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One Family Forward Executive Summary

Project Title: One Family Forward Grant Request: $28,050 Project Budget: $31,050

Contact Person: Mark Pomeroy, 402-617-4959, Organization Information: Christ For the City Int., P.O. Box 390395, Omaha, NE 68139 (402)592-8332 Mission Statement To help individual families move toward self-sufficiency with support and guidance from a volunteer team of mentors. Utilize pilot-year experiences and evaluations to produce training DVDs and written Program Guidelines so that the program can be replicated in churches throughout the United States. Problem Statement It is very difficult for individuals/families to break the cycle that keeps people poor, unemployed or underemployed. Research shows that 65 percent of Americans born in the bottom fifth stay in the bottom two-fifths because they lack education, role models and goal-setting skills. Lasting change only occurs through a long-term, team approach. We believe the church can be a key component with many potential volunteers who can mentor the less fortunate. Project Summary Move three families toward self-sufficiency and document the process with video, participant journals and quarterly evaluations during a one-year period. Each family will be matched with a seven-member mentor team to provide guidance in one of the seven areas of their life. Bob Bauerle will provide basic ideas and guide the process while it is being fine tuned during the year. Kim Collier will synthesize the material into four DVD training modules and a written Program Guide to equip future mentor teams. A recruitment video will be produced to highlight the project, recruit new mentor teams and provide information to local social service entities. Expected Results We expect participants and even their mentors will make significant progress in their job/career, finances, family, health, social needs, education and spiritual lives. Consider the following benefits of mentoring from research: 75% of executives point to mentoring as playing a key role in their careers i The more mentors a woman had, the faster she moved up the corporate ladder ii Managerial productivity increased by 88% when mentoring was involved , versus only a 24% increase with training aloneiii 95% of mentoring participants said the experience motivated them to do their very bestiv Professionals who have had mentors earn between $5,610 and $22,450 more annually than those who have notv Our Investment Volunteer time by Project Leader, Project Administrator, and Volunteer Mentor Teams: 915 hours Funding Request The grant request is to fund production of the training DVDs and program guidelines necessary to recruit and train future church sponsors and volunteer mentor teams. 1

One Family Forward Project Summary Move three families toward self-sufficiency while documenting the process so it can be replicated in churches throughout the United States. Volunteer mentor teams at thr ee local churches will commit to a one-year relationship with an individual and his/her family to produce the changes necessary to become well-rounded, productive members of society. Each family will be matched with one of the seven-member mentor teams, with each mentor providing guidance in one of the following areas: Job/Career Finances Family Education Health Social Needs Spiritual Life For this pilot year, Project Leader, Bob Bauerle, will provide orientation, program oversight, and guidance to the mentor teams and the mentee families. He will encourage each mentor team to experiment with basic ideas, and to use feedback from quarterly evaluations to make course adjustments and fine-tune the process. The year-long process will be documented on video, as well as through participant journals and ongoing evaluations. The experiences and process will be synthesized into four DVD training modules and a written Program Guide to equip future mentor teams. These training materials are key to replicating the program because: They eliminate the need for Bob or another experienced coach to lead mentor teams through the process. They make the process simpler and less daunting for volunteer groups to undertake. The DVDs allow an immersion into the mentoring experience in a brief amount of time. The DVDs provide mentor teams the benefit of others experiences, and provide a comprehensive and consistent base of knowledge to everyone on the team. Finally, a recruitment video will be produced to highlight the project, recruit new mentor teams and provide information to local social service entities. This video will be key in replicating One Family at a Time, by providing a dynamic, impactful, and information packed view of the program to an unlimited audience. The video will be available to view online, or on DVD. The cost of creating the DVD training modules, Program Guide, and recruitment video represent the majority of the project budget. However, it is a one-time, pilot year cost that allows the project to be replicated without additional funding. 2

