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L6éomMc VOLUME II EDITION 8 MAINTENANCE Instructions for Main Engine Type LeOMC “This book forme pat ofa set of books consisting of tee volumes ented Vol! OPERATION, Vol. Il MAINTENANCE Vol Il COMPONENTS AND DESCRIPTIONS. “The purpose ofthese books I o provide goneral guidance on operation and maintenance and to describe the constuconal features of a standard version ofthe above engine type. Deviations ‘may be found ina speci plant. In addon, the books can be used for reference purposes, for Instance in correspondance and wien ordering spare pars Its essential thatthe flowing datas stated in spare parts orders as its used by us to ensure the supply ofthe correc parts forthe individual engines: Name of vessel Engine No. bultby Plate No, PartNo. ‘Quanity required (and description) Examble; MS Nybo -7730 B&W - 90201 - 00-059 10 of piston eng) Ifthe parts list indcstes a "MAN BAW Standard No‘ this should also appear in your order. Furthermore, 1o ensure optimum efficiency, rolabity and Hetime of the engine and its ‘components, only orginal spare pats should be used. ‘Tho designation ‘used in texts and ilustrations sheets inserted in tho respective books. frst the information given onthe data- ‘As rll and economical operation of he diese enginas i contional on correct operation and ‘maintenance, is essential thatthe engine-room personnel is fly acquainted wits the contents. ot this book. “This book is subject to copyigh protection. The book must not, ether wholy or partly, be coped, reproduced, made public or in any other way made avaliable to a third party without the writin consent ofthis effect from MAN BW Diesel A, MAN B&W Diesel A/S Tegholnsgade 41 Toleph:+45 2885 1100 2450 Copenhagen Toler 16882 mab dk Denmark Tolelocs45 35 85 1090 | | CHECKING AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME 900-1 ‘and list of working procedures ‘The Checking and Maintenance Programme incicates the Intorvals at which itis deemed appropriate to inspect the Individual com- ponents of the engine and to cary out over hauls, i necessary, based on the engine condiion or on time eitera ‘The procedures contained inthe instruction book are arranged in a logical order, and the following Checking and Maintenance Programme can be used as a table of cor- tenis. The stated ‘Normal hours of service’ are only to bo used as a guidance, as differ fence in the actual service conditions, the Quality of the fue ol, lubricating ol, treat ment of cooling water, etc. wil decisively influence the actual service results, and ‘hus the intervals between nacossary over. hauling Design modifications may necessitate a revision ofthe instructions, and in that case the rovised instructions and changed over. hauling intervals, if eny, wil apply. and supersede those originally Issued (see 0.9 our Service Letters). ‘The procadures are divided inte thrve cate ovis: ‘A. Condition checking procedures, ‘marked under the heading ‘Normal hours of service’ by C, deal with the service con: dion of a number of engine components, land form the basis for estimating whether furter overhauling Is necessary. In num ber of eases the condition checking proce: dures rater to Volume I, OPERATION, in Which more detalied descriptions and work Ing procedures can be found, Where a procedure number is stated under the heading ‘Aolated procadure’, it wil be appropriate 0 carry out tis procedure at the same time. Eaton 201 Page 1(7) B. Conaition-based overhauling procedures are those procedures which under the heading "Normal nours of sorvie” are mar- ked by 0, and opposite whieh, under the heading ‘Overhaul to be based on proce: dure No., a procedure number is stated. ‘This procedure number normally refers to fone of the above condition ‘checking pro cedures which form tha basis of the over: haul. Fr this reason, the intervals stated are for guidance only. Whore several procedures are tobe carried fut on the same estimation basis, and thase belong togathor with regard to the Work, tis is stated under the heading "Re. lated procedure! ©. Time-based overhauling procedures, also marked by O under the headings “Nor- mal hours of service’ or ‘Based on observa. tions’, are the procedures where an actual ‘basis for estimation is lacking. It is recom- mended, therefor, to carry out these pro- codures at the overhauling intervals stated as a basi, ‘Where a symbol O or ¢ is indicated under ‘the heading ‘Based on observatons this is ‘due to the fact that special service condl- fons may make hocking or overhauling necessary beyond the actual programme. CHECKING AND MANTENANGE a PROGRAMME of sence 900-1 BEEBE [y= ese von 1 Operation Edition 201 3 Seater | Sere mem fowl |elisurenceaes L slslelslt Seen [age (ERIETELSIELS|ET |] steers HEATER | ie | ercocoer i SELL fe | eee ° 3 | ove sax | ron vem noo s sromea ox 4, | Slee s Tele paces ss alo eal ecce eae] [pes ne 7 2i3)|| Seay | fo 3 | pee oe] | cosoerexa vir comerreronc «+ | crea ee soe Ly | Sota ° m | oe, alo cal (foaaae 2 | romans | fox CHECKING AND MAINTENANCE Neratteun | PROGRAMME: tance 900-1 re Vk Operon Eon 201 Ste pec note @ = ueome | “e chactne cancion ig |felelelelele lf} 8 Satattatecrecon [44x UR /EUEUSIEVE IST fi hqumenerecmser | $48 |E af | af HEU FEVEVE IIE VE IEEP | No, | PROCEDURE dee [ah Pirie la + | cranigin beasnos sot x | Checking ° c ous a | Biemantig 333 | Mounting 5 | connecting od “3a | “Bismanting 0 | a4 4 | Mounting ses | CRANKSHAFT, THRUST BEARING ‘ND TURNING GEAR 1+ | detection o cranenat a | "Ghecing ale c 2 | Main besnge aoe 21 | “onectng ass | c c goes 23 | Damenting of ¢ 24 | Mounting & 2 | Thst bearings { 31 | Checking ° | ce 33 | Demanving 5 “34 | Mounting 5 | Axil vibration camper 81 | "Checking ° 59 | Demanting “34 | Mounting 906. | MECHANICAL CONTROL GEAR. +. | chains Sa | “Checking ate c 43 | Demanting 48 | Mounting 2 | chaintiottener 22 | Adjustment a 2 | camshat 21 | Checking ° ° c 82 | Adjustment a ‘CHECKING AND MAINTENANCE Nemaltows | QQQ-4 PROGRAMME: ofesioe 77 See Val | Operation Eaton 201 3) Seemanarniuctons "1+ Soe sposal oe Pane) aoc | “6 | Oreste conaion ; ©: Over Rik "oe caring ot met ot caries No, | PROCEDURE Ccamenatt bearings hooking ce Dismanting Mounting 5 | Moment compensator "a1 | “Checking c 552 | Adjuetmont A oor | stantiNG AIR sySTEM 4. | Stating ar istibutor Sa | "Checking ° c 52 | Gvemaul ° 2 | Staring a valve 22 | “Overnaul ° 23 | Dismanting "2a | Mounting 900 | exhaust VALVE i 1 | High pcossure pipe 12 | "Ovemaul ° 2 | exaust vale 21 | “Checking c 22 | Overaul ° 23 | Damanting 24 | Mounting 2 | Exhaust valve actuator fax | “Checking "a2 | Overau! ° "a3 | Demanting [34 | Mounting -4 | exaust vav rater guide cea | “Checking ve c “42 | Overhaul ° “63 | Diemanting cA | Mounting GREORNG AND MANNTENANGE Temalar pean nemo [900-1 BSBRY) [7 5 See vat Opertion Eaiton 201 Tete Seca i | pmem vee | "2 | Sesosotn Ann i 6 ! Olena toca Hui ay A Sten teu ot alee ilet | 98 no. | pRoceouRE i PE “5. | eaten vae cm Bs | "hac ° -7- | esta vate onze ing ° ooo | rue. ou sysreu + | Fan pa aa fa | Giakin ’ ¢ 2 | Adora ‘ 2. | Plt vave 3s | Shc ¢ 2 | Fun pan cm 2 | "heme soos ‘ 4 | Fustpane “ha | "Oatang ° <2 | Nong 5. | Fes pune op cov $e | "Sua 0 33 | Betantng $2 | Nem 6, | Fie. nap bre asonty ee | "Siam ° ‘$3 | Beantng a | Newming 7, | Fuetunp suctn vo Se | "Sosa | Jo 00s 2, | Fuse pce vate 2 | “Suna | Jo 00s 9 | Fue panp stock abnor a | “Snag e 32 | Ovnal ° 10_| it gar oer ie te | “Ghoceng ° ¢ (CHECKING AND MAINTENANCE Nowa hore 900-1 ‘Se Val. Oparation| ‘See maker inst (vent obo sarod out Adjutant ie are cut ; é Eaton 203 Page 6 (7) 6 S32 on 2 2a Fuel ol high-pressure pipe Reversing mochaniom TURBOCHARGER SYSTEM Turbocharger turbine SAFETY EQUIPMENT CHECKING AND MAINTENANCE Namaipons PROGRAMME: 1 |_ stsanice | 900-1 ‘See Vol. | Operation a Edition 201 Ste nar arco 33 See spec noe a 7 some Cregeen sleleleislt + Grrl be ceo BHA fon be ceed ot ; ; FEIe |e IBIBIEIE No, | PROCEDURE BR Els 12 | ASSEMBLY OF LARGE PARTS 1+ | toting down bots acd end chock bos 11 | "Checknn ° c 2 | stay bre 21 | “Gheckng c ° 1a | GENERAL TooLs 4 | Hydra tools : 2 | Hyérauic nut Torque spanner Serows and nuts locking 10 | Hydeaute ing - emergency provedures 11 | Lubricating procedures SPECIAL NOTES Platon overhaul - Section 92: 100 piston ings enly 116000 piston compote Cylinder ter - Section 903: ‘Yo00 +2000 m inspection through soavenge ports 1000 h meaeuring inside nat 901-1 Cylinder Cover Edition 201 Data 1 (1) ‘Safety Precautions LX] Stopped engine Block the stating mechanism EX]. shut of stating alr supply Engage turning gear X]_ Shut of cooling water ‘Shut of fue ol ‘Shutoff lbviation cit ‘Lock turbocharger rotors DD 24, 80, 82, 96 mm EXE) ome — SS 4, 50, 65, 80 mm —o = Apt sat D4 Woight of oxrauet valve etud 10 4g ght of hyerauic ring 984 Ig D3 Weight of eyinder C0VEFCOMPIelE wwe 2500 kg 0-4 Weight of cooling jacket” 53 kg 1-5. Serewing-n torque for exhaust valve eu 450 Nm D6 Serawing:in torque for starting valve studs... 140 Nm 10 Hydraull pressure for oylinder cover: +12 Tightoning torque - high-pressure pipe (exhaust valve), 201-42 Cylinder Cover sorte mana) Overhaul Esttion 201 Leone: Page 1 (5) 1. Digmount all valves and plpes on the cylinder cover. Dismount all studs on the top of the cylinder cover. Mount eye screws for iting the hydrau- Tic ing in the threaded holes and It the ring away by means of a crane. 901-12 Cylinder Cover Edition 201 Overhaul Page 2 (5) 2. Unserew the four sorews whlch secure the cooling jacket tothe cylinder cover. Litt the cylinder caver free trom the cook ing Jacket and land the cover on a ‘couple of planks, It the cooling jacket has become stuck, use dismanting screws to force the Jackevoover apart. 8. Discard the O-rings from the cover and carefully clean the cooing jacket and the eylinder cover Provide the cylinder cover with new O- rings, well lubricated with ol 4. Lift the oylindar cover, and guide the Jacket/caver into position in accordance withthe guide pin (camshat side), Mount and tighten the screws for the poling jacket. Cylinder Cover s0t-1.2 Overnaul Eattion 201, Page 3 (5) 5. Recondition the valve bores as describ- ‘inthe following: Fuel valve bore 6. The tool consists of a common spindle with handle, and of a guide, @ carbon cutter, a seating face cutter, and a grind Ing mandre CClean the fuel valve bores, using the carbon cuter I required, recondition the {uel valve seating, using the appropriate cuter. Grind the seating by means of the grin: ing manctel and a grincing compound (€. Carborundum No, 200). After the miling/grinding, clean the bore and_ seating carefully, and check the seating for damage marks. 01-12 Cylinder Cover Edition 201 Overhaul Page 4 (5) Exhaust valve bore 7. The tool consists ofa spince with han- dle and a grinding disc. ‘for cleaning the valve bore and seat- ing, grind the seating by moans of the Grinding disc and a grinding compound {e.g. Carborundum No. 200) After the grinding, clean the bore and ‘eating carefully, and check the seating for damage marks. Starting valve bore 8, The too! consists of & guide, a cuter, and a grinding disc. The handle is the fame ap that used for the fuel valve bores, but the distance place is also used. Recondition the starting valve bore and ‘seating in the same way as described forthe fuel valve bore, ‘When replacing valves on a oytinder ‘cover that is mounted on the engine, recondition the valve bores/seating In the same way as described here, but do not dismount the studs. sorte Leome 1, oor-1.2 Eattion 201, Page 5 (5) Clean the bores for safety valvesngice tor cock. Mount the hydraulic ring with the work ing pressure mark at the camsha side, Mount the valve studs, tightening up the studs in accordance’ with the sorew ingrin torque stated on the data sheet. Make sure that the fuel valve studs are correctly mounted, DS (see llustation) Protect the bores and seatings for the exhaust valve, the staring valve. and the fuel valves, Aways fit new or overhauled valves wien @ cylinder cover Is mounted on the engine. After mounting the cylinder cover on the engine, and before fiting the nus, posi- tion the hydraulc ring by means of two eye screws. [Attar positioning the ring, romove the feye scraws. See Procedire 901-14, 901-13 Cylinder Cover Edition 201 Dismanting Page 1 (4) 1. A. Set the blocking device on the main starting valve in the BLOCKED posi- tion. 8, Engage the turing gear. ©. Open the indicator cocks. . Close the inlet and outlet valves for cooling water. . Open the vent and drain cocks for cooling water. As soon as the cyin- der cover has been emptied of water, close the drain cocks again. F. Close the tue! ol inlet valve. G. Shut off the control sir supply and safely air supply bafore venting the ‘manoeuvring system through the ball valve ‘Also shut off the air supply on the reduction unit for the hydraulic! pneumatic exhaust valve, and vent the system, H. Valve for checking of water level wen cooling water is drained during ‘exchange of cylinder cover or piston sorta Leome r Cylinder Cover sorts Man Dismanting Eattion 201, Page 2 (4) @]_ @ Remove the scrows which taston the high-pressure ploe to the oll cylinder on the exhaust valve and the hydraulic activator, and lit away the high-pressure Pipe. Dismount the drain ol pipe between the ‘exhaust valve and the hydraulic active- tor, the air pipe for the pneumatic ex hatst valve, and the sealing al pipe 8. Dismount the high-pressure fuel pipes between the fuel pump and the fuel val> Dismount the return oll connection from the fuel valves atthe fuel pump. Disconnect the contro! air pipe from the starting valve. Remove the screws in the flange con- ‘ection for the stating ai pipe. all 4, Remove the cooling water outlet pipe ftom the exhaust valve and the cylinder 901-18 Cylinder Cover dion 201 Dismanting Page 3 (4) 5. Remove the protective jacket enciosing the intermediate pipe between the ex haust receiver (with compensator) and the exhaust valve, Dismount the clamp ftom the exhaust ipelintermediate pipe flanges. (Dis mount the screws. intermediate pipe! exhaust valve, and remove the inter mediate pipe) 4. Connect the high-pressure pump to the snap-on coupling on the hydraulic ring. Vent the system and increase the pres- sure, see Data, Procedure 919-1 Loosen the outer nuts somewhat, then relieve the pressure. Remove the high unscrew the nuts. ressure pump and 7. In caso of a leaking hydraue unit, this must be blocked, after which the nut can be loosened by means of ether grease ar the special hexagon spanner See Section 913-10. IF itis one of the conical units thet is leaking, this must be blocked and loosened. ‘See the special procedure for this ope: ration in Section 915-10 Subsequently, loosen the other nuts in the normal way. Cylinder Cover sor-13 Dismanting Eton 201 Page 4 (4) 8. Hook on the engine room crane to the Ting attachment on top of the exhaust Lit away the cylinder cover completa and land it on, for instance, a couple of ‘wooden planks. 10, Remove and discard the sealing ring betwoen cylinder cover and cylinder liner 901-14 Cylinder Cover Edition 201 Mounting | Page 1 (3) 1. Place a new sealing ring on top of the cylinder iner and bend the thee tabs on the sealing ring by means of 2 lead hammer. 2. Lift the cylinder cover by means of the crane and carefully wipe the contact Surface which faces the eylinde liner, Provide the cooling water connecting pipes with new O-rings, lubricating them with grease or soft soap. Lower the cover caratuly Into positon. | During the landing, carefully check that the cooling water connecting pipes ‘catch’ the holes in the cooling jacket correctly. Note! | To factate mounting and dismanting of the flange clamps, and to prevent ‘seizure on account of heating, apply 18 coat of ‘Never Seoz NS 180° or a ‘similar preparation to: | = the contact faces ofthe flanges on the intermediate pipe = the inside of he clamp = the thread of the clamp sorews = the screws forthe intermediate pipe 3 After mounting the cylinder cover onthe engine and before fing the nuts, posi | lion the hydraulic ring by means of two eye screws, ‘ter positioning the ring, remove the eye screws. Cylinder Cover Mounting oot Edition 201, Page 2 (3) 4. Mount the cover nuts on the studs and screw down by means of a tommy bar Ingerted inthe Inner nuts Note t volution back. pletely tre, (Check that the inner nuts have pres ‘ed the pistons completely down. ‘Then turn the inner nuts one half re (Check that the outer nuts are com Connect the high-pressure purmp at the snap-on coupling. Vent the hydraulic system, then rise the pressure as stated under D- 4 ‘Screw the outer nuts down against the hydraulic ring, than ralleve the system of pressure Place the intermediate pipe between the ‘exhaust pipe and the exhaust valve Align the intermediate pipe 0 that the holes in the flange of the intermediate pipe are inline with the threaded holes Inthe exhaust valve. Mount screws with washers ‘mediate pipelexhaust valve Inthe inter flanges and tighten up the screws diagonally When mounting the clamp connecting the compensator and the intermediate pipefexhaust valve it may, In some eases, become necessary to use the ‘compensator extender’ too Fit the screw and mut to the angie iron ‘on the compensator lange, together with the ‘compensator extender’, and use these foois o bring the compensator into alignment with the exhaust valve Intor- mediate pipe. 901-14 Cylinder Cover Ealtion 201 Mounting Page 8 (8) 7. Attach the insulation jacket, mount the cooling water outlet pipes. the sealing alt pipe and the air pipe for the pneumatic exhaust valve. Mount the starting air pipe and control air pipe forthe starting valve. 8. Fit and adjust the high-prossure pipe for the hydraulic valve gear, and then fasten it (see Procedure 808-1.4, Fit the fuel oil high-pressure pipe be- ‘ween the fuel vaive and the fuel pump (checking that the pipe fis properly at ‘the seats and that all parts are clean ‘and provided with new O-ings). ‘See Procedure 909-13.4. Connect the outlet pipe trom the return oll pipe on the fuel valves. Connect the air hoses and outet pipes to the fuel oil slarm system. Shut the drain valves and open for the cooling water inlet. After venting the cylinder section, shut ‘the vent cocks and open the cooling water outlet valve. ‘Open for fel ol, ubricating oll and arto the alarm system. Note! ‘The air supply to the exhaust valve ‘must always be connected before starting the camshaft oil pumps. This is very important, because otherwise the valve will open more than normal. ca 2 2 See oO s 03. . * _J1A© Cy fils [1 i ° i \ 130 | (N01 Plate 90151-86 Cylinder Cover Panel tem MAN Baw rh Part Description Beet 010 | Too! panel) 022. | Grinding too! 034. | Milling and gringing toot for staring valve seat (046. | Miting and grinding toot for fuel valve seat 088 | Extractor fr fuel valve 060 | Handle 071. | Grinding ring for starting valve 083 | Grinding handle 105. | Pressure tester 120 | Impact wronch for hydraulic nuts 120 | Stus setter 142 | Eyebot 010. | Tool pane}, complete 142. | with tots *) Optional extras (Beg cvincercover tot Prat 016 an S60Nc Plate 90161-75 Cylinder Cover - Tools T tom MAN Baw ia Part Description ee 015 | Spare pars for hydra ing 7 | O-ring with back-up ring 120/130 mm 039 | Oning with back-up ring 80/90 mm 40 | Tommy bar 052 | Wrench ENS4OA6 064 | Bleeder serew 076 | Pinwrench (085 | Snap-on coupling, male 111 | Gasket 123. | Nipple 135 | Pin 147, | Wooden box 172 | Ling chains for cylinder cover: 184. | Extension stud fort of eytinder cover (GER) vin covert tot wan seonc Plate 9016204 010 022 Plate 90162-04 Cylinder Cover - Extra Tools hem MAN 28W re Part Description Oey 010 | Grinding machine for cylinder cover *) 22 | Grinding wheat *) *) Optional extras 902-1 Piston Edtion 201 x x x) x & w x oO ‘Stopped engine Block he stating macharism ‘hat of starting ar supply Engage turrieg gear Shut of cooing wate Shut of fel a ‘Shut of bia Lock tuocharger tors Orme hm, 24 2, 32 mm =o aim 10-120 Nn gosto nm 12 ATA: Ds Radial wth: Trew piston eng. = worn piston ring. 2 Taaximdm voriea height slofoove Nos 1 and Bunun 14.7 SGfoove Nos and én. 147 Ds Maximum permissible buna” 20 (Piston top wth layer of inne) 8 4 Nominal height ring groove Nos. 1 and 2... 14 Ting groove Nos. 3 and 42.1 piston ring Nos. ana ze) pleton ring Noe. and 0.1 DS lnimum ring gap. 4 Ds Verlcal cearanee.. 0.00.45, D-7 Piston completo sn 1890 D3 Pleton crown 290, DS Piston skin 78 Dato Tightening orgie = piston skit. 190 ety Piston cooling pipeannnc» 90 Bitz Tightening torque — e2alng pipe... 20 D-t3 Piston ro 930 De14 Tightening toraas ~ plston sowntes 500 15 Test pressure nan 7 DA18 Gy. cover wih exhaust valve 2890, Dat? ‘Tightening torque ~ telescope pipe. 170 D-t8 Tightening orgie of piston... 590 gr thgtening anglers 58° ate Tightening torque ~ sulting box 2 20 Sereuingsin tous Cynder Cover Sh a. 400840 Nm 02-14 Loomc: Piston 9021.1 Checking Edition 203, Page 1 (1) To detect possibie leakages fom piston or cylinder cover, koep the cooling water and cooling oll circulating during the scavenge part inspection 1. Remove the inspection covers on the Camshaft side ofthe cylinder frame. (Clean the openings. Begin the ingpection st the cylinder whose piston is nearest BDC. 2. With the piston in BDG, Inspect the pis- ton crown and the cylinder wal. Note down the results ‘See Volume I, Operation, Chapter 707 8. Turn the engine. While the piston is passing the soavenge alr parts, inspect the piston rings, the ringlands and the piston skit. (Check the movement and the tension of the piston rings, by pressing them with a wooden stick. Note down the resutts. 44. When the piston has been tumed up- wards, past the scavenge alr port, in- spect the piston rod and the lowor part af the cylinder wal Note down the results. 902-12 Piston Edhion 201 Overhaul Page 1 (7) Piston rings 1. Takeoff the piston ring by means of the ring expander. Measure and record the radial width and height ofthe rings. ‘See Volume I, Operation, Chapter 707. Worn ings must be renewed if the radial ‘width i lee than stated In Data, 2. Clean the ring grooves and check these {for burings or other deformation. Measure the ring grooves by means of @ dial gauge or a caliper gauge. (Clearance in piston rng grooves: The maximum vertical height in a worn ring groove must not exceed the value sated in Deta The groove Is also worn out if there ie no ohromium layer 3. Clean the piston crown and check the bum-away by means of the template Indicating the maximum permissible burn-away, see Da Check the bur-away on the whole ci ‘umforone ofthe platen orown Regarding the maximum permissible burn-away of piston top with welded on layer of Inconel, see Data D-6 Piston 902-1.2 Overhaul Edition 201, Page 2(7) 4. If @ new piston crown or new piston rings are ited, the nominal ring groove heights are as stated in Data. 5, Before mounting a new piston ring, mes- ‘ure the piston ring gap. Insert the piston ring in elther a new ‘oylinder ine or in the bottom of a used feylinder (below the ring travel zone) during the measuring For minimum ring gap, see Data. 6. Fit the piston rings (altemately_right- hhand and left-hand cuts with the ring (g9ps staggered 180° and with the TOP ‘ark upwards) by means of the ring expander Tho ring expander prevents unintended deformation ofthe rings. 7. Check the vertical clearance betwoen the new piston ring and the new or recorditioned ring groove with a fesler gauge. Soe Data 9021.2 Piston Edition 201 Overhaul Page $(7) ‘Sealing rings 1A. Position the O-ings on the floor over 2A 7A the hole fr the support ase the piston down so that the stu fing box is below the floor. Lift the O-rings and mount the support Position the O-rings on the support. Dismount the locking wire and. the screws in the skirt ~ i the skit will not budge, tree I by means of two dis- ‘mounting sorews. Now sorew the four serews in the sup- port down until the skit rests on the ‘support Dismount the old sealing rings. ull the new rings into postion and coat with a ite lubricating ol Mount in the reverse order ~ tft the skin up by means of the four screws on the suppor. Coat the serews with @ mixture of oll and graphite. Tighten the serews, see Data. The locking wite is to be mounted in such 2 way that the wire is tightened if {8 screw is tured let, ‘See Procedure 915-7. Pressure-est the piston. ‘See Procedure 9021.2 9021.2 some. Piston 902-1.2 Overhaul Ealtion 201, Page 4 (7) Cooling ott pipe 1B. Mount the ling too onthe piston. Dismount the locking wire and the in- nermost screws between the rod and the piston crown, Lit the piston crown away - if aittout to budge, free it by means of the four ‘serews on the support 2B, Dismount the screws of the cooling oil pipe flange, Mount the titing tool and lit out the cooling ol pipe. 38. Mount inthe reverse order. 