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Martin Electrosurgery Units ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual


1 PRODUCT LIABILITY A D !ARRA TY"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#

1.1 General Information...............................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Warranty..................................................................................................................................................................3 1.3 Hotline......................................................................................................................................................................3


A D PAC%I &""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'

2.1 Users Inspection.....................................................................................................................................................4 2.2 Returning the Goods...............................................................................................................................................4


OTES"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' O( T)E ME M1 A D ME MB1"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""*

4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................................... 4.2 !echnical "ata.........................................................................................................................................................# 4.3 $roperties and Handling.........................................................................................................................................% 4.4 &echanical "esign...................................................................................................................................................' 4.( "escription of )ircuit...........................................................................................................................................11

+ DISASSEMBLI & A D REASSEMBLI & O( COMPO E TS""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1,

(.1 *u+assem+lies and &echanical $arts &, &1 and &, &-1..........................................................................1' (.2 .pening and )losing of the )ase.........................................................................................................................22 (.3 ,/change of *etpoint $otentiometer...................................................................................................................22 (.4 ,/change of *oc0ets and 1ssem+led $arts 23233%4 at the 5ront $art.............................................................2 (.( "isassem+ling and Reassem+ling of H5 Generator $)- 2(14.........................................................................2% (. ,/change of &ains )ord *oc0et 2214..................................................................................................................2' (.# "isassem+ling and Reassem+ling of *ound !ransducer *u+assem+ly 2364....................................................2'

Rev 1.1

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

*" SER-ICE ALI& ME TS A D C)EC%S"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#.

.1 )hec0s.....................................................................................................................................................................36 .2 1lignment of H5 Generator -oard.....................................................................................................................32 .3 &ains 7oltage *etting at the &ains Input )ircuit............................................................................................3( .4 *oft8are Updating.................................................................................................................................................3( .( *afety )hec0s to +e Repeated $eriodically........................................................................................................3#

/" (AULT DIA& OSIS""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'1 0" ALTERATIO S"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'#

%.1 $rocedure...............................................................................................................................................................43 %.2 Hard8are *tate......................................................................................................................................................43 %.3 *oft8are *tate........................................................................................................................................................44 %.4 )onfigurations &, &1.........................................................................................................................................4( %.( )onfigurations &, &-1......................................................................................................................................4

Rev 1.1

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

1 Pro1uct Lia2ility an1 !arranty

1"1 &eneral In3or4ation
We congratulate you on your decision to buy a MARTIN product. T is electrosurgical device carries t e !E "ar#$ % ic "eans t at it &ully co"plies %it pertinent re'uire"ents as set by t e E!(s Medical )evice )irective. T is product as been "anu&actured by* +ebrueder Martin +"b, - !o. .+ /ud%igstaler Stra0e 112 2 3ost&ac 45 )678951 Tuttlingen 2 +er"any Tele&on :5 7; 41< 75465 2 Tele= 742 4>4 ge"a d Tele&a= :5 7; 41< 75461>1 2 Telete= 7 ;4 1; 54

1"$ !arranty
T e period o& %arranty &or t is unit is 12 "ont s$ beginning on t e day o& delivery to t e end user. Wit in t is period o& %arranty %e %ill re"edy &ree o& cost 6eit er by our service representatives?aut ori@ed dealers or directly in t e &actory6 and de&ects t at ave been caused by a "anu&acturing de&ect or by use o& de&ective "aterials. I45ortant ote

Any repairs to be per&or"ed on t e unit "ay be carried out only by t e "anu&acturer(s o%n personnel or by a 'uali&ied person or &ir" t at as been e=pressly aut ori@ed by us to per&or" suc %or#. I& repair %or# as been carried out by an aut ori@ed person or co"pany$ t e service"an is re'uired to issue to t e user?o%ner a certi&icate detailing about t e nature and scope o& t e "aintenance or repair %or# done. Suc certi&icate "ust s o% t e date % en t e %or# as been carried out and "ust be signed$ giving &ull particulars as to t e person?co"pany per&or"ing t e %or#. I& repair %or# as been carried out by a party ot er t an t e "anu&acturer$ t e e'uip"ent or parts repaired "ust be labelled also %it t e repairer(s identi&ication "ar#.

1"# )otline
In case you need in&or"ation o& a tec nical nature$ please use t e &ollo%ing otline. Martin Me1i6in7Tec8ni9 )otline Tec8nical Service Tel" :. /' *1; /.*7#'# (a< :. /' *1; /.*71,. Aur tec nical service representatives are available Monday t roug Briday &ro" 8 a.". to 9 p.". In case you ave any 'uestions concerning "aintenance contracts or training courses$ please contact our Tec nical Service "anager :Tel. 5:C5;>< 7;41 7546112<.

