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Proposal of Eco Aldea Homa – The Community Garden

Version 68 - Januarry 12, 2010



For participating in the ECHO:

Ground area: 4.000 – 5.000 m2

- We have added a new growing area in the ECHO. We have a land area in the Southern
Plains of the Farm, which has been
returned after a period of
facilitation, which expired on 31
October 2008.
- We invite those interested in this
endeavor to join with either your
work or with funding or as a
volunteer and to develop this
special area that we will sustain it
with permanatural, organic and
homas methods.
- Experience is destined to become
a self-sustaining community
permanatural agriculture

Caracteristics of the Lot

- It is a field of approximately 5,000 m2, located on the South Plains ECHO (40 m by
150 m app), between two streams of water very lavish!.
- In the beginning, far north, there is a natural stream, which collect water for the entire
parcel. In the end, there is another stream of water, which we provide for irrigation of
neighboring parcels. The south end abuts the large Olmué Estuary.
- The land is great for vegetables and fruit cultivation.
- It can build rooms to stay or live in it.


- We are open to various options. One idea is to work as an communitary organic

project. Someone who identifies with the Organic Agriculture or someone who practices
a spiritual discipline and be motivated to obtain resources from this sector may very well
reach agreement with us. We also consider the option for this parcel is developed in a
Project of Organic Farming Community to distribute equitably the benefit of the land or
its harvesting to sustain itself.

- Performing a brief brainstorming among ourselves, reach consensus in its

environment at both boundaries (East / West) should plant native trees: Quillay
(Quillaja saponaria, family Rosaceae), Bellotos (Beilschmiedia miersii, Lauraceae),
Acacias (Acacia caven, Fabaceae), Molles (Schinus latifolius, Anacardiaceae), Boldo
(Peumus boldus, Monimiaceae) y entre ellos arbustos o plantas de fruto como
frambuesas (Rubus idaeus - Frambueso rojo, family Rosaceae), rosa mosqueta (Rosa
mosqueta, Rosaceae), tunas (Opuntia ficus – indica, Cactaceae), etc.

- At its center, the unanimous idea was to plant 20 to 24 trees, of fruits and seeds.

Among the seed trees:

Almendros (Prunus amygdalus, familia Rosáceae),
Avellanos (Corylus avellana - avellano común, familia Betulaceae),
Castaños (Castanea sativa, familia Fagaceae) y
Nogales (Junglans regia, familia Junglalláceawe). Hemos probado en el sector con un nogal.

Among the fruit trees:, would be:

Manzanos (Pyrus malus, familia Rosaceae),
Damascos (Prunus armeniaca, familia Rosaceae)
Perales (Pyrus communis, familia Rosaceae),
Ciruelos (Prunus domestica, familia Rosaceae)
Durazneros (Prunus persicae, familia Rosaceae),
Olivos (Olea europaea, familia Oleaceae),
Ciruelos (Prunus domestica, familia Rosaceae) y
Algunos cítricos que siempre se hacen poco.

- For vegetable crops, the sector was very productive in the hands of former
sharecroppers. The options are sowing:

1) Seasonal vegetables: lechugas francesas (Lactuca crispa), habas (Vicia faba, familia
Fabaceae), hinojo (Foeniculum vulgare, familia Umbelireraceae), espinacas (Spinacia oleracea,
familia Amarantaceae), coliflores (Brassica oleracea, familia Brassicaceae), quinoa (Chenopodium
quinoa, familia Chenopodiaceae), etc.
Other (all year): Rabanitos (Raphanus sativus; family Brassicaceae), Zanahorias (Daucus carota, family
Umbelíferas), etc.

2) Perennial bed: alcachofas (Cynara scolymus, familia Astraceae), y/o frutales: arándanos
(Vaccinium sp, familia Ericaceae), frambuesas (Rubus idaeus - Frambueso rojo, familia
Rosaceae), fresas (Fragaria vesca, familia Rosaceae), murtillas (Ugni molinae, familia mirtaceae),

3) Product mix: from the two previous options.

- For any option you choose, between the rows of each crop, the idea would be to add
biodiversity regulator comprising: intensely colored flowers (roses), nasturtiums,
herbs (lavender, rough), herbs "medicinal" plants and bioregulator (marigold).

