Sheffield Vibration Engineering

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MODULE TITLE: Vibration Engineering

STAFF MEMBER RESPONSIBLE: Prof Aleksandar Pavic LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of this module students will be able to:


1. perform calculation and analyse vibration response of SDOF systems. 2. perform calculation and analyse vibration response of MDOF systems. 3. interpret relevant codes of practice and perform vibration serviceability assessment.

SYLLABUS Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) systems Equation of motion of undamped and damped systems. Free vibration. Vibration under harmonic and periodic excitations. Vibration under general excitation. Multiple Degree of Freedom (MDOF) systems Equations of motion of undamped and damped systems. Modal analysis and mode superposition technique. Free vibration. Vibration under harmonic and periodic excitations. Vibration under general excitation. Vibration serviceability assessment of design schemes General principles and approach Human-induced excitation Vibration serviceability design of civil engineering structures

LEARNING HOURS Lectures Tutorial Classes (Q and A sessions) Private Study (including MATLAB NDOF coursework simulations) Assessment Total

16 hours 16 hours 65.5 hours 2.5 hours 100 hours

ASSIGNMENTS 1. Calculation of response of SDOF systems using hand calculation and NDOF simulations 2. Calculation of response of MDOF systems using hand calculation and NDOF simulations 3. Vibration serviceability design problem ASSESSMENT Learning Outcomes Assessed 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3

Item Unseen Examination Assessed Tutorial Sheets Formative Assessment: None

% Credit 70 30

Submission Date

Friday, Week 10

Reason for assessment choice: To achieve excellent results in this module, a student must demonstrate comprehensive understanding and ability to select the right calculation procedure and produce numerically correct results in ALL of the three key aspects of the module: (1) Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) systems, (2) Multiple Degree of Freedom (MDOF) systems and (3) Vibration serviceability assessment of design schemes. Threshold levels are achieved by students who demonstrate limited but sufficient understanding of the calculation procedures.


None A B B
RECOMMENDED READING (A-Core Text, B-Secondary Text, C-Peripheral Reading) Inman, DJ (2001) Engineering Vibration, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 013726142x Clough, RW, Penzien, J (1993) Dynamics of Structures, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0070113947 Smith, JW (1988) Vibration of Structures: Applications in Civil Engineering Design, Chapman and Hall. ISBN: 0412280205

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