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by Frances Hunter

Scripture quotations are taken from: The Authorized King JamesVersion (KJV)


by Frances Hunter Memorizing is easy, but recalling is difficult! Does that make sense to you? If not, I want you to think what you would do if I said, Faith is the substance. . . Would you complete that scripture? Of course you would! Why? ecause you!"e heard it so many times# What if I said, For God so lo ed the !orld... what would be your natural reaction? $o complete the scripture, of course# What makes memorizing diffi% cult? &othing!


What is the secret, then? (ecalling, or bringing it back into the conscious part of your mind! $he de"il had a ball for many years telling )harles and me that we could not memorize scriptures because we were *too old+ and *too far away+ from school# $he de"il said our minds were past the ability to go in that particular direction# $he de"il hasn!t had an original thought from the beginning, and he has told the same lie to people for generations past, and many ha"e belie"ed this statement from him# (emember the de"il is a liar, and there is no truth in him! Did the de"il e"er tell you that you were getting forgetful because you couldn!t remember things? We ha"e a tendency to belie"e what the de"il says instead of what the Word of ,od says, For God hath -

not "i en us the s#irit o$ $ear% but o$ #o!er& and o$ lo e& and o$ a sound 'ind .II $im# /012# $herefore, we ha"e a sound mind# I do not ha"e a *forgetful+ mind .that!s not scriptural23 I do not ha"e a *blank+ mind .that!s not scriptural23 I do not ha"e a *scatter%brained+ mind .that!s not scriptural either23 I do not ha"e a dull mind, nor is my mind sluggish or listless# My mind is sharp, because I ha"e the mind of )hrist! DON() *RI)E +HO), -HE-.S 4re you aware of the fact that you ha"e a hea"enly bank account which has limitless funds on which you can draw? $he resources in this account are endless! 4re you aware of the fact that ,od can bounce checks from your 5

personal hea"enly bank account? $here are certain areas where there is nothing on deposit for you, and any time you write a check on the account which has no balance, it is going to be a *hot+ check! When you write a check for sickness, that!s a *hot+ check! When you write a check for po"erty, it won!t clear the ank of 6ea"en# When you write a check for a *forgetful+ mind, that check is going to bounce for sure! When you write a check for unhappiness and misery, it will come flying back to you because there is none of that on record in hea"en! GE) RID OF )HE DE/I0(S 1I10E $oo many of us get up e"ery morning and begin the day by 1

confessing what the de"il!s bible says# 7ou!re going to say, *Well, not me! I don!t read the de"il!s bible# I didn!t e"en know that he had one!+ 8et me tell you some of the 9uotes I!"e heard from the de"il!s bible that people are horrified when they disco"er where they got their information! It seems that his bible is so easy to memorize and yet we claim we ha"e difficulty memorizing ,od!s Word! 6a"e you e"er said anything like this? *I feel terrible this morning#+ *My back aches#+ *My sinus has really gi"en me a headache this morning#+ *I hate to get out of bed because I ne"er ha"e any energy# I!m always tired!+ :

$hose are direct 9uotes from *8ies ;0; Many+ of the de"il!s bible# 6a"e you e"er been guilty of 9uoting those "erses? Where did you find them? In ,od!s Word? &o! 6is Word says <ust the opposite# 7ou got them right out of the de"il!s bible# )RY GOD(S *ORD When we begin to memorize and 9uote ,od!s Word, we wake up in the morning saying, 1elo ed& I !ish abo e all thin"s that thou 'ayest #ros#er and be in health& e en as thy soul #ros#ers .= >ohn ;2# It!s a good idea to do a little confessing along with the memorizing# ?tart with saying, *My body is healthy# I do not ha"e sickness# I do not ha"e weakness because the mighty energy of >esus )hrist flows through me!+ @