Rev 1.1

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

$ Trans5ortation an1 Pac9ing

$"1 User=s Ins5ection
Da4age Cause1 in Transit T e unit as %ell as its accessories "ust be c ec#ed &or potential de&ects and transport da"age?loss i""ediately upon receipt o& t e goods. Scope o& delivery* MARTIN ME M1 or ME MB1$ detac able "ains cord and operating instructions.

Co45ensation Clai4s In case any da"age or loss occurred$ t e user?buyer is re'uired to i""ediately noti&y eit er t e seller or t e carrier to t is e&&ectD ot er%ise t e buyer s all ave no rig t to clai" co"pensation. In said event$ a certi&icate o& loss "ust be establis ed i""ediately and "ust be sub"itted eit er to a MARTIN representative or to MARTIN directly so t at t e co"pensation clai"s involved can be duly &iled %it t e insurer.

$"$ Returning t8e &oo1s

I& t e device delivered needs to be returned eit er to MARTIN or a MARTIN service representative :aut ori@ed dealer<$ al%ays use t e original s ipping carton i& possible. Moreover$ include acco"panying docu"ents containing t e &ollo%ing in&or"ation* buyer(s na"e and address type and serial nu"ber o& unit description o& de&ect:s<

# !arning an1 Sa3ety otes

T ere are parts inside t e unit % ic are in direct contact to t e po%er supply "ains. !ertain service operations at t e units ME M1 and ME MB1 re'uire t e unit to be operated %it opened case to per&or" "easure"ents as %ell as align"ents. T en t e co""on sa&ety rules are to be noted to avoid electric s oc#. T e part o& t e ,B generator 3!B % ic is in contact to "ains voltage is located at t e rear le&t side o& t e board and is separated &ro" t e residual circuits by a "ar#. T e insulation o& t e eatsin# at t e le&t side &ro" "ains voltage is not a sa&ety insulation as described in t e IE! 451 standardE T ere are capacitors in t e input circuit o& t e SM3S % ic #eep a voltage up to 25 Seconds a&ter disconnection &ro" "ains$ t e level o& % ic "ay cause electric s oc# on body contact. In t e secondary circuit and at t e ,B generator$ voltages are generated during operation %it )! level up to 119 Folts and pea# levels up to 855 Folts. Especially t e big eatsin# at t e rig t Rev 1.1 ;

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual side o& t e board "ay ave touc able ig levels versus electronic ground level % ic "ay cause electric s oc#.

Rev 1.1

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual It is t e nature o& an electrosurgery unit to generate ig voltages o& ig &re'uency &or dissection and coagulation o& corporal tissue. T oug body contact to suc voltages does not result in electric s oc#$ it "ay result in severe burns in a point even in case o& unipolar contact because o& ,B lea#age currents. )irect bipolar body contact o& t e ,B current "ay result in severe inGuries.

' Tec8nical Descri5tion o3 t8e ME M1 an1 ME MB1

'"1 &eneral
T e ,B electrosurgical units MARTIN ME M1 and ME MB1 are designed &or universal purpose in clinical use. T ey s o% properties as &ollo%s*

Ma=i"u" ;55 Watts o& ,B output po%er in t e cutting "ode$ "a=i"u" 295 Watts in t e

contact coagulation "ode and 125 Watts in t e spray coagulation "ode$ additional "a=i"u" 155 Watts in t e bipolar coagulation "ode %it t e ME MB1. coagulation %it t e ME MB1.

Separate settings o& ,B output po%er &or cutting and coagulation$ additional &or bipolar
Sel&6e=plaining design and easy andling. Microcontroller operated. Adaptive neutral electrode "onitoring$ alternatively use o& non6sectored as %ell as sectored neutral electrodes. Anly one &oots%itc &or "onopolar and bipolar operation %it t e ME MB1$ selectable at t e &ront panel. All6around closed case prevents t e ingress o& dust or li'uids. !an be &i=ed on a console %it "eans o& clic#6on bolts li#e t e ot er units o& t e ME series. Settable to t e global "ost co""on "ains voltages.

