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Annus Mirabilis
annus mirabilis 1989




1 Zielonka, Jan. New Institutions in the Old East Bloc.
The Global Resurgerance of Democracy. Eds. Diamond,
Larry and Marc F. Plattner. Second edition. Baltimore:
John Hopkins University Press, 1996.207






. ,








: ...


.3 ,

, ,

.5 , 1990

).6 40
, ,
) .


( ) (
, 90%

80 :
( ).

. ( : Findley, Carter Vaughn and John Alexander Murray Rothney. Twen
tieth Century World. Fifith edition. Boston: Houghton Miffin Company, 2002. 237)
4 Findley, Carter Vaughn and John Alexander Murray Rothney. Twentieth Century World.
Fifith edition. Boston: Houghton Miffin Company, 2002. 237
5 Findley, Carter Vaughn and John Alexander Murray Rothney. Twentieth Century World.
Fifith edition. Boston: Houghton Miffin Company, 2002. 237
6 Findley, Carter Vaughn and John Alexander Murray Rothney. Twentieth Century World.
Fifith edition. Boston: Houghton Miffin Company, 2002.238


: 1956
1980 .


1981 .
, ,

6 5 1989 9

. , ,

7 Linz, Juan J. and Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation:
Southern Europe, South America and PostCommunist Europe. London: Johns Hop
pkins University Press, 1996.258
8 200000 10
9 Welsh, Helga A. Political Transition Processes in Central and Eastern Europe. Com
parative Politics 26.4(1994): 379394. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. <>. 385
(pacted transition, .). ( Linz, Juan J. and Alfred Stepan. Prob
lems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and
PostCommunist Europe. London: Johns Hoppkins University Press, 1996. 264)
11 35%

: ...



1992 1997 . 1989 ,
, .
1989 .12
.13 ,
(195689) .
( 1971

12 Linz, Juan J. and Alfred Stepan.Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation:

Southern Europe, South America and PostCommunist Europe. London: Johns Hop
pkins University Press, 1996. 2668
13 ,
, .
14 Melone, Albert P.Bulgarias National Roundtable Talks and the Politics of Accommoda
tion. International Political Science Review 15.3 (1994): 257273. JSTOR. 27.01.2007.
<>. 259


22 14
1990 .16 ()
) 43

,17 1, 2 3

( )

, .

1991 ,
, ,

.18 1990
, .



. ,
15 Linz, Juan J. and Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation:
Southern Europe, South America and PostCommunist Europe.London: Johns Hoppkins
University Press,1996.3367
16 Welsh, Helga A. Political Transition Processes in Central and Eastern Europe. Com
parative Politics 26.4(July 1994): 379394. 16.07.2007. 385
17 1990 .
18 Melone, Albert P. Bulgarias National Roundtable Talks and the Politics of Accom
modation. International Political Science Review 15.3 (1994): 257273. JSTOR.
27.01.2007. <>.2605 and 267271
19 Linz, Juan J. and Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation:
Southern Europe, South America and PostCommunist Europe. London: Johns Hop
pkins University Press, 1996.333

: ...



2. vs.


, , ,
, 20 .21
, .22
, ,23

. : ,
. (Sharp, Malcome P.The Classical American Doctrine of
The Separation of Powers .University of Chicago Law Review 2.3 (1935): 385436.
JSTOR. 27.01.2007. <>. 387
21 Sharp, Malcome P.The Classical American Doctrine of The Separation of Powers
.University of Chicago Law Review 2.3 (1935): 385436. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. <http://>. 3867
22 :
. .
. ,
, . (Locke, John. Second Treatise on
Civil Government in Two Treaties of Government. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1988. 85 and 86)
23 Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondant. The Spirit of Laws. Trans. Thomas Nugent.
Constitutions Online. 25.11.2006. <>


. []
, ,
. [][ ]

, ..
de jure ,


.27 ,

, .

, ,
. ,
) ,
24 Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondant. The Spirit of Laws. Trans. Thomas Nugent.
Constitutions Online. 25.11.2006. <>
25 Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondant. The Spirit of Laws. Trans. Thomas Nugent.
Constitutions Online. 25.11.2006. <>
( ),
(Holmes, Leslie. Postcommunism: An Introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997.
27 ( , , ,
) , .

: ...


). ,

, ,


,29 .



