri"!le and 1ada,e# I !e$koned the" forward. "I*ve got to talk to ou two#" I shouted over the din. "0houldn*t we go inside where it*s (uieter7" 4ri"!le shouted !a$k. "We*ll talk here2" I insisted. "1ut the $rowd . . ." the $han$ellor gestured. I turned and nodded to a figure in the front row of the "o!. 3e responded ! raising his right ar" in a signal. In response# the "en in the forefront of the $rowd lo$ked ar"s and for"ed a $ir$le around us# "oving with near "ilitar pre$ision. In a twinkling# there was a spa$e $leared in the tee"ing popula$e# with the advisors# %ah9# 4leep# " self# and the "an who had given the signal standing alone at its $enter. "=ust a "o"ent#" 1ada,e ru"!led# peering suspi$iousl at the $ir$le. "What*s going on-" "4eneral2" I !ea"ed# flashing " !iggest s"ile. "I*d like ou to "eet the newest $iti9en of .ossiltu"." 3olding " s"ile# I !e$koned the "o! leader forward. "4eneral 1ada,e#" I announ$ed for"all # ""eet 1ig =ulie. 1ig =ulie# 3ugh 1ada,e2" "Ni$e to "eet ou2" =ulie s"iled. "+he !o here# he*s !een tellin* "e all a!out ou2" +he general !lan$hed as he re$ogni9ed the E"pire*s top $o""ander. ":ou2" he sta""ered. "1ut ou . . . ou*re-" "I hope ou don*t "ind# 4eneral#" I said s"oothl . "1ut I*ve taken the li!ert of offering 1ig =ulie a -o! . . . as our "ilitar $onsultant." "/ilitar $onsultant7" 1ada,e e$hoed suspi$iousl . "What*s the "atter#" =ulie s$owled. ";on*t ou think I $an do it7" "It*s not that#" the general $larified hastil . "It*s -ust that . . . well-" "One thing we negle$ted to "ention# 4eneral#" %ah9 interrupted. "1ig =ulie here is retiring fro" a$tive dut . 3e*s "ore than willing to leave the running of .ossiltu"*s ar" to ou# and agrees to give advi$e onl when asked." "+hat*s right2" =ulie !ea"ed. "I -ust wanna sit in the sun# drink a little wine# "a !e pat a few !otto"s# ou know what I "ean7" "1ut the king. . ." 1ada,e sta""ered. ". . . . doesn*t have to !e !othered with it at all#" %ah9 purred. "Anless# of $ourse# ou dee" it ne$essar to tell hi" where our

DG new !attle plans are $o"ing fro"." "3""#" the general said thoughtfull . ":ou sure ou*d !e happ with things that wa # =ulie7" ".ositive2" =ulie nodded fir"l . "I don*t want an glor # no responsi!ilit # and no $redit. I had too "u$h of that when I was workin* for the E"pire# ou know what I "ean7 /e and the !o s talked it over# and we de$ided-" "+he !o s7" 1ada,e interrupted# frowning. "A" . . . that*s another thing we forgot to "ention# 4eneral#" I s"iled. "1ig =ulie isn*t the onl new addition to .ossiltu"*s $iti9enr ." I -erked " head at the $ir$le of "en holding !a$k the $rowd. +he general !linked at the "en# then swiveled his head around noting how "an "ore like the" were s$attered through the $rowd. 3e !lan$hed as it !e$a"e $lear to hi" !oth where the E"pire*s ar" had disappeared to# and wh his "en had !een unsu$$essful in stopping our return to the $apital. ":ou "ean to tell "e ou-" 1ada,e !egan. "3app .ossiltu" $iti9ens all# 4eneral2" %ah9 pro$lai"ed# then dropped his voi$e to a "ore $onfidential level. "I think ou*ll find that if ou should ever have to draft an ar" # these new $iti9ens will train a lot faster than our average plow pusher." %pparentl the general did. 3is e es glittered at the thought of the new for$e we had pla$ed at his $o""and. I $ould see hi" "entall li$king his $hops in anti$ipation of the ne,t war. "1ig =ulie2" he de$lared with a !road s"ile. ":ou and our . . . er . . . !o s are "ore than wel$o"e to settle here in .ossiltu". Let "e !e one of the first to $ongratulate ou on our new $iti9enship." 