Individual Work Sima

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1st Semester (June 2013-October 2013) School Year 2013-2014 Name: SIMA M. ARELLANO Position: Teacher - I School: Atong-Atong Elementary School

District: Lantawan Division: Basilan Region: ARMM


A. Lesson Planning and Delivery (45%) 1. Formulates /Adopts objectives of lesson plan based on PELC and SMART Criteria a. Specific b. Measurable c. Attainable d. Realistic e. Time 2. Selects content and prepares appropriate instructional materials/teaching aids. a. Adequate b. Congruent c. Appropriate d. Relevant e. Made of Indigenous material 3. Selects teaching method/strategies for effective learning a. Were suitable to learning ability of pupils/students; b. Provided opportunity for greater participation of the pupils/students; c. Were varied and appropriates; d. Maximized utilization of available audio-visual materials and; e. Generated teacher-learner-teacher interaction. 4. Relates new lesson with previous knowledge and skills a. A drill was conducted b. A review/recall of previous lessons/knowledge was conducted c. Questions form the past and present lessons were included d. Informal assessment was done 5. Provides appropriate motivation a. Appropriate audio-visual/instructional materials were used b. Varied activities were utilized c. Pupils/students participation was enhance d. Past and present lessons were related e. Interest of learners was sustained

June 2013 To October 2013

Objectives were formulated Objectives taken from RBEC and adopted but not all of June 3, 2013 were specific, measurable To the indicators were met. October 31, 2013 and attainable. only 4 indicators were met.

June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

Selected content and prepared appropriate materials when only 3 indicators were considered.

Had provided for teaching aids in all learning areas but not all of the indicators were considered.

June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

Utilized at least 3 teaching Used appropriate strategies methods/strategies when and techniques but not all of only 4 indicators were met. the indicators were met.

June 2013 To October 2013

Presented examples with previous lesson related to June 3, 2013 To the new lesson when only 4 October 31, 2013 indicators were done. Appropriate motivation is always provided when only 3 indicators were done.

__80_% of the indicators were done where lessons connected with previous knowledge and skills. __60__% of the indicators were done when utilizes appropriate teaching materials for motivation.

June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

6. Presents and develops lessons a. According to objectives b. Using appropriate strategies c. Utilizing varied teaching materials d. By relating previous lessons to present subject matter
e. According to the needs of the class. 7. Conveys ideas clearly a. Language/vocabulary used was within the level of pupils/students b. Difficult/new vocabulary was unlocked before the lesson proper. c. Varied examples and strategies were used d. Pupils/students were responsive to questions asked e. Pupils were able use knowledge learned in other situations. 8. Utilizes the art of questioning to develop higher level of thinking questions a. Clear and simple; b. Focused on application/synthesis/generalization; c. Related to previous and present lessons; d. Were varied in typed and level; and e. Were directed towards the attainment of objectives. 9. Ensures pupils/students participation a. There was interactive involvement of learners b. Conclusion of the lesson was pupil generated c. Teacher acted as facilitator d. Teacher-pupil interaction was generated e. Individual and/or group learning as mobilized

June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

Pupils were able to understand the lessons relating to real life situation when only __4_indicators were met. Used devices and actual activities to convey ideas clearly when only __4_indicators were met..

Develop the skill of understanding about the lesson 40% of the indicators were not met.

June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

Devices well presented and well explained but not all of the indicators were met.

June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

60% of the pupils were able to answer the questions correctly when only _3__indicators were met.

Had utilized the art of questioning to develop learners thinking but not all of the indicators were met.

June 2013 To October 2013

Provide opportunity for individual pupil June 3, 2013 participation in the To October 31, 2013 classroom when only __4__indicators were met.

Children participation in every class activity had ensured but not all of the indicators were met.

10. a. b. c. d. e. 11. a. b. c. d.

Addresses individual differences Teaching materials/aids used were according to level of learners Differentiated/activities were provided Activities/exercises were suited to learners ability Language used is clear and simple Remedial teaching was conducted Show mastery of subject matter Varied examples were used Varying levels of questions were asked Pupils were provided with varied activities Varied materials and strategies were used with ease e. Knowledge from textbook was supplemented

Recognized fast learners

June 2013 To October 2013

Had recognized individual

June 3, 2013 from the slow learners and differences but not all of the To provide learning activities. indicators were present. October 31, 2013 when only __3__indicators

were present. Mastered the lesson for the day with appropriate June 3, 2013 teaching devices when To October 31, 2013 only __4___indicators were used. Had executed the lesson with appropriate devices.