Rev 1.1

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

'"$ Tec8nical Data

Mains voltage* 3o%er consu"ption* Autput po%er* 1556127F ? 22562;5F 95645,@ settable %it bridging plugs inside t e unit appro=. 14FA in standby "ode appro=. 855FA at "a=i"u" output po%er !utting 1* !utting 2* !ontact coagulation* Spray coagulation* Bipolar coagulation :ME MB1 only< !rest &actors* !utting 1* !utting 2* !ontact coagulation* Spray coagulation* Bipolar coagulation* :ME MB1 only< "a=. ;55W at 155 A "s "a=. 155W at 155 A "s "a=. 295W at 255 A "s "a=. 125W at 155 A "s "a=. 155W at 155 A "s 1.4 %it ;55W at 155 A "s 1.> %it 155W at 155 A "s 1.; %it 295W at 255 A "s 9.4 %it 125W at 155 A "s 2.1 %it 155W at 155 A "s

Autput voltages*

!utting 1* !utting 2* !ontact coagulation* Spray coagulation* Bipolar coagulation* :ME MB1 only<

"a=. 2155Fpp open circuit "a=. 2955Fpp open circuit "a=. 1255Fpp open circuit "a=. 4555Fpp open circuit "a=. 455Fpp open circuit

3rotection class* )egree o& ingress prot.* Type o& circuit* Mode o& operation* )i"ensions* Weig t*

I I3 H1 !B de&ibrillation proo& Inter"itting operation INT 15s?15s ;59"" H 119"" H 185"" :B=,=)< 8.1 #g
con&or" %it >1 ? ;2 ? EE!

Rev 1.1

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

'"# Pro5erties an1 )an1ling

T e &ront panels o& t e ME M1 and ME MB1 are designed in a "anner t at #eeps visible t e relations ip to t e ot er MARTIN units %it t eir clearly and sel&6e=plaining arrange"ent. T e ME M1 as t%o "onopolar operation "odes$ t e ME MB1 a t ird bipolar "ode additionally. 3o%er setting is per&or"ed by "eans o& rotary #nobs$ % ere t e set po%er increases appro=i"ately linear %it t e angle o& turn. Eac operation "ode as its o%n po%er setting. T e selection o& a current "ode %it in one operation "ode is per&or"ed by lig ted #eys %it "utual release o& latc . Selection o& a current "ode is ac#no%ledged by lig ting o& t e operated #ey. T e ME M1 as t%o "onopolar cutting currents and t%o "onopolar coagulation currents$ additionally$ t e ME MB1 as one bipolar coagulation current. T e &irst "onopolar cutting current "ode IMonopolar !utting 1J is intended &or s"oot as least as possible esc ar &or"ing cutting and %ill be selected by t e &irst #ey. T e second current "ode KMonopolar !utting 2I &or esc ar &or"ing cutting %it si"ultaneous e"ostasis %ill be selected by t e second #ey. bot #eys are "ar#ed %it t e standard logos &or s"oot and esc ar &or"ing cutting. Bot cutting current "odes are suited &or all surgical procedures inclusive urology. K!ontact !oagulationI %ill be selected by operation o& t e le&t #ey in t e section o& t e operation "ode o& "onopolar coagulation. KSpray !oagulationI %ill be selected by operation o& t e rig t #ey %it t e standard logo &or t is #ind o& current. T e ,B output voltage in t is current "ode is e=ceptional ig % ic results in a coagulation "ore con&ined to t e tissue sur&ace and is "ar#edly di&&erent &ro" t e contact coagulation % ic acts rat er into t e dept . Spray coagulation can also be used in urologic procedures to stop bleedings %it t e resection loop o& t e resectoscope. Additionally$ t e ME MB1 as t e current "ode KBipolar !oagulationI. T is "ode %ill be activated by t e blue &oots%itc pedal &or coagulation. Bor t is purpose$ t e control pat o& t e &oots%itc at t e &ront panel "ust be set to bipolar operation "ode %it t e &oots%itc #ey in t e section o& bipolar operation "ode. I& t e &oots%itc s all activate "onopolar coagulation again$ t e &oots%itc #ey in t e "onopolar coagulation section as to be operated be&ore. Activation o& an operation "ode %ill be indicated by a lig t in t e section o& t e &ront panel corresponding to t is "ode and by an acoustic signal. T e loudness o& t is signal %ill increase a&ter 19 Seconds o& uninterrupted activation o& one current "ode. Because t e uninterrupted activation to"e o& a current is s orter in general$ t is s all give a %arning to t e user about a probably unintended activation by inadvertently stepping at t e &oots%itc or any &ault %it t e unit or its accessory. T e "onopolar soc#ets &or andpiece and neutral electrode connectors are recessed into t e sur&ace &or touc proo&.

