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Seminar Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of Master of Computer Application V Semester

MCA V Semester Session : 2011-2014

Submitted to Dr. Vaibhav Gupta (Asst.Prof, Department of Computer Science)

Submitted by Ravi Joshi


CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Seminar entitled Iris Recognition has been analyzed by:

Ravi Joshi

In Partial fulfillment of MCA V Semester, under our supervision and guidance

Dr. Vaibhav Gupta (Mentor & Guide)

Prof.(Dr.) Rajeev Mathur (Director)

The successful completion of this report rest on the shoulders of many persons who have helped us directly or indirectly. We wish to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all those, without whose help, completion of report would have been difficult.

We are grateful to Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Mathur (Director, Computer Science Department, LMC), for his proper guidance, encouragement and support. The help by all the other faculty members is also greatly acknowledged.

We express deep & sincere gratitude to Dr. Vaibhav Gupta whose guidance, encouragement and affectionate pressure helped us in completing this report. His inspiration and encouragement, suggestion and very constructive criticism have contributed immensely to the evolution of our ideas on the subject.

Lastly we show respect to my parents for their Love and Blessing which helped us in completing this venture.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... 4 LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Biometric technology ............................................................................................................................ 6

Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6 Types of biometrics ................................................................................................................ 7 Choosing a biometric authentication ...................................................................................... 7

Iris recognition ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 9 History .................................................................................................................................... 9 Human iris ............................................................................................................................ 10 Working of iris recognition system ...................................................................................... 12 Features of iris recognition................................................................................................... 13
Iris recognition process ...................................................................................................................... 14

Image acquisition ................................................................................................................. 14 Image localization ................................................................................................................ 17 Iris segmentation .................................................................................................................. 19 Normalization ....................................................................................................................... 19 Feature extraction ................................................................................................................. 20 Matching .............................................................................................................................. 20
Application .......................................................................................................................................... 22 Advantages and disadvantages of iris recognition........................................................................... 25

Advantages: .......................................................................................................................... 25 Disadvantages ...................................................................................................................... 28

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 30 References ........................................................................................................................................... 32

The Iris Recognition System is very interesting and today it is widely used for the security point of view. Iris recognition gives accurate results. It never takes false value, so it is really very good for security purpose. Iris recognition is amongst the most robust and accurate biometric technologies available in the market today with existing large scale applications supporting databases in excess of millions of people. Daugman is the first one to give an algorithm for iris recognition. His algorithm is based on Iris Codes. For the preprocessing step i.e., inner and outer boundaries of the iris are located. Integro-differential operators are then used to detect the centre and diameter of the iris, then the pupil is also detected using the differential operators, for conversion from Cartesian to polar transform, rectangular representation of the required area is made. Boashash and Boles have given a new approach based on zero-crossings. They first localized and normalized the iris by using edge detection and other well known computer vision algorithms. The zerocrossings of the wavelet transform are then calculated at various resolution levels over concentric circles on the iris. The resulting one dimensional (ID) signals are then compared with the model features using different dissimilarity function. This system can handle noisy conditions as well as variations in illumination. A new algorithm has been proposed to extract the features of iris signals by Multi-resolution Independent Component Identification (MICA). It provides good properties to represent signals with time frequency. An efficient algorithm phase-based image matching is an image matching technique which uses only the phase components in 2D DFTs (Two-Dimensional Discrete Fourier Transforms) of given images. The technique has been successfully applied to high accuracy image registration tasks for computer vision applications, where estimation of sub-pixel image translation is a major concern. Wildes proposed iris recognition based on texture analysis. High quality iris images was captured using silicon intensified target camera coupled with a standard frame grabber and resolution of 512x480 pixels. The limbus and pupil are modeled with circular contours which are extended to upper and lower eyelids with parabolic arcs.

Biometric technology
In todays information age it is not difficult to collect data about an individual and to use that information to control the individual. With the development of technology, it is difficult to maintain the levels of privacy. In this context, data security has become an invetible feature. The three main types of authentication are something you know (such as a password), something you have (such as a card or token), and something you are (biometric).Conventional method of identifications based on ID card ,exclusive knowledge like social security number and passwords are not reliable.ID card can be stolen and

