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MURALI EXECUTIVE Summary Quality Assurance, Software Testing an !

ro"ect Management #rofessional wit$ %&' years information tec$nology e(#erience in t$e $ealt$care) In*ol*e wit$ o*er + ifferent Tri,etto #ac-age im#lementation #ro"ects across *arious .lue Cross an .lue S$iel organi,ations E(tensi*e e(#erience wit$ *arious Tri,etto /acets software im#lementations inclu ing Tri0etto /acets Enter#rise manage care #ac-age, inclu ing 1I!AA 2ateway an 1ealt$we3, as well as e(#erience wit$ .usiness 43"ects an Crystal Re#orts for re#orting5 Com#re$ensi*e tec$nical an 3usiness e(#erience in a##lication e*elo#ment an software #ac-age im#lementation for manage care organi,ations5 S-ille in managing e*elo#ment an testing teams focuse im#lementation #ro"ects in a manage care en*ironment !ro*en a3ility to lea a glo3al an multi6site e*elo#ment teams5 Consi era3le e(#erience in wor-ing for large outsourcing *en ors an managing e*elo#ment teams using onsite 7 offs$ore eli*ery mo els5 !roficient in a wi e range of tools, tec$nologies an #ro ucts5 8es-to# a##lications9 MS 4ffice,!ro"ect, Visio, an Rational Rose Tools5 8ata3ases9 Sy3ase, MS SQL Ser*er5 !ro ucts9 Manage care software #ac-ages inclu ing Tri,etto /ACETS5 !rogramming Languages9 C'', C4.4L, SQL, U:IX ;orn S$ell, !erl, !yt$on, Visual .asic, AS! an 1TML5 Re#orting an ETL tools9 .usiness 43"ects, 8ata Integrator an Seagate Crystal Re#orts5 Certifie !ro"ect Management !rofessional <!M!= from t$e !ro"ect Management Institute <!MI=5 Certifie Manage 1ealt$care !rofessional from 1ealt$ Insurance Association of America <1IAA= WORK EXPERIENCE Employer: Apsana Inc. Duration: March !"# $ till %ate on new systems

Client&Pro'ect: (ealth Insurance E)chan*e +(IX, Role: -enior Consultant Pro'ect: (ealth Insurance E)chan*e +(IX,. /ene0its Con0i*uration 1estin* an% ICD2"! 1he Pro'ect: De3elop solutions an% ser3ices 0or operational rea%iness assessment an% 4A 0or health plans that plan to implement some or all o0 the re5uirements o0 health insurance e)chan*es as %e0ine% 6y the a00or%a6le care act. Also %e3elop solutions an% tools to test 6ene0it con0i*urations an% ICD2"! Challen*es: 1he re5uirements o0 (IX as %e0ine% 6y the A00or%a6le Care Act ha3e a 6roa% an% %eep impact on most health insurance companies +a7a issuers,. Core 6usiness processes an% systems 8ill un%er*o chan*e. 1he %ea%lines 0or implementin* (IX are 0ast approachin*. 1he issuers ha3e a small 8in%o8 o0 time to 6e completely rea%y an% compliant 0or (IX. 1hey nee% to complete system an% user acceptance testin*. %e3elop trainin* 0or all impacte% 6usiness processes an% roll out ne8&up%ate% systems to support ne8 enrollment 6y the en% o0 !"#. Open enrollment starts in Octo6er !"#. With less than # months to *o. the issuers nee% all the help to ma7e sure that their systems are compliant 8ith all the (IX re5uirements. /ene0it con0i*uration testin* is also area o0 challen*e 0or many customers. On a ne8 system implementation an% up*ra%e o0 e)istin* system. customers nee% to ensure that 6ene0it con0i*uration an% processin* o0 claims ha3e not 6een a%3ersely impacte%. ICD2"! impacts almost all 6usiness processes o0 a health plan. 1he mappin* o0 ICD29 to ICD2"! is oneto2many in many cases. Pro3i%er contracts an% reim6ursements that %epen% on ICD co%es 8ill ha3e to 6e care0ully teste% an% 3ali%ate%. Responsi6ilities: I 8as part o0 the Apsana team that %e3elope% solutions an% ser3ices to help health plans per0orm an operational assessment to %etermine their (IX rea%iness an% per0orm a 0unctional 4A an% en%2to2en% testin* o0 their systems to %etermine compliance 8ith (IX re5uirements. I 8as part o0 the team that %esi*ne% an% %e3elope% the 6ene0it con0i*uration testin* tool. 1he tool allo8s the users to speci0y the 6ene0it con0i*uration speci0ications easily an% it 8ill *enerate test claims to test the con0i*uration. I 8as part o0 the team that create% a testin* metho%olo*y 0or health plans that are plannin* to implement ICD2"! ED:CA1ION: MA(ARA; -A<A;IRAO :NI=ER-I1<. =ADODARA. INDIA /achelor o0 En*ineerin* in Mechanical En*ineerin*. "9>?

1ealt$care A##s Testing Tools > Tri0etto /acets, Tri0etto 1ealt$we3 7 C?S, Tri0etto 1I!AA 2ateway > Rational Test Manager, Manual Tester, 1! Quality Center 8efect Trac-ing Tools > Rational Clear Quest, 4ny(, 1! Quality Center

Version Control Tools > !VCS !rogramming 4#erating systems Scri#ting languages Re#orting @ ETL Tools 8ata3ase ?e3 tec$nologies Software !ac-ages > C'', C4.4L, SQL, Visual .asic, Visual C'', !erl, !yt$on > U:IX, I.M Mainframe, ?in ows > !erl, Uni( ;orn S$ell, !yt$on > .usiness 43"ects, 8ata Integrator, Seagate Crystal Re#orts > Sy3ase, MS SQL Ser*er > 1TML, AS! > MS 4ffice, Visio, MS !ro"ect

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