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at/joineusee Konkursi e biti otvoreni od: 20. jul - !". #$u%& 200'. godine (I rok), "(. %)*&)+, - . !". o/&o, - 200'. godine (II rok) P-ij #lji# nj) n /on/u-% j) online. Obavjetava o studente i pro!esore "niverziteta u #rnoj $ori da je %vropska ko isija pri&vati'a novi projekat u okviru progra a ERASMUS MUNDUS . E0&)-n l Coo*)- &ion 1indo2 pod nazivo 3JoinEU-SEE4. (rojekat )*oin%"-+%%, obu&vata kako raz enu studenata i nastavnog osob'ja u okviru -i'jne grupe . (studenti i nastavni-i "#$), tako i od'azak na neki od univerziteta, partnera u projektu, na -je'okupne aster studije u okviru -i'jne grupe / (bivi studenti "#$ i'i nekog univerziteta sa 0apadnog 1a'kana). +tudenti i pro!esori sa svi& !aku'teta "niverziteta u #rnoj $ori oi e da se prijav'juju za boravak isk'ju2ivo na neko od partnerski& univerziteta iz %vropske unije odnosno 3urske (koja je 2'ani-a %ras us progra a iako nije 2'ani-a %"): Z)+lj Uni#)-5i&)& 4ustrija "niversit5 o! $raz (koordinator) 6inska "niversit5 o! 3urku 7panija "niversit5 o! $ranada 3urska 8idd'e %ast 3e-&ni-a' "niversit5 - 8%3" 9o'andija "niversit5 o! $roningen 1e'gija #at&o'i- "niversit5 :euven :etonija "niversit5 o! :atvia, ;iga Ita'ija "niversit5 o! 1o'ogna <eka 8asar5k "niversit5, 1rno :itvanija =i'nius "niversit5 +a prostora 0apadnog 1a'kana osi "niverziteta #rne $ore u2estvuju s'edei univerziteti: "niverzitet u 1eogradu, "niverzitet u >ovo +adu, "niverzitet u +arajevu, "niverzitet u 8ostaru, "niverzitet u 3uz'i, "niverzitet u (ritini, "niverzitet u 3irani i "niverzitet )?iri' i 8etodije, u +kop'ju. 0bog s'i2nosti projekta JoinEU-SEE sa projekto BASILEUS (oba projekta su dio Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window progra a), svi zainteresovani ogu ve sada da pro2itaju osnovne in!or a-ije i vide odgovore na naj2ee postav'jena pitanja koja s o postavi'i za projekat BASILEUS, a na'aze se na sajtu www.basi' 3rokovi puta (pare za put i osiguranje najvjerovatnije preba-ene

studenti a na teku-i ra-un u ban-i), s jetaja kao i ko'arine, p'us dodatna jese2na stipendija bi-e pokriveni od strane "niverziteta do aina.

Documents to be uploaded
Please note: All documents attached in electronic form will also have to be handed in as original signed documents at the host institution once you got selected. Applicants are advised to check with their prospective host universities if there are specific deadlines for submitting original documents.

Please select your type of mobility in order to see which documents need to be uploaded:

Undergraduate Master (exchange students) Master (degree seeking students) Doctorate (exchange students) Post-doctorate taff

Undergraduate: !omplete application forms will consist of:

- !omplete online application form including preferred host uni"ersity (up to two preferences) - intended period of study - personal moti"ation statement - #earning $greement to be signed by o the contact person for the pro%ect o coordinator at the &aculty'Department at the sending institution who will then also be responsible for recognition procedures - !(: please use this )uropass template (download )xample !( *nstructions) - !opy of Passport (only the page with your picture) - +ecommendation letters

- #anguage certificates for the language of instruction at the host uni"ersity: $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website and upload the re,uired language certificates which are mentioned in the general information sheet - !ertified and translated copies of certificates and transcripts - Document indicating the candidate belongs to -arget .roup / (only for students applying for target group /)

$ll documents attached in electronic form will also ha"e to be handed in as original signed documents at the host institution once the mobility has started0 &or the first call online application and the submission of original documents may ha"e to be done more or less simultaneously due to the limited time window0 *t1s the responsibility of the applicant that all obligatory documents are uploaded0 $dmission criteria of all partner institutions in the consortium ha"e to be respected0 $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website0 In case of any further questions, please get in contact with the respective institutions before submitting an application.