password can be forgotten. Unauthorized person can broke in to the account with little effort. So there is a need of denial of service to classified data by unauthorized people. A biometric system provides automatic identification of a person based on physiological and behavioral characteristics. These techniques which use physical data is receiving attention as a personal authentication method. This data is unique to the individual and remains so throughout ones life. Some common physical characteristics used for identification include fingerprints, palm prints, facial features, voice, hand geometry, handwriting, retina and the one presented in this report, the iris. Biometric system works by capturing a sample for feature such as taking a digital colored image for face recognition or palmprint. The sample image is then transformed by using some mathematical function in to biometric template. This template will provide a normalized, efficient representation of the feature, which is compared with other template to verify the identity. A good biometric is characterized by use of feature that are unique, stable and chance of any two people having the same characteristic is minimal. Out of all the various physical characteristics available, irises are one of the more accurate and convenient physiological characteristics because iris is protected behind the eyelid, cornea, and aqueous humor means that, unlike other biometrics such as fingerprints, the likelihood of damage is minimal. The probability of finding two people with identical iris patterns is considered to be approximately 1 in 1052(population of the earth is of the order 1010). There is no need for the person being identified to touch any equipment because iris

scan is similar to taking a photograph and can be performed from about 10 cm to a few meters away. The pattern of iris never changes with age.

Advantages of biometrics
Easier fraud detection Better than password/PIN or smart cards No need to memorize passwords Requires physical presence of the person to be identified Unique physical or behavioral characteristic Cannot be borrowed, stolen, or forgotten Cannot leave it at home

Types of biometrics
a) Physical Biometrics Finger print Recognition Facial Recognition Hand Geometry IRIS Recognition DNA Retinal Scanning b) Behavioral Biometrics Speaker Recognition Signature Keystroke Walking style

Choosing a biometric authentication

Before choosing a biometric user authentication solution, an organization should evaluate its needs carefully. The following list includes items that should be consideredthe order of importance depends on the environment and level of security needed. Level of security required Accuracy

Cost and implementation time User acceptance Enrollment Stored template

Stored Feature Set Identification Matcher Feature Set


Feature extractor

Template generator



Figure 1: Evaluation Simplified block diagram representation of a biometric system

Iris recognition
Iris recognition is a method of biometric authentication that recognizes a person by pattern of the iris. Of all the biometric technologies used for human authentication today, it is generally conceded that iris recognition is the most accurate. The purpose of Iris Recognition, a biometrical based technology for personal identification and verification, is to recognize a person from his/her iris prints. In fact, iris patterns are characterized by high level of stability and distinctiveness. Each individual has a unique iris. The difference even exists between identical twins and between the left and right eye of the same person. Irises are also stable; unlike other identifying characteristics that can change with age, the pattern of one's iris is fully formed by ten months of age and remains the same for the duration of their lifetime. Iris recognition is rarely impeded by glasses or contact lenses and can be scanned from 10cm to a few meters away. The probability of finding two people with identical iris patterns is considered to be approximately 1 in 1052(population of the earth is of the order 1010). Not even one-egged twins or a future clone of a person will have the same iris patterns. The iris is considered to be an internal organ because it is so well protected by the eyelid and the cornea from environmental damage. Iris recognition is the most precise and fastest of the biometric authentication method.

In 1936, ophthalmologist Frank Burch proposed the concept of using iris patterns as a method to recognize an individual. In 1985, Drs. Leonard Flom and Aran Sair, ophthalmologists, proposed the concept that no two irises are alike, and were awarded a patent for the iris identification concept in 1987. Dr. Flom approached Harvard Professor Dr. John Daugman to develop an algorithm to automate identification of the human iris. In 1993, the Defense Nuclear Agency began work to test and deliver a prototype unit, which was successfully completed by 1995 due to the combined efforts of Drs. Flom, Sair, and Daugman. In 1994, Dr. Daugman was awarded a patent for his automated iris recognition algorithms.

In 1995, the first commercial products became available. In 2005, the broad patent covering the basic concept of iris recognition expired, providing marketing opportunities for other companies that have developed their own algorithms for iris recognition. The patent on the IrisCodes implementation of iris recognition developed by Dr. Daugman will not expire until 2011.