$ry this one a few mornings in a row, and see what happens# *I am a beautiful person because I ha"e been made in the image of ,od! I do not ha"e po"erty# My pocketbook is o"erflowing because of ,od!s prosperity# My Aather is wealthy, and he gi"es me e"erything I need! &o sin, no sickness, no disease nor po"erty can come against my house because >esus )hrist is 8ord!+ 0INE 23 YO2R -ONFESSION FOR MEMORIZING (ight now I want you to begin to get your confession lined up correctly# ?ay with me, God hasn(t "i en 'e a s#irit o$ $ear& but o$ #o!er and o$ lo e and o$ a sound 'ind4 $herefore# / ha"e a sound mind and I can memorize scripture# I can also recall scripture as I need to /B

because the 6oly ?pirit will bring to my remembrance anything / need to know# I ha"e perfect recall! I ha"e perfect ability to memorize!+ 4nd you ha"e, if you belie"e what ,od!s Word says, that we actually ha"e the mind of )hrist#


$he first thing we need to do is to start doing homework# It is going to take time to memorize scripture# ut there are a lot of other things that take time, too# It takes time to watch tele"ision# It takes time to read newspapers# It takes time to gossip on the telephone and fill our minds with the non%essentials of life! When you are willing to gi"e up some of the non%essentials of life, it //

is amazing how much scripture you can memorize# When you memorize and confess ,od!s Word, it works with power for you! When I am studying a new sub<ect, I type the scriptures I want to use on the sub<ect, and keep copies of them on the bathroom mirror, copies by the refrigerator, so that while I am getting dressed or cooking, I can keep repeating them until they actually become a part of me# What are you really thinking about while you get dressed? Most of the things we do while dressing are purely automatic, so why not put your mind in gear and start 9uoting scripture while you!re putting on each item of clothes# 7ou might want to pick out a particular scripture for each item of clothing you wear# /;

When you put on your shoes or stockings, you might say, Ho! beauti$ul u#on the 'ountains are the $eet o$ hi' that brin"eth "ood tidin"s. that #ublisheth #eace% that brin"eth "ood tidin"s o$ "ood& that #ublisheth sal ation% that saith unto Zion& )hy God rei"neth4 .Isa# -;012# $hat scripture is also a fabulous scripture to 9uote when your feet are hurting after you!"e been out walking too much, or standing too much# I often 9uote that when we!"e been ha"ing seminars, and I!"e been standing too long, and it!s surprising how fast it brings relief! 8ook up other scriptures in your concordance that pertain to your feet or shoes, and 9uote these when you dress that part of your body! 6ow about, For thou hast deli ered 'y soul $ro' death& 'ine eyes $ro' tears& and 'y $eet $ro' $allin"4 .Cs# /=

//50:2# $his can also be used if if you are thinking about your eyes while you are dressing! When you are putting on cream or make%up .if you!re a woman2 you might try Isa# 5/0=0 )o a##oint unto the' that 'ourn in Zion& to "i e unto the' beauty $or ashes& the oil o$ 5oy $or 'ournin"& the "ar'ent o$ #raise $or the s#irit o$ hea iness% that they 'i"ht be called trees o$ ri"hteousness& the #lantin" o$ the 0ord& that he 'i"ht be "loried. It is also wonderful when you!re putting on your dress to sing that eDciting song, *Cut on the ,arment of Craise for the ?pirit of 6ea"iness!+ GE) A MEMORY 3AR)NER ,et yourself a *memory+ partner# /'

,et someone who is as eDcited as you are, or make someone get as eDcited as you are# ?tart memorizing together# It can be your husband or wife .if they are willing and eager2, but it can be <ust as eDciting to ha"e a telephone partner that you telephone se"eral times during the day# $ake no time for gossiping, <ust 9uote the scripture to each other# )harles and I use each other as *memory+ partners# 8et me share with you some of the ways we learn scriptures together# We use the time on long plane trips to refresh our memories# ?ometimes we are tired, and don!t feel like reading the ible, or e"en working our minds hard enough to learn new scriptures, so we put our seats back on the plane and hold hands# )harles gi"es a scripture, and /-

