FAQ: General Questions About Erasmus Mundus: Nothing Else Metters, Pogledi U Tami, Na Raskrscu, Dzeni, Tad Sam Bio Mlad

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Nothing else metters, Pogledi u tami, Na raskrscu, Dzeni, Tad sam bio mlad,

FAQ: General questions about Erasmus Mundus

What is Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013? Is Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 a continuation of the already existing programme? What are the specific o !ecti"es of the programme? #o$ is the programme implemented? What type of acti"ities are supported y each %ction? What are the ne$ features introduced y the Erasmus Mundus &2009-2013' in comparison to the programme(s pre"ious phase? What are the most important documents to e consulted a out the programme? Who is responsi le for the management of the programme? What does the term )third-country* mean? +oes it refer to the so-called )third $orld*? #o$ to find information a out the pro!ects already selected under the programme? %re there national information centres or contact points for the programme?

What is Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 Erasmus Mundus &2009-2013' is a co-operation and mo ility programme in the field of higher education that started in 200, and has een extended until 2013- It aims at enhancing the .uality of European higher education and promoting dialogue and understanding et$een people and cultures through cooperation $ith third countries- In addition the programme contri utes to the de"elopment of human resources and the international cooperation capacity of higher education institutions in third countries y increasing mo ility et$een the European /nion and these countries-

0he name of the programme comes from +esiderius Erasmus 1otterdamus2 a 13th-century +utch humanist and theologian $ho studied in the est monastic schools throughout Europe- In his days2 he $as 4no$n as one of the most rilliant students of the time- )Mundus* is the 5atin $ord for )$orld* and thus stands for the programme6s glo al outreach-

!s Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 a "ontinuation o# the alread$ e%istin& 'ro&ramme Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 continues and extends the scope of the acti"ities already launched during the first phase &200,-2007' and includes the Erasmus Mundus External 8ooperation Windo$ scheme2 $hich $as launched in 2009 as a complement to the original programme-

What are the s'e"i#i" ob(e"ti)es o# the 'ro&ramme 0he programme(s specific o !ecti"es are: - to promote structured cooperation et$een higher education institutions and enhance the .uality in European higher education $ith a distinct European added "alue2 attracti"e oth $ithin the European /nion and eyond its orders- to contri ute to the mutual enrichment of societies y de"eloping the .ualifications of $omen;men so that they possess particular s4ills2 are open minded- and internationally experienced- 0his is achie"ed through promoting mo ility for the most talented students and academics from third countries to$ards the European /nion and "ice "ersa- to contri ute to$ards the de"elopment of human resources and the international cooperation capacity of higher education institutions in third countries through increased mo ility streams et$een the European /nion and those countries- to impro"e accessi ility and enhance the profile and "isi ility of European higher education in the $orld as $ell as its attracti"eness for third country nationals and citi<ens of the European /nion-

*ow is the 'ro&ramme im'lemented 0he Erasmus Mundus programme comprises three %ctions: %80I=> 1- Implementation of Erasmus Mundus !oint programmes at Masters &%ction 1 %' and +octorate &%ction 1 ?' le"els and a$ard of indi"idual scholarships;fello$ships to participate in these programmes-

%80I=> 2 @ Erasmus Mundus Aartnerships et$een European and third country higher education institutions including scholarships and fello$ships for mo ility at all academic le"els &former External 8ooperation Windo$' %80I=> 3 - Aromotion of European higher education through pro!ects enhancing the attracti"eness of Europe as an educational destination and a centre of excellence at $orld le"el-

What t$'e o# a"ti)ities are su''orted b$ ea"h A"tion %ction 1 pro"ides: support for high-.uality !oint masters courses &%ction 1%' and doctoral programmes &%ction 1?' offered y a consortium of European and possi ly third country #igher education institutions- Bcholarships;fello$ships for the European and third country students;doctoral candidates $ho follo$ the Erasmus Mundus !oint masters courses and;or doctoral programmes Bhort-term scholarships for European and third country academics interested to carry out research or teaching assignments as part of the !oint masters programmes %ction 2 pro"ides: support for the esta lishment of cooperation partnerships et$een #igher education institutions from Europe and targeted third countries- In the frame$or4 of these partnerships the institutions in"ol"ed may organise structured indi"idual mo ility arrangements- Bcholarships of "arious length for students2 scholars2 researchers and professionals $or4ing in the field of higher education from Europe and the defined third countries%ction 3 pro"ides: support to partnerships or net$or4s of organisations acti"e in the field of higher education $ho implement acti"ities that focus on the international dimension of all aspects of higher education such as promotion2 accessi ility2 .uality assurance2 credit recognition2 mutual recognition of .ualifications2 curriculum de"elopment and mo ility support to acti"ities that aim at disseminating the programme(s results and examples of good practice What are the new #eatures introdu"ed in the Erasmus Mundus +2009-2013, in "om'arison to the 'ro&ramme-s 're)ious 'hase 0he main ne$ features included in this second phase are: Bupport to !oint doctoral programmes and a$ard of three years fello$ships for doctoral candidates %$ard of full scholarships;fello$ships to European students and doctoral candidates2 in addition to those already a$arded to 0hird 8ountry nationals Cull participation of 0hird 8ountry higher education institutions in consortia implementing !oint