Human iris
The iris is a thin circular diaphragm, which lies between the cornea and the lens of the human eye. A front-on view of the iris is shown in Figure 2.1. The iris is perforated close to its centre by a circular aperture known as the pupil. The function of the iris is to control the amount of light entering through the pupil, and this is done by the sphincter and the dilator muscles, which adjust the size of the pupil. The average diameter of the iris is 12 mm, and the pupil size can vary from 10% to 80% of the iris diameter. The iris consists of a number of layers; the lowest is the epithelium layer, which contains dense pigmentation cells. The stromal layer lies above the epithelium layer, and contains blood vessels, pigment cells and the two iris muscles. The density of stromal pigmentation determines the color of the iris. The externally visible surface of the multilayered iris contains two zones, which often differ in color. An outer ciliary zone and an inner pupillary zone, and these two zones are divided by the collarette which appears as a zigzag pattern. Color is not used in iris recognition technology. Instead, the other visible features such as the connective tissue, cilia, contraction furrows, crypts, rings and corona distinguish one iris from another. The iris is divided into two major regions: 1. The pupillary zone is the inner region whose edge forms the boundary of the pupil. 2. The ciliary zone is the rest of the iris that extends to its origin at the ciliary body. Iris surface features 1. The pupillary ruff is a series of small ridges at the pupillary margin formed by the continuation of the pigmented epithelium from the posterior surface.


Figure 2: Structure of the iris 2. The Circular contraction folds, also known as contraction furrows, are a series of circular bands or folds about midway between the collaret and the origin of the iris. These folds result from changes in the surface of the iris as it dilates. 3. Crypts at the base of the iris are additional openings that can be observed close to the outermost part of the ciliary portion of the iris.

Figure 3: Internal structure of iris Features of iris The iris has many features that can be used to distinguish one iris from another. One of the primary visible characteristics is the trabecular meshwork, a tissue which gives the appearance of dividing the iris in radial fashion that is permanently formed by the eighth

month of gestation. During the development of the iris, there is no genetic influence on it, a process known as chaotic morphogenesis that occurs during the seventh month of gestation, which means that even identical twins have different irises. The fact that the iris is protected behind the eyelid, cornea, and aqueous humor means that, unlike other biometrics such as fingerprints, the likelihood of damage or abrasion is minimal. The iris is also not subject to the effects of aging which means it remains in a stable form about the age of one until death. The use of glasses or contact l lenses (colored or clear) has little effect on the representation of the iris and hence does not interfere with the recognition technology.

Working of iris recognition system

Image processing techniques can be employed to extract the unique iris pattern from a digitized image of the eye, and encode it into a biometric template, which can be stored in a database. This biometric template contains an objective mathematical representation of the unique information stored in the iris, and allows comparisons to be made between templates. When a subject wishes to be identified by iris recognition system, their eye is first photographed, and then a template created for their iris region. This template is then compared with the other templates stored in a database until either a matching template is found and the subject is identified, or no match is found and the subject remains unidentified.

Eye Image acquisition

Localizatio n


Normalizat ion

Feature Extraction


Figure 4: Iris recognition system It includes Three Main Stages:


1) Image Acquisition- Acquiring image of the eye. 2) Image Preprocessing- Separation of iris part from the image of eye. 3) Iris Pattern Matching- Comparing the saved pattern with that of the present one. Process of IRIS Recognition and Identification System can be summarized as follows:-

Features of iris recognition

Measurable Physical Features: 250 degrees of freedom,250 non-related unique features of a persons iris Unique: Every iris is absolutely unique. No two iris are the same Stable: iris remains stable from 1styear till death. Accurate: Iris recognition is the most accurate of the commonly used biometric technologies. Fast: Iris recognition takes less than 2 seconds. 20 times more matches per minute than its closest competitor. Non-Invasive: No bright lights or lasers are used in the imaging and iris authentication process. Flexible: iris recognition technology easily integrates into existing security systems Reliable: iris pattern is distinctive and is not susceptible to theft, loss or compromise.


Iris recognition process

Image acquisition
The most important challenge of iris recognition system is to capture high quality image. The image of the iris can be captured using a standard camera using both visible and infrared light and may be either a manual or automated procedure. In order to accomplish this, use CCD camera. The resolution is set to 640x480; the type of image to jpeg, and the mode to white and black. The camera is situated normally between half a meters to one meter from subject. In the manual procedure, the user needs to adjust the camera to get the iris in focus and needs to be within six to twelve inches of the camera. This process is much more manually intensive and requires proper user training to be successful. The automatic procedure uses a set of cameras that locate the face and iris automatically thus making this process much more user friendly. With an average diameter of 12mm, a camera must have enough resolution to capture the details of the iris pattern (collarets patterns). Some commercial products solve the problem with a dual lens system. One lens is a wide angle that serves the purpose of localization of the iris in the scene. The other with a higher zoom factor (tele) is driven by the iris localization system, narrowing the focus only to the target and therefore taking a high resolution snapshot of the iris. Another problem is illumination. The collarets are very similar to mountain ranges, with valleys, dips and peaks. The illumination angle will determine the dark and light parts of the image. It is very important that one system implements consistent illumination, on the contrary the same iris may generate two different classes under two different illumination angles. Also, the pupil is an open door to the retina, one of the most sensitive organs of our body, and extra care. Given that the iris is a relatively small (typically about 1 cm in diameter), dark object and that human operator are very sensitive about their eyes, and this matter requires careful engineering. Several points are of particular concern. First, it is desirable to acquire images of the iris with sufficient resolution and sharpness to support recognition. Second, it is important to have good contrast in the interior iris pattern without resorting to a level of illumination that annoys the operator, i.e., adequate intensity of source (W/cm ) constrained by operator