4B. Soe the data sheet forthe torque requi- red to tighten the cooling ol pipe. ‘5B, Before mounting the piston erown, fi the guide screw in the crown, Provide the piston rod with a new soal ing ring coated with a little lubricating ‘After mounting the piston crown, re: ‘move the guide sccew, 5B. Coat the screws with a mixture of ol and graphite ‘Screw to the torque stated in the data sheet. 78. The locking wi is to be mounted In ‘such a way thatthe wice is tightaned if a screw is tuned let, Soe Procedure 913-7. 8B. Prossure-test the piston. ‘See Procedure 902: point 68. 90212 Piston Ealtion 201 Overhaul Page 5 (7) Piston crown, pressure testing ‘The piston crown can also be replaced in the folowing way: iting ofthe piston must only take place with the piston rod stuffing box mounted (on the piston rd. 1C. While the compete piston is hanging from the fing tool, mount the collar round the piston rod'so thatthe dlstan- Ce pisces of the collar obtain contact ‘with the piston Lower the piston so thatthe collar rests on the platform, Flomove the liting tools from the top of the piston crown. Hook the engine room crane on tothe lifting crossbar and hook the chains of the lifting crossbar on to the shackles of the colar. 2C. Lift up the piston, tit it to the horizontal position, and land it inthis postion on ‘2 couple of wooden blocks. Remove the iting crossbar and chains from the colar. [tach the iting tool to the bottom of the pieton rod foot. Hook the crane on to the liting tol Litt the piston clear of the wooden blocks. Then move the piston rod stuf fing box up the piston rod,untl it con- tacs the colar. 4 i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 902-1.2 Leone Piston W212 Overhau! Ealtion 201 Page 6 (7) '8C. Now place the piston in an upright posi- tion with the piston crown rosting on wooden blocks DDismount the locking wire and the in ermost screws between tho rod and the piston crown and. when these screws are removed, lf the piston rod and land it in a horizontal postion on a couple of wooden blocks. 4C, Remove the locking wite ard the ‘scrows in the skin and mount two eye ‘scrows in the holes intended for als maniling serews. The skirt can now be ited up and landed on a couple of planks. ‘The piston crown can now be cleaned and inspected internally, or replaced by 50, Before assembling the piston crown ‘and piston rod, mount the guide screw inthe crown, Mounting is cartied out in the reverse order ~ however, betore mounting, in- sert new sealing rings coated with a lite lubricating of ‘The locking wire is to be mounted in such a way thatthe wiee Is tightened it screw is turned laf 3 Procedure 913-7. 90212 Piston Edition 201 Overhaul Page 7 (7) 60. Fil the piston and piston rod with lube cating ol Mount the pressure-testng tool around the base ofthe piston rod. Prossure-est the piston with the pres: sure stated on the data sheet. Check the contact surtaces ofthe pis ton and the sealing rings for tightness. CCheck the piston crown for possible cracks, 9021.2 Leone D-15 902-13 Leone Piston 021.3 Dismanting Eston 203, Page 1 (4) 1. Tum the crosshead down far enough to give access to the piston rod stuting bor, the tightoning screws forthe piston rod, and to the telescople pipe. 2, Release the stung box by removing the innermost screws from the stuting box flange. 8. Remove the screws from the piston rod. Mount the two distance pieces on the piston tod foot to protect the lower Scraper ring and to guide the stuffing bor. 90213 Piston v2.3 Eaton 201 Dismanting Page 2 (4) 4, Dismount the oyinder cover, 586 Pro- ‘cedure 901-1.3. Carefully smooth out any wear ridges at the top of the cylinder liner by using a hand grinder, see Procedure 909-1.2. 5. Loosen and remove the four screws ‘which tighten the telescopic pipe to the bend. Remove one eorew frm the stuffing box housing and mount the special tool for ‘suspending the telescopic pip. 6. Tum the crosshead to TDC, while check: ing that the guide pins of'the distance pleces enter the holes In the stufing | bor. ‘Suspend the telescopic pipe ftom the | distance plece by screwing a nut on to the special stud. When turing downwards, remove the distance tube ftom the bend, Caution! When a piston is dismantled, never tum the engine without fist dismant erm aneeeree tone crosshead. a | 7. The top of the piston is now free of the aS | passe ‘ : Seen no nena a Sot tytn os sb a | Ciean the iting groove of the piston crown and mount the iting tool in such ‘a manner that the two ‘fixed’ claws of the tool ft into the liting groove of the Piston. Fit the third, adustable, claw of the tool to the iting groove and tighten i up against the stop ofthe tol. oats : (es) Piston 9021.3 Dismanting Eztion 201, Page 3 (4) 8. Place the two halves of the support around one of the openings inthe plat- form. Lift the piston out of the cylinder and lower the piston foot and stufing box through the opening inthe platform. Place the two halves of the support ‘around the plston rod and secure the {wo halves with screws. 8. Place a cover over the opening for the plston rod stutfing box in the bottom of the oylinder unit. lean, measure and recondition the cylinder ine, see Procedure 205-2.1. 10. Tum the crosshead down far enough to ‘mount the protecting shisld on’ the crosshead bearing cap. 002-43 Piston Eeétion 201 Dlamanti'g Page 4 (4) Taking 1A. Remove one or two oyinder cover studs, Lift the piston high enough to give ample room over the cylinder cover studs. Mount the clamp on the piston rod so that the distance piece of the clamp lies tue against the piston. 2A, Place the supporting tools on the oyin der cover studs and then lower the pis ton unt the clamp resis on the tools. Flomove the lifting tool from the piston. Hook-on the transverse piece to the ‘rane and attach Ito the clamp for tit- ing the piston, {3A. Lift the piston to the maximum height of the crane. Run the crane athwartship and, at the same time, tit the piston. Keep the piston rod clear of the oytn der liner and studs while carrying out the ting. 4A. When the space conditions allow, straighten up the piston agsin and lead ‘overhauling the piston. When the piston is at a suitable height ‘ver the platform cut-out, position the piston suppor around the piston rod {and clamp. Now lower the plston while {guiding the suppor to the platform cut out ‘After landing the piston and ensuring that It resis corectly on the support, remove the titng tol ‘On engines with extremely low iting height, use the engine room double jib crane instead of the transverse. Place. 902-1.3, mare caw Leome 902-44 Piston 9021.4 fare Mounting Eéition ene tng ition 201, some Page 1 (4) 1. Coat the piston rings and cylinder liner with oi 2 Mount the lifting tool on the piston 8. Ensure that the stuting box is cotrecty positioned over the guide pins In the sistance pieces, which are maunted on the piston red foot Coat the O-rings of the stuting box with oil 02-14 Piston ation 201 Mounting Page 2 (6) 4, Dismount the protecting shield from the crosshead bearing cap. Dismount the cover from the piston rod stuffing box opening inthe bottom of the cylinder unit 5. Tum the orosshead to a postion 45° from TDG. Mount the guide ring fr piston rings on the oyfinder liner. 6. Lower the piston into the eylinder liner — While guiding the piston red fot through the cut-out In the stutfing box flange tnt the piston rings are inside the lier, corresponding tothe liting tool lacking about 80 mm in landing on the guide ring. 902-14 Leone 902-14 Piston 02.1.4 ane Mounting Eéition 201, Leone: Page 3 (4) 7. Mount the distance tube on the bend, Tum the crosshead Into TDC while checking that the guide ring of the Crosshead enters the centre hole In the piston rod, 8. After turing the piston fuly Into TOC, unscrew the loose claw of the iting tool ‘and pull the Hing tal free ofthe iting ‘r00¥e8 ofthe piston. Flomove the liting too! and the guide ring fr piston rings. Felease the telescopic pipe trom its suspension and land it on the distance tube. Remove the ling tools forthe telesco- pic pipe. ‘Turn the crosshead withthe piston rod and the telescopic pipe down far enough to permit tightening the screws for the telescopic pipe. 8. Remove the distance pieces trom the piston rod foot. Mount and tighten the screws for the piston rod. See Data Lock inem py means of a locking wre. The locking wire is to be mounted in such a way that the wice Is tghtened if a screw is turned loft See Procedure 913-7. 902-14 Piston dion 207 Mounting Page 4 (4) 10, Tighten down the piston rod stuffing box by means of the screws through the inner holes in the stung box fange. See Data. 1 |-Mount the cylinder cover studs by ‘means ofthe stud satter. See Data. Carefully clean the surfaces around the base of the mounted studs and refil the roots properly with Permatex 3. 12, Smear the piston rod with molybdenum disulphide, then turn the crankshaft a couple of revolutons, Mount the cylinder cover. ‘See Procedure S01-1.4 18, Start the engine and koop it running for approx. 15 minutes at a numberof rvo- lutions corresponding fo very sow. ‘Then stop the engine and Inspect the piston 108 and stufing box. 902-2 Piston Rod Stuffing Box (eas 902-2 i Eaton 201 ‘Men Stopped engine Block te staing mecharsm Shut of starting a supply Engage tuning gear (sso oO ‘Shut ff tell Shut of beatin ot Lock turbocharger rotors C= E19, 24 mm g i DATA: D-t_ Stuffing box complete... 103 kg | D2 Stuting box hat. at ig | 0-3. Tightening torque for i stuifing box halves. 80 Nm 1 D-4 Tightening torque for i stuffing Box Hagen 80 Nm +5 Tightoning torque for Inner serews, 80. Nm 902-2 pare Gaw Leome Piston Red Stuffing Box 902-2 Eéition 201, Data 2 (2) ‘The sing-end clearances stated apply to new rings. ‘As a general guide, itis recommended - depending on the overhauling intervals and ‘own experience - 10 replace sealing rings land scraper rings when the above clear ‘ance values have changed by more than 50%, Spring for uppermost scraper ringlsealing ring and springs for sealing ngs (protecting rings/sealing rings) be ON.Check length 618 mm Lyont067 N.Chook longth 902 mn (T1968 N check length $83 me ‘Springs for seraper rings be 0 N.Check length. 606 mm (mec OOE7 N..Chock length 780 mm Coo 186E10 N-Check length 846 mm 002-22 Piston Rod Stuffing Box 2.2.2 ion vernal Man Eation 201 Overhaul man Page 1 (7) Leome Normally, overhaul ofthe piston rod stating box Is cared out by routine methods in connection with dismantling (pulling) of the pistons. During such overhauls the piston rests on a support placed over one of the cut-outs in the top platform. “The work on the stuffing box is then carted cut from the platform below. 1. Mount two eye screws inthe stuting box flange for iting the stuffing box, and hook on two tackles. Then lit the stuffing box a ile up the piston rod, and mount the workable Found the piston rod at a suitable work- ing hefght. Land the stuffing box on the worktable, and remove the tackles and screws. 2, Remove the O-ing of the stufing box. the Oring is intact and is to be used again, move it up the piston rod and secure It In this postion, for example with tape. Remove the nuts from the sturfing box assembling bots. 902-22 Piston Red Stuffing Box 902.2.2 | rare Overhaul Edition 201, some. Page 2(7) @|_ & Toke out tne six bots, and pull the stu- fing box halves apart. Mount the eye screws on one of the stuffing box halves and remove it from the workable. 4, Press all sealing rings and scraper rings ‘down against the workable, Measure the clearance between the ting ‘segments (to judge whether replacement is necessary, se@ Data). Alter meacur- ing, dismantle and stack the rings In the ‘same order as when fitted inthe stuting box. Carefully clean al the ring segments, Inspect and assess the surface qually of the sealing rings. If their slicing surtacos have scratches or marks, replace the rings. 5. Cary out check calibration of the ‘springs. See Data 6, Inspect the surface of the piston rod. if small longitudinal scratches have occur red (caused by poorly adapted stuting box tings), smooth the piston rod sur face caretuly with a fine grained car- ‘borundum stone. In the case of coarse seratches, i may prove neusssaty 12 Imachine-grind the Surface Ina work: shop. 7. Clean the halves of the stuffing box housing. 90222 Piston Rood Stutting Box Edition 201 Overhaul Page 3 (7) 8. Lubricate the piston rod (the area where all tho ring units in the stting box wll be positioned) with molybdenum disul hide (MoS,). Assemble all the stuffing box ring units round the piston rod, on the workable, in the folowing way: = Place the lowermost scraper sing segments on the worktable = Place the spring round the segments and, by means of the two hooks, assemble the spring ends. Repeat this procedure for the remaining seraper tings. 9. On top of the seraper rings, assemble the two sealing ring units (each consist ing ofa ¢-part and an 8-part ring). ‘Assomble the 8-part sealing ring so that the tWo guide pins face upwards, place the spring round the segments and, by ‘means of the two hooks, assemble the spring ends, ‘Assomble the 4-part sealing ring above the &-part sealing ring. Push the two rings together in such a manner tht the guide pins in the lower sealing ring ngage win the two holes In the Upper sealing ring Finally, assembla the uppermost ring Unit (Consisting of a 4-part scraper ring ‘and an @-part sealing ring). 10. Use the stuffing box halt on the work- table to adjust the height of all the assembled ring units on the piston rod In uch a manner thatthe ring units are ‘opposite the corresponding grooves of the stufing box housing. Subsequently, push the stuffing box Ralf into contact with the piston rod, round the ring units 9022.2 Leome 902-22 Leone Piston Rod Stuffing Box 902.22 Overhaul dion 201 Page 4 (7) 11. Chek the ring clearance again. “Then place the other half ofthe stutfing ‘box housing on the workable, pushing Itinto place round the ring. ‘Mount and tighten up the fed bolts to the torque stated on the Data Sheet Mount the O-ing In the groove of the stuffing box. 12, Mount eye screws and wire ropes, and Hit the stuting box afi Remove the workiable and lower the stufing box until rests against the distance pieces on the piston rod foot. Romove wie ropes and serous. 90222 Piston Rod Stuffing Box Edition 201 Overhaul Page 9 (7) Inside the engine in the period between piston overhauls, it becomes necessary to inspect the piston rod stuffing box, this can be done according to the following procedure: 1A. Tur the crosshead to about 20° from TDC. Mount the rubber hose around the piston rod to protect the crosshead bearing againet impure. 2A. Remove the drain oll pipe and two of the innermost screws placed dlametri- ‘cally opposite in the stuffing box flange, longitudinally tothe engine. {Attach the pulling tool to the stuffing bbox, ‘screw’ the staybolt nuts down against the colar lamp and tighten It round the piston rod. Remove all screws and nuts from the stuffing box flange. Lower the flange unt It rests on the pulling tool 8A. Tum the crosshead to BDC, thereby withdrawing the stuffing box trom the crankcase topplate. so22.2 Leome 902-22 (aan Piston Rod Stuffing Box 9022.2 Mare vernal ton | mars Overhaul Edion 201, Lome. Page 6 (7) 4A, Mount the worktable round the piston Tod between the stuffing box and the Mange. Loosen the staybolt nuts of the pulling tool until the stuffing box rests on the table. Now screw the stay bolts out of the siuting box housing. Leave the co Jar clamp on the piston od, to indicate the postion ofthe stuffing box during temourting. For overhauling the stutting box, see Procedure 9022.2, points 2-17. 5A. Screw the stay bolts into the stuffing box housing. Remove the worktable, ‘Turn the crosshead upwards until the stuffing box isin place inthe crankcase topplat. SA. Lit the flange up against the bottom of the cylinder frame, guided in accord ance with the guide pins. Mount and tighten the ruts for the flange, as well as the innor sorows ‘except the two mentioned in point 28. 02:22 Piston Rod Stuffing Box Edition 201 Overhaul Page 7 (7) ‘7A. Dismount the pulling tool. Then insert, and tighten up the last two inner ‘rows of the flange. Mount the drain ol pipe. 8A, Remove the protecting rubber hose from the piston rod and crosshead. ‘Smear the piston rod with molybdenum disulphide. Then turn the crankshaft a couple of revolutions, ‘Startup the engine and keep it running for approx. 15 minutos at a number of revolutions corresponding to ‘Dead Slow ‘Then stop the engine and inspect the piston rod and stuffing box. 902-22 Leome fan Plate 90251-141 Piston and Piston Rod Panel 7 with fools) *) Optional extras item Part BAW Standaré No. Description No. 014 | Toot panel) 040 | Dismanting serew 051 | Support 069 | Guide serew 075. | Distance piece for stung box (087 | Piston ring opener 099 | Template 108. | Guide rng for sttfing box 110 | Liting and pressure testing to ree | ud 124 | Work table 158 | Hook fr mounting of spring 160. | Liting sorews 171 | Liting and iting sorews o14- | Toot panel, complete Plate 90261-63 Piston and Piston Rod Tools tem MAN BAW. A Part Description Beer 019 | Guide ring fo piston 020 | Liting to! for piston 0832 | Liting crossbar 044. | Ling collar for piston 156 | Suppor for piston 903-1 Cylinder Liner Edition 201 Data 1 (1) Safety Precautions LB] stopped engine DX) Block the stating mechanism Shut of staring ar upp'y Engage tung gear x Shut of cooing water | Shut of ue of oO a x Shut of ication ot Lock ebocharger rotors [exc 16,18, 19, 22,24 mm = sm DATA: D-1 Cylinder diameter, new. 600 mm | sot D-2 Cylinder liner, complete... 2280 kg +8 Cooling jacket 195 kg D4 Screwingsin torque ~ ylinder cover studs 400.840 Nm D-5 Cylinder cover stud. 2 ka No fear Cylinder Liner 909-1.1 (Checking Eattion 201, Page 1(1) 1 Dismount the eyinder cover and piston Soe Procedures 901-1,3 and 902-1. Clean the eylinder liner and scavengy pont. 2, Position the cylinder liner measuring too. Measure the cylinder liner with an inside micrometer at the postions incieated on the measuring tool Soo Data. 3. Take measurements in the fore-and-aft and athwartship directions, 4. Check the condition ofthe cylinder finer land assess according to the description in Volume I, Chapter 707. Carefully grind away ary scores of ‘matks on (ot wear ridge in the bottom ‘f) the cylinder Ener running surface by ‘means ofa grinding stone, Check the lubcicating points of the oytn der by manually pumping cylinder ol to ‘each individual lubricating point. (Clean any blocked lubricating duct. Mount the piston and cylinder cover Soe Procedures 902-1.4 and 901-1.4, 908-1.2 Cylinder Liner dion 201 Qverhaut Page 1 (2) 4. Attach two tackles to the crossbar, as shown, Mount two liting screws in the cooling Jacket Hook on the tackles to the ling sorews (on the cooling jacket and haul tight Remove the two Iiting screws in the cylinder ier. Loosen the four screws on the clamps which fx the cooling jacket tothe cylin er liner. Turn the clamps away trom the line. 2. Lower the cooling jacket by me the tackles ard land it on the planks. 8. Mount the two titing screws in the cylin- der ine. Litt the cylinder tine ing jacket. ay fom the cool (ean the cooling jacket internally. 900-12 Leone Cylinder Liner 903-1.2 Overhaul Edition 201, Page 2 (2) 4, Check the condition of the eylin liner and assess according tothe description in Volume I, Chapter 707 Carefully grind away any scores ot marks on the cylinder tier cunning sur- face by means of @ rough grinding stona held in the hang, By means of a giinding machine, re- move the wear ridges at the top’ and bottom of the cylinder liner (where the piston rings reverse drecton) so that a ‘smooth transition is formed. If necessary, mount a new cylinder finer 5. Fill up the relle! turing in the contact surface of the fino with joint paste (to prevent corrosion) Mount the two iting sorews on the liner. Lift the liner a ittle and mount new O- rings for the cooling jacket. Then place the liner In the cooling jacket. Flomove the iting sorews. 6. Lift the cooling jacket Into position marking scratches jackeveylinder liner ‘must coincide (camshatt side). 7. Turn the four clamps unt they fit inthe ivove of Ue lor, at Ugh Une Remove the tackles from the iting tool and the cooling jacket liting screws. 903-13 Cylinder Liner Ealtion 201 Dismartling Page 1 (2) 1 Dismount the cylinder cover ‘See Procedure 901-13. Discard the mild tea! ring from the top of the cylinder tne. Turn down the piston far enough to make it possible to grind away the wear fidges atthe tp of the liner by means of ‘a hand-orinder. ‘Sao Procedure 909-1.2, Dismount the piston. See Procedure 902.1.3. Mount the two litng screws in the cyl er liner. 2. Disconnect - at the non-return valves = the oll pipes leading from the cylinder lubricator” to the non-return valves. Screw off the six non-roturn valves. Diemount the four cooling water pipes ~ between the cooling jacket and cylinder ‘cover ~ and clean them carefully. ‘Atach the crane tothe iting tol Hook the iting tool on to the iting ‘srews and it the cylinder liner with the ccoling jacket from the eyinder frame. Land the cylinder liner vertically on, for instance, a couple of planks. (Clean the cylinder frame internally, take ing special care with the contact eur- 2028 forthe cylinder liner atthe top of the cylinder frame. Discard the O-rings on the cooling water pipes and mount new ones. Clean the pipes carefully. ‘Mount new O-rings lubricated with afte grease in the ring grooves and mount the pipe inthe cylinder frame. mare gan 903-13 Loom cylinder Liner 908-1.3 Dismanting Eston 201, Page 2 (2) The liting screws are also used for trans- portation ofthe cylinder line. Note! ‘The cylinder liner Is not in balance, leven withthe cooling jacket mounted. To koep the ner in a horizontal postion during transportation, uso o.g. a wire rope connected from the scavengo ports to the travorse as shown on the sketch 903-1. Cylinder Liner Edition 201 Mounting Page 1 (1) 41. Loosen the eight wator connections on the cooling Jacket. The joint surfaces, cylinder framelcylinder liner, must be completely clean. Mount the two ling screws In the cy- liner tne Hook the iting tool on to the fiting screws, and lit the jacketliner assem- by. Mount the O-rings and apply a litle lubriating ol on the rings. Then if the liner ino postion in tha eylinder frame, with the marking scratch on the cam- shaft side, and guiding the jacket in ‘accordance with the water connections. 2. Tighten the lower water connections on the cooling jacket a5 soon as the oyln er liners correctly positioned, Mount the non setuen valves for eyllndor lubrication in the bores of the liner. ‘Screw the pipes from the lubricator on to the non-return valves, but do not tighten. Vent the eylinder lubricating systom by manually pumping each individual pipe through until ol, without air bubbles, comes out from the union pipe/non-re- turn valve, When ths isin order, tighten the pipes firmly on the non-returh valves land again pump manually unt itis cer tain that each Ingividal lubricating point ‘functions corecty 8, Placo a new sealing ring on top of the fyfinder ter. Mount the piston and oyflnder cover. ‘See Procedures 9021.4 and 901-1.4, Tighten the upper water connections on the cooling jacket as soon as the cylin der cover is correclly positioned, [Noes Depending on the iting height and crane eapabity inthe engine room, itmay be necessary to remove @ number of eylinder cover studs. Soe Data. Cylinder Lubricators Satety Precautions ‘Stopped engine Block he starting machanism ‘Shut of starting ar supe Engage turing gear ‘Shut of exoing wate Shut of ue ot ‘Shut of bia i Lock turbocharger tre ODOR x 2 Lubricator: See separate instructions. for the make and type fited. “The specific cylinder oll fed rate Is 0.7 g/BHPh - 1.0 g/BHPh 10ghWh = 1.4 gh For information on oil food rates for MOR ppoints for running-n, for part load opera- tion, a8 well as dials on oil types, soe Volume |, OPERATION. +1 Tightening torque. 