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Exercises U 1,2&3

Surgeons (do/ make/ act/ bring) heart transplant operations. 2She works for a charitable organisation as she believes that her work (does/ lacks/ takes/ makes) a difference to people's lives. 3It's been more than 2 years since he (did/ made/ had/ went) that operation. Now he's quite healthy. 4I don't think she has (did/ took/ made/ written) the right decision. 5You (had/ made/ did/ saw) me a big favour and I really appreciate it. 6She (reached/ got/ went/ arrived) in New York 2 days ago. 7If you (question/ talk/ ask/ wonder) me, he should look for another job.

She hopes to (identify/ verify/ beautify/ qualify) as a lawyer at the end of the year.

He's got to have a/an (operation/ aspiration/ collaboration/ concentration) on his shoulder 10- A (vet/ civil engineer/ nurse/ surgeon) is a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations 11- A (complementary/ documentary/ commentary/ elementary) is written opinions about and descriptions of a subject. 12- A (diplomat/ format/ doormat/ carpenter) is a person who is employed by a government to live in another country and speak for the government. 13- This (infant/ grant/ giant/ vacant) tree is 200 years old.

A (politician/ musician/ magician/ technician) is a person who works in politics.

A (commentator/ announcer/ reporter/ publisher) is someone who prints something and makes it available for people to buy. 16- I can't think of an (example/ explanation/ exchange/ exercise) for the team playing so badly. 17- His novel was (polished/ published/ crashed/ furnished) a long time ago. 18- Some people do not realize that Gulliver's Travels is a (contemporary/ commentary/ diary/ revolutionary) on European politics. 19- When I was a child, I couldn't think of interesting ideas, so my stories weren't very (imaginative/ negative/ protective/ relative). 20- (Accountants/ Dentists/ Clerks/ Diplomats) are meeting to discuss relations between our two countries. 21- Churchill was a famous British (electrician/ politician/ dietician/ musician) who was once a prime minister.


A/An (adventure/ safari/ voyage/ tour) is a long journey on a ship.

You should (lie/ tie/ try/ dye) that plant to the wall to stop it from falling over. The Titanic sank on its first (expedition/ flight/ shore/ voyage) after it hit an iceberg. It is always wrong to (steal/ deal/ clear/ bear) things that belong to other people.

Children get upset if their friends (make fun of/ make up for/ keep up with/ put up with) them.

Egypt and the Sudan are (considering/ neighbouring/ preserving/ retiring) countries. In a dictionary, the letter n (cancels/ deletes/ refers/ represents) the word noun.

In the past, some people believed the earth was flat. What a (true/ real/ reasonable/ ridiculous) idea! 30- The police found the (caught/ stealing/ robbing/ stolen) car 50 kilometers from where it was taken.

This coat was half-price. It was a real (bargain/ certain/ complaint/ fountain).

When you use a (money/ debit/ post plastic) card, money leaves your bank immediately. 33- The money we carry in our pockets is called (rash/ crash/ cash/ brush).

People who (surf/ scarf/ bark/ drop) the internet usually look for information.

(Leaders/ Owners/ Kids/ Adults) pay an admission charge but children get in
When you use a (credit/ benefit/ deposit/ exit)) card, you can buy things and pay later. Things bought (decline/ airline -online/ offline) are things bought using the internet.


The postman brought new clothes (colleague/ dialogue catastrophe catalogue) this morning. It has more than a 1000 pages and is very heavy. 39- If you have a (expand/ broadband/ beforehand/ demand) connection, you can connect to the internet very quickly. 40- My uncle has had a bank (account/ discount/ amount/ recount) since he was 18 and he has now saved a lot of money. 41- Companies have interesting websites to try (distract/ attack/ restrict/ attract) customers. 42- Many people prefer the (emotional/ multinational -traditional/ professional) way of buying things from shops and markets. 43- Online (backing/ barking/ parking/ banking) is now very common. 44- I can't send e-mails because there is a problem with my internet (connection/ infection/ correction/ direction). 45- There has been a real (length/ strength/ growth/ depth) in the number of people with broadband.

One day, I'd like to work for a (commodity -curiosity/ density/ charity) organisation.

(Interest/ Interested/ Interestingly/ Interests), many people use the internet for different purposes.

Lots of people have (gained/ complained/ maintained/ retained) about the noise.

When you buy a new computer, you usually get software included at no extra (cost/ wages/ salary/ fare). 50- This is a (user-friendly /friendly user / use friendly/ friendly use) printer. It's very simple for people to use.

