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2S1 Gvozdika 122mm SPA - Russia

Function: Self Pro elled Artillery !re4: 5aintenanc e:

Rangefind er: '1 Po4er lant:

Fuel Ty e: ()A

Fuel !a ": *++

Fuel !ons": 2,+)-+

#oad: 2++kg

$e%"&t: 1- tons ./*021/ l2s3 6ig%tvision:

, 7a58-2/96 diesel 0 22+ k& ./++ % 3 #engt%: :eig%t: &idt%: 1"2- m .2* ft3 2"1/ m .; ft3 2"9* m .;"/* ft3 5a< S eed: !ruise S eed: Travel 5ovement: !om2at 5ovement: Range: 9+km)% -+km)% 12+)-+ 29)1, *++ km ./1+ mi3 !onfig: Sus ension: :ull Front: :ull :ull Rear: Turret Turret Turret Side: Front: Side: Rear: trt T:/ * / 2 / 1 Armaments: Ammo: #ocation: 2A19 122 mm .,"9 in3 %o4itzer &ea on R=F (amag e Penetratio n >ulk 5agazin e Single S%ot >urst Range


T%e 2S1 Gvozdika .Russian: 21 ?@A Bnglis%: carnation3 is a Soviet 122-mm self- ro elled %o4itzer t%at resem2les t%e PT-1- 2ut is essentially a version of t%e 5T-#> AP!" C2S1C is its GRAD designation" Alternative Russian designation is SAD-122 2ut in t%e Russian Army it is commonly kno4n as Gvozdika .C!arnationC3" T%e 2S1 is fully am %i2ious 4it% very little re aration0 and once afloat is ro elled 2y its tracks" Et is 6>! rotected and %as infra-red nig%t-vision ca a2ility" Production %istory T%e first rototy e 4as ready in 1;-;" T%e S21 entered service 4it% t%e Soviet Army in t%e early 1;1+s and 4as first seen in u2lic at a Polis% Army arade in 1;1," T%e ve%icle 4as de loyed in large num2ers .12 er tank

division0 /- er motorized rifle division3" (esignated t%e 51;1, 2y t%e DS Army" 5anufactured in >ulgarian0 Polis% and Russian state factories" $ariants former Soviet Dnion 5T-#>u - >igger variant of t%e 5T-#>0 %as t%e longer c%assis and stronger engine of t%e 2S1" DR-11 C5eteoritC .ustanovka razminirovaniya3 - mine clearing ve%icle 4it% turret-like su erstructure for t4o launc% ram s" T%ese are used to fire mine clearance %oses D8P-11 4it% rockets into a mine field after 4%ic% t%e %oses are command detonated" T%is 4ay0 an area of ;+ 2y - m can 2e cleared" T%e DR-11 is t%e successor for t%e >TR-*+ 2ased DR--1" RF%5 CFas%alotC .razvedivatelnaya khimicheskaya mashina3 - c%emical reconnaissance ve%icle 4it% detection0 marking and alarm devices" T%is model %as t%e %ull s%a e and single rear of t%e 2S1 2ut t%e s%ort c%assis and mac%ine gun turret of t%e 5T-#>" Former &estern designator: AT$ 51;1;)," o RF%5-F - command version 4it% additional signal eGui ment 2ut 4it%out sensors or markers" Poland 2S15 - u grade 4it% am %i2ious kit" Romania 5odel 9; - Romanian variant t%at uses a modified version of t%e %ull of t%e 5#E-9," Eran Raad-1 .t%under3 - Eranian variant t%at is 2ased on t%e %ull of t%e >orag% AP!" >ulgaria >5P-2/ .bojna mashina na pekhotata3 - infantry fig%ting ve%icle 4it% 2/mm gun 2A1, and ATG5 ;F11 C5alyutkaC in a 2-man turret" T%e c%assis is 2ased on t%e one from t%e 5T-#> 2ut 4it% com onents of t%e 2S1 and fitted 4it% a /1*% engine" o >5P-2/( - im roved version 4it% ;F111 CFagotC and smoke grenade launc%ers" o >R5-2/ - reconnaissance version" Prototy e" >5P-/+ - similar c%assis as t%e >5P-2/ 2ut 4it% t%e com lete turret of t%e Soviet-made >5P-2" =nly 1+ 4ere 2uilt" Sudan A2u Fatma - t%is a ears to 2e a licence version" = erators

A disguised Finnis% 2S1 self- ro elled %o4itzer"

!roatian Ground Army Gvozdika

Polis% #and Forces CGvozdikaC in artillery range Algeria - 1,*


7emen 8im2a24e - 12 Former = erators

Armenia - 1+ Azer2aiHan - 1* >osnia and :erzegovina - * >elarus - 2,- I1J >ulgaria - K2++ !u2a !roatia - ; Britrea - 2+ I2J Bt%io ia Finland - 12 .kno4n as 122 PsH 743 Georgia - 9* :ungary - 1*/ Eran EraG Fazak%stan - 1+ #i2ya Poland - *// Romania - ,9 Russia - 1012* Sout% =ssetia

Ser2ia - 12 Slovenia - 9 reserve status Slovakia - ,; Syria - ,++ Dkraine - -/9 Druguay - 12 Dz2ekistan $ietnam

An EraGi 5-1;1, 122mm self- ro elled %o4itzer lies stranded in t%e desert after 2eing deserted 2y EraGi forces during = eration (esert Storm"

Ser2ian 2S1 SP: ca tured 2y :$= during >osnian &ar" !zec% Re u2lic - P%ased out in early 2+++s" !zec%oslovakia - Passed on to successor states" 7ugoslavia - Passed on to successor states" Soviet Dnion - Passed on to successor states" 7ugoslavia - Passed on to successor states" !om2at %istory !%ec%nya .Russia3 - Second !%ec%en &ar .1;;; to 2+++3 EraG - First Gulf &ar0 Second Gulf &ar 7ugoslavia - 7ugoslav &ars .7ugoslavia3 - Fosovo &ar 2++9 Sout% =ssetia 4ar

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