comfort with brightness (W/sr-cm ). Third, these images must be well framed (i.e., centered) without unduly constraining the operator (i.e., preferably without requiring the operator to employ an eye piece, chin rest, or other contact positioning that would be invasive). Further, as an integral part of this process, artifacts in the acquired images (e.g., due to specular reflections, optical aberrations, etc.) should be eliminated as much as possible. Concerns on the image acquisition rigs: Obtained images with sufficient resolution and sharpness Good contrast in the interior iris pattern with proper illumination Well centered without unduly constraining the operator Artifacts eliminated as much as possible The Daugman system captures images with the iris diameter typically between 100 and 200 pixels from a distance of 1546 cm using a 330-mm lens. Similarly, the Wildes et al. system images the iris with approximately 256 pixels across the diameter from 20 cm using an 80-mm lens. The positioning of the iris for image capture is concerned with framing the entire iris in the cameras field of view with good focus. Both the Daugman and Wildes et al. systems require the operator to self-position his eye region in front of the camera. Daugmans system provides the operator with live video feedback via a miniature liquid crystal display placed in line with the cameras optics via a beam splitter. This allows the operator to see what the camera is capturing and to adjust his position accordingly. 2 Light emerging from the circular polarizer will have a particular sense of rotation. When this light strikes a specularly reflecting surface (e.g., the cornea), the light that is reflected back is still polarized but has reversed sense. This reversed-sense light is not passed through the cameras filter and is thereby blocked from forming an image. In contrast, the diffusely reflecting parts of the eye (e.g., the iris) scatter the impinging light. This light is passed through the cameras filter and is subsequently available for image formation. Interestingly, a similar solution using crossed polarizers (e.g., vertical at the illuminant and horizontal at the camera) is not appropriate for this application: the birefringence of the eyes cornea yields a low-frequency artifact in the acquired images .During this process, the system is continually acquiring images. Once a series of images of sufficient quality is acquired, one is automatically forwarded for

subsequent processing. Image quality is assessed by looking for high contrast edges marking the boundary between the iris and the sclera. In contrast, the Wildes et al. system provides a reticle to aid the operator in positioning. In particular, a square contour is centered around the camera lens so that it is visible to the operator. Suspended in front of this contour is a second, smaller contour of the same shape. The relative sizes and positions of these contours are chosen so that when the eye is in an appropriate position, the squares overlap and appear as one to the operator. As the operator maneuvers, the relative misalignment of the squares provides continuous feedback regarding the accuracy of the current position. Once the operator has completed the alignment; he activates the image capture by pressing a button.


LCD Display Beam Splitter


Frame Gabber

Lig -ht

Figure 5: The Daugman image-acquisition rig


Circular Polarizer

Edge of alignment square

Diffuser Ligh t




Frame Gabber

Edge of alignment square



Circular Polarizer

Figure 6: Wildes et al. image acquisition rig

Image localization
Image acquisition of the iris cannot directly yield an image containing only the iris. Rather, image acquisition will capture the iris as part of a larger image that also contains data derived from the immediately surrounding eye region. Therefore, before performing iris pattern matching, it is important to localize that portion of the acquired image that corresponds to an iris. In particular, it is necessary to localize that portion of the image derived from inside the limbus (the border between the sclera and the iris) and outside the pupil. Further, if the eyelids are occluding part of the iris, then only that portion of the image below the upper eyelid and above the lower eyelid should be included. Typically, the limbic boundary is