Interested parties can write to:, o llamarme a: 9 250

Eco Granja Homa de Olmué, ECHO, Av Eastman 2402 - Paradero 11, Olmué – Chile.;
For participating in the ECHO, see:
ANNEX 1: General Lay Out of the Southern Plains of ECHO


ANNEX 2: Progress made to date in the South Plains [May – August 2009]

1) ECO-TERRACES. They are 8 eco-terraces, armed and cultivated. They are drawers of 6.40 x
1.20 mts with Wooden borders that retain nutrients and moisture. All are covered with mulching
with straw of the same place.

(East-Weast) East Band Center Weast Band
E-B # 1 Choclos (Tardio) ---- Choclos (Tardio)
E-B # 2 Arvejitas ---- Arvejitas
E-B # 3 Habas ---- Habas
E-B # 4 Habas ---- Habas
E-B # 5 Ajo/Espinacas Lavanda Rabanitos/Espinacas
E-B # 6 Habas Lavanda Habas
E-B # 7 Habas ---- Habas
E-B # 8 Rabanitos Lavanda Betarragas

Preparation of eco-terraces: Katty U, Cristian L, Javier P, Don Gmo.
Planting /Transplant: Ma Belén, Katty U, Cristian L, Don Gmo, Carlos B, L.A.
Crop Maintenance: Don Gmo.

2) FRUIT TREES. Between May 22 and 24 were planted 13 fruit trees, all arranged in the
longitudinal axis of the South Plains (PS), ie in the north-south:
Q # Common Name & Variety Clasification Family Planting date
2 1,2 Limones Sutiles Citrus limon (L.) Rutaceae 22-05-09
1 3 Limón Genova Citrus limon (L.) Rutaceae 22-05-09
2 4,5 Naranjos "Tardío Valencia” Citrus × sinensis Rutaceae 23-05-09
2 6,7 Nogales Desiree Juglans regia Juglandáceae 23-05-09
2 8,9 Damascos Imperial Prunus armeniaca L. Rosaceae 23-05-09
2 10,11 Almendros Non Pareil Prunus dulcis Rosaceae 24-05-09
2 12,13 Ciruelos Santa Rosa Prunus salicina Rosaceae 24-05-09
2 14-15 Manzanos Fuji Malus domestica Rosaceae 25-10-009
2 16,17 Guindos Prunus avium Rosaceae 25-10-009
2 18,19 Perales Pacan Pyrus communis Rosaceae 25-10-009
-- 20 --- --- --- ---

The Communitary project hopes to complete 24 to 28 fruit trees. The priorities are apples,
peaches, pears, a couple of "Parritas" (Strains of Grapes), Olives, Quince, Cherry tree.

Preparation of the hole trees: Cristían L, Katty, Deborah V, Maria José N, Johamna C, Anibal R, Horacio
Ch, Cybe G, Don Gmo, Felipe M.
Planting /Transplant: Katty, Deborah V, Maria José N, Johamna C, Cybe G.
Crop Maintenance: Pablo R, Carolina M.

3) LINE TREES = LIVING FENCE. We began to prepare the bulbs for the 2 cups of trees that
are on each side of the South Plains. The dimples of the first East Line was completed on Sunday
30 November. On Sunday 06 transplant and began training for accommodation bulbs on the
other side (West).

Q # Common name & Variety Clasification Family Trasplant Date

1 1 Leucaena Leucaena leucocephala Fabaceae 06-12-09
1 2 Quillay Quillaja saponaria Quillajaceae 06-12-09
1 3 Patagua Crinodendron patagua Elabocarpaceae 06-12-09
1 4 Leucaena Leucaena leucocephala Fabaceae 06-12-09
1 5 Sauce Salix alba Salicaceae 06-12-09
1 6 Peumo Cryptocarya alba Laureaceae 06-12-09
1 7 Leucaena Leucaena leucocephala Fabaceae 06-12-09
1 8 Molle Schinus latifolius Anacardiaceae 06-12-09
1 9 Quillay Quillaja saponaria Quillajaceae 06-12-09
1 10 Leucaena Leucaena leucocephala Fabaceae 06-12-09
1 11 Algarrobo Prosopis chilensis Fabaceae 07-12-09
1 12 Algarrobo Prosopis chilensis Fabaceae 07-12-09
1 13 Leucaena Leucaena leucocephala Fabaceae 07-12-09
1 14 Patagua Crinodendron patagua Elabocarpaceae 07-12-09


Japanese Bridge: On Saturday 26, December 09, 2 little plants were transplanted by Luis A,
Chilean Bamboo (Chusquea culeou, Poaceae), at the entrance and exit the Japanese Bridge. As
Alamo had many roots in the place was helped by our Brother Beekeeper Rodrigo L. We expect
bambucitos acclimatization and develop very well.

