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eff, 1racy, Loule, and uoroLhy

The Bertoncin Family wishes you a
lL has been qulLe an evenLful year. uoroLhy goL her drlver's
permlL ln !anuary. We losL 1racy's Crandma uoroLhy Lhls sprlng.
1racy was nomlnaLed for 1eacher of Lhe ?ear, and wenL skllng
lnsLead of aLLendlng Lhe banqueL where Lhey awarded Lhe honor
Lo someone else! We were exclLed Lo spend Llme wlLh Shella
(1racy's slsLer-ln-law), 1lLus, and kylah Lhls summer. Loule and
uoroLhy spenL anoLher week aL church camp, and Loule spenL hls
Llme wlLh Lhe 8ooLers (18-and-older) for Lhe flrsL Llme. 1racy
Look a Lrlp Lo a cullnary lnsLlLuLe ln vermonL. !eff spenL Lwo
weeks ln WlchlLa Lralnlng Lo Leach an englneerlng course. Sadly,
we had Lo puL Polly Lo sleep (she was Lhe dog our klds had
grown up wlLh). Loule had an app accepLed and avallable for
download on Lhe app sLore. 1racy's sofLball Leam won Lhe sLaLe
champlonshlp (dld she mlss sharlng LhaL wlLh anyone?). !eff
bullL a new deer sLand because uoroLhy wanLed Lo hunL Lhls year
(buL dldn'L have much Llme Lo do so). And now we flnd ourselves
ln Lhe mldsL of anoLher busy hollday season!
Sometimes it seems like we
cant keep up with ourselves.
1he number of Mlssourl 4A hlgh school
sofLball Leams. 8uL Lhere can be only
one champlon.
!"#$"%&' 105
1he dlsLance !eff Lravelled ln 72 hours
due Lo sLaLe sofLball and dlsLrlcL cross
)*+,' 688.1

Holidays 2013
.ls ln Lhe mlddle of hls senlor year and looklng forward Lo golng off Lo
college. Pe (as usual) has been exLremely busy wlLh roboLlcs, cross counLry,
Lrack, Club 121, lCA, youLh group, and nPS. Pe also aLLended 8oys SLaLe Lhls
summer ln Warrensburg, alLhough he dldn'L en[oy Lhe pollLlcal aspecL of lL.
We are proud LhaL Loule has developed an app LhaL ls now avallable on Lhe
app sLore, and ls worklng on anoLher one LhaL wlll be more wldely used and
launched (hopefully) wlLhln Lhe flrsL few weeks of !anuary. 1hls nexL app wlll
ald llrsL 8oboLlcs Leams from around Lhe world ln scouLlng oLher roboLlcs
An lnLernshlp wlLh Cerner CorporaLlon Lakes up Loule's afLernoons on Lhe
weekdays. Pe ls aL Lhe hlgh school unLll lunch, Lhen heads Lo Cerner Lo help
develop sofLware LhaL helps docLors and nurses organlze paLlenL
lnformaLlon. Pe ls really en[oylng Lhls opporLunlLy!
Loule had a Lough endlng Lo hls cross counLry career. Pls goal was Lo make
sLaLe, buL had a slmllar lssue ln Lhe dlsLrlcL race as lasL year. 1owards Lhe end
of Lhe race, hls legs gave ouL on hlm, and he dldn'L place. AL Lhe posLseason
banqueL, he was recognlzed and pralsed for Lhe leadershlp and work eLhlc
LhaL he broughL Lo Lhe Leam, and he ls proud
of Lhe legacy he leaves behlnd.
1hls comlng year wlll be sLrange for us Lo
see hlm off Lo college.

Loule has declded on a college (as lf
Lhere was ever any lndeclslon on hls
parL). Pe has been accepLed and ls
maklng plans Lo aLLend Mlssourl S&1
ln Lhe fall, and ma[or ln compuLer
1hose of us who llve wlLh hlm know
LhaL Lhls has been hls goal slnce he
was abouL 12 years old.
Pe ls hoplng Lo run cross counLry for
8olla, an nCAA ulvlslon ll program,
and has been ln conLacL wlLh Lhe
Bound for Rolla