I gi"e a scripture# )harles gi"es a scripture and I gi"e a scripture# ?ometimes we will 9uote a part of a scripture# I will say, )he 0ord is 'y li"ht and 'y sal ation% !ho' shall I $ear6 )harles answers with0 the 0ord is the stren"th o$ 'y li$e% o$ !ho' shall I be a$raid6 $hen I answer, *hen the !ic7ed& e en 'ine ene'ies and 'y $oes& ca'e u#on 'e to eat u# 'y $lesh& they stu'bled and $ell. )harles chimes in with, $hough an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear0 $hen we both usually come in together saying, thou"h !ar should rise a"ainst 'e& in this !ill I be con$ident .Cs# ;10/%=2# $his makes it eDtremely easy, because if one of you fails to 9uote it /5

correctly, the other one is right there to help you along# Many times when you!re riding along there is a tendency to make con"ersation <ust to be talking# We disco"ered a long time ago that there are things a lot more "aluable than <ust plain chit%chatting# E"en when we might be riding in an area of beautiful scenery, we see all the things that indicate the beauty of ,od, but we don!t comment on them until later, because they are impressed on our minds, but when we are 9uoting scripture to each other, it puts us into a whole different world# ?cenes will often cause you to recall "erses, so your con"ersation is seasoned with the Word of ,od and e"en chit%chat becomes healthy con"ersation# When you!re looking at trees, there are many "erses that /1

the 6oly ?pirit will bring back to your mind# $he ible says we!re in this world, but we are not of the world# $hat!s why we think it!s so much fun and so eDciting to keep our minds on the spiritual things of ,od# )RY )HIS4 4 few years ago we took a group o"er to 6awaii, and we started them all memorizing scripture the "ery first day# $o be real truthful, they all began to panic, because they thought they would ne"er be able to actually memorize scriptures# 6ere!s what we did, and it worked out eDtremely well for e"eryone! We ga"e each person one =D- card and on it we had them write the scripture for the day# /:

Writing it down yourself is tremendously ad"antageous because writing it impresses it on your mind# One at a time is all you need, because if you try to memorize fi"e, siD or se"en in one day, you will disco"er that you really did not memorize any of them# ?tay on the same scripture until it is firmly imprinted in your mind, then it!s time to go on the second one# ecause it is so much simpler if you ha"e a partner to memorize scripture, we had our 6awaii friends keep the card for the day in their pocket or purse, and we made e"eryone a partner of e"eryone else# Each time they saw someone who was on the tour, their <ob was to 9uote the scripture of the day# If you ran into fi"e people at one time, they all stopped and 9uoted the scripture to each one# It was amazing how /@

many of them knew the scripture by the neDt day! If you are by yourself, when you are on an ele"ator, or where"er you are, whip out the card and say, No! $aith is the substance o$ thin"s ho#ed $or& the e idence o$ thin"s not seen .6eb# //0/2# 0EARN )HE REFEREN-E& )OO4 It!s <ust as easy to memorize where the scripture is found when you!re memorizing scripture, so why don!t you put it all together in one package and learn both the "erse and the reference# If you do this, you will disco"er before long that the minute you begin to 9uote that particular scripture, you will automatically think of 6ebrews //0/ before you finish it# ;B

4s you go through the day, take your little card out e"ery time you sit down in a chair# Maybe you stop occasionally to ha"e a cup of coffee# Memorize the scripture during coffee break time! $hat!s better than <ust sitting there thinking about how hot the coffee is! When you!re running your "acuum cleaner, put the card on the handle of the "acuum, and say the scripture o"er and o"er# $he time you spend doing this is going to be some of the best time you ha"e e"er spent in your entire life# E/ERYONE -AN DRA*4 And he shall be li7e a tree #lanted by the ri ers o$ !ater& that brin"eth $orth his $ruit in his season& .Cs# /0=2# ;/



