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The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade SelfEmpowermentGuidebook.


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The Self Empowerment Guidebook

A Simple but Powerful Guide for Realizing Your Greatest Potential

egal !oti"e
The Authors, Publisher, and Distributor ha e stri ed to be as a!!urate and !omplete as possible in the !reation of this report, notwithstanding the fa!t that he does not warrant or represent at an" time that the !ontents within are a!!urate due to the rapidl" !hanging nature of the #nternet$ The Authors, Publisher, and Distributor will not be responsible for an" losses or damages of an" kind in!urred b" the reader whether dire!tl" or indire!tl" arising from the use of the information found in this report$ This report is not intended for use as a sour!e of legal, business, a!!ounting or finan!ial ad i!e$ All readers are ad ised to seek ser i!es of !ompetent professionals in legal, business, a!!ounting, and finan!e field$ %o guarantees of su!!ess and&or in!ome are made$ 'eader assumes responsibilit" for use of information !ontained herein$ The author reser es the right to make !hanges without noti!e$ The Authors, Publisher, and Distributor assume no responsibilit" or liabilit" whatsoe er on the behalf of the reader of this report$

The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade

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Table of #ontents
The #mportan!e of Empowering (ourself$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) *ho +ontrols (our Self +onfiden!e,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$11 *ithout This, (ou +an -orget About Self Empowerment$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1. The Swan Stor"/ 0ne *oman1s 2ourne" to 'e!laiming 3er Di ine 4eaut" $$$$$$$1) 4uilding (our Self +onfiden!e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$21 3appiness 4egins *ith -orgi eness$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$25 5 3airs/ A 3umorous Stor" About Alwa"s 3a ing A Positi e Attitude$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$26 Energ"/ The +urrent of the 7ni erse 8 *hat *e Think #s *hat *e +reate$$$$$$29 Spiritual Empowerment/ The +hallenge of :odern Times $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$52 Spiritualit"/ The Se!ret to E erlasting Su!!ess$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$5. :oti ation/ The 3eart of Self Empowerment$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$56 *ho *ill (ou 4e, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.1 Empowering (ourself 7sing The ;aw of Attra!tion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.5 +rash +ourse 6<Da" Program to Self Empowerment$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.) 1= Spiritual and Self Empowerment >uotes$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$51 'esour!e Guide$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$5.

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Self Empowerment and Su""ess

E er"thing that happens to us happens with purpose, and sometimes, one thing leads to another$ #nstead of lo!king "ourself up in a !age of fear and !r"ing o er past hearta!hes, embarrassment and failures, treat these situations as "our tea!hers and the" will be!ome "our tools in both self empowerment and su!!ess$ 3a e "ou seen the mo ie Pat!h Adams, #t?s one great film that will help "ou empower "ourself$ 3unter @Pat!hA Adams is a medi!al student who failed to make it through the board eBams$ After months of suffering in melan!hol", depression and sui!idal attempts C he de!ided to seek medi!al attention and oluntaril" admitted himself in a ps"!hiatri! ward$ 3is months of sta" in the hospital led him to meet different kinds of people, and espe!iall" ph"si!all" and mentall" ill people su!h as !atatoni!s, s!hiDophreni!s, and so on$ Pat!h found wa"s of treating his own ailment and finall" realiDed he had to get ba!k on tra!k$ 3e woke up one morning realiDing that after all the failure and pains he had gone through, he still wanted to be!ome a do!tor$ 3e !hose to !arr" a positi e attitude that brought him self empowerment and su!!ess$ 3e not onl" empowered himself, he empowered e er"one he !ame into !onta!t with$ Did he su!!eed, 3e be!ame one of the best do!tors his !ountr" has e er known$ So, when does self empowerment be!ome s"non"mous with su!!ess, *here do we start, Take these tips/ Stop thinking and feeling as if $ou%re a failure& be"ause $ou%re not$ 3ow !an others a!!ept "ou if (07 !an?t a!!ept (07, 'hen $ou see others who $ou en($ for an$ reason )beaut$& wealth& et"*& fo"us on $our own self empowerment& not self pit$ing$ Self<a!!eptan!e is not about how "ou fit into other peoples1 idea of the world, it is about a!!epting "ourself in the world regardless of how others iew "ou$ 'hen people feel down and low about themsel(es& help them up$ 'ather than Eoin others in feeling low, !hoose to help them out through leading b" eBample$ The more "ou radiate !onfiden!e, the more others will also feel and start to absorb that !onfiden!e themsel es$ Page . of 52

The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade

The world is $our "lassroom$ Don?t feel stupid or doomed fore er Eust be!ause "ou made a mistake or @failedA at something$ See how "our eBperien!e is a lesson to learn from$ Everything has a silver liningno exceptions. Take things one step at a time$ Don1t eBpe!t massi e !hanges o ernight$ Self empowerment is a pro!ess of taking lots of small steps that ultimatel" add up to something amaDingl" beautiful and profound$ Self empowerment results in inner stabilit$& personalit$ de(elopment and S+##ESS$ #t !omes from self<!onfiden!e, self appre!iation and self !onfiden!e$ Set meaningful and a"hie(able goals$ Self empowerment doesn?t tr" to make "ou an eBa!t repli!a of "our idols or role models$ Self empowerment is the pro!ess b" whi!h "ou dissol e all of the false ideas "ou1 e adopted o er the "ears, and "ou learn to see "ourself for the amaDing person "ou alread" are$ ittle things mean a ,T to other people$ Sometimes, we don?t realiDe that the little things that we do like a pat on the ba!k, sa"ing @3iA or asking somebod" @3ow are "ou,A are simple things that mean so mu!h to other people$ *hen we are appre!iati e and grateful of all that is around us, it e entuall" refle!ts ba!k inwardl" and we be!ome more appre!iati e and grateful for who we are and our eBperien!e here on Earth$ E(en though $ou%re willing to a""ept "hange and go through the pro"ess of self empowerment& it doesn%t mean that e(er$one else is$ The world is a pla!e where people of different alues and attitudes hang out$ Sometimes, e en if "ou think "ou and "our best friend alwa"s like to do the same thing together at the same time, be aware that not e er"bod" realiDes the alue of a path of self empowerment$

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*e should alwa"s remember that there?s no su!h thing as Fo ernight su!!ess?$ 4e grateful for e er" moment of "our life whi!h has brought "ou to this moment here and now$ (ou ha e probabl" heard the !lassi! Guote, @When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.A *e are all here to learn our lessons$ 0ur parents, s!hool tea!hers, friends, !olleagues, offi!emates, neighborsH the" are our tea!hers$ *hen we open our heart and mind to a path of self empowerment, we in!rease our !han!es of happiness, su!!ess, and lasting inner pea!e$

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The -mportan"e of Empowering Yourself

*hen all of our doubts, fears and inse!urities get our attention, we usuall" !ome up with the idea of @I wish I was somebody else.A :ore often than not, we think and belie e that someone or rather, most people are better than us < when in realit", the fa!t is, most people are just as scared as us, if not more scared. -or eBample, imagine "ou noti!e a er" attra!ti e person sitting alone at a so!ial gathering and "ou might think to "ourself, @That person looks so perfe!tl" !alm and !onfident$A 4ut if "ou !ould read through that person1s transparent mind, "ou would see a bun!h of !louds of thoughts and "ou might Eust be amaDed that person is thinking @Are people talking about wh" # am seated here alone,$$$ *h" don?t people find me attra!ti e, H# don?t like m" ankles, the" look too skinn"H # wish # was as intelligent as m" best friend$A *e might look at a "oung business entrepreneur and think @3e has e er"thingJ 3e !ouldn1t ask for an"thing else$A *hat "ou don1t know is that ea!h da", he stares at himself at the mirror and murmurs to himself, @# hate m" big e"esH # wonder wh" m" friends won?t talk to meH sometimes # wonder if m" parents reall" lo e me$A Isnt it ironic *e look at other people, en " them for seeming so perfe!t and wish we !ould trade pla!es with them, while the" look at us and think the same thingJ The people we are most inse!ure about are the same people who are inse!ure about us$ *hen we suffer from low self !onfiden!e, la!k of self<!onfiden!e, we lose hope in self empowerment be!ause we are en eloped in Guiet desperation$ Sometimes, "ou ma" noti!e that "ou ha e an irritating habit like biting off "our finger nails, and "ou C of all people, is the last to know$ # heard a stor" about a man who ne er gets tired of talking, and in most !on ersations, he is the onl" one who seems to be interested in the things he has to sa"$ So all of his other friends tend to a oid the !ir!les whene er he?s around, and he doesn?t noti!e how he has be!ome so!iall" handi!apped C graduall" affe!ting the people in his en ironment$ 0ne ke" to self empowerment is to ;#STE% and TA;K to a trusted friend$ -ind someone who "ou find !omfort in opening up with about the sensiti e topi!s "ou

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want to dis!uss$ Ask Guestions like @Are there wa"s in whi!h "ou think # am ill< mannered,A, @Do # often sound so argumentati e,A @Do # talk too loud,A @Does m" breath smell,A, @Do # e er bore "ou when we1re together,A Those are a few eBamples, but most likel" "ou ha e "our own Guestions "ou would like feedba!k about$ 4e sure to en!ourage "our friend to gi e "ou honest, !andid responses, and assure him that "our goal is self empowerment$ ;end "our ears for !omments and !riti!isms and be sure not to respond defensi el" with answers like @That?s Eust the wa" # amJA or @# guess "ou reall" don1t know me all that well$A 0pen up "our mind and heart as well to re!ei e these gifts from "our friend$ (ou ma" also offer to pro ide "our friend with !onstru!ti e !riti!ism, but ne er impose su!h !riti!isms without her appro al first$

0ne of *hitne" 3ouston?s songs sa"s @!earning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.A True enoughJ #n order to lo e others, "ou must lo e "ourself too$ 'emember, "ou !annot gi e something that "ou do not alread" ha e$ 4efore telling other people some wa"s on how to empower themsel es, let them see that "ou are a li ing eBample of self empowerment$ Self empowerment enables us to inspire other people, who then be!ome empowered and inspire e en more people$ #t1s sort of like that mo ie, @Pa" #t -orward,A where one 12 "ear old kid helps Eust three people and tells them to pa" it forward$ 4" the end of the mo ie, people all around the world are pa"ing it forward$ #t onl" takes one person to start a worldwide mo ement$ Gandhi did it$ (ou !an too$ Stop thinking of "ourself as a se!ond<rate being$ -orget the repetiti e thoughts of @#f onl" # was ri!her$$$ if onl" # was thinnerA and so on$ A!!epting "our true self is the first step to self empowerment$ *e need to stop !omparing oursel es to others be!ause the onl" thing we ha e in this life is oursel es$ *e all ha e our inse!urities$ %obod" is perfe!t from the so!iet" perspe!ti e Lalthough we are all perfe!t in @God1sA e"esM$ *e often wish we had better things,

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better features, better bod" parts, et!$ 4ut life does not need to be @perfe!tA for people to be happ" about themsel es$ Self empowerment and lo ing "ourself is not a matter of shouting to the whole world that "ou are perfe!t and "ou are the best$ #t?s the irtue of a!!eptan!e and !ontentment$ *hen we begin to empower oursel es, we then begin to feel !ontented and happ"$

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'ho #ontrols Your Self #onfiden"e.

