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A Publication of Saint Andrews Assyrian Church of the East -Glenview, Illinois

WINTER - 2013




Patriarchal Epistle For the Holy feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ For the year 2013
Our beloved brothers, noble prelates, our spiritual sons elected priests and pure deacons: sons and daughters of the Holy Church and Assyrian national group and all our Christian brothers and sisters.

there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and Our Prayers and blessings resaying: Glory to God in the highest, ceive And on earth peace, goodwill toward Today we are celebrating the holy men! (Luke 2: 8-14) Feast of the Nativity of our Lord JeWe pray the same glory of God that sus Christ. This blessed Feast is shone upon the Shepherds on the day filled with joy, happiness and good of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ hope of Salvation to all Christians. It may enlighten the hearts and minds of is on this feast that God the father all the Christians so that we all together revealed His divine love and kindmay celebrate the feast of Nativity in ness towards mankind. It is our objoy and happiness. On this joyful occaligation to offer worship, honor and sion we are saying to all of you, Sons thanksgiving unto our Holy God for and daughters of the Holy Church and sending His only begotten Son to our Assyrian national group and to all dwell in the human temple of the fellow Christians: virginal womb and to be born of His blessed mother without human The feast of the Nativity of our Lord father. By His Nativity enlightened Jesus Christ be blessed to you all. all creations and all the nations reWe pray, all of you, Sons and daughters ceived joy and happiness. Let us of the Holy Church and our Assyrian believe in the truthful love of our national group and all fellow Christians heavenly father. The Apostle Paul that you will celebrate the feast of Nasays: For there is one God and one tivity of our Lord Jesus Christ in joy, Mediator between God and men, happiness and good health. As broththe Man Christ Jesus. (1Timothy ers and sisters and members, united to 2:5) one mystical body of Christ is required The messenger of peace was sent of all of you to be in peace and tranquilin His humanity and the Savior of ity with one another because you have the World in His divinity. The great been called to experience such a peace Miracle was seen in Bethlehem on in the Holy Church. Our Lord Jesus the day of the nativity of Jesus says: A new commandment I give to Christ. Nearby the place Lord was you, that you love one another; as I have born, there were shepherds keep- loved you, that you also love one aning watch over their flocks at night. other. By this all will know that you are An angel of the Lord appeared to My disciples, if you have love for one them, and the glory of the Lord another. (John 13:34-35) shone around them, and they were We are pronouncing to all the sons and terrified. But the angel said to them, daughters of the Holy Church, both the Do not be afraid. I bring you good clergy and the laity, we are all responnews that will cause great joy for all sible to fulfill our obligation towards the people. Because today a Savior the progress of our Holy Church, keephas been born to you; he is the ing the Canon laws of the Holy Synods, Messiah, the Lord. And suddenly the rituals and the Sacraments of the Continue on next page
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Patriarchal Epistle (continue) Holy Church. The Lord of the Holy Church our Lord Jesus Christ requests of us to be humble merciful, forgiving, pure in heart, faithful and obedient to one another, so that we will be able to labor in the vineyard entrusted to us. In order for us to make our Lord Jesus Christ happy, let us work with pure heart in His vineyard so that it will produce good and delicious. Our Lord Jesus Christ instructs us saying: and whoever wants to be first must be your slave, just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Matthew 20:27-28) He also says: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16) The light of a Christian is his good deeds. We Christians possess such a kind of light only from our Lord Jesus Christ because He is the Lord and the source of the true light. Our Lord Jesus Christ says: I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. (John 8:12) We will find the light of life in the Holy Church because the life-giving words of our Lord Jesus Christ that are preached to us in the Holy Church. Our Lord established the Holy Church on earth and sanctified it by the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is in the Church and remains with it forever. The Holy Spirit by the Mystery of the Divine grace also sanctifies the faithful Christians so that they may reach eternal life in the Kingdom of heaven. It is in the Holy church that we receive the Sacrament of the Holy Baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. We, who are part of the Church of Jesus Christ, are called Christians. As