3e e,tended his hand# !ut there was an o!stru$tion in his wa . +he o!stru$tion*s na"e was =.R. 4ri"!le. "=ust a "o"ent2" the $han$ellor snarled. "+here*s one "inor flaw in our plans. It is " intention to advise the king to dis!and .ossiltu"*s ar" ." "What7" roared 1ada,e. "Let "e handle this# 4eneral#" %ah9 said soothingl . "4ri"!le# what would ou want to do a fool thing like that for7" "Wh # !e$ause of the "agi$ian# of $ourse#" the $han$ellor !linked. ":ou*ve de"onstrated he is (uite $apa!le of defending the kingdo" without the aid of an ar" # so I see no reason wh we should $ontinue to !ear the $ost of "aintaining one." "Nonsense2" %ah9 s$olded. ";o ou think the great 0keeve has nothing to do with his ti"e !ut guard our !orders7 ;o ou want to tie up our high-$ost "agi$ian doing the -o! a low-$ost soldier $ould do7" "Well. . ." 4ri"!le s$owled. "1esides#" %ah9 $ontinued. "0keeve will !e spending $onsidera!le ti"e on the road furthering his studies . . . whi$h will of $ourse in$rease his value to .ossiltu". Who will guard our kingdo" while he*s awa # if not the ar" 7" "1ut the $ost is. . ." 4ri"!le whined. "If an thing#" %ah9 $ontinued ignoring the $han$ellor*s protests. "I should think ou*d want to e,pand our ar" now that our !orders have in$reased in si9e." "What*s that7" 4ri"!le !linked# "What a!out our !orders7" "I thought it was o!vious#" %ah9 said inno$entl . "%ll these new $iti9ens have to settle so"ewhere . . . and there is a lot of land up for gra!s -ust north of here. %s I understand it# it*s $o"pletel unguarded at the "o"ent. .ossiltu" wouldn*t even have to fight for it# -ust "ove in and settle. +hat is# of $ourse# provided ou have a strong ar" to hold it on$e ou*ve got it." "3""#" the $han$ellor said thoughtfull # stroking his $hin with his hand. "+hen again#" %ah9 "ur"ured (uietl # "there*s all the e,tra ta, "one the new $iti9ens and land will $ontri!ute to the kingdo"*s $offers." "1ig =ulie2" 4ri"!le !ea"ed. "I*d like to wel$o"e ou and our "en to .ossiltu"." "I*" wel$o"ing hi" first2" 1ada,e growled. "3e*s " advisor." %s he spoke# the general dropped his hand to the hilt of his a,e# a "ove whi$h was not lost on the $han$ellor. "Of $ourse# 4eneral#" 4ri"!le a$knowledged# for$ing a grin. "I*ll -ust wait here until ou*re through. +here are a few things I want to dis$uss with our new $iti9ens." "While ou*re waiting# 4ri"!le#" %ah9 s"iled# "there are a few things we have to dis$uss with ou." "0u$h as what7" the $han$ellor s$owled. "0u$h as the 6ourt /agi$ian*s pa 2" " "entor retorted. "Of $ourse#" 4ri"!le laughed. "%s soon as we*re done here we*ll go inside and I*ll pa hi" his first "onth*s wages." "%$tuall #" %ah9 drawled. "What we wanted to dis$uss was an in$rease." +he $han$ellor stopped laughing. ":ou "ean a !onus# don*t ou7" he asked hopefull . "I*" sure we $an work so"ething out# $onsidering-" "I "ean an in$rease2" %ah9 $orre$ted fir"l . "6*"on# 4ri"!le. +he kingdo"*s !igger now. +hat "eans the "agi$ian*s -o! is !igger and deserves "ore pa ." "I*" not sure I $an approve that#" the $han$ellor responded $agil . "With the in$rease of our ta, !ase#" %ah9 pressed# "I figure ou $an afford-" "Now let*s !e $areful#" 4ri"!le $ountered. "Our overhead has gone up right along with that in$rease. In fa$t# I wouldn*t !e surprised if . . ." "6*"on# 4leep#" I "ur"ured to " pet. "Let*s go see 1utter$up." I had a feeling the wage de!ate was going to last for a while.


