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Paradocs Ter S.a r.l .

Societe a responsabilite limitee
Siege social: 5, rue Guillaume Krol l , L-1882 Luxembourg
R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 165 269
Capital social: EUR 9.753.304
Code donneur d'ordre : 1031
Les comptes annuels pour la periode du 5 decembre 2011 (date de constitution) au 31
decembre 2012 ont ete deposes au Registre de Commerce et des Societes de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de publication au Memorial, Recueil des Societes et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 12 aout 2013
B165269 - L130142922
dpos le 14/08/2013
RCSL Nr. : Matricule : B165269 2011 2447 572
Financial year from to (in ) 05/12
/2011 31/12/2012
Paradocs Ter S. r.l.
5, rue Guillaume Kroll
L-1882 Luxembourg
Financial year Previous financial year
A. Subscribed capital unpaid
101 102
I. Subscribed capital not called
103 104
II. Subscribed capital called but not paid
105 106
B. Formation expenses
107 108
C. Fixed assets 9.753.304,00 109 0,00 110
I. Intangible assets
111 112
1. Costs of research and development
113 114
2. Concessions, patents, licences, trade marks
and similar rights and assets, if they were
115 116
a) acquired for valuable consideration and need not be shown
under C.I.3 117 118
b) created by the undertaking itself 119 120
3. Goodwill, to the extent that it was acquired for valuable
121 122
4. Payments on account and intangible fixed assets under
123 124
II. Tangible assets
125 126
1. Land and buildings
127 128
2. Plant and machinery
129 130
3. Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment
131 132
4. Payments on account and tangible assets in course
of construction
133 134
III. Financial assets 9.753.304,00 135 0,00 136
1. Shares in affiliated undertakings 9.753.304,00 137 0,00 138
2. Loans to affiliated undertakings
139 140
3. Shares in undertakings with which the company is linked
by virtue of participating interests
141 142
4. Loans to undertakings with which the company is linked
by virtue of participating interests
143 144
5. Investments held as fixed assets
145 146
6. Loans and claims held as fixed assets
147 148
7. Own shares or own corporate units
149 150
B165269 - L130142922
enregistr et dpos le 14/08/2013
RCSL Nr. : Matricule : B165269 2011 2447 572
Financial year Previous financial year
D. Current assets 1.181,25 151 0,00 152
I. Stocks
153 154
1. Raw materials and consumables
155 156
2. Work and contracts in progress
157 158
3. Finished goods and goods for resale
159 160
4. Payments on account
161 162
II. Debtors 1.181,25 163 0,00 164
1. Trade debtors
165 166
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 167 168
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 169 170
2. Amounts owed by affiliated undertakings
171 172
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 173 174
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 175 176
3. Amounts owed by undertakings with which the company
is linked by virtue of participating interests
177 178
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 179 180
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 181 182
4. Other debtors 1.181,25 183 0,00 184
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 1.181,25 185 0,00 186
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 187 188
III. Investments
189 190
1. Shares in affiliated undertakings and in undertakings with
which the company is linked by virtue of participating
191 192
2. Own shares or own corporate units
193 194
3. Other investments
195 196
IV. Cash at bank and in hand
197 198
E. Prepayments
199 200
TOTAL (ASSETS) 9.754.485,25 201 0,00 202
RCSL Nr. : Matricule : B165269 2011 2447 572
Financial year Previous financial year
A. Capital and reserves 9.744.778,35 301 0,00 302
I. Subscribed capital 9.753.304,00 303 0,00 304
II. Share premium and similar premiums
305 306
III. Revaluation reserves
307 308
IV. Reserves
309 310
1. Legal reserve
311 312
2. Reserve for own shares
313 314
3. Reserves provided for by the articles of association
315 316
4. Other reserves
317 318
V. Profit or loss brought forward
319 320
VI. Result for the financial year -8.525,65 321 0,00 322
VII. Interim dividends
323 324
VIII. Investment subsidies
325 326
IX. Immunised appreciation
327 328
B. Subordinated creditors
329 330