Christians, we are all born again from one spiritual mother the Holy Baptism. Therefore we are brothers and sisters of one another. As members of one Christian household we need to have unity, peace, love and honor among us and especially among the Christians who are residing in the Middle Eastern countries. As faithful Christians, regardless of our ecclesiastical differences we must work with one another in love and harmony as members of one Christian flock and as descendants of one National group because we are not three different national groups but rather one national group by blood, history and language. We, all as one Assyrian National group are responsible to maintain our nationality as one National group so that we will be recognized and accepted in the constitutions and by laws of the countries of our residencies in the Middle East as one National group. The progress of our National group brings joy and progress to all of us. And the opposite affects all of us. This is the reason that all the sons and daughters of the Assyrian national group regardless to their ecclesial affiliation must be alert to maintain peace, tranquility and unity of the Assyrian National group. And especially those who are engaged in political parties and National foundations must work together faithfully as sons and daughters of one Assyrian National group. They must stay away from hatred, jealousy, destructive discussions which impose division and hinders the progress of any National group. We ask you all, sons and daughters of The Holy Church in the country in which you are a resident or citizens be faithful, and obedient to the constitution and by-laws of your country and obedient to the governmental
Copyright 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East

officials so that you may be respected and loved by officials of the Country of your residency and you will live in joy and peace. As Christian sons and daughters of the Assyrian Church of the East, keep the Faith, liturgy, Sacraments and the decrees of the Holy Synod of Church with great care and without change. In the nation you may reside live a Christ-like life. Do not be ashamed nor afraid that you are a Christian believer. As an ethnic group, be always proud that you are an Assyrian. Keep your Assyrian language, knowledge of your history, literature; and your love toward each other must be pure and true. In conclusion we are again saying: The Feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ be blessed to you all together with The New Year 201 We pray that the New Year will be filled with blessings, peace, and tranquility in the four corners of world; especially in the Middle Eastern countries. We also pray for the unity and understanding of all Christians, offering prayers for the health and prosperity of all the sons and daughters of the Holy Church, and the Assyrian believing Community. The grace and Mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all forever and ever. Amen

Written: in our Patriarchal Cell Khanania Mardinkha IV by Grace Catholicos Patriarch The Assyrian Church of the East Morton Grove, Illinois December 05, 2013

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Joy to the World! For Many, Christmas is that time of the year to exchange gifts, decorate Christmas trees and the house with lights, mail Christmas cards to family and friends, and last but not the least; family gathering. Yet, the true meaning of Christmas remains to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God gave his only begotten Son to pay the price in full and free to us from the original sin that we have inherited from Adam and Eve. Gen 3:1-7

Christmas points out to us who Jesus is. He comes as the Almighty: to heal, restore, give us hope, and more importantly Himself. Its a time to invite our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into our hearts to receive the greatest gift of love, joy, "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will peace, and happicall him Emmanuel" (which means "God with us") Matthew 1:22ness...Remember, Jesus is the 23. reason for the season! Rejoice Christmas is a precious season, we ought to be reminded and Merry Christmas everyone! about Gods Greatest Love for mankind. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life John 3:16. By: Hewi S. Arkis