Rev 1.1

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual T e units ME M1 and ME MB1 ave a "onitoring syste" &or t e neutral electrode % ic "onitors unsectioned neutral electrodes &or correct connection or cable &aults as %ell as t%o6sectored neutral electrodes additional &or correct application. Monitoring o& correct application %ill be per&or"ed adaptive$ i. e. t e unit "atc es auto"atically to individual peculiarities o& electrodes &ro" di&&erent "anu&acturers as %ell as t ose o& di&&erent patients. T e p eno"enon t at alar" %ill not disappear or disappear a&ter long ti"e in one case and does not reappear t oug t e electrode is peeled o&& o& t e s#in &or "ore t an t e al& area in anot er case does not occur. T e unit %ill recogni@e a single use electrode % ic is &olded %it t e sections to eac ot er or attac ed to a "etal sur&ace as &aulty :i"pedance alar"<. In case o& alar" o& not connected or insu&&icient applied neutral electrode t e red lig t above t e neutral electrode soc#et %ill blin#. An atte"pt o& activation o& a "onopolar operation "ode an inter"itting acoustic alar" signal %ill be audible. In case o& i"pedance alar"$ t e blin#ing &re'uency o& t e red lig t %ill be al&$ so t is #ind o& alar" can be distinguis ed &ro" t e ot er one % ic %ill be i"portant &or correct trouble s ooting. In t e alar" state$ t e activation o& "onopolar ,B activation is disabled$ o%ever$ bipolar activation is not a&&ected by t is. T e units ME M1 and ME MB1 ave a "onopolar active electrode andle soc#et to % ic optional a andle %it MARTIN coa= connector or %it a t ree6pin connector as is co""on in t e LS "ar#et "ay be plugged. Activation o& ,B current "ay be per&or"ed by t e andle or by &oot6 s%itc . T ere is a "utual latc ing o& activation signals in a "anner t at in case o& si"ultaneous operation o& bot &inger s%itc es or bot &oots%itc pedals or o& one &inger s%itc toget er %it one &oots%itc pedal none o& bot &unctions %ill be valid. Additional$ t e ME MB1 as a coa= soc#et &or connection o& a MARTIN cable &or instru"ents &or bipolar coagulation. T e "ains soc#et &or detac able "ains cord toget er %it t e "ains &uses is at t e rear o& t e unit. T e lig ted "ains s%itc is at t e &ront. Setting o& t e unit to t e "ains voltage is per&or"ed at t e "anu&acturer(s site$ t e setting is "ar#ed at t e rear side. A later c ange to an ot er voltage can be done by use o& anot er bridging plug inside t e unit and e=c ange o& t e "ains &uses. Additionally$ at t e rear side$ t ere are an e'uipotential connector and an outlet &or t e acoustic signal as %ell as an align"ent ori&ice &or t e basic loudness. T e case is "ade &ro" s eet steel and as no venting slots. It is located on &our stands. Bor &i=ing t e unit at a console$ t ere are receptacles in t e botto" % ic enable t e clic#6on at ballpin bolts.

'"' Mec8anical Design +uideline &or t e design o& t e units ME M1 and ME MB1 ave been an al"ost si"ple and clearly visible asse"bly to "a#e service as easy as possible. T e botto" part o& t e case serves as a rac# % ic pic#s up t e ,B generator 3!B$ t e "ains inlet$ t e e'uipotential connector t e sound transducer and t e &ront part %it andling ele"ents and soc#ets. Rev 1.1 >

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual T e &ront part is placed in guiding grooves belo% and &i=ed in its position %it t%o t readed bolts at t e upper side. At t is &ront part$ t e connection soc#ets are &i=ed %it scre%s eit er direct or %it "eans o& &langes$ t e &ront 3!B is &i=ed scre%less by snap6in bet%een elastic snap &i=tures. At t e &ront side$ t e top o& t e case is &i=ed in a groove in t e &ront part$ at t e rear side it is &i=ed by &our scre%s at its ri". T e unit consists o& t e &ollo%ing co"ponents in % ic it can be dis"antled easily %it out e=pense &or service or de"onstration purposes* !ase botto" %it t readed bolts &or 3!B "ount$ stands and type label !ase top Mains soc#et %it "ains &uses E'uipotential connector Sound transducer and loudness control subasse"bly !able set &or protective eart and e'uipotential conductors !onnection cable &or &ront 3!B ,B generator 3!B &ront part$ consisting o& subasse"blies as &ollo%s* 3lastic "ould %it receptacles and t%o6parted &ront layout Bront 3!B %it #eys and la"ps T%o or t ree setpoint potentio"eters %it rotary #nobs Mains s%itc %it connection cable

Neutral electrode soc#et %it insulation cup Monopolar co"bi6soc#et Boots%itc soc#et %it &lange Bipolar soc#et %it spacer and &lange :ME MB1 only<

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

'"+ Descri5tion o3 Circuit

T e basic operation and t e %iring o& t e ME M1 and ME MB1 is visible &ro" t e bloc# diagra" and t e %iring diagra" at t e &ollo%ing pages. T e units contain t%o 3!Bs. At t e &ront 3!B$ t ere are t e #eys &or selection o& an operation "ode and t e indication la"ps. T e "ain 3!B incorporates t e po%er supplies$ t e ,B generator$ control and t e patient circuits %it t eir inter&ace circuits. Po>er Su55ly