C. Provisions 3.175,00 331 0,00 332
1. Provisions for pensions and similar obligations
333 334
2. Provisions for taxation 3.175,00 335 0,00 336
3. Other provisions
337 338
D. Non subordinated debts 6.531,90 339 0,00 340
1. Debenture loans
341 342
a) Convertible loans 343 344
i) becoming due and payable after less than one year 345 346
ii) becoming due and payable after more than one year 347 348
b) Non convertible loans 349 350
i) becoming due and payable after less than one year 351 352
ii) becoming due and payable after more than one year 353 354
2. Amounts owed to credit institutions
355 356
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 357 358
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 359 360
3. Payments received on account of orders in so far as they
are not shown separately as deductions from stocks
361 362
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 363 364
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 365 366
4. Trade creditors
367 368
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 369 370
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 371 372
RCSL Nr. : Matricule : B165269 2011 2447 572
Financial year Previous financial year
5. Bills of exchange payable
373 374
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 375 376
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 377 378
6. Amounts owed to affiliated undertakings 6.531,90 379 0,00 380
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 6.531,90 381 0,00 382
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 383 384
7. Amounts owed to undertakings with which the company
is linked by virtue of participating interests
385 386
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 387 388
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 389 390
8. Tax and social security
391 392
a) Tax 393 394
b) Social security 395 396
9. Other creditors
397 398
a) becoming due and payable after less than one year 399 400
b) becoming due and payable after more than one year 401 402
E. Deferred income
403 404
TOTAL (LIABILITIES) 9.754.485,25 405 0,00 406
RCSL Nr. : Matricule : B165269 2011 2447 572
Financial year from to (in ) 05/12
/2011 31/12/2012
Paradocs Ter S. r.l.
5, rue Guillaume Kroll
L-1882 Luxembourg
Financial year Previous financial year
1. Raw materials and consumables
601 602
2. Other external charges 5.092,77 603 0,00 604
3. Staff costs
605 606
a) Wages and salaries
607 608
b) Social security costs
609 610
c) Social security costs relating to pensions
611 612
d) Other social security costs
613 614
4. Value adjustments
615 616
a) on formation expenses and on tangible and intangible fixed
617 618
b) on elements of current assets
619 620
5. Other operating charges
621 622
6. Value adjustments and fair value adjustments on
financial fixed assets
623 624
7. Value adjustments and fair value adjustments on
financial current assets. Loss on disposal of transferable
625 626
8. Interest payable and similar charges 257,88 627 0,00 628
a) concerning affiliated undertakings 257,88 629 0,00 630
b) other interest payable and similar charges
631 632
9. Extraordinary charges
633 634
10. Tax on profit or loss 3.150,00 635 0,00 636
11. Other taxes not included in the previous caption 25,00 637 0,00 638
12. Profit for the financial year 0,00 639 0,00 640
TOTAL CHARGES 8.525,65 641 0,00 642
RCSL Nr. : Matricule : B165269 2011 2447 572
Financial year Previous financial year
1. Net turnover
701 702
2. Change in inventories of finished goods and of work
and contracts in progress
703 704
3. Fixed assets under development
705 706
4. Reversal of value adjustments
707 708
a) on formation expenses and on tangible and intangible fixed
709 710
b) on elements of current assets
711 712
5. Other operating income
713 714
6. Income from financial fixed assets
715 716
a) derived from affiliated undertakings
717 718
b) other income from participating interests
719 720
7. Income from financial current assets
721 722
a) derived from affiliated undertakings
723 724
b) other income
725 726
8. Other interests and other financial income
727 728
a) derived from affiliated undertakings
729 730
b) other interest receivable and similar income
731 732
9. Extraordinary income
733 734
10. Loss for the financial year 8.525,65 735 0,00 736
TOTAL INCOME 8.525,65 737 0,00 738
Paradocs Ter S.a r.l.
