Elements of Nation Building Nat'l Statement

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NATIONAL STATEMENT This edition of the National Statement will focus on the true elements of building within a Nation.

I use the term elements because in the process of building our Nation, certain resources must be obtained and applied in order that we be successful. Resource means the mental (intelligence) and physical (skills and trades) abilities. ne of the first stages of reco!ering from the dead, entering into our Nation, is the Rite of "assage. #ach person that is a new born in our Nation is re$uired to go through this process. What is the Rite of Passage? %.) &earning to $uote %'( degrees right and e)act. '.) *nderstanding the science of fasting for three (+) days. +.) ,ccepting and understanding our dietary law. -.) .e!eloping a righteous name from the Supreme ,lphabet and the Supreme /athematics. 0.) The e)amination of one1s own commitment toward the de!elopment of self. This is the foundation that always has been and will continue to be, regardless of what you ha!e been told or think. It is through this process that you will become a ci!ili2ed person. Reality 3heck4 There are many brothers and sisters in our midst for the wrong reasons. /eaning5 There are people in our midst that rob, steal, rape and commit murder under our flag and family name. These people intentions are not toward the best interest of ur Nation. Some are informers sent by the go!ernment, others are searching for a mystery 6od in the realm of truth. Some are here because of the norm and peer pressure

of their en!ironment. In any case, it makes no difference to the true and li!ing 6ods. 7e understand that the de!il1s 8ob is to master all wrong doers and those who do not build abo!e si) (9). So, come as you may, we will teach the real ones ur :ather1s 7ay. 7hen I was a baby, growing up in this Nation, I used to hear the :ather (,llah) speak on many things. There were certain statements that always stayed in my head that ,llah re!ealed. Such ,s4 ; ne day we will ha!e land that we can call our own.; <e stated that his fi!e percenters must learn skills and trades. <e said without education we will ne!er be ci!ili2ed. I did not understand the !alue of such words. In regards to a collecti!e body of people building as one. .uring the course of those years, up until this day and time, many brothers and sisters ha!e obtained educational degrees, ac$uired skills and trades and know how to $uote %'( degrees. =et, with all these indi!idual accomplishments, we are still learning how to build as a Nation collecti!ely and to think as one. ,t this time, I will call a spade a spade. In other words, I will tell the truth and shame the de!il. This part of my writing is directed at all of us, who walked and talked with the :ather and ga!e our word, that we would be responsible of carrying out his idea and directions to the future generations (young). NOTE: MUCH IS GIVEN, MUCH IS REQUIRE ! 7e ha!e brothers and sisters in this Nation that bear witness and gi!e the older 6ods proper respect, because we were with the :ather during the years when he was de!eloping the foundation of this Nation. This is not a statement of blame, only the process of re!iew, renew and rebuild (+ R1s) > ur commitment to do ur :ather1s will.

7e must remember our fore>bearers also used the process of the + R1s > reading, riting, and rithmetic. In %??@ the world is teaching our children the + R1s as reuse, reduce and recycle. ,nyway you look at it, the older and wise 6ods in this Nation must reali2e it is our responsibility to de!elop and take this Nation into the new millennium. (The year ',(((). Re!iew > ('nd degree in %>%-) 7hy did /usa ha!e a hard time ci!ili2ing the de!il in the year ',((( A.3.5 Renew > ('nd degree in %>%-) 7hy are 6ods ha!ing a hard time building and preparing our Nation towards the new millennium > ',(((5 /any older brothers may not agree with this, and the younger brothers may not understand this statement. The fact of the matter is, you could accept it or re8ect it. The :ather1s manifestations will come to pass. Regardless of whom or what. I was taught by the :ather that mathematics is our language and the nature of mathematics makes all things N#. Therefore, how can we as older 6ods allow any form of man>made di!ision to dwell in our midst, unless we are not speaking and li!ing out our language of mathematics. Remember, we were taught that mathematics makes all minds N#.

The language of unlike attract, ad!ocates that no two men could think the same. 7hen I speak of all minds being one, it is according to the teachings of ,llah ( ur :ather). #)amine4 7ant for your brother as you want for yourself. &o!e your brother as you lo!e yourself. In order for us to li!e the abo!e statement out we must all speak one language and ha!e one common cause. That common cause must be what ur :ather taught us. <is teachings were preparing us to be in one mind set, in de!eloping a process and science of how to build within his Nation.

"#o$ a %a&ito# to a& A#'hite't. Nowhere in ur history does it state, that if a person forgets his language he can retire from the duties of a ci!ili2ed man. /y belo!ed brothers, when you first got knowledge of self, did you not $uote this degree5 7hat is the said birth record of Islam5 If you can answer the $uestion, you will reali2e there is no retirement and why we teach that our way of life is IS&,/. I S#&: & R. ,N. /,ST#R Arothers, there is no retirement, at the same time, there is no force. ,ll you ha!e to do is re!iew, renew and rebuild your foundation of commitment toward the de!elopment of this Nation. Re(ie) * Wh+ ,oes the ,e(i- 'a-- o.# /eo/-e Af#i'a&? The %.) '.) +.) understanding of this degree is based on three facts. The Trading "ost The people strayed away from ci!ili2ation. <e wants us to think we are all different.

