Unit 11

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1 Extension


1. Complete each sentence with a suitable word below. Make any necessary changes.
injury broad-shouldered realise impulsive generous single share clue straight

It was very of your parents to give you all the money for the trip.
The police didnt find any to help them solve the mystery.
Would you like to this sandwich with me? Its big enough for both of us.
He was lucky to survive with no serious .
Youre very . I think you should try a coat in a larger size.
They havent got a pink shirt left in the entire shop.
Nathan is so . He never thinks before he does anything.

2. Complete the mini-dialogues with suitable words below.

broad-shouldered realise confident share reply pretend single cope muscular shoulderlength
I Perry: Thats a great photo of your class. Whos that girl with the 1. hair?
Anton: Thats not a girl, thats Jimmy! Cant you see that hes too 2. to be
a girl?
II Amy: I didnt 3. you cancelled your trip to Africa. What happened?
Anna: I wrote to an old friend there but he didnt 4. . I wanted to
a place with him not stay on my own. And
rooms are very expensive. So in the end, I stayed home.
III Mark: Were looking for someone who can stand at the gate at the football final. It has to be someone
who can 7. with the crowds. Any ideas?
Tony: Well, Ive got a friend who might agree. Hes tall and 8. , so
crowds wont be a problem. Also, hes very 9. sure he can do
anything well. You might try him.
3. Match I to II to make logical pairs.
1. I dont really know him very well.
2. We never know what hell do next.
3. Hes always there when you need him.
4. He didnt say he couldnt see.
5. They told him to dress formally.



Hes an impulsive child.
Hes very kind-hearted.
Hell have to wear a suit.
Hes only an acquaintance.
Hes been blind all his life.

4. Complete the passage with suitable words or phrases below.

share reply clue realise dark run after look away cope with remind injury fair pretend
Guide dogs act as eyes for their masters, but sometimes even they dont see everything. Paul Brookes
from Redditch in England is 1. and depends on his dog, Carlo, to get around. Not
long ago, they were both hit by a car while they were walking outside their home. Because of his
, Mr Brookes cant use his white stick right now and has to stay at home. This
makes it very hard for him to 3. his daily life, but he refuses to give up his dog.
Carlo has been with him for a long time. Mr Brookes says that this accident makes him

1 Extension



how helpful Carlo has been to him.

In another accident, John Cooper and his dog were walking down a 5. street at
night, when they both fell into a hole. There was no barrier or warning sign. Mr Cooper wrote to the local
council about it, but no one bothered to 6. . They just continue to
it never happened. Mr Cooper plans to 8. them of the hole
until they do something about it.

Complete the sentences to show you have understood the meaning of the words in bold.
I never realised that .......................................................................................................... .
I find it hard to cope with .................................................................................................. .
Connie is confident that .................................................................................................... .
Shelley only pretends to ...................... when .................................................................. .
My idea of a natural leader is someone who ................................................................... .
I always share ................................................................................................................... .

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present
I Jackie 1. (not come) to work today because she 2. (feel)
well. She 3. (stay) at home because she 4. (not want)
anyone to get ill.
II Rachel 5. (think) about building an extra room onto her house. Her oldest son is
fifteen years old and he 6. (not understand) why he 7.
(share) a room with his younger brother.
III I wonder how much that old bike 8. (cost). It 9. (not look)
new but I 10. (not mind). All I 11. (want) is a bike.
IV The whole family 12. (watch) that silly reality TV programme tonight. Right
now they 13. (eat) a very quick dinner, so they wont miss it. Even my little
sister 14. (help) to clear the dishes.
V Mum 15. (taste) the curry right now. She always 16. (taste)
the food to make sure it 17. (not need) more salt or pepper.
2. Match I to II to form sentences. Then write S if the verb refers to a state and A if the verb refers
to an action.
1. We think
..... a. on television every evening.
2. Were thinking
..... b. very tired today.
3. They appear
..... c. delicious.
4. He is weighing
..... d. to leave right away.
5. That cake smells
..... e. too much to take on the aeroplane.
6. The suitcase weighs
..... f. about where to go tonight.
7. He seems
..... g. his luggage to make sure its not too heavy.
8. He wants
..... h. your idea is great.

1 Extension


3. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
drive not want know study promise take hope love write plan think collect want not
earn work
I I often 1. for the local newspaper. I 2. much money, but I
my work. At the moment, I 4. information for an
article about students who left our school and 5. abroad today.
II My father usually 6. to work, but today he 7. the bus,
since the car is in the garage. The mechanic 8. it will be ready tomorrow. My
father 9. that the mechanic is right. He 10. to be without
his car again.
III This year Ronny and Sandra 11. French at school. They
how to speak English and Russian. Ronny 13. to be a
language teacher and Sandra 14. to travel. We 15. that
their dreams come true.
4. Rewrite the following sentences using the verbs in brackets. Make any necessary changes.
Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. This book is mine. (belong)
2. There are a lot of mistakes in this essay. (contain)
3. The doctor is busy with a patient now. (see)
4. Whats so funny, Kate? (laugh)
5. Whats his present address? (live)

Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

In the mornings, I ............................................................................................... .
On Sunday, people usually ................................................................................. .
My friends are busy this weekend. They ............................................................ .
I think that at the moment, most of my friends ................................................... .
Everyone knows that famous people .................................................................. .

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