80 Nm 903-2 mc ev tha mc Ate PUP SIROME ROSES Tom aang Slog ee, o °° 4 903-2.1 . Cylinder Lubricators 903-2.1 man Checking Eéition 201, uc Page 1 (1) 1. Turn the piston of cylinder 1 to TOC. ‘The piston shall remain in this postion during adjustment ofa lbricators. 2. Mount the template on the lubricator just before the chain easing ‘Adjust the lubrcators successively from the chain casing towards the fore ond of the engine. 8. The correct setting of each individual lubricator can be ascertained by com- paring the marking A on the rolary ‘element against the relevant cyfinder number on the template, The marking A indicates pump stroke finished for the cylinder tbricator. 4. If the couplings between the cylinder lubricaters have been loosened (0.9. fF reasons of adjustment), their screws ‘must be retightened with a torque span- rer to D+. wan siLsoMo, Plate 90362-03 Cylinder Liner - Extra Tools tem MAN Baw Ke Part Description Perse’ 018 | Wear ridge miling machine 9041 Crosshead Bearing Edition 201 c Data 1 (1) Safety Precautions. ‘Stopped engine Block the staring mecharsm (Rhu of starting aie surmty Engage turing goat Shut of cooling water Shut of uel of Shut of sition ot — @ “oe g DATA: D-t Ollwedge length, = L= 15 mm D2 Aydraulc pressure ~ tightening thrust piece Crosshead Bearing 906-1.1 Checking Edition 201, Page t (1) ‘The top clearance between the journal and 1 now bearing shell isthe result of a sum- ‘mation of the production tolerances of the bearing assomblies. The top clearance wil normally be in the range of 0.24 mm to 0.41 mm. For the top clearance of a specitic bearing, soo the measurement in the agjustment sheet 1. Open the crankcase door at the relevant cylinder. 2, Tum the crosshead concerned to BDC. 3. Measure the clearance in the crosshoad bearings by inserting a fecler gauge at the top of the upper bearing shell 4. When checking the clearances, the cliscrepancy between the measurements noted In the adjustment sheet (or the clearance noted tor a new bearing instal. led later) must not exceed 0.05 mm. if 0, the crosshead bearing must be dis- ‘essombled for Inspection, See Procedure 904-1.3. 5. The wear limit for a crosshead bearing shell is confined to 50% reduction of the cll wedge length (L} 6. For further extemal inspection of the crosshead bearing, see Chapter 708, ‘Bearings’ in the instruction book, Volume , OPERATION. | 904-19 Crosshead Bearings Edition 201 Dismantling Page 1 (6) CCrosshead bearing cap: 4. Tum the crosshead down far enough to give access to the nuts and screws on the piston rod, the crosshead bearing cap, and the screws on the telescopic pipe. 2. Mount the two chains in the Inner serew holes in the crankease topplate in the athwartship direction for suspending the piston rod. Mount two eye screws in the crankcase topplate in the two outer screw holes, in the athwartship direction. Mount also ‘wo eye serews inthe fore-and-aft dreo- tion. 3. Loosen and remove. the locking wire ‘kom the screws on the piston rod foot Remove the screws. Mount the spacer rings and the hycraulfc Jacks for “loosening the crosshead Dearing cap nuts. Loosen the nuts For operation of the hydraule tools, soe Procedure 913. Remove the hydraulic Jacks and un- serew the nuts Crosshead Bearing 908-1.3, Dismanting Eaition 201, Page 2(6) 4. Mount a liting eye screw on each side of the bearing cap and on the piston rod. 5. Loosen and remove the serens which tighten the telescopic pe to the bend. Remove one screw from the telescopic stutfing bor housing and mount the spacial tool for suspending the tel scope pipe. 6. Tun the crosshead to TOC. Hook the ends ofthe chains tothe liting ‘oy sorews In the piston rod ‘Suspend the telescopic pipe by means Of the tool Turn the crosshead downward and the piston rod wil remain suspended from {the two chains, Remove the distance pipe from the bend for the telescopic pipe Warni When @ piston is dismantled, never tum. the engine without first Gis- | manting the telescopic pipe from the crosshead 904-13 Crosshead Bearing Edition 201 Dismantling Page 8 (6) 7. Tum the crosshead to BDC. ‘Suspend two tackles from the two outer ‘eye screws In the orankcase topplate Hook the tackies on tothe eye screws in the crosshead bearing cap and raise it toa position in which it fs possible to check the upper bearing shell and the ‘upper part ofthe journal. to replace the bearing femove the bearing cap from the 8. Place the bearing cap on one side on a couple of wooden planks. Dismount the locking screws and re- place the bearing shell by a new one. 9041.3 Crosshead Bearing 9041.3 man. Dismanting Eztion 201 omc Paige 4 (6) Lower bearing shell: 1A. Loosen and remove the locking wire ‘rom the screws on the piston rod foot. Remove the screws, Mount the spacer rings and the hydrau- lic jacks for loosening the crossheas bearing cap nuts. Loosen the nus. For operation of the hydraulic tools, ‘880 Procedure 913. Remove the hydraulic Jacks and un- sorew the nus, 2A. Mount iting attachments for fixing the connecting od on the head of the connecting rod Fasten tackles to the fixed iting brackets on the frame box wall. Tum the TOC and attach the tackle hooks to the mentioned mountings. Haul tho tackles tight 904-13 Crosshead Bearing Edition 201 Dismantling Page 5 (6) 8A. Mount the four supports. for guide shoes on the crosshead guides. Carefully tur the crank down towards the exhaust side, until the crosshead shoes reet on the support. Adjust the support brackets to the ‘uide shoes eo that the weight of the crosshead is distributed evenly on the four supports. Haul the tackles tight 4A. Turn the crankthrow towards BDC while following’ with the tackes, thus ‘continuously supporting the connect- ing rod. 5A, With the crosshead resting on the ‘suppor, check the lower part of the crosshead journal and the lower bear Ing shel Rogarding checking of joumal and bearing shells, see Volume I, OPERA- TION, Chapter 708, ‘Bearings’ 6A, In cases where It is necessary to ro: ‘move the lower bearing shel, tit the Cconnacting rod towards the opening in the camshaft side by means of the tackles. Dismount the locking screws. and turn the bearing shell so far up that an eye ‘serew can be mounted. Litt the bearing shel out of the engine. 9041.3 some 908-13 Crosshead Bearing 9041.3 frame’ Dismanting Estion 201 Leome Page 6 (6) With piston removed: 4B. If the piston is removed trom the oyl- Inder (see Procedure 902), the erose- hhead bearing shells can be inspected in the following way: Turn to 80°. Loosen and remove the nuts trom the bearing cap and lit the bearing cap cut of the engine. If necessary, re place the upper bearing shell Foc the connecting rod, using the tools and tackles. 28, Mount the special liting tool on the ‘crosshead and, by means of th ‘gine room crane, it the crosshead far ‘enough to permit inspection of the lower shell and the lower part of the Journal 88, Before landing the crosshead on the connecting rod, dismount either the foremost or the aftmost thrust ploce fom the crosshead, 904-1. Crosshead Bearing Edition 201 Mounting Page 1 (5) Crosshead bearing cap: 1. Lift the bearing cap into the engine. Lower the bearing cap onto the cross- head and remove the tackles. 2. Turn the crosshead upwards until the piston rod lande on the crosshead. En- ‘sure that the guide fing In the cross- head fits correctly in the centre hole of the piston rod. 8, Mount the distance pipe on the tele scopic pipe bend. Land the telescopic pipe on the bend. Unnook the chains from the liting eye screws in the piston rod Turn down to BOC and remove the chains and eye screws from the frame box topplate, from the piston rod and from the crosshead bearing cap in the athwartship direction. Mount the screws in the telescopic stuffing box housing Mount the sorews and tighten the tele: copie pipe, Crosshead 908-1.6 | Mounting Edltion 201 | Page 2 (6) 4. Tighten all four crosshead bearing cap nuts at the same time. See Data, 5. Tighten the screws in the piston rod and lock by means of locking wire, Mount the locking wire in such a way that the wite is tightened if one of the screws works loose. Soe Procedure 913-7. 9041.4 Crosshead Bearing Edition 201 Mounting Page 315) Lower bearing shell: 1A. Mount and secure the new bearing shell in the bearing housing The oxcess height X is to ensure cor roct tightoning-down of the bearing shell and must not be eliminated. 2A, Raise the connecting rod to an upright positon, Remove the locking wire trom the ‘scrows and diamount either the fore- ‘mast or aftmost thrust place from the crosshead. 3A. Turn to TDC while following’ with the {or assembling the crosshead connecting rod. Crosshead Bos 9041.4 | Mounting Esition 201, Page 4 (5) 4A. Remove the supports from the cross: head guides and the liting attach ‘ments from the connecting ro Mount the thrust pleco for the ‘connecting rod on the side of the crosshead, Tighten the screws for the thrust piece and lock by means of locking See Data, Mount the locking wire In such a way that the wire is tightened if one of the sorews works loose, ‘See Procedure 913.7. ‘Turn the crosshead down far enough to facilitate the tightening of the nut. 5A. Then tighten the crosshead bearing cap nuts, Tighten all four nuts at the same time. Soe Data, 904-14 Crosshead Bearing Edition 201 Mounting Page 5 (5) 18. When the crosshead is landed on the ‘connecting rod, mount the thrust piece for the connecting rod on the side of the crosshead Tighten the serens forthe thrust piece and lock by means of locking wie. See Data, Mount the locking wire in such a way that the wice is tightoned if one of the serews works loose. ‘See Procedure 913-7 2B. Remove the special iting tool from the crosshead Lift the bearing cap into the engine ‘and mount iton the crosshead. 38, Tighten all our crosshead bearing cap ruts at the same time. See Data, Remove the fixing tools ftom the crosshead, Turn to Tos. ‘Mount the piston. See Procedure 802-14 908-2 Crosshead Edltion 201 Data 1 (1) Safety Precautions DX] stopped engine IX} Block he starting mechanism Shut of start ar supe Engage tung goar Shut of enong wate Shut of ue ol Shut of beatin ot Lock webocharger oars 18, 24, 90, 98 mm pata: § D-1_Hygraute posture acs 200-380 ter = ignoring. 00 bar rosea barag cap $08 Fa Crosteed 1025 Connecting 2020 tg Grangin eanng cap. 248 hg Gute shen ie Goole at sie ips "at I Gookng a et band. 24g Trust pce fora Taringa aster pine 265 Nm Seren ora = fet pipe sud 225 Nm +12 Sereming:in torque — grosshead bearing stud... 280 Nm 1D-13 Tightening torque — thrust piece 200 Nm D-t4 Tightening torque — nuts on guide stips, 460 Nm +18 Tightening sequence it pipe bend Mightoning toque... 100 Nm 2 tightening angle, a 1D-16 Tightening torque — twlescopic pipe. 170 Nm 904-2 nara’ a ‘LeoMe LTA ii Plate te 1 904-23, some: Crosshead 904.23 Dismanting Edition 201, Page 1 (6) 1. Dismount the piston. Soe Procedure 902-1.3 2, Tum the crosshead down far enough to give access to the nule on the cross read bearing cap. Mount two eye screws in the top of the crankcase in the fore-and-att direction, mount two eye screws in the athwartship rection, and suspend two tackles. Mount the jacks: for ‘crosshead bearing nuts For operation ofthe hycraulc tools, see Chapter 973. Loosen the nuts, ramove the hydraulic Jacks and unscrew the nut. 8. Mount eye screws in the crosshead Dearing cap and hook on the tackles, Dismount the bearing cap and it i out of the engine. 90423 Crosshead Edition 201 Dismantling Page 2 (5) 4, Dismount the bend for the telescopic pipe and remove the studs trom the crosshead. Dismount the cooling oll outlet pipe. Remove the bearing cap studs from the crosshead. Mount the special tting tool on the crosshead, 5. Tum the crosshead to TOC. Mount an eye screw in each side of the crankpin bearing cap and, by means of shackles and wires, hook on the tackles and haul taut Mount the epacer rings and hydraulic jacks for loosening the nuts on the érankpin bearing eap studs For operation of the hydraulc tools, soe Ghaptor 913, Loosen the nuts, remove the hydraulic jacks ané unscrew the nuts. Lower the bearing cap, Caution! {Bo careful that the studs do not damage the orankpin journal. Remove _the bearing cap from the fngine. Then remove the tackles trom the liting brackets at the top of the crankcase. 6. Mount the four supports for quide shoes ‘on the crosshead guides. Carefully tum downwards untl the guide shoes rest on the suppors. Adi 1upport brackets tothe guide ‘shoes so that the woight of the cross- head Is distributed evenly on the four supports Take out the connecting rod, using Procedure 2045.3. 90423 Crosshead 20429 i ‘(sen Dismanting Eaton 201 Leome Page 3 (6) @|_7 Remove the guide strips and the guide ‘screws from the guide shoes. Also re- ‘move both thrust pads from. the crosshead, Dismount the guide screws trom the bottom ofthe guide shoes. '8. Hook on the engine room erane to the iting tool on the crosshead, and lit the crosshead alte Remove the four supports trom the crosshead guides. 8. Suspend two tackles trom the eye serews inthe top ofthe crankcase in the forerand-al direction. Mount an eye screw inthe top of each guide shoo. 904-23 Crosshead Edilon 201 Dismanting Page 4 (5) 40. Turn the crank to BOC. Remove the oll pipes from the two adja cent main bearing caps. 11. Place a thin wooden plank or similar on top of the crank to protect the crass head. Lower the crosshead so thatthe guide shoes ae just below the cut-ovt in the body plate ofthe framebox. Note! 'Be aware thatthe clearance be- ‘ween the crank and the crosshead is very narrow. 12, Hook on the two tackles to the eye rews in the guide shoos. Haul tight and, at the same time, draw the guide ‘shoes sideways untl they are free of the crosshead. Land the guide shoes on top of the main bearings. 904.23 Crosshead 908-29 | Man) Dismanting Edition 201, Leome Page 5 (6) oo 18, Turn the crosshead 90°, lngort an eye screw in the end of the crosshead and, by means of wie rope and tackies, remove the crosshead ‘rom the engine. Land and protect the crosshead outside the engine, Remove the guide shoes trom the ‘engine 904-24 Crosshead Edtion 201 Mounting Page 1 (4) 1. Place the guide shoes, without the guide strips, in the ongine upon the main beat ing caps. Clean the new crosshead, removing the protecting layer of grease, insert an eye Screw in the end of the crosshead, and mount the special iting too Lift the crosshead into the engine by means of wire rope, tackles and the {engine room crane. 2. Hook on the tackles to the eye screws in the guide shoes, mount the gulde shoes fn the crosshead and mount the guide ‘serewe inthe botlom ofthe guide shoes. BLT TT h-==< 904-24 teome Crosshead 908-24 Mounting Eaton 201, Page 2 (4) 3. By means of the engine room crane, lit the crosshead to @ suitable working position and mount the guide strips on the side ofthe guide shoss. 4, Lift the crosshead and mount the four supports on the crosshead guides. Carefully lower the crosshead unti the uide shoes rest on the supports. ‘Agjust the support brackets tothe guide shoes, 5. ifthe connecting rod into the engine in the reverse order to dismantling. ‘See Procedure 904-6.4 6. Turn the connéeting rod upwards, guid: ing withthe tacklos until the crosshead Is supported in the connecting red. Remove the tackles, continue. turning upwards @ litle, and remove the four ‘supports 90424 —Crosshead | Edition 201 Mounting ~ Page 8 (4) 7. Remove the liting attachments trom the connecting rod and the iting tol from the crosshead. Mount the crosshead beating studs. Mount the studs for the telescopic pipe bend. Mount the outet pipe and the telescopic pipe bend. ‘8. Mount the two thrust pads on the sides af the crosshead, 9. Tum fo TDC. Lift'the crankpin bearing cap into the engine. | Mount and tighten the crankpin bearing cap and remove the eye screws, Crosshead 908.24 Mounting Edion 201, 10. 11 12. Page 4 (4) Turn to BOC, Lit the crosshead bearing cap into the engine. Tighten all four crosshead bearing cap nuts, See Data Remove the eye screws Mount the distance pipe on the tele: ‘scopic pipe bend, Mount the piston. See Procedure 902-1.4 Remove the nut from the telescopic pipe suspending tool Turn downwards and tighten the tele- scopie pipe. Finally mount the cylinder cover. See Procedure 901-1.4. 908-3 Reciprocating Parts Edition 201, Data 1 (1) DX) Block te starting mechanism PX) sur of starting a sony EX Engage turning gear [5 shut ot cooling wator [Estat off tuel cit BX) of hication oi tock ubocharger rotors DATA: ‘Acceptance criteria with piston in centre (FA direction). Measuring | vaue | points | Val a } =a PPA | New | 960 wm | 055 Ero IN| mm | 02 | H+F Or, | 0.88 Jax v= | 09 juty [| oe | os Kx — Mey One | aF+OA | NW] max | 07 | mmn_| 04 | [om [08 | Ne New ene ese an 100 cing eure 0: Eagne soien 904-3 Leomc Reciprocating Parts 904.31 Checking Edition 201 Page 1 (2) In order to achieve uniform measuring con ditions on board, the ship's tim must be kept as close as possibie fo O° Note! ‘All measurements are tobe taken while | ‘the engine is cold and attr the Staybotts have been tightened 1. Mount a transparent plastic tube along the length of the bedplate. Bend the ends approx. 250. mm up along the framobox side. Soo T. Fill the tube with water (possibly colour ‘0d) unt the watar level is spprox, 100 ‘im from the end of the tube. Trim the ship so thatthe diference be- ‘woen the water level & fore and a is less than 15 mm per 1000 mm, Measurements are to be taken with a ruler. 2. Tum the crankshattin ASTEAN direction to approx. 45° after BDC. The cross- head shoes now rest against the AHEAD guides, 8, Measure the centering of the piston in the cylinder (from the scavengo alr face by means of along feelar gauge) Between the piston skirt and tho oylin: der liner in the Fore and Aft postions (PFPA Note ! ‘When the skirt is designed with a bronze ring, the clearance is tobe ‘checked betwoen the bronze ring and the cylinder finer. Make sure thatthe piston is lear of the cylinder liner In the fore-and-aft direc tin. 4, Measure the clearance between the {guide shoos and the guide atthe top @ And atthe bottom H. Then measure the clearance between the opposite guide shoes and guide at the top and the bottom F 904.34 Rociprocating Parts 908-34 Eaion 201 Checking ryane Page 2 (2) ery 5. Mesture the clearance between the guige shows and ino cossboad and ©) soma iw . Measure the clearance between the ‘guide stips and guides (J, K, L and M). ‘The clearance, calculated as J+X, K+, LeV and MY, is adjusted by te Inger” tion of shims go that Its symmetical In relation to the clearance between the piston skirt and tho oylindor ner. Perallelty between the guide strip and guide isto be kept within a folerance of 0.2 mm per 1000 mm. 6. Check the clearance between the cross- head and the connecting red (QF and QA, 00 Data) It fe recommended to note down the mea ‘sured reculls to bo ablo to ascertain poss ile later changes. untnm [ox a [2 [es stortner PEt 1 — | Pistoniner [EE Franabot [Et = eS Ft a Crosshead [FS sudo Tre Boted 1 [ax ‘ype ca rad ‘ype o Groschead [OF connect. fod [QA 9044 Crankpin Bearing Edition 201 Data 1 (1) Safety Precautions LX] stopped engine [X)_Block the staring mechanism DX) shut off stating air supply DX Engage txning goar Shuto cooling water hat of fue EX) shut of tubrcation cit [1 Lock turbocharger rotors 16, 18,24 men tC 180m F copay a a 4 —s Bs 1-3 Crankpin bearing loweriupper shel 25790 kg 0-4 Crankpin bearing cap + shell + connecting rod studs 275 kg D5 Connecting rod. 2020 kg 908-8.1 Leone Crankpin Bearing 9044.4 Checking Eztion 201 Page 1 (1) ‘The bottom clearance between the journal and a new bearing shells the result of the summation of the production tolerances of the bearing assembies ‘The bottom clearance wll normally be inthe range of 0.30 mi to 0.52 mm, For the bottom clearance on & specifi Dearing, see the measurement in the ad- justment sheet in Volume I, OPERATION. 1. Opon the crankcase door ofthe cyinder unit concerned. 2, Tur the erank concerned to BDC. 3. Measure the clearance in the orankpin boating by means of a tesler gauge, ‘which is to be applied at the bottom of ‘he bearing shell in both sides. 4. When checking the clearances, the discrepancy between the measurements noted in the adusiment sheet (or the clearance noted for a lator new installed baring) must not exceed 0.05 mm. If 0, the crankpin bearing must be dises- sembled for inspection, see Procedure 904-4. 5. The wear limit for the crankpin bearing shells is based on an evaluation of the Dearing condition af the ane of iepou [An average wear rate of 0.01 mm per 10,000 hours is regarded as normal. 6. For further extemal inspection of the crankpin bearing, se Chapter 708 ‘Bearings’ in the instruction book, Volume |, OPERATION. 904-43 Crankpin Bearing Edition 201. Disrmantling Page 1 (5) 1. Tum the orank to 80. 2. Mount two tackles inthe two outer liting brackets in the top of the frame box in the athwartsip direction ‘8, Turn the erank to TOC. Mount an eye screw in each side of the cxankpin bearing cap and by means of shackles and wires, hook on the tackles fang haul taut Using the hyéreulc jacks, loosen the ruts of the crankpin bearing studs, (for operation of the hydraulic jacks, see Chapter 919) Remove the hydrauile jacks and the nuts. rane Gow 904-43, Leome Crankpin Bearing 908-4.3, Dismanting Eattion 201, Page 2 (5) 4. Lower the bearing cap while seeing caratuly that the studs do not damage the crankpin journal, Land the bearing cap on a couple of planks in the oll pan. Inspect the bearing shell. 5. I the bearing shell needs to be replac- fed, the whole bearing cap assembly ‘should be removed from the crankease ‘Suspend a tackle from the fiting mount ings on the inside camshaft side of the frame box over the crankcase door opening, Hook the tackle on to the ‘ono side ofthe bearing cap. ye screw on 6, By means of the tackle from the frame box inside wall, together with a tackle suspended from the platform bracket, it the bearing cap out from the crankcase, 904-43 _Crankpin Bearing Edition 201 Dismanting Page 3 (6) 7. Place the bearing cap on one side on coupie of planks. Dismount the bearing shell locking sorews and replace the beating shell by 8. Tum to Tos. Mount the four supports for guide shoes fon the crosshead guides. Carefully turn down the crank until the crosshead shoes rest on the supports. ‘Adjust the support brackets tothe guide shoes so that the weight of the cross- head is distributed evenly on the four supports 8. Mount a lifting attachment for fxing of the connecting rod at the lower end, on ane side, Hook on the tackle and haul tight 908.4. Leome nara 5 Crankpin Bearing 9044.3 Dismanting Edition 201, Page 4 (5) 10. Carefully turn the crankshaft down- ‘wards, while “following” wih the tackle, making ‘sure that the upper bearing comes completely clear ofthe recess in the crankshaft when the parte begin to “separate” Continue turning the crankshaft until the Dearing surface can be freely inspected. Inspect the bearing surface and crank- pin journal 11. If tis necessary to replace the bearing shell, proceed as follows: Turn the crankshaft to BDC. Release the tackle so that the connect- Ing rod is hanging freely. 12,Remove the stop screws from the Underside of the guide shoes and ‘mount eye sorews instead. Suspend two tackles from the eye 90443 Crankpin.Bearing Edition 201 Dismanting Page 5 (5) 18, Place the liting tool for the orankoin upper shel onthe crark webs and hook the tackles on tothe ling tol Mount the too! en the bearing shell in the connecting rod by means of the tacklos and hall tau 14, Dismount the bearing. shell locking Lower the titing tool with the bearing shell by means of the tackles. Remove the bearing shel from the crankoase, 908-5.3 some 908-44 Leone. Crankpin Bearing 9084.4 Mounting Edition 201, 1 Page 1 (3) Ht nacessary, replace the bearing shells with new ones. Coat the bearing surface and journal with lean ol ‘The excess height X isto ensure correct tightening-down of the bearing shell and ‘must nat be eliminated, Bearing shes up to three mm undersize are avaliable as spares, Lit the upper bearing shell forthe erank- pin concerned into the crankcase Carefully It the bearing shell into posi tion in the connecting rod, and mount the locking sorews. Remove the iting too, the tackles and the eye screws from the guide shoes. Mount the stop screws in the guide shoes. 