Fruit bushes in the woods: On Thursday 24 reached a 50 pallets of Tunas (Opuntia ficus-
indica, Cactaceae) that will be transplanted between natives trees in the Woodlot. Its origin is Til
Til (*). Their transplant was performed by the student's DUOC Agronomia Paul R.

(*) In the area of Tiltil, traditional in this crop, can be found Tunales still productive, with more than a
century of life.

Preparation of the hole trees: Don Gmo.
Planting /Transplant: Luis A, Pablo R.

4) DEEP TERRACES. We are arming between Orchards, about 3.5 x 0.70 mts. It will be
allocated to food crops, naturopathic herbs, fruits and flowers surface. Up today there are 9
"Camellones" and open other 9. There will be 2 types of Camellones (Terraces):
Permanent Terraces: To cultivate Artichokes, Asparagus, Fennel, Cape Gooseberry, Strawberry,
bush fruits(raspberries, Myrtleberry, Rosehip, blueberries).
Terraces for seasonal crops: Vegetables and fruits surface.
The progress to date (09 Aug 09) is shown in the table below:

(North-South) East Band East Band East Band
C#1 Habas/Lettuce 1 Lavender Habas/Lettuce
C#2 Sunflower ---- Sunflower – 12Jul09
C#3 Lucerne grass - 31May09 Lucerne grass + 1 Lucerne grass
C # 4 ---- 1 Lavender ----
C # 5 Garden Rocket – 04Jul09 Garden Rocket – 04Jul09 Garden Rocket – 04Jul09
C # 6 Artichoke (1) - 12Jul09 Artichoke (1) Artichoke (1)
C # 7 Beets Garlic – 19Jul09 Radish
S.J Herb – 13Sep09
C#8 S.J Herb – 13Sep09 1 Lavender ----
C#9 ---- Trasp/4 Aji-17Sep09 ----
C # 10 Transp/4Lettuces purple Transp/3Strawberry (T1)- Transp/4Lettuces purple
-12Octp09 26Sep09 -12Octp09
C # 11 Transp/3Lettuces - 12Octp09 Transp/3Lettuces - 12Octp09 Transp/3Lettuces - 12Octp09
C # 12 ---- [Finished] ----
C # 13 ---- [Finished] ----
C # 14 ---- [Finished] ----
C # 15 ---- [Finished] ----
C # 16 ---- [Land remotion] ----
C # 17 ---- [Land remotion] ----
C # 18 ---- [Land remotion] ----

Preparation of terraces: Claudia F, Cristian A, Katty U, Cristián

Plant of Artichoke (Sep 09)

L, Pablo S, Anibal R, Rachel G, Emmelina F, Alejandro N, Betsy, Rachel G (Wwoofer), Pablo R, Carolina P.
Planting /Transplant: Claudia F, Cristian a, Freddy, Evelyn, Victoria S, Katty U, Alejandro N.
Crop Maintenance: Pablo R, Carolina P.

5) MELGAS OF CROPS. On Saturday 18 July we initiated the phase of the Crop Melgas
Training, which will be flat to plant 2 lines and permanent crops. The first was aimed at young
plants of Raspberry (Rubus idaeus - Frambueso rojo, family Rosaceae):