:not connected<


Circuit connecte1 to 4ains :live 5art;

Inter4e1iate circuit :Secon1ary si1e o3 5o>er su55ly;

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual T e po%er supply consists o& an au=iliary supply and t e "ain supply &or ,B generator operation. T e au=iliary supply voltage is generated by a "ains trans&or"er % ic is placed at t e "ain 3!B %it consecuting SM3S &or 19 Folts. Bro" t is 19 Folts supply$ a 9F voltage controller is &ed % ic serves as supply &or t e "icrocontroller and its perip erals. T e "ains trans&or"er is protected by an integrated t er"os%itc and additionally by a &use B1 :119"A "ediu" blo%< at t e pri"ary side and by a &use B2 :1.4A "ediu" blo%<. An c ange to anot er "ains voltage by e=c ange o& t e plug H4$ t e pri"ary o& t is trans&or"er %ill also be c anged. T e variable po%er supply voltage &ro" 5F up to 119F to &eed t e ,B generator %ill be generated by a pri"ary6side s%itc "ode po%er supply unit %it al& bridge topology. T e output po%er o& t e ,B generator %ill be controlled by t e level o& t is )! voltage. T e pri"ary side protection o& t is SM3S is per&or"ed outside t e "ain board %it t%o slo% blo% &uses in t e "ains cord soc#et % ic &or" t e protective &uses o& t e unit. T e value o& t ese &uses is ;A &or t e "ains voltage range 225F 6 2;5F and 8A &or t e range 155F 6 127F. At t e rear side o& t e unit is a "ar# % ic indicates t e value o& t e applied &use and to % ic "ains voltage t e unit is set. T e c ange to anot er value o& "ains voltage %ill be per&or"ed by e=c ange o& t e plug H4. !arning@ I3 t8e unit >ill 2e connecte1 to $#.- i3 it is set to 1..- 7 1$/-A t8is 4ay cause 1a4age to t8e SMPS@ !ontrol o& t e SM3S is per&or"ed by a SM3S controller at t e secondary side % ic drives t e transistors at t e pri"ary via pulse trans&or"ers. T e operation &re'uency is about 155#,@. T e po%er supply circuit contains a current li"iter circuit % ic prevents da"age caused by a s orted circuit in a &ault condition. 3lease note t at a part o& t e po%er board is connected to "ains voltage directly. T is area is placed at t e rear"ost le&t side o& t e board and is separated by a "ar# in t e print. )esign precautions provide t at body contact to live parts is i"peded$ but generally it is possible. A&ter s%itc 6o&& o& "ains voltage$ t e capacitors at t e recti&ier lose t eir electric c arge rat er slo%ly$ so t ey #eep a@ardous voltage a&ter separation &ro" "ains &or a longer period o& ti"e. )( &enerator T e ,B generator is a s%itc "ode a"pli&ier % ic operates at &i=ed &re'uencies. It consists o& a po%er stage % ic %ill be driven by a pulse pattern generator. )epending on t e selected current "ode$ t is pulse pattern generator generates t e di&&erent signals &or t is current "ode. Bet%een t e po%er stage and t e output trans&or"er$ t ere is a "atc ing circuit$ t e branc es o& % ic %ill be selected by relays corresponding to t e selected current "ode. Wit t e ME MB1$ t e output signal o& t e po%er stage %ill be s%itc ed to a separate bipolar output trans&or"er on activation o& t e current "ode Jbipolar coagulationJ.

Rev 1.1


Rev 1.1
19F 9F T; Au=. po%er supply
T7 T9


Mains po%er input Bi5olar 5atient circuit :ME MB1 only; 19F6155F )! C125 T8 C126 T10 C121 C122 X13



SM3S pri"ary side


SM3S secondary side

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual


Mains connecte1 circuit :live 5art;

2F 6 12F )!




2F 6 12F )!

Averdose &ault "onitor

/ea#age current li"iter

Setpoint generator Relay driver K1 /1 K4 K3 K2 T1 Active electrode ,andpiece control secondary side L1A L1B ,andpiece control pri"ary side X10



Bipolar Matc circuit


C42 Neutral electrode "onitor 3ulse pattern generator T3



Neutral electrode Mono5olar 5atient circuit ,B 3o%er stage X12

Microcontroller X8


Sound generator

Bloc# diagra"



Bront 3!B

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

E'uipotential connector Mains cord soc#et Sound transducer unit %it loudness presetting