"ontributed by #lex $halman
%Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.& N%orman Oin!ent Peale$ Self<!onfiden!e is when "ou are free of self doubt and belie e in "ourself and "our abilities$ #t is one of the main !omponents needed in order to !hase and a!hie e "our dreams$ The 3idden Se!ret in %apoleon 3ill1s Think and Grow 'i!h talks about persisten!e in it?s ke" formula to a!hie ing ultimate su!!ess, and # would add that self<!onfiden!e is the ke" to a!hie ing this persisten!e$ 'hat Self/#onfiden"e -s and -sn%t %$pea' $oftly and "arry a (ig $tic'& )*heodore +oosevelt Self<!onfiden!e is not about posturing or bod" language$ #t isn?t about what "ou tell others "ou are !apable of, and it isn?t about "our tra!k re!ord of what "ou ha e a!!omplished$ *hile these things !an !on e" to others that "ou are a !onfident person, the" aren?t dire!tl" !orrelated$ This is be!ause of something # like to !all false<!onfiden!e$ -alse<!onfiden!e is merel" a proEe!tion of !onfiden!e and se!urit" in order to !reate an impression$ #t is often eas" to see right through this fa!ade, and to re!ogniDe that it isn?t er" genuine$ People that eBhibit false !onfiden!e will usuall" break at the first sign of failure, be!ause the" do not ha e the real power of !onfiden!e at the !ore to ba!k them up$ Self<!onfiden!e li es in the now, and has e er"thing to do with "our philosoph"$ 'eall" !onfident people do not need to speak about or flaunt how !onfident the" are$ Real "onfiden"e is unshakable and is not determined b$ an$ outside person& situation or e(ent0 (ou don?t need someone to boost "our !onfiden!e, or to a!!omplish something to feel good about "ourself$ *hat "ou need is a philosoph" that "ou !an li e b", and be proud of "ourself for$ *hen "ou are a good person, when "ou set out to a!hie e "our dreams, when "our morals raise abo e laws and politi!s, "ou will be self<!onfident$

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Self #onfiden"e and Su""ess %,ou have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.& N:i!hael 2ordan :i!hael 2ordan, one of the greatest athletes of all time, a!hie ed the astounding le el of su!!ess be!ause he was !onfident in himself$ :i!hael holds the basketball1s leagues re!ord for most missed shots$ 3e was also !ut from high s!hool basketball tr"outs and didn1t make the team$ This shows that he didn?t let !onstant failure stop him from being persistent and pushing through to su!!ess and i!tor"$ Thomas Edison, was another huge su!!ess be!ause he was self< !onfident enough to endure ten thousand @failures$A That?s right, it took Edison that man" tries before he su!!essfull" in ented the light bulb$ 3e Eust thought of the other 9,999 attempts as new dis!o eries as to how the light bulb doesn?t work$ *ithout self< !onfiden!e, we might still not ha e ele!tri! lightingJ Get the Self #onfiden"e You 1eser(e %Inaction breeds doubt and fear. #ction breeds confidence and courage. If you want to con-uer fear, do not sit home and thin' about it. .o out and get busy.& NDale +arnegie (ou aren?t going to get !onfident b" getting beat up, losing, sulking, and feeling sorr" for "ourself$ 4e!oming self<!onfident is the proa!ti e pro!ess of de eloping "our philosoph" and making the !hanges in "our thinking that will get "ou results$ (our philosoph" shouldn?t be something "ou instantl" !reate right this moment after reading this Lunless "ou ha e been thinking about it for monthsM$ Take a few months to dis!o er for "ourself what "our life philosoph" will be$ Things to !onsider when !reating a philosoph" that will lead to self<!onfiden!e/

*hat goals "ou want to a!!omplish *hat fears "ou need to !onGuer *hat is reall" important to "ou *hat philosoph" would ser e "ou well for the rest of "our life

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'emember, it is $ou that "ontrols $our self/"onfiden"e$ %ow that "ou know that, "ou should be eB!ited at the possibilities that are open to "ou$ (ou !an "hoose to be self<!onfident, it onl" takes one de!ision$ #bout the author of %Who "ontrols ,our $elf "onfidence & AleB Shalman has been reading books, listening to audio tapes, going to seminars, and working with a life !oa!h in the field of self<impro ement for se eral "ears$ 3e is passionate about human potential and personal growth, and writes on his website to help transfer his knowledge to "ou in a !ondensed, eas" to understand, and pra!ti!al to implement wa"$

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'ithout This& You #an 2orget About Self Empowerment

"ontributed by /iane (randon
-inall"J Self<de elopment is finall" being touted as a desirable pro!ess to !ulti ateJ -rom arti!les on su!!ess to life !oa!hing, e er"where we turn these da"s we see self<growth themes$ As someone who has been fa!ilitating unfolding in others for o er fifteen "ears, this new trend is oh<so< er" wel!ome to me$ # worr", howe er, be!ause # er" rarel" see people talking about one of the most important !omponents of self<empowerment$ And this !omponent is not onl" important, it is !riti!al C and !riti!al to the point where we simpl" will ne er be empowered without it$ *hat is it, #t?s be!oming thoroughl" an!hored in oursel es and in who we are on the deepest le el inside of us$

# onl" !ame to know about this !omponent through m" fa!ilitating work with others in whi!h # in!reasingl" found m"self @readingA a !lient?s essen!e$ *hat is essen!e, @Essen!eA is the word # finall" !ame up with to des!ribe this fa!tor # kept en!ountering, reading, and mirroring ba!k to m" !lients C mirroring to some for the er" first time in their li es$

Essen!e is who we uniGuel" are on the deepest le el within oursel es and is our authenti!, genuine self that lies underneath an" inauthenti! stuff Lbeliefs, mindsets, fears, et!$M la"ered on top of it$ #n the purest sense, it is the persona we !ame into this lifetime with that defines who we uniGuel" are on a er" deep le el, irrespe!ti e of that whi!h lies outside of us$ 3ow would "ou define "ourself, Take a !ouple of minutes and think about how "ou would do that$$$ PPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPP PPPPPPP The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 15 of 52

PPPPP PPP P Did "ou define "ourself in terms of "our relationship with others Lparent, !hild, friendM, or in terms of the work "ou do, #f "ou did, this is not "our true essen!e$ (our true essen!e !an ne er be defined in relationship or !omparison to an"thing or an"one else$ #t?s "ou on the deepest le el on the inside, irrespe!ti e of an"one or an"thing else$ Period$ As # mentioned abo e, Guite often when # read a !lient?s essen!e it?s the first time their essen!e has e er been mirrored ba!k to them$ And the"?re rarel" surprised b" what the" hear$ #nstead, the" tend to matter<of<fa!tl" re!ogniDe it as something the" did know somewhat about themsel es and tended to take for granted or ne er looked at$ And "et our essen!e is huge in its importan!e for us and in its impli!ations for our path in life$ As well as to our empowerment$ 0ne of the greatest obsta!les to our empowerment lies in not knowing our essen!e and then a!knowledging it, embra!ing it, and allowing oursel es to eBpress it C unfettered C in our li es$ *e tend to grow up being taught to !ompare oursel es to others and to Eudge oursel es in !omparison to others$ *e allow oursel es to re ere authorit" figures outside of oursel es C and, before "ou know it, we?re li ing our li es a!!ording to what e er"one else thinks and in !omparison to what is outside of us$ *e tr" to bring oursel es up to others? standards C tr"ing to fit in at work, being !on!erned about others think, fo!using on what the latest trend is, et!$ 4eing empowered represents the opposite of this$ 0n!e we ha e learned Lor rememberedM what our true essen!e is and ha e begun to embra!e it, the neBt step is to allow oursel es to think for oursel es C to know what our truth is$ And then to no longer !are about what the thinking trend is or what e er"one else thinks or e en what our lo ed ones eBpe!t of us$

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Does this mean that we then be!ome solipsists Li$e$ those who belie e that the"?re the onl" ones in the world who eBist or matterM or self<absorbed nar!issists, %o, it !ertainl" doesn?t$ *e still li e in relationship to others, like and lo e others, and engage in an eB!hange of energ" with others$ 'elationships are ital to our li es, as is lo e, and both are to be embra!ed$ #t is not relationships to whi!h we?re referring$ #t?s our minds, thinking, and knowing C and be!oming empowered in those areas$ *e still go outside of oursel es for information and eBpertise, but we learn to boun!e e er"thing we hear or read off of our own guts$ *e !ome to know our own minds and outlook and embra!e them$ Speaking of guts, this is another stage in the empowerment pro!ess/ to find, de elop, and heed our inner oi!e$ +all it whate er "ou want C intuition, inner oi!e, inner knowing$ #t?s still the same thing/ the deepest part of oursel es that has a knowing$ 0ur inner knowing allows us to be!ome an independent thinker C and to be!ome more empowered$ This, then, is the true wa" to be!ome empowered/ 1$ Know "our Essen!e, who "ou reall" are on the deepest le el$ 2$ Embra!e and eBpress who "ou reall" are$ 5$ 'emo e an" inauthenti! stuff Lwants, needs, fears, beliefs, mindsets, et!$M that !louds "our essen!e and impedes "our per!eptual !larit"$ .$ -ind "our #nner Ooi!e and listen to it C regularl"$ 5$ Stop !omparing "ourself to others or !aring about their opinions of "ou$ L(ou !an !are for and lo e others without allowing them to think for "ou$M I$ Know "our own mind and what "ou think and how "ou feel about things$ And don?t forget passionJ *hate er "ou feel passionate about Lthat?s health"M and allow "ourself to do reinfor!es self and strengthens "ou$ 7suall" our essen!e and our passion are two huge guideposts to purpose$ #?ll repeat this be!ause it?s so er" important/ (ou simpl" !annot be!ome empowered without knowing and embra!ing "our essen!e$ %o matter who promises "ou what$ %o matter how man" s"stems to su!!ess or empowerment The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 15 of 52