28 Holmes, Leslie. Postcommunism: An Introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997.138140
29 : 1.

. 2.

. 3.

. (Lijphart, Arend. Patterns of Democracy Govern
ment Forms and Performance in Thirtysix Countries. New Haven and London: Yale
University Press, 1999. 116118)
30 Linz, Juan J. and Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation:
Southern Europe, South America and PostCommunist Europe. London: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1996. 264
31 Millard, Frances. Poland. Developments In Central And East European Politics 3.
Eds. White, Stephen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillian,
2003. 24


, .33

( ),

1997 .

10 1997 . 10 :


( ).
100 36 4


.37 ,
32 Lewis, Paul G. Parties and Parliaments in East Central Europe: Poland as a TrendSetter.
As cited in Millard, Frances. Poland. Developments In Central And East European
Politics 3. Eds. White, Stephen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hampshire: Palgrave
Macmillian, 2003. 25
33 Constitution of the Republic of Poland 1997. Site of the Polish Sejm. The Polish Sejm.
27.01.2007. <>. article 10
34 Constitution of the Republic of Poland 1997. Site of the Polish Sejm. The Polish Sejm.
27.01.2007. <>.article 10
35 History of the Polish Senate. Site of the Polish Seante. The Polish Senate. 20.01.2007.
36 Constitution of the Republic of Poland 1997. Site of the Polish Sejm. The Polish Sejm.
27.01.2007. <>
37 Kopecky, Petr. Structures of Representation: The New Parliaments of Central and East
ern Europe. Developments In Central And East European Politics 3. Eds. White, Ste
phen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillian, 2003. 1367

: ...


, , 460 ,
4 .38

) 1989


38 Constitution of the Republic of Poland 1997. Site of the Polish Sejm. The Polish Sejm.
27.01.2007. <>. article 96 and 98
39 Carey, John M., Formanek Frantisek and Ewa Karpowicz. Legislative Authonomy in
New Regimes: The Czech and Polish Cases. Legislative Studies Quarterly 24.4 (1999):
569603. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. < >. 588
40 .

. 1952

( 20 (1) (2)). ,

. 1988 1989 ,

35% , 65%
1989 . (Carey, John M., Formanek Fran
tisek and Ewa Karpowicz. Legislative Authonomy in New Regimes: The Czech and
Polish Cases. Legislative Studies Quarterly 24.4 (1999): 569603. JSTOR. 27.01.2007.
< >)
41 Millard, Frances. Poland. Developments In Central And East European Politics 3.
Eds. White, Stephen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillian,
2003. 25



: ,
. 1997 ,
1990 .43


. ,

, , ,


42 Carey, John M., Formanek Frantisek and Ewa Karpowicz. Legislative Authonomy in
New Regimes: The Czech and Polish Cases. Legislative Studies Quarterly 24.4 (1999):
569603. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. < >.578
43 Carey, John M., Formanek Frantisek and Ewa Karpowicz. Legislative Authonomy in
New Regimes: The Czech and Polish Cases. Legislative Studies Quarterly 24.4 (1999):
569603. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. < >. 578
44 ,
45 Constitution of the Republic of Poland 1997. Site of the Polish Sejm. The Polish Sejm.
27.01.2007. <>. Article 10

: ...


.46 ,

( 1997 ).

. , ,


48 2000 .49

. .50
46 Constitution of the Republic of Poland 1997. Site of the Polish Sejm. The Polish Sejm.
27.01.2007. <>. Articles: 126,
127, 133
. 1990


1991 .

, . (as in Holmes, Leslie. Postcommunism: An Introduction.
Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997. 181)
48 Millard, Frances. Poland. Developments In Central And East European Politics 3.
Eds. White, Stephen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillian,
2003. 26
49 , 2005 .
50 Constitution of the Republic of Poland 1997. Site of the Polish Sejm. The Polish Sejm.
27.01.2007. <>. Articles: 146 and 147




, 52
, .


1992 .


