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Arab Academy For Science And Technology And Maritime Transport. College of Management And Technology.

Business Information Systems Department.

E !!!""Accounting Information System #ractice Chaper $ %uestion $& Multiple Choice 1) Which of the following statements below shows the contrast between data and information? A) Data is the output of an AIS. B' Information is the primary output of an AIS. C) Data is more useful in decision-ma ing than information. D) Data and information are the same. !) Information is A) basicall" the same as data. #) raw facts about transactions. C) potentiall" useful facts when processed in a timel" manner. D' data that has been organi(ed and processed so that it)s meaningful. $) %he &alue of information can best be defined as A) how useful it is to decision ma ers. B' the benefits produced by possessing and using the information minus the cost of producing it. C) how rele&ant it is. D) the e'tent to which it ma'imi(es the &alue chain.

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*) An accounting information s"stem +AIS) processes ,,,,,,,, to pro&ide users with ,,,,,,,,. A' data* information #) data- transactions C) information- data D) data- benefits .) %he transaction c"cle that includes the e&ents of hiring emplo"ees and pa"ing them is nown as the A) re&enue c"cle. #) e'penditure c"cle. C' human resources cycle. D) financing c"cle. /) Information that is free from error or bias and accuratel" represents the e&ents or acti&ities of the organi(ation is A) rele&ant. B' reliable. C) &erifiable. D) timel". 0) Which of the following is not a transaction c"cle? A) re&enue #) e'penditure C) human resources D' general ledger and reporting

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1) When two nowledgeable people acting independentl" each produce the same information2 this information is said to be A) complete. #) rele&ant. C) reliable. D' +erifiable. 3) %he &alue chain concept is composed of two t"pes of acti&ities nown as A' primary and support. #) primar" and secondar". C) support and &alue. D) technolog" and support. 14) An accounting information s"stem must be able to perform which of the following tas s? A) collect transaction data #) process transaction data C) pro&ide ade5uate controls D' all of the abo+e

%uestion !& True and false 1- ,oal Congruence6 7ccurs when components acting in their own interest contribute toward o&erall goal in the business en&ironment usuall" result in a change in 8obs and careers. True 9alse !- %oo much information is called Information 7&erload True 9alse

$- Accounting Information S"stem contains a set of acti&ities a product or ser&ice mo&es along before it is sold to a customer as output %rue False
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*- :'penditure C"cle focuses on the customer sales %rue False .- %oo much information is called Information 7&erload True 9alse /- %echnolog" is one of the support acti&ities. True 9alse 0- )eople is a components of an AIS True 9alse 1- 7rgani(ations ha&e limited resources2 thus in&estments to AIS should ha&e greatest impact on firm ;e&enue. True 9alse 3- Accounting information s"stem 6collect2 process2 store2 and report data and information True 9alse

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