Master (exchange students): !omplete application forms will consist of:

- !omplete online application form including preferred host uni"ersity (up to two preferences) - intended period of study - personal moti"ation statement - #earning $greement to be signed by o the contact person for the pro%ect o coordinator at the &aculty'Department at the sending institution who will then also be responsible for recognition procedures - !(: please use this )uropass template (download )xample !( *nstructions) - !opy of Passport (only the page with your picture) - +ecommendation letters - #anguage certificates for the language of instruction at the host uni"ersity: $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website and upload the re,uired language certificates which are mentioned in the general information sheet0 - !ertified and translated copies of certificates and transcripts

$ll documents attached in electronic form will also ha"e to be handed in as original signed documents at the host institution once the mobility has started0 &or the first call online application and the submission of original documents may ha"e to be done more or less simultaneously due to the limited time window0 *t1s the responsibility of the applicant that all obligatory documents are uploaded0

$dmission criteria of all partner institutions in the consortium ha"e to be respected0 $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website0 *t is the responsibility of the applicant to get in contact with the respecti"e institutions before submitting an application0 Master (degree seeking students): !omplete application forms will consist of:

- !omplete online application form including one preferred host uni"ersity - intended period of study - personal moti"ation statement - !(: please use this )uropass template (download )xample !( *nstructions) - !opy of Passport (only the page with your picture) - +ecommendation letters - #anguage certificates for the language of instruction at the host uni"ersity: $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website and upload the re,uired language certificates which are mentioned in the general information sheet0 - !ertified and translated copies of certificates and transcripts - Document indicating the candidate belongs to -arget .roup / (only for students applying for target group /)

$ll documents attached in electronic form will also ha"e to be handed in as original signed documents at the host institution once the mobility has started0 &or the first call online application and the submission of original documents may ha"e to be done more or less simultaneously due to the limited time window0 *t1s the responsibility of the applicant that all obligatory documents are uploaded0 $dmission criteria of all partner institutions in the consortium ha"e to be respected0 $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website0 *t is the responsibility of the applicant to get in contact with the respecti"e institutions before submitting an application0

Doctorate (exchange students): !omplete application forms will consist of:

- !omplete online application form including one preferred host uni"ersity - intended period of study'research - personal moti"ation statement - description of the tudy and +esearch Plan to be signed by o the contact person for the pro%ect o coordinator at the &aculty'Department at the sending institution who will then also be responsible for recognition procedures - !(: please use this )uropass template (download )xample !( *nstructions) - !opy of Passport (only the page with your picture) - +ecommendation letters - #anguage certificates for the language of instruction at the host uni"ersity: $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website and upload the re,uired language certificates which are mentioned in the general information sheet0 - !ertified and translated copies of certificates and transcripts

$ll documents attached in electronic form will also ha"e to be handed in as original signed documents at the host institution once the mobility has started0 &or the first call online application and the submission of original documents may ha"e to be done more or less simultaneously due to the limited time window0 *t1s the responsibility of the applicant that all obligatory documents are uploaded0 $dmission criteria of all partner institutions in the consortium ha"e to be respected0 $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website0 *t is the responsibility of the applicant to get in contact with the respecti"e institutions before submitting an application0 Doctorate (degree seeking students): !omplete application forms will consist of:

- !omplete online application form including one preferred host uni"ersity - intended period of study'research - personal moti"ation statement - !(: please use this )uropass template (download )xample !( *nstructions)