programmes at masters or doctoral le"el Inclusion of the Erasmus Mundus External 8ooperation Windo$ scheme as %ction 2 of the ne$ programme Increased focus on Duality %ssurance2 Erasmus Mundus students;doctors employa ility prospects and !oint programmes sustaina ility What are the most im'ortant do"uments to be "onsulted about the 'ro&ramme Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 is ased on the +ecision >E 1297;2007;E8 ta4en y the European Aarliament and the 8ouncil on 19 +ecem er 20070he Arogramme Fuide contains all the general information a out the contents and the conditions on ho$ to apply for funding- In addition2 regular 8alls for Aroposals are pu lished for the specific actions0he Arogramme Fuide applies to the entire duration of the programme and aims to assist all those interested in implementing !oint cooperation acti"ities or recei"ing indi"idual scholarships $ithin the Erasmus Mundus programme- It descri es the types of acti"ities that can e supported and the conditions under $hich this support can e granted1egular 8alls for Aroposals are pu lished in order to specify the acti"ities2 the application criteria and the udgetary allocations rele"ant to the call concerned- %pplicants should read the Arogramme Fuide in con!unction $ith the specific 8all for Aroposals to $hich they intend to apply-

Who is res'onsible #or the mana&ement o# the 'ro&ramme 0he European 8ommission is responsi le for the running of the Erasmus Mundus programme 20092013- It manages the udget and sets priorities2 targets and criteria for the programmeCurthermore2 it guides and monitors the general implementation2 follo$-up and e"aluation of the programme at European le"el0he Education2 %udio"isual and 8ulture Executi"e %gency &E%8E%' is responsi le for the implementation of the Erasmus Mundus programme- %mong other acti"ities2 it pu lishes the 8all for Aroposals2 implements the pro!ect selections2 a$ards the indi"idual grants and issues and monitors the agreements $ith the eneficiaries-

What does the term .third-"ountr$/ mean 0oes it re#er to the so-"alled .third world/ 0he term )third country* is used to refer to a country $hich is not a Mem er Btate of the European /nion and $hich does not participate in the programme according to %rticle 9 of the Arogramme +ecision- In practical terms it refers to all countries other than the 2G E/ Mem er Btates2 the EE%EC0% states &Iceland2 5iechtenstein and >or$ay'2 B$it<erland and the candidate countries for accession to the E/ &presently 8roatia2 Cormer Hugosla" 1epu lic of Macedonia - CH1=M and

0ur4ey'- With the exception of the E/ mem er Btates the other countries listed a o"e need to ha"e signed specific cooperation agreements $ith the E/ in order to e considered as Iparticipating countriesI in accordance $ith art-9 of the +ecision0herefore2 the term )third-country* does not y any means refer to the so called )third $orld*-

*ow to #ind in#ormation about the 'ro(e"ts alread$ sele"ted under the 'ro&ramme 0he list of the pro!ects selected under the programme for each specific %ction $ill e pu lished in the $e site of the Education %udio"isual and 8ulture Executi"e %gency on the selection results page-

Are there national in#ormation "entres or "onta"t 'oints #or the 'ro&ramme Hes2 there are Erasmus Mundus >ational 8ontact and Information Aoints &)>ational Btructures*' in the E/ Mem er Btates and the EE%-EC0% states as $ell as the European 8ommission +elegations located in third countries- 0he 0empus >ational 8ontact Aoints are also entitled to gi"e information on the Erasmus Mundus Arogramme-

*ow to a''l$
0he Arogramme Fuide pro"ides all the necessary information on the application conditions and criteria corresponding to each of the 3 Arogramme %ctions- 1egular 8alls for Aroposals are pu lished to specify the acti"ities2 the application criteria and the udgetary allocations rele"ant to the call concerned-

!nstitutions or&anised into "onsortia1'artnershi's

#igher education institutions and organisations acti"e in the field of higher education ha"e to apply centrally to the Education2 %udio"isual and 8ulture Executi"e %gency in accordance $ith the application conditions and timeta le defined in the Arogramme Fuide and the rele"ant 8all for Aroposals0here must e one co-ordinating;applicant institution that su mits the application on ehalf of the consortium;partnership;net$or4 of participating organisations %pplicants must e located in an eligi le applicant country as defined in the Arogramme Fuide-

8onsortia;partnerships selected under %ctions 1 and 2 recei"e lump-sum amounts for the implementation of their acti"ities and a num er of scholarships to a$ard to the est applicantsAroposals selected under %ction 3 are co-funded up to a maximum of G3J of their costs-

2"holarshi's and #ellowshi's

Btudents2 doctoral candidates2 teachers2 researchers and other academic staff should address their applications directly to the selected Erasmus Mundus masters and doctoral programmes &%ction 1' and to the selected Erasmus Mundus partnerships &%ction 2'2 in accordance $ith the application conditions defined y the selected consortium;partnership Bcholarship amounts can "ary according to the le"el of studies;teaching;research2 their duration &3 months to 3 years' and the grantee(s nationality &scholarships for non-E/ indi"iduals are higher than for E/ indi"iduals'Last update: 10/03/ 00!

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