imaged with high contrast, owing to the sharp change in eye pigmentation that it marks. The upper and lower portions of this boundary, however, can be occluded by the eyelids. Since the picture was acquired using an infrared camera the pupil is a very distinct black circle. The pupil is in fact so black relative to everything else in the picture simple edge detection should be able to find its outside edge very easily. Like the pupillary boundary, eyelid contrast can be quite variable depending on the relative pigmentation in the skin and the iris. The eyelid boundary also can be irregular due to the presence of eyelashes. Desired characteristics of iris localization: Sensitive to a wide range of edge contrast Robust to irregular borders and Capable of dealing with variable occlusions The Daugman and Wildes et al. iris recognition systems perform iris localization. Both of these systems make use of first derivatives of image intensity to signal the location of edges that correspond to the borders of the iris. Here, the notion is that the magnitude of the derivative across an imaged border will show a local maximum due to the local change of image intensity. Also, both systems model the various boundaries that delimit the iris with simple geometric models. The Wildes et al. system also explicitly models the upper and lower eyelids with parabolic arcs, whereas the Daugman system simply excludes the upper- and lower-most portions of the image, where eyelid occlusion is expected to occur. In both systems, the expected configuration of model components is used to fine tune the image intensity derivative information. In particular, for the limbic boundary, the derivatives are filtered to be selective for vertical edges. This directional selectivity is motivated by the fact that even in the face of occluding eyelids, the left and right portions of the limbus should be visible and oriented near the vertical (assuming that the head is in an upright position). Similarly, the derivatives are filtered to be selective for horizontal information when locating the eyelid borders. In contrast, since the entire (roughly circular) papillary boundary is expected to be present in the image, the derivative information is used in a more isotropic fashion for localization of this structure. In practice, this fine tuning of the image information has proven to be critical for

accurate localization. For example, without such tuning, the fits can be driven astray by competing image structures (e.g., eyelids interfering with limbic localization, etc.).

Iris segmentation
Segmentation is to isolate the actual iris region in a digital eye image. Image can be viewed as depicting a scene composed of different regions, objects, etc. Image Segmentation is the process of decomposing the image into these regions and objects by associating or labeling each pixel with the object that it corresponds to. Hence, segmentation subdivides an image into its constituent regions or objects. The first stage of iris recognition is to isolate circular iris region. Iris is isolated using concentric circles, one circle is defined by the edge between sclera and iris and other is defined by the edge between pupil and iris. The process involves the extraction of circular boundaries of pupil and iris from the edge map using Circular Hough Transform (CHT). Usually, pre-segmentation process involves blurring the image using low-pass filter to remove the noise.

Once the iris region is successfully segmented from an eye image, the next stage is to transform the iris region so that it has fixed dimensions in order to allow comparisons. The normalization process will produce iris regions, which have the same constant dimensions, so that two photographs of the same iris under different conditions will have characteristic features at the same spatial location. The dimensional inconsistencies between eye images are mainly due to the stretching of the iris caused by pupil dilation from varying levels of illumination. Other sources of inconsistency include, varying imaging distance, rotation of the camera, head tilt, and rotation of the eye within the eye socket. The normalization process will produce iris regions, which have the same constant dimensions, so that two photographs of the same iris under different conditions will have characteristic features at the same spatial location. In normalization, the iris circular region is transformed to a rectangular region with a fixed size. Another point of note is that the pupil region is not always concentric within the iris region, and is usually slightly nasal. This must be taken into account if trying to normalize the doughnut shaped iris region to have constant radius. Robust representations for pattern recognition must be invariant to changes in the size, position and orientation of the patterns. In the iris biometric compass, this means that a

representation of the iris data invariant to changes in the distance between the eye and the capturing device, in the camera optical magnification factor and in the iris orientation, caused by torsional eye rotation and camera angles, must be accomplished. The irises captured from the different people have different sizes. The normalization algorithm always depends on the algorithm of feature vector extraction and match. Techniques available for normalization are: (1) Daugman rubber sheet model (2) Virtual circles

Feature extraction
Iris provides abundant texture information. Feature selection and extraction is to find out the important features to perform matching. As we know, the visible features of an iris are ciliary processes, contraction furrows, crypts, rings, cornea, and freckles and so on. How to set a model to extract the feature of different irises and match them is especially important for it determines the results of the whole system directly. A feature vector is formed which consists of the ordered sequence of features extracted from the various representation of the iris images. In order to provide accurate recognition of individuals, the most discriminating information present in an iris pattern must be extracted. Only the significant features of the iris must be encoded so that comparisons between templates can be made. Most iris recognition systems make use of a band pass decomposition of the iris image to create a biometric template. The iris has a particularly interesting structure and provides abundant texture information. Feature extraction is a crucial part in any iris recognition system since good identification rates are directly related to the uniqueness and variability of the extracted features used to distinguish between different biometric templates.