7hat does the abo!e $uestion B@ in the lost found lesson B% ha!e to do with this statement5 ,s I ha!e e)plained in past editions of the National Statement, the trading post is the institutions that represent the financial, religious, political, educational and social societies that ad!ocate the idea of the founder of unlike attract and alike repel. The people that strayed away from ci!ili2ation represents the ones who no longer knowledge god in their original state of mind. The statement > <e wants us to think that we are all different means the root of his idea is based on di!ide and con$uer, the principle of rocking us to sleep in that unit of '% ciphers. Renew > the knowledge of the cipher is to enlighten you, to let you know that 6od is right amongst you. Rebuild > what I am saying is we can no longer ha!e personal conflicts or dislikes in the form of 8ealousy, en!y and hate towards our brothers and sisters or S#&:.



7hen the new born or our younger brothers and sisters see older 6ods arguing o!er foolishness and displaying a negati!e disdain towards one another, we are not li!ing out mathematicsC Nor are we keeping our word to the :ather, regarding the de!elopment of his Nation. /ost importantly, we must understand that these actions are pro!iding a field of operation toward the di!ision amongst our youth. <ow5 Aecause in many cases they are forced to take sides between one brother o!er the other brother. 7hat happens then, is many of these young people become confused and walk away from ur Nation. 7hy5 Aecause many older 6ods ha!e forgotten their birth right that the :ather has bestowed upon them. ,lso, many of them do not speak their own language now a days. The :ather taught us we must take sides with the truth. The elements of building within a Nation is first knowing who you are and what your Nation is born from. =et there are best knowers amongst us, for e!ery le!el of our de!elopment. "ROM A %ANITOR TO AN ARCHITECT! These are the words the :ather always stated. This part of the National Statement is now directed at the young 6ods in our midst who feel that the older 6ods are past history. :irst, let me go no record in stating how wrong you are for ha!ing such a foolish idea. &isten, I would stake my life on one older brother that has one leg, a half an arm and a de!eloped brain, o!er and compared to ele!en young brothers who do not ha!e a proper understanding of knowledge, nor are they e)act in the science of growth and de!elopment.

7hat I mean is regardless of how well they can $uote lessons, their abilities to understand the real world and what this Nation is about, lea!es a lot to be desired. /any of our seeds (young) think that knowing all forms of plus lessons and stri!ing for fools gold makes them true and li!ing 6ods. ,s a Nation, we teach that the original man is 6od and our young seeds must learn to be a man. Aecause, by nature /,N IS 6 .. &istenC young brothers, the same older brothers that you feel ha!e lost it, are in fact, the gate keepers of your Nation. 7hat I may say about my older brothers, you ha!e not earned the right to speak on such matters. I will be the first to bear witness that our young (seeds) ha!e made great strides in the world of unlike attract, such as entertainments, sports, career de!elopment and the field of trades and special skills. =et with all the abo!e accomplishments, our youth are in more danger in this day and time than our people were thirty years ago. 7hy Is This5 Re!iew > thirty years ago, we stri!ed for knowledge o!er material !alue in this world. Now the young stri!e for material !alue o!er knowledge. 7e must understand the difference of ha!ing a home, proper finances and friendship in all walks of life, compared to the fast world of sport and play, without a determined idea of how to build within your Nation. "roof is in the "udding. Real #)ample > <ow many times ha!e you heard rappers applying lessons or trying to use our mathematics on their records. ne group went as far as to sing our National ,nthem (The #nlightener). No financial gain came back to the Nation. /ost importantly, where are these brothers now5 The sad fact of the matter is most of them can1t pass our 'C &isten brothers and sisters, money is not the issue here. , lack of National commitment and understanding of how to build within a Nation is.

No one is putting the blame on them. nly showing them how to re!iew, renew and rebuild their commitment to their roots. In order to build within a Nation, we must accept our language of li!ing mathematics. 7e must kill all personal conflicts toward one another and learn to respect each others station in our de!elopment from a Danitor to an ,rchitect. 7e all should understand the reason why ,llah (:ather) put this Nation into motion. /any of us are parents and grandparents. /ost of our children were born into this Nation. I would say that all of us feel we are trying to pro!ide the best life possible for ur 3hildren. =et, there is one thing missing. 7hat is missing5 The unity of brothers and sisters pooling their resources together to pro!ide a strong and righteous foundation for our children. 7arning > you cannot despise your brothers or sisters and scheme against them in the Name of ur :ather (,llah) because such action will place a curse on your seeds. If we build seeds. 7hen de!elop our you ha!e to according to the :ather1s teachings, we will bless our we get land that we can call our own, and ha!e to own go!ernment and society, what indi!idual resources do insure that we are successful as a Nation5

That is the greatest degree in our lessons of life. 7e must learn to answer. :rom a Danitor to an ,rchitect within this cipher of growth and de!elopment, we must all know and understand our part. Arothers and sisters, way to go. ur Nation has come a long way, and has a long

/any people in our midst are getting rich from our endea!ors by selling products that ha!e our :lag on it and other items. Some of these people refuse to gi!e anything back to the Nation.