"ou bu"$ #t?s imperati e that "ou know "our uniGue essen!e and start to embra!e it$ That?s "our first step to self<empowerment$ #bout *he #uthor of %Without *his, ,ou "an 0orget #bout $elf Empowerment1& Diane 4randon is the 3ost of Q;i ing (our PowerQ on the 3ealth R *ellness +hannel of Ooi!eAmeri!a$!om and the new show, QOibrant ;i ingQ debuting late :a" 2==) on *ebtalkradio$net, as well as an #ntuition EBpert R Tea!her, #ntegrati e #ntuiti e +ounselor, and Speaker, who has helped thousands of !lients find more personal fulfillment in their li es$ She is the author of Q#n isible 4lueprintsQ and se eral arti!les on personal growth topi!s, as well as a !ontributing author to QSpeaking 0utQ and QThe ;ong *a" Around/ 3ow 5. *omen -ound the ;i es The" ;o e$Q 3er pri ate work with indi iduals fo!uses on personal growth, working with dreams, and personal empowerment, and she has done !orporate seminars on intuition, !reati it", and listening skills$

:ore information ma" be found on her websites/ http/&&www$dianebrandon$!om http/&&www$dianebrandon$net

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The Swan Stor$

2ne woman3s journey to reclaiming her /ivine beauty "ontributed by /awn 4cIntyre
:" stor", while er" uniGue, speaks to the hearts of man"$ :ost of us ha e had, or !urrentl" are, struggling with how we feel about the wa" we look, how we embra!e the !on!ept of aging and how we be!ome our higher, more !ons!ious sel es$ #t is m" eBperien!e, as # speak to and !oa!h man" women that inside we are all goddesses and gods, we are all beautiful and we all possess a uniGue gift that our souls are urging us to eBpress to the world$ *e are being !alled to re!ogniDe this about oursel es and to embra!e it full"$ #n so doing we !an then eBpress our gift to the world, without shame, without fear and without apolog"$ :" Eourne" was tragi!$ At the age of 5 m" father mo ed m" sister and # in with a woman he lo ed, a woman we had ne er met before$ This woman had two !hildren from a pre ious marriage$ #f "ou want to !ompare m" !hildhood with a fair" tale # would Gualif" for two/ +inderella and The 7gl" Du!kling$ # was ph"si!all" tortured on a erage .<5 times per week$ # ha e been !ut, burned, stomped on, "elled at, and told that in no un!ertain terms was # useless, ugl", stupid and fat$ The enom with whi!h these messages were rela"ed to me b" m" stepmother was er" poisonous and nearl" killed me twi!e$ # ha e sur i ed two %DE?s, one when # was siB and one when # was about 11$ :" step sister and brother Gui!kl" learned to remind me of the painful messages that were beaten in to me b" step<mother$ #t was "our !lassi! +inderella stor" gone er", er" bad$ As # grew into a "oung adult, # grew to be!ome eBtremel" fearful and unsure of who # was, what lo e was, and what m" real potential was$ # was as inse!ure as the" !ome$ # attra!ted man" men and sought the !omfort of them whi!h was alwa"s short li ed and demeaning in man" wa"s$ # married man" times, ea!h time with the intention of it lasting fore er and "et with the s!ars of abuse that # was !arting around in m" bag of goodies # !ould not attra!t a partner that would not abuse me$ Ea!h marriage got better, the abuse not as se ere$ # be!ame the !lassi! and ideal mate for an" nar!issist$ # ha e suffered the loss of two !hildren, one daughter who was stillborn and one son who was taken from me through lies and betra"als at a time when # was at m" worst and trul" needing support ersus being undermined and taken ad antage of$ After the loss of m" son, # knew # had to make a !hoi!e$ The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 16 of 52

To sa" (es to life and !ommit to healing m" wounds !ompletel" or to !ontinue the down the same path and die at a er" earl" age$ # opted to (es to life$ And the healing and transformation began$ This kind of healing reGuired getting to know m"self as a soul ersus a personalit" and then to merge the two$ The healing pro!ess opened me up to sharing m" intuiti e gifts with the world, without shame or fear$ # embra!ed m" !onne!tion to the angeli! realm and # worked at be!oming whole$ There were man" da"s when a !omplete healing seemed impossible, there was so mu!h trauma and abuse to work through$ # found m" strength in m" !onne!tion to m" soul, whi!h was growing e er" da"$ # be!ame determined to raise m" first daughter, er" mu!h ali e and well, unlike # had been raised$ To guide her to a life that was an eBample of reall" rea!hing for the stars in e er"thing, a life of li ing fearlessl" and of being of ser i!e to humanit", and also a life of prosperit", of re!ei ing as mu!h as we gi e$ These lessons were diffi!ult for me to learn$ :" hardest lesson was to re!ogniDe that deep down, # was 0K, that # was beautiful$ # had made a lot of mistakes and # had to do a tremendous amount of self<forgi eness but in the end # was freed to !laim m" di ine light and beaut"$ And then # started to look in the mirror and see m"self differentl"$ # e en started to dress differentl"S # used to dress to hide m" bod", now # dress to enhan!e m" features$ # am not so s!ared of aging, as a matter of fa!t # fo!us on the positi e aspe!ts of aging and # embra!e it as part of the pro!ess of life, for all li ing beings and organisms$ %o one and nothing is eB!luded from this fa!t of life$ :" greatest fear was to be seen, to be heard, to be the !enter of attention$ # was er" sh" at the le el of m" personalit" and as # grew to be friends with m" soul # was guided to its fire, its power and its oi!e$ #n looking ba!k # belie e it was the strength of m" soul that helped me to sur i e the trauma and abuse o er m" lifetime$ :" soul ne er ga e up on me and it was be!oming m" best friend$ # de!ided to honour it and to get out and share m" messages, m" stor", m" isions, and m" intuiti e guidan!e with the world, through radio and TO$ #t was er" s!ar" at first, the first "ear was er" !hallenging but then it be!ame se!ond nature to me$ # !ould not imagine an"more, not sharing m" gifts passionatel" to the world$ # !ontinue to grow and heal and stri e to be!ome more whole, more !ons!ious and more transparent$ And # !ontinue to look for wa"s that # !an be of ser i!e to humanit", to share m" message and to guide others down the same path$

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# belie e m" Eourne" had its purpose, as painful as it was$ #t has allowed me to open up to the beaut" of life in er" deep and profound wa"s$ # !an honestl" sa" that the maEorit" of m" da"s are spent in Eo" and re eren!e for m" life, for m" relationship with m" daughter, and for the fulfillment of m" soul mission$ # am still perfe!ting the art of relationships but m" !urrent marriage has helped me to sa" (es to m"self when m" # was being asked to sa" %o$ # ha e be!ome stronger for it and am full" able to stand up for m"self and m" !ore alues$ And best of all, # ha e learned that the uni erse is indeed a er" friendl" and generous pla!e to li e in, and # no longer a!!ept an en ironment that does not support that belief whole heartedl"$ # ha e grown from the ugl" du!kling into the gra!eful and beautiful swan$ #n being able to stand strongl" in this pla!e for m"self # !an also hold the spa!e for "ou$ There is nothing more that # would like to see than a large !ommunit" of souls standing here with me, sharing this amaDing Eourne" hand in hand$

#bout *he #uthor of %*he $wan $tory& Dawn :!#nt"re is a trained and erified intuiti e professional with a deep desire to enlighten those who want to know more about manifesting a life of beaut" and truth$ -or the past 2= "ears, Dawn has honed her professional skills and training, in!luding stud"ing under world<renowned ps"!hi! Sonia +hoGuette in the SiB< Sensor" program, best<selling author Doreen Oirtue in the Angel Therap" Pra!titionerT series and 0rin R Da4en, founders of the Awakening (our ;ight 4od" program$ Dawn has also studied the se!rets of manifestation in great detail from man" masters$ Alwa"s on a path to self<dis!o er", Dawn !ontinues her 2= "ear metaph"si!al Eourne" and edu!ation$ Eager to share her insights, she is preparing to laun!h her book A4oldl" 4eautiful Hwhere di ine beaut" and bold eBpression dare to meetA$ 3er skills as a ps"!hi! medium make her a preferred !hoi!e as an ad isor on 12Angel$!om$ She has a full<time pra!ti!e, has hosted her own radio show and has regular guest appearan!es on radio and TO in!luding 4reakfast TO in Edmonton, Alberta$

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3uilding Your Self #onfiden"e

So how do "ou sta" !alm, !omposed and maintain self !onfiden!e in a tough en ironment, 3ere are some tips "ou ma" to !onsider as a starter guide to empowerment$

-magine $ourself as a 1art 3oard$ E er"thing and e er"one else around "ou ma" be!ome dart pins, at one point or another$ These dart pins will destro" "our self !onfiden!e and pull "ou down in wa"s "ou often aren1t e en aware of$ Don?t let them destro" "ou, or get the best of "ou$ So whi!h dart pins should "ou a oid, 1art Pin 45 6 !egati(e 'ork En(ironment 4eware of @dog eat dogA theor" where e er"one else is fighting Eust to get ahead$ This is where non<appre!iati e people usuall" thri e$ %o one will appre!iate "our !ontributions e en if "ou miss lun!h and dinner, and sta" up late to !omplete "our tasks or go the eBtra mile$ :ost of the time "ou get to work too mu!h without getting help from people !on!erned$ Sta" out of this en ironment be!ause it will damage "our self !onfiden!e$ #f "ou are in a situation like this then remember that there are other Eobs out there whi!h will not threaten "our emotional stabilit"8don1t make eB!uses to keep "our eBisting Eob$ -ind a new oneJ 1art Pin 476 ,ther People%s 3eha(ior 4ulldoDers, brown nosers, gossipmongers, whiners, ba!kstabbers, snipers, people walking wounded, !ontrollers, naggers, !omplainers, eBploders, patroniDersH all these kinds of people will pose bad ibes for "our self !onfiden!e, as well as to "our self empowerment Eourne"$ 2ust be!ause a friend has been in "our life fore er does not ne!essaril" mean he is a good friend$ 4e willing to !ut ties with those people who do not reinfor!e the positi e life "ou want to li e and support "ou in "our !hoi!e to su!!eed$

