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FROM BS 923-1:1990 Test Voltage for Lightning Impulse Voltage Standard lightning impulse is full lightning impulse that

having a front time of 1.2 s and a time to half value of 50s. It is described as a 1.2/50 impulse. The tolerance for peak value is 3%, front time 30% and time to half value 20%. For experiment that voltage applied to the test object using specific withstand value: Procedure A: Three impulses of specified shape and polarity at rated withstand voltage level Satisfied if no indication failure Using method of detection

Procedure B: Fifteen impulses of specified shape and polarity at withstand voltage level Satisfied if not more than two disruptive discharges occur in self restoring part of the insulation No indication of failure in non-self-restoring insulation Using method of detection

Procedure C: Three impulses of specified shape and polarity at rated withstand voltage level Passed if no disruptive discharge occurs Failed if more than one disruptive discharge occurs If one disruptive discharge occurs in self-restoring part of the insulation, nine additional impulses applied. Then if no disruptive discharge occurs, test is passed Failed if any detection failure during detection method

For experiment that need to apply several voltage levels Procedure D: Use statistical test procedures or self-restoring insulation, 10% impulse disruptive discharge voltage U10 Test method : o direct evaluation of U10 and U50 or o indirect evaluation of U10 The relationship U10 = U50 (1-1,3z) If dry test on air insulation only, per unit value is z=0.03 Satisfied if U10 is not less than specified impulse withstands voltage.

To evaluate U50 a) b) The multiple-level method n4 voltage levels and m10 impulses per level The up and down method m=1 impulse per group and n20 useful applications

To evaluate U10 a) the up and down withstand method - m=7 impulses per group, at least eight useful groups The voltage internal between levels U should be approximately from 1,5 to 3% of estimated value of U50.

FROM REFERENCE BOOK Generation and Measurement of Impulse Voltages For overvoltages following lightning strokes, the time required to reach the peak value is of the order of 1s named atmospheric or external overvoltages. Voltage generated in a laboratory to simulate these is called lightning impulse voltages. For internal overvoltages that occur as a consequence of switching operations in high voltage networks, the time taken to reach peak value at least 100s. It is affected by switching impulse voltages Approximately both of it have same shape but switching impulse voltages considerably longer. In general, lightning impulse voltage of shape 1.2/50 are used. It is also means that an impulse voltage with T1 = 1.2 s 30% and T2 = 50 s 20%. For test with switching impulse voltages, use 250/2500 which corresponds to Tp = 250 s 20% and Th = 2500 s 60% (Tp=time to peak value, Th=time to half value) Frequency of oscillations at least 0.5 MHz Oscillations on front up to half of amplitude of lightning overvoltage not exceed amplitude of 0.5.

Fundamentals of Generation of Impulse Voltages Time characteristics chosen for impulse voltages testing purpose is 1.2/50. Lightning impulse voltages with a front time T1 = 1.2 s and time to half value T2 = 50 s.

Testing with lightning impulse voltages -Lightning strokes terminating on transmission lines will induce steep rising voltages in the line and set up travelling waves along the line and may damage the systems insulation. The magnitude of these overvoltages may reach several thousand kilovolts, depending upon the insulation. -Exhaustive measurements and long experience have shown that lightning overvoltages are characterized by short front duration, ranging from a fraction of a microsecond to several tens of microseconds and then slowly decreasing to zero. -The standard impulse voltage has been accepted as a periodic impulse that reaches its peak value in 1.2sec and then decreases slowly (in about 50 sec) to half its peak value. Testing with switching impulses -Transient overvoltages accompanying sudden changes in the state of power systems, e.g. switching operations or faults, are known as switching impulse voltages -Switching impulse voltages are usually the dominant factor affecting the design of insulation in h.v. power systems for rated voltages of about 300 kV and above. Accordingly, the various international standards recommend that equipment designed for voltages above 300 kV be tested for switching impulses. Although the waveshape of switching overvoltages occurring in the system may vary widely, experience has shown that for ashover distances in atmospheric air of practical interest the lowest withstand values are obtained with surges with front times between 100 and 300sec. Hence, the recommended switching surge voltage has been designated to have a front time of about 250sec and half value time of 2500 sec. For GIS (gas-insulated switchgear) on-site testing, oscillating switching impulse voltages are recommended for obtaining higher efficiency of the impulse voltage -Fundamentally, lightning is a manifestation of a very large electric discharge and spark. Three general testing methods have been accepted: 1. Multi-level method. 2. Up and down method. 3. Extended up and down method. 1. Multi-level test method In this method the procedure is: -choose several test voltage levels, -apply a pre-specied number of shots at each level (n), -count the number (x) of breakdowns at each voltage level, -plot p(V) (xj/n)against V (kV), -draw a line of best t on a probability scale, -from the line determine V50 at z D 0 or P (V) = 50 per cent, -and at z = 1or = V50%-V16% The advantage of this method is that it does not assume normality of distribution. The disadvantage is that it is time consuming, i.e. many shots are required. This test method is generally preferred for research and live-line testing (typically 100 shots per level, with 610 levels).

2. Up and down method In this method a starting voltage (V) close to the anticipated ashover value is selected. Then equally spaced voltage levels (V) above and below the starting voltage are chosen. The rst shot is applied at the voltage Vj. If breakdown occurs the next shot is applied at Vj -V. If the insulation withstands, the next voltage is applied at Vj+V. The sequential procedure of testing is illustrated in Fig. 8.16. Figure 8.17 illustrates the sequence with nine shots applied to the insulation under test. The IEC Standard for establishing V (50 per cent) withstand voltage requires a minimum n = 20 voltage applications for selfrestoring insulation.

Standard test procedures 1. Proof of lightning impulse withstand level For self-restoring insulation the test procedures commonly used for withstand establishment are: (i) 15 impulses of rated voltage and of each polarity are applied; up to two disruptive discharges are permitted, (ii) in the second procedure the 50 per cent ashover procedure using either the up and down or extended up and down technique as described earlier. From the up and down method the withstand voltage is obtained using eqn (8.18). In tests on non-self-restoring insulation, three impulses are applied at the rated withstand voltage level of a specied polarity. The insulation is deemed to have withstood if no failure is observed. 2. Testing with switching impulses These tests apply for equipment at voltages above 300 kV. The testing procedure is similar to lightning impulses using 15 impulses. The tests are carried out in dry conditions while outdoor equipment is tested under positive switching impulses only. In some cases, when testing circuit isolators or circuit breakers which may experience combined voltage stress (power frequency and switching surge) biased tests using combined power frequency and surge voltages are used. The acceptable insulating capability requires 90 per cent withstand capability.

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