Societe a responsabilite limitee
Siege social: 5, rue Guillaume Kroll, L-1882 Luxembourg
R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 165 269
Capital social: EUR 9.753.304
Conseil de gerance
- Rene Beltjens, gerant, avec adresse professionnelle au 5, rue Guillaume Kroll,
L-1882 Luxembourg
- Dominique Robyns, gerant, avec adresse professionnelle au 5, rue Guillaume
Kroll, L-1882 Luxembourg
Affectation du resultat
Par resolutions prises en date du 8 aout 2013, l'associe unique a decide de reporter la
perte pour la periode du 5 decembre 2011 (date de constitution) au 31 decembre 2012
Paradocs Ter S.a r.I.
Notes to the annual accounts as at December 31, 2012
Note 1 - General information
Paradocs Ter S.a r.l. (hereafter the "Company") was incorporated on December 5, 2011 and is
organised under the laws of Luxembourg as a "Societe a responsabilite limitee" for an unlimited
The registered office of the Company is established at 5, rue Guillaume Kroll, L-1882
The Company's financial year starts on the first of January and ends on the thirty-first of
December of each year. Exceptionally, the first Company's financial year begins on December 5,
2011 (date of incorporation) and closes on December 31,2012.
The main activity of the Company is to take participations and interests, in any form whatsoever,
in any commercial, industrial, fmancial or other, Luxembourg or foreign enterprises; to acquire
any securities and rights through participation, contribution, underwriting firm purchase or option,
negotiation or in any other way and namely to acquire patents and licences, and other property,
rights and mterest in property as the Company shall deem fit, and generally to hold, manage,
develop, sell or dispose ofthe same, in whole or in part, for such consideration as the Company
may mink fit, and in particular for shares or securities of any company purchasing the same; to
enter into, assist or participate in financial, commercial and other transactions, and to grant to any
holding company, subsidiary, or fellow subsidiary, or any other company associated in any way
with the Company, or the said holding company, subsidiary or fellow subsidiary, in which the
Company has a direct or indirect financial interest, any assistance, loans, advances or guarantees;
to borrow and raise money in any manner and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed;
finally to perform any operation which is directly or indirectly related to its purpose.
The Company can perform all commercial, technical and financial operations, connected directly
or indirectly in all areas as described above in order to facilitate the accomplishment of its purpose.
Based on the criteria defined in the Luxembourg law, the Company is exempt from the
requirement to prepare consolidated accounts and a consolidated management report for the
financial period from December 5,2011 (date of incorporation) to December 31, 2012.
As a consequence, in accordance with legal provisions, these annual accounts were presented on a
non-consolidated basis for the approval ofthe annual general meeting ofthe shareholders.
Note 2 - Summary of significant accounting policies
2.1 Basis of preparation
The annual accounts are prepared in conformity with Luxembourg legal and regulatory
requirements and according to generally accepted accounting principles applicable in Luxembourg.
The accounting policies and valuation principles are, apart from those prescribed by the law of
December 19, 2002, as amended, determined and implemented by the Board of Managers.
Paradocs Ter S.a r.l.
Notes to the annual accounts as at December 31,2012 (cont.)
Note 2 - Summary of significant accounting policies (cont.)
2.2 Significant rules and valuation methods
The significant rules and valuation methods of the Company can be summarised as follows:
2.2.1 Formation expenses
Formation expenses are expensed during the period in which they are incurred.
2.2.2 Financial fixed assets
Shares in affiliated undertakings and securities held as fixed assets are reflected at their historical
acquisition cost including incidental acquisition costs.
Other loans are valued at their nominal value.
If the Board of Managers determines that a permanent diminution in value has occurred in respect
of a financial fixed asset, a value adjustment is made in order to reflect that loss. Value
adjustments are not maintained if the reasons for which they were made have ceased to apply.
2.2.3 Debtors
Debtors are valued at their nominal value. A value adjustment is made when their recovery is
partly or completely in doubt. These value adjustments are not maintained if the reasons for which
they were made have ceased to apply.
2.2.4 Foreign currency translation
The Company maintains its books and records in Euro.
Al l transactions expressed in currency other than Euro are translated into Euro at the exchange rate
prevailing on the first day ofthe month of the transaction.
The fixed assets expressed in another currency than Euro are translated in Euro at the exchange
rate prevailing at the date of their acquisition. At the balance sheet date, these fixed assets are
maintained at their historical exchange rate.
