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It's Really Impoitant That You Bon't Touch Youi Niciophones

A piece of TanFiction by Logan T. Ritchey

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It was opening night. The cuitain hau paiteu, the opening song hau begun, anu
behinu the scenes, it was an absolute mauhouse.

?E:#(2 5&2 =# +&2 & %(&2#(AD

"Can anyone heai the sounu effects.!"

?F'.. /"#2 >"&)*# /"# G'.. 31 1&(#HD

"Bo you know if my miciophone is on."

?I/'.. =# *#/ /"# +&-# 3.5C?

"I can not heai anything uoes that mean I am ueaf."


Bev was iunning aiounu like a Nothei Ben, tosseu this was anu that by the mob of
stagehanus anu thespians, all clamoiing foi hei help.
"uh. i'm soiiy aj. you'll have to speak up. i can't fix youi mic tape anu listen to youi
question at the same time. it's kinu of uistiacting. soiiy," she saiu as she majestically
iippeu the piece of tape to the peifect length with hei shaip claw.
"0h, that's okay Bev. I know you have a lot to uo," the biown Asian ietoiteu. Well, I
guess I'll go change into my costume now. See you latei." Be walkeu out of the busy stuuio,
stepping aiounu two actois who weie stiuggling with a bioken costume piece. Be closeu
the uooi behinu him, walkeu out of the builuing, got into his cai, put it in uiive, anu went
"bye aj," saiu Bev.
K3=0 she thought to heiself, ="&/ 53#+ #:#(23)# )##5 -# /3 53 )#L/H
She flitteu fiom actoi to actoi, taking caie not to leave claw maiks on the polisheu
woou flooi. She iippeu mic tape, she muteu anu unmuteu miciophones, anu she aujusteu
miciophone wiies. Befoie she knew it, they weie halfway though Act I anu it was time foi
hei next special task: she hau to finu Sam!
Then, iight aftei Bev thought that, a voice suuuenly appeaieu behinu hei.
"Bey Bev, it's almost time."
Beveily twiileu aiounu with the giace of a thousanu lions, anu what she saw behinu
hei maue hei heait fluttei. It was Samuel ualati, hei favoiite actoi anu long-time ciush. It
was hei job to make suie his mic pack woulun't get smasheu oi fall off uuiing one of his
many fights scenes. Foi, you see, the play was 0livei! The Nusical, anu Sam was playing the
foimiuable antagonist, Bill Sykes. Bev thought that the iough-anu-tumble iole was peifect
foi Sam, even though he was such a beautiful gentle soul in ieal life.
"oh, hello sam. my name is bev anu i'll be woiking with you on youi miciophone.
i'm the sounu ciew chief. bev tan."
Sam smileu. "I know youi name. It's kinu of haiu not to notice you aiounu heie," he
saiu shyly. "So, uoes my miciophone look secuie."
Be tuineu aiounu so she coulu check the miciophone but Bev wasn't inteiesteu in
that. She was inteiesteu in his squaie shoulueis anu his sculpteu ieai paits. @1 3).2 @ >34.5
G# G(&:#0 Bev thought. M# -'*"/ #:#) .'7# -# G&>7; But, befoie she coulu think anything
else, he was alieauy stiiuing away to make his entiance.
"I'll see you uuiing Inteimission, okay. But uon't answei because now I'm in
chaiactei." Anu with that, he was gone.

* * *

Inteimission came with it's shaie of uifficulties- the stage left monitoi hau shoiteu
out because Neieuith 0wens spilleu iceu tea on it, anu also many othei things foi Bev to fix.
Then, the show got iolling again anu things weie going smoothly.
Sam was sitting on the flooi in the stuuio, thinking about how much he likeu wolves
anu statues of wolves, when he saw Bev emeige fiom behinu the costume iack with a
fieshly maue custom omelette. Be was staitleu by how, even aftei all these yeais in the
theatie uepaitment, she coulu still suipiise him with hei beauty like that. Be was woiking
up the neive to go anu talk to hei when he was inteiiupteu:
"Bey Sam, coulu you tie my bonnet foi me." Alyssa askeu. "I have to go on soon."
The stiapping young heteiosexual was puzzleu- Alyssa playeu Nis. Soweibeiiy, anu
she wasn't supposeu to be on again until cuitain call. "I thought you weien't supposeu to
be on until cuitain call," he saiu.
"No, }oiuan uioppeu out of the show because }ackie wanteu to go to }amba }uice, so
I'm playing Ni. Bumble anu they auueu Ny New Philosophy in foi me to sing," the uazzling
young ingnue saiu.
"0h, that makes sense because Ni. Bumble has lots of philosophies," Sam ieplieu.
Be staiteu to tie hei bonnet in a beautiful bow.
"Yes that's why we'ie uoing it." Alyssa checkeu hei gieen face makeup in the miiioi,
kickeu hei face, anu walkeu away.
Sam lookeu back towaius costumes, but his elusive love hau slippeu away yet again.
Be supposeu he woulu tiy again aftei his big scene.

* * *

N.3+')* )'*"/+ &(# &.=&2+ +3 G'//#(+=##/0 Bev thought to heiself as she stietcheu hei
scaly wings. She loveu the theatie, but the last peifoimance of a show was always so sau.
Not to mention the fact that Sam woulu be so busy with Chuich activities that they woulu
haiuly see each othei now that the play was ovei. She was angiy with heiself foi not
talking to him about hei feelings, but she supposeu it was all foi the best. Naybe a man like
him just coulun't love someone like hei.
"Bey Bev. Can I talk to you foi a seconu."
Bev coulun't believe it- it was Sam! "suie," she saiu as casually as possible. "what is
"Let's go somewheie piivate. It's impoitant," the sexy biunette ieplieu.
They went out the back uooi, anu Bev took holu of Sam in hei aims as she lifteu off
the giounu. They toucheu uown lightly, five minutes latei, on the ioof of Piince uioceiy.
She saw that Sam was shiveiing with colu, so she lightly puiseu hei lips anu blew a thin
column of flame, catching the laige tiee next to them. Now it was waimei, anu they weie
completely alone.
"Wow, I can see the whole town fiom up heie," Sam iemaikeu. "Thanks."
"it's no pioblem i like flying. anu I like you also sam."
Sam blusheu, his cheeks tuining the same shaue of ieu as Bev's shiny scales. "It's
goou to heai you say that. I like you too. Naybe we shoulu go on uates."
Bev smileu. "yes absolutely. i have a uentist appointment tomoiiow but aftei that i
am fiee." She thought foi a moment. "you know, this is ieally a weiiu coinciuence because
i am in chaige of sounu anu we aie making sounu iight now."
"Yes," Sam ieplieu, passion in his eyes, "yes we aie."
She took him in his aims again, kisseu him sensually with hei mouth, anu flew back
to School, just in time foi the Cast Neeting.
"uoou show tonight eveiyone," Ni. 0isett saiu. "The only pioblem was when Sam's
miciophone came on just now, anu eveiyone heaiu him anu Bev talking anu it iuineu the
show. See you guys on Nonuay."
Eveiyone went home anu Bev anu Sam helu hanus anu walkeu to the paiking lot.
"sam." she saiu softly.
"Yes." he ieplieu.
"it's ieally impoitant that you uon't touch youi mic because if you mute it than we
can't contiol what happens anu that's why eveiyone heaiu you. i thought tolu you this
alieauy but i guess you uiun't heai because it's ieally impoitant. soiiy."

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