Saint Andrews Church Annual Christmas Gift Drive With full humbleness, I say it is an honor and privilege to me to be part in such spiritually uplifting program that benefits our Children. I would like to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for giving us the strength to be able to make such activities happen to help and serve our community. The generosity of our people is beyond belief for being so giving and making our second year Christmas Gift Drive event an amazing success. We received over 90 gifts, some were the actual fulfillment from the kids wish list, and others included gift cards and cash that was also used toward the transportation of the families back and forth to St. Andrews church. While the concept that giving to others can make you feel good about yourself is not revolutionary, there are several more indirect ways that donating money or time for a cause can benefit your psychological, spiritual and emotional wellbeing. On behalf of our beloved church and all the volunteers including myself, Aida Joseph and Neeran Shmoel would like to thank you all for your generous gifts and God bless.
Merry Christmas - Suzana Yalda
Saint Andrews Committees: Church Senior Pastor Father George Toma. Deacons: Norman Israel, Elbron Odisho, Adnan David, Sargon Kesso, Edison Youkhana, George Antar, Yousef Mikhael, Sabir, George Baezo, Thompson Esho, Alfret Shamoun, Elie Antar. Committees Chairman (David Arkis). Building Director/Manager (Interim-David Arkis): Younes Zaia, Namrood Khamis, Louzan Odisho, Rema Shamoun, Elona Bahram, Paul Rehana, Peter Amaden, Ray Kando, Youkhana Youkhana, Zaya Youkhana. Co-Chairman (Jack Youna). Secretary (Ban Youna). Treasurer Chairman (Gilbert Khosrabowdi): Sargon Yosifi , Mariam Lazar, Najla Mikhail, Bushra yalda Accountant (Julie Kako). Fundraising Committee (Vacant): Al Puccinelli, Nadia Warda. Youth President (George Sulayman) Ladies Auxiliary Chairwoman (Catrina Khamou): Lucy Sima, Ales Dawood, Shami Audisho, Doreen Haider, Sonia Khammo, Layla Youkhana, Bassima Sorisho, Magie Zaya, Jane Hana, Jenny, Nada Younan, Mariam. Choir Chairwoman (Najat Marcos): Saad Yalda, Albert Aessa, Jena Kena. Education-Jennifer Younan, Deacon Adnan David, Souad Timatyos, Deacon George Antar, Nirona Shino, Ashorina Youana, Dr. Michael, Juliana Thomas, Mike Micho, Adnan David, Youbert Bahram, Helen Yousif, Nwyia Garmos Aramaic, Bronica Amrahi, Josephine Youhana, Mardin Shinoo, Connie Shakro, Kristy Andrews, Queen Ishay, Raquel Youkhana, Stephanie Andrews, Claudia Shakro, Neeran Shmoel, Regina Younan. Youth Choir- Rachel Thomas, Jena Kena. Sports (Vacant). Public Relations (Vacant). Ushers Chairman (Michael Michael): Albert Youel, Youkhana Youkhana, Ramzi Odich, George Danyel, Gilbert Gewargis, Abrahim Lazar. Visitation Chairman (Deacon Norman Israel): Anderious Youkhana. Special Events Chairperson (Vacant): Nirona Shinoo, Julie Kako, Hewi Adaay, Suzana Yalda, Diala Joseph, Gabi Yawanis, Sargon Yalda, Neeran Shmoel, Aida Joseph, Tanya Khamo, Doreen Haider, Diana Esho. Maintenance Chairman (Musa Moshy): William Younan, Anderious Youkhana, Ashor Tamo (IT), Manny Yalda (IT), Yalda Kako (IT), Ashor Tamo (IT), Ashor Khoshaba (Sound System), Tony Atou (Sound System), Mounir Shamoon (Sound System). Media Chairman (Billy George): Hani Shawel, Robert Thomas, Hewi Adaay, Dani Shamoun, Ramsin George, Amer Kasso, Albert Lazar, Benyamin Odisho.

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Speech presented at A Joint Eastern Churches Benefit for Noursat in Chicago By H. G. Mar Paulus Benyamin Bishop of Chicago, and Diocese of the Eastern United States Friday, August 26, 2011 dia. Many changes in political, eternal love to human kind by his economical and cultural experi- immense sacrifice on the cross. He ences are fruit of mass media. For died to save his church. So if we example, satellite, Internet, face book etc. contributed to the changes that we are witnessing today in some Middle Eastern countries and in others for that matter. Egypts political changes are indebted to the mass media and the same for other countries whose are his followers, we must sacrifice for the benefit of others. In addition, when Jesus said, love your neighbor as yourself. Then, love without sacrifice will render meaningless. So love is the basic foundation for peace and justice; however, we know that peace cannot exist without justice and justice without forgiveness. Thus, a Christian is a living testimony of Devine love and forgiveness. In one of the most reassuring passages in the Bible, we learn that no power on earth or heaven can come between us and God's love, no person, no spiritual power, and not even death itself. (Roman 8:38-39) 2. A priest is to promote Christian unity. In John 17-21, it says, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me. Jesus Christ founded one Holy Apostolic Catholic Church according to the Nicene Creed. But the difference of theological interpretations divided the apostolic church using many different linguistic and cultural elements. Since the 80s or prior, many works in relations to unity were initiated for the purpose of unifying the Church. Even yet, the Christian Churches have not reached full communion, but our prayer to Jesus Christ is that He works among us to bring full communion to pass. Hence, the mass media has an imperative role to instruct people to live and to enjoy the fruit of full communion.