- !opy of Passport (only the page with your picture) - +ecommendation letters - #anguage certificates for the language of instruction at the host uni"ersity: $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website and upload the re,uired language certificates which are mentioned in the general information sheet0 - !ertified and translated copies of certificates and transcripts

$ll documents attached in electronic form will also ha"e to be handed in as original signed documents at the host institution once the mobility has started0 &or the first call online application and the submission of original documents may ha"e to be done more or less simultaneously due to the limited time window0 *t1s the responsibility of the applicant that all obligatory documents are uploaded0 $dmission criteria of all partner institutions in the consortium ha"e to be respected0 $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website0 *t is the responsibility of the applicant to get in contact with the respecti"e institutions before submitting an application0 Post-doctorate: !omplete application forms will consist of:

- !omplete online application form including one preferred host uni"ersity - intended period of research'teaching'training - personal moti"ation statement - description of -raining'+esearch'-eaching Plan to be signed by o the contact person for the pro%ect o coordinator at the &aculty'Department at the sending institution - !(: please use this )uropass template (download )xample !( *nstructions) - !opy of Passport (only the page with your picture) - +ecommendation letters - #anguage certificates for the language of instruction at the host uni"ersity: $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website and upload the re,uired language certificates which are mentioned in the general information sheet0 - !ertified and translated copies of certificates and transcripts - Document indicating the candidate belongs to -arget .roup / (only for post-doctorates applying for target group /)

$ll documents attached in electronic form will also ha"e to be handed in as original signed documents at the host institution once the mobility has started0

&or the first call online application and the submission of original documents may ha"e to be done more or less simultaneously due to the limited time window0 *t1s the responsibility of the applicant that all obligatory documents are uploaded0 $dmission criteria of all partner institutions in the consortium ha"e to be respected0 $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website0 *t is the responsibility of the applicant to get in contact with the respecti"e institutions before submitting an application0 taff:

!omplete application forms will consist of:

- !omplete online application form including one preferred host uni"ersity - intended period of research'teaching'training - personal moti"ation statement - description of -raining'+esearch'-eaching Plan to be signed by o the contact person for the pro%ect o coordinator at the &aculty'Department - !(: please use this )uropass template (download )xample !( *nstructions) - !opy of Passport (only the page with your picture) - #anguage certificates for the language of instruction at the host uni"ersity:

$ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website and upload the re,uired language certificates which are mentioned in the general information sheet0

- #etter from the host uni"ersity specifying the administrati"e'academic interest

taff members ha"e to submit a letter from the host uni"ersity specifying the administrati"e ' academic interest of the host uni"ersity when they apply0 -his means that staff members ha"e to contact the host uni"ersity before actually submitting their application0

- academic staff: academic record2 list of publications - non-academic staff: description of work experience

$ll documents attached in electronic form will also ha"e to be handed in as original signed documents at the host institution once the mobility has started0 &or the first call online application and the submission of original documents may

ha"e to be done more or less simultaneously due to the limited time window0 *t1s the responsibility of the applicant that all obligatory documents are uploaded0 $dmission criteria of all partner institutions in the consortium ha"e to be respected0 $ll applicants need to check the general information sheet of the respecti"e host uni"ersity on the website0 *t is the responsibility of the applicant to get in contact with the respecti"e institutions before submitting an application0

University of Bolognia, taly

The University of Bologna was probably the first University in the western world. Its history is one of great thinkers in science and the humanities, making it an indispensable point of reference in the panorama of European culture. The University maintained its central position on the scene of global culture until the period between the two wars, when other countries came to the forefront in teaching and research. Bologna has thus been called upon to forge relationships with institutions in the most advanced countries to modernise and expand its activity. mong the many challenges which it has met with success, Bologna committed itself to the European dimension which has now led to adoption of the new university system. University of Bolognia, Italy Web: http!"""

Contact: University of Bologna, Italy #rancesca $altauro,

#ind more information about possible fields of study here &ou can download this university's general information sheet here

(et a little impression on what scholars can expect when studying " researching " teaching at this university here

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