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Jitendra S. Yeole.

C/o- Pravinkumar P. Shirode, Plot no 115, flat no 13, poorna Nagar, Near RT offi!e Chin!h "ad Pune. E-mail: Mobile: #$1- $%&&$%'1(3 / $'()$'1$(*. OBJECTIVE

+illing to "ork a, a ke- pla-er in !hallenging and !reative environment. . "ould like to /e an a,,et to the organi0ation and improve m- !areer "ith good ,ervi!e, to the organi0ation. EDUCATION o Pur,uing 1raduation ,hip 23amination in Mechanical Enginee ing, Condu!ted /- the !AMIE A""ea # In$%i%&%ion o' Enginee $. !In(ia# Pune. o 4iploma in A&%omobile Enginee ing "ith fo!u, in automotive engineering, 5ul- ())*, from 6oard of te!hni!al edu!ation M)BTE. Pa,,ed "ith 5%.&)7 o *.).C. from Na,ik /oard- ())5 Pa,,ed "ith 5(.')7 o ).).C. from Na,ik /oard- ())( Pa,,ed "ith 51.'&7 +O,- E./E,IENCE CA,,A,O INDIA /0%. 1%(. !,ANJAN2AON#

Currentl- "orking "ith Carraro .ndia Pvt. 8td. 9, a )enio Enginee in :ualit- 9,,uran!e 4epartment in :9 2ngineer Pro!e,, :ualit- for Pro!e,, ; Produ!t 9udit. <PCP9 for 9,,em/l- line= from 34 Ma 5344 %o Till (a%e.


6.43 1ac. /e Ann&m.


Carraro .ndia 8imited i, an .talian >NC /a,i!all- produ!ing 1ear/o3 Tran,mi,,ion, of Tra!tor, having 5ohn 4eere, >ahindra ; >ahindra and Carraro .tal- a, Cu,tomer,. T86 Tran,mi,,ion, to CN? -@S9, ?olland, Tere3ve!tra, 8;T Aomat,u

?and, on e3perien!e in >anufa!turing :ualit- for Tran,mi,,ion, 93le 9,,em/l- ; 2ngine ma!hine ,hop. +ell ver,ed "ith !ore tool, ,u!h a, 9P:P, PP9P, B>29, >S9, and SPC.

9n effe!tive !ommuni!ator and team leader "ith team /uilding !apa/ilit- and proven a/ilitie, in planning and managing re,our!e, in an effe!tive manner. >onitoring the 9,,em/l- fir,t time right level and initiating !orre!tive a!tion, for PP> redu!tion. 9udit Planning for Pro!e,, / Produ!t, en,ure adheren!e of Pro!e,, / Produ!t 9udit, <Cero ?r !u,tomer !omplaint, ACC, TorDue, Patrol, Poka-oke= in 9,,em/l-. Clo,er of all non !onforman!e, "ith *4 <Cu,tomer, produ!t audit and pro!e,, audit=. Revie" and updating of PB4, PB>29, ; CP a!!ording to in-hou,e reEe!tion and Cu,tomer !omplaint data. Re,pon,i/le for Cu,tomer audit 4ome,ti! and ver,ea, Cu,tomer,

Re,pon,i/le for Pre di,pat!h .n,pe!tion of Produ!t, for dome,ti! and over,ea, Cu,tomer,
9,,em/l- pro/lem, ,olved during fitment. .nvolved in making of Re"ork anal-,i, ; ReEe!tion anal-,i, ; make it, re!ord Prepare pro!e,, plan, and "ork in,tru!tion, for variou, pro!e,,e, Condu!t the Pro!e,, ; Produ!t 9udit <PCP9= for 9,,em/l- line on Regular 6a,i,. Bo!u, to PCP9. Pro!e,, Control ; Pro!e,, ; Produ!t 9udit. Re,pon,i/ilit- .S.R < initial ,upplier in,pe!tion report= +orking on variou, Dualit- improving Cu,tomer Complaint, like B>29, C9P9 Route Cau,e 9nal-,i,, "ith Dualit- team. 9nal-,i, ; C9P9 implementation for the Cu,tomer Complaint,. Bo!u, for Pro!e,,/Produ!t :ualit- in 9,,em/l- 8ine.

