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Set No.

Code No:221101
II B.Tech., II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003
(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time:3 hours Max Marks:80
Answer any Five Questions
All questions carry equal marks.
1.a) State and prove Bayes theorem of probability.
b) In a single throw of two dice, what is the probability of obtaining a sum of at least 10?

2.a) A fair coin is tossed three times and the faces showing up are observed.(i)Write the
Sample description space (ii) If X is the number of heads in each of the outcomes of
this experiment, find the probability function. (iii) Sketch the CDF and pdf.
b) The continuous random variable X has a p.d.f. f(x)= x/2, 0≤x≤2.Two independent
determinations of X are made. What is the probability that both these determinations
will be greater than one. If three independent determinations are made What is the
probability that exactly two of these are larger than one?

3.a) If a Random variable X has variance of σx2 & if Y=ax+b where a & b are constants,
prove that σy2=a2 σx2.
b) If the joint probability density of X & Y is given by
fxy(x,y)=2/3(x+y), 0<x<1 & 1<y<2
=0, otherwise
find expected value of g(X,Y) = X/Y3

4. Find the Auto correlation function and power spectral density of the Random process .
x(t) = K Cos (ϖo t + θ) Where θ is a Random variable over the ensemble and is
uniformly distributed over the Range ( 0,2Π)

5. Find the input auto correlation function, output autocorrelation and o/p spectral
density of RC low pass filter, where the filter is subjected to a white noise of spectral
density N 0/2.

6.a) What is shot noise? How is it qualified?

b) How the spectral density of White noise is denoted.

7.a) Derive the mathematical description of noise figure.

b) An amplifier with ga = 40dB and BN = 20KHz is found to have Nao = 10°K T0 when
Ti = T0 . Find Te and noise figure.

8.a) A code is composed of dots and dashes. Assume that a dash is three times as long as
the dot and has one-third the probability of occurrence.
Find, (i) The information in a dot and that in a dash, and
(ii) The entropy in the dot – dash code.
b) Suppose 100 voltage levels are employed to transmit 100 equally likely messages.
Assume the system to be a Gaussian channel with λ = 3.5 and bandwidth B = 104 Hz.
Find S/N.
Set No.
Code No:221101

II B.Tech., II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003

(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time:3 hours Max Marks:80
Answer any Five Questions
All questions carry equal marks.
1.a) Define Probability mass function. List its properties
b) The probability density function of X is given by the following table:
X→ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
P (X) → K 3K 5K 7K 9K 11K 13K
Find (i) P (X<4) (ii) P (X≥5) (iii) P (3<X≤6)
What will be the minimum value of K so that P (X≤2)>0.3?

2.a) Derive an expression for, the error function of the standard normal Random variable
b) Lifetime of IC chips manufactured by a semiconductor manufacturer is approximately
normally distributed with mean = 5x 10 6 hours and standard deviation Of 5x 10 5
hours. A mainframe manufacturer requires that at least 95% of a batch should have a
lifetime greater than 4x10 6 hours. Will the deal be made?

3.a) A random variable X is uniformly distributed on the interval (-5, 15), another random
variable Y=exp(-x/5) is formed .Find E(Y) fy(y)
b) A Gaussian-distributed random variable X of zero mean and variance σ2 is
transformed by rectifier characterized by input –output relations.
Y = X, X ≥ 0
= 0, X< 0
Determine probability density function of Y

4.a) State and prove properties of power density spectrum.

b) Calculate the PSD of a stationary random process for which the Autocorrelation is
Rxx(τ) = σ 2 .e −α λ

5. The input voltage to an RLC series circuit is a stationary Random process X(t) with
E[x(t)]=2 and Rxx( τ ) = 4+ exp(-2 τ ). Let Y(t) be the voltage across capacitor. Find
E[Y(t)] and Gy(f).

6. Write short notes on :

(a) Flicker noise (b) Partition noise (c) Johnson’s noise.

7.a) Bring out the difference between narrowband and broadband noises.
b) Describe the quadrature representation of narrowband noise.

Code No:221101 -2- Set No:2

8.a) Consider an AWGN channel with S/N = 104. Find the maximum rate for reliable
information transmission when, B = 1 KHz, 10 KHz and 100 KHz.
b) The Binary Erasure Channel (BEC) has two source symbols 0 and 1, and three
destination symbols 0, 1 and E, where E denotes a detected but uncorrectable error.
The forward transition probabilities are,
P (0/0) = 1-α P (E/0) = α P (1/0) = 0
P (0/1) = 0 P (E/1) = α P (1/1) = 1-α
I (x, y) is maximum when source symbols are equiprobable. Find Cs (channel
capacity) in terms of α.

