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3.1 INTRODUCTION suggested by the Expert Appraisal

As per the Terms of Reference (ToR)

Committee of MoEF on ---------- site information related en ironmental setting details !ithin "# $m radius of the pro%ect ha e to be established& These are ambient air 'uality( surface and ground !ater 'uality in and around the plant and compost yard( present land use based on satellite imagery( information regarding eco-sensiti e area !ith in the "# $m radius etc are presented in this chapter& The en ironmental parameters !hich are li$ely to be affected by pro%ect acti ities are air( !ater( soil and socio-economics& The data on meteorology is needed to assess the dispersion of gaseous pollutant by air 'uality mathematical modeling( )aussian plum rise model is used in calculating air pollutants such as *+M( *,-( and .,x in the region&

In this section, the description of existing environmental status of the study area with reference to the prominent environmental attributes is presented. The data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary source data were collected through environmental monitoring in the study area. For reconnaissance survey the sampling locations were identified based on: Existing topography and meteorological conditions. ocations of water inta!e and waste disposal points. ocation of human habilitation ocation of sensitive areas present in the vicinity "epresentative areas for baseline conditions. #ccessibility for sampling $econdary data were collected from various organi%ations to substantiate the primary data. The data thus collected were compared with the standards prescribed for the respective environmental parameters.



The en ironmental influence due to the pro%ect is li$ely to be restricted to "# $m region around the factory site& Therefore( the study area for monitoring of en ironmental 'uality includes "# $m region around the pro%ect site& The study area is located in +impalgaon pisa Ahmednagarof Maharashtra *tate& The pro%ect site is surrounded by plain lands !ith agricultural acti ities& 3.2 PERIOD OF STUDY illage( talu$a( *hrigonda in the district of

Three months after the mansoon is o er !ere thought to be appropriate for conducting the en ironmental settings of area& Actual monitoring of air( !ater( soil and noise le els !ere carried out in the months of ,ctober( .o ember and /ecember in year -#"" to determine existing en ironmental conditions& /ue care !as exercised to ta$e readings in most representati e state&



TABLE 3.1 a illustrates Air( 0ater( *oil and .oise monitoring locations and specific parameters of significance& The same are identified on the map in Fig& "& The samples !ere collected from the the proposed plant& The surface arious locations around the periphery of !ater sample is collected from

------------------------------ ri er1 !hich represents the surface !ater 'uality& The ground !ater samples are collected from the !ells and hand pump in residential areas& Air and noise monitoring has been done simultaneously at select locations upstream as !ell as do!n!ind directions& TABLE 3.1 Sr. No. Locat o! SAMPLING LOCATIONS Ar "at#r S)r*ac# Gro)!+ So $ No %# L#&#$ A'( #!t

P$a!t S t# )!+#r co!% +#rat o!

TABLE 3.2 Sr. No. "& -& 3& 4& 5& 6& 7& 8& 9& Locat o! Around "# 2M of site

SAMPLING LOCATIONS Ar "at#r S)r*ac# Gro)!+ So $ No %# L#&#$ A'( #!t


North Prominent Wind Direction

Oct 11 Nov 11 Dec 11

3 km
#&, #', $(, $)( #SW1 S1 A5 GW2, A7 #+ $', *)& $)', #( East


1 km 10 km
S4, A8


#, $outh .ot to $cale

A r Mo! tor !, a!+ No %# Mo! tor !,Sr No "& -& 3& 4& 5& Locat o! D#% ,!at o! A" AA3 A4 A5 Sr No 6& 7& 8& 9& Locat o! D#% ,!at o! A6 A7 A8 A9

So $ %a'.$ !,Sr No "& -& Locat o! D#% ,!at o! *" *Sr No 3& 4& Locat o! D#% ,!at o! *3 *4

S)r*ac# "at#r Sa'.$ !, Sr No "& -& Locat o! D#% ,!at o! *0" *0Sr No 3& 4& Locat o! D#% ,!at o! *03 *04

Gro)!+ "at#r Sa'.$ !, Sr No "& Locat o! D#% ,!at o! )0" Sr No 3& 4& Locat o! D#% ,!at o! )0-

3.2.1 M cro'#t#oro$o,/ From the data a ailable of 3# years from the Micrometeorological /epartment( there !ere on a erage yearly 8#&6 rainy days !ith "9&8 days of thunder& The minimum temperature is recorded at "6&4oC during :anuary( !hile maximum temperature !as 33&4oC in .o ember& The rainfall data re eals that the total a erage rainfall !as -4--&" mm !ith maximum during :uly at 868&3mm& Relati e humidity during this period !as minimum at 67; in /ecember& and maximum at 89; in :uly& The summary of 3# years micrometeorology data is presented at TABLE No. 3.3

Table : 3.3 C !"A#O OG!CA #A$ E PE%!OD& 1'51(1'8)