Using one of the previously described feature extraction schemes, an iris image is processed and transformed into a unique representation within the feature space. In order to see if two iris templates match (i.e. extracted from the same eye) which involves making an


accept/reject decision, a distance measure is indeed necessary to measure the closeness of a match. The template that is generated in the feature encoding process will need a corresponding matching metric system, which gives a measure of similarity between two iris templates. This metric system should give one range of values when comparing templates generated from the same eye, known as intra-class comparisons, and another range of values when comparing templates created from different irises, known as inter-class comparisons. These two cases should give distinct and separate values, so that a decision can be made with high confidence as to whether two templates are from the same iris, or from two different irises. For example, some widely used methods in the iris recognition field are the Hamming distance (HD), the normalized correlation (NC) and the weighted Euclidean distance (WED).


Iris recognition is forecast to play a role in a wide range of other applications in which a person's identity must be established or confirmed. These include electronic commerce, information security, entitlements authorization, building entry, automobile ignition, forensic and police applications, network access and computer applications, or any other transaction in which personal identification currently relies just on special possessions or secrets (keys, cards, documents, passwords, PINs). Because of its reliability and ease of use, Iris recognition technology is gaining popularity across the globe in areas such as public safety, aviation, education and health care. ATMs and iris recognition: in U.S many banks incorporated iris recognition technology into ATMs for the purpose of controlling access to ones bank accounts. After enrolling once (a 30 second process), the customer need only approach the ATM, follow the instruction to look at the camera, and be recognized within 2-4 seconds. The benefits of such a system are that the customer who chooses to use banks ATM with iris recognition will have a quicker, more secure transaction. Tracking Prisoner Movement: The exceptionally high levels of accuracy provided by iris recognition technology broadens its applicability in high risk, high-security installations. Iris scan has implemented their devices with great success in prisons in Pennsylvania and Florida. By this any prison transfer or release is authorized through biometric identification. Such devices greatly ease logistical and staffing problems. Applications of this type are well suited to iris recognition technology. First, being fairly large, iris recognition physical security devices are easily integrated into the mountable, sturdy apparatuses needed or access control, The technologys phenomenal accuracy can be relied upon to prevent unauthorized release or transfer and to identify repeat offenders re-entering prison under a different identity. Law enforcement agencies: Law enforcement agencies in the United States began using it in 1994 when the Lancaster County Prison in Pennsylvania became the first correctional facility to employ the technology for prisoner identification. In Berkshire County, the technology is used in the newly built Berkshire County Jail as a security check for employees. Iris-scan technology has been piloted in ATM environments in England, the US, Japan and Germany since as early as 1997. In these pilots the customers iris data became the verification tool for

access to the bank account, thereby eliminating the need for the customer to enter a PIN number or password. When the customer presented their eyeball to the ATM machine and the identity verification was positive, access was allowed to the bank account. These applications were very successful and eliminated the concern over forgotten or stolen passwords and received tremendously high customer approval ratings. The Charlotte Airport: The Charlotte Airport in North Carolina and the Flughafen Frankfort Airport in Germany allow frequent passengers to register their iris scans in an effort to streamline boarding procedures. Healthcare solutions: In addition to the government and transportation markets, iris recognition is playing an emerging role in healthcare. Healthcare solutions based on iris recognition protect access to patient medical records at hospitals in locations such as Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania and Germany, infant nursing stations: Alabama. Also, in Germany, infant nursing stations are equipped with iris recognition to ensure that only parents, doctors and nurses have access to the room that holds newborn children and to avoid potential abductions. The technology was recently introduced by the United Nations in Afghanistan, where iris recognition helps to distribute a onetime grant of human aid to refugees who wish to return to their homeland. Four voluntary repatriation centers in Pakistan are equipped with cameras to process the refugees anonymously and quickly so that they can receive funds, food and travel supplies. In UK project IRIS (Iris Recognition Immigration System), over 200,000 passengers have bypassed immigration control and passport presentation by instead being registered in this system for automated border-crossing using iris recognition Computer login: The iris as a living password. National Border Controls: The iris as a living password. Telephone call charging without cash, cards or PIN numbers. Ticket less air travel. Premises access control (home, office, laboratory etc.). Driving licenses and other personal certificates.

Entitlements and benefits authentication. Forensics, birth certificates, tracking missing or wanted person Credit-card authentication. Automobile ignition and unlocking; anti-theft devices. Anti-terrorism (e.g.: suspect Screening at airports) Secure financial transaction (e-commerce, banking). Internet security, control of access to privileged information. Biometrickey Cryptography for encrypting/decrypting messages.