Chapter Twenty-Six
"%ll*s well that ends well." -E. %. .OE I was spending a leisurel afternoon killing ti"e in " i""ense roo" in the pala$e. +he !argaining session !etween %ah9 and 4ri"!le had gone well for us. Not onl had I gotten a su!stantial wage in$rease# I was also now housed in a roo" whi$h was onl a little s"aller than 4ri"!le*s# whi$h in turn was se$ond onl to the king*s in si9e. What was "ore# the roo" had a large window# whi$h was ni$e even if it did look out over the sta!les. %ah9 had insisted on this# hinting darkl that I "ight !e re$eiving winged visitors in the night. I think this s$ared "e "ore than it did 4ri"!le# !ut I got " window. When I $hose# I $ould look down fro" " per$h and keep an e e on 4leep and 1utter$up in the sta!les. I $ould also wat$h the hapless sta!le !o who had !een assigned to $atering to their ever need. +hat had !een part of the deal# too# though I had pushed for it a lot harder than %ah9. %ah9 was housed in the ad-oining roo"# whi$h was ni$e# though s"aller than "ine. +he ro al ar$hite$ts were s$heduled to open a door in our shared wall# and I had a hun$h that when the did# the roo" arrange"ent would $hange drasti$all . 5or the "o"ent# at least# I had a !it of una$$usto"ed priva$ . +he roo" itself# however# was not what was $urrentl $o""anding " attention. / "ind was fo$used on 4arkin*s old !ra9ier. I had !een tr ing all afternoon to unlo$k its se$rets# thus far without su$$ess. It stood fir"l in the $enter of the floor where I had first pla$ed it# stu!!ornl resisting " efforts. I per$hed on " windowsill and studied the o!-e$t glu"l . I $ould levitate it easil enough# !ut that wasn*t what I wanted. I wanted it to $o"e alive and follow "e around the wa it used to follow 4arkin. +hat triggered an idea in " "ind. It see"ed sill # !ut nothing else had worked. ;rawing " e e!rows together# I addressed the !ra9ier without fo$using " energies on it. "6o"e here2" I thought. +he !ra9ier see"ed to waiver for a "o"ent# then it trotted to " side# $la$king a$ross the floor on its spindl legs. It worked2 Even though it was a sill little detail# the !ra9ier*s o!edien$e so"ehow "ade "e feel "ore like a "agi$ian. "3e # kid2" %ah9 $alled# !arging through " door without kno$king. "3ave ou got a $orks$rew7" "What*s a $orks$rew7" I asked refle,ivel . "Never "ind#" " "entor sighed. "I*ll do it " self." With that# he shifted the !ottle of wine he was holding to his left hand# and inserted the $law on his right forefinger into the $ork. +he $ork "ade a soft pop as he gentl eased it fro" the ne$k of the !ottle# whereupon the $ork was $asuall tossed into a $orner as %ah9 drank deepl of the wine. "%hh2" he gasped# $o"ing up for air. "+errifi$ !ou(uet2" "Arn . . . %ah97" I said sh l # leaving " window per$h and "oving to the ta!le. "I have so"ething to show ou." "5irst# $ould ou answer a (uestion7" %ah9 asked. "What7" I frowned. "Wh is that !ra9ier following ou around the roo"7" I looked# and was startled to find he was right2 +he !ra9ier had s$uttled fro" the window to the ta!le to re"ain ! " side. +he strange part was that I hadn*t su""oned it. "A" . . . that*s what I was going to show ou#" I ad"itted. "I*ve figured out how to get the !ra9ier to $o"e to "e all ! itself . . . no