Data Ba%#+ O! O(%#r&at o! Fro' 1011 to 1023 Min& Max& "6&4 33&4 :an& .o & 67 89 /ec& :uly 9&4 --&6 .o & :uly From East to 0est #&# 868&3

Ta($# 3.4 A r 5)a$ t/ Data Sr. NO. Locat o! Dat#9D)rat o! Part c)$at# Matt#r P' 13 < 13 :=,9'3; Part c)$at# Matt#r P' 2.1 :< 2.1 ,9'3; SO2 Co!t#!t := ,9'3; NO> Co!t#!t := ,9'3; T#'.. Var at o! Dr/ B)$( T#'.:3c; Ma> M! A&, "#t B)$( T#'. :3c; Ma> M! A&, " !+ V#$oc t/ :?'.@; Ma> M! A&, Pro' !#!t " !+ D r#ct o! toAar+% 0-E 0-E 617 88 :2 Hr%; "#3 627 88 2 Hr%; "#9

TABLE 3.1 R#%)$t% o* Stac? E' %% o!% Mo! tor !, Mo!t@SR. NO. Stac? Attac@#+ To Dat# o* Sa'.$ !, O.#rat o! Stac? D a'#t#r :'#t#r; Stac? H# ,@t :'#t#r; F)#$ )%#+ B Co!%)'.t o! V#$oc t/ o* *$)# ,a%#% :'9%#c; T#'.#rat)r# o* *$)# Ga%#% :3C; F$oA9&o$)'# o* *$)# Ga%#% :!'39Hr; Part c)$at# Matt#r :',9N'3; S)$.@)r D O> +# Co!t#!t C@$or !# ..' HC$ ',9!'3 S.P.C.B L ' t% TPM C 113 ',9N '3 SO2 C D2 ?,9+a/ C@$or !# 11 ',9N'3 HC$ 31 ',9N'3 A!+ Ac + ' %t 31 ',9N'3 -# hrs <day - hr <day 617 Bo $#r 627 Scr)((#r 637 D G %#t

Gro)!+ a!+ %)r*ac# Aat#r 5)a$ t/ Oct E No& E D#c 11


U! t%





617 P@/% co C@#' ca$ Para'#t#r% a) Physical Parameter Colour ,dour Taste Turbidity p> .one .one .T= --Colourless ,dourless =nob%ection able #&6 Colourless ,dourless =nob%ection able #&9 Colourless ,dourless =nob%ection able "&5 Colourless ,dourless =nob%ection able "&"

(b) Chemical Parameter Total /issol ed mg<lit *olids Total *uspended *olids Total Al$alinity Total >ardness Calcium Magnesium Chlorides *ulphates ?,/ C,/ +hosphorus @ron mg<lit

mg<lit as CaC,3 mg<lit as CaC,3 mg<lit Ca mg<lit Mg mg<lit Cl mg<lit *,4 mg<l mg<l mg<l mg<l as as as as

So $ G)a$ t/ *or 'o!t@ o* Oct E No& D#c 11

Para'#t#r p> of "# ; *uspension Conducti ity of "# ; suspension Moisture Content Ash Content Bolatile Compound ,rganic Content ?ul$ /ensity *ilt<Clay *and B/ "at#r L#ac@at# *ulphates( as *,4 Chlorides( as ClCopper( as Cu Chromium( as Cr Cadmium( as Cd Cead( as +b Mercury( as >g Dinc( as Dn @ron( as Fe Manganese( as Mn ?oron( as ? Total +hosphate as +,4 2%eldhal .itrogen as . Calcium as Ca Magnesium as Mg *odium as .a +otassium as 2 U! t% SF1 617 G#!#ra$ Para'#t#r 6&89 A*<cm -64 627 P@/% ca$ Para'#t#r ; #&95 ; 99&## ; " ; 6&4 gm<cc "&4 ; 58 ; 46 637 C@#' ca$ Para'#t#r mg<2g 3 mg<2g 5 647 M#ta$%9 H#a&/ M#ta$% mg<2g .il mg<2g .il mg<2g .il mg<2g ./ mg<2g ./ mg<2g .il mg<2g .il mg<2g .il mg<2g .il 617 B/ Ac + D ,#%t o! ; .il ; .il E>c@a!,#a($# Cat o!% me'< "## gm -86&4 me'< "## gm 4-&4 me'< "## gm .il me'< "## gm .il SF2 6&73-4 SF3 6&3--#

3 96&75 3&-5 5&6 "&4 44 56

" 99&##&98 6&"&468 6-

-# "5 .il .il .il ./ ./ .il .il .il .il .il .il -38&4 54&3 .il .il

#&" .il .il .il .il ./ ./ .il .il .il .il .il .il 3#6&58&6 .il .il

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