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1art Pin 486 Resistan"e to #hange +hanges !hallenge our paradigms$ #t tests our fleBibilit", adaptabilit" and alters the wa" we think$ +hanges ma" make life diffi!ult for awhile and !ause stress, but it also pro ides opportunities to empower oursel es$ There1s a !lassi! Guote, @The onl" thing !onstant in life is !hange$A +hange will happen$ #t1s alwa"s happening$ A!!ept !hange and learn to work with it, and "ou will su!!eed in e er"thing and be happ" while doing it$ 'esist !hange, and "ou will find "ourself unhapp"$ 1art Pin 496 Pro:e"ting Your Past E;perien"es ,nto the Present #t?s oka" to !r" and sa" @ou!hJA when we eBperien!e pain$ 4ut don?t let pain transform itself into fear$ #t might grab "ou b" the tail and swing "ou around$ Treat ea!h failure and mistake as a lesson$ 2ust be!ause "ou ha e been se erel" hurt in the past b" "our eBes, does not mean that "our !urrent partner will de astate "ou too$ (ou ha e the !hoi!e to look at ea!h moment as a fresh new opportunit", so don1t hold onto the past and let it Eade "ou from seeing the greatness in life$ 1art Pin 4<6 !egati(e 'orld =iew ;ook at what "ou?re looking at$ Don?t wrap "ourself up with all the negati ities of the world$ #n building self !onfiden!e, we must learn how to make the best out of worst situations while not absorbing the energ" of negati e situations$ Tr" taking a break from news and TO for a !ouple of da"s and see how mu!h eBtra energ" "ou feel$ 1art Pin 4>6 1etermination Theor$ The wa" "ou are and "our beha ioral traits is said to be a miBed end produ!t of "our inherited geneti!s, and "our en ironmental surroundings su!h as "our spouse, the !ompan", the e!onom" or "our !ir!le of friends$ (ou ha e "our own identit"$ #f "our father is a failure, it doesn?t mean "ou ha e to be a failure too$ ;earn from other people?s eBperien!e, so "ou?ll ne er ha e to en!ounter the same mistakes$ Sometimes, "ou ma" want to wonder if some people are born leaders or positi e thinkers$ %0$ 3eing positi(e& and sta$ing positi(e is a "hoi"e$ 4uilding self The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 21 of 52

!onfiden!e and drawing lines for self empowerment is a !hoi!e, not a rule or a talent$ God wouldn?t !ome down from hea en and tell "ou C @George, "ou ma" now ha e the permission to build self !onfiden!e and empower "ourself$A #n life, it?s diffi!ult to sta" resolute when things and people around "ou keep pulling "ou down$ *hen "ou get to the battlefield, !hoose the right weapons to bring and armors to use, and pi!k those that are bullet proof$ ;ife gi es us man" options$ Along the battle, "ou will get hit and bruised$ And wearing a bulletproof armor ideall" means Fself !hange?$ The kind of !hange whi!h !omes from within$ Ooluntaril"$ Armor or self !hange affe!ts 5 things/ "our attitude, "our beha ior, and "our wa" of thinking$ 4uilding self !onfiden!e will e entuall" lead to self empowerment if "ou start to be!ome responsible for who "ou are, what "ou ha e, and what "ou do$ #t is like a flame that graduall" spreads like a brush fire from the inside outwards$ *hen "ou de elop self !onfiden!e, "ou take !ontrol of "our mission, alues and dis!ipline$ Self !onfiden!e brings about self empowerment, true assessment, and determination$ So how do "ou start building "our foundation of self !onfiden!e, 4e positi e$ 4e !ontented and happ"$ %e er miss an opportunit" to show gratitude$ A positi e wa" of li ing will help "ou build self !onfiden!e, "our starter guide to self empowerment$

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?appiness 3egins 'ith 2orgi(eness

"ontributed by +ic'y 5owell
# would like to prefa!e this arti!le b" stating that # am referring to people and o!!urren!es that can be forgi en$ There are some atro!ities in our world that are simpl" too horrible to forgi e$ That said, e en the most painful of eBperien!es !an be let go for the purpose of allowing happiness into our li es$ 0ne of the maEor stumbling blo!ks on the road to happiness is the painful emotion of anger$ *hether this anger is dire!ted at a friend or lo ed one, or worseH "ourself, it is a feeling that must be o er!ome and released if "ou are trul" going to ha e a !han!e at lasting happiness$ Anger is something that we all ha e to deal with from time to time$ #t is irtuall" impossible to stroll through life without be!oming angr" with someone that "ou know and lo e$ #n fa!t, one of the worst bouts of anger "ou !an ha e is a!tuall" with that person staring ba!k at "ou in the mirror$ *hen something or someone upsets "ou, it is eBtremel" important to ent "our feelings$ #deall", it?s best to deal with the offender dire!tl"$ #f that someone happens to be "ou, so be it$ #n fa!t, forgi ing "ourself is one of the most important steps "ou !an take on the happiness path$ #f "ou are not worth" of forgi eness, how !an "ou e er eBperien!e real happiness, #?m not suggesting that "ou run out and berate e er"one who has e er done "ou wrong, # am merel" stating that harboring anger will e entuall" !at!h up with "ou making it er" diffi!ult, if not impossible, to partake in the happiness that would otherwise be a ailable to "ou$ #t is perfe!tl" normal and natural to be!ome upset or angr" with others or "ourself$ Perhaps someone insulted "ou, hurt "ou, !heated or betra"ed "ou$ :a"be "ou a!tuall" let "ourself down b" not pla"ing b" the rules, or a!!omplishing a goal that "ou had set out to a!hie e$ +on!ei abl", "ou unintentionall" or worse, intentionall" harmed someone$ *hile none of this is noble, it is !ru!ial to let it go$ #f possible, tr" to talk through it$ #f "ou are angr" with someone else, let them know how "ou feel$ Tr" not to speak to them with phrases like, @(ou did thisHA or @(ou made me feel like thatHA, but instead, use The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 25 of 52

eBpressions like, @After our !on ersation, # feel likeHA$ 7se #?s rather than (ou?s$ #t will do wonders for hashing it out$ *ith forgi eness !omes pea!e, and with pea!e, happiness ma" begin to flow$ Therefore, it is important to remember that happiness begins with forgi eness$ #bout the author of %6appiness (egins With 0orgiveness& 'i!k" Powell owns the website #<+hoose<3appiness$!om where he shares an abundan!e of wa"s to ignite the happiness within "ou and all around "ou$

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8 ?airs6 A ?umorous Stor$ About Alwa$s ?a(ing A Positi(e Attitude

"ontributed by "hris "ade
There on!e was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noti!ed she had onl" three hairs on her head$ Q*ell,Q she said, Q# think #1ll braid m" hair toda"$Q So she did and she had a wonderful da"$ The neBt da" she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had onl" two hairs on her head$ Q3<:<:, Q she said, Q# think #1ll part m" hair down the middle toda"$Q So she did and she had a grand da"$ The neBt da" she woke up, looked in the mirror and noti!ed that she had onl" one hair on her head$ Q*ell,Q she said, QToda" #1m going to wear m" hair in a pon" tail$Q So she did and she had a fun, fun da"$ The neBt da" she woke up, looked in the mirror and noti!ed that there wasn1t a single hair on her head$$$$ Q(EA3JQ she eB!laimed, Q# don1t ha e to fiB m" hair toda"JQ 8 Author 7nknown 'efle!tion >uestions/ 0ften when we read spiritual stories, the" lea e us feeling warm and fuDD", but then we soon forget about them and miss out on an opportunit" to be affe!ted deepl" and profoundl"$ These refle!tion Guestions will help "ou get the most out of "our eBperien!e with reading and eBploring the stor"$ The Guestions are designed to help "ou find "our own answers$ 1M ;ist three things in "our life that are !urrentl" troubling "ou, then pi!k one of them$ *hat are 2 wa"s in whi!h there might be able to positi el" iew the situation "ou !hose, 2M 0b iousl" this stor" is tr"ing to show us how we !an maintain a positi e perspe!ti e when bad things happen$ #f "ou1 e alread" answered refle!tion Guestion U1, "ou1 e found how this is true in "our own life as well$ *hat is at least one other important message in this stor", The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 25 of 52

5M -rom Guestion one, take one of the two remaining situations that are troubling "ou$ *hat are some humorous wa"s that somebod" might be able to look at those situations to help ease a bit of the tension, #bout "hris "ade1 +hris owns the website Spiritual<Short<Stories$!om where he shares a uniGue !olle!tion of spiritual stories written b" and for people like "ou$ #n his newsletter, he shares stories and refle!tion Guestions like the abo e, as well as other pie!es of spiritual wisdom$ At Spiritual<Short<Stories$!om "ou !an also enEo" other parables, spiritual mo ie and book re iews, send free e!ards and more$ #f "ou are interested in learning how to use writing as a tool for spiritual growth and personal empowerment, then isit his website #ns!ribe(our;ife$!om

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Energ$6 The #urrent of the +ni(erse @ 'hat 'e Think -s 'hat 'e #reate
"ontributed by 7ac'ie !apin, 0ounder of 8nited World 6ealing
*ith e er" emotion we feel, we send out energ" that either !ontributes to the !onstru!tion or destru!tion of the pea!eful world that most of us would like to enEo"$ (ou don?t ha e to be either the !orporate raider or the abusi e husband$ (ou Eust might be a man who feels guilt" for not spending more time with his !hildren or the woman who hates the figure she sees in the mirror be!ause it !arries a few eBtra pounds$ Those energies log into the global @bank$A 0n the !ontrar", when "ou feel good be!ause "ou ha e rea!hed out to a stranger, taught someone to read, kissed "our elderl" grandmother, eBer!ised "our bod" or selflessl" helped a !o<worker stu!k on a proEe!t, "ou? e put health", high freGuen!" ibrations into the @bank$A -or what we think and feel is what we !reate$ *hat we fo!us on, we manifest and attra!t$ #f we turn our attention to en isioning the world in whi!h we want to li e, through time, effort and shared ision, we !an begin to mold and shape it to that image$ #t is through our ision, the tool of our imagination, that we emit the energies that transform$ Through the harnessing of Eo"ful imaging, !reating lo ing mind pi!tures of a kinder world, we transform and repla!e the negati e, low freGuen!" energies that ha e dominated the past$ This is be!ause high freGuen!" energies are far more powerful than the opposite$ These energies resonate with the 7ni erse?s desire to gi e mankind the pea!e and !ontentment it desires$

So wh" ha e we !ome to this pla!e of worldwide desperation, #t is be!ause we ha e relegated our !reati e isionar" power to people who are !ons!iousl" or un!ons!iousl" dri en b" fear$ -ear is the most potent kind of global pollution$ *hat we belie e 8 !ons!iousl" or sub!ons!iousl" 8 determines how we per!ei e the world and, more importantl", the world itself$

