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Assignment (for Class M2, 2013) Overview of Lecture Coverage The lecture and discussion sessions started with

an introduction on water resources systems and its planning and management, and an overview of modeling in water resources planning and management. Basics of optimization modeling approaches as well as approaches for multi-objective analysis were then discussed with application examples using some simple water allocation, reservoir operation and water quality management problems. Case studies on specific issues related to water resources management were discussed. Assignment You are assigned to prepare a position paper on Role of Mathematical Models in Water Resources Management. The assigned task is described in the following section under the same heading. Role of Mathematical Models in Water Resources Management Mathematical models in hydrology and water resources contribute significantly to the understanding of the behavior of the physical system under natural condition as well when subjected to changes and human interventions. Based on the analysis of the model output, proper guidelines on the planning and operation of the physical system and control mechanism can be suggested. Models need both spatial and temporal data for their validation before one can apply them for decision analysis on water resources management. Also various environmental factors influencing water resources are to be considered in the decision-making when one appraises the long-term sustainability of the resources. Most of you have been exposed to the present state of data availability, information and modeling tools through different courses you have taken. Most of you have worked directly with models, and have the understanding on what can be achieved through application of models. Within the framework of Integrated Water Resources Management, how do you appraise the present state of the available hydrological and water resources models and their contribution to the policy analysis and decision making addressing various issues for improved water resources management? Do you think that the available hydrologic and water resources models are adequate to analyze various scenarios considering economic efficiency, social equity and environmental sustainability for water resources management decision making? If not, what are the deficiencies and how to overcome them?

Different issues with regard to water resources management can be identified as follows: 1. Water Use and Environmental Implication 2. Water Use Efficiency and Productivity Enhancement 3. Water Allocation and Management 4. Water Demand Management 5. Extreme Events and Risk Management 6. Climate Change and Water Management 7. Water Sharing and Conflict Management 8. Reservoir Regulation and Operation 9. Integrated Use of Surface Water and Groundwater 10. Water and Food Security You need to work on one of these issues and substantiate your answer to the question asked through case examples and elaboration of at least one case study taken from published literature. Requirements The position paper should present state-of-the-art information on the subject and facts and figures with proper citing of references. You need to make a critical evaluation in line with the questions asked and provide your views and suggestions on what to be done to achieve the objective of a holistic appraisal to support the decision-making purpose. Please limit your report to a maximum of 15 pages. The deadline for submission of report is 23 December 2013 (Monday). Report Contents A guideline is provided on how the position paper is to be structured. The position paper should have a background and topics relevance to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM); up-to-date knowledge on the subject; role of models in addressing different issues; case studies and examples to illustrate the concepts and principles, and application of models; one detail case study giving elaboration on objectives and scope, methodology followed and results obtained; research needs on the subject area reviewed; and a list of complete literature with proper citation of the literature at appropriate places in the text. If some material is taken from the Internet, please include the complete address and the date of access to the website.

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