8ook at the drawing on Cage ;B# &otice that we ha"e made what looks like a tree# &otice the branches that go off on each side# We call this our *faith+ tree, because we ha"e put se"eral *faith+ scriptures on this particular tree# &ow look at the second tree# We begin to put fruit on the tree, and the fruit in this case is not an orange or apple# but words that will help you recall the scripture# /# Make a little sub%branch go off in one direction# ;# Cut down the first word of the scripture to help you recall the scripture# Many times the first word is the key word to putting the scripture into your mind# 8ist the word *&OW#+ =# )hoose the neDt word that would really help you because it stands out in your mind! It could be ;'

the word *A4I$6+ because this is a faith scripture# '# )hoose the neDt word that would help you to remember# It could "ery easily be *?F ?$4&)E#+ -# )hoose another word, which in this case might be *6OCED AO(+ and write it down# 5# )hoose *EGIDE&)E+ for possibly the last word# $hese might not be the words you choose, but they were the words that were outstanding in that "erse of scripture for me# 1# 6ang the scripture reference, 6ebrews // 3l, right on the end of the branch# e sure to put down the words that are "ital to 7OF in the scripture# Don!t write more than four or fi"e for any scripture, and don!t write the entire scripture# Do use enough ;-

words, howe"er, to bring the scripture into a 9uick recall for you# &ow, start memorizing# 8ook at your tree and say, *&ow!+ What is the second word? ?ay it, *faith!+ 7ou!re going to ha"e to remember a few words in between, but when you look at the neDt word, which is *substance,+ it will be easy for you to remember, *&ow faith is the substance of things hoped for#+ 8ook at your neDt word *e"idence+ and you will be able to remember the connecting word, so you will say, *the e"idence of things not seen#+ )ontinue looking at each of the "ital words until the scripture is firmly planted in your mind# 4lways remember to start with the first word of the scripture, ;5

because once you ha"e that one recalled into your mind, you will be amazed how easy it will be to remember the rest# Make a second branch on your tree# On this one let!s memorize 6ebrews //0= which says, )hrou"h $aith !e understand the !orlds !ere $ra'ed by the *ord o$ God& so that thin"s !hich are seen !ere not 'ade o$ thin"s !hich do a##ear. )hoose the words you want to put on your tree and begin to memorize that scripture until it is burned into your heart so that you will ne"er forget it, and say it o"er and OGE( until it becomes a part of you# When I first became a )hristian, I was "ery acti"e in )ampus )rusade for )hrist# $hey ha"e a little booklet called $6E AOF( ?CI(I$F48 84W? which I read to e"eryone I ;1

came in contact with because it is a tremendous way to lead people to the 8ord# E"en though that was years ago, I ha"e not forgotten those scripture references# Why? ecause I used them so many times until they became a li"ing, "ital, breathing part of me, and eDactly the same thing is going to happen to you, if you will continue saying the "erse o"er and o"er again, and begin using them in your normal con"ersation# Cut down the first word *$6(OF,6#+ $he neDt word I put down was the word *F&DE(?$4&D#+ What do we understand? We understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of ,od# ;:

$he neDt word you might want to use is the word *WO(8D?#+ 7ou might select the word *A(4MED#+ I used that one because that was the word I had difficulty remembering when I was memorizing that scripture# We may not agree on the eDact words that we!re going to use, but be sure that you put down the words that stand out to you# $he neDt word you might want to write down is the word ?EE& or $6I&,?, whiche"er appeals to you the most# 7ou might also want to add the word 4CCE4(# &ow let!s say the words as they appear on the tree0 )HRO2GH Faith !e 2NDER8 S)AND that the *OR0DS !ere FRAMED by the !ord o$ God& so that )HINGS !hich are SEEN !ere ;@

not 'ade o$ thin"s !hich do A33EAR. .6eb# //0=2# e sure to hang the scripture reference of 6ebrews //0= on the "ery end of the branch so you won!t forget where you found it# ?ay it o"er and o"er until it really becomes a part of your being# 7ou might want to try to store in your mind a picture of each of the branches so that you will be able to recall it e"en when you don!t ha"e your little tree in front of you, because it is amazing what will happen to your memory when you write down the things you want to memorize# 4nother beautiful faith scripture is 6ebrews //050 1ut !ithout $aith it is i'#ossible to #lease hi'% $or he that co'eth to God 'ust belie e that he is& and that he is a re!arder o$ the' that dili"ently see7 hi'. =B