Advantages and disadvantages of iris recognition

Accuracy In a comprehensive study conducted by Britains National Physical Laboratory (NPL) iris recognition technology decisively outperformed six other biometrics systems facial recognition, fingerprint, hand geometry, and vein and voice recognition. Tested to positively identify users in an office environment iris recognition technology registered a false match rate of zero in 2,735,529 comparisons and a 0.0 percent failure-to-acquire rate. Iris recognition had a false rejection rate of 0.0188, the lowest of all systems rested. Four of the other biometrics systems registered a false rejection rate of 10- 25 percent. Simply put, iris recognition is the most accurate form of identification known to man. More accurate than even DNA matching. Due to the process of chaotic morphogenesis, every iris is unique to a degree that the probability of 2 irises being identical is 1 in 10 to the power of 78.Additionally, the iris recognition system captures over 240 'degrees of freedom' or points of interest. This is more data than is collected by most hand, face and voice recognition systems combined. Other systems have the potential to be fooled by replicas and duplicates. The iris cameras have built in countermeasures to ensure that it is a live eye being presented meaning that high-quality 2-D or 3-D reproductions pose no threat to iris recognition systems. The only currently commercially deployed iris recognition algorithm, John Daugman's IrisCode, has an unprecedented false match rate (better than 1011). Not a single false match has ever been reported for this algorithm, which has already been used to crosscompare more than 200 billion combinations of iris pairs. Speed Iris recognition systems can cycle through 1,500,000 matches per minute, which is 20 times greater processing speed than any other biometrics systems. In reallife applications this translates into an identity decision being made in seconds. The enrollment process is also speedily accomplished, typically in three minutes or less. The iris recognition system is capable of making a match from a database of over 1 million records in less than a second. Conversely, fingerprint, hand and voice systems are challenged by large databases. Not only


does the time taken to register a match increase, but also the accuracy of the system falls unlike iris recognition. Safety and Perceived Invasiveness The co-operation of the user involves the enrollee being still, and looking at a certain spot. iris scanning is less difficult than retina scanning . The devices capture images of the eye from a comfortable distance without bright lights or lasers. The IrisCode is hashed and encrypted as a security measure to prevent theft. If a person feels their recognition patterns have been compromised, re-enrollment is possible an infinite number of times by using a permuted IrisCode Identification vs. Verification: Iris recognition identifies people rather than verifying their identity. Verification asks; is this person who they say they are? This is one-to-one matching which means a person must first suggest their identity through a password, card or name and the system then seeks to determine whether or not there is a match between the suggested and true identities. Identification asks; who is this person? This is one-to-many matching meaning that the person is not required to carry anything or volunteer any information. The system simply captures the iris image, searches the entire database and either finds their identity or reports that they are unknown. This is obviously a much more powerful form of authentication as no information is required from the user. Stability: The iris image remains stable from the age of about 10 months up until death. It is an internal organ that is well protected against damage and wear by a highly transparent and sensitive membrane (the cornea).This means that an iris image need only be captured once and does not need to be updated. Other biometric measures change over time. Conversely, barring surgery or extensive trauma, the iris template does not change over time. Non-invasive: Users wearing gloves, protective wear, glasses, safety goggles and even contact lenses can operate iris recognition systems. No contact is required with a touch pad or screen meaning that iris recognition is ideal in environments where hygiene is at a premium. It is also important to note that iris recognition is a completely separate technology to retinal scanning. No bright lights or lasers are beamed into the eye; only a digital photograph is taken. This means that not only is iris recognition the most accurate biometric technology, it is also the safest.

Fool Proof: Iris patterns are extremely complex, carry an astonishing amount of information and have over 200 unique spots. The fact that an individuals right and left eyes are different and that patterns are easy to capture, establishes iris-scan technology as one of the biometrics that is very resistant to false matching and fraud. The false acceptance rate for iris recognition systems is 1 in 1.2 million, statistically better than the average fingerprint recognition system. The real benefit is in the false-rejection rate, a measure of authenticated users who are rejected. Fingerprint scanners have a 3 percent falserejection rate, whereas iris scanning systems boast rates at the 0 percent level. Iris recognition is currently in use Highly protected, internal organ of the eye Externally visible; patterns imaged from a distance Iris patterns possess a high degree of randomness Variability; 244 degrees-of-freedom Entropy; 3.2 bits per square-millimeter Uniqueness: set by combinatorial complexity Changing pupil size confirms natural physiology Pre-natal morphogenesis (7th month of gestation) Limited genetic penetrance of iris pattern Pattern apparently stable throughout life Encoding and decision-making are tractable Image analysis and encoding time: 1second Decidability index (d-prime): d=7.3 to 11.4 Search speed: 100000 Iris Codes per second Iris is relatively flat. Can exhaustively search an Iris database of 100,000 in close to one second. Unaffected by Viewing angle (transformations are affine and reversible). Iris diameter of 200 pixels gives long-term stable information.