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#t is time we !leanse oursel es of fear and take ba!k the power$ *e are the ultimate !reators$ #t is time we remember who we are and wh" we are here$ Tr" manifesting in "our own life first, using the positi e te!hniGues of +ons!ious +reation$ Think about how man" times before "ou? e wished for something that !ame to pass$ (our desires, "our emotions and the positi e energies "ou emitted manifest "our wish$ L(ou manifested it be!ause on some le el, "ou belie ed "ou !ould$M *e !an do the same with the world around us b" using +ons!ious +reati it" 8 en isioning the world we want, making it real in our minds and hearts before it be!omes real in the ph"si!al plane$ There is no need to feel foolish or powerless thinking that "ou are Eust one person$ Ea!h one of us is an enormousl" powerful being for transformation$ #t onl" takes one person to ignite !hange in the world or inspire others$ :argaret :ead understood this when she said/ @%e er doubt that a small group of thoughtful !ommitted !itiDens !an !hange the world$ #ndeed, it?s the onl" thing that e er has$A 4ut "ou will no longer be Eust one, or e en a few$ *e are approa!hing a spiritual !rossroads on this planet, where millions of people are realiDing there must be something more, something better$ The" are awakening to a !all for spiritual self< responsibilit" and global !leansing$ #t is a summons for us to e ol e to a higher !ons!iousness of beings$ #t?s time to learn we are one with the 7ni erse and we ha e the power to !reate our own realit", both personall" and as a !onsensus realit"$ As "ou begin "our isions for personal and global transformation, others will mat!h "our high freGuen!" energies and desires$ ;ike a tuning fork resonating with other ibrations on the same freGuen!", this united ision will be unlike an" for!e e er before$ #t is a remarkable s"nergisti! power that will be life !hanging for all of us$ See it, feel it, so be it$ #bout the #uthor of %Energy1 *he "urrent of the 8niverse What We *hin' Is What We "reate&1 2a!kie ;apin is a writer, speaker and isionar" who is edu!ating and uniting the The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 2) of 52

planet?s people to manifest a better, healthier more pea!eful and Eo"ful world$ She is re ealing to humanit" its ultimate power for global transformation and leading the !all for s"n!hroniDing a ision for a new and better realit" and is founder of the non<profit organiDation, 7nited *orld 3ealing, an international organiDation designed to unite millions around the world in dail" a!ts of +ons!ious +reation, to impa!t the future of the planet$ http/&&www$TheArtof+ons!ious+reation$!om http/&&www$:anifest4ooks$!om http/&&www$7nited*orld3ealing$org

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Spiritual Empowerment6 The #hallenge of Aodern Times

To grow spirituall" in a world defined b" power, mone", and influen!e is a 3er!ulean task$ :odern !on enien!es su!h as ele!troni!s, gadgets, and tools as well as entertainment through tele ision, magaDines, and the web ha e predisposed us to !onfine our attention mostl" to ph"si!al needs and wants$ As a result, our !on!epts of self<worth and self<meaning are muddled$ 3ow !an we strike a balan!e between the material and spiritual aspe!ts of our li es, To grow spirituall$ is to look inward0 #ntrospe!tion goes be"ond re!alling the things that happened in a da", week, or month$ (ou need to look !losel" and refle!t on "our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and moti ations$ Periodi!all" eBamining "our eBperien!es, the de!isions "ou make, the relationships "ou ha e, and the things "ou engage in pro ide useful insights on "our life goals, on the helpful traits "ou must sustain and the obstru!ti e traits "ou ha e to dis!ard$ :oreo er, it gi es "ou !lues on how to a!t, rea!t, and !ondu!t "ourself in the midst of an" situation$ ;ike an" skill, introspe!tion !an be learnedS all it takes is the !ourage and willingness to seek the truths that lie within "ou$ The most important ad i!e # !an gi e is to be obEe!ti e and forgi ing of "ourself$ To grow spirituall$ is to sear"h for meaning0 'eligions that belie e in the eBisten!e of God assume that the purpose of the human life is to ser e the +reator of all things$ Se eral theories in ps"!holog" propose that we ultimatel" gi e meaning to our li es$ *hether we belie e that life?s meaning is pre<determined or self<dire!ted, to grow in spirit is to realiDe that we do not merel" eBist$ *e do not know the meaning of our li es at birthS but we gain knowledge and wisdom from our intera!tions with people and from our a!tions and rea!tions to the situations we are in$ As we dis!o er this meaning, there are !ertain beliefs and alues that we reEe!t and affirm$ 0ur li es ha e purpose$ This purpose puts all our ph"si!al, emotional, and intelle!tual potentials into useS sustains us during The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 5= of 52

tr"ing timesS and gi es us something to look forward to<<<a goal to a!hie e, a destination to rea!h$ A person without purpose or meaning is like a drifting ship at sea$ To grow spirituall$ is to re"ognize inter"onne"tions0 'eligions stress the !on!ept of our relatedness to all !reation, li e and inanimate$ Thus we !all other people @brothers and sistersA e en if there are no dire!t blood relations$ :oreo er, deit"<!entered religions speak of the relationship between humans and a higher being$ 0n the other hand, s!ien!e eBpounds on our link to other li ing things through the e olution theor"$ This relatedness is !learl" seen in the !on!ept of e!olog", the intera!tion between li ing and non<li ing things$ #n ps"!holog", !onne!tedness is a !hara!teristi! of self< trans!enden!e, the highest human need a!!ording to :aslow$ 'e!ogniDing "our !onne!tion to all things helps "ou be more humble and respe!tful of people, animals, plants, and things in nature$ #t helps "ou appre!iate e er"thing around "ou$ #t mo es "ou to go be"ond "our !omfort Done and rea!h out to other people, and be!ome stewards of all other things around "ou$ Growth is a pro!ess, and thus to grow in spirit is a da"<to<da" en!ounter$ Sometimes it is two steps forward with a step ba!kward, but the important thing is that we learn, and from this knowledge, further spiritual growth is made possible$

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Spiritualit$6 The Se"ret to E(erlasting Su""ess

6ow 2ne (lind and 5hysically /isabled Individual 9iews $pirituality and Its Effects on $uccess "ontributed by $hirley "heng
#n life, e er"thing is !ategoriDed into mainl" two !ompartments/ the spiritual and the worldl"$ *hat belong to the spiritual realm are e erlasting$ The" do not know timeS the" do not know age$ The" withstand all trials and tribulations$ Those who ha e the spiritual elements will a!hie e e erlasting su!!ess and happiness$ The worldl", on the other hand, will onl" gi e "ou earthl" su!!ess$ *hen "ou die, the" will die with "ou$ These in!lude mone", fame, power, and lust$ *hat good is a roomful of mone" to "ou after "ou are dead, *hen we li e, we need to !olle!t treasures that will last fore er so we !an enEo" happiness fore er$ :an" times, we are so fo!used on a!hie ing what our flesh wants, not knowing that what our flesh a!hie es will die with the flesh$ So being a spiritual person, embra!ing the spiritual aspe!ts of life8lo e, gratitude, faith, alues, and hope<<will lead "ou to a fulfilling life, not Eust for the life right now$ 6ow does being spiritual help you con-uer negativity or challenges in life 0 er!oming negati it" is not ne!essaril" about making a ph"si!al differen!e$ :an" times, we !annot ph"si!all" !hange the situation we are in$ # lost m" e"esight, and # !annot magi!all" make m"self see again$ +onGuering negati it" is about making a ps"!hologi!al differen!e for "our spirit$ 4" being happ" when # am blind, # am su!!essfull" !onGuering negati it"$ A method of spirituall" !onGuering negati it" is finding the positi e side to a negati e situation$ # know it !an be Guite diffi!ult to alwa"s be able to find the good side of something badS "ou will ha e to look at "our situation from e er" angle$ *hile at times, the good thing does not !ome out of the bad until some time has passed$ After # lost m" e"esight, # be!ame an author and moti ational speakerS that was the good that !ame from the bad$ This wa", # am able to tou!h others in wa"s # !ould not ha e if # had not lost m" e"esightS at least, it would not ha e been so soon or eBa!tl" in this wa"$ Another eBample is that # ha e periods of se ere insomnia, and it is during m" insomnia that man" of m" great writing ideas !ome to me, so that is the positi e The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 52 of 52

side of insomnia$ #n life, there is alwa"s something good and something bad happening at the same time, and there is alwa"s a positi e side to the negati e, and e en a negati e side to the positi e$ And there are times where the bad a!tuall" be!omes the good and i!e ersa$ So in a!tualit", it !an be too hard at times for us to Eudge what is trul" good or bad$ *hat we !an do is alwa"s tr" to look on the bright side and do our best to li e our best, and put all faith in God<<that is the se!ret that gets me goingS e er"thing else is Eust strateg"J What does it mean to be truly successful To me, su!!ess does not mean wealth and fame$ Su!!ess is not about being a su!!essful businessman, a su!!essful tea!her, a su!!essful do!torS that all !omes later$ Su!!ess is all about being a su!!essful human being$ #n order to be trul" su!!essful in life, "ou need to first establish "our alues$

*hat Gualities do "ou hold highest, *hat traits do "ou want to ha e and be asso!iated with,

Think of what Gualities are important to "ou and hold firm to them$ (our alues are what "ou will base "our life1s de!isions on$ (ou will make goals around "our !ore alues$ -or eBample, m" alue is goodness, so # make goals that will a!!omplish m" alue$ # will be satisfied for ha ing a!hie ed that alue if nothing else$ 2 plus 2 eGuals .$ 4ut if "ou think that 2 plus 2 eGuals e er"thing and an"thing, then "ou are bound to en!ounter problems in "our life$ %othing in life is e er guaranteedS e er"thing "ou own<<"our !ar, "our house, and e en "our friends and famil", !an be taken awa" from "ou$ 4ut nothing !an take awa" "our alues if "ou do not let them$ %o one !an destro" "our alues unless "ou destro" them "ourself$ (our alues are what will guide "ou in the right paths in life$ *he second secret on being successful is gratitude. Start e er"thing with appre!iation$ 4efore "ou do an"thing new, sa" an"thing new, go an"where new, meet an"one new, first appre!iate "our !urrent state in e er" aspe!t$ This a!ts like a !ushion in !ase what "ou do will bring "ou to "our original state$ So if "ou !ould be thankful for now, when "ou return to now, "ou will be thankful that "ou ha e not lost an"thing$ So it is ital to appre!iate "our situation at e er" stage of "our life$ The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 55 of 52

So "our alues and gratitude will make "ou a su!!essful human being, but the most important se!ret<<and this is what reall" takes me far in life<<is the deep, unwa ering faith in something larger than m"self$ it is this faith that has allowed me to mo e forward, one sure step at a time, as # know it is there guiding me, supporting me, and lo ing me$ Keep "our faith strong and sturd", and "our steps will be strong and sturd" in turn$ Also, do "our best in e er"thing "ou do$ :an" people do a medio!re Eob and eBpe!t to be su!!essfulS the" depend on lu!k to get them su!!essful$ 4ut in the long term, lu!k will not bring "ou far$ #n life, no matter what position "ou are in<<as a tea!her, a do!tor, as a parent, a !hild, a grand!hild<<do "our best in being "our best$ And make the most of what "ou ha e$ #f "ou onl" ha e a spoon and a fork, use the fork to !omb "our hair and use the spoon to pla" musi!$ 3e", some people do not e en ha e a spoon and a fork$ #n m" !ase, # lost m" e"esight, but # still ha e m" fingers so # !an t"peS # still !an hear, # am still ali e$ # use all those wonderful fa!tors to be!ome an award< winning author, moti ational speaker, published poet, ad o!ate, and # !ontinue to lo e the life # li e$ #bout the #uthor of %$pirituality1 *he $ecret to Everlasting $uccess&1 Shirle" +heng Lb$ 19)5M, a blind and ph"si!all" disabled award<winning author, moti ational speaker, self<empowerment eBpert, poet, author of se en books in!luding her newest @*aking Spirit,A !ontributing author of ten books, and a parental rights ad o!ate, has had se ere Eu enile rheumatoid arthritis sin!e infan!"$ 0wing to "ears of hospitaliDation, she re!ei ed no edu!ation until age ele en$ 3owe er, after onl" about 1)= da"s of spe!ial edu!ation in elementar" s!hool, she mastered grade le el in all areas and entered a regular siBth grade !lass in middle s!hool$ 7nfortunatel", Shirle" lost her e"esight at the age of se enteen$ After a su!!essful e"e surger", she hopes to earn multiple s!ien!e do!torates from 3ar ard 7ni ersit"$ http/&&www$shirle"!heng$!om The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 5. of 52

