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What wouldnt you give to right now have that nagging pain in your back, arms, legs and

shoulders suddenly just stop within a few minutes so you felt free to move in any direction -- without pain? 70 illion !merican "uffer from #hronic $ack %ain& What if we told you that with our '000-year old health secrets, you will e(perience relief from that constant stiffness when you get up each morning and throughout the day? Wouldnt it be a new life for you to go from morning until night without any pain or discomfort? )ears ago my mother found that walking was becoming increasingly difficult& *inally she couldnt even get out of bed& +nce very active, she became bedridden and couldnt even get up for the bathroom& y father is a well-known holistic doctor in ,ndia and repeatedly told her, -.ake only my medicine/0 "o for years she faithfully drank lemon water and followed other instructions 1 yet her arthritis pain continued to worsen& 2ventually my mother decided to give our !yurveda medicine a try& .oday she regularly hikes in the 3imalayas/ .he solution? We gave her a special diet, herbal supplements, some basic panchakarma 4cleansing5 treatments and home remedies& "he followed the program with ama6ing results& ,t was really hard work with my mother 1 yet the outcome has been very powerful& 7ow even my father has changed his tune and says, -Whatever happens, dont stop taking 3," medicines/0 3e is 80 years old today and is also standing in 9ueue for the herbs& :ecent ;"! studies show that arthritis-related numbers are increasing daily as $aby $oomers turn <= and beyond& >id you know that the one hundred arthritisrelated illnesses including +steoarthritis, :heumatoid !rthritis, and *ibromyalgia have become the nations leading cause of disability 1 including ?uvenile !rthritis in !mericans over age @=? We are here to let you know about something so highly effective that it will .!A2 !W!) your pain, muscle spasms, numbness in your fingers, shoulder, aches in your legs, ligaments, neck 1 all the places in your body where you feel that terrible arthritic ache or pain from injuries past, present and even future/ .he ways we all live and eat are helping create this worldwide arthritis epidemic& ->o you want to change your life?0 ,f your answer is, -)es/0 then give these !yurveda tools a try& ,f arthritis runs in your family, these tips can actually prevent you from developing this debilitating condition& 2ven if you are already e(periencing arthritis symptoms, they can dramatically improve your well being and health& We want you to know that arthritis is reversible/ +ne woman at our Biberty 7ew )ork 3ealth #enter had the beginnings of arthritis in her shoulders and knees& "he had felt some twinges of joint pain and the pulse showed that this beginning condition would worsen 9uickly& We gave her herbal supplements for muscles and bones and a diet to use and she found an overall change& "he had more energy and people noticed it to& .hey started asking her,

-What are you taking? )our energy has changed completely/ )ou are as spry as a woman C0 years younger/

.he following Seven Remarkable Ayurveda Secrets have helped thousands throughout our ''-year !yurveda practice who suffered from the discomfort, acute chronic pain and immobili6ing stiffness of arthritis& .hey decrease to(icity build-up in your body 1 the root cause of all arthritic conditions& When D!.! 4the air element5 increases and begins to accumulate in any or all of your joints, the trouble begins& :ead onE 7 SECRET TIPS TO HELP YOU REDUCE ARTHRITIS AT A Y A!E @& .ake one teaspoon of Cast"r O#l every other night with $arm %#n%er tea after the age of =0& ,f you already have joint trouble, then take this every evening& '& !void heavy beans, wheat, fried food, red meat, and raw vegetables& :eplace eating raw vegetables by drinking fresh juice made from salads, vegetables and fruits& C& 2at a D!.! %!#,*),7F >,2. 4please visit www&ayushakti-usa&com for complete diet5 ,n addition, take lots of calc#um&b""st#n% '""ds such as at least t$" tables(""ns "' sesame seeds, .ahini or crushed sesame powder each day to fulfill your daily #alcium re9uirement& G& ,f you have symptoms of !! ! 4to(icity 1 like sluggishness, low energy, depression5, fast on ;7F $2!7 "+;% for C-= days& .his will help you both short-term and long/ 4recipe appears on www&ayushakti-usa&com5 .he affects of this soup are miraculous/ "pice it soup with ginger, coriander and cumin and watch the changes in your body& =& .ake a re%ular Sesame O#l )assa%e, rubbing the oil 4with steam or in the shower5 at least once a week over painful, stiff joints& .ake oil with your meals& ,ts best to use olive and sesame oil& <& $oil one potato chopped with its skin every morning in two cups of water& :educe the water to one cup, filter it and drink with half a teaspoon of whole fenugreek seeds& 4*enugreek is helpful but optionalE5& 7& "pice your food with ginger, coriander, cumin, garlic, asafetida, clove, cinnamon, celery seed, thyme, oregano, olive oil, sesame oil and ghee on a daily basis& +ne major key is to 2!. "27",$B) and you will feel better/

We have some wonderful herbal supplements like Sand*#y"% and Rasnad# !u%%ul and an all-herbal liniment called +reed"m Cream that help to ease joint stiffness and pain& $onnie 7ack is a <7-year-old yoga practitioner from #alifornia& .wo years ago, she came to see us because her skin was tingling& "he was stiff, her joints hurt and she felt blocked& "he took the !rthritis herbs that we recommended for one year& Within one year, she felt so much better that she stopped taking them& "ince then, she just keeps getting better and better& "he recently wrote that she is physically and mentally different now, -, truly dont know where this has come from 1 e(cept from !yurveda/0 ! dancer from ,ndia, "ailesh Fupta had been suffering from severe joint pain all over his body was a dancer& .his was most distressing and he had tried allopathic, orthopedic and acupuncture treatments, but , had only very temporary mild relief& "omeone suggested that he try !yurveda treatment at our !yushakti !yurved 3ealth #enter& .he diagnosis? *ull-blown !rthritis with joint pain in every part of my body& "he started to use +reed"m Cream, had some panchakarma treatments such as %indswed 1 and these all brought him great relief& !fter three months of these things and some dietary changes, the pain was over& $lessed relief/ 7ow he can run, walk and dance once again& We hope that you will give these simple yet highly effective !yurveda tips and remedies a try/ .hey can change your life 1 as they have for thousands of other people& >ont delay/

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