June 2013 To October 2013

12. Assesses/Diagnoses learners needs a. Questionnaire on the background of learners b. Anecdotal record c. Previous years academic records d. Pretest e. Analyses of data generated from 13. Evaluates learning outcomes a. Summative measure b. Formative measure c. Informative assessment d. Recitation e. On the spot question/test. 14. Assesses lesson to determine desired outcome within the allotted time. a. At least 85% passed the summative test b. At least 75% passed c. At least 50% passed d. At least 25% passed e. Only 24% or less passed 15. Management of Time and learning Environment. Maintains clean and orderly classroom a. All the time b. Most of the time c. More often than not d. Sometimes e. Seldom 16. Maintains classroom conducive to learning. a. Desk/chairs/tables were arranged according to activity b. The appropriate learning materials were displayed in the Corresponding subject area corner c. Books/magazines/appropriate and related learning materials were accessible anytime. d. Classroom/facilities were clean and orderly e. Discipline and proper behavior of pupils/students were observed C. LEARNERS ACHIEVEMENT (20% for Teachers 10% for Master Teachers) 1. Improve learners achievement level over pre test. a. 5% and above b. 3.6% - 4.9% c. 2.6% - 3.5% d. 1.6% - 2.5%
e. 1.5% and below

June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 identified and measured. To October 31, 2013 when only 3 indicators

Learners need was were done.

Assessment was conducted to determine learners need.

Learning outcomes has

June 2013 To October 2013 June 3, 2013 been evaluated where in To remedial and enrichment October 31, 2013 were provided when only 3

indicators were included. At least 50% passed when

June 2013 To October 2013 June 3, 2013 only 3 indicators were met. To October 31, 2013

Had evaluated learning outcomes based on the teaching of the lesson 40% of the indicators were not included. Activities per learning areas were present within the allotted time 40% of the indicators were not met.

June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

Clean and orderly classroom have been maintained.

Most of the time.

Had imposed maintenance of cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom. 20% of the indicators were not achieve.

June 2013 To October 2013

Improve classroom structuring with June 3, 2013 appropriate devices and To arrange things orderly October 31, 2013 inside the classroom. when only 4 indicators were met.

Had maintained classroom with proper structuring 20% of the indicators were not achieve.

June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

2.8% Pupil achievement level over pre test when only 3 indicators were met.

Pupil had achieved 2.8% proficiency level 40% of the indicators were not achieve.


1. Organizes and maintain functional Homeroom PTCA.

a. As a venue to report pupils progress periodically b. To serve as a link between the school and community-based projects. c. As a means to disseminates school policies/plans/programs/
accomplishments. d. In order to identify areas where parents can help in upgrading instruction. e. To establish and maintain harmony of relationship between in the school and the home.
June 2013 To October 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

Homeroom PTCA have been organized and performed o their duties and functions when only 4 indicators were achieved.

Homeroom PTCA officials and members performed of their duties and functions but not all of the indicators were achieved.

2. Conducts homeroom PTA meetings to reports learners progress.

a. b. c. d. e. A month In two months In three months In four months In five months
June 2013 To October 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

Conducted meeting in every three months to reports learners progress when only 4 indicators were met. Dissemination of the new school policy by Dep Ed was established when only 3 indicators were met.

Had conducted meeting to report learners progress but not all of the indicators were met.

3. Disseminates school policies/ plans/ programs/ accomplishment to the school clientele.

a. b. c. d. 81% - 100% of the schools clientele 61% - 80% of the schools clientele 41% - 60% of the schools clientele 21% - 40% of the schools clientele e. 20% and below of schools clientele
June 2013 To October 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

Had been disseminated school policies/ plans/ programs/ accomplishment.

4. Participates in community projects and civic organizations. a. Initiation of projects

b. Defining functions and roles of persons concerned c. Delineating functions and roles of persons concerned d. Identifying resources as support to the project e. monitoring and evaluation of project progress.

June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

Active involvement and participation were established when only 3 indicators were done.

Parents actively participated in community projects.