Problem Statement It is difficult for individuals/families to break the cycle of life conditions that keep them poor, unemployed or underemployed. According to research by the Economic Mobility Project of the Pew Charitable Trusts, 65 percent of Americans born in the bottom fifth stay in the bottom two-fifths. Poor Americans face many hurdles to upward mobility, including education, lack of role models, lack of contacts, and little or no experience with goal setting. Those who grow up with a wide support network of family, friends, and other role models benefit from those relationships and connections. The script for achievement and success, and countless opportunities are provided simply by virtue of the family and life into which one is born. Scott Winship, researcher at the Brookings Institution, says Poor Americans have to work their way up from a lower floor. For most, the education, opportunities, and connections are not there to help support mobility. The most successful social programs incorporate a long-term, team approach to produce lasting changes. These programs, however, are in short supply, with long waiting lists and ongoing funding requirements. Church community service leaders, Bob Bauerle and Mark Pomeroy, believe churches could provide mentor teams to work with one family at a time. However, this is a significant undertaking. They would need someone to lead them through it, for their sake and that of the individual/family they are mentoring. While Mr. Bauerle has the experience and commitment to provide guidance and education, he is one individual and his time is limited to a few groups at a time. There needs to be a way to replicate the program, by equipping volunteer mentor teams with orientation and program guidelines in essence, a roadmap for the journey. There are books and educational programs on mentoring. However, asking volunteer mentors to study up and prepare on their own would be a significant hurdle to participation. There needs to be a simpler, less daunting and time-intensive means of preparing and leading mentor teams through the processsomething that allows an immersion into the process, the benefit of others experiences, and the confidence that ordinary people can do this. Poverty Statistics 15.1% of Americans, or 46.2 million people live below the official poverty line - Census Bureau (2010) 17.2% of Lincoln, Nebraska residents, or 45,216 people live below the poverty line. - Census Bureau (2009)

Mission, Goals, Objectives Purpose: Equip and support individual families to become self-sufficient and break the cycle of poverty. Mission: To help individual families make life-altering changes in seven areas of life through support and guidance from a volunteer team of mentors. Utilize pilot-year experiences and evaluations to produce DVDS and written training materials necessary to equip future mentor teams. Goals and Objectives 1. Establish the One Family Forward program and create the training materials and guidelines necessary for the program to be simple and replicable. A: Establish a set method for finding families and criteria to evaluate applicant readiness for the One Family Forward program. B: Establish a set method for finding mentors. C. Develop evaluation tools and administer quarterly. D: Document the pilot year experiences on video and through mentee and mentor journals. E. Synthesize and evaluate pilot year experiences to produce four DVD training modules and written program guidelines to equip future mentor teams. F. Create an informational DVD about the One Family Forward program to recruit future mentor teams. 2. Equip the mentored families with the skills and support necessary to become self sufficient by addressing and producing changes within the seven areas of life identified by the program. A. Have the head of family complete a comprehensive Self-Evaluation Checklist. B: Provide the family with seven mentors, with each mentor primarily responsible for providing guidance in one of the following areas of life: Job/Career Finances Family Health Social Needs

Education Spiritual Life

C: Have the mentors assist the family with creating a Plan of Action, based on the applicants needs and identified priorities. D. Establish a schedule for mentor and mentee to meet and check-in with one another based on the Plan of Action and individual mentee needs for support and guidance. E: Utilize information from quarterly evaluations to make course corrections and fine-tune the program, to fit the specific needs of the mentee family and ensure that progress is being made. F: Facilitate long-term relationships between the mentors and the family to provide on-going support.

Project Details and Flow Through a cooperative effort of social service agencies and three local church sponsors, candidate families will be identified and invited to apply for a one-year intensive mentoring program. Families will complete the Application for One Family At a Time. Applicants will be interviewed by Project Leader, Bob Bauerle. Applicants will be evaluated for readiness based on established criteria and information gained through the interview. Three families will be selected and each will be matched up with a team of seven mentors, one team from each of three churches. Each church will provide meeting space and its outreach support connections to its mentor team and family. Team mentors will donate their time. The head of each family will complete a comprehensive Self-Evaluation on seven life areas: Job/Career Finances Family Education Health Social Needs Spiritual Life Under the direction of the Project Leader, the mentor team creates a team plan based on the applicant familys needs and priorities, identi fied in the interview and Self-Evaluation. Each team member will assume primary responsibility for one of the seven life areas. The family and team meet to create a Plan of Action for the future. The Plan of Action is built on mission, goals and objectives. Team mentors will provide ongoing guidance and support to the family in working the plan and refining it. All participants will complete quarterly evaluations, both oral and written. The information gathered will be used for course corrections and fine-tuning. The mentors and mentees will be asked to journal their experiences, and refer to this written record in evaluating the program effectiveness.

