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Ayu Pusporini, Galuh. 2012. The Analysis toward Employees Competence as the Basic in Formulating Strategy to develop Companys Image (Study on Koperasi Simpan in!am Arta "aya Sentosa #alang$ Sarjanas Thesis. a!ulty of "!onomi!s State #ni$ersity of

Department of Management,

Malang. A%$isors& '() Dr. Syiha*u%hin, S."., M.Si, '(() "lfia +ora, S.".,M.Si.

Key Words& ,uman -esour!es, .ompeten!e, .ompany (mage

The !ompany image is a !ru!ial fa!tor in %etermining the attainment of a !ompany *e!ause it !ontains all the !ommunitys impression to/ar% the !ompany itself. 0ne of the 1ey fa!tor ma1ers is its human resour!es. (t s the main jo* of the management %epartment to s!rutini2e /hat 1in% of !ompeten!e o/ne% *y its employee an% /hat 1in% of !ompeten!e is really nee%e% *y the !ompany. This stu%y is fo!use% on the analysis of employees !ompeten!e, !ompany image an% the !ompanys strategy use% for %e$eloping the !ompanys image. ,en!e, this stu%y is !lassifie% as %es!ripti$e 3ualitati$e resear!h. This stu%y is ta1en pla!e at 4operasi Simpan Pinjam Arta 5aya Sentosa Malang /hi!h hea%3uartere% in +gantang an% *ran!he% in Pa1isaji, 6agir an% 4asem*on.

Mean/hile, the informants for this stu%y are 1 manager, 70 employees an% 20 !ustomers. The fin%ing result of the stu%y mentions that there are some un3ualifie% employees for 4operasi Simpan Pinjam Arta 5aya Sentosa, mainly a*out gi$ing e8!ellent ser$i!e to the !ustomers. Thus, the !ompeten!e mapping is really nee%e% to *e %one *y the !ompany in or%er to get a ri% of poor image of the !ompany. 0ne of the /ays out of this matter is *y applying people interview to %is!o$er the *lin% si%e an% the strength of the employees. (n a%%ition, the !ompeten!e mapping /ill help the !ompany to %is!o$er /hi!h strategy !an *e use% *y the !ompanys management to han%le ea!h employee.

9ast *ut not least, the resear!her /oul% li1e to gi$e some suggestion %ealing /ith the stu%y& '1) it is *etter to !on%u!t spe!ial training for the employees to in!rease the professionalism in gi$ing ser$i!e e8!ellent to the !ustomers. '2) the inten%e% strategy in gi$ing spe!ial training shoul% *e fo!use% on the employees /ho ha$e less !ompeten!e, mean/hile, for those /ho ha$e !ompeten!e shoul% *e gi$en enhan!ement !ompeten!e.'7) for the manager, it is *etter to %o !ompeten!e mapping perio%i!ally in or%er to ta1e the right strategy to/ar% the /ea1ness point an% strong point of the employees. Thus, the management /ill *e help to ta1e the right %e!ision to han%le pro*lems %ealing /ith employees !ompeten!e.


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