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That Legal High:

Many reds will know what Im on about in my title, that sense of euphoria or legal high that the reds can induce in you on some occasions. The feeling of outright joy that in my and I know many other cases puts a smile on your face for hours even days afterwards of course the opposite is also true but let us leave the red depression for now. Sadly this season has been lacking in these !egal "igh# moments even so as we run into $rogheda away I still have % clear in my mind to regale you all with & of these where on pitch moments the other complete off'field. So first to on field matters and to a (uote by a well know red on the forum recently Something always heroic happens when numbers are depleted# this was the case in both of the !egal high# moments. The )st being cork away in *pril our band of brothers and the odd sister lest we forget of just &+ souls witnessed and roared their way through the ) st half with scores remaining level. The &nd half saw the heroically timed arrival of $on Shuttle and his well'oiled ensemble of reds to reinforce and heighten the noise levels emitting from the away end. *nd so what has become tradition this season unfortunately of the opposition scoring usually followed by a complete and utter collapse raise the white flag sort of stuff. This game however remained )', until the dying embers then it happened in the -, odd minute reds bundle it in somehow or other and the rest is a blur. .nly a late reds goal gives us the ability to carry yourself forward % or / rows of seats hurdling strewn reds men on the deck in sheer joy. Such barbaric scenes of jubilation have been rare this season but its the reason we all continue coming back for more. The joy e0tended to what following a defeat can be in my case a torturous 1 hours or so back to our fair city on the bus followed by another hour 2 a half nitelink not on this occasion I was bu33ing the whole way home and for the following days, little else has the ability to sway our emotions to such an e0tent. The &nd on field occasion was a few short weeks ago on our short travel to dayler, while we had a new man at the helm and we were starting to get our act together the season really had gone from bad to worse since cork. .nce again numbers where down due to holidaymaking 2 some fandangled music event both concepts are completely alien to me but anyway. To the game on what was a horrible evening rain been blown into reds fans faces for the majority but that is the Irish summer and what else are we to do. The game itself saw the shirts turn in a performance 2 display like a faberg4 egg compared to the usual pack of 5 home brand stuff you would find down your local shop. 6eds score ) wild scenes of jubilation but reserved by the fact we all fully e0pected us to fuck it away7 6eds score again more carnage on the terraces 2 a sense maybe we can pick up a point here7 a third flys in uncontrolled scenes of joy yes we can actually win this7 8enalty bohe3 ah fuck here comes the usual capitulation# but no its saved chaos we have won. 9or a few short hours we can forget we are still / points adrift at the bottom, instead we once again have that !egal "igh# feeling where your heart rate (uickens and you feel a million dollars. So now to off field matters that have created a similar feeling the ) st being the removal from our great club of our very own cunt of a banker our own $avid $rumm or Michael 9ingleton if you will. * vile character that at least was disliked by most but hated by the majority, I was as is usually the case on a bus when the news broke and to my fellow commuters who witnessed an almost primeval roar and numerous fist pumps they must have considered calling for the men with the white jacket. I convinced this relief and sense of joy was the catalyst that spurred me on to sail thru my college e0am at the 1 rd time of asking the following day but less about that. The &nd of which occurred just last week as *n :riog;id $earg celebrated their ),th anniversary in fine style, that by all who were fortunate enough to be there will live long in the memory I described it as Special# little other words I can

muster to describe it one of the most joyful nights in Tolka in a long long while the pictures that have been floating around say more than my words ever will. * brief look ahead now and as I am the re'incarnation of <ictor Meldrew himself one of the most grumpy well beyond my years and pessimistic cunts you will come across in Tolka although Im not alone in that regard we see to collect them in Tolka, you will not find much optimism here cause as I see it the grave has already been dug and we are staggering drunkardly round the cemetery and it wont be long before we topple in, but even so if we could just be given ) more moment of !egal "igh# that would do me. So thats it for yeas, yea all know where to abuse me on the forums and on the twitter machine so make hay lads, =njoy the jayusin game now if thats possible.

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