Aoti(ation6 The ?eart of Self Empowerment

Pain ma" sometimes be the reason wh" people !hange$ Getting poor grades makes us realiDe that we need to stud"$ Debts remind us of our inabilit" to effe!ti el" manage our in!ome and eBpenses$ *hether it is a bitter eBperien!e, a friend?s tragi! stor", a great mo ie, or an inspiring book, that eBperien!e will help us get up with Eust the right amount of moti ation we need in order to empower oursel es$ *ith the !ountless negati ities the world brings about, how do we keep moti ated, Tr" these tips from A to BJ A$ A"hie(e $our dreams$ A oid negati e people, things and pla!es$ Eleanor 'oose elt on!e said, @The future belongs to those who belie e in the beaut" of their dreams$A 4$ 3elie(e in $our self, and in what "ou !an do$ +$ #onsider things from e(er$ angle and aspe"t$ :oti ation !omes from determination$ To be able to understand life, "ou should feel both the light and the dark from both sides$ D$ 1on%t gi(e in and don%t gi(e up$ Thomas Edison @failedA thousands of times before he !ame up with his in ention and perfe!ted the in!andes!ent light bulb$ :ake moti ation as "our steering wheel$ E$ En:o$$ *ork as if "ou don?t need mone"$ Dan!e as if nobod"?s wat!hing$ ;o e as if "ou ne er !ried$ ;earn as if "ou?ll li e fore er$ :oti ation takes pla!e when people are happ"$ -$ 2amil$ and 2riends C are life?s greatest F-? treasures$ Don?t lose sight of them$

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G$ Gi(e more than what is enough$ *here does moti ation and self growth take pla!e at work, At home, At s!hool, *hen "ou eBert eBtra effort in doing things$ 3$ ?ang on to $our dreams$ The" ma" dangle in there for a moment, but these little stars will be "our dri ing for!e$ #$ -gnore those who tr$ to destro$ $ou$ Don?t let other people to get the best of "ou$ Sta" awa" from toBi! people C the kind of friends who hates to hear about "our su!!ess are not true friends at all$ 2$ Cust be $ourself$ The ke" to su!!ess is to be "ourself$ And the ke" to failure is tr"ing to please e er"one$ K$ Deep tr$ing no matter how hard life ma$ seem$ *hen a person is moti ated, e entuall" she sees a harsh life finall" !learing out, pa ing the wa" to self growth$ ;$ earn to lo(e $our self$ ;o e of self is what enables us to lo e others with our full heart$

:$ Aake things happen$ :oti ation is when "our dreams are put into work !lothes$ %$ !e(er lie& "heat or steal$ Alwa"s pla" a fair game, e en if nobod" is wat!hing$ 0$ ,pen $our e$es$ 0bser e the world around "ou$ 7nderstand what moti ates "ou, and understand what demoti ates "ou$ P$ Pra"ti"e$ Pra!ti!e is about immersing "ourself into something until "ou be!ome one with it$ There are few better wa"s to moti e "ourself than to be!ome moti ation itself$ >$ Euitters ne(er win$ And winners ne er Guit$ So, !hoose "our fate and !ommit to it$ '$ Read$ $ourself$ :oti ation is also about preparation$ *e must hear the little oi!e within us telling us to get started before others will get on their feet and tr" to push us around$ 'emember, it wasn?t raining when %oah built the ark$ The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page 5I of 52

S$ Stop pro"rastinatingJ T$ Take "ontrol of $our life$ Dis!ipline or self !ontrol Ei es s"non"mousl" with moti ation$ 4oth are ke" fa!tors in self empowerment$ 7$ +nderstand others$ #f "ou know er" well how to talk, "ou should also learn how to listen$ (earn to understand first, and to be understood the se!ond$ O$ =isualize it$ :oti ation without ision is like a boat on a dr" land$ Seeing "our target enables "ou to a!hie e it signifi!antl" more easil"$ *$ 'ant it more than an$thing$ Dreaming means belie ing$ And to belie e is something that is rooted out from the roots of moti ation and self growth$ B$ F/2a"tor is what will make $ou different from the others$ *hen "ou are moti ated, "ou tend to ha e @eBtrasA in "our life like eBtra time for famil", eBtra help at work, eBtra !are for friends, and so on$ These @eBtrasA are often the things that distinguish "ou from the unmoti ated$ ($ You are uniGue$ %o one in this world looks, a!ts, or talks like "ou$ Oalue "our life and eBisten!e, be!ause "ou?re Eust going to spend it on!e$ B0 Bero in on $our dreams and go for itHHH

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'ho 'ill You 3e.

"ontributed by :aren !ynch
The world is alwa"s read" to tell "ou who to be$ Parents, tea!hers, friends, members of the !lerg" all seem to ha e their opinion of who "ou are, what "ou should do, how "ou should a!t, what should be important to "ou and who "ou will be$ 4ut when someone else is telling "ou about "our life, no matter who the" are or how inno!ent, lo ing and !aring their intent, they just dont 'now. The" don?t what is in "our heart$ The" don?t know "our hopes, desires and dreams$ The" don?t know "our purpose$ The" don?t know what "ou !an or !annot a!!omplish in "our life$ 0nl" "ou do$ #t?s onl" "ou$ (ou are the onl" one who knows what "our life should be$ (ou are the onl" one who knows who "ou will be$ 4ut how often do we look to others for the answers to our own li es, 3ow often do we look to others for guidan!e, And while others ma" gi e "ou ad i!e and the" ma" tell "ou of their eBperien!es, the" are not in "our shoes$ The" are not part of "our !reati e energ"$ The" are li ing a different ibration than "ou are$ You are the only creator of your life experience. %o one else !an make the de!isions for "ou that will bring "ou happiness and Eo"$ 0nl" "ou !an$ (et, often through fear or apprehension, habits or so!ialiDation we forget that we are the ones who know what is best for oursel es$ The oi!es of the world, in!luding the people that we lo e, our friends, famil" and e en the media, mo ies, and ad ertising drown out the oi!e inside of us that is gi ing us our real guidan!e$ Sometimes we e en ignore our own intuitions to follow someone else?s lead$ 4ut if we are to trul" find Eo" and happiness in our li es we need to learn to follow our own guidan!e$

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%*he wisest follow their own direction.& NEuripedes There are alwa"s !lues as to what will bring "ou Eo" in life$ *e all ha e passions$ *e all ha e things that we would do @no matter what$A *e all ha e things that make our hearts sing and bring fullness to our li es$ There are alwa"s the things that !all to us, the things that make us feel passionate and eB!ited, happ" and full of life$ The" are the things that we enEo", the things that !ome eas" to us$

#nd that is your clue. *hen "ou ha e the good feelings, the feelings of Eo", passion and happiness "ou are on the right tra!k$ #t !ould be no other wa" if "ou reall" think about it$ 3uman beings will almost alwa"s !hoose what feels best, what feels right and good if left to their own de i!es$ #t is the wa" we are designed, the wa" that we know what is best$ #t is onl" when we are following some one else?s guidan!e or an arbitrar" set of rules that we start belie ing, thinking, a!ting and e en feeling as if life should be a struggle$ !ife was never meant to be a struggle. ;ook at nature$ E er"thing happens in perfe!t harmon", effortless and eas"$ Plants do not struggle to grow$ Animals do not fret and worr" about the food that the" will eat$ The" Eust do, whate er the" ha e to do, and whate er happens is Eust part of life$ ;ife was ne er meant to be a struggle$ *e !an see those lessons in nature$ The ;ife we see in nature ne er goes against it?s own instin!ts$ There are no Guestions$ #n nature e er"thing is what it is/

An elephant ne er tries to be a Vebra$ A Debra?s mother ne er tries to get it to be!ome a monke"$ A dais" ne er tries to be a pine tree$

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And when we look at nature e en in the fa!e of destru!tion and traged", nature alwa$s "omes ba"k to what it is, Eust as beautiful as e er$ # re!entl" saw a beautiful photograph$ #t was taken in the forest in what looked like an earl" spring storm$ The !louds in the ba!kground were gra" and full$ The trees, whi!h were >uaking Aspen, were stark bla!k, white and gra" and at the bottom of the photo was the most brilliant green and pink of new flowering blooms$ #t was breathtaking$ # was drawn to the beaut" of the photograph and as # got !loser # was able to read the !aption that had been pro ided$ The photograph was of the new growth that !ame after a de astating forest fire$ That was the reason wh" the aspens were bla!k and gra"$ That was the reason wh" it looked like earl" spring before the lea es !ame ba!k on the trees$ There were no lea es but the wild flowers were !oming ba!k, the foliage was reemerging$ The natural beaut" of the forest was returning$ E en in the fa!e of de astation, nature alwa"s !omes ba!k$ #t doesn?t struggle$ #t ne er tries to be something that it is not$ #t Eust !omes ba!k as beautiful and strong as e er, Eust as it is$ !ife is not supposed to be a struggle. *hen "ou do what "ou lo e to do and when "ou follow "our own guidan!e, life is not a struggle$ And e en though there will be diffi!ult times, like the plants in the forest "ou !an reEu enate and renew$ Your life "an be"ome what $ou want it to be0 There is alwa"s enough time to make a !hange when "ou reall" want to$ So find what "ou lo e, do what feels good, follow "our own !oun!il and de!ide "our own life$ Disregard the opinions of the world and the opinions of other people$ The" aren?t li ing "our life$ A passionate pastr" !hef with a law degree will find more Eo", happiness and su!!ess than a dispirited and unhapp" law"er$ A passionate writer or an inspired artist who Eust happens to also ha e a degree in medi!ine will find more Eo", happiness and su!!ess than an unhapp" do!tor$ 0ind your passion...