people are risen and demanding for a change; thus, mass media was the catalyst to unify the people Greetings, internally and externally to reach Your eminence and Excellency their goals. bishops, reverenced priests, my According to Marshall McLuhan, brothers and sisters in Our Lord mass media reduced geographiJesus Christ. cally the world to global village. Im honored to be granted this op- Accordingly, in this global village, portunity to share with you some Some Media of today is used to information in reference to mass propagate wars, destruction, termedia in the service of evangelizarorism and other kinds of activities tion. that are against the human social When I was a student in 2001 at the values. This unconstructive broadGregorian Pontifical University in casting is not helping to promote Rome, our professors of Pauline global peace and human developletter talked about Apostle Pauls ment. For this reason, Christian media has to counteract that by missions of preaching the Gospel as he traveled over the sea and on utilizing mass media to nurture the land. One of the questions humanity so that it may develop in asked by the professors different dimensions. was, if St. Paul was living today, would he not have taken the advan- As the Apostolic Catholic Assyrian tage of utilizing mass media to Church of the East, when one talks preach the Bible? Tonight we are about evangelization, eventually gathered here to share our experi- he at the same time must take into ences regarding media and evan- consideration the ecclesiological dimension in his preaching gelization. through mass media. So the quesJesus Said, A new command I tion is what should a priest take give you: Love one another. As I into consideration when he is have loved you, so you must love preaching for his global parish one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if Audience. They are as follow: you love one another.(John13:34 35) Regarding this verse, Humans by nature are social. As such, this characteristic reveals the transcendence dimension of a person that cannot be explored outside of relationships. This relationship is helping us to understand the concept of social communication. Todays world is built on mass me1. A priest is to promote love, peace and charity. Church was founded by Christ to bear salvation for humanity. As such, the church by nature is obliged to preach the

3. A priest is to help promote interecclesial and interreligious dialogue. When we are talking about dialogue and ecumenism, we dont mean for the dialogue to be beGospel; therefore the message of tween Christian churches only, but gospel is based on the command- between people of all faiths or bement of our Lord Jesus Christ that liefs. is love. Jesus demonstrated His Continue on next page
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The mission.
Honor and glorify God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and make Him known. Preach His word (The Gospel) through the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, established by the teachings of our Lords Disciples and the Churchs Saints, Patriarchs, Bishops and Priests, as the source of the good news. Teach the Assyrian Language (Neo-Aramaic), one of our Lords main Languages, to our Children and educate them on the importance of speaking and preserving it.