!ase %all
155F6127F H1 H9












!LT !AA+

H12 NE


H11 AE2 H15 AE1





BI6 !AA+


H2 !LT H1 !AA+ H; BI6!AA+

blac# % ite?blac# % ite?bro%n bro%n

Bipolar connector :ME MB1 only<


Mains s%itc Neutral ele#trode soc#et !utting

A#tive ele#trode soc#et Boots%itc soc#et

1 to 1* !utting ..... to 1* !oagulation

Bront 3!B !oagulation Bipolar !oagulation :ME MB1 only<

Wiring diagra"

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual Set5oint &enerator an1 Over1ose (ault Monitor T e re'uired ,B output po%er %ill be set by rotary potentio"eters. !orresponding to t e selected operation and current "ode$ t e signal o& one o& t ese potentio"eters %ill be selected$ "atc ed to t e current "ode and &ed to t e SM3S as its setpoint value. T is analogous signal pat control appens in t e setpoint generator. To prevent t at a &ault in t e setpoint generator %ill result in an overrated output po%er$ all setpoint values in t e units ME M1 and ME MB1 %ill be generated t%ice. W ile one o& bot values is &ed to t e SM3S as its setpoint value$ t e ot er value is &ed to a "onitoring circuit % ic co"pares it to t e output value o& t e SM3S. I& t is circuit recogni@es t at bot values di&&er too "uc $ t en it interrupts t e energy &lo% pat by cutting o&& t e au=iliary energy % ic is used to drive t e relays in t e output circuit o& t e ,B po%er stage % ic results in an interruption o& t e lin# bet%een po%er stage and ,B output trans&or"ers. )an15iece control circuit Activation o& ,B po%er "ay be per&or"ed optionally and in t e sa"e "anner by &oots%itc or by an electrode andle %it &inger s%itc es. Activation o& ,B po%er by "eans o& &inger s%itc es at t e electrode andle is enabled by an inter&ace circuit % ic trans&ers t e control signals by "eans o& special optocouplers over t e re'uired insulation barrier according to t e IE! 451 standard. Bor t e trans&er o& t%o signals over a t%in %ire line$ an encoding o& current direction is per&or"ed in t e andle % ic as to be decoded in t e inter&ace circuit by t%o signal pat s %it counter%ise current direction per"ittivity. To #eep co"patibility to t e t ree6pin connectors as #no%n &ro" t e LS "ar#et$ t e encoding &or t is connectors as to be per&or"ed subse'uent in t e unit. T e po%er supply o& t is circuit is per&or"ed by a s"all converter$ t e output voltage o& % ic %ill be trans&erred over t e insulation barrier by "eans o& a trans&or"er.

eutral Electro1e Monitoring T e units ME M1 and ME MB1 are able to "onitor a neutral electrode &or correct connection. Bor t is purpose$ t e neutral electrode %ill be connected to t e unit %it a cord %it t%o %ires to % ic t e current returning to t e unit %ill be divided. T ese t%o %ires "ay be lin#ed eit er toget er to a single6plated electrode or to bot o& t e sections o& a split6plated neutral electrode. Monitoring o& t e neutral electrode is per&or"ed by "onitoring t e i"pedance bet%een bot o& t ese %ires. Wit single6plated electrodes$ a "onitoring o& connection o& t e electrode and o& non6interruption o& t e cord is possible$ %it spliced electrodes an additionally "onitoring o& correct application at t e patient % ic is part o& t e "onitoring circuit in t is case is possible. T e units need not to be set to t e electrode type being used.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual Controller T e ME M1 as a ,B generator &or "onopolar operation "ode % ic is controlled central by a "icrocontroller syste". Wit t e ME MB1$ t e generator "ay be s%itc ed to bipolar operation "ode. T e controller per&or"s t e &unctions as &ollo%s* Sel& test o& t e progra" "e"ory and t e perip erals Input o& &ront #ey operation 3er"anent "e"ory o& &ront #ey settings Manage"ent o& &inger and &oots%itc signals !o6ordination o& control signals Activation o& ,B generator !ontrol o& pulse pattern generation Selection o& operation "ode o& ,B generator Activation o& t e relays &or current "ode selection !ontrol o& indication la"ps &or activation and NE alar" Adaptive neutral electrode "onitoring Activation o& acoustic alar" signal Besides t e "icrocontroller$ t e activation o& ,B current as to be per"itted by a parallel installed circuit % ic is independent &ro" t e "icrocontroller syste".

