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民主党圧勝が日中関係を揺るがす恐れ JBpress 26/08/09 11:39 AM


海外>Financial Times [Financial Times]

2009年08月26日(Wed) Financial Times

(2009年8月25日付 英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙)










 また、鳩山氏の妻が1943年に上海で生まれたという報道は中国に対する 鳩山由紀夫氏は靖国不参拝を約束
親近感を示唆しているが、当時は上海をはじめ、中国の大部分が日本軍に している〔AFPBB News〕

と指摘している。 Page 1 of 2
民主党圧勝が日中関係を揺るがす恐れ JBpress 26/08/09 11:39 AM






 もし中国共産党が再び、国内の失政から大衆の関心を逸らすために身代 2007年12月に福田康夫前首相が
わりとなる攻撃相手が必要になれば、こうした状況も一変するかもしれな 訪中した時は首相同士のキャッチ
〔AFPBB News〕





By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing

© The Financial Times Limited 2009. All Rights Reserved.

©2008-2009 Japan Business Press Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 of 2
Financial UK


DPJ landslide risks unravelling Beijing's closer ties with Tokyo

By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing
Published: August 25 2009 03:00 | Last updated: August 25 2009 03:00

Japan's Liberal Democratic party has ruled the country almost continuously since the second world war but next weekend it looks set to be
crushed by an opposition that has made improving ties with China an important part of its pre-election platform.

Not that anyone seems to have noticed in China.

Internet news portals are running colourful pages of blandly factual articles from the state media on the potential victory of the Democratic
Party of Japan, but there is precious little analysis on the substance of the race and what it will mean for Sino-Japanese relations.

There is an obvious explanation: it is not very smart for an autocratic ruling party to harp on about a neighbouring country's election when
China's own people cannot partake of that privilege.

Although last year's US presidential election did receive a fair bit of attention in China, state media (usually the only outlets allowed to report
on foreign affairs) tend to studiously play down the democratic process closer to home in Asia.

The only time Chinese people hear about Taiwanese politics is when the island's politicians start throwing punches in parliament, giving
Beijing the opportunity to click its tongue at the undignified immaturity of the democratic system and say how much better the place would be
if it would only rejoin the motherland.

The few reports available that try to analyse what a DPJ victory will mean for China are ambivalent in their conclusions.

On the one hand, Yukio Hatoyama, the DPJ leader, has visited China many times, addressed the central Communist party school in Beijing
and, most importantly, promised not to visit the controversial Yasukuni Shrine, which honours Japan's war dead.

Reports that his wife was born in Shanghai in 1943 hint at an affinity for China but do not mention the fact the city and much of the rest of the
country were occupied by the Japanese army at the time.

At the other end of the spectrum, sceptical reports point to the DPJ's more liberal attitudes as a potential source of trouble.

"The DPJ puts more emphasis on 'liberty', 'democracy' and 'human rights' and this could become a focal point in Sino-Japanese relations,"
said Xinhua news agency with obvious scorn for such a rude and petty fixation. It went on to note that Mr Hatoyama has even had the
temerity to meet the Dalai Lama.

This sort of impudence will not contribute to the new Sino-Japanese paradigm the DPJ has been hinting at in the run-up to this election.

The DPJ's foreign policy platform lacks coherence, but some important voices in the party have suggested the need for Japan to hedge its
bets and triangulate its foreign policy strategy away from its sole reliance on the US and more towards China.

In fact, relations between the former bitter enemies have improved in recent years largely thanks to Chinese initiatives, probably President Hu
Jintao's biggest foreign policy achievement besides improving relations with Taiwan. The change of heart has seen the relationship progress
from anti-Japanese demonstrations across the country in 2005 to talk of a "new spring" and cosy photos of the Chinese and Japanese prime
ministers playing baseball together. That could all change if the Communist party needs a whipping boy again to divert the masses' attention
away from domestic failings, but for now diplomacy is in the ascendant and it probably makes little difference who sits in the Diet.

A DPJ victory may make the party reassess its secret long-term - some say very long-term - goals for political reform.

Looking around the region for political role models, Beijing is repelled by Taiwan's messiness, attracted to but already in possession of Hong
Kong and enamoured with Singapore's "managed democracy" but not sanguine about making that system work on a Chinese scale.

Until polls began predicting a landslide DPJ victory, many analysts thought China most likely to settle (some time in the distant future) on a
Japanese-style political system. But if the system allows the ruling party to lose power then it becomes a lot less palatable to the modern-day

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