levitation or an thing." "0well#" %ah9 grunted. "Now# $an ou "ake it stop7" "A" . . . I don*t know#" I said# sitting down (ui$kl in one of the $hairs. I didn*t want to ad"it it# !ut while we were talking I had tried several "ental $o""ands to get the !ra9ier to go awa # all without noti$ea!le effe$t. I*d have to work this out on " own on$e %ah9 had left. "0a # %ah9#" I said $asuall # propping " feet on the ta!le. "6ould ou pour "e so"e of that wine7" %ah9 $o$ked an e e!row at "e# then $rossed the roo" slowl to stand ! " side. "Kid#" he said gentl # "I want ou to look around real $arefull . ;o ou see an !od here e,$ept ou and "e7" "No#" I ad"itted. "+hen we*re in private# not in pu!li$ . . . right7" he s"iled. "+hat*s right#" I agreed. "+hen get our own wine# apprenti$e2" he roared# ki$king " $hair out fro" under "e. %$tuall # it wasn*t as !ad as it sounds. I e,erted " "ind !efore I hit the floor and hovered safel in thin air. 5ro" that position# I rea$hed out with " "ind and lifted the !ottle fro" %ah9*s hand# transferring it to " own. "If ou insist#" I said $asuall # taking a long pull on the !ottle. "+hink ou*re prett s"art# don*t ou2" %ah9 snarled# then he grinned. "Well# I guess ou are at that. :ou*ve done prett well . . . for an a"ateur." "% professional#" I $orre$ted with a grin. "% salaried professional." "I know." %ah9 grinned !a$k. "5or an a"ateur# ou*re prett s"art. 5or a professional ou*ve got a lot to learn." "6*"on# %ah92" I protested.

DI "1ut that $an wait for another da #" %ah9 $on$eded. ":ou "ight as well rela, for a while and en-o ourself . . . while ou $an." "What*s that supposed to "ean7" I frowned. "Nothing2" %ah9 shrugged inno$entl . "Nothing at all." "Wait a "inute# %ah9#" I said sharpl # regaining " feet. "I*" 6ourt /agi$ian now# right7" "+hat*s right# 0keeve#" " "entor nodded. "6ourt /agi$ian is the -o! ou pushed "e into !e$ause it*s so eas # right7" I pressed. "Right again# kid." 3e s"iled# -his nodding !e$o"ing even "ore vigorous. "+hen nothing $an go wrong7 Nothing serious7" I asked an,iousl . %ah9 retrieved his wine !ottle and took a long swallow !efore answering. "=ust keep thinking that# kid." 3e grinned. "It*ll help ou sleep nights." "6*"on# %ah92" I whined. ":ou*re supposed to !e " tea$her. If there*s so"ething I*" "issing# ou*ve got to tell "e. Otherwise I won*t learn." "Ver well# apprenti$e." %ah9 s"iled# evill e"phasi9ing the word. "+here are a few things ou*ve overlooked." "0u$h as7" I asked# writhing under his s"ile. "0u$h as 4us# %-a,# and 1ro$khurst# who ou -ust sent !a$k to ;eva without instru$tions." "Instru$tions7" I !linked. "+anda we don*t have to worr a!out# !ut the other three-" "Wait a "inute# %ah9#" I interrupted !efore he got too far fro" the su!-e$t. "What instru$tions7" "Instru$tions not to talk a!out our little skir"ish here#" %ah9 $larified a!sentl . "+anda will know enough to keep her "outh shut# !ut the others won*t." ":ou think the *ll talk7" "Is a frog*s !ehind watertight7" %ah9 retorted. "What*s a frog7" I $ountered. "/one in their po$kets# fresh fro" a su$$essful $a"paign against overwhel"ing odds . . . of $ourse the *ll talk2" %ah9 thundered. "+he *ll talk their fool heads off to an one who*ll listen. What*s "ore# the *ll e"!ellish it a little "ore with ea$h telling until it sounds like the *re the greatest fighters ever to spit teeth and ou*re the greatest ta$ti$ian sin$e 4ronk2" "What*s wrong with that7" I in(uired# se$retl pleased. I didn*t know who 4ronk was# !ut what %ah9 was sa ing had a ni$e ring to it. "Nothing at all." %ah9 responded inno$entl . "E,$ept now the word will !e out as to who ou are# where ou are# and what ou are . . . also that ou*re for hire and that ou su!