Saint Andrews Church Committee

...Continue His Grace Mar Paulus Benyamin to be between Christian churches only, but between people of all faiths or beliefs. We are certain that Jesus salvation is the perfect one and it can only be found in His Church (as said in Latin extra ecclesiam nulla est salus.) Accordingly, the pastoral work is helping other believes or faiths to come to an understating of the truth of the message of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thomas said to Him, Lord, we dont know where You are going, so how can we know the way? Jesus responded by saying, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you really know Me, you will know My Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him. (John 14:5 -6) Through Christian mass media, the interreligious dialogue should help the conscious of the people who have not yet understood Christ and His message. 4. A priest should promote moral and social values. In the past three decades, the exodus of the Christians from the historic lands in the Middle East to Western countries has forced us to live in Diaspora. Todays immigration created pluralistic societies. The elements of pluralistic are ethnical, linguistic, cultural and religious sense; however, the new pluralistic society has its own moral and social values, which help people to grow a pluralistic spirit, respecting each other and protecting each other. Mass media can help convey the message of high ethical and moral values to this new pluralistic society to live in peace, harmony, respect and reciprocal interchange. We can prove to Samuel P. Huntington, that it is doable to prevent clashes between civilizations. This prove can be contributed to Christian or pro-moral and pro-peace of mass media. 5. A priest is to promote the value of human dignity. Human dignity consists of relationship between man and God. Because God created us in His image, He provides us the highest level of his creation. As such, the full revelation of God consists in Jesus Christ as perfect man and perfect God. So the humanity of Jesus Christ is part of our humanity. Man is made of spirit and flesh. Thus, the most important part is the spirit of God that is dwelling in us. Jesus said, I am the true and living way. (John 14:6) As such, we are obliged to defend human dignity and life, but this cannot be attained or acquired outside of human being or is not based on any human quality, legal mandate, or individual merit or accomplishments. In conclusion, if mass media has reduced our world to a village, at the same time it has increased the dimension of a parish to a world. Accordingly, we will utilize, as the Apostolic Churches, mass media in the service of evangelization, in hope that the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ would be carried out along with the teachings of our church and the Apostolic Traditions, which are built up as three resources of evangelization of the Apostolic Churches. Again, thank you for this opportunity and God bless.
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When God Looks for Kings

The war was won by a baby boy. I was singing along to this song on the radio by For King and Country. It goes on to say, heavens reply was a baby boy, a king without a crown, an un -expected majesty. Its the first Christmas song that made me think that the Lord uses children, and in the case for Christmas a baby, to save the world. God used two humble, and unknown individuals, Mary and Joseph, to bring Christ into this world. A baby by all accounts but already feared by many, as we will see with the slaughter of male babies in Bethlehem, and already worshiped by few such as the wise men and shepherds. What war did this baby boy win? Can a baby or a child really save the world? Yes we know Christ was a man when he gave himself up for the world, saving us from the fires of hell and redeeming us of our sins, but why did God use a baby? In Genesis 14: 18-20 King Melchizedek was the Priest of God Most High. Most scholars agree that Melchizedek was The Christ who met Abraham that evening for bread and wine. So why didnt God just bring Christ in the form of a grown man like Melchizedek? If the Pharisees and Sadducees did not know where he came from genealogically and geographically (also like Melchizedek) wouldnt this have saved God a lot of hard work? So who was another king that God chose as a child? Christ is also called, Son of David, so that was the first place to look. In 1 Samuel 16 we see Samuel being told by God t hat he shall find his next king in the house of Jesse. After visiting the house he looks upon the first son Eliab and said Surely the Lords anointed stands here before the Lord. But the Lord replied to Samuel, Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejec ted him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Je sse brought forth seven of his sons for Samuel but they all were not the chosen ones. Samuel still knew that none of these sons were chosen b y the Lord. He asked one last time if Jesse had any other sons, and Jesse replied that his youngest was still out tending the sheep, his name was David. David was a king and didnt even know it. He was never supposed to just be a shepherd. Samuel did not know that God was looking for a child. That when God looks for kings he looks for children. The Lord told Samuel that when he chooses the anointed he looks at the heart, and if Matthew 18:3 is correct then the heart of a child is what we are to strive for. The heart of David was ready to become king, it did not matter his age or stature. When the world looks for kings they look for those who have already arrived. We look for those with titles, those with wealth, fame, and family lineage, but we forget that the Lord uses the simple, the young to create kings and queens. The story of Esther is another example of how a young Jewish girl became queen over all Persia. God looks for kings in children because God knows that within every child is a king and queen. The Lord knows before anyone what we are to become, but children need a person like Samuel to tell them of their mission and the Lords will in their life . Mothers and fathers believe that your children are great, and have the potential to become kings and queens in anything they do. We are adopted sons and daughters of the king of the world why not tell children of the inheritance they can possess and the unlimited bounds we have to change the world, because the kingdom of heaven is within all of us. The same power that arose Lazarus from the grave is not only in adults but in ALL children. Children, never forget the kings and queens that are within you. That David was not supposed to be a shepherd forever, and that the Lord has many plans for you to come. These plans will only happen if like David you hear the message and follow. God used a baby boy to save the world to show us that he does not need us to achieve anything. That even through a baby he can bring light into the world, that even through a baby he can redeem his children. Who are we to think that its up to adults to progress the mission of C hrist, lets open our doors for children, and our future kings and queens to spread the word of God to every corner of the world. During this Christmas remember that Christ first and foremost is king of the most high. Teach your children to fall on their knees and worship him. Let everyone know a king is coming soon. An unexpected majesty, born in a lowly manger, a baby who will eventually wear a crown of thorns, a baby who will be rejected by his own, a baby who will take away the sins of the world. By-Juliana Thomas
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HOLY APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC ASSYRIAN CHURCH OF THE EAST The Cradle of Civilization What do you know about your heritage?
syrians created a civil services branch that devoted their efforts to keep record of census of towns and villages and facilitate fast and effective mobilization of workforce necessary to dig canals or build cities. They were also great farmers who built aqueducts to take water to their cities. King Sennacherib had 6 miles canals cut from the mountains to Nineveh to supply the city with water.