5. Encourages involvement of parents in the school programs and activities.

a. b. c. d. e. 81% - 100% participation rate 61% - 80% participation rate 41% - 60% participation rate 21% - 40% participation rate 20% and below participation rate
June 2013 To October 2013

Parents were encourage to participate in school June 3, 2013 programs and activities To when only 3indicators October 31, 2013 were done.

Motivated parents to joined school activities only 60% participated.

II. Professional and personal Characteristics (20%)

Always 10 Most of the time...... 8 More often than not... 6 Seldom... 4 Never..... 2

1. Decisiveness Acts immediately on the needs requests in accordance with the prescribed roles and regulations and accepted norms of conduct and behavior. 2. Honesty/ Integrity Demonstrate truthfulness, candidness, uprightness and freedom from deceit.

June 2013 To October 2013 June 2013 To October 2013 June 2013 To October 2013 June 2013 To October 2013 June 2013 To October 2013 June 2013 To October 2013 June 2013 To October 2013 June 2013 To October 2013 June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

3. Dedication/ Commitment
Starts service over and above the regular functions and even beyond the regular time.

4.Initiative/ Resourcefulness
Start action, projects and performs tasks without being told and supervised.

5. Courtesy
Show polite, kind and thoughtful toward the public/clientele in manner of speech and actuations.

6. Human Relation
Integrate concern for people at work office clientele and supervisors, subordinate relationship into work situations.

7. Leadership
The manner of guiding, influencing, motivating and developing confidence of subordinates to work as a team and accomplished assigned task leading the organizational unit to achieve its goal 7 objectives enthusiastically.

After analyzing the problem alternative solution should be done. 60% of the indicators were done. Shows sincerity and morality to ones Be sincere of ones profession. profession. 80% of the indicators were (More often than not.) met. Dedicated to ones work and Dedicated/Committed to commitment had been realized. services. 60% of the indicators (More often than not.) were done. Develop creativeness and Be creative and resourceful resourcefulness to produce materials for but not all of the indicators teaching. were done. (More often than not.) Showed good moral and spiritual values Had showed good behavior both children and parents in the only 60% of the indicators community. were done. (Most of the time.) Established good relationship with coApplied good relationship teachers, pupils and parents in the with the community and the community. pupils as well. (Most of the time.) Given task in performing duties had Being a model in any activity been achieved. in the school but not all of the indicators were achieve. (More often than not.) Self-reliance and patience given under pressure were justified. (More often than not.) Good relationship among pupils, parents, co-teacher and superior were established. (More often than not.) Had justified self-reliance and patience but not all of the indicators were done. Had justified equal treatment to pupils and co-teachers but not all of the indicators were done.

Acted immediately to the problem and make appropriate decision. (More often than not.)

8. Stress and Tolerance

Stability and performance under pressure or opposition.
9. Fairness/ Justice Conform to used principles of law is just and biased.

10. Proper Attire/ Good Grooming

Dresses in accordance with proper decorum and/or prescribed rules and regulations and is neat in appearance. III- Punctuality and Attendance Punctuality (5%)
a. not more than 3 times/under time during the last 6 months.......... 10 b. 4 6 times tardy/ under time... 8 c. 7 10 times tardy/ under time.... 6 d. 11 -15 times tardy/ under time..... 4 e. more than 15 times tardy/ under time.... 2

June 2013 To October 2013 June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013 June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

Had dressed in accordance with the prescribed uniform. (Most of the time.) Ha observed official time.

Dressed daily with the prescribed official/school uniform.

Official time had been observed in reporting (Not more than 7-10 times/under time.) to departure from school/classroom.

Attendance (5%) a. not more than 4 days absent 10

b. 5 8 days absent..... .... 8 c. 9 12 days absent......6 d. 13 16 days absent... ...4 e. more than 16 days absent....2

June 2013 To October 2013

June 3, 2013 To October 31, 2013

Had observed 100% attendance. (Not more than 9-12 days absent.)

Absences made due to some important matters.

Prepared By: SIMA M. ARELLANO Teacher - I Submitted To: AMINA M. BAPORA Principal - I HADJI ABDULWAHAB A. SALIDDIN District Supervisor Approved By: HADJA NORHAYA M. ABDURAHIM, Ed. D. Schools Division Superintendent Basilan Schools Division

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