(North-South) East Band East Band East Band
M # 01 (E) ---- Habas – 30Ago09 ----
M # 02 (E) ---- Habas – 30Ago09 ----
M # 03 (E) ---- Trasp Lechuga/Albahaca ----
– 05Sep03
M # 04 (E) ---- Trasp Lechuga/Albahaca ----
– 05Sep03
M # 05 (E) - C ---- Melon – 23Oct09 ----
M # 06 (E) ---- Trasp/Hinojo – 22Ago09 ----
M # 07 (O) Trasp/Lechugas – 09Ago09 ---- Trasp/Lechugas – 09Ago09
M # 08 (O) Espinacas – 09Ago09 ---- Espinacas – 09Ago09
M # 09 (O) Arvejas – 02Ago09 ---- Arvejas – 02Ago09
M # 10 (O) Trasp/Lechugas – 01Ago09 ---- Trasp/Lechugas – 01Ago09
M # 11 (O) ---- Arvejitas - 25Jul09 ----
M # 12 (O) ---- 11 Frambuesas – 18Jul09 ----
Arvejitas - 25Jul09
M # 13 (E) - C ---- Melon – 23Oct09 ----
M # 14 (E) - C Oats - 25Oct09 Oats - 25Oct09 Oats - 25Oct09
M # 15 (E) Flaxseed (North) – 18Sep09 Dill – 18Sep09 Mustard (South) – 18Sep09
M # 16 (E) - c ---- ---- ----
M # 17 (E) Thyme – 23Sep/04Oct09 ---- Basil/04Oct09
M # 18 (E) - C Mustard 25Oct09 ---- Mustard - 25Oct09
M # 19 (O) 16 Tomatoes (Limachinos) + 15 Arvejas + 1 Ruda (center)– 25Sep09
M # 20 (O) Corn + Green beans + Color Pumpkin – 25Sep09
M # 21 (O) ???
M # 22 (O) 8 Tomatoes Cherry + 24 Lettuce Purple + 4 Paprika - 26Sep09
M # 23 (O) 10 Tomatoes (Limachinos) - 27Sep09 + 34 Carrots – 28Sep09
M # 24 (O) 16 Potatoes – 28Sep09
M # 25 (E) 16 Potatoes – 01Oct09; Onions - 17Oct09
M # 26 (E) 16 Tomatoes – 13Oct09; Lima bean
M # 27 (E) - C Azteca Community: Corn, Beans, Squash – 14Oct09
M # 28 (E) - C Potatoes – 18Oct09
M # 29 (E) ----
M # 30 (E) ----
C: Corrected (width and concavity)
The standard pattern given to Melgas has been as following:


Preparation of terraces “melgas”: Rachel G (Wwoofer), Camila A, Alejandro
N, Katty U, Corin S (Wwoofer), Zoe R (Wwoofer), Sebas M (Wwoofer), Gabriella M
(Wwoofer) .
Planting /Transplant: G, Alejandro N, Pablo R, Carolina P, Corin S (Wwoofer), Roger L (Wwoofer), Amenee S,
Catherine T, Zoe R (Wwoofer), Sebas M (Wwoofer).
Crop Maintenance: Pablo R, Carolina P.

6) WATER HOLE. We have water about 1 mt deep and with this we are watering what is being
cultivated in the PS.
An additional idea that has emerged while that we have been forming the "camellones" it is to
open another Water Point, in the same band east of the PS, approximately 100 mts from the
Materialized! On Sunday, 12 October, the Wwoofer Sebas M found water in a second "little hole".
It is located next to the Apiary. All ECHO jumped for joy!!

7) GREENHOUSE. We have the complete structure of a nursery, we have to prepare it for

On Sunday 12 Sep gave the go-ahead to the revival of the old nursery ECHO. Mainly due to clear
it completely, including the Chépica desraización that had flooded. The dry brush or straw used
as mulch and will be based on the ridges.
In December 2009 we have installed a spare and rachel for protection from UV rays and two work

8) RUCAL (“Tipis”). The idea is to assemble an initial group of 4 Tipis (Rucalan), given 3 of
them for as a tent and the another as spacious kitchen and dining room. This structure it is called
Tipi. A Sioux Tipi is a ruca, Blackfoot.
The first structure Tipis (hexagon of 3.5 and 3.5 m of greater diameter and height) was lifted on
Saturday 24 Oct 09.
Cristían L, Vicente L, Katty U, Luis A.