Project Team Members The key team members for One Family Forward collaborated in 2008-2009 o n The Heart of a Champion, a program created by Bob Bauerle to help unemployed and underemployed people find meaningful careers. Program Leader Bob Bauerle has spent most of his working life teaching and coaching, with a special interest in helping people with personal leadership. He co-founded Leadership Resources in 2002. It works with businesses helping them to develop strategic plans and equipping individuals to make the strategic plans work. Leadership Resources offer courses in time management, management & supervisory training, and personal leadership. The main purpose of Leadership Resource is to help businesses and individuals decide what they really want (goals). The businesses and individuals then identify the obstacles standing in the way and the action needed to make their goals happen. The unique system always works as long as the participants do the work asked of them. Since 2008, Bob has applied his experience in leadership development and life coaching to help people who are unemployed and underemployed. He developed The Heart of a Champion, refined it, and led a project to turn it into a replicable program one that does not require himself or another experienced life coach at the helm. In the One Family Forward program Bob will lead three mentor teams and their mentee families through the process of moving toward self-sufficiency. He will provide orientation and basic ideas, then encourage each group to individualize and experiment in coming up with a model that can be replicated in churches throughout the United States. Program Administrator Mark Pomeroy has spent 25 years in full-time mission work serving the last five years with Christ For the City Int., a mission agency based in Omaha, with operations in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the US. Mark was a catalyst to start more than 40 mens ministries and train more than 200 leaders for local churches in Nebraska. He coordinated seven Heart of a Champion classes of 55 participants with 26 finishing the training. He will locate the participating churches who will recruit one family each for the One Family Forward project.

Video Producer/Educational Developer Kim Collier has over 25 years experience producing video -based educational programs. In 2008, she worke d with Bob Bauerle to create a Facilitation Package for The Making of a Champion. This package includes ten DVD -based training modules, with a step-by-step Instructors Guide and support materials for each module. The Facilitation Package makes the process simple to replicate and can be easily customized for a particular group, timeframe, or setting. For One Family Forward, Kim will be responsible for creating the DVD training modules and Program Guidelines that will make the program replicable by other groups. Kim will document the pilot year process on video. The video footage, participant journals, and feedback from course evaluations will be used to create the DVD training models and Program Guidelines to equip future mentor teams.

Project Budget In-Kind Project Leader time: 50 hours Project Administrator time: 25 hours Volunteer mentor time: 7 X 40 hours = 280 hours x 3 teams = 840 hours Expenses Request Pre-Production : Planning, meetings, arranging shoot locations and times, creating a framework for each DVD and the Program Guidelines Production: Capturing the yearlong mentoring process on video One-person crew: Scenes with the family, mentee working the process, one-on-one mentoring, team meetings Three-person crew: Interviews w/mentors Three-person crew: Interviews w/families Three-person crew: Interviews w/Bob Bauerle Post-Production: Synthesizing the video footage from each quarter, information from quarterly evaluations, and Project Leader observations into four DVD modules, a recruitment video, and written Program Guidelines Editing DVD modules Editing Recruitment video Writing Program Guide Graphic Designer Program Guide DVD Authoring, Web movie files Develop Website Total Expenses Budget $719 Grant $719

$2,300 $3,680 $2,760 $920

$2,300 $3,680 $2,760 $500

$15,180 $1,725 $575 $173 $718 $2,300 $31,050

$15,180 $1,725 $100 $0 $86 $1000 $28,050

Total Grant Request Amount:


Jeff Barbian, The Road Best Traveled, Training, May 2002. Catalyst press release, Catalyst Finds Women Of Color Are Taking Charge Of Their Careers and Moving Up The Corporate Ladder, July 16, 2002. Barbian, May 2002. Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones, and Beth Axelrod, The War for Talent . Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2001. Kathryn Tyler, Mentoring Programs Link Employees and Experienced Execs, HR Magazine, April 1998.





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