904-44 Crankpin.Bearing 9004.4 Egtlon 201 Mounting Man) Page 2 (2) Leome 4. Hook the tackle trom the fixed moun- tings under the opening on to the liting attachment on the connecting rod and haul ight. Carefully turn the crankshaft upwards, while following up with the tackle, making sure that the Upper part of the bearing enters the recess in the crank- shaft when the parts turn together. Remove the tackle and the liting attach ‘ment trom the connecting rod. 5, Turn the crosshead to TOC. Remove the supports for the guide shoas from the crosshead guides, 908-44 Crankpin Bearing 908-44 | Mounting Eéition 201, | teontc Page 3 (2) 6. Suspend the tackles ftom the eye ‘screws inthe tp ofthe frame box. Lt the bearing cap assembly into the crankcase and land it on a couple of planks inthe oil pan. 7. Hook the tackles on to the wire ropes fand lft the bearing cap ino postion against the connecting re. Caution! During mounting, be caretul that the studs do not damage the crankpin Journal and check that the guide pin ‘mounted in the bearing cap enter the holes in the crankpin Mount the nuts and, by means of spacer rings and hydraulic jacks, tighten the crankpin beating cap. See Data, Flemove the tackles and eye screws from the top of the ttame box. 904-5 Connecting Rod Edition 20 Data t (1) Safety Precautions ‘Stoppod engine ‘Block he starting mecharsm ‘Shutoff starteg air supply i Engage turing gear Shut of cooling wate gl Shut of fue i Shut of uit ot Lock ubocharper rotors 0-4 Tightoning torque - thrust piece. 904-53 . Connecting Rod 904-53 mare Dismanting Ecltion 201 Leome Page 1 (3) 1. Turn the crank to 800, Dismount the nuts trom the crosshead 2. Mount two eye bolts in tho crankcase topplate In the two outer screw holes, in the athwanship direction, and hang ‘up ‘wo tackles. ‘Turn the crank to TOC. Dismount the crankshaft bearing cap, ‘and remove the bearing cap trom the engine. See Procedure 904-4. 904-53 Connecting Rod Edition 201 Dismanting Page 2(3) 4, Mount the four supports for guide shoes an the crosshead guides. Carefully turn the crank down towards the door opening, camshaft side, until the crosshead shoes rest on the sup- ports. ‘Adjust the support brackets fo the guide shoes so that the weight of the cross head ie clstributed evenly on the four supports ‘5. Mount the iting attachments for secure Ing the connecting od tothe head of the connecting rod Fasten tackles to the fixed mountings A fand B on the fame box wall and attach the tackle hooks to the mentionad liting attachments Haul the tackles tight. Mount also a liting attachment on the crankpin end of the connecting rod, on the exhauet cide, 6. Tum the orankthrow towards BDC while “folowing” with the tackles, thus con tinuously supporting the connecting rod, ‘The crosshead now rests on the sup- 7. Tun the erankthrow to 45° before BDC. ‘Shift tack B from the iting attachment (on one side of the connecting rod to the other litng attachment, 908-53 Connecting Rod 9045.3 Dismanting Estion 201, some Page 3 (3) 8. Using the tackles from liting fitings A and B, till the connecting rod towards the camshaft side unt the connecting red is leaning out of the doorway. ‘tach a tackle to the fied mounting © fon the frame box wall and connect the tackle hook to the lifting attachment at the lower end of the connecting rod Turn the crank carefully upwards while following" with the tackles, guiding the hhead of the connecting rod out of the doorway. Shift the tackles from one lifting at tachment to the other as necessary. 8. Remove the floor chequer plate for the pertaining cylinder. Place a wire rope round the connecting od, hook on the engine room erane and haul taut. 10. Continue turning upwards til about 20° after TDC. while “folowing” with the tackles and the engine room crane, ‘Then lit the connecting rod out of the engine by means of the engine room crane and the tackles, 904-54 Connecting Rod omy dition 201 Mounting man Page + (2) 1. Equip the connecting rod with the same liting attachments as mentioned under iemanting Turn the crank to a postion about 25° past TDC at the camshaft side. Apply clean lubricating oll to the crank- pin bearing shell and journal 2. Carefully lit the connecting rod Into the crankcase by alternate use of engine room crane and tackles attached to the fixed mountings A and C. 8. When the end of the connecting rod rests on the erankpin journal, continue turning while “folowing” withthe tackles until BDC, 4. Remove the locking wire from the screws and dismount ether the foremost ‘oF aftmost thrust piace from the cross: head. 5. Tum the crankthrow towards TDC while “ollowing” with the tackles. Caution! Be careful that the studs do not da- ‘mage the crosshead journal. 9085.4 some Connecting Rod 904-5.4 Mounting Edition 201, Page 2(2) 6. When the orank Is in TOG, mount the cxankshalt bearing cap. ‘Soe Procedure 904-44 7, Remove the supports from the cross- head guides and the iting attachments from the connecting rod, Mount the thrust plece for the connect. Ing rod on the side of the crosshead Tighten the soreus for the thrust place fand secure by means of locking wire. See Data Fit the locking wire in such a way that the wire is tightened if one ofthe sorows works loose See Procedure 913-7, ‘Turn the crosshead down far enough to {actate the tightening of the nuts 8. Thon tighten the crosshead bearing cap Tighton all four nuts at the same time. See Data famna\, Connecting Rod and Crosshead Pane! Plate 9045-64 Saw Leome Oo] 01310 Plate 90461-84 Connecting Rod and Crosshead Panel MAN Baw Part Description pena 11 | Tool pene! 023 | Extractor 035 | Screw (047 | Guide for wire (058 | Liting attachment 060 | Tightening geuge 072 | Litting oot 084 | Tightening gauge 1095. | Chains for suspension ot piston 118. | Retaining tool tor {telescopic pipe 120 | Rubber cover 131 | Support fer crosshead | 143. | Suppo for crosshead | 155. | Stud setter | o11- | Too! pane, compete 155. | with tools *) Optional extras Plate 90461-32 Connecting Rod - Tools tom MAN Baw fh Part Description Pacer 016 | Hydraulic jack | (028 | O-ring with back-up cing, | 75185 mm | 041 | O-ing with back-up rng, 125/135 min 053 | Spacer ring for crosshead bearing 1089 | Spacorring for ‘rankpin bearing 112. | Extension stud 124 | Hydraulic too for crosshead land erankpin bearing, compl (GER) comesina rod Teos Pie oie | fase KiLseomc. 067, Plate 90462-12 Connecting Red - Tools tem MAN B&W A Part Description pean 047 | Cover plate for erosshoad (088. | Liting tool for erankpin bearing shel 905-1 Eaton 201, Data t (1) Crankshaft Deflection Safety Precautions ‘Stopped engine Block he stating mechanism ‘Shut of staring ar supply Engage tuning gear Shut of cooing water Shut of ue of Shut of bication ot Lock xbocharger rotors x) & & x QO Oo x oO oa For measuring and evaluation, se also ‘Chapter 708 in Volume |, OPERATION, 905-1 mc 905-1.1 uc pare Crankshatt Deflection ‘Checking Page 1 (1) Checking of the crankshatt deflection must be done while the ship is afloat (ie. not while in dry doc AAs the alignment Is influenced by the engine temperature as woll ae the loading Conditions, the deflection measurements should, for comparison, always be made Under nearly the same temperature and Toad eonaltons 1, Place a dial gauge axially in the crank ‘throw opposite the orankin, as lustre ted on the sketch. The correct mounting position is marked with punch marks on the cranktheow. ‘See also Chapter 708, Volume 1 2. “Closing of the crankthrow (compression ‘ofthe gauge) regarded as negative, 8, Set the dial gauge to zoro atthe Bt side near 80<. Whist turning clockwise, make the readings for instance when the throw pastes the positions: (near bottom) (camshaft sido) (top) (exhaust side) 32 (near botom). 4/2 (a2.81) - 8. ce i E Bi 4. When taking deflection readings for the three aftmost cylinders, the turing gear ‘should, at each stoppage, be tuned a ite backwards t0 ease oft the tanger- tial pressure on the tuning whee! test “This pressure may otherwise falsity the readings. It the crankshaft detlection (alignment lad Gator) is approaching the tolerance limits (see Vol. J, OPERATION), a new lower shell Should be adapted in accordance with the crankshaft alignment indicator. ‘Soe Procedure 9052.2 for overhaul of main bearing. 905-2 Main Bearing [X] stopped engine [lock the staring mechanism (X)_shut off staring air supoiy | TX] Engage tuning gear (5) shut of cooling water 1 shut off tuo! cit EX] Shut off hubsication oit Cock turbocharger rotors ¥K—<— =O © 5am Qe ) Wes Q axe KE “ob ef bet sm ae JJ 4, A, om 7 ‘Max, 0.60 mm 1 D-1 Main bearing cap. 219 kg = tighteningsnn 900 bar 905-21 Leone Clearance in Main Bearing 905.2.1 (Checking Eattion 201, Page 1 (1) 1. When there is 100 large a liference in the crankshatt deflection measurements (autolog) 906.1.1, check the individual bearings, 2. Check the clearance with a ‘Klar teeter blade between the upper shell and the journal. Do not press the feoler blade foo far, so as to reduce the risk of soratches. Count the number of blades on the ‘kee fooler before and after each check, to make sure that no blades are stuck between journal and bear- ing shell Ht the clearance has appreciably increa- ‘304, this may be an indleaion of loose staypolts or actual wear of the lower shall. ‘Aer measuring, dismount the bearing see Procedure 905-2.3 ~ for further In- specton. 8. After dismounting the bearing cap and Upper shel, inspect the bearing and the journal (piease refer to Volume 1, (OPERATION, Chapter 708, Bearings}, 905-23 Main Bearing Edition 201 Dismantling Page 1 (@) ‘The main bearings are divided Into three categories: = The main bearings (markod A). ‘The thrust shaft end journal beering (marked B). = The axial vibration damper end be marked C) Check the clearance before dismanting, and note it eown, Dismantling of main bearing marked A 1. Dismount the lubricating oi inlet pe and the screwed-in pipe 2. Turn the crankthrow 0 that It points towards the exhaust side of the engine. Mount the spacer rings and the hy: 7502000 Nn pata: | | DA Weight of ol t8Yisnnnnnen 78 KQ D-2 Tightening torque puncture valve. 890 Nm Data for adjustment of fuel pump cam. See Procedure 909-1, Fuol Pump Cam 900.3.2 Adjustment Eaton 201 Page 1 (5) 1. Meke sure thatthe reversing mechanism ig in AHEAD direction Remove the oll ray and inspection cover, from the camshaft housing concerned. See Procedure 806-43. Note! Before dismanting any part ofthe fuel pump, make sure that all ol been drained off and the pump reliov ed of any pressure. 2, Dismount the pipe connections and the puncture valve from the fusl pump top over, and mount the measuring tol 3. Turn the engine until the piston con- cemed is In TOC. Read the a-value on the measuring tool, 1800 Procedure 909.1. “The fuel pump load is equal to measure- rant a when the Vit-index is 0 (20r0). It the V-index is not 0 (zero), the fuel pump lead is found by deducting the ViT-index reading from the a-measure- ment Now Compare the fel pump lead with the value in the adjustment sheet, and adjust the fuel pump cam as necessary. 0932 Fuel Pump Cam Eation 201 Adjustment Page 2 (5) 4, Turn the camshalt untl there is access to the oll ducts Io the fuel cam through the Inspection hole. Remove the plugs from the oil ducts (using fr instance, a screwdriver. Insert three copper gaskets in each cil uct Mount snap-on couplings through the ingpection hole in the oll ducts without tightening them up. Connect the snap-on couplings to the tributr block and the hydraulic high pressure pump by means of hoses. 5. Mount the speclal spanner on the fuel ‘cam disc so thatthe ‘Mo pins enter the holes in the cam, 6. Apply a light pressure to the hydraulic system and, after venting the system, tighten up the snap-on couplings. Raiso the hydraulic pressure so that oll ‘seops out along the camshaft under the cam dis “Turn the cam lsc, using the fted span- ner, until the desifed change of the lead Js read directly on the tool (The necessary turing of ine cam cise Is calculated as described in Procedure 908-1), To increase lead and Pay lun the eam disc AHEAD. To reduce load and Pa = tum the cam disc ASTERN. Fuel Pump Cam 9093.2 Adjustment Editon 201 Page 8 (6) 7. After completing the desired turing of the cam disc, relieve the hydraulic sys- tem of pressure and dismount the span- er and the hydraulic equipment. Wall atleast 15 minutes - the cam must be allowed ime to “settle” - before ‘mounting the plugs again in the oll ducts of the cam dis. ‘Alter carrying out adjustment, take measurements @, © and Ppa, index again, see Procedure 909-1.T, and re- ‘agst the cam If required ‘The new a measurement must be cor- ected foF the Prax Indox. The fue! pump lead is equal to measurement @ when the viTvindex ie 0 (zero). Wf the Vrt-index is not 0 (zero), the fuel pump lead is found by deducting the \ir-index reading trom the a-measure- ment Note down and flla the new results for purposes of comparison with future ‘eaeurements and adjustment 8 Mount the oll tray and inspection cover | fn the camshaft housing, Finally, mount the puncture valve (see ‘ata, ie protective cap ana the pipes, 90-32 Fuel Pump Cam Edition 201 Adjustment Page 4 (5) Alternative readjustment method: Fesdjustmont ofthe fuel cam dise can also be carried out as follows: 8. Dismount the pipe connections and the puncture valve from the fuel pump top Cover, and mount the measuring tool Remove the cover on the upper part of the camshaft housing in front ofthe fuel cam alse, 10, Turn the engine until the fuel cam disc concerned is positioned with the oll ducts facing the opening in the housing Remove the plastic plugs from the oil ducts and insert tree copper gaskets in tach ol duct. Mount the snap-on couplings in the ol «ducts without tightening them up. Connect the snap-on couplings to the distributor block and the hydraulic high pressure pump by means of hoses. 9093.2 siteomc: Fuel Pump Cam 909-32 Adjustment Eéition 201, Pago 5 (6) 11, Apply a light pressure to the hydraulic system and, after venting the system, tighten up the snap-on couplings. Note the postion on the scale of the ‘measuring too Mount the special spanner on the fue! cam disc so that the two pins enter the Roles in the cam. 12, Raise the hydraulic pressure so that oil Under the Turn the cam diso, using the ited spanner, untl the desired. change of mmm is tead directly on the measuring tool. 18, After completing the desired turning of jave the hydraulic sys- tem of pressure and dismount the span- ner and the hydraulic equipment ‘mounting the plugs again in the oil ucts of the cam dso. ‘After carrying out adjustment, take measurements a, cand Poa, index again, see Procedure 909-1.7. and to adjust the cam i quired. ‘The new @ measurement must be cot rected forthe Pag index. The fuel pump oad is equal to"measurement a when the ViTndex is 0 (2er0). W the ViT-index is not 0 (zero), the fuel pump lead Is found by deducting the ‘it-index reading trom the a-measure- ment. Note down and file the new results for purposes of ‘comparison with future reasurements ang adjustmont. 14, Mount the cover on the camshatt hous- ing Finally, mount the puncture valve (seo Data), the protective cap and the pipes. 900-4 Fuel Pump Editon 201 Data 1 (1) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS LX] Seppe ana DX] seceine stng mera DX]. stucot srtng a uey Dd) srosce werina evar Dre ain tr strc eetar KX) creo neato to tutoctarze res DATA: Det Tightoning torque ~ 60" oF PUMP HOUSING AUIS nonin 785 Ne D-2 Weight of pump housing... 169 kg 909-4.3, si.eouc Fuel Pump, 908:4.5, Dismanting Edition 203, Page 1 (1) Note! Before dismanting any part of he fuel | pump, make sure that the pump has bean relieved of pressure and that al il has been drained off. 1. Dismantio the top cover of the fuel ump. ‘See Procedure £08-5.3. 2, Dismanto the barrel assembly of the fuel pump. See Procedure £08-6.3. 8, Remove the screws holding the fuel oi Inlet pipe between the fuel oll pump and the fel el ilet vale. Remove the fv! oll inet pips. Discard the gaskets. 4. Unscrew the nuts at the base of the fuel pump. 6. Fit the titing tool on the studs and lit ‘away the pump. Take care not to damage the threads of the studs. 90844 Fuel Pump Edition 201 Mounting Page 1 (1) 1 Before mounting the fuel pup housing, make sure that all sling faces and threads are cleaned and lubricated with MOLYKOTE antiiction spray DS2IR or molybdenum disulphide (MoS,), see Procedure 918-11. Lower the fuel pump housing on to the pump base, “Take caro not to damage the threads of ‘he studs. Remove the liting tool Fit and tighten the nuts at the base of the pump housing See Data ‘Mount the fuel ol inlet pipe between the pump housing and the Inet valve 5 Mount the barrel assembly in tho fuel pump housing ‘See Procedure 909-6.4 Mount the top cover on the fuel pump housing See Procedure 9095.4 - Mount the puncture valve, the drain oll Pipes and the compressed air pipes. 900-4.4 ‘srusomc 908-5 Fuel Pump Top Cover Edition 201 Data t (1) Safety Precautions BX] stopped engine DX) Book he stating mechanism | DX) shut of starting ar supply EX] engage tuming gear (5) shut of cooting water stat on wot ot EX] tut ot uticaton ot oO Lock wrbocharger tos [era] 10, 13, 24, 98 mm ome E46, 55, 6 mm —= — 40-760 Nm 760-2000 Nm axme ax m6 Data: DAY Weight of op coVerannenn 52 Kg D-2 Tightening torque - suction vave.. 900 Nm 1-3. Tightening torque — puncture valve, 890 Nm D-4 Max. milingygringing diameter of seat. 25 mm D-5 Tightening torque - top cover nuts 300 Nm 909-5 SiLsoMc 900-52 SiLeoMe Fuel Pump Top Cover 9005.2 Overhaul Edition 201 Page 1 (2) 4. Dismount the protective cap and the puncture vane from the top cover, preferably while the top cover is stl ‘mounted on the fuel pump housing, 2. Mount two eye sorews In the bottom of the top cover. 3. Place the top cover upside down infon the fuel pump housing. Note! ‘The barre/plunger must be removed. RRolease the lock washer for the suction valve. Dismount the suction valve from the top Remove and discard the lock washer. Lit the top cover away from the fuel pump housing. 905-52 Fuel Pump Top Cover Edtion 201 Overhaul Page 2 (2) 4, Fill the oil ducts of the top cover with vaseline or heavy grease Mil the seat unt a smooth surface is achieves, During the work the miller ie guided by ‘the guide screwed into the high-pressure Pie thread, ‘After completing the ailing, use ‘compressed air to blow the vaseline! ‘grease out from the ol ducts. CClean the top cover with diese! ollgas oll, and blow ary with compressed a It necessary, recondition the seats of the fuel oll high-pressure pipes, see Proce: dure 909-13.2. 5. Place the top cover upside down infon the fuel pump housing, Fit a new lock washer and mount a new (or overhauled suction valve on the top Fit the two screws which secure the lack washer. Tighten the suction valve with a torque spanner. See Data Lock the suction valve in positon by bending up an edge of the lock washer ‘over one ofthe flats ofthe valve. 6. Mount the puncture valve in the top ‘cover after the top cover has been ‘mounted on the fuel pump housing Fr tightening torque, see Data, 900-5.2 ‘syteome 9085.3 : Fuel Pump Top Cover 909.53 man ismantin ton Man Dismanting Edition 201, siLeoMc Page + (1) 1. Shut off the fuel oll inet. ‘Open the dain cock (at the bottom of the pump housing), enabling the oil hich is loft in the high-pressure pipe and the fuel pump to escape. Cer] Before dismanting any part ofthe fuel pump, make sure thatthe pump has boon relieved of pressure and that ll LLolthas been drained aff Dismount all drain pipes and the pipo ‘connections tothe puncture valve. Dismount the high-pressure pipes be- tween the top cover and the fuel valves. ‘See Procedire 909-13.2 tthe puncture valve is tobe overhauled, omove the puncture valve from the top cover at this stage, Subsequently, the uet pump lead can bbe measured ‘See Procedure 909-1.1, 2, Remove the top cover fixing nuts and mount the dismantling screws for top cover Inthe two threaded holes Pull the top cover with suction valvo and puncture vaive (if stl mounted) free by tightening the cismanting screws. When the top cover is loose, remove the dlismanting screws and mount lwo eye screws in the threaded holes instead. 8. Lift tho top cover carotuly of. For overhaul of top cover, puncture valve and suction valve, soe Procedures 1909-5.2, 909-7.2 and 909-8.2. Discard the gasket. 3, Mount the nut 90954 Fuel Pump Top Cover Edition 201 Mounting Page 1 (1) 1. Make sure that the inside of the fuel pump housing and the top of the fuel ump barel fs completely clean. 2. Mount a new gasket on top of the pump housing Lubricate all sliding faces, studs and sealing rings with "MOLYKOTE antiition SPRAY D32IR" or molybdenum dsuiphide (MoS;), se Procedure 919-11 Mount the overhauled top cover (with averhauled suction valve and recond- tioned soaiings for the high-pressure pipes) on the pump housing. CCheck that the quide pin inthe lop cover entars the hole Inthe pump housing ‘Warning ! ‘As a safety precaution, and before | mounting the top cover nuts, turn ‘the engine one revolution. When carga te iop come | must not move upward! for fastening the top cover, and tighten them diagonally tothe torque indicated in Data, ‘Measure ine teaa ot tne tuet pump, see Procedure 909-1.1, and adjust ! neces: ary. At the eame timo, it may prove necessary to adjust the lead of the cam ise, s00 Procedure 909-3.2. 4, Finally, mount anew of overhauled puncture valve on the top cover. Mount the protective cap over the Puncture valve and the two screws in ‘he top cover. Mount the high-pressure pipes and the drain screw in the pump housing. Mount the drain pipes on the top cover and the connecting pipe to the puncture valve. Open the fuel ol inet, 909.5.4 siLeoMc 900-6 Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly Edition 201, Data 1 (1) 19, 18, 24, mm =e wa DATA: +t Weight of barel assembly 48 kg D:2 Weight of plungetinnine 9 hg 909-62 ‘siLomc. mare caw Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly 909-6.2 Overhaul Edition 203, Page 1 2) 1. Set up the pump barrelplunger in a bench vice which is provided with “soft jaws, Remove and discard the sealing rings from the barrel, 2, Pull the plunger carefuly out of the bare. Carefully clean the plunger (or example In clean Kerosene) and blow itary with compressed air Check the plunger for wear or seizure marks. Clean the barrel and blow it dry with compressed ai. Check the barrel for wear or seizure marke. Welter plunger or barrel shows signs of ‘wear of Seizure marks, both parts must be replaced. They are’ ground together and cannot be replaced individually 8. Before mounting sealing rings on the barr, all the now rings must be heated Jn 100°C hot water for at least five minutes. 4. When mounting the new sealing rings at the lower end of the pump bart, the Inner sealing ing must be mounted fist Mount tho guido stick in the barrel and positon the big cone on the barrel, Place the spring-loaded sealing ring on the cone with the spring facing upwards, 808 the sketch, Use the pusher tool fo push the sealing Fing into the groove. 9086.2 Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly Edition 201 Overhaul Page 2 (2) 5. When mounting the sealing ring in the ‘outer groove, place the spacer too in side the cone fo obtain the correct dis tance to the groove, and repeat the above procedure. ‘ter mounting the sealing rings, com- ress them by moans of the ‘selzer tool, which is pressed over the sealing rings. 6. Mount the guide stick and cone on the top ond of the barrel and mount the uppermost sealing ring in the same way as above. Make sure that the spring faces down- wards, 220 the sketch, 7. Lubricate the plunger with molyodenum sulphide (MoS;). Carefully side the plunger into the barrel and press ito the bottom 900-62 ‘siteomc. Note! | ‘Do not use force as this wil damage tho sing urtaces of tho plunger or barel Ht the barrel assembly is not to be ‘mounted immediatey, at operings must be covered with plastic to prevent dit ‘trom entering the Baral assembly during storage, 909-6.3, Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly 909-6. Dismanting Edition 201 ‘sytsomc. Page 1 (2) 4. Place the iting tool for the barrel plunger assembly (without measuring pin) in such a manner that the two dis {ance tubes of the tool rest on the pump barre Bo sure that the guide pin of the ting tool enters the hole in the pump barrel. Tighten the tool by screwing the two screws into the pump barrel. Loosen the stop ring on the spindle of the tool and press the spindle down against the pump plunger. ‘Turn the spindle in this position until the two guide pins engage with the two holes in the plunger top. Tighten the centre screw of the spindle against the plunger. 