Sa3ety (unctions Because a ,B electrosurgery unit i"poses input o& energy to a patient treated %it it$ t ere is generally a a@ard &or t e patient$ i& t is input o& energy occurs %it out control. So t ere is a re'uire"ent &or "ini"i@ing t is a@ard to an acceptable lo% level by "eans o& appropriate design precautions as &ar as t is is "anageable &ro" t e unitNs side.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual Bro" t e unitNs side$ t e &ault conditions as &ollo%s s all be recocni@ed and "anaged* Lnintended activation o& ,B po%er output Autput po%er at a ig er dose t an set %it t e ME M1 and ME MB1$ t ere are a nu"ber o& design precautions "ade to "eet bot o& t is aspects. An unintended activation "ay occur in t ree %ays*

Lnintended operation o& a &inger or &oots%itc $ t is also "eans JGa""ingJ a&ter intended
operation as a conse'uence o& a &ault o& an activation ele"ent. Lnintended activation as a conse'uence o& a &ault in t e control signal pat o& t e e=ternal accessory. Lnintended activation as a conse'uence o& a &ault in t e inner signal pat o& t e unit. T e &irst ite" cannot be recogni@ed reliably by devices incorporated into t e unit. A tec nical unit is not able to "a#e a decision % et er an operation o& a s%itc by an e=ternal &orce %as intended by t e user or not. Also$ a tec nical unit does not di&&er bet%een an intended operation o& a s%itc and a s ort o& t e cable or a rupture o& a reset spring in t e s%itc . So$ %it t is sa&ety aspect t e user as to be involved in t e decision % et er t is is a case o& &ault or not. !o""only ,B electrosurgery units ave an acoustic activation indicator % ic enables t e user to recogni@e also an unintended activation o& po%er. So t e sa&ety proble" is &ocused to t e reliability o& t is acoustic indicator. At t e ME M1 and ME MB1$ t e acoustic signal is generated by a progra""able sound generator. Activation o& t is sound generator can be per&or"ed eit er by t e control or by a direct signal o& t e ,B po%er stage. In case o& unusual long activation ti"e :"ore t an 19 Seconds< t e loudness o& t e activation signal rises because t is "ay be a &ault condition. A c ec# o& t e &unction o& t e activation signal is to be per&or"ed by t e user be&ore eac use o& t e unit. In case t at an activation #ey is operated be&ore t e unit is s%itc ed on$ ,& output po%er is disabled because t is condition "ay occur i& &aulty accessory is connected to t e unit.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual T e occurrence o& overrated output po%er "ay be caused by &aults as &ollo%s* Bault at one o& t e setpoint potentio"eters or its connection cables Bault in t e analogous signal pat &or SM3S output control Bault in t e regulator circuit o& t e SM3S

T e occurrence o& one o& t is t ree &aults %ould result in an output po%er % ic is not in accordance %it t e setting o& t e rotary #nob. T ere is an overdose protection circuit incorporated into t e ME M1 and ME MB1 to prevent t is. By use o& double potentio"eters$ t e setpoint value o& eac operation "ode is present t%ice. T e signal pat s o& bot setpoint values are separated &ro" eac ot er. Ane out o& bot :identical< setpoint values %ill be &ed to t e SM3S as control voltage. T e output voltage o& t e SM3S %ill be co"pared %it t e second setpoint value. Beyond a certain di&&erence$ t e output po%er %ill be disabled. T e co"pare circuit is designed in a "anner t at its &ailure %ill result in a disabling o& output po%er. T is protection circuit acts bot at t e controller syste" and directly at t e current "ode relays .1 to .;. T e controller syste" per&or"s a sel& c ec# on po%er6on o& t e unit. A &ault in t e ,B po%er stage and its ,B output circuit cannot result in an increased po%er output because t ere is no additional &eed o& energy to t is parts o& t e circuitry.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

+ Disasse42ling an1 Reasse42ling o3 Co45onents

+"1 Su2asse42lies an1 Mec8anical Parts ME M1 an1 ME MB1
3os. 1 2 1 ; 9 25 21 22 21 15 11 12 11 1; 19 14 17 18 ;5 ;1 ;2 ;1 ;; 95 91 )esignation !ase Top !ase Botto" Bront 3art .eypad Me"brane ME M1 .eypad "e"brane ME MB1 Rotary .nob 15"" )ia. E'uipotential !onnector Mains !ord Soc#et )ra%er &or Mains Buses Mains S%itc Sound Transducer Subasse"bly Setpoint 3otentio"eter Neutral Electrode Soc#et %it Isolation !up Monopolar Electrode Soc#et Boots%itc Soc#et Blange &or Boots%itc Soc#et Bipolar Electrode Soc#et Blange &or Bipolar Electrode Soc#et 3lastic Spacer &or Bipolar Electrode Soc#et !able Tree &or Mains S%itc Set o& !able &or 3E and E'uipotential !onnection Blat !able !onnector 14 /ines Bridging 3lug &or Mains Foltage Setting 225F to 2;5F Bridging 3lug &or Mains Foltage Setting 155F to 127F Bront 3!B ME M1 Bront 3!B ME MB1 ,B +enerator 3!B ME M1 ,B +enerator 3!B ME MB1 Ardering !ode 586512655629 586512655612 586515655629 586515655618 586515655617 586554655651 586527655611 58652;655657 58651;655651 5865;2655652 586525655619 58651;655652 58652;655612 586551655617 586515655627 586551655614 586551655651 586551655618 58655165561> 586518655611 586;8;65565; 586551655612 586559655651 586559655652 5865156556;5 58651565561> 58651;655624 58651;655629