What do your do?/ I'm reading a story. The better thing about this job is that it is well-paid. She felt ashamed because she did a silly mistake. Dr. Magdy Yacoub made many heart transplant operations. She helped me doing the job. Egypt sent a trade allegation to the conference. Policemen usually wear a platform. He had a kidney transport last year. The normal requirement age in Egypt is 60. She is interested on reading newspapers.
The complimentary on the Olympic Games was much better on the other channel.

A carpenter represents one country in another. Could you give me a quick exploration of how this machine works? This designer always comes up with new ideas. He is very imaginary. They chose a famous lawyer to present them in court. He was driving with one hand and waving with the another. She was the last student arrives at school. The government gives private care to setting up new projects. I look forward to see that play. She allowed me using her computer. I need to draw some money out of my discount. The government is trying to contract more tourists to visit Egypt. Many people in Egypt still wear conditional clothes. He couldn't decide which one he liked good.
The information in this report is based on a spray completed by 2000 students.


Vocab. Exercises U 4,5&6


Football and hockey are (group individual pack team) sports 2We should show (tolerance dependence ambulance appliance) towards other people. 3She was (brought up brought down brought in brought around) by her grandmother. 4He found himself in a difficult (salutation sanitation situation solution) when he lost his money.

Use this cable to (approach attack - attach catch) the printer to the computer

All citizens should (commemorate cooperate decorate demonstrate) with the government to solve the problem of pollution.

Boxing and wrestling are examples of (team group family individual) sports.

We use (string sting stream stain) for fastening and tying things: 9She has had to make some very difficult (occasions decisions discussions explosions).

Ricardo (stored stoned - scored - brought) a goal in the last minute of the match.

It was a very (silent equivalent violent - resistant) match. Some of the players hit each other. 12- The tourists wanted to do different things, so they (split spelt spilt spit) into three different groups.

I am hoping to study English (book booklets notebook literature) at university.

My brother is quite a/an (unhappy cruel optimistic pessimistic) person. He always thinks the worst is going to happen.

People who (find borrow capture steal) from shops should be punished. He joined the (nursery navy nationality - loyalty) when he was 22 years old.

When he heard the news, he was (blocked shocked checked stuck). Who (else other another others) is going to come to your party? I didn't see (many much a great deal of a lot) people there. I'm afraid I don't agree (in for with on) your opinion. I saw a (fright frighten frightened frightening) film last night. The trees provided some (shelter cheater check cheat) from the rain. You must follow the (routes roles rules roads) or you will be punished.
During the celebration, he recited some of his recent (poets boils poems brooms), London used to be the financial (cattle cannibal carnival capital) of the world.

This stain remover really works - it's (amazing achieving acting doing)!

Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest (changes -challenges chains shapes) faced by scientists today. 28- The (bottom inside outside summit) of this mountain is covered with snow for most of the year. 29- I couldn't believe how beautiful the island was. It was absolutely (amazing apologizing capitalizing criticizing). 30- The side of the swimming pool is too (sweep weep deep creep) to stand up in. 31- There are 14 mountains which are more than 8000 metres above sea (level devil civil foil). 32- Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to (walk take run climb) Everest. 33- Mountaineers are incredibly (cowardly impatient - brave greedy) people. 34- It's too hard to stop smoking when it's been a (lifelong prolong lifeboat lifestyle) habit.

He has finally (covered collapsed collected conquered) his fear of spiders. I'm (brightly brilliantly - slightly confidently) upset that she forgot my birthday.

I have so much (work career job profession) to do. He was in a (sight light right tight) corner when his money was stolen.
We didn't actually hit the other call, but it was a close (call - ball fall mall).

His resignation came out of the (clue due blue threw). He never said a word about it.



Winning the Olympic gold medal was the realize of his life's dream. 2They help you talk through your problems but they don't give you any salutations. 3The ending of the film was printable. Everybody knew what was going to happen. 4I would like to compress my thanks for your kindness. 5He was the first man to example the land. No one has been there before him. 6Seeing my friend after such a long time really did my day. 7She spoke in a quite voice so as not to wake him. 8Medicine as a confession is very profitable. 9What do you like better about your job? 10- I'm thinking in buying a new car. 11- One day, out of the black, she announced that she was leaving. 12- He made his cool although she insulted him. 13- He was in a tight corridor when his new car was stolen. 14- His happy is listening to classical music. 15- Prices have risen by an avenge of 4% over the past year.