2, Dismount the guide sorew for the pump barrel from the pump housing 8. Release the connecting links for the timing ckve and the regulating ctve. Dismount the union and pointer for the timing tive and the regulating drive Note the scratching mark on the lever Remove the locking plate and the lever Mount the extractor tool and connect the timing toothed rack to the puling rod by meane ofthe pin. i Ecition 201” Dismanting 90863 Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly 900-6.5 re) siteome Page 2 (2) 4, Turn the nut at the end of the puling fod, and the timing rack will move out wares, Continue turning the nut until the pin is In the outer postion of the slot in the tool, whereby the thread of the fuel pump barrat goos clear of tho timing uid Koep the toothed rack in this position during the overhaul or replacement of the pump barrel ‘There is now a distance between the ling too! and the pump housing 5. Pull the regulating toothed rack out- wards until the ball catch In the upper flange of the tool engages wih the groove in the spindle, thus turning the plunger Toot lear of the bayonet jot in the roller gue. Remove the cover to inspect the position of the plunger. Lift the spindle so that the plunger foot ‘88 clear of the bayonet joint. Move the stop ring of the spindle into contact withthe upper flange of th tool, and lock the stap ring In pasion by means of the stop screw. 6. Carefully lift the barrelipunger assembly cut of the pump housing. Dismount the tol Press the plunger up to the bottom of the barre Send the barreliplunger assembly to an MAN B&W authorized workshop for re pal, or overhaul & on board as describ fed in Procedure 908-6.2 D+ 900-64 Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly 909.64 mans Mounting Edition 201, | smeoue Page 1 (3) 1. Place the suppliod measuring pin — ‘which is ofthe same length as the plun- ger ~ on the spindle of the liting tool, fastening it by means of the centre ‘screw of the spindle. Loosen the stop fing on the spin, Place the tool on tho pump housing, and press the spindle down unt the pointed fend of the measuring pin reaches the thrust piace ofthe roller guide. Then press the stop ring down unt i reaches the flange ofthe tool and lock it there by tightening the screw of the stop ring against the spindle, Now the stop ring isto remain tightened In this postion ‘until the plunger has been correctly mounted. No turing of the engine must be cartied out unt the mounting of the barrelpiunger assembly has been completed. 2. Dismount the tool from the pump hous- ing and remove the measuring pin from the spindle, Then mount the fool on the barceiplunger assembly prepared for mounting. Tighten the tool to the barrel by means. of the two screws, and attach the Dlungar ta tha spindle af tha toot by means. of the ‘centre screw of the spindle. The too! is fied on the barrel, ‘enabling the correct position to be ob: tained during mounting, Before mounting the barreliplunger in the pump housing, lubricate the thread {or the timing guide with "NEVER SEIZE (Of COPASLIP™ Lubricate the sealing rings with "Molykote antiiction SPRAY Dazik" Using the spindle of the tool, pull the plunger as high up in the barcel as pos- ‘blo, at the same time turning the spin- dle Unt the ball catch engages with the locking groove ofthe spindle 908-64 Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly 909-6.4 | Edition 201 Mounting my Page 2 (8) sitsome, Pull the regulating toothed rack as far fut as possible and check that the fexttactor tool is mounted cortacly on the timing toothed rack in is outer posi- tion. 3, Lower the barrel assembly carefully into the pump housing. Make sure that the slot in the barrel is fn the same side as the guide screw hole in the pump housing and! adjust tin accordance with the guide pin in the Pump housingluppar flange of the too, 4, After lowering the barrel assembly so far ‘down into the pump housing that the ‘O-rings of the barrel are about to enter the bore in the pump housing, continue pressing down the barreVplunger ‘2esembly unt the barrel assembly reste (on top ofthe timing guide ‘There will be a gap between the tool and the pump housing. Pull the regulating toothed rack as far ‘out as possible and check that the ‘extractor tool is mounted correctly on the timing toothed rack in ts outer posi- tion. 5. After “Tanding” the barrel_assembly, loosen the nut on the extractor and dls: connect the puling rod from the timing toothed rack and remove the extractor 100. Engaging the thread of the fuel pump barrel with the timing guide is done by pressings the toothed rack (pressure of about 30 kp may be required} CCheck that the toothed rack is correctly j engaged by pressing-n the rack. When doing this, the pump barrel shall move downwards | “The top flange of the tool is now resting ‘top of the pump housing, 909-64 ‘siL6oMc. Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly 909-6.4 Mounting Edition 201, Page 3 (3) 6. Press the plunger down into contact with the thrust piace of the roller guide Ht necessary, turn the regulating guide a litle (using the toothed rack) to make the foot and the regulating block of the plunger fit propery in the cutout of the regulating guide Inspect the position of the plunger ‘through the inspection hole, (Chock thatthe stop iso of the spindle ie in ull contact withthe flange of the tool, ‘a8 when measuring When the plunger isin place, press the regulating toothed bari, thereby turing the plunger by means of the regulating (guide and causing the plunger foot 10 “interlock with tho bayonet jeint of the roller guide. Check that the plunger is correctly engaged by puling at the spindle of the tool. When doing this it must not be possible to it the spindle Mount the inspection hole cover. 7. Mount the pointr and unions for the two toothed racks, Mount the lever arm and the lacking plate. Check the correct position of the seratching mark on the lever arm. ‘Mount the links forthe timing drive and the regulating drive in place in accord ance with the marks. 8. Check through the hole for guide screw Inthe pump housing tht the slot in the barra is opposite this hole Mount the guide screw for the pump barron the pump housing. Remove the centre screw from the plunger, and remove the tool 909-7 Fuel Pump Suction Valve (ue 909-7 ton na i Edition 201 Man siusomc. Satety Precautions | ‘Stopped engine Block he stating mechariem ‘Shut of starting ar surely Engage turing gear ‘Shut of cooing water ‘Shut of fel i ‘Shut of brian al Lock tutbocharger rotors ooooo0000 DATA: D-1 Weight of suction valve... 4 kg 0-2 Tightening torque — suction valve. 800 Nm 900-8 Fue! Pump Puncture Valve Editon 201 man Data 1 (1) Safety Precautions (stopped engine (2) Block the staring mechanism ‘Shit off starting air supply Engage turing gear ‘Sh of cooing water ‘Shut of fel a ‘Shu of brian ait Loc turbocharger rotors o00000 3 10 om DATA: D-1 Weight of puncture valve... 5 kg 909-6 siueomc, Fuel Pump Suction Valve 9097.2 Overhaul Eéition 201, 1 Page 1 (2) Setup the suction valve in a bench vice with “soft javes and, by means of a brass mandrel and a hammer, release the spring guide from the valve thrust piece, Disassemble the other parts ofthe suc- tion valve and clean the parts thoroughly inclean diesel ol. Flemove and discard the sealing ring from the valve thrust piece. Inspect the seat of the valve alde and ‘the seat on the thrust place for damage. IW the seats. are damaged, the suction valve must be replaced. Send the damaged one to an authorized MAN BAW repair shop for recondtioning. 908-72 Fuel Pump Suction Valve 909-72 Edition 201 Overhaul Man Page 2 (2) SiLsoMc 3. Mount the O-ring in the ring groove of the thrust piace and postion the cone on the thrust piece. Place the sealing ring on the cone and, by means of the pusher, push the seal. ing fing onto the O-ring in the groove. CCheck that the sealing ring is mounted correctly. See the sketch ‘After mounting the sealing ring, com- tess it by means of the “seize, which 's pressed over the sealing rng 4. After clearing and overhauling of all Internal pars, lubricate these with molybdenum disulphide (MoS,) and assemble the suction valve, | Check the seats for tightness by filing the discharge hole with diesel oil or gas, oil and wait five minutes, No oll may pass through the seas of the slide/hous- | ing i 900. Fuel Pump Puncture Valve 909.82 Man vernal tion ‘Man Overhaul Edition 201 si.eomc Page 1 (2) @] + Remove and discard the O-rings trom the puncture valve, Set up the puncture valve in a bench Vico with “sof jaws, Loosen and remove the four sorews and dismount the plug. By means ofa screw, remove the air piston trom the housing Remove and discard the sealing rings from the ac piston. Disassemble the other parts of the puncture valve by means of a brass ‘mandrel and a hammer, taking care not to damage the valve seat Thouroughiy clean all the parts in clean lesa ol. 2. Inspect the conical seats of the valve housing and the valve slide for wear ‘marks or scratches If the seats are damaged, replace the puncture valve, ‘Send the damaged valve to an authorz fed MAN B&W repair shop for recon- Sitioning. 908-82 Fuel Pump Puncture Valve Edition 201 Overhaul Page 22) 3, When mounting the new sealing rings on the rod of the alr piston, the inner seal- ing ring must be mounted fst Mount the O-ring inthe ring groove and position the large cone on the rod. Place the sealing ring on the cone and, by means of the pusher, push the seal” Ing ting on to the O-ring in the groove. ‘ter mounting the sealing ring, com. press it with tho ‘solar, which is press- fd over the sealing rng. “The outer sealing ring is mounted in the ‘groove using the short cone, and repeating the above procedure. 4. Tho new sealing ring is mounted on the head ofthe alr piston in accordance with the same procedure as above. Betore assembling the puncture valve, lubricate all parts with *MOLYKOTE anti: friction SPRAY D821" or molybdenum sulphide (MoS;). Mount new O-ings on the housing (aa) 900.82 ‘siLsomc 909-9 Fuel Pump Shock Absorber Edition 201, Data t (1) Safety Precautions B] stopped engine BY) Block the starting mechanism BX) shut off etarting at supply Engage tuning gear Shut of cooing wat Shut of ue of Shut of Mvication oi Lock ebocharger otore OKRORt 18, 24 mm 7[° DATA: D-1 Weight of shock absorber 27 kg 909.9 me 909-0.4 Fuel Pump Shock Absorber 909-0.5 Checking Ezdhion 205 Page 1 (1) To ensure satistactory operation, the func- tioning of the fuel pump shock absorber should be checked at regular imtervals.. Normally, inspection is necessary only at the intervals stated in the maintenance programme. The checks should be carried ‘out while the engine is operating 1. Remove the plug from the end cover of the shock absorber. Check that air 1s ‘pulsating’ through the threaded hole. ‘Shon bursis of air should be felt against the hand, corresponding to the strokes ofthe fuel pump. “The air pulses occur when the shock absorber piston is working and the alr blow the piston is being compressed and forced out through the threaded hole. 2. To check the ‘tightness’ of the piston, measure the amount of leakage oll ow. ing trom the drain pipe of the shock absorber housing. Noie down the ‘amounis measured and comparo with caller measurements. Increasing amounts indicate a deteriora ting piston sealing. Excessive amounts Fequire overhaul ofthe shock absorber. ‘See Procedure 909-9.2 908-92 Fuel Pump Shock Absorber 909-0.2 Edition 201 Overhaul Page 1 (1) Note! Before dismanting any part of the fuel | ‘pump, make sure that ll oll has been ‘rained off and the pump relieved of any pressure. 4. Romove the shack absorber drain pipe. Locses the serows holding the shock absorber and remove it from the fuel pump housing 2, Remove the plug from the end cover of the shook absorber. Fit'a threaded rad between the piston and the end cover to counteract the force of the springs. Loason the sorews of the end cover and ‘emove the end cover and piston. Discard the gasket 3, Loosen the nut on the threaded rod to relieve. the “springs and remove the 1 ttveaded rod. Remove and discard t sealing ring In the shack absorbor hous: Ing and the wear rng onthe piston 4. Clean all parts and polish th sliding sur faces of the pision and. the shock abcorber housing. Mourt a now sealing fing in the shock absorber housing and & ew wear ring onthe piston 5. Mount the springs and the spring guide Doers Wie with cover an he pit, using the threaded rod Lubricate all siding surfaces and assomble the shock absorber. Take care fot to damage the sealing ring or wear fing when mounting the piston. Check that the piston sides easily In the shock absorber housing. 6. After mounting the end cover, remove the threaded tod and mount the plug. | 7. Fit a now gaskot on the tus! pump hous: ing and mount he shock absorber. Mount tha shock absorber drain pipe. Han excessive amount of drain oll Is st | abserved after the overhaul, the shock absorber must be replaced and the de- aged one sent to an authorized MAN & BAW repair shop for reconditioning 909-10 Liting Gear Edition 201, Data 1 (1) [Lock turbocharger rotors 909-10 (ey aan siteome ‘a “Oete j Be i 909-101 Lifting Gear 900-10.1 Checking Editon 201 Page 1 (2) iat ‘Do not use the iting tool forthe fusl pump roller qude wale the engine is Funning. Ifa fuel pump fs to be put out of action, leconneet i Inthe following manner: 1. Stop the engine and engage the turning ser, Remove the Inspection cover on the upper part of the camshaft housing in front of the fuel cam for the pertaining ralior guide. Turn the engine unl the rola isin the highest positon on the cam (on the Circular section ofthe cam) 2, Loosen the stop screw on top of the flange and the nut on the iting foo Press the shaft agent the roller guide. ‘When the shaft is pressed in, the guide Screw is positioned Inline withthe ver- tical groove of the flange. 909-1041 Edtion 201 Page 2 (2) ‘3. Mount the chain wheel on the shat, with the chain in such a postion that when ulin atthe chain, the chain whee! and Shaft will tn ant-clockwige “until the guide screw is in top of the groove, ‘which indicates that the roller guide isin Lifting Gear Checking the lited position. Lock the shaft in this position by means ‘of the lock serew and the nut on the Iting tool ‘Through the inspection cover opening check thatthe roller guide is clear of the fuel cam. The engine can now operate ‘on the remaining cylinders, see Volume |, Section 704. Engagement of the fuel pump roller guide Warning ! Engagement of the fuel pump roller ‘Quide must only ta fongine Is ata stands. place when the 4. Tura the engine until the pertaining fuel cam's circular section is posttioned u ‘wards, and lower the roler guide in the reverse order to iting. "NB! Flemember to loosen the lock screw. Remove the tackle and the chain wheel from the Iiting tol When the roller guide has been lowered Into the positon where the quide sorew isin the lowermost position, tighten the liting tool nut against te flange where- by the fiting tool will be drawn away ‘om the rollor guide. The guide serow will now be positioned at the end of the horizontal groove of the flange. “Tighten the lock screw. 909-11 Fuel Valve Eaton 201 ata t (1) 2) shut of ication of Look rbocharger ors (a3) === Ew 2am DATA: Det Weight of fuel ValNeninn 8 AQ D2 Max. diameter. 19 mm, D-3 Opening pressure SIK/L6O 300 bar 25 D-4 Union tightening torque... 190 Nm 8) a of = GS o i ew F = ag Fuel Valve 900-11.1 (Checking Eaition 201, Page 1 (8) ‘The fuel valves must be given the utmost attention and care, as the grester part of Irregularities that may occur during the tunsing of the engine can be attributed to defects in these valves, I the angine gives Rormal performance in accordance with lagrams and exhaust temperatures, itis only necessary to inspect the fuel valves after the service period stated in the Checking and Maintenance Programme, ‘See Chapter 800-1. All fuel valves must bo functiontested betore being mounted in the cylinder cover We recommend that fuel valves that are dismantled from the engine should be over- hauled before testing. Equipment Requirements ‘The pressure testing pump should full MAN BAW Diasels specications. Regarding operation of the pressure testing ump, see the supplier's instructions. ‘The high-pressure pump should be pe odically checked in accordance with the suppliers instructions. Prescribed ol! Hydraulle oll (ustpreverting) with sity of between 7 and 10 cSt at 50°C. Note: Use clean oll only. ‘Spring housing To ensure that overtightening has not taken place, check thatthe lockingindleating pin has not been bent or broken oft In the event of evertightening, replace the spring housing by @ new one. Setting up of fuel valve: Place the fuel valve in the test rig and ‘secure it with the spring housing and nuts. Tighten the nuts until the top face of the pressure disc ip flush withthe top face of the spring housing. goo-t1.1 Fuel Valve Edition 201 Checking Page 2 (5) ‘The subsequent items, which must be fol lowed in the sequence stated, are divided into the folowing four groups: A. Objective 8, Proveduro (©. Acceptance ertorla . Cause of fault 1. Flushing and jet diection contro! ‘A. Romove alr in the system and check jet rection. B. The contol handle must be In the OPEN postion, Slowly increase the working pressure untl straight Jets of ol are ejected from the rozzie hale (no atomization). ©. There is to be a continuous flow of ol! through the nozzle hole. The straight te of oll hall aim in the rection of ‘he ‘marks on the plastic shel . I the jets do not full the above point €, the eause may bet ‘Dirt in tho nozzle holes. ‘© The nozzle is not fixed by the guide pin. 2. Atomization test Note ! | ie working ar of 10 bar fo not avalos lo, pressures down to seven bar are acceptable. At seven bar the max. Pressure ofthe pump is 700 bar i paar a 908-111 S/LsOMC stead of 1100 bs |A. Make sure that the atomization is cor- rect. 1B. The control handle is to be in the ‘CLOSED postin. Build up a working pressure to max. bar. Activate the tul-stoke handle. Quickly activate the contol handle in the OPEN position Repeat the procedure 5-10 times with varying working pressures down to 600, bar ©. Atomization, with a humming sound, fe {0 be visible at all pressures from max. bar down to 800 ber. On account of backlash in the fuel nozzle, 1 or 2 aftr- drops from the nozzle tip are acceptable. — Foo bar 92 ) y ts 3D . Additional Y cae Fuel Valve 908-1141 Checking Edtion 201, Page 3 (5) D. tf the conditions for the atomization test are not fulfled, the cause may be: ‘= Detective thrust spindle andlor de- ‘ectve sealing surfaces. ‘© Detactve spindle guide or defective sealing surlaces. See overhauling Procedure £09-6.2 3. Opening pressure AA. Check the opening pressure, B, The control hancle isto be In the OPEN postion. Increase the oil pressure until a cor- tinuous ol flow can be observed through the nozzle holes. ©. Check the specitd opening prossure DS on the pressure gauge (opening pressure), D. If the opening pressure is higher than spocifid in D3, the cause may be that a wrong type of spring is used ~ replace the spring on the thrust spindle, if evessary, replace the complete thrust spindle If the opening pressure is lower than specified in D3, the cause may be that the spring has sagged - replace the spring, of add @ special disc on thst spindle which wil increase the pressure by 30 bar. Note! Special disc markod with “+80 bar can be supplied for addltion to the original one. 4. Ifa spring ora disc has been changed, the check of the fuel valve must be re- peated from iter 1 09-11.1 Fuel Valve Ezition 201 Checking Page 4 (5) 5, Sealing tost and sliding function A. Check the needle valve seat for tight ess and tho slide for coroct closing. 8. The contro handle isto be in the OPEN postion. Slowy increase the ol pressure to about ‘50 bar bolow the opening pressure. Maintain the built-up pressure by moving the control handle into the CLOSED posi- tion. Repeat the procedure two or three: times. C. Oil must not enter the nozzle holes. ‘The pressure drops relatively slowly to about 15 bay, after which drops quickly to 0 (the slide is pressed against the conical seat and opens for circulation oil, — Nol ‘Oi lows out of the leek oll outlet when the fuel valve is fl of. See sketch 68: Dt Sealing test Wf oil fous out of the nozzle oles, the cause is either: '* Detective spindle guide at needle seat, oa sticking spindle Examine andlor replace the spindle guide, see Procedure 900-122, '* Too quick pressure drop: = Tho clearance of the movable parts of the spindle guide is 0 large, = the soat between the thrust piece ‘and the valve slide is damaged. Examine andlor replace the spincle guide. See Procedure 909-12.2. 900-111 ‘siLsomc soot 5 Fuel Valve 900-11.4 Man. checking Ediion 203 si.somc Page 5 (5) D.2 Sliding function ‘The pressure drops relatively slowly to about 15 bar, ater whi ly 100 (the slide is pre al), the leak oll outlet when the fuel valve ul of ol If a quick pressure drop from 15 to 0 bar cannot be registered ‘Tho valve sido is sticking: or The 0.7 mm vent hole inthe thrust piece is blocked, It 50, disassemble and examine the spindle guide, replace if necessary. Soo Procodure 908-122. 6. Pressure test, O-ring seatings 'A. This test isto ensure that the leak oll (Groulaion oi) remains in the closed system, The contol handle le to be in the OPEN postion Build up a working pressure of about max. 10 bar until ofl flows out of the —H leak oil out. ©. Close the leak oll outlet with a gasket Gl ‘and plug screw. Increase the working pressure to about I ss ‘0 ber f | ‘ Nov te conal handle tothe CLOSED K | rate 1 | | The buitup pressure of about 100 bar Y | ‘a = g should be maintained. y eo sing on the vave heed detctv, tnd st be replaced 900-11.2 Fuel Valve ation 201 Overhaul Page 1 (4) Note! ‘When fuel valves are overhauled, all paris should be handled carefully and be kept clean. Use only clean, non-uty rags for wiping purposes, and compressed alr for further femoval of liquid or solid impurities. ‘Whenever tue valves are overhauied, al sealing rings should be discarded and replaced by new, faultess sealing rings betore reassemdly. 4. Remove the O-rings Disassembio the fuel valve by serewing off the union nut with a hook spanner while retaining the valve in, for instance, a bench vice provided with "sof" jaws. Pull the valve head clear of the valve housing. ‘Take out the thrust spindle, remove the thrust foot, spindle guide and fuel nozzle from the valve housing 909-11.2 siteomc, 09-112 ‘siLsoMe, Fuel Valve 908-11.2 Overnaul Eaition 201 Page 2 (4) 2. Carefully clean and examine the parts ‘and, it necessary, grind the seating surfaces by means of the gringing man: drels euppied and a fine-grain abrasive {euch as Carborundum No. 600). This grinding must only be caried out manually. After the grinding, wash the parts in gas oll and blow clean by means of com- reseed alr to remove any romaine of the grinding compound, Inthe event of more serious damage to the seating surface forthe high-pressure pipe in the valve head, the miling tool ‘can be used. Normally the ming too! is tured by hand, but it may be fitted inthe chuck of 2 column-type ailing machine provided thatthe numbar of revolutions Is kept at 4 minimum (not exceeding approx. 100, ‘min. ‘An ample supply of cutting emulsion ‘must be used. During miling, take care not to exceed the maximum diameter ofthe valve seat Soe Data 908-11.2 Fuel Valve Edition 201 Overhaul Page 3 (4) 3. Clean the central bore ofthe fuel nozzle as well as the spray holes of carbon ‘deposits by means of gas oll and the special drils upplie. ‘Then test the spray holes withthe tost pin. If the test pin fs able fo enter just ‘one ofthe holes, the fuel nozzle must be discarded. This also apples to nozzles with oval hole (can be ascertained wth «mag: nityng las). 4, The spindle guide should be sent to an ‘authorised. MAN B&W repait shop for overhaul. 1! this Is not possible, the spindle guide may be overhauled on board, see Procedure 209-12.2. 