Mutual Fund Resource Pool Agreement

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U) In the above established written piece of instrument herein referred to as the mutual fund resource pool - (MFRP) shall be founded on the agreements herein stated below as its caveat. All person(s) in this pool shall abide resolutely by the tenets enshrined in the tenets of the promulgated caveat therewith. (i) The successive receiver/beneficiary of the undersigned (MFRP), hereby acknowledges him/herself indebted to (MFRP) and shall with no form of reluctance whatsoever contribute successively for the benefits of all person(s) in ueue in lawful legal currency.

(ii) The (MFRP) contributions to each successive beneficiary shall be at the end of one calendar month only and shall be sub!ect to an agreed discretion subse uently followed by a unanimous decision to that effect in the event of change.

(iii) Any person(s) who wishes to opt out of the (MFRP) shall have the right to do so by communicating formally through writing with reasonable notice served and additionally satisfying clause (i) above e"clusively.

(iv) The (MFRP) shall only admit person(s) willing to !oin the resource pool only when all e"isting partners in ueue have all received their respective contributions once the (MFRP) has begun. #AT$#% &#AT$ '( #')*+$,T, --th +onth &.ear/ )'++$,)$+$,T +',T0% &+onth .ear/ The following under listed persons on this day 1111111111111111111 officially are the undersigned partners of the mutual fund resource pool - (MFRP).

2. (irst person 11111111111111 111111111111.. (Signature) 3. 4econd 5erson 11111111111111 111111111111.. (Signature) (Date) (Date)

6. Third 5erson 11111111111111 111111111111.. (Signature) (Date)

RECEIPT 2. +onth of )ontribution Amount )ontributed ;eceived by% 111111111111. (Signature) 3. +onth of )ontribution Amount )ontributed ;eceived by% 111111111111. (Signature)

OUC!ER FOR PA"MENT 7 7 +onth, 3826 9 2:88.88

.11111111111111111111111. (Re#i$ient%& Na'e)

7 7

<uly, 3826 9 2:88.88

.11111111111111111111111. (Re#i$ient%& Na'e)

6. +onth of )ontribution Amount )ontributed ;eceived by% 111111111111. (Signature) =. +onth of )ontribution

7 7

August, 3826 9 2:88.88

.11111111111111111111111. (Re#i$ient%& Na'e)

4eptember, 3826

Amount )ontributed ;eceived by% 111111111111. (Signature) :. +onth of )ontribution Amount )ontributed ;eceived by% 111111111111. (Signature)

9 2:88.88

.11111111111111111111111. (Re#i$ient%& Na'e)

7 7

'ctober, 3826 9 2:88.88

.11111111111111111111111. (Re#i$ient%& Na'e)

>. +onth of )ontribution Amount )ontributed ;eceived by% 111111111111. (Signature) ?. +onth of )ontribution Amount )ontributed ;eceived by% 111111111111. (Signature)

7 7

,ovember, 3826 9 2:88.88

.11111111111111111111111. (Re#i$ient%& Na'e)

7 7

#ecember, 3826 9 2:88.88

.11111111111111111111111. (Re#i$ient%& Na'e)

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