Jones Ministry Update - Winter 2013

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A Quarterly Update On Christs Lif! Expressed Through Our Partnership with Christian Families Today

Two Words from the Father

Enter His gates with thanksgiving And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 100:4,5 In the midst of the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving and now Christmas, the Father has continually brought to my mind two words: thanksgiving and faithfulness. Over and over I have rst-hand witnessed the faithfulness of the Father in more occasions than I could compose to you. From the beauty of His creation, to nances, to mine and Chris health, to our family, and to His protection over us, just to name a few, all proclaim His faithfulness within our life. As we journey in ministry together with you, I am continually mesmerized by the Fathers faithfulness and am ecstatic to share with you the fruit of our partnership. Below are numbers and quotes collected from the ministry to demonstrate the faithfulness of the Father through the programs at CFT just from January to the end of October. On the back you will nd a sweet afrmation of the Fathers faithfulness through a story shared by a mother of one of my clients. As I enter into His courts, I am lled with thanksgiving for His faithfulness and for our partnership together. Thank you for your faithfulness in partnering with us in this journey of ministry to share with precious children and teen girls the hope, healing, and freedom we have in Christ. As you celebrate Christmas this year, know that your partnership with the ministry is making an impact in the Kingdom of God. Chris and I love you and celebrate our friendship with you. Merry Christmas! Lori and Chris

18 2,146
Individual counseling appointments Students who graduated from our Advanced Discipleship Training (ADT) class. "The greatest impact of the ADT was just being free from the lie that I had lived under from the age of 6.!

Amount of counseling given away where people were not able to donate the entire suggested amount per counseling hour. Thank you for your support to make this possible!

Even though the situations in my life haven't changed, I have joy. 13 year old girl I am counseling

Hours spent counseling

Our daughter, Hannah, began seeing Lori earlier this year. Although Hannah had accepted Jesus in her heart as her personal Savior as a young girl, she had been struggling with some self-esteem issues and unresolved feelings for several years, which contributed to depression and anxiety in her life. Hannah also had some questions and doubts about her faith. Lori has been such a wonderful blessing to both Hannah and our family. Lori is one of the most compassionate and wisest young ladies I have been blessed to meet. She has a true, deep, contagious love and joy for Jesus, and she shares her Godly wisdom with tenderness and compassion. I believe it is her sweet, genuine Christ-like heart that the youth respond to in counseling. Lori is like a vessel of our Heavenly Fathers love, and it is a true blessing and honor to know her. She had a new joy and in time

she really grew in condence Lori came alongside our daughter Hannah and helped her to see the lies that she was believing about herself and others. She helped her to in who she is in the Lord, as replace those lies with biblical truths in gentleness and love. Every time well as in wisdom in Him. Hannah would see Lori, she would come out of the meeting refreshed and more peaceful. She had a new joy and in time she really grew in condence in who she is in the Lord, as well as in wisdom in Him. Hannah began encouraging others in the Lord. People were being drawn to Hannah as she was becoming more of a light and a witness for Jesus.
With the Lords help, and Loris wise biblical counsel, Hannah had some wonderful growth in the area of her family relationships as well. She started to get along better with family members and was more respectful to her father and me,. For many years, Hannahs relationship with one of her sisters had been very tense. My prayer to the Lord was that He would make them best friends with one another. In truth, I had at times almost given up on this prayer. But I know that nothing is impossible with God! Well, after years of a tense relationship between two sisters who are very different, their relationship resembles that very much of close friends and loving sisters. In fact, just the other day someone asked them if they were best friends! Thank you Jesus! God is so good! And, thank you Lori for being such a wonderful and caring counselor, and now also a very dear friend.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hannahs Mom

A Testament of Gods Faithfulness Through Our Partnership

Prayer Requests:
Prayer is a powerful tool we have to connect to the Father. If we can join you in prayer for anything, please let us know! Email: Phone: (770) 502-8050

The students who will begin our Advanced Discipleship Class in January, The children and teens I meet with will know and experience the love of the Father. The salvation for several of my clients.


We will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in Chris search for a job. A vehicle for Lori. Our families will grow in knowing and experiencing who they are in Christ.

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