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VM questions AME

IV Yr Ist mid

1. What is Maintenance? What are different types of Maintenance? Which is preferable? 2. Explain the procedure for engine oil checking and transmission fluid checking? 3. What is inspection? What is the purpose of inspection? What are its types and explain Pre Post inspections? !. What is "ubrication? Mention its ob#ecti$es? What are different types of lubrication systems and explain any one type of lubrication system? %. Explain the procedure for dismantle of Engine and gi$e the functions of any three components? &. Explain the importance of the cleaning of Engine? Explain degreasing? '. Mention different cleaning methods and explain the method that does not ha$e any impact on (luminium Parts? ). Explain hot tank* +pray ,asher* +oda -lasting? .. Explain /egreasing* /ecarbonising? 10. What are the special tools used for engine o$erhauling? 11. Mention the procedure for assembly of Engine? Explain the functions of any three components? 12. Explain 1ylinder reboring method? Explain 1ylinder honing method? 13. What is 1lutch? What is its function? Mention its types? 1!. Mention Mechanical 2ype of clutches and explain any t,o of them? 1%. Mention the (utomatic clutches and explain about the tor3ue con$ertor and fluid ,heel? 1&. What is gear ratio? Mention different types of gears used in transmission and explain ,hat types of gears are used in manual transmission? 45 36 4u !*%6 4u 26 313*32! 32)*33' 3!0*3!2 3!'*3%' 3&0*3'2*3'& 3)2*3.!. &10 &21*&30*&&% &%& '3*'!*'& )&*12! 1!%*1)) 1.1

AS Questions AME

IV Yr Ist mid

1. Explain the design of body for safety? Explain its importance? 2. Write the energy e3uation and explain the parameters that are influencing it? 3. Explain ho, engine location is affecting the safety of a body $ehicle? !. Explain the concept of deceleration of $ehicle inside the passenger compartment by using the graph. %. Explain the concept of deceleration on impact ,ith stationary and mo$able obstacle ,ith graph? &. Explain concept of 1rumple 7one along ,ith figure? What is the necessity of ha$ing crumple 7one? '. What are safety sand,ich structures? 8i$e any t,o examples? Where they can be used? Mention the name of the material that is trying to replace (luminium in the car? ). Explain ,hat is rollo$er? What are the rollo$er protection units? What are the forces that are acting on the $ehicle in roll o$er? .. What is (utomobile +afety? Why is it needed? 10. What are the different types of safety? Explain them in brief? 11. Explain the deformation of 9ehicle body? 12. Explain acceleration* speed and distance tra$elled of a passenger cell ,hen impacting a barrier at %0km:hr along ,ith diagram? 13. Explain the terms Exterior +afety and ;nterior +afety? 1!. Explain the term acti$e safety? What are the safety features that come under this safety?

1%. Explain antilock braking system? What are the different components of (-+ and their functions? 1&. What are (-+ 9ariants? 8i$e detailed information of ,orking principle of (-+?

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