The Assyrian empire existed in Mesopotamia (between the rivers) in the northern region of modern day Iraq between 1100 B.C.- 612 B.C. it reached its prime time during the Sargonids period under King Sargon II and his successors Sennacherib, Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal. It stretched from the Persian Gulf east to Egypt west forming the largest em- The Assyrians were also famous for pire the world had yet seen. their high quality art which focused The Assyrians worshiped many gods on documenting specific individual however, Assur was their chief god. historic events as they took place. Kings bowed for him and he was hon- Assyrian artisans turned out exquisite ored in their New Year festivities. metal, bronze, silver and gold plates, They believed that gods could wreak drinking vessels and ornaments. Art havoc with their empire through dif- and wall sculpture reached its golden ferent natural disasters. Other gods age during the Sargonid period. Not included Ninurta (god of war and until the Roman Empire we find such quality art come again to existence! hunt) and Ishtar (goddess of love). Assyria had a fierce and well organized army, with the king as its commander in chief. Their worriers were strongly trained through hard campaigns. Their wars had certain motives such as protecting and expanding their land and empire, and a religious one which was to protect their god and their king from their enemies. In the meantime, wealthy men were allowed to pay in lieu of serving or have a slave serve on their behalf. When war arose the army was reinforced by troops gathered from the Assyrian provinces on their way to the battle field. They also built temporary bridges and constructed roads through mountains to ensure faster movement toward their aim. The Assyrians were also famous for their stone relief towers techniques used during warfare which were later emulated by others. Compared to other societies of its time, Assyria was greatly urbanized with towns dwelling tens of thousands of people and palaces and temples built to worship their gods. The As-

At the center of the Assyrian flag is a golden circle, representing the sun. Symbolically, it generates heat and light to sustain the earth and all living things. The star surrounding the sun stands for the land, its light blue color representing tranquility. The three major rivers of our homeland are represented by the wavy stripes that extend from the center of the flag to its four corners. The dark blue is for the Euphrates river, which stands for the Assyrian word peruta meaning abundance. The red stripes symbolize the Tigris river, its crimson color honoring courage, glory, and pride. The white lines between the two represent Zawa, as tranquility and peace. Many view the three stripes as roads that will lead the dispersed Assyrian people back to their homeland.

