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TEST PAPER Gastro Intestinal System & Disorders

Marks Time 30 mins ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------50

Q ! "ill in t#e $lanks %Ea&# 'lank &arry one mark( 1. The movements that propel the food particles through the digestive tract are called )eristalsis. 2 Gastri& ulcer: Causes sharp pain in the stomach soon after eating

3 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (G RD! is also "no#n as *eart $+rn. $. %nflammation of the lining of stomach is called Gastritis . &. 'ost commonl( used )ntacids are Al+min+m and Ma,nesi+m salts. *. Proton P+m) In#i'itors acts +( +loc"ing ,-. /- 0)T1ase en2(me s(stem . 3. Prokineti& agents increase +oth gastric empt(ing and lo#er esophageal sphincter pressure or tone . 4. 5omiting is also "no#n as Emesis . 6. Domperidone inhi+its Do)amine an anti0emetic. and in the G%T #or"s as a pro"inetic. 18. )moe+iasis is caused +( a parasite "no#n as Entamoe'a #istolyti&a 11. 1assage of small amounts of hard. dr( +o#el movements (stools!. usuall( fe#er than three times a #ee" is also "no#n as .onsti)ation .

receptors in CT7 and thus acts as

12. /a0ati1es are drugs #hich help in easing the passage of stools. 13. 9ites of 1eptic ulcer are 0 2eso)#a,eal :lcer . Gastri& :lcer and D+odenal :lcer. 1$. .larit#romy&in is most preferred anti+iotic for the treatment of ,.1(lori infection. 1&. The parietal cells have 3 "inds of receptors on their surface : *istamine re&e)tor Gastrin re&e)tor M+s&arini& re&e)tor

Q - 3rite %Tr+e( in 4ront o4 t#e Tr+e statement and %"alse( 4or t#e "alse Statement 1. ;iver. gall +ladder. salivar( glands and pancreas are minor accessor( organs.( "alse !. 2 Three activities are involved in the digestive process: mechanical digestion. chemical digestion. and a+sorption. ( Tr+e !. 3. 9ince +oth ,- and Cl0 ions are outside the cell. the( can com+ine together to form ,Cl in the presence of ,2< . ( Tr+e ! $. %nfection #ith ,. p(lori +acteria (i.e. ,. p(lori0associated ulcers0are rare and are reported to +e overall =ust onl( 18> cases! ( "alse !. &. Gastric ulcer is t(picall( relieved +( eating. or +( drin"ing mil" ( "alse ! *. ,elico+acter p(lori produces g(rase en2(me that produces ammonia (damages stomach tissues! ( "alse !. 3. )ntacids reduce volume of ,Cl secreted. ( "alse !. 4. mollient laxatives are +est used to prevent constipation in people #ho need to avoid straining e.g. after recent surger(. ( Tr+e !.

6. %rritation and inflammation of the digestive tract. commonl( "no#n as food poisoning ( Tr+e !. 18. %rrita+le +o#el s(ndrome (disease #here patient has constipation alternating #ith diarrhea! ( Tr+e !.

Q 3 Mat&# t#e 4ollo5in, 6 A 1 ?irst step of digestion 2. 'ucous cell 3. $. &. *. 1arietal cells %ntrinsic factor CT7 ,iatus ,ernia $ a needed for a+sorption of vitamin @12 ' 1rotrusion of the stomach a+ove Diaphragm & vomiting of +lood d Docusate sodium e secretes al"aline mucus 4 &,T3 A D2 receptors A is outside @@@ , pain during s#allo#ing # secrete h(drochloric acid i +lac" faeces containing +lood 7 leads to inactive +o#el k +rea"s do#n food into a fine pulp l magnesium h(droxide .lactulose

3. <d(nophagia 4. 9tool softeners 6. <smotic ;axatives 18.,aematemesis 11.'elena 12.<veruse of laxatives

Ans5ers 6 %! - k (8 %- - e (8%3 - # (8%9 - a (8%5 - 4 (8%: - ' (8%;- , (8%<d (8 %= - l (8%!0 - & (8 %!! - i (8 %!- - 7 ( Q 9 .#oose t#e &orre&t ans5er % Please ti&k t#e ri,#t ans5er( 1. .#ie4 &ells are res)onsi'le 4or se&retion o4 a. 'ucus +. Pe)sino,en c. Gastrin d. ,(drochloric acid 2. 1rimar( s(mptoms ma( +e +loating. fullness A gas distention of a+domen in B

a. +. c. d. 3.

:lcer0li"e d(spepsia Motility-like dys)e)sia Reflux0li"e d(spepsia ?unctional or non0ulcer d(spepsia

nterochromaffin 0li"e cells or mast cells secretes B

a. 'ucus +. )cet(lcholine c. Gastrin d *istamine Q 5 E0)lain t#e 4ollo5in, terms %2ne mark ea&#( 1. Dys)e)sia 6 @ad digestion or commonl( "no#n as indigestion. common s(mptom is )+dominal discomfort . 2. Stim+lant /a0ati1es 6 9timulate muscles and nerves in the intestines. this helps move the stools along. 9hould +e used #ith care. as the( cause side effects. The( ma( also #or" more Cuic"l( and po#erfull( than other laxatives. e.g. @isacod(l and senna 3. S#ort &omin, o4 *- re&e)tors Anta,onists 6 %3 marks( >ot e44e&ti1e in meal-stim+lated a&id se&retion Ra)id de1elo)ment o4 toleran&e Re'o+nd a&id #y)erse&retion a4ter 5it#dra5al


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