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School Theme: “Citizenship is

Everyone’s Business”
Term 1 Weeks 1-4: Who We Are

Unit Topic: Getting Along Together

Curriculum Focus:
Health and P.E.: Relationships with other people – Explore and share ideas about relationships
with other people

Key Idea(s):
- Getting along with others enables us to have a happy and safe classroom

Key Competencies
- Relating to others
- Managing Self
- Participating and contributing

Rich Task
- View “The Great White Man-Eating Shark” video by Margaret Mahy and identify good and
bad ways the characters get along together. Suggest solutions to conflict situations to
create a safe environment.

Lines of Inquiry – Managing and Resolving Conflict

- Cinderella

What do I like in a friend?

We all need friends.
A good friend is?

- How friends are made and kept

- Making responsible choices
- Why friends are needed
- Characteristics that develop healthy friendships
- Respect of others
- My role within my class
- Dealing with classroom conflict

- Broken bodies
School Theme: “Citizenship is
Everyone’s Business”
Term 1 5-10: How We Organize

Unit Topic: Our Cool School

Curriculum Focus:
Social Sciences: Understand how belonging to groups is important to people

Key Idea(s): We all have responsibilities and duties within our school community

Key Competencies
- Relating to others
- Managing Self
- Participating and contributing

Rich Task
- Create a class book showing the responsibilities and duties of different people within our
school community.

Lines of Inquiry –
- People in our school have different responsibilities (Explore who the different people are
and what their responsibilities are)
- We have responsibilities within our school
- We have responsibilities within our classroom

- Problem solving strategies in the playground

- Day of chaos – rearranging elements of the classroom.

School Theme: “Citizenship is
Everyone’s Business”
Term 2: Sharing the Planet

Unit Topic: 10 ways to Save the Planet

Curriculum Focus:
Science: Planet Earth and Beyond -Interacting Systems – Describe how natural features are
changed and resources affected by natural events and human actions.

Key Idea(s): We can make changes to care for the earths resources

Key Competencies
- Using language, symbols and text
- Thinking
- Participating and Contributing

Rich Task
- Present 10 ways to save the planet in the form of a digital story.

Lines of Inquiry –
- What choices can you make to care for the earths resources?
- In caring for the earths resources we can….

- Limited nature of the Earth’s resources

- Personal choices that help sustain the environment
- Reusing and recycling different materials
- Reducing waste
School Theme: “Citizenship is
Everyone’s Business”
Term 3: How We Express Ourselves?

Unit Topic: Express Ourselves

Curriculum Focus:
English: Speaking, Writing and Presenting
– Processes and Strategies: Acquire and begin to use sources of information, processes, and
strategies to identify, form, and express ideas.

Key Idea(s): We can identify and express our ideas and opinions in many different ways

Key Competencies
- Using language, symbols and text
- Thinking
- Participating and Contributing
- Relating to others
- Managing self

Rich Task
- Decide on a way to express our ideas about Nelson Central School and an audience to
promote our cool school to.

Lines of Inquiry –
- There are different ways of expressing ourselves
- There are skills required to work in a group…
- It is important for Nelson Central School to promote itself
- Advertising/promotion targets different audiences
- Visitors look for specific things when they visit our school…
School Theme: “Citizenship is
Everyone’s Business”
Term 2/3: Where we are in time and

Unit Topic: Rights for Everyone

Curriculum Focus:
Health and P.E.: Healthy Communities and Environments – Rights, responsibilities, and laws:
People and the environment – Take individual and collective action to contribute to environment
that can be enjoyed by all.

Key Idea(s):
-Disabled people should have the same opportunities as everybody

Key Competencies
- Using language, symbols and text
- Thinking
- Participating and Contributing
- Relating to others
- Managing self

Rich Task
- Identify facilities for disabled people at Nelson Central School and suggest possible additions.

Lines of Inquiry
- There are different types of disabilities
- All people have rights including disabled people
- People with disabilities need adaptations made to their environment…
- Nelson Central is a disabled friendly school

Possible Ideas
- Guide Dogs
- Visit handrails around Cathedral showing braile
- Riding for the disabled
- Braille
- Wheel chair users
- Blind/deaf games
- NZ sign language
School Theme: “Citizenship is
Everyone’s Business”
Term 4: How the World Works

Unit Topic: Clean Stream

Curriculum Focus:
Science: Living World – Life Processes: Recognise that all living things have certain requirements
so they can stay alive.

Key Idea(s):
-Living things have certain requirements in order to grow and stay healthy.

Key Competencies
- Using language, symbols and text
- Thinking
- Participating and Contributing
- Relating to others
- Managing self

Rich Task
- Create a model to demonstrate the difference between a clean, natural stream and a stream that
has been affected by external influences.

Lines of Inquiry
- Stream animals have needs
- Environments have characteristics that either help or hinder the animals that live in them.
(cold, clear, flowing)
- Actions that benefit or harm the local environment
- We have a responsibility to look after other living things

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