9) MANDALA. The Mandala and Meditation Circle is running. It was designed with a diameter of
about 5 meters. The petite Pirka (group of stones) surrounds the circle. The entrance is on the

west. It is still covered with sand. It is intended for Meditation, Events / Meetings and Exercises.
To practice martial arts (Bozendo) it is provided expanding the diameter.
The Mandala has already had its entrance on the scene and christening the occasion of the
meeting of the "Spoon Revocutión" where it was inaugurated the 2nd Original Kingdom Ministry
of Rev. of the Spoon, Oki. In that oportunity, the Eco Granja Homa Olmué was awarded a
Diploma of Recognition for for his "work of disseminating awareness on issues such as
vegetarianism, ecology, biodynamic and organic vegetable gardens.
You can see many more pictures of this event in:

On Sunday 09 of August widened to 7 meters with the Volunteers who went to prepare the ECHO
for the Great Encounter of Seeds, planned for Saturday 29 August if weather conditions permit.

On Saturday 29 August 2009, the Mandala had its final release. As it was still a little wet was
covered by a thick layer of wheat straw (2 packs). At 10:30 hrs began the National Seed
Meeting, convened by the Caravan of Ahimsa, the Revolution of the Spoon (Vegetarian
Organization) and the ECHO.

We estimated that more than 150 attendees participated in this great meeting.
As hosts we opened the event with a Vyahruti Homa (Mantra plus Sacred Fire) and talked about
the influences the Cosmos in Agriculture and about our method Permanatural Homa.
Much joy was present, great concern about the fate and the pressures that are performed against
the original seeds. Before Sunset, in the end, there was also a heavy exchange of seeds and
plants. Four trees were donated to the ECHO.

The event was closed with 5 Agnihotris performing the Homa of Sunset in the four corners of
the Mandala:

“Agnaye Svaha, Agnaye Idam na Mama

Payapataje Svaha, Prayapataje Idam na Mama”

In the preparation of the Mandala, the Stone Circle ("Pirka"), in its cleared, the sand, and its
extension have been involved:Cristían L, Vicente L, Katty U; Pablo S, Lissy, Venusrah.

10) PATH. Two volunteers began to form a stone path from the Japanese Bridge up to the
Mandala of Meditation/Events.

They helped us: Francisco C (Valparaíso), Calos M (Punta Arenas).

11) HOMAS. While the communitary garden is improving, there is always a very active
participant group in maintaining the Continuous Homa (Om Tryambakam Mantra Homa). It is
made to inject nutrients to the damaged atmosphere and to produce a large amount Homa Ash,
which is subsequently used to feed and energizing to Earth.

12) ORGANIC APIARY PROGRAM OF ECHO. With Rodrigo L, Luis A and Felipe V (Sep 12,
2009), gave the OK for on going to the Organic Apiary
Program of ECHO. For starters, Rodrigo is going to provide
us 3 Beehives very soon. Each is consisting of 1 core bees
(3 frames breeding + 2 frames of honey) + hive (hive
floor, brood chamber or lower
rise, rise melaria, roof hive
and moving pictures).

The model corresponds to the called Hive Langstroth.

We were in the PS field of alternative viewing location of this Beekeeping Project.
We posisioned them in the PS field of alternative viewing location.
The next day, on the 13th, came the "babies" and we place them on the center of the South
Plains, east side, with the Piquette (where the bees come in and out) directed to that same point
of the compass.
Around 17, 00 hrs, we received them with a Vyahruti + Tryambakam Homa Mantra.
In November, we added a new hike (9 frames with wax).
On Saturday 26 Dec09, Luis A, under the leadership of Brother Beekeeper Rodrigo Leiva added 2
new highs (open box on its roof and floor that houses wax 9-10 frames for honey storage and
housing of calves queen) in the Apiary. In November and had added another hike, so the Apiary
has doubled in 4 months (6 cases with 54 frames in production). Rodrigo gave us a pleasant
surprise when we said he had never tasted a more flavorful honey harvested in the proof of this
opportunity. The reason: in the PS are made the Agnihotras and some hours of Mantra Homa

[Rodrigo, is a beekeeper whose base is the V Region. Besides honey production, pollination
services provides companies of avocado in this region. Rodrigo has also worked on beekeeping in
Australia and Canada]
Rodrigo L, Luis A.

13) GREENHOUSE. On Sunday 12 Sep gave the go-ahead to the revival of the old nursery of
ECHO. Mainly, we had to clear the "Chepica", that had flooded it. The dry straw will be used as
mulch or a base on the bottom of "Camellones".


- Sunday 27 Sep 09. Intermittent showers during the day.
- Monday 28 Sep 09. Frost in the morning. Affected seedlings of tomatoes and chiles.

