Grammar Exercises U 1,2&3: Hoose The Correct Answer

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Grammar Exercises U 1,2&3


(Are you thinking- You are thinking- Do you thinking- Do you think) people should work in their 70s or 80s? 2She's (delaying- dying- dyeing- paying) her hair at the moment.

I only (buy- buys- bought- buying) my new camera last week, but I (take already- have already takenhas already taken- will already take) 300 photos with it.

My father (work- is worked- working- works) in a bank in the city centre. He (workshas worked- was working- worked) there for 15 years. 5My company (has- have- had- is having- will have) an important meeting last month. A

delegation (come- came- is coming- would come) from their office in Japan.

I (am- is- had been- was) so tired last night that I (fallen- falls- to fall- fell) asleep while I (was watching- watches- have watched- had watched) a film on TV. 7At the moment we (are doing- do- have done- were doing) a history project at school. It (was- has- does- is) very interesting. 8It (does not often rain- not often rains- is not often raining- will not often rain) in Egypt. It (was- were- been- is) usually hot and sunny, so we need air conditioning in many of our buildings. 9I first (meet- have met- met- meeting) my best friend 2 years ago. 10- What (were you done- you were doing- do you do- were you doing) at 3 o'clock yesterday? 11- She plays the piano (as- as well- well- and) the violin. 12- Not only (he has been- has he been- he was- he had been) late three times. But also she has done no work 13- Besides (was- is- are- being) cold the place was damp.

He cant write to his friend (because- because of- as- since) not knowing his address.

I had to take a taxi (as- because of- owing to- due to) It was raining heavily. 16- He was put in prison (because- as- since- so) of not paying the fine. 17- Many city dwellers move to the country (for the reason that- because of- owing to- due to) there is a great amount of pollution. 18- Despite (to have- having- he has- has he) limited vocabulary, he speaks English fluently. 19- (However- In spite- Although- Despite) the cost of living here is high, there are many advantages. 20- Frank was very careful, (despite- because- so- however), he lost his money 21- He felt sick (so- because- in order to- unless) he ate too much

He says he likes sport. (As- However- So- In order to), he only watches it on TV. He wont do any work for you (so- although- unless- in order to) you pay him.

I continued running (because- in order to- unless- although) I felt very tired.
Shes quite healthy (as- unless- even though- because) she never takes any exercise.

John (paints- will paint -is painting- has painted) the garage at the moment.
She (is liking- likes- liking- to like) her new school. Everybody there is friendly.

We (are looking- have looked- had looked- looking) for new furniture for the living room at present. 29- They (have just received- are just receiving- haven't just received- just to receive) a reply from the oil company. 30- She (exercise- exercises- exercising- have exercised) three times a week. 31- I (was drawing- am drawing- am drawn- has drawn) a picture right now. 32- Water (is freezing- will freeze- was freezing- freezes) at 0 C. 33- While Stacey (goes- was going- went- has gone) shopping for fruit, she met an old friend.

Look at this camera I (was buying- buy- bought- have bought) for my sister yesterday.

Last night, while I (surf- was surfing- was being surfed- am surfing) the internet, I found the camera was much cheaper to buy online. 36- I (don't see- am seeing- haven't seen- has seen) him for two years. 37- I'm sure your sister will love the present you (have bought- buy- buying- may have bought) her.

At 7.15 yesterday I (will have- have had- am having- was having) dinner with my family.

It (is- was- had been- has been) so cold since yesterday.

I've just (been seen- being seen- saw- seen) my friend Peter. He is going shopping.

I (sent- have sent- had sent- will send) you an e-mail earlier this morning. 42- I (never be- have never been- am never- was never) to Acapulco before. 43- When my father (comes- has come- had come- came) home, I was finishing my homework.

In June, 2008, I (would visit- visited- had visited- was visited) my uncle in Canberra.

I (don't finish- have to finish- haven't finished- didn't finish) my project yet.
The fire (was not- didn't- weren't- couldn't) put out until the firemen arrived.