Figure 7: identifying the mystery woman Iris recognition system is also finding unexpected applications. The best know example involved using iris recognition to confirm the identification of a mysterious young afghan woman named Sharbat Gula originally photographed by Steve McCurry in 1984.Some 18 years later, McCurry photographed Sharbat Gula in Afghanistan .At the behest of National Geographic, Dr.John Dougman,developer of the Iris recognition system, then compared the irises in the photographs using his algorithms. He concluded that the eyes were a match.

1. The iris is a very small organ to scan from a distance. 2. It is a moving target and can be obscured by objects such as the eyelid and eye lashes. 3. The camera here needs to have the correct amount of illumination. The system linked by the camera is currently only capturing images in a monochrome format. 4. Generally more expensive than other biometric technologies it is a relatively new technology and is incompatible with the very substantial investment that the law enforcement and immigration authorities of some countries have already made into finger-print recognition.


5. Small target (1 cm) to acquire from a distance (1 m).It is very difficult to perform at a distance larger than a few meters and if the person to be identified is not cooperating by holding the head still and looking into the camera. The scanner needs to be adjusted for height differences in people. 6. Illumination should not be visible or bright .As with other photographic biometric technologies, iris recognition is susceptible to poor image quality, with associated failure to enroll rates. 7. As with other identification infrastructure (national residents databases, ID cards, etc.), civil rights activists have voiced concerns that iris-recognition technology might help governments to track individuals beyond their will. 8. In general, multiple scanners run from a single central processor unit. (PC) .If the PC fails then several units are affected rather than a single reader Blind persons may have difficulty in getting themselves aligned with the iris camera at arm's length, because some such systems rely on visual feedback via a mirror or LCD display to guide the user into alignment with the camera Deforms non-elastically as pupil changes size Partially occluded by eyelids, often drooping Small target (1 cm) to acquire from a distance (1m) Located behind a curved, wet, reflecting surface Obscured by eyelashes, lenses, reflections Partially occluded by eyelids, often drooping Deforms non-elastically as pupil changes size


Despite its challenges, iris recognition is gaining popularity as a robust and reliable biometric technology. Highly accurate, positive personal recognition is feasible today using the iris of the human eye. This unique and complex organ, which has more dimensions (measures) of variation than any other biometric feature currently in use, remains stable throughout a lifetime and is readily available for sampling in a non-intrusive way. And has the speed required minimizing user frustration when accessing company systems. The iriss complex texture and its apparent stability hold tremendous promise for leveraging iris recognition in diverse application scenarios, such as border control, forensic investigations, and cryptosystems. Recent efforts in machine vision have yielded automated systems that take strides toward realizing this potential. As currently instantiated, these systems are relatively compact and efficient and have shown promising performance in preliminary testing. The use of other ocular features and facial attributes along with the iris modality could enable biometric recognition at a distance with good matching accuracy. The future of iris-based recognition looks bright, particularly in military applications that demand the rapid identification of individuals in dynamic environments. Iris recognition systems have made tremendous inroads over the past decade, but work remains to improve their accuracy in environments characterized by unfavorable lighting, large stand-off distances, and moving subjects. This by far remains the technology of the future. This biometric technology proves out to be unique for every individual including the twins and this makes it to take a greater prominence over the others. As with almost every new technology that seeks to find its place in everyday life, iris recognition has both the potential to be a convenience enhancer including an access enhancer. Because it allows hands-free, automatic, rapid and reliable identification of persons, it can facilitate access for persons unable to engage in the standard mechanical transactions of access. Iris Recognition Technology is the ideal solution in any environment whether you have one door to protect or one hundred. The unique processing capabilities of the Knowhow server mean that Iris Recognition is the ONLY technology capable of operating efficiently in situations where 1000's or even millions of persons must be enrolled. The variability of persons is, after all, the heart and soul of iris recognition.


The process uses simple and non-threatening video technology to take images of the iris, digitize the features, and create a 512-byte code, which is then compared against an entire database in less than two seconds. Recognitions can then be used to control access and entry, to provide recognition information to an existing entry control system or for any other purpose where positive identification is needed. Recent testing, under U.S. Government controlled conditions, in three real-world environments, and in a variety of operational applications have proven the practicality and feasibility of the extremely accurate iris recognition for any function requiring positive recognition.


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