The Aramaeans tribes that inhabited the Syrian deserts slowly expanded into Mesopotamia. Their influence grew in the region and they attacked Assyria in 1000 BCE and moved into the land. Gradually the Aramaic language replaced the Akkadian and cuneiform used at that time, especially after the fall of the Assyrian empire for their simple alphabets to take Above the blue star, at the top of the flag, sits the ancient Assyrian God over. Ashur, who guards the people the In 612 and after the death of King Assurbanipal; the Babylonians in col- flag represents. It is an ancient symlaboration with the Medes from the bol. east destroyed Nineveh putting an On top of the flagstaff is the standard end to the Assyrian empire. of King Sargon I, who established the first Assyrian empire. During the ancient times this insignia stood by the Source: Nardo, D. (1998). The Assyr- king's side to let everyone know his whereabouts. ian Empire. Source: /one-nation-one-flag/

By Mariam Amro

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Nationalism in Relation to the Assyrians

When society fails, the nation appears as the ultimate guarantee Miroslav Hroch Nationalism, a concept conceived originally in Europe during the nineteenth century, greatly influenced the theory of statehood for the globe. Nationalism in essence is the idea of one collective group identifying themselves as being different from another group. As a stateless people it is important to know that nationalism can exist without the creation of a physical state. Assyrians, although stateless, remain hopeful for the creation of an Assyrian state as a viable solution in preserving an ancient and Christian heritage in the Middle East. The idea of a nation is related to components like the economy, politics, territory and language. The equation nation = state = people is developed as the encompassing idea of nationality. Interestingly, for France the idea of acquiring French citizenship only through the knowledge of the French language during its nation-building phase can be related to the Assyrians of the Ottoman Empire. Although the Assyrians spoke Turkish during the reign of the Ottomans along with their own language, they were regarded as part of a separate class, distinct from the Ottoman Muslim majority. What occurred in Europe was the creation of states, which then aimed at creating the appropriate subject, or citizen. Often, and especially when referring to the modern Middle East, the borders of a state were outlined haphazardly by Europeans, thus leading to newfound identities and nationalities. This becomes linked to the American identity; a sense of American nationalism had not existed prior to the United States sovereignty from the British crown. On the other hand, the Assyrian identity existed well before and after the emergence of modern Middle Eastern states. This truth became one of the main motives in the persecution of Assyrians by their non-Assyrian neighbors. The idea of creating nations for a select group of people is linked to the Assyrians. Aiming for statehood, but mostly survival, as the Ottoman Empire declined, Assyrians yearned as other minorities under the Empire to receive territory representative of their ancestral homeland. They no longer intended to be part of an Empire that had been subsequently harming their people. Fellow Ottoman minorities, Armenians, Greeks and Jews, were effective in forming states. The involvement of citizens within the political sphere during the nineteenth century became common and further developed. Such acts were non-existent to Ottoman minorities, who were essentially excluded from holding political office and engaging in diplomatic affairs. The early twentieth century also brought about the census, which documented the languages spoken by peoples within a state as a means of identifying a nations populace. Disagreements erupted between individuals who were conflicted in identifying themselves. Citizens of newfound states found it problematic to identify themselves with the language spoken in the home or the language spoken in the public, which often differed. Nationalism became linked to a group of peoples social consciousness and agency. It emerged as a result of the fall of previously established empires. Newly created states were built upon old empires, like that of the Turkish state which was established upon the ideals of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire aimed, like other empires, to create a homogenous population, predominately one that was associated with Islam and the Turkish identity. The Assyrians, who experienced hardships, genocide, and survived assaults by their neighbors, like the Jewish community under the Nazis, did not receive international endorsements in the creation of an Assyrian state as prevalent with the creation of Israel. The question then remains, why were the demands of the Assyrians disregarded? The creation of an Assyrian state becomes a means of sustaining an ancient culture, language, and religion. The main purpose for an Assyrian state is fixed within the prospect of being politically active in a given territory as well as having its citizens communicate in a shared language. The lack of political activity by the Assyrians in the Ottoman Empire and later contemporary Middle Eastern states is an important actuality in realizing why a minority group was constantly not provided the tools necessary to gain political momentum. Political involvement, after all, is the means to which states are formed. Minorities like the Assyrians, aimed at achieving autonomy due to their mistreatment. The lack of an Assyrian state can be further studied to underscore the actuality that historical basis alone will not grant a community a state or land rights, nor will it gain international support.
By: Ramsen Shamon