Before (boarded- had boarded- boarding- boards) the plane, security men checked the As soon as he (received- has received- receiving- receives) the fax, he telephoned us.
Nobody left the building until the meeting (had ended- has ended- ends- would end).


He (has- will have- has had- is having) a history lesson at the moment.


What did you do since the weekend? 2When would you start to learn English?- Two years ago. 3I want to be a doctor since I was ten. 4When I was eight. I have seen a programme about a famous doctor on TV. 5We were having a meeting at work this morning when suddenly all the lights were going out. 6At the moment my sister trains to be a primary teacher. 7Metals are expanding when they are heated. 8She does research on plants a few years ago. 9I knew him for ten years. 10- I didn't see the film yet.



They were arrested as breaking the law. He had to apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake. As well as she studied hard, she played tennis regularly. If he reads the questions carefully, he answers them. There were no accidents though the dangerous roads. I like most school subjects because I don't like physics. As soon as seeing the accident, I called the police. However the box was heavy, he could carry it. In addition to he wrote the letter, he saw the film. Because they played very well, they lost the match. What were you doing when I am calling you? By the time my father was 18, he has been at work for two years. My sister is really happy. She is just winning the first prize. Alexandria was the last place I was spending a holiday. In the past, people thought that the earth has been flat. I will see a good film recently. He would give me back my money a few hours ago. At the moment he has cleaned the room. I am understanding this math problem very well. I didn't eat hamburger since last October.


Grammar Exercises U 4,5&6


I (am flying fly going to fly flies) to Moscow tomorrow. 2The train from Cairo (has arrived will be arriving arrives was arriving) at 5.15 p.m. tomorrow morning. 3He (may drive shall drive drives - is driving) the children to the match tonight. He has booked 3 tickets. 4I think I (buy am buying will buy had been buying) this watch. 5Tom (is seeing saw has seen was going to see) the director in a few minutes. 6I promise I (have bought will buy am going to buy must buy) you a nice present. 7The cup is on the edge of the table. It (is falling has fallen is going to fall will be falling). 8She has already packed her luggage. She (is going to might has been shall) leave. 9I (break has broken will break will be breaking) your neck if you do that again. 10- (Might May Should Will) you buy me some stamps, please? 11- They (leave would have left would be leaving are leaving) for Rome tomorrow morning. 12- (Do Does Are Will) you intend to resign from the company? 13- The forecast says it's (be going to going to will shall) be hot and sunny tomorrow. 14- My cousin and his wife (must were going to shouldn't are going to) have a baby next spring. 15- A: My car has broken down. B: Don't worry. I (will mustn't ought need) give you a life. 16- (Do Will Should May) you give that to Ali when you see him, please? 17- If he's late again, I (should ought going to will) be angry. 18- We (shall will have are going ought) let you know as soon as there's any news. 19- I don't think he (shall will couldn't might) come on time. 20- Between 10 and 12 a.m. tomorrow, They (travel travelled have travelled will be travelling) to London. 21- As soon as he (is finishing will finish to finish finishes) his work, hell go home. 22- I (phoned had phoned will phone have phoned) my friend after he comes back from London. 23- Before she (does will do had done did) the washing up, she will see a movie. 24- I (wouldnt wont would might) leave until I have lunch. 25- When she (sees had seen saw will see) her exam results, she will be so happy. 26- He (got will get would get had got) a job as soon as he gets his degree. 27- As soon as Peter arrives, (told will tell would tell tell) him to come to the managers office. 28- Before you operate this machine, (read will read has read had read) the instructions very well.