900-11.2 ‘siLsome 909-11.2 Fuel Valve 909-11.2 Overhaut Edition 201, Page 4 (4) siLeoMc, 5. Mount the fuel nozzle in the valve hous- Ing, making sure that it engages cor rectly withthe guide pin. This can be ascertained by attempting to tum the nozzle ster fing, 8. Mount the spindle guide and thrust foot. Insert the thrust spindle, making sure that the end provided with the spring ‘uide and a cilip faces the spindle ‘uid. Place the union nut on the valve housing ‘and set up the housing in a bench vice LN Fit the valve head with new O-rings. Make sure that the guide pin between valve housing and valve head is intact, land press the valve head down into the valve housing. Lubricate the thread of the valve head With molyodenum disulphide (MoS,). For the corect use of this lubricant, see (919-11, Sea that the guide pin between valve housing and valve head Correctly so as to prevent relative turning ofthe parts. Assemble the valve by means of the tnion nut. However, proper ‘gntening together wil not be obtained untl the valve is correctly mounted inthe cylinder cover or pressure testing rig, 7. After overhaul, the fuol valve must be tested in the test ri, see Procedure 909-11.1. 908-11.8 Fuel Valve Eaton 201 Dismantling Page 1 (1) 1. Close the fuel ol inet and outlet valves, and drain the high-pressure pipe and the fuel valve. UUnserew the union nipple by means of ‘ho spanner. Remove the high-pressure fuel ol pipe. (Qverhaut the fuel ol pipe. See Procedure 909-13.2. Disconnect the retum oll pipe from the fuel valve 2. Unserow the nuts onthe spring housings ‘and remove the housings. 4, Take out the valve. If the valve fs stick: Ing, use the two iting tools (the llustra- I tion shows how to place and use one of these tool). 1 the valve is not to be overhauled im- mediately, the valve should be placed immersed in diese ol until overhauling, 900-11.3 ‘siLsomc. 908-114 ‘siL6oMc. naeara a Fuel Valve 900-114 Mounting Edition 201 Page + (1) 41. Clean and check the valve bore in the cylinder cover, soe Procedure 901-1.2. ‘After reconaitioning and cleaning of bore land seating, make the overhauled fuel valve ready (for overhaul, see Procedure 909-17.2) by providing it with new O- tings, and lubricating Itwith molybdenum sisulphide (Mos,) ‘Mount the valve in position inthe oylin- dor cover 2. Fit the spring housings and tighten the fixing nuts il the top face of the pres- sure disc fs flush wih the top face of the spring housing. This must be done with great care, as the spring tension in the housing determines the corect ighten- Ing ofthe fusl valve to the eylinder cover as well as the correct comprossion of the el valve. 3. Lubricate the thread on the union nipple ofthe fuel oll pipe with a hoat resistant anti seize grease before mounting. ‘Mount the overhauled fue! al pipe (for overhauling, see Procedure 909-13.2). Tighten the union nipples at both ends ofthe fuel ol pipe tothe torque stated in Data. Reconnect the return ol pipe tothe fuel valve, ‘Turn on the fuel ol supply. 900-12 Spindle Guide 909-12.2 ‘(aa siL6oMe Fig. 3 Spindle Guide 909-122 Overhaul Edition 201 Page 1 (2) 4. Clean the outside of the spindle guide with pure gas oll. The individual pars are not Interchangeable, therefore’ only ‘one guide is to be disassembled at a time Except forthe slide valve spring, de: fective parts cannot be replaced by Pace the spindle guide in a bench vice provided with "sof" jaws, 800 Fig. 1 Postion the brass mandel as. shown and disassomble the spindle guide. Clean al the parts forthe spindle guide In gas oil and then blow clean. Final, cloan in cithor gas ol, kerosene fr ‘Electrocleaner’, and blow the parts dy with compressed air as shown i Fig 2 Place the parts on @ clean, inte cloth ang examine tnetr conarton through an 8-10x magnifying glass, and the internal part of the spindle guide through an inspection lamp with & magniying lone fas shown In Fig. 3, 908-122 Spindle Guide Edition 201 Overhaul Page 2(3) 2. Examine the side feces of movabl parts for deposits (side valve Cispinale B/guide A wil be too tight if there are deposits) Fix the spindle B, slide valve © and guide A, respectively, in a lathe as shown in Fig. 4 and remove any deposits by means of very fine Conventional polishing linn ‘grade 380° Also a litle ol should be used (A coarser polishing linen must absolutely ‘not be used) Check the spring for the slide valve for outside wear marks. If defective, it must be replaced. CCheck the seat on thrust piace Eislide valve, the seat on slide valve/spindle, and the seat on spindle/quide, see Fig. § (use inspection ‘lamp and an 8-10x ‘magnifying glass, It the seats are not in order, i. if there are prassing-n marks oF similr on the seats, the spindle guide should be sont to the engine builder or an authorized MAN B&W workshop for repat. 909-12.2 ssiteomc 909-122 ‘siusomc Spindle Guide 909:12.2 Overhaul sition 201 Page 3 (3) 3, Assemble the spindle guide as follows: Lubricate all movable parts with molyb ‘denum disulphide (MoS,) ‘See Procedure 913-11 Place the loocoly-assomblod spine ‘uide on the plane of a diling machine, Wwith the tool positioned as. shown in Fig. 6. Make sure that the thust piece and ther parts are inline, thereafer press the handle slowly down, You will fel thatthe slide valve spring force is overcome, and the thrust piace willbe guided into the slide valve. Then press the handle until the guide and thrust piece meet. If incorrecty mounted, the thrust pioce ‘and slide valve will bite so that there wil be marks, resulting in bad functioning ‘his is checked by moving the spindle 1s shown In FQ. 7, 909-13 Fuel Ol High-Pressure Pipes Eaton 201, Data t (1) Safety Precautions Stopped engine Block he stating mechanism Shut of staring a supply Engage turing gear ‘Shut of cooling water ‘Shut of fel i ‘Sut of bition al DOXOOXK Type Il pipe C===E 22, 0 mn | === 50, 60, mm +t Distance from pipe end to thrust bushing lower edge 14 mm (fuel pump end and fuel valve end) -2 Union nuts tightening torque 190 Nm +8 Weight of fue! oll pipe 15-kg 908-13 siLeome, 909-13.2 S/L6oMC, Fuol Ol! High-Pressure Pipes 909-13.2 ype Edition 201, Overhaul Page 1 (1) ‘Whenever the fuel oll high-pressure system has boon dismantle, itis necessary, beore remourting th high-pressure pipes, to cat fully inspect the tapered contact surfaces of ‘the pipo ends, together withthe coats in fel valves and fuel pum top cover. For overhaul of fuel valve, see Procedure (909-712, For overhaul of fuel pump top cover, see Procedure 808-52 It the pipe ends require reconditioning, proceed as follows 1. Lit up the union ns Remove the spring ring from the two-part, sleeve, Remove the sloove ‘Clean the pipe ends and sleeves incase oil 2, Fasten the pipe in a vice with soft jaws. Mount the miller on the pipe en Not | The two pipe ends are of iterent osigne * S00 skate. ‘Tuam the upper tightening rng (A) until the miler presses against the pipe end ‘Turn the miller with, for instance, @ tap wrench whie lightly ightening the upper Tightoning ving (A) to provide a suitable pressure between the miller and the pipe end, During the miling process, add deiting oi cristo iveraly ‘After completing the milling, carefully lean the nigh-pressure pipe, ané blow the Dore through with compressed ar. {8 Remove and discard both the internal and fextornal O-ings. Mount. naw O-inge Mount the two-part sleeve and tock the sleeve with the spring ring. Ensure that all pats are completely clean betoce mounting the high-pressure pia. 909-13.2 Fuel Oil High-Pressure Pipes 909-13.2 Edition 201 (Type Page + (2) Overhaul siusomc. 1. Whenever the fuel oll highpressur system has been dlsmanted, i is ne- cessary, before remounting the high: pressure pipes, to caratuly inspect the tapered contact surfaces of the pipe tends, together with their seats In fuel ‘valves and fuel pump top cover. Furthermore, check the postion of the i thrust bushing on the pipe end. If the distance is incorrect, compared to the i measurement stated in Data, it should be adjusted by screwing the thrust bushing up or down the pressure pipe. 2, Ifthe pipe end requires reconditioning the high-pressure pipe must first ‘lsmanties: ~ Lift up the union nut with flexible pro- fective hose, together with the coupling nut,’ on the high-pressure pipe and screw off the thrust bushing = Take off the coupling nut and, when the thrust bushings af both ends ofthe pipe have been dismounted, pull the flexible protective hose with union ruts off the high-pressure pipe. 8. Tools for reconditioning of high-pressure pipes consist, for each pipe dimension, of + Guide + Miter # Union + Stop ring. 908-132 (oa) siteoMc <= AWM | Fuel Olt High-Pressure Pipes 900-18.2 Type m) Esltion 201 Overhaul Page 2 (2) 4, Reconditioning of the pipe ends is oar- fied out by milling according to the fol Towing procedure: SShape-vp the threaded pipe ends with the nut dle ‘5, Mount the guide on the plpe end, place the miller inthe guide and screw on the union nut ight. Turn the miler wit, for instance, a tap wrench while lightly lghtening the union fut to provide a sultable_ pressure between miller and pipe end. During the miling, a dling of emulsion iberaly. For overhaul and reconditioning of the uel pump top cover, see Procedure 9085.2. ‘After completing the milling, carefully clean the high-pressure pipe as well as the top cover, and blow through the various bores with compressed a 8. When assembling the high-pressure pipe, screw the thrust bushings at both fends ofthe pipe 60 far up on the thread of the pressure pipe that the distance between the pipe end and the bottom 2dg@ ofthe thrust bushing leas stated in Data. Foplace the © rings. Before mounting a high-pressure pipe, check the contre distances between pipe fends and seats and lubricate the threads Of the union nuts with Molyadenum o- sulphide (MoS;) ‘Take care when mounting the pipe, as it Is a condition for obtaining tight joins, ‘thatthe pipes fit the seats accurately. For reconditioning of seats in fuel vaive, 880 Procedure 909-11.2, 900-14 Rovorsing Mechanism 900-14 tion naan Edition 201 na Data 1 (1) ‘srteomc Safety Precautions I stopped engine LX} tock the staring machi DX star ot staring a soply Engage turing goar Shit of cootng water Shut of ula Shut of uation cl Lock wbocrager ees x a x a 10,16, 24, 90m | (= oom = Bm === 10-760 Nm 750-2000 Nm @ 2x M6 DATA +1 Weight of pump housing 169 kg D-2 Weight of barrel assembly 48 kg DB PUMP BAe. 113-kg De4 Fuel pump,rller guide... 102 kg D-5 Max. clearance, rollovbushing/shatt pin... 0.5 mm +6 Discard spacer rings when wedge-shaped oll grooves ate worn away D-7_ Weight of top cover. 82 kg -B Tightening torque — rut, reversing shat 460 Nm 909-14.2 Reversing Mechanism —909-14,2 Overtaul Edition 207, | snsome Page 1 (3) @] _ + Bete evonaung ne reversing mache riamuel pump "olor guide, check the Safeco ofthe ror sel meses the 4] 0S Shnvance ofthe site boring. { 7 ‘The most expedient time of measuring the clearance in the side bearing is when the roller guide Is placed in a Vertical postion on a couple of planks, withthe roler hanging realy Place a dial gauge against tho roll then lit the roller as much as the clear noe permits. This makes l possible to read the cloarance direct. 2. His recommended thatthe rote guide thou ony be smariog Weg. 7 ines won turing the roler, amage j @] onthe vor, or lager clearance than inate on ine data sheet, have en Observed cing tho chin. Before dismantling, measure any ovalness of the roller guide, and then continue the procedure as follows: 8, Dismount the lock serew from the shaft pin for the coll. | I Remove the shait pin trom the reversing | link by means of the driving-out mandrel. 909-142 Reversing Mechanism Eztion 201 Overhaul” Page 2 (3) 4, Take out the roller together wih is bear Ing bush and spacer rings. Inspect the surfaces of the roller facing the spacer rings and the siding surface ofthe shaft pin for marks and seizures. Inspect the spacer rings and replace them if the wedge-shaped oll grooves have been worn away. Replace the slide bearing bushing and any dotectve pars 5. Dismount the lock serew trom the shaft pin for the reversing link. By means of the dtving-out mandrel, remove the shaft pin from the reversing lnk 6. Rinse the roller guide in kerosene and iow the lubricating ducts and bores of the roller guide and the reversing ink clean with compressed ar Inspect the siding surfaces of the roller (guide and guide faces of the reversing link for marks and seizures. Remedy any damage found. 900-14.2 siLeone 909-14.2 Reversing Mechanism © 900-14.2 aan verbal Editon oa, verbal tion 201 siLsomc Page 3 (2) @]_ 7 Inspect tne thst pice of the rote 7 guide Tor deformations (epiace, i ne. e eseary). When mounting the thrust piece in the roller guide, check that the chamfered surface marked UP faces upwards. ‘See the sketch, 8. Assemble the roller guide, the reversing link and the shat pin By means of the mandrel, press the shaft pin in place inthe reversing link. ‘Take care that the locking hole in the shaft pin coincides with the threaded hole for the stop serow in the reversing Tink Mount the stop sorewr, making sure that enters the locking hole in the shaft pn. Lock the screw. with ‘Loctite Type EN2ASS: 9. Place the roller guide withthe reversing link on a. couple of planks. (with the bores forthe shaft pin vertically), Mount the role, the bearing bush and the spacer rings in the roller guide so that al the bores coincide. By moans of the mandrel, prose the shaft pin in place inthe reversing lnk Make sure that the machined groove in the shat pin coincides withthe guide pin Inthe ceversing ink, and make sure that the marking scratches coincide. Mount the stop screw. Make sure that the stop serew enters the locking hols in the shaft pin Lock the sorew with ‘Loctite Type EN2438) 909-143 Reversing Mechanism Edition 201 Dismanting Page 1 (2) ‘The roller guide can be partially checked wile stil mounted in the roller guide hous- Ing of the engine. Soe Procedure 908-41. For more thorough checking of the roller qulde, dismantle the roller guide as follows: 1. Dismantio the top cover of the fuel pump. See Procedure 909-5. 2, Dismantle the fuel pump barrel as- ‘sombly See Procedure 909-6. 8. Dismanti the uel pump housing See Procedure 909-4.3. 900-142 si.eomc Roversing Mechanism 900-14. Dismanting Eéition 201, Page 2 (2) 4. Loosen and remove the screws from the sealing ap on top of the roller guide inside the pump base. Remove the sealing cap from the roller guiderpump base. 5. Loosen the nuts on the two threaded studs successively unt the roller guide “Springs are relieved. Remove the nuts, mount two eye serawe Inthe pump base and lit it away. Take out the springs ofthe roller guide 6. Mount the roller guide lting too! as foliws: Lift the lock plate of the tool up on the shaft ofthe tool = Position the tool so that its foot fests on the thrust piece in the bayonet joint ofthe roller guide, ~ Turn the toot 99° so as to allow the foot to engage properly in. the bayonet joint = Lower the lock plate thereby secur ing the foot in the locked postin, Lift the roller guide out ofthe rele: guide housing, using the crane. ‘When litng, take care that the sliding surfaces of the roller guide do not sore- e against the roller guide bushing 905-144 Reversing Mechanism ation 201 Mounting Page t (4) 1 Lubricate the roller guide with plonty of camshaft lubricating ol, and mount tin the roller guide bushing, using te iting ‘eo. During mounting, take care not to scratch the sliding surfaces ofthe roller ule. Make sure thatthe pin of the reversing link fits inthe bracket of the reversing shat 2. AMtor mounting the roller guide with the reversing link, check the clearance be- tween the roller guide and the guide plate mounted inte roter guide Bush- ng. Tun the camshatt eo that the roller Auide is Itted approx. 20 mm. ‘The clearanoe © between the roller guide and the guide plate must be the ‘Same at both ends = 0.1 mm. ‘The clearances A and B between the guideway and the pin of the reversing link (arm) ‘must be checked in the AHEAD and ASTERN postions. By means of working air connected to the air cylinder, check thatthe reversing Mechanism Is working smoot. ‘The clearances A and B must be approx. tho same in both postions. Nether A nor Bust be lass than 0.2 144 steomc 900-14.4 . Reversing Mechanism —909-14.4 Mounting Eetion 201, 5 s/Ls0MC, Page 2 (4) @]__ & #asjusment is necessary, it must take place in the ASTERN position. Romove the cover over the shaft con: nection Loosen nut D and carry out the adjust ment. ‘Aer adustment, shit to AHEAD postion ‘and check the clearances A and B once Finally, shift again to ASTERN. Tighten nut D (see data), and lock the rut with Loctite type: Screw Lock No, 58, Mount the cover over the shaft con: nection 4. By means of the telegraph, move the roller guide to AHEAD position. Chock that there is no clearance between the reversing link and the ‘guido. The same chock has to be made In ASTERN postion 909-144 Reversing Mechanism 908-18.4 dion 201 Mounting ran - Da 6 ] Mount the springs and the spring seat ses over the roller guide. Mount the pump base over the roller guidelspring and tighten the nuts on the {wo threaded studs untl the pump base 's fastened tightly 10 the roller guide bushing 1. The scraper rings inthe sealing cap are replaced as folows: Loosen and remove the screws and nuts ‘om the bottom of the cap, remove the retaining flange and ring’ holder with soteper ting. 7. Replace the axial soraper ring in the I bottom ofthe cap. Check that the O-ring land scraper ring are mounted correctly. ‘See the sketch. 908-144 Reversing Mechanism — 909-14.4 Mounting Edition 201, siLeoMe Page 4 (4) 8. Remove the scraper ring and O-ing fom the ing holder. Place a new Oring inthe ring holder. Before mounting, the new scraper ring ‘must bo heated in 100°C hot water or Of for at least five minutes. Note! When mounting the scraper ring in the groove, fold the ring without mak- Ing any sharp edges, and be careful not to cut the scraper ring on the edge ofthe ring groove when pres: Sing iin Check that the Oving and scraper ring ‘are mounted correctly. See the sketon. 8. Assemble the sealing cap, the ing holder ana retaining flange. Tighton the nuts on the screws. Alter tightening, check that the holder ‘can be moved. 10. Mount a new O-ring in the groove on top of the roller guide Mount the sealing cap en top of the roller guide, over the sealing bush in side the purmp base, Tighten the scrows and lock with lock- ing wie. ' |- Mount the fuel pump housing ‘See Procedure 9094.4 Mount the barrel assembly. ‘See Procedure 909-6.4. Mount the top cover. ‘See Procedure 9095.4 ane: a gia 88 ERISA ESS ooS3 a cs = Plate 90951-205 Fuel Valve and Fuel Pump Panel 045 080 070 082 141 153, 165 189 190 200 212 236 248 250 273 307 319 a2 348 356 968 o10- 386 art Description MAN Baw | Standard No “Too! panel Ling too! Mling tool for seats for {uel ol pipes | iting tot fo tet ot pipes with protective hoses Crowfoot spanner, 70 mm CGrowlcot spanner, 50 mm Crowioot spanner, 60 mm Grinding mandrel Grinding manorel GGringing mandrel Liing toot Screw Eye sorow Cleaning set Grinding mandret “Measuring tool Liting too or rotier guide Fin spanner Hook spanner, 80/80 mm Hook spanner, 68/75 mm “Tool for Pan rack rit ‘Assembling tool for ‘spindle guide rit Tool panel. completo with ols *) Optional extras, ENeIV16150 ENGOT16300 | | 010 033 o (aes) ° = 248 Plate 90951-208 Fuel Valve and Fuel Pump Panel ter MAN Baw No. stow ‘Standard No. 010 | Too! pane! *) 021 | Ling to! (033, | Miling too! for seats for {uel ol pipes 045, | Ming toot for fuel ol pipes mada as dauble pipes 968 | Crowioot spanner, 70 mm 070 | Crowfoot spanner, 50 mm 082 | Crowioot spanner, 60 mm 141 | Grinding mandret 153. | Grinding mandrel 165. | Grinding mandrel 189. | Ling toot 190 | Serew ENGI V16150 200 | Eye screw EN63T16300 212 | Cleaning set 236 | Grinding mandrel 248 | Measuring tool 260. | Liting tol for roller guide 273. | Pin spanner 307 | Hook spanner, 60/80 mm 3832 | Tool oF Py ack 344 | Det 356 | Assambting tool for spindle guide 368 | Dei 010. | *) Tool panel, complete 368 | with tools *) Optional extras siLsomc Plate 90961-22 Fuel Valve Tools tem Part BAW Standare No. Description No, 014 | Connection pioce 026 | Tost rig 038 | High-pressure hose 051 | Table 063 | High-pressure pump 75 | Probe light wits magnifier, complete (ero Pr wesc br B 2 g & 4 ww - Plate 90962-49 Mounting Tools for Fuel Pump Seals hem MAN Baw fe Part Description Standard No. 082 | Tools for mounting of Knut seating ring on puncture valve spindle 096 | Sizer | 104 | Pusher 16 | Cone 128 | Pusher sat | Cone 165. | Tools for mounting of Kanut sealing ing on puneture valve spindle 17 | Sizer | 329. | Pustior 120 | Cone | 261. | Tools for mounting of seals con suction valve 273 | Sizer | 25 | Pusher | 287 | cone 319. | Tools for mounting of | ‘seals on pump barre 320 | Guide stick 382 | Cone 344 | Spacer 356 | Pusher 266 | sizer 381 | Sizor 303. | Pusher 403 | Cone e101 Air Cooler Edition 201 e Data t (1) ‘Safety Precautions LX] stopped engine a Bock the starting mechanism ‘Shut of stating ar surely Engage turing gear DX] stu of cooing water shut ot tutriation of [F Lock turbocharger rotors a) OSC 18, 24, 90 mm DATA: +1 End cover 1-2 Cooler element +3 End cover - ‘water mist catcher. D4 Water mist catcher... 137 ka 1900 ig 25 ka 207 ig 9101 man maw Leome io s1012 Leone Air Cooter 9101.2 Overhaul Edition 201, Page 1 (2) Cleaning of air side: ‘The sir side of the cooler is claaned by Injecting a chemical tui through the spray pipe arrangement ftted tothe air chamber Above the cooler element Its recommended to use one of the follow: ing cleaning fluids, ora similar product. 1) Product: ACC 9, produced by Dew Chemical Corp, New York, USA 2) Product: 808, produced by \Vecom Int, Naassivis, Holand CCleaning should be carried out in the fol lowing sequence: 4. Do not start cleaning until the engine has been at a standsill for about 30, minutes. Do not disconnect the com pressed air supply to the exhaust valve. 2, Follow the detailed cleaning instructions displayed at the cleaning pipe on the tengine. To ensure salistacory spraying of the’ cleaning fic, the circulating pump pressure must be atleast 0.7 bar. 8. Continue the cleaning process for at least 30 minutes. Tho time. required depande oa the truancy with which Cleaning Is carted out and on the che- mical product used. 4, After cleaning, flush the cooler with ‘lean water untl the water appeering in the sight glasses is clean and pure. 5. Inspection Is carried out either by re- moving the cover on top ofthe cooler oF by dismantiing the charging air pipe. 910-12 Air Cooler Edition 201 Overhaul ~ Page 2 (2) Cleaning of water side: Close the cooling water inlot and outlet valves. Drain the cooler of water at the plug sorew. Lowering of watertiow reversing chamber Mount a screw shackle atthe top of the end cover ofthe cooler housing, ‘Suspend a tackle from the liting mounting fon the cooler bracket Fasten the chain hook in the shackle. Remove the screws from the and cover and lower the cover. Mount another shackle at the top of the \aterfiow reversing chamber, and lower tin the same way, aflor removing the screws. Lowering ofthe inlet and outlet end cover: ‘Attach an eye screw to the top of the end Faston a tackle tothe liting mounting atthe inside ofthe caoler Bracke, ‘Attach the chain hook to the shackle and romeve the serows from the end cover and {tom the inlet and outet valves. Then lower the end cov Cleaning of the water side: ‘By means ofthe cleaning brush mounted on 8 diiling machine, the tubes are to be Cleaned inside. In’ case of leakages be- tween cooling tude and tube plate, the {bes are rolled withthe lube expander. Tho end cover and the waterflow reversing chamber aro to be cleaned inside with a Sif brush and then ringed with fresh water. Mounting of ond cover and _waterfow reversing chamber: ~ The covers are to be ‘mounted in the opposte order to eismanting. Note! ‘As regards cast cooler components “The inside coating isto be repaired with the orginal coating, oF a similar product. Replace the anti-corrosion blocks, if neces- sary, 104.2 Leome 910-13 Leone. LL D-2 e fit it Air Cooler o10-1.8 Dismanting Edtion 201 Page 1 (3) The cooler element is not normally 1o be cismantied for inspection purposes. itis onl ifthe cooler element has suffered damage that it has to be dismantled for replacement. 1. Glose the cooling water inlet and outlet valves, Drain off the cooling water at the plug screws on the end cover. 2, Dismount the cooling water inlet and ute pipes. Take off the end cover, the reversing ‘chamber, and the water chamber on the ‘tont end ofthe air cooler. Mount the pair of wheels for the inner- ‘most tube plate, and tighten the thrust, screws fo make the wheels support the cooler element 8. Mount two rails, each with a guide rail ‘ontop, on the gallery. 