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QUESTION 1 Report veichle motor theft in Malaysia from 1980 !

010 "y #"$%l &atiff 'in Moh$ Noor

Intro$%ction Theft of motor vehicles in Malaysia can not be underestimated because based on statistics issued shows motor vehicle theft increased each year since 1980 until it can be said to be the percentage of 2010 decreased slightly compared to previous years. vehicle theft increased by drastic from 1995 to 2005 with all types of vehicles ran ed highest! followed by motorcycles and private cars. #ll types of vehicles "ll types of vehicles as a ind of call a nearby other motor vehicles such as truc s! buses! vans! ta#is and this sebagainya. es ran ed first with nearly 20!000 reported missing until it cases pea ed in 2005 at 1$0!000 units reported percentage decrease between the years 200%& 2010.'ased on statistical increase in cases occurred may be due to economic factors during the year and the demand for spare car parts or smuggled into the other country . 'efore 2010 the number of cases dropped to 1(0!000 cases this only may impact on the implementation of )*+" for the +oyal Malaysia ,olice in responding to crime with patrols in the areas of blac listed Motorcycle Motorcycle at the second position of all vehicles with more than 10.000 in 1980 to 1995 and continued to soar up to 120!000 cases in the middle of 2000 before the case fell to 100!000 cases in 2010.theft is no stranger to the young people. -f seen from the graph of this case and ultimately soared in 2005 when the analysis of this increase is related to the production model motorcycle at that time with two&stro e motorcycle model when it is said to call a nearby youth cra.e! especially /mat rempit/. -ncrease in this case because motorcycle parts is the ob0ect of the theft and the increase in cases. li e all types of vehicles these cases also decreased with the 2(& hour patrols and 11T2 authorities in areas where the theft. (rivate vehicles 3or private vehicles is the percentage of burglaries that occurred from 1980 to 2010 can it be classified as non&serious cases due to the number of cases based on a relatively static graph and an increase in cases in 2000 to 2010. es this may occur in the lu#ury of private cars and high demand from neighboring countries. 4n the average! all vehicle owners in Malaysia have the

most affordable vehicles only. 5o the increase in cases during 2000 to 2010 may be due to current economic factors and demand.

)actors vehicle theft )egligence factor is a ma0or factor for some cases of vehicle theft by not installing anti& theft devices or additional eys and there is no loc vehicle or even leave your eys in the cars . -f all things are ta en into account the loss occurred is with the methods and techni6ues of criminals to stealing among others7 a8 Theft of an unattended vehicle without the ey 9s87 The removal of a vehicle par ed either by brea ing and entry! followed by hotwiring tampering or other methods to start the vehicle! or else towing. b8 Theft with access to eys7 *nown in some places as :Ta en ;ithout 4wner/s 1onsent 9T;418:. The <nauthori.ed use of a vehicle in ;hich the owner has allowed the driver to have ,ossession of or easy access to the eys. 4ften! this is the "dolescent or grown child or employee of the vehicle/s owner who! at other times! may be authori.ed to use the vehicle. May be treated differently! =epending on the 0urisdiction/s laws! and the owner may choose not to press charges. c8 opportunistic theft7 The removal of a vehicle the owner or operator That has left unattended with the eys visibly present! sometimes idling. =8 1ar0ac ing7 +efers to the ta ing of a vehicle by force or threat of force from its owner or operator. -n most places! this is the most serious form of theft! since assault also occurs. -n some car0ac ing! the operators and ,assengers are forced from the vehicle while it drives away the Thief his > restriction! while in other incidents! the operator and > or ,assenger 9s8 are forced to 0oc o in the vehicle as hostages. 5ome less common car0ac ing result in the operator being forced to drive the assailant in accordance with the assailant/s demands. e8 3raudulent theft7 -llegal ac6uisition of a vehicle from a seller through fraudulent transfer of funds That the seller will ultimately not +eceive 9such as by identity theft or the use of a counterfeit cashier/s chec 8. Many vehicles are stolen in this manner thereafter resold ma e boo ing flights. ,reventive can be ta en on the part of the owners a8 )ever leave your car running unattended! even to dash into a business! store! etc..? b8 )ever leave any eys in the car or ignition! inside a loc ed garage! or in hide&a& ey bo#es? c8 "lways roll up your windows and loc the car! even if it is par ed in front of your home?