I will wait here until they (had called are calling will call call) my name. When she (get gets will get had got) the new job, she will move into a new house. After (a an the no article) sun went down, (a an the no article) moon came

up. (A An The no article) policeman usually wears (a an the no article) uniform. 33- (A An The no article) intelligence is important for (a an the no article) success. 34- (A An The no article) hard work which John did was the reason for (a an the no article) success that he enjoyed. 35- The interviewer asked (a an the no article) Professor Zewail about his work. 36- I think he plays (a an the no article) guitar very well. 37- It was (a an the no article) happy party, but we could only stay for half (a an the no article) hour. 38- (a an the no article) Chemistry is a difficult subject. 39- Vegetarians dont eat (a an the no article) meat. 40- My uncle plays (a an the no article) tennis well. 41- (A An The No article) reason I was successful was because my parents encouraged me. 42- I think (a an the no article) education is something all (a an the no article) children should value. 43- He said that (a an the no article) subject he enjoyed most at school was (a an the no article) Science. 44- Dont spend all (a an the no article) money you have. 45- (A An The no article) Money doesnt always bring (a an the no article) happiness. 46- Yesterday I heard a (fright frightened- frightening frighten) noise outside. 47- He often tells me (amused amusing amusement entertainment) stories about his family. 48- This is the (hard- harder less hard- hardest) test Ive ever taken. 49- It was wrong (with for of to) him to neglect his study. 50- He was not (cooperative as cooperative more cooperative less cooperative) as his colleagues. 51- He is not (so more less lessen) reliable as his friend. 52- My flat is (more big less big bigger the biggest) than yours. 53- You didn't do as (more less least much) work as I did. 54- Her friend is (wealthy wealthiest wealthier wealthiest) than her. 55- My car is (less more least most ) small than yours. 56- Nobody in our company is (efficient as efficient as most efficient than as efficient) Peter. 57- It was (more foolish than less foolish foolish least foolish) of her to waste all her money.


Laptops are becoming (less and more more and less much and more more and more) popular nowadays. 59- She was astonished (seeing to see of seeing seen) some of her old friends at the party. 60- You shouldn't have invited John to the party. He's a (bored bores boring to bore) man. 61- Mike has much (many most the least more) money than me. 62- (A few A few more Less Much more) people are entering the competition this year than last year. 63- The (less least most much) fat you eat, the healthier you become. 64- The white flower is pretty, but I think the red one is even (pretty prettiest prettier most pretty). 65- I don't read as (much more most many) books as you do.



She is gone to finish her work early today. Can she intend to study medicine in the USA? We are packing our luggage because we have gone to travel to Italy. Should you close that window, please? The bookcase isn't well fixed. It's will go falling. Italy is an European country. The continent to the east of Europe is the Asia. The Aswan High Dam is on river Nile in Egypt. Good doctor needs a lot of experience. I must go to bank and change some money. I really enjoyed book I've just finished reading. I'm just going to have wash. All I had for lunch was piece of cake. It's a honour to get this international award. During sixties, people were interested in music. The much food you eat, the fatter you become. The place was more farther than I thought. No student in our class is as cleverer as John. This is the more higher building in our city. Tokyo is the more busier city in the world. She is more hard-working of all the students in this class. The blue vase is the same price than the yellow one. The weather is many colder than normal for this time of year. Thats the funny joke I have ever heard. Eating fruit is most fattening than eating chocolate.


Grammar Exercise7,8&9

(Do Did Have Had) you watched that film yet?

Can you suggest a time (which - when where that) you can come to our office tomorrow?

Did he (used to use to is used to was used to) do anything else as well as writing? 4He (is used to - used to is used for is used for) go canoeing on the river on Sundays. 5He (used to no longer doesn't use - is used to) spending all his free time writing. 6He (used to live is used to living used to living uses to live) in Cairo. Now he lives in Alexandria. 7He (uses to used to no longer used is used to) staying at home. 8He had (so such such a too) much money that he could buy an expensive car. 9He has been learning French (for since while- when) the age of six. 10- He is at Cairo airport, (when whom where why) Mr. Ali is meeting him. 11- He is used to playing tennis every weekend, but years ago he (isn't doesn't didn't shouldn't). 12- He used to be a famous singer, but now he (isn't doesn't couldn't shouldn't). 13- I (tried was trying have been trying have to try) to phone you since yesterday afternoon. 14- I (work have to work have been working will work) hard since the morning. 15- I can't find the books (when what where that) I got from the library. 16- I met a man with (who that which whom) I used to work. 17- I spent most of the time studying the reports (which whom where when) you sent me about the low yield problems that you have. 18- In those days, he (used to uses to is used to doesn't use) enjoy fishing. 19- It is (so too enough such) dangerous to sunbathe nowadays that people tend to stay in the shade. 20- It was (so such too enough) cold yesterday that we decided to stay at home. 21- It was (so too enough - such a) difficult exercise that hardly anyone completed it. 22- It was (so too such - such a) rainy day that we stayed indoors. 23- John, (who that whom what) is a famous writer, wrote many novels. 24- Mr. Mohammed, (whose where - who when) is the manager of Falcon, has worked for Falcon for 25 years. 25- Mr. Peter, (who which whose whom) has just arrived in Egypt, is the chief buyer for a Chinese import company. 26- My friend (got will have was having had) his computer fixed tomorrow. 27- My shirt is too long. Ill have to (do have got had) it shortened. 28- My sister (is used to was used for used to no longer uses) help me with my science homework when I was little. 29- My sister likes going to bed early now. When she was little, she (is used used to no longer was using) go to bed late.