, ..
).55 ,

51 Olson, David M. Paradoxes of Institutional Development: The New Democratic Parlia

ments of Central Europe. International Political Science Review. 18.4 (1999): 401416.
JSTOR. 27.01.2007. <>. 410
53 Olson, David M. Paradoxes of Institutional Development: The New Democratic Parlia
ments of Central Europe. International Political Science Review. 18.4 (1999): 401416.
JSTOR. 27.01.2007. <>411
54 Baylis, Thomas A. Presidents versus Prime Ministers: Shaping Executive Authority in
Eastern Europe. World Politics. 48.3 (1996): 297323. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. <http://>
55 Millard, Frances. Poland. Developments In Central And East European Politics 3.
Eds. White, Stephen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillian,
2003. 34

: ...


, .56

1997 .57

. de facto
1997 . , de jure
. ( ).

. ,


. 1
1991 .60
56 , , ,
. (Carey, John M., Formanek Frantisek and Ewa
Karpowicz. Legislative Authonomy in New Regimes: The Czech and Polish Cases.
Legislative Studies Quarterly 24.4 (1999): 569603. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. < http://www. >. 579)
57 Carey, John M., Formanek Frantisek and Ewa Karpowicz. Legislative Authonomy in
New Regimes: The Czech and Polish Cases. Legislative Studies Quarterly 24.4 (1999):
569603. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. < >. 579
. ,
. ( Millard, Frances. Poland. Developments In Central
And East European Politics 3. Eds. White, Stephen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hamp
shire: Palgrave Macmillian, 2003. 35)
59 topdown .
60 Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria 1991. Site of the National Assembly of the Re
public of Bulgaria. National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria. 27.01.2007. <www.>


, .

. 240
4 .
, ,

. .61


. 7 .
, ,

. ,

61 Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria 1991. Site of the National Assembly of the Re
public of Bulgaria. National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria. 27.01.2007. <www.>. articles: 62, 63, 64 (1), 77, 79, 84, 87, 89 (1) and

: ...


, .

. ,


. ,



1. :

2004 . 10 + 2

, ..
62 Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria 1991. Site of the National Assembly of the Re
public of Bulgaria. National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria. 27.01.2007. <www.>. articles: 64 (3), 92 (1), 93 (1), 95 (1), 99 (2), (5);
101 (1), (3) and 103 (1), (2
63 Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria 1991. Site of the National Assembly of the Re
public of Bulgaria. National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria. 27.01.2007. <www.>. articles: 89; 108 (1); 105 (1), (2); 112 (1), (2)



, 66




, ,

. ,

. ,

64 1993
; , ,
acquis communitaire
, : Archive of documents on the fifth Enlargement of the Euro
pean Union. European Commission. European Union. 17.01.2007. <
66 Archive of documents on the fifth Enlargement of the European Union. European Com
mission. European Union. 17.01.2007. <
67 Grabbe, Heather. The Implications of EU Enlargment. Developments In Central And
East European Politics 3. Eds. White, Stephen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hampshire:
Palgrave Macmillian,2003.2589

: ...


. ,

. , ,
. ,
, ,68
. ,

. ,



68 .


2004 ,

69 (


, .

1996 .
, 1997
. . , ,

(1997 2001).70 2001

( )



69 11th march 2004 Act on cooperation of the Council of Ministers with the Sejm and
Senate in metters related to the Republic of Polands membership in the EU. Site of the
Polish Sejm. The Polish Sejm. 27.01.2007. < >
70 Taras, Ray. Executive Leadership: Presidents and Governments. Developments In
Central And East European Politics 3. Eds. White, Stephen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lew
is. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillian, 2003. 120

: ...


, .71



. ,


. ,




/ .


71 Knaus, Gerald and Marcus Cox. The Helsinki Moment in Southeastern Europe.
Journal of Democracy 16.1 (2005): 3953. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. <http://www.jstor.
org>.44, 52
72 Rupnik, Jacques.The PostTotalitarian Blues. The Global Resurgerance of Democra
cy. Eds. Diamond, Larry and Marc F. Plattner. Second edition. Baltimore: John Hopkins
University Press, 1996. 366




. ,


, .
, .

1997 ,
1991 .

1997 . ,


: ...



( / ).

. , ,


, 20
27 .






. ,



This article aims to present
how the balance of powers between
the legislative and the executive
shifted in the transition processes
in Poland and Bulgaria after the fall
of communism up to the moment
when these countries entered the
European Union. Although Poland
started off with a stronger president
than Bulgaria did, wanting to avoid
birth of a new elite and new central
ization of power, the initial institu
tional frame they both eventually
built up was in favor of a stronger
legislative. But under the influence
of the EU accession process, a rise
in the executive occurred shifting
the real balance of powers from the
legislative towards the executive,
thus causing a decline of the legis

: ...


