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Nicols Illarregui 2C FCE M.J.


M- Hello, and welcome to another edition of The Michael J. Fox Show. Today we will be talking with Walter White about his career in the drug business. Walter, at the age of 50, worked as a chemistry teacher in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when he was diagnosed with lung cancer and then it all changed. W- Thanks Michael, its an honor for me to be invited to come to a famous show as yours. M- Lets be honest, the honor is mine for having you here. But why dont we t alk about you, Walter? W- Well Michael, in my business people talk about me using a different name and I bet you know it so say my name. M- Im not sure about that, is it Heisenberg? W- You are goddamn right Michael. In fact, I have had this conversation several times because, as you can imagine, I avoid my name to separate the drug stuff from my family. M- Tell us about how you started in the business. W- As you know, I was diagnosed with lung cancer which would kill me in approximately 2 years. When I was told that, my current salary was not enough to ensure my familys expenses after I died, so I decided to make some money in order to make it possible. I contacted an old student who I knew was making drugs and proposed him to make an alliance to produce them together and share profits. After I started it, I discovered that my chemistry knowledge made me a great cook. In fact, I was the best cook in the territory, being able to cook meth with levels of above 90% purity.

M- Thats a shocking story Im not sure I would be able to react as you did. Especially after knowing how violent this business is. W- Well, it was hard at the beginning because you must show them that you have to be respected. Thats one of the reasons why I kept the business away from my family. The other one was because my brother-in-law was a DEA agent. M- Really? Quite the only person you wouldnt like to have around you. W- It was always hard to keep business away from him, even harder when he started to investigate me, or as he knew me, to investigate Heisenbergs meth. M- I cant imagine it should be for you to deal with all these problems in order to make your familys future life better. But after all this time, have you ended enjoying it even a little? W- You got me! Yes, you are right. It all started almost as an obligation, but after seeing how good I was at it and how people ended up respecting me, I didnt want it to stop. I really changed as a person, doing things that I would have never imagined I would do. M- Well Walter, I bet Im not wrong if I say that your experience has left us all amazed. Im really glad you are here today with us and I would like to say that it has been a pleasure. W- Oh Michael, the pleasure is mine. I hope to be here again soon. M- Ladies and gentlemen, say goodbye to Walter White, our favorite meth cook.

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