Port Said, (when that which where) his business is located, is an hour's drive from our house. 31- She (didn't use to has used to - isnt used to used to) living in a tropical climate. 32- She (doesn't use no longer any longer any more) takes drugs. 33- She (has been studying has been studied had to be studied will be studied) hard all day. 34- She (has to revise has been revising had revised revises) for the test for three hours now. 35- She (passes is passing has just been passing has just passed) the driving test. 36- She (used to work is used to working doesn't work didn't work) here any more. 37- She no longer (wear wears wearing wore) glasses, but she used to (do doing did does) that when she was young. 38- She was (so such too enough) weak to do any work. 39- She was having a new dress (make makes to make made). 40- She will get that tree (cut to cut cutting being cut) down tomorrow. 41- The article wasn't (easy enough too easy too difficult difficult enough) for him to understand. 42- The bed was (such too enough so) uncomfortable for him to sleep in. 43- The company (where in which with whom -which ) I work for imports cotton from Egypt. 44- The company, (which where what whose) my father works, exports goods to Europe and Asia. 45- The exports, (whose - which when where) include cotton and metal goods, come from all over Egypt. 46- The man (which where whose - that) John met at the airport was from Edinburgh in Scotland. 47- The person (that which where when) the company belongs to is an accountant. 48- The Sales Manager of the company, (who which whom where) is 26 years old, studied economics at university. 49- The suit was cheap (so such too enough) for him to buy. 50- The supermarket, (which whose where what) Miss O'Connor works for, buys fruit and vegetables from an Egyptian company..



My cousin, where is a research chemist, works in the food industry. My brother went to Oxford University which he studied economics. John, which grew up in London, has lived in Egypt for 1 5 years. The university which my uncle works is in Cairo. The university where I want to go to is near my uncle. My uncle Ahmed, where is a businessman , lives in Cairo. Tanta, whose is Egypt's fifth largest city, has many mosques.


Ahmed, when has many customers in India, often goes there for holidays. Ahmed's clothes company, where he started in 1950, exports all over the world. The clothes, what are made of Egyptian cotton, are very good quality. John is used to driving a ten-year-old small car, but now he drives a big new one. When I was young, I am used to have a phobia of spiders, but now I don't. I don't use to play computer games, but now I play them occasionally. When I was in Alexandria, I am used to going swimming every day. Where did you used to go for holiday when you were a child? He isn't used to having any guests, but now he has parties every weekend. They don't use to go camping for a holiday, but now they stay in the best hotels. People used to work very long hours, but now they work so many hours. The cities are used to being smaller, but now they are much bigger. People are used to travelling by horse and cart, but now they travel by cars. My father has been travelling abroad six times in the last two months. My brother has just been passing his university exams that's why he looks so happy. He lives in London for 20 years now and he doesn't intend to move. I'm sorry my clothes are dirty. I clean my garage. I phone my uncle since 8 o'clock this morning. I wonder what the matter is. I didn't see my cousin since the last school holiday. Thats the worst place Ive never visit. I havent talked to him since he leaves school. Its the first time he is flying in a helicopter. How long is it since you are meeting him?


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