4, Mount the pair of wheels for the outer- ‘mast tube plate, and tighten the thrust Ssorews to make the wheels support the cooler element. 5. Romave tho sorows which fasten the cooler element to the cooler housing. 91013 Air Cooler Edition 201 Dismantling Page 2 (3) 6. Press the cooler element fre9, using Aismantting screws. 7. Pull the cooler element haltway out of the cooler housing, checking during this procedure that the outermost pale of ‘wheels is being guided between the two guide ral. 8. When the cooler element has been pul: Jed halfway out, mount the supports on which the innermost pair of whels can s101.3 Lome o10-13 Air Cooler 210-13 Dismanting Edition 201 Leone Page 3 (3) Water mist catcher: ‘Tho wator mist catcher is only to be dls ‘manted for cleaning purposes. 1A. Remove the screws from the two ‘covers, one on each end of the air cooler frame. Loosen the sccews which fasten the water miet element to tho cooler frame, through the small end cover. 2A. Pul out the water mist element 91014 Air Cooler Edition 201 Mounting Page 2 (2) 1. Push the caoler element hallway in, ismount the supports for the innermost paar of wheels. Then push the cooler element all the way in 2, Mount the serews which fasten the cooler element to the cooler housing. Dismount the wheels fom the tube plates and the two ras. 8. Mount the reversing chamber, the end cover and the water chamber on the front of the air cooler, Mount the cooling water init and outot Pipes. Open the cooling water inlet and outlet valves. s10-14 Leow Air Cooler s1014 Mounting Edition 201 Page 1 (2) = Water mist catcher: 1A. Push in the water mist element Note! Make sure that the water mist ele- | ment is mounted correctly. Check with the marking on the 2A. After mounting, tighten the element to ‘the ar cooler frame, Finally, mount the two covers on the ‘cooler frame. e102 Non-Return Valve 9102 Edition 201 . man Data 4 (1) Leome Safety Precautions | BR]. stopped engine | Block the stating machanism Shut of staring ai supoty Engage tuning gear ‘Shut of cooing water x a Oo A ‘Sia of fuel i Oo oe ‘Shut of bition lt Lock ubocharge: rotors : ome mn DATA +1 Weight of non-return vai | assembly, reenene WAG Non-Return Valve 910-22 Overhaul Eaition 201, Page 1 (1) ‘Access to the non-return valves in the sos- vvenge air receiver takes place ~ after the ‘engine has been stopped - through the inspection openings of the receiver. Warning! ‘Access to the scavenge air receiver ‘must not take place unti the air in the recaiver i ce Replacement of non-return valve assembly: Remove the two outermost screws and the middle serow (which fasten the valve sembly to the housing) Lift the complete valve assembly out and mount a new assembly instead. Overhaul of non-return valve assembly: knock out the spring pin which secures the axle of the valve fap and press out the axle, Now the valve flap ie foe and can be replaced For further diemanting, remove the two scraws which hold the parts together as an ascombly When mounting, again secure the axle of the vaive flap by means ofthe spring pin. e103 Editon 201 Data 4 (1) ‘Safety Precautions ‘Stopped engine Block the staring mechanism ‘Stat of starting ar supe Engage turing goat ‘Shut of cooing water Shut of oa Shut of bition it Lock wrbocharger rotors DATA: D-1 Weight of auxiliary blower *) complete up to. *) Dapeng on etic motor ype and numberof erndes of engine (20 and eapact of eulary blower 900 kg 9103 Leone. Auxiliary Blower e032 Overhaul Edition 201 Page 1 (1) ‘When cleaning and inspecting the auxllary blower, toke out the electric motor and the blower whee! as one whole assembly. 1. Disengago tho cable connections to the blower motor. ‘Attach a wire rope with shackle to the fiting mounting on the blower flange, and hookcon the tackle suspended from ‘mountings on the galery bracket. Remove the serews in the blower wheel flange, and pull the electic motor with flange’ and biower wheel out of the end cover, using the tackle, 2. Inspect and clean the blower wheo! as well asthe blower housing. 3. If the whole blower assembly is to be ismounted, the Inspection covers on the scavenge air receiver are fist to be removed, ce Mako sure that the alr in the receiver Is cloan before making the acces ‘Suspend two tackles from the mountings fn the gallery bracket above the end [Attach two wire ropes with shackles to the iting mountings on the end cover, and hook on the tackles. Remove all screws holding the end ‘cover. The end cover complete with blower can now be pulled free of the suction pipe by means of the two tackles. While puling out the end cover with the biower assembly, make sure thal the blower housing dlsengages from the air pipe without deforming i 4. Whon mounting the end cover with the complete blower, the parts are to be “guided” imo place with care, making sure thatthe pipe inthe receiver “catch 5" the guide bosses (A) of the blower housing flange. ‘The gasket (B) constitutes the sealing between biower Housing end pipe. 910-4 Butterfly Valves Edition 201, Data + (1) Safety Precautions ‘Stopped engine Block he stating mechanism Shut of stating ar supply Engage tuning gear Shut of cxofng water Shut of ua ol Shut of brea ot Lock txbocharger rotors g) : B 9104 man. sew me 910-441 uc Butterfly Valves 910-441 Checking Edition 201, Page 1 (1) {ts important thatthe automatic non-return valves (butterly valves) always. function ‘easily and unimpeded. ‘The movably of the valve flaps should therefore be checked at eultable intervals ‘The valve shall open for tho alr flow trom the valve housing tothe auxiliary biower. W this is not possible, the valve must be dismounted and overhauled. ‘Access to the buttery valves Is made through the manhole covers of the recover after the engine has stopped running ard it hhas boon ascertained that the ir in the receiver i pure. Lock ubochargee 9105 ‘Turbocharger Turbine Edition 201, Data (1) Safety Precautions Stopped engine Block he stating mechanism ‘Shut off starting air supey Engage tuning gear ‘Shut of cooing water Shut of tet oi Shut of ubiation ait 00000000 9105 am ane Leome 91052 some Turbocharger Turbine e152 Ceaning Eaition 201, Page 1 (2) ‘The dry cleaning method employs dry, solid, granules which, being blown through the turbocharger, remove most of the deposits which may have formed on the nozzle ‘vanes and turbine blades. (On account of their hardness, nut-shlls, or broken or artificially shaped pieces of ac vated charcoal with a size of between 1.0 land max. 1.5 mm are particulary sulted as blasting agents. We recommend not to use rice or grain as, cleaning materials, as these can possibly Stok in the exhaust gas bole. With tis procedure, it is not always pos: sible to remove the thicker deposits. ‘Therefore, In order to prevent the building up of such thick deposits, the turbine has to be cleaned after every 24 to 50 hours of operation. General, the cleaning can be carried out ‘without, or with very litle, reduction of the ‘engine load, More detalled information regarding the ‘amount of granules to be used is stated on the instruction plate located close to the turbocharger. ‘on engines equippec win more inan one turbocharger, these should be cleaned one after the other. | 91052 Turbocharger Turbine Editon 201 Cleaning * Page 2 (2) ‘Cleaning Procedure: Close valve A. 2. Open valves B and 6, and blow out any deposits ander condensate in the con: necting pipe. Close valves B and ¢ after about wo minutes, 8. Slowly open valve Ato reliove the pres- sure i the tank. 4, Fill the container with the quantity of granules spectied on the plate close to the turbocharger 5, Close valve A. 6. The turbocharger can be cleaned at ‘rormal operating load. 7. Open valves B and © and blow the pre- viously filecin granules. through the turbocharger. Close valves B and © after 1 to 1.5 minutes. 8. Slowly open valve A to relieve the pres- sure in the tank, 9. Cleaning shoul! then be repeated alter ‘avery 24 10 60 hours of operation. ‘Attention | 1] 9105.2 Leome 1. The dean openings in the gas casings must remain closed while dy cleaning the turbine. 2. Its possible that during dry clean- ing of the turbine, some of the blowin solid particles or sparks will escape through the funnel PLATE 9101-23 TURBOCHARGER SYSTEM - TOOLS item Par AW Siandard No. Descristion No. | o14 | Traveling totey 028 | Bank plate, exhaust outlet *) 038 | Screw jack, aut pipe *) ost | Clearing brush 083 "| Tube expander 087 | Rai et 99 | Rail, ight 109 | Screw ENseses5 110 | Roller, eft 22 | Rolle ight 134 | Screw ENoivie2s: 148. | Sectional von 158 | Screw ENetT1630 171. | Compensator extender 123 | Serew ENeIVI225 195 | Screw ENBIVI6140 205 | Nut ENSIMIG 217 | compensator extend: complete 230 | Puting sorew 242 | Rote, lett 254 | otter, ight 266 | screw ENsIVi205 278 | Eye bot ENGBRI2 201 | Throtle plata» 313° | Blank plate =) 325 | Blank piate +) nar | Thenta plata *) *) Exhaust gas system banking of too! {only when twa or more TC, or Emergency By"pass, are hited) ond PLATE 91061-27 TURBOCHARGER SYSTEM ~ TOOLS [baw standara em Part No, Description [- ne. 16 | Hoist with tratey 1 | Cleaning brush (063. | Tube expander 87 | Rall — lot (090 | Rall - right 309 | Sorew 598805 10 | Roller - left 122 | Roller = right 134 | Screw ENe1v1825 146 | Sectional ron 188 | Screw ENeIT1630 171 | Camponsator extender 183 ENetvi205 195 EN6IVi6140 205 ENeIMI6 217 | Compensator extender, complete 230 | Pulling screw 28 | eye bolt ENGBRI2 ort Safety Valve Edition 201, . Data 1 (1) Satety Precautions. [stopped engine Bock he staring mecharism Shut of staring air supply Engage tuning gear Shut ot cooBng wate Shut of ue ol Shut of bration ol Lock ubocharger ors 10, 2 27 mm ——== 0120 im ‘Em 3m pata: +1 Tightening prossure — valve housing. 45. Nm D-2 Opening pressure. 178 bar PLATE 90154 ort mc oa Safety Valve ore (ee rau ton os Overhaul dion 201 mc sated Page 1 @) ©] Uasor the sae ave trom he ey der cover K V v1 2. tt necessary, dismantle the salty valve and ciean all the pars in ether gas ol kerosene, or ‘electro-cleaner’ 8, Assemble the safety valve in two steps: ~ Place the valve flap and the stop ring In the valve guide’ ang screw on the valve housing. = Tighten the housing to D-1, loosen and tighten again to D-t ot12 Safety Valve Edtion 201 Overhaul Page 2 (2) 4. Then mount: + the valve epindle * the spring = the adjusting sorew 1 the lock nut 5. To set the safety valve opening pres: 1) Set up the safety valve in the testing ove, 2) Connect the testing device to the hydraulic pump. 3) Loosen the lock nut on the satoty valve 4) Set the adjusting screw so that the valve just closes. 5) Bleed the valve and hose unt ol, without alr bubbles, flows out from the openings of the safety valve. 6) Screw up the adjusting screw of the safety valve uni the correct pressure is indicated (see 0-2). 7) Tighten the lock nut 8) Test the opening pressure. 9) Dismount the valve from the testing device. 6. Pierce the bore in the cylinder cover, and blow it lea. Clean the sealing ring grooves. 7. Mount a new or ovethauled safety valve and a new sealing ring in the cylinder When mounting the safety valve in the cylinder cover, apply tools only on the hexagon of the sataty valve, ort mc V one Edition 201, Data 1 (1) Relief Valve Safety Precautions: A ‘Stopped engine Block te staring mechanism Shut of stanng air supply Engage tuning gear Shut of cooling water ‘Shut of tel i ‘Shi off ication i Lock turbocharger rotors Oo000000 % z CSE 16, a4 20 mm ante mc PLATE 90551 Rollet Valve ores Checking Edition 201, Page 1(1) 1. Test the functioning of the reliet valves fn the crankcase wall by means of the tool supple. 2. Screw the tool into the valve plate nut. 8, Turn the nut of the tool to open the val (Check if there are any leaks. If a leak occurs, sismantie the roll! valve and fit new O-ring. e124 Retightening of, Edtion 201 Holding Bown Bolts Data 1 (1) and End Chock Bolts Safety Precautions [J] Stopped engine Block he stating mechanism (shut ot starting air supply Engage turing gear ‘Shut of cooing water ‘Shut of fel ai ‘Shut of brian at Lock turbocharger rotors 33) Dara: DA Tightening preseute for holding down bots 900 bar D2 Tightening pressure for ‘end chack bot 900 bar D9 Increased tightening pressure (enly for inital ighering ot fend chock bal). 980 bar D-4_Check holding down bots and fend chadk bols for covet tightening ator the following service hous: set check. 500 hours 2nd check 1,000 hours 81d checkers 2,000 hours ‘ath check, “4,000 hours Subsequenly at intervals ot 8,000 hours Note: “The holding down bolts and end chock bots may have the same type and sizeof threads. “The thyerauic Jack used for tightening the holding down bolts is marked with: For: Holding down bots For: Cast ron enacks ‘The larger Jack used for tghtening the end chock bolts s marked with For: End chock bolts ‘Warning | ‘Accidental application ofthe larger jack (meant for the end chock bots) on the holding down bots may cause serious versiressing of the supporting chock. (aa) et gine on Cast Iron Su or Mc orting Chooks or uc Retightening of ort Holding Down Bolts Eston 201 and End Chock Bolts Page 4 (3) Hydraulic tightening of holding down bolts land end chock bolls carried out as de- {allod in section 913-1. The normal tighton- ing pressure is indicated on the data shect and stamped on the tightening tool For tho intial tghtoning of the end chock bots, the pump pressure isto be raised to the value indicated on the data sheet. Then tighten the nut firmly and relieve the hy- raulis tool completely of pressure. AMter ‘about two minutes, raise the pressure again Unt the nut can be loasened. Now adjust the pressure tothe normal tightening pres- sure indcated, tighten the nut firmly, and relieve the sysiem of pressure. For the intial tightening of end chock bolts, the following procedure can, alternatively, be folowed ‘Tighten the bolts to the increased pressures stated on the data shoot and leave the bolts so tightened til after the sea tras, following lwhich they are to be retighiened to the ‘normal value indicated on the data sheet as Wall as onthe hydraulic tightening too. (Checking the Bolt Tightening, ‘The holding down bolts and end chock bolts ‘must be checked for correct tightness at the Interval indicated in section 900-1 Bolore checking the bolt tightening, the fiting of the supporting chocks should be checked a3 far as conditions of access pormit ‘When checking the bolts’ tightening, the pressure on the hydraulic tool is to be raised slowly while itis constantly attempt (64 to loosen the rut with the tommy bar. ‘The oil pressure indicated by the pressure ‘gauge when the nut comes loose (loosen- ing pressure is noted down inthe checking table, see drawing Nos. 782225-0 and 762226-2, folowing which the bolts are tightened to the normal tightening pressure. a2 Retightoning of Edtion 201 Holding Down Bolts Page 2(3) and End Chock Bolts ‘The condition ofthe bolted joins, and thus the general condition ofthe foundation, can be stfectvely checked by comparing the tables from successive bolt checkings. 1 the ‘loosening pressure’ is below 80 per cent of the tightening pressure, the correct iting of te relative chooks shal always be ‘checked with loose bolls tthe chocks are in position and correctly fited, the bolts should be ‘taken out for inspection of ‘threads and contact faces. Cast iron Supporting Chocks “The supporting chocks shall be so adapted that a 5/100 mm feeler gauge cannot enter al mate than 8 per cent of the entire ci- fcumfetence, Winether the chocks are in position can, when the respective bolts have been Ioosenod, bo chockod by gently tapping with a hook iron against the chocks. When a loose chock has been moved into positon, the fiting of the adjacent chocks shall be checked witha feeler gauge. 1 coveral chocks posiionad next to each other have worked loose, crankshatt de- flection readings must be taken after the chocks have been relied ‘Side Chacks and Sida Chor | inars After fiting the liners to a 60 per cent con- tact area on both sides of the liners, the liners are to be knocked 3 to 4 mm further inwards. The liners located in way of each main bearing at either side of the engine must be fitted and knocked info position simulta neously. ‘The fist time the ship is salling in a {ully1oaded condition after the engine has been operating for 1,000 hours, it should bo checked at al) sido hocks. whether the liners ean be knocked further home, or nara caw me Retightening of ors Holding Down Bolts Edition 201 and End Chock Bolts Page 3 (3) ‘The liners should be checked for correct fiting with a fecler gauge each time the loosening pressure of the holding down bolts is checked, and thus atthe same time Intervals. The fooler gauge is applied at the 7 points inlcated on drawing No. 782226- land the measurements found are entered in the proper table. They are used for the purpose of judging whether refiting or, possibly, replacement ofthe liners is neces: Baty It the measurements raveel that in 3 points ‘or more they have increased 5/100 mm or mere from the intial results, we recommend ‘thatthe folowing procedure Is followed 1. Loosen the hexagon screws. 2. Try to knock the liner further home. 3, Measure again atthe 7 points indicated ‘on drawing No. 782225-2. I this procedure does not improve the situa: tion, the liner must be romovad and it must ‘be checked that the actual contact araa is ‘more than 80 per cont of the possible con- tact surface areas on both sides of the liner. ‘The liners are secured in their correct posi- tion by. means of hexagon socket set ‘erews with cup point paar Checking Hydraulically Tightened Holding Down Bolts Drwg. 782225-0 ESQW 1 ac Engines eg], ; [Starboard side (eae Port side [oyin feat ala lfelal af elf lofelallefelaateleatalofsltolelalteleid-telaltclolaalc] x | PTofohalel-t B Port side Starboard side Point Point oa ~[ATB[e|dle[t al ne [Al @lelalelflgl~ 1 7 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 ie) MO} 141 14 12 ) nal 13 M4 14 FORE me) am ce \ P*® Port side Starboard side ch Jot | ees. [Deve | Point || Point * | Sire, | Bot |Ch Na |No./"{er"| % [e[b[o[a[el|alble[ dle] % |"ber | No-|Ne 1 | 1 Els aie — Noe Contact face No. 1 = Moz stg als cies AFT a ore Holding Down Bolts Edition 201 and End Chock Bolts Data 1 (1) Satety Precautions oO Oo im oO imi 5 oO ‘Stopped engine Block the staing mechanism Shut of starting ar upoiy Engage turing gear Shut of cooing water Shut of ue ol ‘Shut of usc ot Lock turbocharger rtors pata: Det Tightoning pressure for holding down ott. 900 bar D2 Tightening pressure for ond chock bats. 900 bar 0.2 Increased tightening pressure {only for inal tghiening of fend eback bat) 990 bar 1-4 Check holding down bolts and ‘end chock bots for ighness ‘tar the following sevice hous: sat check, 500 hours 2nd check... 4,000 hours 8rd chock, 2,000 hours ‘ah check, 4,000 hours Sth heoke 9,000 howre Subsequentiy at Intervals of 8,000 hours Note: “The holding down bolts and end chock bolts may have the same type and sizeof threads. “The thycrauic Jack used for tightening the holding down bots is marked with For: Holding down bots Fr: Epoxy chocks “The larger Jack used for tightening the end chock bots i marked wi For: End chock batts WARNING: ‘Accidental application of the larger jack (meant forthe, ond chock bolts) on the hole ing down bolts may cause serious. over ‘stressing ofthe epoxy supporting chocks, or (a2) Engine on Epoxy Supsoring Chocks uc sieta Holding Down Bolts ort and End Chock Bolts Edition 201, Checking Page 1 (3) Hydraulic tightening of holding down bots land end chock bols is caried out as de- talled in section 913-1. The nocmal ighten- ing pressure is indicated on the data sheet ‘and stamped on the tightening tool. For the intial tightening of the end chock bots, the pump pressure Is to be ralged to the value Indicated on the data sheet, Then tighten the nut fmily and relieve the hy- raul tool completely of pressure. After about two minutes, raise the pressure again Until the nut can be loosened. Now agjust the pressure to the normal tightening pres- sure indicated, tighten the nut firmly, and reliave the system of pressure. For the initial tightening of end chock bolts, ‘the following procedure can, alternatively, be folowed: Tighten the botts to the increased pressures stated onthe data sheet and leave the bolts 0 tightened til aftr the sea tras, folowing which they are to be retightencd to the oral value indicated onthe data sheet as well as on the hydraulic tightening too Checking the Bolt Tightening 1. The holding down bolts and end chock bolts must be checked for correct tight: ness at the intervals indicated on the data sheet. For this purpose, raise the pressure on the hydrauic tool siowiy while constantly attempting to loosen the nut with the tommy bar. The ol pressure incicated by the pressure gauge when the nut comes loose (loosening pressure) is to be noted down In the checking table, see Grawing Nos. 782225-0 and 782226% following which the bots are tightened fo the normal tightening pressure, ‘The condition of the bolted Joints, and thus the general condition of the founda tion, can be effectively checked by com- paring the tables trom successive bolt hockings. 91211 Holding Down Bolts Edition 201 and End Chock Bolts Page 2(3) Checking Ifthe loosening pressure’ Is below 80 per cent ofthe tightening pressure, the relative chocks shall always be checked fo possible Gefects, Ifthe checks are in position and in order, the bolls should be taken out for inspection of threads and contact faces. Checking of Epoxy Supporting Chocks 2. if a number of measuring pins has been welded to the tanktop, the heights of the epoxy supporting chocks are to be checked immediatly after finihing the checking of the loosening pressuras of the holding down bolts and the retighten- ing ofthese. The distance between the measuring pins and the bedpate is to be measured with a blade gauge and noted down. Any possible ceting of tho chocks during the Intervals. between measurements. can thereby be followed, Side Chocks and Side Chock Liners 3. After iting the tners to @ 80 per cent contact area on both sides ofthe liners, the liners are 10 be knocked 3 to 4 mm further inwards. ‘The liners located in way of each main bearing at either side ofthe engine mast be fitted “and. knocked Into. position simultaneously. The fist time the ship is saling in a fullyloaded condition after should ba checked at all side chocks Wwitether the liners can be knocked further home. ‘The liners should be chacked for corect fiting with a feeler gauge each time the Toosening pressure of the holding down bolts is checked, ard thus at the same time intervals. The fooler gauge Is ap- plied at. the 7” poin's indleated on drawing No. 782228-2, and the mea- surements found are to 06 entered in the relavant table. They are used for the purpose ot Judging whether refitting or, possibly, replacement of the liners is recoasary. 91244 eras me nara a Holding Down Bolts sits and End Chock Bolts Edition 201 Checking Page 3 (3) Iv the measurements reveal that in 3 points (oF more they have increased 5/100 mm or ‘more from tho inital resulls, we recammand that the folowing procedure Is followed 1. Loosen the hexagon screws, 2, Try to knock the liner further home, 3. Measure again atthe 7 points incicated ‘on drawings No. 782226-2. this procedure does not improve the situa: tion, the liner must be removed and it must be checked that the actual contact area is more than 80 per cent of the possible con- ‘act surface areas on both sides ofthe finer. ‘The liners are secured in thelr corect posi. tion by means of hexagon socket set soraws with cup point. Control of Hydraulically Tightened Holding Down Bolts Drwg. 782225 MC Engines. auloaj;t)o)o|)n clalels] No 3 Ela ge alk i é Port side c[ele[s[efelsfe[e/slelelelz| Drwg. 78226-2 Control of Side Chocks and End Chocks with Bolts famne MC Engines saw Port side Starboard side oa indor La Point on me [ATS fTo| no” [AlBTe[alelrlal= 4 7 4 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 g 9g ie) 10) 14 41 12 12) 13} 13) 14) 14) FORE me) ae ee. ("8 edotg—) “~~ Te (cote Port side i Starboard side ch Jeon Stas: | Bev Point || Point Bach, | sure, | Bots| ch No|No[*yer | % [e[b[e]d]e|e[b[o]d]e| % [ber | No.