15) TRIBUTE. We want thank the Foreign Volunteers of the organization WWOOF (World Wide
Opportunities on Organic Farms), who with much discipline, meditation and hard work, they have
cooperated in varying time periods, one week and 1 month.

In particular we thank to the Wwoofers Maria Belen C (Ecuador, Guayaquil), Rachel G (USA,
Florida), Corin S (England, Portsmouth), Roger L (USA, Pennsylvania), Zoe R (Australia,
Brisbane), Sebastian M (USA, California), Gabriella M (Hungary).

Food crops existing

in the Communitary Eco Homa Farm.
Garlic (Ajos)
Artichoke (Alcachofas)
Fruit trees Arboles frutales (en etapa inicial: lemons,
oranges, almonds (almendros), walnuts (nogales), apricots (damascos),
peaches (duraznos))
Peas (Arvejas)
Beets (Betarragas)
Espinach (Espinacas)
Rapsberries (Frambuesas)
Fava Beans or Broad beans (Habas)
Lettuces (Lechugas)
Radish (Rabanitos)
ANNEX 3: Permanatural Community Works in the South Plain de la ECHO
Preparation of Terraces (“Camellones”) in the South Plains

Camellones en la línea central

Zócalo de un Camellón

Finalizando un Camellón Mulching

Habas en un Camellón

Preparation of “Melgas” in the South Plains

Melgas en formación – Banda Este Melgas en lado Oeste|

Inicio de una Melga

Activities in the South Plains

Vista desde el Este. Frambueso.

Recolectando Trébol como abono

La yeguita regalona Mejorando la tierra Alejandro en plena faena

Carolina P preparando una Melga Recolectando Trebol para abonar la Melga

Panchito y Evelyn (Caravana de Ahimsa) El Mandala después del
preparando los mesones de intercambio Encuentro de Semillas del
para El Encuentro de Semillas (29Ago09). 29Ago09

Photos of some of crops in growing in the South Plains

Rúcula en el Camellón 5 Habas en el Camellón 1

Alcachofas en el Camellón 6 08 Ago 09
08 Ago 09
08 Ago 09

Homas supporting the Permanatural Farm

Rachel G realizando simultáneamente

2 Homas (Agnihotra y Tryambakam Homa)

Realizando Homas en terreno

Training in the ECHO

Ma Belén C teaching to another Volunteer

Pablo R teaching to former a Crop Terrace

Hospitality in the ECHO

National Seed Meeting and Sustaining Food
(Saurday, August 29 2009)

Las exposiciones de los Relatores y el diálogo

Interchange of Seeds (at the end of meeting)
ANNEX 4: Some crops for the South Pains of the ECHO


Murtilla o Murta
NOMBRE: ugni molinae.
ALTURA: hasta 2 metros.
DIAMETRO: 1,5 mt.
FLORACION: noviembre-enero.
MADURACION FRUTO: fines de febrero - principios de mayo.
REQUERIMIENTOS HIDRICOS: 4 lt día con temperaturas superiores a 25 grados.
MARCO PLANTACION: entre hilera 3 mt / sobre hilera 1 mt con poda aerea.
FERTILIZACION: mínima. Es poco tolerante a excesos de fertilización.
SUELO: se adapta a suelos muy pobres en materia orgánica. Crece habitualmente en terrenos despejados y en
bordes de bosques.
PROPIEDADES: Las hojas poseen cualidades astringentes y antioxidantes por lo que se utiliza en la fabricación de
cosméticos y productos farmacológicos. Los frutos poseen un importante contenido de ácido linoleico Estudios
avanzados indican que favorecen la renovación celular, suavizamiento y mejoramiento de la piel. Se usa en
repostería, licores, Jugos, mermeladas, helados, conservería, como aromatizante




ANNEX5: Other photographic views of the ECHO South Plains
Eco Granja Homa de Olmué - ECHO
Av Eastman 2402 - Paradero 11 - Olmué - Chile
Fono: 033 441356
ANNEX 6: Bio Dinamic Calender
6.1 JANUARY 2010
Ing. Agr. MSc. PhD. René Piamone
ANEXO 7: Sunrise/Sunset for ECHO