d8 )ever leave valuables in plain view! even if your car is loc ed. ,ut them in the trun out of sight? e8 "lways par in high&traffic! well&lighted areas! when possible? f8 -nstall a mechanical device loc s that the steering wheel! column! or bra es. These devices will deter some criminals? g8 -nvestigate the purchase of a vehicle theft trac ing > security system! especially if you own one of the fre6uently stolen model vehicles? h8 )ever leave personal identification documents! vehicle ownership title! or credit cards in your vehicle? i8 -f you must leave your ey with a valet! attendant! or mechanic leave only the ignition ey. Ma e sure you are dealing with a reputable firm. 08 -n high theft areas the vehicle vdentification )umber 92-)8 etched on 5hould be windows! doors! trun lid and fenders. This ma es it difficult for a Thief to mar et your stolen car parts. 8 1opy your license plate and vehicle information 92-)8 numbers on a card and eep them with you. -f your vehicle is stolen! the police will need this information to ta e a report? and! l8 Many vehicles today come with some type of security system from the factory. )ormally there are upgraded systems available if you as . The best choice That shut&off systems are the fuel supply so That a car can not be started or driven. m8 -f your vehicle is stolen! report it to the police immediately. *oncl%sion "ll parties should be responsible in case . The policeman and the authorities have their best care and handling of this case! so it/s up to people to eep and ta e security measures that were proposed to improve the security system in a vehicle. 3or security&conscious society we should be e6ually helpful to /+a an 1ops/ for e#ample to 0ointly tac le this problem.

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,lagiarism in accordance with 9*amus =ewan! Third Adition8 is plagiarism as a scoop of words! ideas! etc. from other people and using them as his own wor ! imitation or copying. -n academic achievement signifies that symptoms plagiarism by students! professors and researchers considered academic fraud. -n terms of 0ournalism and reporters also means plagiarism is considered as a violation of ethical discipline! including termination .plagiarism is culture negative and very dangerous to the national intellectual world! if not addressed early! surely the possible. This immoral activity! if left unchec ed can become a cancer to higher education institutions of higher education and be able to destroy this institution in the long term without it. ,lagiarism activities as reported in the media when this is not new in the history of literature and education! but they need serious attention and action ta en to address this epidemic ."t university! culture /copy and paste/ this increasingly prevalent with the -nternet as a medium to find information to complete an assignment! the students will ta e the easy way without having to waste time ta ing resources from the -nternet to be private property without any reference the original author. "part from various internet sources 0ournal also cause the students are more li ely to practice plagiarism. The tendency of students to plagiari.e this is because some of them is the first factor of less&s illed students find information! both do not have enough time! three different learning environment at the university the previous ! the fourth is less awareness of plagiarism and finally the lac of preparation in completing assignments given. 'ased on these factors and study why plagiarism among the students of institutions of higher learning in Malaysia and overseas the university should create awareness among students that plagiarism is an academic crime and will have negative effects on all parties! especially the students themselves! 'ecause the university has its own constitution to dis6ualify any student . <niversity of Malaya 9<M8 has a section 5$! 1onstitution of the <niversity of Malaya! which is applicable to any cases of plagiarism! copying and call a nearby fraud resulted in dismissal of

students in university. 'esides other effects of these activities can damage the friendship or relationship because the relationship between ,lagiarism poisons students and teachers by undermining the mutual trust is an important element That of the learning process. ;idespread incidents of plagiarism! such as students ta ing wor from the -nternet and presenting it as their own! force teachers to act as police -nvestigators! constantly searching for wrong doing. "ll students become suspect in such an environment! and learning becomes impossible. 5uspicion and mistrust replace intellectual curiosity and trust. ,lagiarism also damages relationships between students who plagiari.e and Those who earn grades honestly. their also li es to imitate these students will have the wea thin ing for not using critical thin ing. ;hen thin ing s ills students or instructors present others/ wor as their own! hire the file to develop and use critical thin ing s ills! ;hich are necessary for learning and success in life. -n addressing the problem of plagiarism is the cooperation of all parties is important! particularly for the university that must be decisive in ta ing action against students found guilty while the university is e6uipped with computer software to help detect the e#istence of plagiarism! such as ;orld 1hec 5ystem software! Turnitin! 5can My Assay . Covernment must be firm member to withdraw the warning bachelor/s degree and doctor of philosophy 9,h=8 university students or lecturers who cheat by hiring other professionals to complete the most important mere a.dan thesis is a lecturer should serve to educate students about plagiarism in various aspects of the concept . the matter should be ta en seriously to protect the good name and even open the university/s image. -n this regard all the necessary member awareness on the dangers and negative effects in the corpus of cultural plagiarism of intellectual and educational. 'ecause failure to address this problem may affect the government/s position Malaysia as a hub of educational e#cellence as well as reputation! image and integrity and have fallen by university contaminated with this serious issue.