Archive of documents on the fifth Enlargement of the European

Union. European Commission. European Union. 17.01.2007. <http://>
Baylis, Thomas A. Presidents versus Prime Ministers: Shaping Ex
ecutive Authority in Eastern Europe. World Politics. 48.3 (1996): 297
323. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. <>
Carey, John M., Formanek Frantisek and Ewa Karpowicz. Legisla
tive Authonomy in New Regimes: The Czech and Polish Cases. Legislative Studies Quarterly 24.4 (1999): 569603. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. < http:// >
Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria 1991. Site of the National
Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria. National Assembly of the Republic
of Bulgaria. 27.01.2007. <>
Constitution of the Republic of Poland 1997. Site of the Polish Sejm.
The Polish Sejm. 27.01.2007. <
Findley, Carter Vaughn and John Alexander Murray Rothney. TwentiethCentury World. Fifith edition. Boston: Houghton Miffin Company, 2002.
Gallagher, Tom. The Balkan since 1989: The Winding Retreat from
National Communism. Developments In Central And East European
Politics 3. Eds. White, Stephen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hampshire:
Palgrave Macmillian, 2003.
Grabbe, Heather. The Implications of EU Enlargment. Developments In Central And East European Politics 3. Eds. White, Stephen, Judy
Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillian, 2003.
History of the Polish Senate. Site of the Polish Seante. The Polish Sen
ate. 20.01.2007. <>
Holmes, Leslie. Post-communism: An Introduction. Cambridge: Pol
ity Press, 1997.
Huntington, Samuel P. Democracys Third Wave. The Global Resurgerance of Democracy. Eds. Diamond, Larry and Marc F. Plattner.
Second edition. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1996.
Knaus, Gerald and Marcus Cox. The Helsinki Moment in South
eastern Europe. Journal of Democracy 16.1 (2005): 3953. JSTOR.
27.01.2007. <>
Kopecky, Petr. Structures of Representation: The New Parliaments
of Central and Eastern Europe. Developments In Central And East European Politics 3. Eds. White, Stephen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hamp
shire: Palgrave Macmillian, 2003.


Lijphart, Arend. Patterns of Democracy Government Forms and

Performance in Thirty-six Countries. New Haven and London: Yale Uni
versity Press, 1999.
Linz, Juan J. and Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition
and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and Post-Communist
Europe. London: Johns Hoppkins University Press, 1996.
Locke, John. Second Treatise on Civil Government in Two Treaties
of Government. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Melone, Albert P. Bulgarias National Roundtable Talks and the
Politics of Accommodation. International Political Science Review 15.3
(1994): 257273. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. <>
Millard, Frances. Poland. Developments In Central And East European Politics 3. Eds. White, Stephen, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hamp
shire: Palgrave Macmillian, 2003.
Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondant. The Spirit of Laws. Trans.
Thomas Nugent. Constitutions Online. 25.11.2006. <http://www.constitu>
Olson, David M. Paradoxes of Institutional Development: The New
Democratic Parliaments of Central Europe. International Political Science
Review. 18.4 (1999): 401416. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. <>
Poland Constitution 1992. International Constitutional Law.
27.01.2007. <>
Rupnik, Jacques.The PostTotalitarian Blues. The Global Resurgerance of Democracy. Eds. Diamond, Larry and Marc F. Plattner. Second
edition. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1996
Sharp, Malcome P.The Classical American Doctrine of The Sepa
ration of Powers .University of Chicago Law Review 2.3 (1935): 385
436. JSTOR. 27.01.2007. <>
Taras, Ray. Executive Leadership: Presidents and Governments. Developments In Central And East European Politics 3. Eds. White, Stephen,
Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillian, 2003.
The Senate in the Constitutional System. Site of the Polish Senate.
The Polish Senate. 20.01.2007. <
Welsh, Helga A. Political Transition Processes in Central and Eastern
Europe. Comparative Politics 26.4(1994): 379394. JSTOR. 27.01.2007.
Zielonka, Jan. New Institutions in the Old East Bloc. The Global
Resurgerance of Democracy. Eds. Diamond, Larry and Marc F. Plattner.
Second edition. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1996.

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