EcoGranjaHoma de Olmué Av Eastman 2402 Par 11 Olmué Fono: 033 441356
Web Ppal de la ECHO:
Wb de Fotos de la ECHO:
Wb de Mantras de la ECHO:
Para participar en la ECHO:

Jahr = 2010 - Ort = ECHO - OLMUE - CHILE

Longitude west = 71.218887° (10-mode) = 71°13'07 '' (60-mode)
Latitude south = 32.998341° (10-mode) = 32°59'54 '' (60-mode)
Time difference to Greenwich Mean Time =-4.00 hour(s)
no summertime changes included at calculation !
sun's centre at true geocentric horizon by 0.002444 degrees (AGNIHOTRA)
At the Date 05.17.2009 SR=7h34min14sec SS=5h48min04sec
© 2004 Deutsche Gesellschaft f. Homa-Therapie,Haldenhof,78357 Muehlingen

January February March April May June

hmmss hmmss hmmss hmmss hmmss hmmss hmmss hmmss hmmss hmmss hmmss hmmss
1. 54425 75228 61227 74403 63732 71620 70045 63610 72227 60107 74348 54130
2. 54510 75238 61325 74319 63821 71506 70128 63453 72311 60009 74422 54115
3. 54555 75249 61422 74235 63908 71353 70212 63335 72355 55914 74456 54102
4. 54642 75254 61519 74149 63957 71238 70254 63218 72439 55818 74527 54051
5. 54730 75259 61615 74101 64045 71124 70336 63101 72523 55723 74560 54039

6. 54818 75303 61711 74011 64132 71009 70420 62943 72607 55631 74631 54030
7. 54909 75303 61810 73922 64220 70854 70502 62826 72650 55538 74660 54025
8. 54960 75303 61907 73831 64305 70737 70546 62710 72734 55449 74730 54020
9. 55050 75301 62002 73738 64352 70622 70628 62556 72818 55400 74758 54015
10. 55142 75257 62058 73643 64439 70504 70711 62441 72903 55310 74825 54013
January February March April May June
11. 55236 75252 62153 73549 64524 70347 70753 62327 72946 55224 74850 54011
12. 55329 75245 62248 73453 64611 70230 70837 62212 73029 55140 74916 54013
13. 55423 75235 62343 73355 64656 70112 70920 62059 73113 55055 74939 54015
14. 55517 75223 62439 73257 64741 65954 71003 61947 73156 55014 75002 54018
15. 55612 75210 62533 73157 64826 65835 71047 61833 73240 54932 75024 54022

16. 55709 75154 62626 73055 64911 65716 71129 61723 73321 54852 75043 54029
17. 55804 75139 62720 72954 64956 65557 71214 61613 73404 54813 75103 54036
18. 55901 75119 62813 72851 65039 65438 71258 61502 73446 54736 75120 54044
19. 55956 75100 62906 72747 65125 65319 71340 61352 73528 54699 75136 54055
20. 60054 75039 62959 72642 65208 65200 71424 61243 73610 54627 75152 54107
January February March April May June
21. 60151 75014 63049 72535 65252 65041 71508 61137 73650 54554 75206 54121
22. 60249 74949 63140 72429 65336 64922 71552 61030 73732 54522 75217 54134
23. 60347 74922 63233 72322 65419 64803 71636 60923 73811 54452 75228 54150
24. 60444 74852 63323 72213 65503 64643 71719 60818 73851 54423 75239 54207
25. 60542 74822 63414 72104 65547 64524 71802 60713 73930 54356 75245 54223

26. 60640 74750 63505 71954 65629 64403 71846 60610 74008 54330 75253 54242
27. 60737 74715 63553 71842 65712 64244 71931 60508 74047 54305 75259 54304
28. 60836 74640 63642 71730 65755 64125 72013 60406 74125 54244 75301 54326
29. 60935 74603 65838 64006 72058 60305 74201 54223 75303 54347
30. 61031 74524 65921 63848 72143 60205 74237 54204 75305 54412
31. 61128 74444 70003 63729 74313 54146
January February March April May June

Si necesitas los horarios de Agnihotra de tu Localidad, envianos sus coodenadas (Latitud, Longitud).
ANNEX 8: Moon phases – For Chile.
(En hora local)