Cut down the first word F$# &ow think hard# Which is the word that stuck in your mind? When I made my tree, I put down the word WI$6OF$# $hen I asked myself a 9uestion, * ut without faith it is what?+ $he neDt word that came into my mind was the word IMCO??I 8E, or you might want to put down the word C8E4?E# $he important thing for you to remember is to write down the word that sticks in 7OF( mind# One of the words that I found especially helpful in that "erse was the word (EW4(DE( because when we understand that ,od is an actual rewarder of them that diligently seek him, then we can get eDcited about the fact that ,od is going to reward us as long as we ha"e faith# =/


4nother scripture that e"eryone ought to know is Mark //0;=, ;'# It!s long H actually it!s two "erses, but it can really spark up your )hristian life0 For erily I say unto you& )hat !hosoe er shall say unto this 'ountain& 1e thou re'o ed& and be thou cast into the sea% and shall not doubt in his heart& but shall belie e that those thin"s !hich he saith shall co'e to #ass% he shall ha e !hatsoe er he saith. )here$ore I say unto you& *hat thin"s soe er ye desire& !hen ye #ray& belie e that ye recei e the'& and ye shall ha e the'. I told you it was long, but it has so many promises of ,od in it that =;

e"ery )hristian ought to be able to rattle it off at any time# 7ou might want to start your tree with the same word I did, GE(I87# $he neDt word I used was the word W6O?OEGE( because one of the promises in this particular "erse is that W6O?OEGE( # # # it doesn!t say any special kind because ,od is no respecter of persons, but it simply says W6O?OEGE(, so I put down as my neDt word W6O?OEGE(# 4nd it doesn!t make any difference what the mountain in your life is, write down the word ?47 and follow it with the word MOF&$4I&# 7ou might want to use the word (EMOGED as your neDt word, but choose the words that really speak to you# $his tree will ha"e a lot of branches on it because there are a lot of words in the scriptures# ==

&eDt try the word )4?$ or ?E4, then try the words &O$ DOF $, because it!s essential to use the word &O$ before the DOF $# $ry the word E8IEGE followed by ?4I$6, then try W64$?OEGE(# $o recall the ;'th "erse I would put down $6I&,?, DE?I(E, C(47, E8IEGE, (E)EIGE, 64GE# Do that on a separate piece of paper, will you, and then see how fast that "erse of scripture comes back into your mind We used a lot of words in that particular scripture, but that!s all right because that scripture is such a "ital one for us to ha"e at our fingertips at all times# We are often snared by the words of our mouth, and because we can ha"e whatsoe"er we say, we certainly ought to be saying the right things# ='

(ight now, I want you to say that "erse out loud, e"en if you ha"e to read it completely, because in memorizing scriptures, one of the things I want to impress upon you is that it!s "ital to say the scriptures out loud e"en if you ha"e to say them to your walls# It!s always wise to (E4D the scripture out loud se"eral times before you make your memory tree# If you don!t ha"e a partner in your own home to share scripture memorization with, say the "erses out loud to your walls, your furniture, your sink, your food! 7ou ha"e no idea how these things might respond, because ,od is really doing the supernatural these days!


)HREE *AYS When you (E4D a scripture with your E7E?, one part of your learning refleDes is acti"ated# When you ?47 it with your MOF$6, another area begins to be acti"e# When you 6E4( it through your E4(?, that!s the $6I(D way# $his way you will be using three a"enues of learning for memorization, whereas if you only look at a scripture, you are only utilizing a certain percentage of your capabilities of memorizing the Word of ,od# In our house, I probably ha"e a little more time at home to memorize than )harles does, because he goes into the office more often than I do# $he ma<ority of my work is done in our office at home, so there are those =5