'egardless of what has !ome before$ 'egardless of what the world sa"s "ou should be$ 'egardless of what happens$ Page .= of 52

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The 7ni erse has a wa" of making things work when "ou are following "our right path and doing what "ou lo e$ *hen "ou are on the right path for "ou, "ou?ll know$ (ou are the onl" one li ing "our life$ (ou are the onl" one who !an take "our mistakes and make them better$ That is the path to 2o"$ That is the path to 3appiness$ That is the path to follow$ #bout the #uthor of %Who Will ,ou (e & Karen ;"n!h de!ided one da" to !hange her life$ She didn1t know how but she was not going to QsettleQ for the wa" she was li ing$ She had alwa"s lo ed to read so # started reading all of the self<help and inspirational books that she !ould find, e er"thing from Ton" 'obbins to %orman Oin!ent Peale, new books, old books, e er"thing$ And as she read and studied, she dis!o ered a great truth/ *e are all responsible for our own li es and *e 4e!ome *hat *e Think About$ %ow Karen shares what she has learned with other people through her website ;i eThePower$!om where she helps people like "ou dis!o er some of the greatest truths to !reating a happ" life$ QThe Power of the Sub!ons!ious :indQ is one of her fa orite books of all time and "ou !an download it for free at ;i eThePower$!om

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Empowering Yourself +sing The aw of Attra"tion

"ontributed by .ary Evans
The Qse!retQ to mastering the ;aw of Attra!tion is feeling good. This ma" not sound like mu!h of a se!ret$ #n fa!t, it1s so simple and straightforward that it !an easil" slip right past us$ #t would be easier, in a wa", if the se!ret were memoriDing a long, diffi!ult !hant or mantra in an eBoti! foreign language while sitting in a spe!ial position with our hands !lasped in eBa!tl" the !orre!t position$ This might be initiall" more diffi!ult, but it would be more in line with the wa" our minds ordinaril" work8master a hard task and get a result when "ou1 e !ompleted it$ -eeling good sounds simpler, but it !an be tri!k" to master$ The other issue people ha e with feeling good to master the ;aw of Attra!tion is that it1s a bit of a +at!h<22$ #n other words, "ou probabl" are interested in the ;aw of Attra!tion in the first pla!e so "ou !an impro e "our life8so that "ou will feel better$ #f "ou ha e to feel better first, how !an "ou e en get started, #t1s a little like sa"ing, QThe se!ret to ha ing enough to eat is finding a large bount" of food$Q #n order to get be"ond this !at!h<22 dilemma, we ha e to look at it a little more !losel"$ :ost people do not, in fa!t, want to master the ;aw of Attra!tion in order to feel better$ *ell, ultimatel" that1s what the" want, but at a !ons!ious le el the" think the" want more mone", an attra!ti e lo er, a better Eob or a brand new !ar$ The" fo!us on the ph"si!al manifestations rather than the feeling that the" think the" will get from these things$ This is one of the maEor stumbling blo!ks in the pro!ess$ 0n!e we !ons!iousl" understand that our real goal is to feel good, or be happ", then we are mu!h !loser to mastering this ;aw of Attra!tion Qse!ret$Q

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*hile we !an use the ;aw of Attra!tion to drasti!all" impro e an" aspe!t of our li es, we !annot alwa"s dire!tl" impa!t ph"si!al realit"$ That is, we !annot simpl" snap our fingers and make a million dollars appear on the table in front of us$ *e !an, howe er, with a little fo!us, put oursel es in a state of being that is abundant$ #n other words, we !an make oursel es open to re!ei ing a million dollars, or whate er it is we want$ 4" tr"ing too hard to manifest a spe!ifi! ph"si!al e ent, obEe!t or person, howe er, we subtl" but importantl" misunderstand how the uni erse works and often slow down the pro!ess unne!essaril"$ *hen we !ons!iousl" put our intention on the goal of feeling good, or at least feeling better than we do right now, we are headed in the right dire!tion$ #f, for eBample, "ou find "ourself depressed o er a la!k of mone", there are se eral wa"s "ou !an rea!t$ 1$ Q# ne er ha e enough mone"$Q 2$ Q*h" don1t # e er ha e enough mone",Q 5$ Q# don1t ha e enough mone" right now$Q .$ Q3ow !an # attra!t more mone",Q 5$ Q3ow !an # feel more abundant than # do right now,Q I$ Q# am graduall" feeling more and more abundant and magneti! to mone" and other good things$Q #n the abo e, numbers 1 and 2 are not going to help "ou at all$ The" will onl" perpetuate "our feeling of la!k$ %umber 5 is not great, but it1s mo ing in the right dire!tion$ %umbers ., 5 and I are all helpful and pointing "ou towards a state of greater abundan!e$ Another thing "ou !an see from this is that !hanging statements into Guestions !an be helpful <<pro ided the" are positi e GuestionsJ %e er ask, for eBample, Q*h" don1t # e er ha e enough mone",Q There is no good answer to a negati(e Guestion0

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*hen "ou ask a Guestion, "our sub!ons!ious automati!all" starts to look for an answer$ So if "ou ask a Guestion about wh" "ou are la!king in some wa", as in U2 abo e, there is reall" no good answer$ *hate er answer !omes up, no matter how alid, "ou are still in the same state$ 0n the other hand, if "ou ask a positi e Guestion, as in U. abo e, "ou will start to generate helpful answers$ 4" fo!using on how "ou feel, and on the words "ou speak to both others and "ourself, "ou !an begin to mo e in a more positi e dire!tion$ This is how "ou start to master the se!ret of using the ;aw of Attra!tion b" feeling better <<so that "ou !an feel better still$ #bout the #uthor of %Empowering ,ourself 8sing *he !aw 2f #ttraction& Gar" E ans is a ;aw of Attra!tion pra!titioner, author and owner of the !ompan" Good To -eel Good whose mission is to @Tea!h b" EBample$A Gar" is dedi!ated to supporting people in their understanding of Deliberate +reation and has been appl"ing the prin!iples of ;aw of Attra!tion for se eral "ears now$ 3e empowers others with his free ebooks :anifesting 'ealit" #sn1t 3ard *ork After all and The ;aw of Attra!tion 'eport, and his website Positi it" Spa!e$

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#rash #ourse I/1a$ Program to Self Empowerment

# ha e lost !ount of how man" times #1 e read and heard of !elebrit" marriages failing$ %ot that # !are Land personall" # don1tM, but it seems strange that we often see mo ie and TO stars as flawless people, li ing the fair"tale life of ri!hes and glamor$ # suppose we all ha e to stop sti!king our heads in the !louds and fa!e realit"$ There are man" wa"s to lose "our sense of self !onfiden!e despite, but whate er happens, we should tr" not to lose our own sense of self$ So what does it take, 3ere are some of the things "ou !an think and fo!us on that should be enough for a week$ 1a$ 56 Dnow $our purpose0 Are "ou wandering through life with little dire!tion < hoping that "ou1ll find happiness, health and prosperit", #dentif" "our life purpose or mission statement and "ou will ha e "our own uniGue !ompass that will lead "ou to "our truth north e er" time$ This ma" seem tri!k" at first when "ou see "ourself to be in a tight spot or e en dead end$ 4ut there1s alwa"s that little loophole to turn things around and "ou !an make a big differen!e to "ourself if "ou ha e "our fo!us$ And if "ou don1t know "our purpose, spend some time meditating in thought about the things whi!h spark "our spirit the most$ +han!es are, "our purpose lies somewhere in those sparks$ 1a$ 76 Dnow $our (alues0 *hat do "ou alue most, :ake a list of "our top 5 alues$ Some eBamples are se!urit", freedom, famil", spiritual de elopment, learning$ As "ou set goals < !he!k "our goals against "our alues$ #f the goal doesn1t align with an" of "our top fi e alues < "ou ma" want to re!onsider it or re ise it$ The number shouldn1t dis!ourage "ou, instead it should moti ate "ou to do more than "ou !an e er dreamed of$ 1a$ 86 Dnow $our needs0

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7nmet needs !an keep "ou from li ing authenti!all"$ Take !are of "ourself$ Do "ou ha e a need to be a!knowledged, to be right, to be in !ontrol, to be lo ed, There are so man" people who li ed their li es without realiDing their dreams and most of them end up being stressed or e en depressed for that matter$ ;ist "our top four needs and figure out what it will take to support those needs, and be honest with "ourself without Eudgment as to what those needs are$ 1a$ 96 Dnow $our passions0 (ou know who "ou are and what "ou trul" enEo" in life$ 0bsta!les like doubt and la!k of enthusiasm will onl" hinder "ou, but will not derail "our !han!e to be!ome the person "ou ultimatel" are$ EBpress "ourself and honor the people who ha e inspired "ou to be!ome the er" person "ou wanted to be$ 1a$ <6 i(e from the inside out0 #n!rease "our awareness of "our inner wisdom b" regularl" refle!ting in silen!e$ #ommune with nature0 4reathe deepl" to Guiet "our distra!ted mind$ -or most of us !it" sli!kers it1s hard to e en find the pea!e and Guiet we want e en in our own home$ #n m" !ase # often Eust sit in a diml" lit room and pla" some !lassi!al musi!$ There1s sound, "es, but musi! without words does help reinfor!e inner pea!e$ 1a$ >6 ?onor $our strengths0 *hat are "our positi e traits, *hat spe!ial talents do "ou ha e, ;ist three < if "ou get stu!k, ask those !losest to "ou to help identif" these$ Are "ou imaginati e, witt", good with "our hands, -ind wa"s to eBpress "our authenti! self through "our strengths$ (ou !an in!rease "our self<!onfiden!e when "ou !an share what "ou know with others$ 1a$ I6 Ser(e others0 *hen "ou li e authenti!all", "ou ma" find that "ou de elop an inter!onne!ted sense of being$ *hen "ou are true to who "ou are, li ing "our purpose and gi ing of "our talents to the world around "ou, "ou gi e ba!k in ser i!e what "ou !ame to share with others <"our spirit < "our essen!e$ The rewards for sharing "our gift The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page .I of 52

with those !lose to "ou is indeed rewarding, and e en mu!h more if it were to be the e"es of a stranger$ Self empowerment is indeed one t"pe of work that is worth it$ #t shouldn1t alwa"s be within the !onfines of an offi!e building, or ma"be in the four !orners of "our own room$ The differen!e lies within oursel es and how mu!h we want to !hange for the better$ As the book is !oming to an end, #?d like to share with "ou some 1= of m" fa orite Guotes on empowering "ourself$ # hope "ou find them usefulJ

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5J Spiritual and Self Empowerment Euotes

50 KThere are no a""idents000 there is onl$ some purpose that we ha(enLt $et understood0K 8Deepak +hopra ;earn from eBperien!e, e en if it seems random or is painful$ All eBperien!es are lessons that !an help us impro e$ 70 K?ea(en on Earth is a "hoi"e $ou must make& not a pla"e $ou must find0K 8*a"ne D"er 0n the spiritual self empowerment path, there is no destination$ #f "ou are not !ons!iousl" !hoosing to be happ", then "ou are un!ons!iousl" !hoosing to be unhapp"$ Period$

