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New York Daily News

New York Daily News is among the most noted names in entire United States of America
as far as print media is concerned. With a figure of 632,595, New York Daily News is the
fifth most widely circulated daily newspaper in the United States of America. Founded in
the year 1919, The New York Daily News is also the first US daily newspaper published
inn the form of a tabloid.

New York Daily News was founded by Joseph Medill Patterson, who along with his
cousin Robert R McCormick was the co-publisher of Chicago Tribune previously. At one
point of time when Patterson and McCormick started having differences on the editorial
content of the Chicago Tribune, they decided to launch a new Tribune-owned newspaper
in New York. Patterson met Alfred Harmsworth, then publisher of the Daily Mirror of
London and getting impressed by the advantages of the tabloid form of daily newpaper,
he launced the Daily News on June 26, 1919. At present the newspaper is run by
Mortimer Zuckerman

From its establishment to the year 1995, The Daily News was headquartered at 220 East
42nd Street near Second Avenue and was moved to 450 33rd Street in the mid-1990s. But
still the 42nd Street office is known as The News Building that features a huge globe that
was seen the first two Sperman movies. At present the Daily News shares its office at the
33rd Street with WNET television station and the Associated Press.
Former News subsidiary WPIX-TV remains in the building. The new headquarters at 450
West 33rd Street, straddles the railroad tracks going into Pennsylvania Station is shared
with television station WNET, and the Associated Press.

Though today it is the fifth largest daily in terms of circulation, The Daily News has gone
through tough times. In its very initial stage the paper has witnessed a severe fall in
circulation figure but it recovered very quickly. Even today, a large number of New York
subway commuters prefer The Daily News for its ‘easy to handle’ size and the quality of

For its emphasis on photograph, the Daily News carried the slogan ‘New York’s Picture
Newspaper from 1920 to 1991. Later it also carried slogans like New York's Hometown
Newspaper and The Eyes, the Ears, the Honest Voice of New York. Even today, the daily
stresses a lot on the use of large and prominent photographs for its news, entertainment
and sports pages. Besides, the daily provides intense city news coverage, celebrity gossip,
comics, an opinion section and of course classified ads.

The Daily News is respected highly in the industry for the names like Jimmy Breslin,
Pete Hamill, William Rell, Mike Lupica, Juan Gonzalez John Melia Chris Allbritton and
Ronan Keenan, whose articles have enriched the quality of the newspaper at different
times. It is for its high standard content, that The Daily News is the winner of 10 Pulitzer

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