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Copyright 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East


The Glory of His Name
What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him! Mathew 8:27 We see the above question answered by the different names and descriptions we find for Jesus throughout the New Testament. We chose some here and referred to the corresponding bible verses. Emmanuel or Immanuel: The first one is Greek and the latter Hebrew, both meaning the same. The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel- which means God with us. (Mathew 1:23) The Son of Man: Jesus replied, Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head. (Mathew 8:20) King of the Jews: Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, Are you the king of the Jews? Yes, it is as you say. Jesus replied. (Mathew 27:11) The Word: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1) The Light: There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, he himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. (John 1:3) The Son of God: Then Nathanael declared, Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel. (John 1:49) The Bread of God: For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. (John 6:33) The Bread of Life: Then Jesus declared, I am the bread of life. (John 6:35 & 6:48) The Gate: I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. (John 10:9) The Good Sheppard: I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. (John 10:11 & 14) The Holy & Righteous One: You disowned the Holy and Righteous one and asked that a murderer be released to you. (Acts 3:14) The Author of Life: You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. (Acts 3:15) The Capstone: He is the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone. (Acts 4:11) The Deliverer: The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. (Romans 11:26) The Chief Cornerstone: Build on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with

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with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. (Ephesians 2:20) The Chief Shepherd: As God wants you to be not greedy for money, but eager to serve: not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. (1 Peter 5:3-4) Lord & Savior: If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. (2 Peter 2:20) The Eternal Life: And we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. (1 John 1:2) The Righteous One: Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins. (1 John 2:1) The Christ: Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist- he denies the Father and the Son. (1 John 2:22) The Faithful Witness: And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the first born from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of earth. (Revelation 1:5) The Firstborn from the Dead: And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of earth. (Revelation 1:5) The Ruler of the Kings of Earth: And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the first born from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of earth. (Revelation 1:5) The Almighty: I am the Alpha and the Omega. Says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, The Almighty. (Revelation 1:8) The Amen: To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen. (Revelation 3:14) Christ Jesus himself as the chief corner- The Alpha and the Omega: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (Revelation 22:13) stone. (Ephesians 2:20) Copyright Page 10


Copyright 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East

This edition sponsors

Saint Andrews Church Spiritual Services for month of January Monday January 6, 2014. It is the Feast of the Epiphany of our Lord. Our Lord was baptized by John the Baptist in Jordan River in the year 336 of the Greeks. Morning Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 A.M and Evening Mass at 6:30 PM. Morning Mass will be followed by Baptism. Friday January 10, 2014. It is the Commemoration of Saint John the Baptist the Holy Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 PM. Friday January 17, 2014. It is the Commemoration of Saints Peter and Paul. The Holy Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 PM. Friday January 24, 2014. It is the Commemoration of the four Evangelists. The Holy Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 PM. Friday January 31, 2014. It is the Commemoration of Saint Steven the protomartyr. The Holy Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 PM.

Published by Saint Andrews Assyrian Church of the East. 901 N. Milwaukee Ave. Glenview, Illinois. Articles reflect point of view of writers in a positive encouraging way. Edited by: Hewi S. Arkis Printed by: Niles Express Copy & Printing, 7542 W. Oakton, Niles, IL. For more information, comments or suggestions email us at:

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660 Larson Lane Roselle, IL 60172 Ph. (630) 295-5977 Fax (630) 295-5978

Mar Sargis Church

1850 W. Cuyler Chicago, IL 60613 Ph. (773) 248-0052 Fax (773) 248-7094

St. Andrews Church

901 N. Milwaukee Glenview, IL 60025 Ph. (847) 486-7522 Fax (847) 486-7528

Mar Gewargis Church

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Copyright 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East

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