|No 4 4 E 2 3 E be ° Noz (Contact face No.1 Noe Par) ' ale aly AFT als 912.2 Stay Bolts o122 Edition 201, Data 1 (1) mc i i Stopped engine Bock the stating mechanism ‘Shit of staring air supp Engage turing gear ‘Shut of cooling wate: ‘Shut of fel oi ‘Shut of ubication al Lock wrbocharger oars & B oO Oo a ao oO DATA: D-t_ Hyeraulc dlemanting pressure... Hyéraulic tightening pressure. 900 bar D-2 Min. clearance 0.4 mm Stay Bolts sre ‘Checking Eétion 201, Page 1 (2) 1. Before retightening the stay botts, ce- rove the protecive cape. 2. Clean the contact faces and mount the hydraulic tool on a pair of stay bots positioned opposite each other on the middie of the engine. Connect. the high-pressure pump by means of the high-pressure hoses, so that the two stay bolts are tightened in one opera: tion 5, Start the retghtoning of the stay bots and proceed to tighten the stay bolts in pairs, working from the middle toward fone énd ofthe engine and then from the middle toward the other end. i221 Stay Bolts Editon 201 Checking Page 2 (2) 4. Maintain the hydraulic pressure at the value indicated in D-1, and retighten the stay bolt nuts with @ tommy bar. Before relioving the system of pressure, check with a feeler gauge that the nuts bear against the contact face. 5. Reconnect the hydraulic tools tothe pale of stay bolts first tightened. Tighten to $0% Below D-1 and check ifthe nut fe loose. I the nut is not loose: Tighten the stay bots to D-1. tt the nut is loose: Tighten all stay bolts once again to D-t 6. After complating the reghtening prove ure, mount the protective caps. 7. The stay bolis are mounted in such a way that, when the uppermost stay bolt hut is loosened, there Is @ clearance, as stated in D-2, between the contact face of the lowermost nut and the bedpiate. 912.24 (aan) ‘seouc Plate 91261-36 Plate 91261-35 Large Parts - Tools tem MAN BEW is Part Description pee 011 | O-ring with backup ring, 2107220 mm 28 | O-ing with backup ring, 145/155 mm 035 | Hydraulic jack 047 | Spacer ring 059 | Hydraulic tools for slaybolts, complete 060 | Cover for oil drain ‘siLome, Plate 91263-09 Hydraulic Tools for Holding Down Bolts ‘and End Chock Bolts Stem MAN Baw re Part Description Beets 012 | Oxing wth backup ring, 145/150 mm 024 | O-ing with backup ring, 098 mm (036 | Anglo union with snap-on coupling, male 081 | Hydraute jack for | holding down bolts | 73 | Spacer ring (085 | Wooden box 107 | Ballhardte (a8) Hydraulic Too!s for Holding Down Bolts Plate 91263-39 BERR) Shd'End chock Bots siLeoNe Epoxy Plate 91263-33 Hydraulic Tools for Holding Down Bolts ‘and End Chock Bolts (Epoxy) tiem MAN Baw na Part Description cee 012 | Oxing with back-up ring, 85/95 mm 24 | Swivel coupling 036 | Oving with back-up ring, {0/70 mm 048. | Hydraulic jack or holding down bolt, M 42x 435 061 | Spacer ring 087 | O-ring with back-up rng, | 0/100 mm | 107 | Oxing with back-up rng 140/150 mm 119. | Spacer ing 120. | Hydraulic jack for nd chock bolt Med x6. | i 182 | Hydraulic toos for | holding-down bolts and ond chook bolts, complete 9134 Hydraulic Tools Edition 201 Page 1 (8) ‘Snap-on coupling Too! attachment the . Bleed screw Piston Gylindor Sealing rings Spacer ring Tommy bar Nut Stud or bolt Clearance Milled recess for feeler gauge Safety hole KE e-zo7moog> Studs or bolts provided with thread for attaching hydraulic tools and with circular ruts must be loosened end tightened up only by means of the hyéraulic tools sup- plied. “The jeck(s) isiare connected, via a aisti- butor block, to a high-pressure pump, which is set to deliver hydraulic ol atthe pressure indicated on the jack and on the data sheet in the relevant section of this Instruction ook, ‘The stud oF bolt concerned is thereby lengthened relative to the ol pressure appiod and the piston area, and the nut ‘ean be loosened or tightened, as required, With the aid ofa tommy bar. ‘The jacks must never be overloaded of ‘exposed to blows or impacts. They are ‘matked with a "Max. It’, which must not be exceeded. 1. The hycraulic tools consist of a jack with an intemal thread to suit the tool attachment thread on the stud o¢ bolt, land a spacer ting which is tobe placed tnder the jack and around the nut that 's tbe loosened or tightened. 91341 me e134 Hydraulic Tools ors Edition 201, ue Page 2 (8) 2. The hydraulic Jacks are so designed that the pressure is raloved at the botiom of the pressure chamber in the event that the "Max. lft" Fimit Ie exceeded. The oil will then be pressed out into the space between the stud and the spacer ring, When the pressure-is relieved in this way, the lowermost sealing ring wil I most cases be damaged. Therotore, inepect and, if necessary, replace this sealing cng ‘The oll used must be pure hydraulic oll oF turbine oll (with a viscosity of about SAE 20). Oils. such as, for instance, lubricating ell (eystem ol) or cylinder lubricating ol must not be used, as these ols are normally alkaline and can ‘thus damage the back-up rings. ‘The following instructions must be clos ly followed: to prevent accidents. or damage. Alter use, the jacks should be Cleaned and kept in the wooden boxes supplies ‘Warning ! | When using hydraulic tools, eye pro- [ teciors and gloves must be used ors Hydraulic Tools Edition 201 Page 3 (8) Loosening of Nut 1A. Carefully clean the tool attachment thread, the aut and the surrounding parts. Grease the too! attachment thread with ‘molybdenum disulphide or with graphite and olor similar. Place the spacer rng around the nut la ‘such a position that the tommy bar can ‘be applied through the slot when the nut isto be loosened. 2A, Screw the jack on to the tool attach: ment thread of the bolvstud, unt the cylinder ofthe jack bears firmly against the spacer ring, and check that the pants are guided correctly together By means of a hose, connect the jack to the distributor block and connect the black to the high-pressure pump with another hese. Loosen tho bleed screw and fil the system with off until ol, without bub- bes, flows out of the bleed screw, ‘hich is then tightened again ‘Adjust the clearance between the pis ton and cylinder of the jack (soo the ‘sketch aid lab) I provide. for Contraction of the Botta, Ifthe clearance Is too large, acfustment is made by loosening the bed screw. ‘The clearance is to have relation to the "Max. li” of the jack and has the pur pose of making it possible to dismount the Jack atte loosening the nut. check again. that ance between the ‘oyiinderispacer ringisuriace, Hydraulic Tools sia Edition 201 Page 4 (8) A. Increase the oll pressure tothe presct- bed valuo. If the mut does not come loose, the proeure may be raised by approx. $0 bar. 4A. Unscrew the nut with the tommy bar, making sure thatthe nut isnot screwed up against the jack 5A. Relove the systom of pressure, discon: nct the high-pressure pump, and re ‘move the hydraulic tots. e194 Hydraulle Tools 9131 Edition 201, 7 Page 5 (8) Tightening of Nut 1B. Thoroughly cloan the nut, the thread, the contact faces, and the eurrounding parts. ‘Clean and lubricate the tool attachment thread and the thread in the nut with molyodenum disulphige or wth graphite and olor sii. Fit the round nut on the thread and tighten it withthe tommy bat. CCheck witha feeler gauge that the con- tact face of the nut bears on the entire circumterence, Place the spacer rng around the nut in ‘such a position tha the tommy bar can be appted through the slot for the pur- | ose of tightening the nut. 2. Pross the piston and the cylinder of the Jack firmly together. | ‘Scrow the hydraulic jack on tothe too! attachment tread, Make sure that the cylinder of the jack ‘bears firmly against the spacer ing and that the parts are guided correctly to- gether. ‘By means of a hose, connect the Jack to the distrbuter block and connect the block to the high-pressure pump with another hose. Loosen the bleed screw, and fil up the system until ol, without bubbles, flows, Ut of the bleed scrow. Retighten the blood screw. ort Hydraulic Tools ora Eéition 201, Page 6 (8) 8B, Increase the oll pressure tothe prescri= bbed value, and tighten the nut. by means of the tommy bar applied through the slot ofthe spacer ring. 48, While maintaining the pressure, check witha feeler gauge introduced through the recess at the bottom of the spacer ring that the nut bears against the con- tact face. 5B, Reliove the system of pressure, iscon- ect the pump, and remove the hy- raul jack 83. [ Caution! | When new studs, bots or nuts are tightened forthe first ime, do not remove the jack, but loosen the nut ‘as described in 913-1, points 3A- 4A.5A, and then tighten the nut again according to the procedure in 913-1, points 38-48-58. ora Hydraulic Tools Eaition 201 . Page 7 (8) Maintenance 1C. The piston and cylinder are easily se- parated by taking out the bleed screw and pressing the parts apart with the help of compressed ar Make sure that there are ro marks or Scratches on the sliding suriaces ofthe parts. The presence of metal particles will damage the sealing rings. 20. When changing the seating cings, fst ‘mount the back-up ring and then the O- fing ‘Warning ! “The back-up ring must be away from | the pressure chamber and the O-ring close tothe pressure chamber. ee on the sketch the correct mounting fof both the upper and the lower sealing fings. The same principle applies to all the jacks. 9134 mc 91st Hydraulic Tools s134 sition 201, Nc Page 8 (8) @]_ © Attortting the seating cngs, press the piston and cylinder together by means ofthe tool supplied. Soe thatthe rings. do not got stuck between the piston and cylinder. o132 Hydraulle Nut Edlion 201 . Page 1 (4) General The hydraulc nut is a unit consiating of 2) oylinder ») piston ©) outer nut “The cylinder is provided with access holes which can be fited with high-pressure sup: ply tubes and bleed screws. The piston and fylinder are designed with ring grooves for (O-rings with backup rings. ‘The oll used in the hydraulle systom shall be a pure hydraulic ol! oF turbine ol. Lube cating ol or cylinder olf must net be used, {8 these oils are normally alkaline and can thus damage the backup rings. When replacing defective ol sealing rings, note that tho backup ring shall face away from the pressure space and that the arched surface shall face the all sealing ting. After mounting, check that the backup fing's undamaged. o1s.2 me 9132 Ne Hydraulie Nut 9132 Ezltion 201 Page 2 (4) Mounting of Nut Carefully clean the thread and contact sur- faces and remove burs ‘Then coct with lubricant having a git size of approx. 0.5 um, for instance MoS, (Moly: enum disulphide) or a non-synthetic gra: Phite mbxed with ol or similar. 1A. Screw the nut onto the stud and tight: ‘en lightly with spanner or tommy bar, 0 that the piston and cylinder are pressed together. 2A. Connect the highpressure pump to the access hole ofthe nut. Loosen the bleed sere and fil up with oll unt the ol, without air bubbles, flows out of the bleed serew, and then clase the Now aise the oll pressure to the specified value, with maximum devia- tion 2 6% 3A. Turn the outer nut against the cylinder and check, by means of a 0.05 mm fooler gauge, that it lies true against the contact surface Roleve the pressure, which completes the tightening of the nut, If several nuts shall be mounted oF dismounted, connect all of them together with the same pump so that a uniform and simultaneous tightening (or dismount- ing) is obtained. | 913-2 Hydraulic Nut 913.2 Edition 201, . Man Page 8 (4) wc 4B. Dismounting of Nut Connect the high-pressure pump to the acoass hole of the nut. Loosan the bleed sorew and fil up with ofl unt the ol flows out of the sorew without air bubbles and then close the screw. Raise the ol pressure to the spectiod value, and then turn the outer nut back and relieve the pressure. Ifthe rut cannot be loosened at the spect fied pressure, increase the pressure slowly while continuing the attempts to turn tho outer nut loose. However, the specified pressure must not be’ ex- ceeded by more than 10%. Ihe outer ‘ut is stil not loose, test with 2 0.05, mm feeler gauge whether the nut is. {tee of the suppor If the union nut is free but cannot be loosened, reduce the pressure until the feeler gauge can just be inserted under the union nut, and then try to loosen it by means of a pin spanner ‘and hammer. Ifthe union isnot free of the suppor, it must be presumed that |thad been tightened with the wrong pump pressure, so the pump pressure must again be increased. until the Union nut can be loosened, Afterwards ‘examine the nut for deformities and check the pressure gauge of the pump. Hydraulic Nut 918-2 Eaition 201, Page 4 (4) Dismounting of Nuts with Detective Sealing Rings 10. Inthe case of detective sealing rings inthe hydraulic tightening’ unt, loosening can be effected in the fol lowing way: Mount a iubriating nipple, suitable for the tube on a high-pressure lubricat- ing gun, instead of the snap-on coupl ing pat Loosen the bleed screw and fill the system with high-pressure grease in- stead of lubricating ol unt the grease starts fo come out of the bleed screw, and then close this screw. Fit the snap-on coupling part in place of the grease nipple and loosen the hut inthe usual way, using. the hydraulic high-pressure pump. 9135 Torque Spanner Eaition 201 . Page t (1) Before screwing the nuts on, the treads and the contact faces should be greased ‘with a mitre of graphte and ol of molyo- ‘enum dauiphide wth a fieson coefiint = 041-012 (0g, MOLYKOTE paste yp). ‘The nuts should ft easily on the thread, ‘and it should be checked that they bear on the entice contact face In the case of new nuts and studs, the nuts sre to be tightened and loosened two oF three timas In order that the thread may assume its definite shape; thus obviating the risk of loose nuts. "Nuts secured with a spit pin are to be tight feed to the stated torque and then to the ext spit-pin hole, ‘The torque spanner must not be used for torques higher than those stamped on it, and it must not be damaged by hammering on itor the tke, Rahsol Torque Spanné ‘The handle of the torque spanner is pro- vided with a soale indicating the torques at which the spanner can be set For setting the spannor at tho required tory, thara iva ll on 2 small arm nt the end ofthe handle. By pulling the bal withthe arm outwards, a small crank handle Is formed. spring loaded slide inthe handte is provided with a ‘mark wiich, when turning the crank handle, can be set at the roquired torque on the scale. The functioning of the torque span- ner is as follows: ‘The above-mentioned spring acts on a pawl system in the handle, and wien using the spanner, this paw! system wil be released ‘when the pre-set torque has been reached, at which moment a small jerk Is fot in the spanner and a small click is heard, 9135 nara Gaw me {0 | 400 200 s196 Tightening Gauge Edition 201, Page 1 (1) Before effecting the tightening, clean the threads and contact faces and coat with molybdenum eisuiphide or graphite and oll or similar. Tighten up the nut (serew) lightly with a short skeleton spanner. Place the tightening gauge round the nut, and mark off with chalk’ or a. scratching mark on the aut atthe slat A on the tighter ing gauge, and make another chalk or scratching mark on the contact face at the slot B. ‘Then tighten the nut until the two marks coincide. When tightening new studs or bots for the first timo, loosen again and repeat the pro- cedure using new marks to allow the parts to settle 913-6 we 9137 Screws and Nuts Edition 201 Locking Page 1 (3) All screwed and bolted connections inside the engine, as well as all movable joints, are secured against untimely loosening by ‘means of different types of locking devices. ‘When reassembling the engine after over- hauls, itis vital that all such screws. and nuts are again locked correct. 1. Lock washers, tab washers, locking plates, etc. must always be replaced projeations, ete., on the washers are tobe bent back over one of the flats of the screw or nut concemed. 2, Used spring washers must be replaced. 8, Selt-locking nuts may only be used five times. Therelore, glve the nut a centre punch mark each te I is loosened 913-7 913-7 me Screws and Nuts 919-7 Locking Edton 201 Page 2 (3) Locking wire should be fitted alter the screws or nuts have been tightened to the Correct torque. Do not ovenighten or loosen the units 10 get a correct alignment of the vwiro holes. Always fit new wire after tighten Ing-up the w ‘Any tendency of the screws or nuts to loosen will be counteracted by a tightening of the lacking wire. Do not secure more than four unl in a series, unless otherwise specitog Fig. t: Insert wire, grasp the upper end of the wire and bend it around the head of the screw, then under the cther end of the wire, be sure thet the wire is tight around the head. Fig. 2: Twist tho wiro cloclvise until tis Just short of the Role in the second screw. Keeping the wire under ten- sion, twist i until tight. When the wite is tight, the wire shall have approximately 7-10 twists. pr. 25 rm. One twist isa twist ofthe wires ‘through an arc of 180°, equal to ha of @ completo tur, Fig. 8: Insert the uppermost wire in the second screw, and pull ght. Fig. 4: Bend the lower wire around the screw, ana under the end protruding from the screw. Fig. &: Kooping tho wire undor tension, twist it min. 3 twists, counterclocke wise unt tight Fig. 8: During the final twisting motion, bend the wie along the screw head. Cutoff excess wie Fig. 7-9: Show the preferred ways of mounting the locking wire on Screws with wie holes oriented Ia different angles. 913-7 Sorews and Nuts 913-7 ion cocking man) Edtion 201 Locking Man) Page 3 (3) me ‘te on serews i ciferent planes, " ‘shown hut is also an acceptable alten inthe figure Fig. 18: Where dtiting of locking wire holes thas caused-a thin wall section, | rig, 42 route the wire as. shown ia the figute, to prevent damage to the Fig. 10: Shows how to route the locking ] ut Fig. 11: Wire that passes over the top of a | Fie. 10 nut is an acceptable alternative only if routes around the proud ing screw thread. Fig. 12: Wire that passes over the tp of a Fis tt tive if the hole is located Fig. 14: Locking wire can be mounted to any other part of the assembly if nothing else Is possibie. 913.10 Hydraulic Ring 91310 Edition 201 Emergency Procedures mare Data + (1) mc ‘Safety Precautions ‘Stopped engine Block the staring mechanism ‘Shut of starting ar supaly Engage tuning goar ‘Shut of onong wator Shut of ue ‘Shut of ubiation Look wbocharger rotors OOORXOXS e a mB ige—euget 1x 3m DATA: DA Hygraulc sing = dismantling pressure 900-900 bar 919-10 mc Hydraulic Ring 313-10 Emergency Procedures Eton 201 Page 1 (2) It the hysraulle nuts on the oylinder cover can not be dismantied the normal way due to @ leaking union nut, the leaking nut must be dismantled manually for replacement of the sealing rings. To oblain optimum loosening conditions, the cyinder cover should be as cold as possible 1. It necessary, dismount the exhaust valve, fuel valves and starting valve with Pipe connections. Loosen the leaking union nut by means ‘of the special impact wrench and a big hammer. 2. Unserew both the outer and the Inner nuts 3. Dismount the plston from the hydraulic ring by means of two screws. Discard the defective sealing rings from the piston and the groove in the hy- draulc ring. 913-10 Hydraulic Ring Edition 201 Emergency Procedures Page 2 (2) 4. When changlig the sealing rings on a piston and in the groove of the hydraulic fing, fest mount the baskcup ring and then the O-ing Note! Be aware thatthe back-up ring must be away from the pressure chamber, and the Oving close tothe pressure ‘chamber. Refer 10 the sketch for the correct ‘mounting of both the upper and lower sealing rigs. 5. Lubricate the piston and sealing rings with hydraulic oil and mount the piston In the hydraui rng ‘Screw the inner nut on to the oylinder ‘over stud unt the nut Is resting lightly against the piston 6. Then connect the hydraulic high-pres- sure pump to the quick coupling. Bload the system and increase the pressure to the aismanting pressure, see Data. 7. Loosen and remove the remaining nuts In the normal way, and dismount the cylinder cover trom the engine. 913-10 nara Gaw gist Lubricating Procedures Edition 201 . Page + (1) Molybdenum Disulphide (Mos,) ‘The following procedure is to be followed prior to the mounting of metal surfaced aris which are fo function as seals Clean the surtace with a cleaning uid and ensure thatthe entire surtace Is ‘completely free of grease. ‘Allow § minutes for the cleaning lsd to evaporate, With a clean léathercoth, and using circular movements, rub a mixture of fine-grained partcies of Molybdenum Disulphide (MoS,) and mineral ol (2.9. Moiycote G-n Plus, or the like) hard conto the metal surface Remove any excessive paste and ensure that the metal surface Is only Coated with a thin, uniform, layer of the above mixture, Protect the wet paste and cloth from dust or other foreign particles. sist rane mo Plate 9136-19 oa [ster] | > |= e[ole[e] | Plate 91351-19 Accessories for Hydraulic Tools tem MAN Baw na Part Description aera 010 | Flexible high-pressure hose (1 m), complete 022 | Flexible high-pressure hhose (9m, complete | 034 | Flexbie high-pressure hose (6 m), complete 046 | S.way distbuting piece, complete 058. | S-way cistibuting piece, | complete 071 | 7-way dlstibuting piece, ‘complete 083 | Flexible high-pressure hose, 1m 095 | Flexible high-pressure hose, 3m 105. | Fixible high-pressure hose, 6m 117 | Gasket 129. | Snap-on coupling, famale +30. | Elbow union 142. | Screwed connection 90° 154 | Connecting piece, male/male Screwed connection 178 | Distributing piece with le valves 191 | Flexible high-pressure hose with elbow union, completa zor | Sway aistrting aes 213 | Sway distibuting piece 225 | 7-way distibuting pleco 2s7 | Wrench ENSOAS || 249. | Bioader secow 260 | Snap-on coupling, male 262 | Manual high-pressure pump 274 | PneumatieMycrautic high-pressure pump 286 | Manual high-pressure pump 288 | Compression too! 308 | Compression too! 321 | Tommy bar, 5 mm 383 | Tommy bar, 8 mm 345 | Tommy bar, 10 mm 387 | Tommy bar, 13 mm 369. | Tommy bar, 15 mm ‘This plate isa “Standard plate! 406 | way cistributing ‘some af the tools shown, i piece, complete ‘are optional extras. 416_| -way cievibuting pioco a (Gap) eve tiis 20 wa ‘Leone Plate 9135633 Tod uN Sao ee] ENSSRIE TiQ-aN == 700-kg | “ENEORTE 72.0 uN = 1200 tg | ENGDRED, 15:0 1N~ 1800 ky [ENGHROL o 35-0 IN 3600 kp | ENEIRIO Terese | [easiest m8 ENS gTSO [Fiseed [Wax Toad [att rare mig [Bos WN eso Eg] eNsTeeTe Wie [10-0 N= 1000 eg | ENBTBETS W29 [160-5 160 Ke Hae oN ED es o> eg a ed ee gd» [SBT WN 5800 ke | o18 Tecate Teste] Tose ¥ 250 -ee [OHS eee Tate [oats S001 ots [aio 2000 ks [080 ROMER OT Plate 91256-23 Lifting Tools, ete. tom MAN BAW na Part Description pera ore | Wire 043 | Aluminium gangway 079 | Tackle 080 | Tackle 02 | Puli Plate 91361-28 comme a ee eT 0) aeencro real lintencal ea ieee 2 Besekse are | raced aisles ie ore al ocon eae ono Ses sai occas oT aia escae ese Benes ToimnosKe Pees Sais Irevoue sar | Mes now a 6-7, ENSS2F 67 22-24 | _ ENSS2F 2224 3201 [ose sco | ornare 13.18 | eer ine [secur] ear ea ‘et [eerie [00 | eer ate 15-19 | sero | -09 | mor sro (CO ‘Single-ended spanner —= Sorel Ieaneow sect [cs laren omar el mGore moore Se i man Gaw Ussome Spanners © ing impact spanner ‘Sze_| MAN BAW Standard No. 30 ENSSAL 0 2 ENSSAL 32 % ENSSAL 96 4 ENSSAL 41 4 ENSS4L 46 50 ENSSAL 50) 55 ENSSAL 55 60 ENS54L. 60| 6 ENSSAL 65 70 ENSSAL70| 2 ENSB4L 60 Open-ended impact spanner Sizo_|_ MAN B&W Standard No, 20 ENSSSE 90 2 ENSSSE 92 36 ENSSSE 96 4 ENSSQE 41 6 ENSSIE 46 50 ENSS3E 50 a ENSSQE 65 8 ENSSQE 65 Plate 91362-90 fan s6omc. SS <= Sa aoa Plate 91364-40 ont r— 035 047 089 _ 060 7.084 JX 096 1 106 i418 i 131 i 143 — 155 Plate 91364-40 Spanners, ete. tom MAN BAW rs Part Description aera 011 | Double open spann A417 mm 035 | Toraue spanner | 10-120 Nm 047 | Torque spannor 150-300 Nm 059 | Torque spanner 140-760 Nm 60 | Torque spanner 1750-2000 Nm 084 | Pliers for ercip ENS1s010 096 | Piers for crop ENSISD19 106 ENS15032 18 ENS15D85 131 ENSISHIo 143, | Plier fr oetip ENS15H32 455. | Plas fr cicip ENS15HES Plate 91386-47 Instruments ttom MAN Baw re Part Description eianaant ras 012 | Indicator, complete 026 | Crankshaft measuring tol (Autolog), complete 036. | Indicator paper 048. | Planimeter, complote 061 | cylinder gauge, complete 073 | Feeler gauge sel, completo 01-0.5mm 085 | Feoler gauge set, complste | 08-1.

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