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@<A5T-4) (

The implementation of goods and services ta# 9C5T8 to be implemented by the government e#pected to replace four percent sales and services ta# 955T8 is between five to ten percent is in line with the current economic conditions in line with the government became welfare by helping to alleviate to decrease load this C5T implementation. - agree with its implementation because the people can en0oy cheaper prices for various types goods ! is to replace the C5T sales and services ta# 955T8! which was introduced in 19%2! now adopted in 1(B countries around the world. C5T does not burden the people because of the e#emption granted on essential items such as agricultural products and basic food. ;ith the implementation of the C5T is the people in this country can en0oy dining in the restaurant and food urgent need to pay C5T only four per cent over the past five to ten percent by =atu *amariah Dussain! 1hairman of the Ta# Ministry 3inancial and "ssessment ,anel! is also able to reduce the C5T implementation operating costs for traders with a saving of +M ( bilion rate for all business sectors and +M 1.( billion to the e#port sector. -f seen from the rise in prices as a result of implementing the C5T because the rate of four per cent would not result in increased prices on the balance 9offset8 the elimination of the sales ta# . A#cessive set to ensure consumers are not burdened with price increases. "ct to be tabled at the later is one of the government to protect consumers if there are traders responded to the old ta# rate of 55T and increase the price without the C5T. -n addition the concept of E win& winFfor the people and government can be created through ta# brea s to small and medium industries 95M-s8 and e#clude large companies from paying some professional fees. The government must ensure that the C5T will not 'urden the low and middle income groups! "ffect consumption and the economy! as well as lead to inflation. =atu 5eri)a0ib said That once the C5T is imposed! the rate will be lower compared to the current 5G to 10G of sales

and service ta#. "ccording to 5ingapore/s situation! its C5T rate in 199( was only BG and it was then gradually increased to 5G and the current %G. Meanwhile! some Auropean 1ountries impose over 20G of C5T hire boots are developed and high&income 1ountries 5hould we not compare Malaysia with them. Therefore! the C5T rate 5hould not be more than BG in the initial stage to avoid affecting consumer Moods and cause it more difficult for the economy to get rid of recession. Avery year when it comes to year end! civil servants will spend much after receiving bonuses and special cash assistance. -f the C5T rate is higher than BG! it will certainly "ffect businesses. 'asically of the sales! the government may impose ta# on all consumer goods and services but impose the C5T only on lu#ury goods! including 0ewelery! Hachts! golf and e6uipment! and lu#ury watches. "s many people are low and middle income earners! the government 5hould not impose the C5T on necessities! including government&subsidised sugar! flour and petrol. 1ars 5hould also be e#empted as the government has already imposed 100G of car import duty and high internal ta#. -f the government impose the C5T on necessities! it will Top 'urden the poor. -t will also "ffect Covernment/s efforts in defending its regime. 1ertain e#emptions from C5T! especially on essential goods such as planted! vegetables! basic food 9rice! sugar! flour! coo ing oil8! fish! meat and chic en! it will not burden the consumer! the lower income especially. 'y imposed the C5T! the poor will become poor and the rich will become richer. 9;iden the gap8 +eduction of income ta#es to put more money in the poc ets of households and to boost their purchasing power. 9Digher income people8 -t is 'ecause! the rich afford to buy goods for hire ;hatever want and do not have to worried the price of the goods and will increase at their its standard of living. 'ut for the poor! since the price of goods increase is! it will decrease their standard of living. 5o! in real terms implementation of C5T even worsen the situation I "chieve their government can not plan to eradicate poorly among the citi.ens. -n conclusive! government/s revenue increase is does not have to hire 'ecause fund for the poor people in terms of development I social welfare. 1onclusion introduction of C5T in Malaysia needs to be well&planned and re6uires a sufficient long period to familiari.e the public with its wor ings. C5T needs advance preparation! enough investment in ta# administration 'ecause the management of the C5T must have efficient computeri.ation system. :C5T is needed not only to raise more revenue for the Covernment! but also to diversify its sources of income.:

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Dow to get driving license in Malaysia

" driver/s license 9or driving license8 is re6uired in Malaysia before a person is allowed to drive a motor vehicle of any description on a road in that country. Ji e any other countries in the world! an individual must possess a valid driving license before being permitted to drive on the road! and driving license holders are sub0ect to all traffic rules stated in the Malaysian +oad Transportation "ct 198%.5everal class of driving license in Malaysia " & 2ehicles for the disabled person. ' & Motorcycles 9all displacement8 !'1 & Motorcycles not e#ceeding 500 cc!'2 & Motorcycles not e#ceeding 250 cc !1 & Motori.ed tricycles! = & 1ars with unloaded weight not e#ceeding B000 g !A & Truc s 9all classes8 !A1 & Truc s with unloaded weight not e#ceeding %500 g!A2 & Truc s with unloaded weight not e#ceeding 5000 g !3 & Tractors > Jight motori.ed machines 9wheeled8 with unloaded weight not e#ceeding 5000 g !C & Tractors > Jight motori.ed machines 9chained8 with unloaded weight not e#ceeding 5000 g !D & Tractors > Deavy motori.ed machines 9wheeled8 with unloaded weight e#ceeding 5000 g and - & Tractors > Deavy motori.ed machines 9chained8 with unloaded weight e#ceeding 5000 g 3irst step! a person must be at least 1% years old! Then there is a code test and need to past. They will seat candidate infront of computer and give a test to ma e sure are not colour blind and eye sight at least better than a mole. This is mandatory and the candidate must score 100G in order to proceed. "fter the candidate past the test they must attend a $ hours theory course where the teacher basically goes through the driverKs curriculum. once have done the candidate must have to ta e the theory e#am within a year after ta ing theory class. The theory e#am have to ta e at

the official L,L center 9Malaysian Ministry of +oad and Traffic8.There are 50 6uestions with multiple choices and must score over than (5 mar s to pass. 4nce pass the theory e#am candidate have to go bac to school and sit in for another of B hours theory. but this time must be B hours practice! these B hours are an introduction to the car and maintenance then start practicing in three events which includes stopping and starting on a slope! parallel par ing and three point enter and e#it. The instructor sitting in with candidate while practice on the test driving course and after pass the practical test the candidate can get J license and avalid for three months for 10 hours driving with instructor before sitting a pre&test and sitting a real test with L,L officer. The J=J holders are only permitted to drive vehicle displaying the /J/ plate owned by driving schools under the supervision of a driving school instructor. 3or motorcycle J=J! they are permitted to ride a motorcycle without a pillion. The J=J may be renewed every B or $ months to the ma#imum of 2 years. "fter the 2 years due date! the J=J holders may need to start over the entire driving lesson procedures in order to obtained new J=J. -n Malaysia once the candidate pass driving e#am there are given probationary driving license EpF license. 4nce the candidate have had this license for two years without incidents it will be converted to the 1=J or compotents driverKs license. The driverKs must stic a huge white , a bright red bac ground. ,ossessed by new drivers who have passed all the driving lesson procedures and tests. )ew drivers are sub0ect to the 10&point *AL"+" demerit point system! where points will be deducted according to the types of traffic infractions. The ,=J will be revo ed after a ,=J holder accumulates 10 demerit points. ,robationary drivers are re6uired to display the probationary license plate 9mar ed with white capital , in s6uare red bac ground8 at the front and bac of their vehicle respectively. The ,=J may be upgraded to a full competent driving license 91=J8 after 2 years! and a grace period of a year is given to upgrade the license before the licensee may need to start over the entire driving lesson procedures. 3inally!a full&fledged driving license being upgraded from the ,=J after 2 years. 1=J holders are sub0ect to the 15&point *AL"+" system before their license may be suspended or revo ed. 1=J may be renewed for every 1! 2! B or 5 years. " grace period of three years is given to renew the license before it lapsed. The 1=J holders may need to start over the entire driving lesson procedures after the license lapsed.

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