New Moon Crescent Moon Full Moon Waning Moon

d. h. m. d. h. m. d. h. m. d. h. m.
Ene 7 6 41
Ene 15 3 12 Ene 23 6 56 Ene 30 2 19 Feb 5 19 50
Feb 13 22 53 Feb 21 20 44 Feb 28 12 40 Mar 7 11 44
Mar 15 17 3 Mar 23 7 1 Mar 29 22 27 Abr 6 5 39
Abr 14 8 31 Abr 21 14 22 Abr 28 8 21 May 6 0 17
May 13 21 7 May 20 19 45 May 27 19 9 Jun 4 18 15
Jun 12 7 16 Jun 19 0 31 Jun 26 7 32 Jul 4 10 37
Jul 11 15 43 Jul 18 6 12 Jul 25 21 38 Ago 3 1 0
Ago 9 23 9 Ago 16 14 15 Ago 24 13 6 Sep 1 13 23
Sep 8 6 31 Sep 15 1 52 Sep 23 5 18 Sep 30 23 54
Oct 7 14 45 Oct 14 17 29 Oct 22 21 38 Oct 30 8 47
Nov 6 0 53 Nov 13 12 40 Nov 21 13 29 Nov 28 16 37
Dic 5 13 37 Dic 13 10 0 Dic 21 4 14 Dic 28 0 20
d = Día - h = Hora - m = Minuto
FUENTE: La fuente de los datos astronómicos correspondiente a las fases lunares que se incluye en la Tabla, ha sido proporcionada por el Departamento de
Astronomía de la Universidad de Chile.
NOTA: "La hora de ocurrencia de las fases lunares NO requiere corrección por el cambio de huso horario, por cuanto en el período comprendido
entre las 24 horas del segundo sábado del mes de octubre y hasta las 24 horas del segundo sábado del mes de marzo siguiente, ya se ha sumado 1
hora a la indicada."

[Made with the assistance of Ing Agrónoma Carolina Morales]

Irrigation - Daily in the spring and summer. In winter and autumn, according to weather
- Hand-watering will take place as close to ground as possible, irrigating the
land, their poceta or cup or environment, without touching the stem, leaves,
flowers or fruit.

Aplication of Ash Homas

- As a fertilizer and protection, implementation of Ash Homa (Agnihotra or

tryambakam) every 7 days for all plants (2 g).
- To counter pockets of infestation, apply Agnihotra ash in the worst affected
- Seed and / or transplantation, before introducing the seeds or seedlings,
applying ash Tryambakam Homa.
- When applied Homas ash is always verbalizing Om Tryambakam Mantra.

Agnihotra Ash Solution

- To promote growth, bud, flowering, fruit set, etc., application of Agnihotra

solution every 4 days. It should be in effect clockwise.
- By observing insect attack (considered pests) and / or ifectaciones (fungi,
bacteria, etc.), application is by spray pump that is placed on the back. The
movement of the spray should be in an anti-clockwise. Spray 2 times a day.
- When applying Agnihotra solution is always verbalizing Om Tryambakam
Preparation: 100 g of ash for 20 liters of water. Allow to marinate for 3 nights
with a Yantra in the background and the geometric figure upward.

Tutores - Keep tutoring the tomatoes, raspberries and other climber plants.

Cleaning up

- Constant weeding of tall grass and competitive culture. Be careful not to

depopulate of plants, melgas or ridges, because they help maintain soil
moisture and conserve biodiversity. Be careful not to eradicate a valuable plant,
unique, temporary, sometimes confused with others.

Humus Every 20 days, to soil and plant nutrition should be mainstreamed Solid Worm

Eco Granja Homa de Olmué – ECHO - Av Eastman 2402 Par 11 Olmué Fono: 033 441356 -
ANNEX 10: Documents of the ECHO:

Participation in the ECHO: (in english)
Internship Program:
Ayurvedic Homa Farm:
Crops Community Project:
Our Activities:
The Fivefold Path
The Practice of the Agnihotra:
Hours of Surise / Sunset (Agnihotras):
Sanskrit Glossary:

Contact ECHO: Luis/9 250 2816

Web Site of ECHO:
Photos of ECHO:

Eco Granja Homa de Olmué - ECHO

Av Eastman 2402 - Paradero 11 - Olmué - Chile
Fono: 033 441356 - Email:

October, 2009

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