Achie0emen%$ : 9ppre!iated /- 4ire!tor :ualit- for ,u!!e,,full- revie"ing B>29 for T86 Tran,mi,,ion <6a!khoe 8oader=, Rear 93le, Bront 93le, and identif-ing potential ri,k, involved. 9,,ignment !ompleted in ( month,. 9ppre!iated /- 4ire!tor :ualit- for ,olving Rear 93le 8ine Cero PP> Target i, a!hieve for no !u,tomer !omplaint in 8a,t *th month Rear 93le Trumpet 5am i,,ue 4efe!t Rate 6eforeF '515& ppm 9fterF (1'3 ppm


Currentl- "orking "ith TATA MOTO,) 1TD. a, a 5o/ .n,pe!tor in :ualit- a,,uran!e 4epartment of TC8 V:A divi,ion from 34 A&g 533; %o 4; 8eb 533<


Currentl- "orking "ith TATA MOTO,) 1TD. a, a 5o/ .n,pe!tor in :ualit- a,,uran!e 4epartment of TC8 :A !VC2# Binal .n,pe!tion divi,ion from 55 )e" 533< %o 34 may 5343.

,E)/ON)IBI1IT7: To approve :ualit- / .n,pe!tion plan, for routine produ!tion To monitor in!oming material in,pe!tion for Dualit- from Su/ Contra!tor, and Gendor, and maintain :ualit- for in hou,e produ!tion. To anal-0e and re!ommend area, of improvement for non !onfirmator- report. To monitor :ualit- of fini,h produ!t, at final in,pe!tion /efore di,pat!h. To monitor !ali/ration a!tivit- of in,trument,, gauge, on periodi! /a,i,. and re!ommend ,olution,. To maintain :ualit- Poli!- and the a,,o!iated :ualit- 9,,uran!e S-,tem,. To monitor and !ontrol :ualit- plan. 9nal-0e, re!ommend ,olution, for Dualit- pro/lem, :ualit- at Supplier. To en,ure that Supplier, ,hould maintain the Dualit- ,tandard, a, per the reDuirement given to him.

To monitor Cu,tomer Complaint, i.e. ReEe!tion, Re"ork of fini,h produ!t, and anal-0e

IT )-I11: +ell ver,ed "ith >S 9ppli!ation,. ffi!e, S9P, 9utoC94 , Pro 2, C9T.9 G-5 and other .nternet

9 ,elf-motivated per,on. 9 Dui!k learner, "ho ha, the a/ilit- to a!hieve target,, Patien!e and a/ilit- to "ork in group,. 9/ilit- to 8ead Team.

9uto -Cad, C9T.9-G5, >S-C.T <"ith fir,t !la,,=, 4.T.P.


Stati,ti!al Pro!e,, Control ; >ea,urement S-,tem 9nal-,i, Co,t of :ualit- ; % pro/lem Solving tool,. Su!!e,,full- !ompleted training of 2>S 1'))1. Su!!e,,full- !ompleted training of B>29.

Name Date of Birth Sex Marital status : - Jitendra S. Yeole. : - 29 Jan 1987. : - Male : - Unmarried.

an!ua!es "no#n: - Marathi$ %indi$ &n!lish. Nationalit' : - (ndian.

)ermanent address: - 8*$ Maruti )eth$ Near Mun+o,a Mandir$ Jal!aon. -97..97/12*0 %o,,ies : - 1eadin!$ )la'in! 2ri3"et$ 4at3hin! 56.

DEC1A,ATION . !on,ider m-,elf familiar "ith 9utomo/ile 2ngineering a,pe!t,. . am al,o !onfident of m- a/ilitie, to "ork in a team. /lace: Pune. Date: <$%&&$%'1(3=
Jitendra S. Yeole.

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