little moments when I can 9uickly pick up the scriptures or lea"e them lying all o"er the place so that where"er I go, there is a scripture than can talk to me# If I go to the kitchen to get a drink of water, there!s a scripture at the faucet# If I!m on the telephone, there!s a scripture right there that I can read or say while I!m waiting for the telephone to ring# I understand "ery well that this is a lot easier to do at home than in an office, but you might want to put one scripture on your desk where it can be easily seen, and e"ery time you look at it, that particular "erse will go into your mind# In an office you certainly can!t go around 9uoting scripture out loud all the time, but you can at least form the words in your mouth# $his won!t help as =1

much as saying them out loud, but it will help# 4 friend of mine who is a walking concordance because of her knowledge of the ible, places scriptures in her car which she memorizes as she dri"es along# When you get accustomed to doing this, sometimes <ust one little peek will get you started on the entire scripture# ?he is a nurse, and at work she places the little scripture card in her cuff, and peeks at it as she goes up and down the halls# ecause )harles has more of a problem than I do finding the right time to memorize scriptures, I did something one day without realizing what a complete blessing it was going to be to )harles# I made a cassette tape, and put it in )harles! car, and when he turned the engine on, this is what I said0 =:

*)harles, I know that 7OF want to memorize scripture, and so do I, but it!s more difficult for you because of time, so I!m going to put some on tape and e"ery time you go to the office, I want you to dri"e along and repeat these scriptures with me# $hen when you come home at night, we!ll be e"en with each other and can both 9uote the scripture for the day#+ Do you know what happened? )harles memorized the scriptures <ust by listening to me say them to him in the car# 6e would begin to say them right along with me, then when he got off on the wrong track, my speaking the scripture would get him right back on the right track#


I!m going to make a suggestion to you that you take your tape =@

recorder and make a little tape for yourself# I ne"er put more than siD on one particular tape, and this is the way I do it# I decide on a sub<ect such as the WO(D# 4 "ery important "erse to know is >eremiah! /0/; where ,od says, *I will hasten my word to perform it#+ 7ou don!t ha"e to worry about good 9uality on the tape, because you will probably be the only person who listens to it# $he Word says, So then $aith co'eth by hearin"& and hearin" by the !ord o$ God .(om# /B0l12# Whene"er I use that scripture, I always say, So then $aith co'eth by hearin" and hearin" and hearin" and HEARING by the *ord o$ God. $he more you listen to the Word of ,od, the more of an impression it is going to make upon your heart# It!s important that the first scripture you put on a tape is an easy 'B

one to remember, so let!s put on the tape the scripture mentioned abo"e, and do it <ust like this0 I !ill hasten 'y !ord to #er$or' it .>eremiah /0/;2# I !ill hasten 'y !ord to #er$or' it .>eremiah /0/;2# I !ill hasten 'y !ord to #er$or' it .>eremiah /0/;2# e sure to put it on at least three times, and read it slowly enough so you can really get it into your spirit% man which will make it much easier to remember# Cut a second one on <ust the same way, but let!s combine two0 )hy !ord ha e I hid in 'ine heart& that I 'i"ht not sin a"ainst thee& because For e er& 9 0ord& thy !ord is settled in hea en .Cs# // @0//, :@2# )hy !ord ha e I hid in 'ine heart& that I 'i"ht not sin a"ainst thee&, because +$or e er& 9 0ord& thy '/

!ord is settled in hea en .Cs# //@0//, :@2# )hy !ord ha e I hid in 'ine heart& that I 'i"ht not sin a"ainst thee&, because +$or e er& 9 0ord& thy !ord is settled in hea en .Cs# //@0//, :@2# I deliberately picked the first scriptures to memorize on the Word, because we need to understand the integrity of the Word of ,od# We need to understand that the ible is the same as ,od speaking to you right out of his mouth, because that!s what the Word is# ?top the tape recorder after you!"e heard it from your own "oice three times, and then try saying it yourself# $hen back the tape recorder up and listen to see if you said it correctly! 7ou might want to back it up and say it at the same time you say it on the tape recorder# It will not ';