Holidays 2013
.conLlnues Lo play soccer, and played boLh C 1eam and !v lasL sprlng for
Lee's SummlL Plgh School. She sulLed up for varslLy durlng Lhe posLseason,
and felL llke she was golng Lo Lhrow up" when Lhe varslLy goalkeeper wenL
down ln a dlsLrlcL game and uoroLhy was Lold Lo warm up. lorLunaLely, Lhe
varslLy goalle sLayed ln Lhe game.
Per club Leam has played ln a college showcase LournamenL and wlll head Lo
Arkansas ln !anuary for anoLher one. 1hls has made lL lmporLanL for uoroLhy
Lo sLarL conslderlng colleges and a ma[or, and she has been exclLed Lo be ln
conLacL wlLh college coaches.
uoroLhy also Lrled a new sporL lasL fall and acLually played preLLy well. 1he
Lennls coach Lalked her lnLo Lrylng ouL, and she played mosLly !v, buL also
made a few appearances ln varslLy doubles maLches as well. She especlally
loved playlng doubles. 1he [oke aL home was LhaL she would leLLer ln Lennls
before she leLLered ln soccer, buL LhaL dldn'L happen. She dld wln Lhe MosL
valuable newcomer Award aL Lhe posLseason banqueL.
1hls summer, uoroLhy made her flrsL solo plane Lrlp. She flew Lo Mlchlgan Lo
vlslL her good frlend Pannah who moved lasL summer. CLher Lhan a hlccup
wlLh Lhe LlckeL purchase
and a sLop on Lhe way
home from Lhe alrporL
due Lo moLlon slckness,
Lhlngs wenL preLLy well.
uoroLhy worked ln Lhe
concesslon sLand aL Lhe
waLer park lasL summer,
and has declded LhaL she
no longer wanLs Lo work

uoroLhy Lurns slxLeen on !anuary 14
and ls looklng forward Lo Lhe freedom
LhaL comes wlLh a drlver's llcense!
Mom and uad are Lrylng Lo flgure ouL
how Lo provlde vehlcles for a new
drlver and a kld headlng off Lo
Sweet Sixteen

Holidays 2013

And when we glve each oLher
ChrlsLmas glfLs ln Pls name, leL
us remember LhaL Pe has glven
us Lhe moon and Lhe sLars, and
Lhe earLh wlLh lLs foresLs and
mounLalns and oceans-and all
LhaL llves and moves upon
Lhem. Pe has glven us all green
Lhlngs and everyLhlng LhaL
blossoms and bears frulL and all
LhaL we quarrel abouL and all
LhaL we have mlssed-and Lo
save us from our foollshness,
from all our slns, Pe came down
Lo earLh and gave us Plmself."
-!"#$"% '(%)*+
uld we menLlon LhaL 1racy's sofLball Leam won a sLaLe champlonshlp? 1racy
may flnally be comlng down from LhaL rlde. 1he 1lgers had a good season,
buL really caughL flre as Lhe posLseason sLarLed, and Lhe momenLum [usL
She was also ([usLlflably) nomlnaLed by her prlnclpal as a Leacher of Lhe year.
She was honored as Lhe Lee's SummlL Plgh School 1eacher of Lhe ?ear, buL
dld noL wln Lhe dlsLrlcL compeLlLlon. Cf course, lL probably dldn'L help LhaL
she was skllng when Lhey presenLed Lhe award. When she planned Lhe Lrlp,
she had no ldea LhaL she would recelve Lhls honor.
1racy Lemporarlly losL her sanlLy Lhls fall and volunLeered Lo be a cross
counLry boosLer parenL. lorLunaLely, a few oLher moms sLepped up, and lL
ended up belng an en[oyable experlence shared by a neaL group of ladles.
She also ran her Lhlrd PosplLal Plll 8un half maraLhon, buL her goal Llme sLlll
seems Lo elude her. She plans Lo run agaln Lhls year, and lf you know 1racy,
you know LhaL Lhe LargeLed Llme does noL sLand a chance.
!eff ls Leachlng a new class Lhls year: lnLroducLlon Lo Lnglneerlng ueslgn. lL ls
a paLhway Lo S1LM careers class, and he ls en[oylng lL, buL ls maklng plans Lo
recrulL more carefully from Lhe mlddle school nexL year.
Schedullng umplres once agaln was a parL-Llme [ob and requlred !eff Lo be aL
Lhe ballpark nearly every day. 8uL careful plannlng and beLLer organlzaLlon
kepL hlm from havlng Lo umplre more Lhan a handful of Llmes. 8uL !eff and
Loule en[oyed Lhe opporLunlLy Lo umplre on Lhe same fleld LogeLher agaln.
AlLhough Lhe klds make fun of hlm, !eff goL a new elecLrlc smoker for
ChrlsLmas lasL year and ls uslng lL frequenLly. Cf course, Lhe klds don'L
complaln abouL Lhe greaL food! AfLer geLLlng Lhree deer Lhls year beLween
!eff and Loule, Lhere wlll be loLs of sausage, roasLs, and snack sLlcks Lo en[oy.
1he mosL unlque experlmenL so far? 1haL would have Lo be a Loss-up
beLween smoked sweeL poLaLoes and smoked acorn squash.
We wlsh you a very Merry ChrlsLmas and a new ?ear LhaL ouLperforms your
currenL expecLaLlons!
Tracy & Jeff

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