Su Tu Trang Gas Field

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Su Tu Trang Gas Field, Cuu Long Basin, Vietnam

Key Data

Su Tu Trang gas field is located in Block 15-1 of the Cuu Long Basin off the southern coast of Vietnam. The offshore gas field lies south-east of Ba Ria-Vung Tau province at a ater depth of 5!m and a"out si# kilometres a a$ from the e#isting Su Tu %en field &Black Lion'. The Su Tu Trang gas field( also kno n as the )hite Lion( has "een in production since *!1*. The gas field is o ned and operated "$ Cuu Long +oint ,perating Compan$ &CL+,C'( a -oint venture of .etroVietnam &5!/'( .erenco &*0.*5/'( 1orea 2ational ,il Compan$ &13.*5/'( S1 Corporation &nine percent' and 4eopetrol &0.5/'.

Cuu Long Basin Block 15-1 disco eries

Cuu Long Basin is a tertiar$ rift "asin covering an area of *5(!!!km5 in the southern part of Vietnam. The Block 15-1 .etroleum Contract 6rea is located at the north end of the Cuu Long Basin.

7Cuu Long Basin is a tertiar$ rift "asin covering an area of *5(!!!km5 in the southern part of Vietnam.7 CL+,C ac8uired operating interest in the "lock 15-1 in Septem"er 199:. Su Tu %en as the first field to "e discovered and developed in the "asin. The oil field as discovered in *!!! and "rought on stream in *!!0. Su Tu Vang as the ne#t field to "e discovered in the "asin in *!!1 and commenced production in *!!:. The Su Tu Trang gas field as discovered in 2ovem"er *!!0. Commercial production from the field "egan in Septem"er *!1*. Su Tu 2au field( currentl$ under development( is the latest field to "e discovered and developed in the "lock. .roduction from the Su Tu 2au field is e#pected in *!13. The total estimated recovera"le reserves at these four fields are estimated to "e ;*1 million "arrels.

Su Tu Trang o!!s"ore !ield in!rastructure

The Su Tu Trang ell head platform comprises of 1(3!!t topside( 1(*!!t -acket and 1(!!!t of -acket pile. .etroVietnam manufactured the ellhead platform -acket and topside at its fa"rication $ard in Vung Tau cit$. The output of the field is transported through a 19.5km( 1*in su"sea pipeline via a manifold to the e#isting Su Tu Vang Central .rocessing .latform. The .ipeline <nd =anifold eighs appro#imatel$ :>t.

#roduction at t"e Vietnamese gas !ield

The gas field currentl$ produces a"out 35 million cu"ic feet &mcf' of gas and >(!!! "arrels of condensate per da$. ?t has a reserve of *! "illion cu"ic metres &"cm'. The annual gas output of the field is e#pected to "e appro#imatel$ *"cm. .roduction from the field is e#pected to last until *!*0. The gas produced at the Cuu Long "asin is transported to the .hu =$ 4as %istri"ution Center via Bach @o pipeline s$stem. The Bach @o-Long @ai-%inh Co pipeline( part of the Cuu Long Basin 4as .ipeline S$stem( e#tends across 11>km in length.

Contractors in ol ed $it" t"e Su Tu Trang !ield

The engineering( procurement and construction &<.C' contract for the Su Tu Trang gas field development as a arded to .TSC =echanical A Construction &.TSC =AC'( a su"sidiar$ of .etroVietnam Technical Services Corporation( in =arch *!1!. 7The Su Tu Trang gas field as discovered in 2ovem"er *!!0. Commercial production from the field "egan in Septem"er *!1*.7 The B1;5m contract included the overall pro-ect management( procurement and fa"rication orks. The contractual scope also included modification orks for the Su Tu Vang Central processing platform. 2ippon Steel <ngineering as su"-contracted "$ .TSC =AC for the detailed design( as ell as for the offshore transportation and installation orks. The mechanical handling e8uipment suppl$ contract for the Su Tu TrangCs )ellhead .latform as a arded to 6nsell +ones. .V?% provided pipe coating services for the pro-ect. Vietnam 4loCoating <ngineering as a arded the contract for conducting helideck friction testing ork.

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