Set No.
Code No:221101

II B.Tech., II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003

(Bio-Medical Engineering)

Time:3 hours Max Marks:80

Answer any Five Questions
All questions carry equal marks.
1.a) Explain what do you mean by the term “Random variable”? Give the classification of
random variables and explain with examples.
b) If the probability density of a random variable is given by:
f(x) = x for 0<x<1
(2-x) for 1<x<2
Find the probabilities that a random variable having this probability density will take
on a value (i) between 0.2 and 0.8. (ii) between 0.6 and 1.2.

2.a) Derive an expression for the average value and variance associated with the Gaussian
probability density function
b) The average life of a certain type of electric bulb is 1200 hours. What percentage of
this type of bulbs is expected to fail in the first 800 hours of working? What
percentage is expected to fail between 800 and 1000 hours? Assume a normal
distribution with σ = 200 hours.

3.a) Prove that the Characteristic function of a Gaussian random variable having zero
mean value is given by exp(-σ2w2).
b) Let X be a uniformly distributed random variable in the interval (-π,π). This
undergoes the transformation Y= cos x, find fy (y) and E[Y].

4.a) Explain Ergodic random process.

b) State and prove properties of Auto correlation function.

5. White noise n(t) with PSD = is passed through a low pass RC network with a 3 db
frequency fc.
a) Find the auto correlation R(τ) of the o/p noise of the network.
R (τ )
b) Sketch ρ (t ) =
R (o )

6.a) Give reasons for the following:

i) In any communication system the first stage must have low noise operation.
ii) Describe how FET gives low noise performance compared to BJT.

7.a) Bring out the difference between narrowband and broadband noises.
b) Describe the quadrature representation of narrowband noise.

Code No:221101 -2- Set No:3

8.a) The voice frequency-modulating signal of a PCM system is quantized in 16 levels

with the following probabilities,
P1 = P2 = P3 = P4 = 0.1
P5 = P6 = P7 = P8 = 0.05
P9 = P10 = P11 = P12 = 0.075
P13 = P14 = P15 = P16 = 0.025
Find the information rate taking the band limiting frequency of the modulating signal
at 3 KHz.
b) For the communication system where channel characteristic is given below,
x 0 ¼ 0 y

½ Verify that I (x, y) = I (y, x).


0 1 2

Set No.
Code No:221101

II B.Tech., II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003

(Bio-Medical Engineering)

Time:3 hours Max Marks:80

Answer any Five Questions
All questions carry equal marks.

1.a) Define Probability density function and obtain the relationship between probability
and probability density.
b) Consider the probability density f (x)= a e -b|x| where x is a random variable
Whose allowable values range from x = - ∞ to ∞. Find (i) the CDF F (x)
(ii) the relationship between a and b. and (iii) the probability that the outtcome x
lies between 1 and 2.

2.a) Explain the Normal or Gaussian distribution

b) An analog signal received at the detector (measured in microvolts) may be modeled as
a Gaussian random variable N (200,256) at a fixed point in time. What is the
probability that the signal will exceed 240 µvs. what is the probability that the signal
is larger than 240 µV, given that it is larger than 210 µVs?

3.a) If X is a normal random variable denoted by N(5,2) & Y=2X+4, Prove that E(Y)=14
and σ2 (Y)=4.
b) Also find the probability density fun fY(y) of the above random variable Y.

4. A class of modulation signal is modulated by

Xc (t) = AX(t) Cos (ωc t + θ )
Where x(t) is the message signal and A Cos (ωc t + θ ) is the carrier. The message
Signal x(t) is modeled as a zero mean stationary random process with the
autocorrelation function Rxx(τ) and the PSD Gx (f). The carrier amplitude A and
frequency ωc are assumed to be constants and the initial carrier phase θ is assumed
to be a random variable uniformly distributed in the interval (-Π,Π). Further more x(t)
and θ are assumed to be independent.
a) Show that Xc (t) is stationary.
b) Find the PSD of Xc (t).

5. A random process x(t) is applied to a network with impulse response

h(t) = u(t)t exp(-bt)
where b>0 is a constant. The cross-correlation of x(t) with the o/p y(t) is known to
have the same form.
Rxx(τ) = u(τ)τ exp(-bτ)
a) Find the auto correlation of y(t)?
b) What is the average power in y(t)?

Code No:221101 -2- Set No:4

6. a) Explain the external noise sources of random noise.

b) Calculate the rms noise voltage generated in a bandwidth if 15 kHz by a resistor of 2k
Ω operating at 200c. Find the noise power over this bandwidth. Find the noise PSD.

7. Which of the following noise parameters is the true representation of noise in

electrical circuits?
i) Noise figure
ii ii) Noise temperature
iii iii) Noise bandwidth
Support your answer with the help of suitable examples.

8.a) A source is transmitting six messages with probabilities 0.3, 0.25, 0.15, 0.12, 0.10 and
0.08 respectively. Find the binary “HUFFMAN Source code for the above messages
and code efficiency.
b) Consider an AWGN Channel with 4 MHz bandwidth and noise PSD is η/2 = 10-12
/Hz. The signal power is required at the receiver is 0.1 mw. Find the capacity of the


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