$ontra$t. If there*s an pla$e in all the di"ensions that folks will take note of infor"ation like that# it*s the 1a9aar." Regardless of what " "entor "a think*# I*" not slow. I reali9ed in a flash the i"pli$ations of what he was sa ing . . . reali9ed the" and for"ulated an answer. "0o we suddenl get a lot of strange people dropping in on us to offer -o!s# or looking for work#" I a$knowledged. "0o what7 %ll that "eans is I get a lot of pra$ti$e sa ing <No.* Who knows# it "ight i"prove " status around here a little if it*s known that I regularl $onsult with strange !eings fro" other worlds." "Of $ourse#" %ah9 $o""ented darkl # "there*s alwa s the $han$e that so"eone at the 1a9aar will hear that the other side is thinking of hiring ou and de$ide to for$i!l re"ove ou fro" the roster. Either that# or so"e oung hotshot will want to "ake a na"e for hi"self ! taking on this un!eata!le "agi$ian ever one*s talking a!out." I tried not to show how "u$h his gri" prophe$ had unnerved "e. +hen I reali9ed he would pro!a!l keep heaping it on until he saw "e sweat. 6onse(uentl # I sweated . . . visi!l . "I hadn*t thought of that# %ah9#" I ad"itted. "I guess I did overlook so"ething there." "+hen again there*s 4ri"!le and 1ada,e#" %ah9 $ontinued as if he hadn*t heard "e. "What a!out 4ri"!le and 1ada,e7" I asked nervousl . "In " esti"ation#" %ah9 awned# "the onl wa those two would ever work together would !e against a $o""on foe. In " further esti"ation# the !est $andidate for that <$o""on foe* position is ou2" "/e7" I asked in a ver s"all voi$e. ":ou work it out# kid#" " "entor shrugged. "Antil ou hit the s$ene there was a two-wa power struggle going as to who had the king*s ear. +hen ou $a"e along and not onl saved the kingdo"# ou in$reased the population# e,panded the !orders# and added to the ta, !ase. +hat "akes ou the "ost popular and therefore the "ost influential person in the king*s $ourt. /a !e I*" wrong# !ut I don*t think 4ri"!le and 1ada,e are going to -ust sigh and a$$ept that. It*s " guess the *ll <dou!le tea"* ou and atta$k an thing ou sa or do "ilitaril and "onetaril # and that*s a tough one-two pun$h to $ounter." "Oka . Oka . 0o there were two things I overlooked#" I said. "E,$ept for that-" "%nd of $ourse there*s the people 1ig =ulie and his "en owe "one to#" %ah9 $o""ented thoughtfull . "I wonder how long it will !e !efore the start nosing around looking for an e,planation as to what happened to an entire ar" 7 /ore i"portant# I wonder who the *ll !e looking .for ! na"e to provide the" with that e,planation7" "%ah97" ":eah# kid7" ";o ou "ind if I have a little "ore of that wine7" "3elp ourself# kid. +here*s lots."

FJ I had a hun$h that was going to !e the !est news I would hear for a long ti"e.

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