Cash is translated at the exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date. Exchange gains and
losses resulting from this conversion are accounted for in the profit and loss account for the period.
Other assets and liabilities are translated separately respectively at the lower (assets) or at the
higher (liabilities) ofthe value converted at the historical exchange rate or the value determined on
the basis ofthe exchange rates effective atthe balance sheet date. Only unrealised exchange losses
are recorded in the profit and loss account. Realised exchange gains and losses are recorded in the
profit and loss account the moment they are realised.
Paradocs Ter S.a r.L
Notes to the annual accounts as at December 31,2012 (cont.)
Note 2 - Summary of significant accounting policies (cont. and end)
2.2 Significant rules and valuation methods (cont. and end)
2.2.5 Provisions
Provisions are intended to cover losses or debts the nature of which is clearly defined and which, at
the balance sheet date, are either likely to be incurred or certain to be incurred but uncertain as to
their amount or the date on which they will arise.
Provisions may also be created to cover charges which originate in the financial year under review
or in a previous financial year, the nature of which is clearly defined and which at the date ofthe
balance sheet are either likely to be incurred or certain to be incurred but uncertain as to their
amount or the date on which they will arise.
2.2.6 Provisions for taxation
The caption "Provisions for taxation" corresponds to the tax liability estimated by the Company
for the financial years for which the Company has not been assessed or the tax return has not been
filed yet. Paid tax advances are shown under the caption "Other debtors".
2.2.7 Debts
Debts are recorded at their nominal value.
Note 3 - Financial fixed assets
Shares in affiliated undertakings
The movements for the period were as follows:
Gross book
Net book
Gross book value - opening balance
- - -
Additions for the period
9,753,304 - 9,753,304
Disposals for the period
- - -
Gross book value - closing balance
9.753.304 -
On December 5, 2011, the Company acquired 9,753,304 shares (30%) in Alter Domus
Participations S.a r.l. by way of a contribution in kind valued at EUR 9,753,304 within the context
ofthe incorporation ofthe Company and ofthe increase in its share capital.
Paradocs Ter S.a r.L
Notes to the annual accounts as at December 31, 2012 (cont.)
Note 4 - Debtors
This item is composed of tax advances for a total amount of EUR 1,181.
Note 5 - Subscribed capital
As at December 5, 2011 (date of incorporation), the subscribed capital of the Company amounts to
EUR 9,753,304 and is represented by 9,753,304 shares, each having a nominal value of EUR 1
fully paid up through a contribution in kind consisting in shares of Alter Domus Participations S.a
r.I. (See Note 3).
As at December 31,2012, the subscribed capital of the Company amounts to EUR 9,753,304 and is
represented by 9,753,304 shares, each having a nominal value of EUR 1 fully paid.
Note 6 - Legal reserve
In accordance with Luxembourg company law, the Company is required to transfer a minimum of
5% of its net profit for each fmancial year to a legal reserve. This requirement ceases to be
necessary once the balance on the legal reserve reaches 10%of the issued share capital. The legal
reserve is not available for distribution to the shareholders.
Note 7 - Provisions
This item is composed of tax accruals for a total amount of EUR 3,175.
Note 8 - Non-subordinated debts
Amounts owed to affiliated undertakings
The maturity of the amounts owed to affiliated undertakings can be detailed as follows:
within one
between one
to five years
Due in more
than five
Current accounts/debts from purchases of
services and cash advances
6,274 - - 6,274
Accrued interest on current
accounts/debts from purchases of
services and cash advances
258 - - 258
TOTAL 6,532 - - 6,532
Paradocs Ter S.a r.L
Notes to the annual accounts as at December 31,2012 (cont. and end)
Note 8 - Non-subordinated debts (cont. and end)
Amounts payable to affiliated undertakings (cont. and end)
The short term current account owed by the Company to an affiliated mdertaking amounts to EUR
6,994 and bears interest at a rate as defined under the terms and conditions of the Alter Domus
Transfer Pricing Policy.
Note 9 - Staff
The Company had no employee during this financial period.
Note 10 - Tax status
The Company is subject in Luxembourg to the applicable general tax regulations.

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