5$ KSimple kindness to oneLs self and all that li(es is the most powerful transformational for"e of all0K 8Da id 3awkins #t is important to realiDe that "ou are human, "ou will make mistakes, "ou will hurt others a!!identall", others will do the same, and that it1s all oka"$ ;earn to forgi e "ourself and others e en before these things happen, and "ou will find that the strength of !ompassion within o er!omes an"thing$ .$ KThe lust for "omfort murders the passions of the soul0K 8Kahlil Gibran *hen we sta" within our !omfort Dones, we do not grow$ #f "ou are serious about self growth and spiritual growth, then "ou must be willing to !hallenge "our !omfort Dones and do things that for!e "ou to grow$ An"thing less is selling "ourself short$ 5$ K-f $ou realized how powerful $our thoughts are& $ou would ne(er think a negati(e thought0K 8Doroth" Thompson The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade Page .) of 52

0 er 5= "ears ago, Oin!ent %ormal Peale wrote @The Power of Positi e ThinkingA and people ha e been sa"ing and belie ing it e er sin!e$ There1s a good reason for this$ *hen we see the world in a negati e light, then we !lose oursel es off to all the good things, in!luding great opportunities, that surround us$ 4" iewing the world positi el", we are putting on W<'a" goggles that Doom right into the opportunities that make life wonderful$ >0 K1o or do not0 There is no tr$0K 8(oda :ake no mistake about it, there is no substitute for a!tion$ All the positi e thoughts in the world will not make "our life better unless "ou use those positi e thoughts to power "our a!tions$ (ou will find that the more "ou a!t upon "our self growth and spiritual growth, the more both of those will be!ome realit"$

6$ KTo tou"h the soul of another human being is to walk on hol$ ground0K 8Ste en +o e" 3umans are innatel" so!ial !reatures and we ha e an innate dri e to !onne!t with others$ *hen we embra!e this !onne!tion and impro e the li es of others, we not onl" make a great differen!e in the world around us, we also make a great differen!e in the world within us$ (our own growth will be amplified twi!e as mu!h when "ou are helping others than when "ou fo!us onl" on helping "ourself$ )$ K- am onl$ one& but still - am one0 - "annot do e(er$thing& but still "an do something0 - will not refuse to do the something that - "an do0K 83elen Keller E er" person makes a differen!e in the world, in!luding "ou$ #f "ou alwa"s remember that "ou are !apable of great things, then "ou will be surprised how man" great things "ou dis!o er in life$

The Self Empowerment Guidebook Copyright Chris Cade

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M0 KCo$ is what happens when we allow oursel(es to re"ognize how good things reall$ are0K 8:arianne *illiamson ;ife is a mira!le, so throughout ea!h da" take a moment to remind "ourself what "ou are grateful for$ Gratitude is an eBtremel" powerful for!e that unlo!ks our potential and opens us up to a wide range of in!redible opportunities and eBperien!es$ 1=$ K#ourage is fear that has said itLs pra$ers0K 8Karl 4arth *hen we learn to dissol e and&or o er!ome our fear, we a!t in !ourageous wa"s$ So !ourageous, in fa!t, that we begin to li e life on our own terms and fulfill our destin" of li ing a Eo"ful and abundant life$

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Resour"e Guide
Re"ommended Self Empowerment and Spiritualit$ 'ebsites
Spiritual Short Stories C A uniGue !olle!tion of spiritual stories written b" and for people like "ou$ Also enEo" spiritual parables, mo ie and book re iews, send beautiful free e<!ards and moreJ #ns!ribe (our ;ife C %o matter who we are, where we !ome from, or how we1 e li ed, we ha e three things in !ommon/ A 4eginning$ A :iddle$ And an End$ #t1s !alled life8and it1s also a stor"$ Some of us ha e empowering stories that transform and guide us$ 0thers ha e i!tim stories$ *hi!h stor" do "ou ha e, 3ow will "ou -ns"ribe Your ife for prosperit", Eo", and health, 3ow To :anifest A :ira!le C Dis!o er the eBa!t methods that thousands of skilled !reators use e er" da" to deliberatel" design their da" to da" eBperien!es$ ;earn the step<b"<step dail" pro!esses that "ou must go through to manifest "our hearts desires$ A +ourse #n :ira!les C 'esour!es for A +ourse #n :ira!les, in!luding a tea!her dire!tor", the popular +ourse 4" Email dail" workbook lesson, and re!ommended reading$ :etaph"si!alS-$!om C *here spiritualit", s!ien!e, and imagination be!ome one$ E er"da" :anifesting C 7nderstand :anifestingJ 4e the !ons!ious !reator of "our life and Eo"full" manifest the things "ou desireJ #nspirational and -antas" 4ooks and Poems b" Shirle" +heng C 4e empowered, inspired, and moti ated through the inspirational writings, radio inter iews, and life stor" of mira!le sur i or Shirle" +heng, a blind and ph"si!all" disabled moti ational speaker, poet, author and !ontributing author of se enteen books b" age twent"<four$ Subs!ribe to her monthl" newsletter, #nspiration from a 4lind, to re!ei e words of inspiration, news and updates on her books$

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Dis!o er :ind :o ies C These mo ies !ombine the best of positi e thinking, the law of attra!tion, and isualiDation to help make "our inner dreams be!ome a tangible realit"$ Future of the New Earth C This is a !omplete !olle!tion of eBpert opinions about the spiritual awakening happening on our planet$$$ the same awakening that will lead us to a @%ew Earth$A # +hoose 3appiness C At this site, 'i!k" shares an abundan!e of wa"s to ignite the happiness within "ou and all around "ou$ 4e"ond The ;aw 0f Attra!tion C #f "ou? e heard about the ;aw of Attra!tion, "ou?re onl" a tenth of the wa" there$ #n order to trul" take !harge of "our future, "ou must begin pro<a!ti el" +ons!iousl" +reating "our life8marshalling all of "our intent, "our energ", "our !reati e isionar" skills and "our power of !reation to manifest the future "ou !hoose to li e$ 4oldl" 4eautiful C The greatest Eourne"s are those that transform us from the inside out$ *hile in the midst of them it ma" seem !onfusing and painful, it is m" hope to bring some light and pea!e to "ou so that "ou !an mo e through all aspe!ts of "our life with beaut" and gra!e$ -ree Oideo and 3olographi! +reation E<+ourse C #f the ;aw of Attra!tion Eust doesn1t seem to be working for "ou, or "ou1re a skepti!, then learn how to use the 3olographi! +reation methods to manifest the life of "our dreams$ -ind (our Perfe!t 4usiness C This program will help "ou identif" whi!h of "our strengths and passions will align "ou with "our 1perfe!t1 business$ 2ust one eBer!ise in this program has made a signifi!ant impa!t in m" life$$$ in fa!t, "ou might not be reading this if it weren1t for me taking this programJ # +reate Profits C 0n!e "ou find "our perfe!t business, then this program is an eB!ellent resour!e that helps "ou dis!o er the pra!ti!al, step<b"<step formula to bring that business idea to lifeJ Self #mpro ement Starter Kit C #n this kit from Gu" -inle", "ou1ll get multiple ebooks and an audio mp5 all to help "ou learn to !hange "our destin", li e fearlessl", and learn to li e in the now more effe!ti el"$

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The Secret to Being Unstoppable - Free Guy Finley Audios | Chris Cade's Blog

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The Secret to Being Unstoppable - Free Guy Finley Audios By Chris Cade on Dec 2, 2009 in Free Spiritual Gifts

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Ive been a huge fan of Guy Finleys work for a couple of years now, and so finally a few months ago, I went down to his Life of Learning Foundation spiritual school. I met with his students, team, and also met Guy. While there, I felt a great sense of joy, harmony, and abundance of presence and authenticity and I wanted to share it with others. So I asked some of Guys team if theyd be willing to work with me, personally, to GIVE you some of his exclusive "Secrets of Being Unstoppable" album. The two audio clips (about 15 mins each) below have been hand-selected by me because I really enjoy them greatly, and I believe you will too. ==> Click here to listen to both excerpts The first one shares a few spiritual stories and some key lessons. By now its no mystery I love to read, write, and share spiritual stories, so today you get to listen to In the second audio clip, Guy shares about what 3 of my favorites from Guy. SUCCESS really is, and what we can do to achieve it. It is my personal opinion that these clips, alone, are well worth the cost of Guys entire "Secrets of Being Unstoppable" program. Just so you have a point of reference, the clips I picked out are about 30 minutes (a half CD), and the full "Unstoppable" program is 16 CDs (so about 32 times more content than what Im sharing with you). I hope you enjoy these clips, as much as I have!
The Secrets of Being Unstoppable


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Related posts: 1. Free Abundant Mystics Teleseminar Series With Me, Joe Vitale, Marci Shimoff, Sonia Choquette, Guy Finley and more! 2. (Video) Bob Proctors version of the Secret to Life 3. Three Untold Manifesting Secrets - Free Report 4. Free Quantum Confidence 20 Minute MP3 Audio 5. The Conscious Gift Guide - Free Direct Download


3 Comment(s)
Chris, I too am a big fan of Guy Finley, ever since I bought The Secrets of Letting Go in paperback. I love listening to his audios or videos, or reading his words, as his teachings represent The Truth as the truth feels to me. And Ive also bought The Secrets of Being Unstoppable, and have decided that this is one of the few things I shall commit to listening to in 2010. (Im on an information fast next year - want to replace information with action!) Anyway, just thought I would support your efforts here! Steve Steve M Nashs last blog ..Imagine a Woman poem by Patricia Lynn Reilly |
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2. By Steve M Nash on Dec 2, 2009 | Reply


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The Secret to Being Unstoppable - Free Guy Finley Audios | Chris Cade's Blog

3. By marianna sylvester on Apr 25, 2010 | Reply What would happen to the story if the evil horse to watch out for was the LIGHT horse? Why has society make evil dark or black? Do these images unconsiously contribute to racism?

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4. By Chris Cade on Apr 26, 2010 | Reply Marianna, I appreciate your comment and insights, and my personal opinion is that it is important to differentiate between spiritual ideas and society ideas. There is a reason why the word enLIGHTenment has light in it. Darkness is the absence of light, the absense of joy, love, compassion, etc. When there is no light in those areas of us, then we have DARKness we feel anger, shame, resentment, isolation, racism, etc. Only by bringing LIGHT to the DARK aspects of ourselves, can we become enLIGHTened, and therefore, also bring more LIGHT to the rest of the world. Images of light and dark only contribute to racism where there is racism to be contributed to. The more LIGHT we have in the world, the less racism and therefore the less that anything (including our preconcieved notions and personal biases of color) will contribute to racism.

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