Vocab. Exercises U 4,5&6

1) CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER: To (employ dismiss expel convoy) means to pay someone to work for you. 2(Fees Fares Salaries Wages) means the money that someone is paid every week by their employer 3To (affect afford offend defend) means to have enough money to pay for something. 4To (distribute disturb distill destroy) means to supply goods to shops and companies in a particular area 5A (collaboration combination contamination corporation) is a large business organisation. 6(General Global Verbal Herbal) means affecting or including the whole world 7(Astronomy Anatomy Economy Gloomy) is the way that money, businesses and products are organized in a country 8(Woods Goods Methods Roots) are things that are produced to be sold. 9The global economy has increased (international rational irrational intentional) trade. 10- The (economic historic climatic dynamic) situation in our country is getting better.. 11- New businesses will (destroy enjoy - employ annoy) hundreds of people in the city. There will be a lot of job opportunities. 12- E-mails help to improve the way companies (calculate advocate - communicate dedicate) with their customers. 13- China has a (pollution population revelation violation) of 1.3 billion people. 14- They chose a famous barrister to (present - represent offend resent) them in court. 15- This drug is said to have no side (affects reflects effects contests). 16- This gold watch is so (valuable cheap inexpensive worthless) and looks beautiful. It cost me a fortune. 17- (Manual Easy Casual Gradual) work can be very tiring and it is not very well-paid. 18- I really (hate astonish dislike admire) my grandfather. He has spent his whole life working to look after his family. 19- She is going to spend some of her (accounts taxes - savings cheques) on a new car. 20- (Savings- Coins Currencies Banknotes) are all the money you have not spent. 21- A/An ( bracelet earring watch - necklace) is a piece of jewellery worn around the neck. 22- (Usual Habitual Factual - Manual) work is done by people using their hands. 23- To (recount act detect apply)) means to be a character in a film or play. 24- A (ball call fall install) is a large formal occasion when people dance. 25- (Optical Classical Identical Critical) means exactly the same. 26- He gave her some of his (savings samples saves seeds) to buy a new dress.


This morning I received an invitation (to for in with) a meeting at my college. 28- I'm going to borrow a dictionary (to - from by with) one of my friends. 29- Before he retired, my uncle worked (like alike - as is) a hospital doctor. 30- She was (wearing dressing acting putting) a nice dress at the party. 31- He suggested that I (applying to apply applies apply) for the job. 32- She stopped (to greet greeting greets greetings) an old friend on her way to work. 33- I've cleaned the house (expect respect for - except for accept) the bathroom. 34- What was the party (like alike dislike liken)? It was wonderful. 35- Her grandparents had to work hard (in by for with) years before they could afford their own car. 36- To (take part take care take turns take place) means to do an activity with other people. 37(Concise Precise Exercise Excess) is physical activity which helps people stay healthy 38- A (gold bronze silver iron) medal is a medal for being third in an Olympic race 39They visit their grandparents (regularly improperly bitterly elderly). 40- (Tennis Boxing Judo Netball) is a sport in which two people try to throw each other onto the ground 41- I play tennis (regularly seldom hardly rarely) at least twice a week. 42Most people feel (aloud shy proud miserable) when athletes from their country do well in the Olympics.

Swimming and cycling are very good forms of (advertise compromise merchandise exercise).

(Swimming Jogging Camping Judo) is a Japanese sport which is a kind of fighting.

(Boxing Fixing Mixing Taxing) is a sport in which two men wearing gloves hit each other To (take turns take place take off take part) means to do something one after the other.

The Olympic Games (takes part takes turns takes off - takes place) every 4 years. 48- My plane (takes place takes off takes part takes care) at 10.30 tomorrow. 49- I couldn't take (part role place action) in the race because I had broken my leg. 50- In our English class, the students usually (make do - take play) turns to answer the teacher's questions.




Morocco is located in the Atlantic ocean. She was looking forward to seen the grandchildren again. I was rented by the first company I applied to. She can't affect to buy a new house. His monthly fare is $1,000. I don't eat meat, but I like almost types of fish I think I'm suffering from the affects of too little sleep. She has built up a shine of 80 bookshops across the country. How many people does your company unemployed? Ali and Peter look very similar accept that Ali is a little taller That's not the way to doing it - let me show you. He suggested to visit the museum. I really admit people who can work in such difficult conditions. They are selecting money for the new hospital.


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