They think because they paid a fee for a table at the "arliaments, they are gi!ing back. Not soCC They are only hustlers that the naked eye can hardly detect. N T#4 There are many "ositi!e #ntrepreneurs that are showing and pro!ing the science of doing for self and building within ur Nation. The abo!e statement does not apply to them. =et, they too must be more responsible to detect and crush these agents of the %(E world. Selling things to our people for one day for personal gain is not the same as organi2ing a collecti!e body of entrepreneurs to pro!ide goods and ser!ices that meet the needs of our people. That form of action building is the foundation of marketing and retain, which is a medium for ur Nation to produce and control our own National products. ,gain, this is not blame pointing, only the science and process of re!iew, renew and rebuilding our commitment of building within ur Nation :rom a Danitor to an ,rchitect. These hustlers know who they are. So, if the shoes fit, wear them and go about your business and lea!e us alone. #!en the Dunior %(E must be gi!en fair warning. &isten brothers and sisters, if we patroni2e these merchants, why is there no commitments from them to patroni2e or sponsor e!ents that will enhance this Nation1s endea!ors5 I refuse to support anything or anybody that does not support the de!elopment of ur Nation. /any people that read this edition of the National Statement, are in!ol!ed in many positi!e acti!ities outside the Nation. I think that is !ery good and these brothers and sisters should be commended. The :ather taught that his :i!e "ercenters are not anti> white or pro>black. 7e are here to teach freedom, 8ustice and e$uality to all the human families of the planet #arth. In %??@, the men in this Nation must be responsible in building within the Nation de!elopment. =ou cannot wait for a mystery person to lead you to the promise land. ,ll members of this Nation must ask

themsel!es, what I ha!e (resources) to offer toward the growth and de!elopment of This Nation. &et1s take a moment to think about this $uestion. :or a person to answer that $uestion in truth, they must e)amine their commitment to self and Nation. That person must understand (+) their birth (?) in relation to this Nation. Re(ie) these Lesso&s: +?.) Tell us would you hope to li!e to see the day the 6ods take the de!il into hell in the !ery near future5 ,ns4 =es, I fast and pray ,llah, that I li!e to see the hereafter when ,llah in his own good time takes the de!il off our planet. %(.) 7ho is that mystery 6od5 ,ns4 There is no mystery 6od. The Son of /an has searched for that mystery 6od for trillions of years and was unable to find this so> called mystery 6od. So they agreed that the only 6od is the Son of /an. So they lost no time searching for that that does not e)ist. ?.) 7hy does he fear the de!il now that he is a big man5 Renew > Aecause the de!il teaches and keeps him illiterate and blind to himself. .oes that ha!e anything to do with the $uestion number %( in the %> -(5 Rebuild > =es, brothers and sisters, if you fear the de!il now because you lack knowledge of self and feel you do not ha!e to ask self this $uestion, what ha!e you to offer toward the Nation1s de!elopment5 I recommend you 8ust go your way and lea!e us alone. *nderstand your birth, manifest the e$uation of ci!ili2e means to teach knowledge and wisdom to the human families on the planet #arth. Re(ie), Re&e) a&, Re0.i-, +o.# 'o$$it$e&t to +o.# Natio&! If you can gi!e an inch of positi!e energy to others outside the Nation, learn to gi!e %% inches of positi!e energy inside your Nation.

:rom a Danitor to an ,rchitect, that is the science we must put into effect. This edition of the National Statement is focused on 6ods and #arths, learning the science of networking, sharing and adding our resources to benefit this Nation. I hope that e!eryone that reads this edition understands and does not take the conte)t of my words in the wrong direction. I know there are people in our midst who do not speak their language and will ha!e an unlike !iew. If that be the case, brothers and sisters, 8ust look at them and you will see why they cannot swim ?,((( miles, to come back to their roots. Mathe$ati's $a1es a-- $i&,s ONE! The + R1s of Re!iew, Renew and Rebuild in relation to the %(th degree in the %>-(. There are many more details that need to be e)amined and discussed. I 8ust hope that this edition of the National Statement has caused your brain to think about what part of the in!ol!ement you will ha!e, from a Danitor to an ,rchitect. Remember, we must learn to agree that we will lose no time searching or waiting for something that does not e)ist. #!erybody must ha!e a part in building within this Nation. Arothers and Sisters, I will bet you a skinny monkey to a 8ack rabbit, if you do not take heed to what is being stated, you will be a !ictim of the @th degree in the %>%- and the %'th degree in %>-( until you understand the science of ;from a Danitor to an ,rchitect; is !ery real and !ery important. 7ords of #nlightenment4 #ach and #!ery .ay #ach and #!ery 7ay I am going to Show and "ro!e and Teach the Righteous 7ay.

"eaceC National Representati!e .umar 7a1de ,llah

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