only correct you, but it will prompt you as well# )harles and I go to bed e"ery night listening to cassette tapes# ?ometimes we listen to teaching tapes# ?ometimes we listen to spiritual feast tapes containing nothing but scriptures on healing or other sub<ects# I belie"e if you listen to scriptures on healings o"er and o"er and let them wash o"er you day and night, you will be healed of any disease you ha"e because the de"il and his sickness can!t stand in the presence of the Word of ,od# If prosperity is what you need in your life, start memorizing the scriptures on prosperity# 4 good one to start with is Gi e and it shall be "i en unto you% "ood 'easure& #ressed do!n& and sha7en to"ether& and runnin" o er& shall 'en "i e into your boso'. For !ith the sa'e '=

'easure that ye 'ete !ithal it shall be 'easured to you a"ain .8uke 50=:2# (ight along with 8uke 50=:, memorize III >O6& ;0 1elo ed. I !ish abo e all thin"s that thou 'ayest #ros#er and he in health& e en as thy soul #ros#ereth. $hose two scriptures memorized at the same time are an unbeatable combination# Ieep 9uoting them, and keep confessing them by saying, *Crosperity is mine# 6ealing and health are mine# I ha"e gi"en and it!s coming back to me running all o"er the place# 6allelu<ah J prosperity is mine!+ Ieep saying that long enough and it will be yours! 8et me gi"e you some good suggestions on making a tape for your car or your kitchen or whate"er# ''

Don!t put too many "erses on a tape at one time# Don!t put different sub<ects on one tape# ?tick to <ust one sub<ect, because it will be the same as if you try too many on a tree and try to memorize them all at one time# 7ou end up with applesauce instead of a bunch of apples because you get them all messed up, and when you get them all miDed together, the fla"or of one goes into another and pretty soon you!ll disco"er you don!t ha"e a whole apple at all# Cut eDpression in your "oice when you read the scriptures, and think in your mind what you are saying, so that you won!t <ust be memorizing words# Don!t make Chil# '0/@ come out sounding like but my god shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by )hrist >esus# If you will put '-

eDpression in your "oice when you record a scripture, and into your "oice when you say it, the "erse will really be 9uickened to your heart, and it will be easier for you to remember# e willing to commit to the 8ord a certain amount of time each day# Don!t be legalistic and say it has to be a certain amount e"ery day, but do make a point to ha"e some time set aside each and e"ery day to memorize scripture# If you!re "acationing, this is a good way to make the miles eDciting while you!re dri"ing# (ecently )harles and I were dri"ing between cities for meetings, and some days we would spend two or three hours as we were dri"ing along <ust memorizing scripture# etween a husband and wife it can be a spiritually rewarding time, and when '5

your children are with you, it can be a wonderful time for teaching them# (emember to make little cards and lea"e them all o"er your house so you can memorize scripture where"er you are# 4nd who knows, some unsa"ed member of your family might <ust learn some from obser"ation! Cut some by your dryer or where"er you fold clothes# It!s amazing how much you can learn while doing a tedious, time% consuming <ob# !f there!s a <ob in your house you dislike doing, you could perk up that <ob by pasting a scripture by the dryer which says, )his is the day !hich the 0ord hath 'ade% !e !ill re5oice and be "lad in it .Cs# //:0;'2# Ieep your scripture cards at your fingertips# We ha"e them all o"er our house0 in the bathroom, on the '1

refrigerator, on the desk lamp, <ust anywhere we pass by often# If healing is what you need, look up e"ery healing scripture in the ible and memorize your fa"orites until there isn!t any way the de"il can ha"e any kind of a hold on your body# If you ha"e an incurable disease, the best scripture I know of to memorize is Cs# //:0/10 : shall not die& but li e& and declare the !or7s o$ the 0ord. ?ay it o"er and o"er and o"er and OGE( until the de"il knows you really mean business! 6ere are some additional trees# 4fter you memorize all this fruit, you can start your own orchard! 6allelu<ah!





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