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

Set o& Asse"bling 3arts ME M1$ ME MB1$ !onsisting o&* 586518655615 45 41 42 41 4; 49 44 47 48 4> !ase Stand Spacer 4?1.9 H 15 T readed Bolt inside?outside M; H 19 ,e= Nut M1 )IN >1; ,e= Nut M; )IN >1; /oc# Was er S1 /oc# Was er S; Sel&6Tapping Scre% 2.> H 11 Sel&6Tapping Scre% 2.> H >.9 Spacer 8?;.9 H 25 Set o& Sel& Ad esive Sy"bols &or ME Lnits Incandescent Bulb &or Bront 3!B Buse Buse Buse Buse ;A Slo% Blo% :Mains Buse 225F62;5F< 8A Slo% Blo%:Mains Buse 155F6127F< 5.119A Mediu" Blo% :Buse B1< 1.4A Mediu" Blo% :Buse B2< 586518655652 586512655651 58651;655619 58651;65561; 58651;655619 58651;655 28 586558655621 586558655622

E3RAM :Microcontroller< )15 MB1 E3RAM :Microcontroller< )1> MB1

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

$. '1 ** *' '1 ** *'

$1 $$


*' ** *,




H1 H9


($ (1

*+ *#








BI6 !AA+


H12 NE

H11 AE2 H15 AE1

H11 BI3


H2 !LT H1 !AA+ H; BI6!AA+

*$ *. $

*$ *. '$


M A NA 3 A / AR

B I3A /A R

# '






#1 :ME MB1 only<

Mec anical design

Rev 1.1 21

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

+"$ O5ening an1 Closing o3 t8e Case

1. )isconnect "ains cord 2. Re"ove t e &our scre%s :48< at t e ri" o& t e case top :1< at t e rearside o& t e unit. 1. 3ull case top :1< o&& o& t e groove in t e &ront part :1< and re"ove it to%ards t e rear side. ;. Bor reasse"bling$ pus case top :1< &ro" t e rearside at t e case botto" :2< . Note t at t e case top %ill &it correct into t e groove at t e &ront part :1< at all sides.

5. 3us case top co"pletely at t e rear %all o& t e case botto" :2< and &i= it %it scre%s :48<.
)onNt pull t e case top %it t e scre%s to%ards t e &ront else t e ri" "ay be de&or"ed. 3ut unit at an even underground and c ec# &or correct ground contact o& all o& t e &our stands else release "ec anical tension by loosening and retig tening o& t e scre%s.

+"# E<c8ange o3 Set5oint Potentio4eter

1. Apen unit according to ite" 9.2. 2. 3ull o&& rotary #nob :9< in direction o& rotary a=is :use pliers %it clot <. 1. )isconnect cable connector &ro" ,B generator 3!B :91<. ;. /oose nut %it soc#et %renc or grip and re"ove potentio"eter &ro" t e inside.

5. 3ace spare part &ro" t e inside %it t e cable tree directed to t e rig t. An tig tening t e nut$
#eep potentio"eter eld counter%ise by and else t e setting "ay get an o&&set in cloc#%ise direction. 4. Rearrange rotary #nob. I& t e #nob cannot be turned &reely$ t e potentio"eter is not centered correctly. !orrect centering by loosening and retig tening o& t e nut. 7. Reconnect cable connector to t e ,B generator 3!B :91< to t e corresponding connection H2$ H1 or :%it ME MB1 only< H;. 8. 3er&or" sa&ety c ec#s according to ite" 4.9. >. !lose case according to ite" 9.2.

Rev 1.1


Rev 1.1
9 ; 7 8 > 1 15 1 15 2 > 1 8 7 1 2 4 9 ;

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual











Bront section ME M1


Rev 1.1
+ + + MANA3A/AR
9 ; 7 8 > 1 15 1 15 2 > 1 8 7 1 2 4 9 ;

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

!LT !AA+.

1 2 1 15 9 ; 4 7 8 >











Bront section ME MB1


Rev 1.1
#1 #1

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

:ME MB1 only< #1


#/ #0 */ #* :ME MB1 only<



#+ #'


*/ #$



Bront section$ rear vie%


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

+"' E<c8ange o3 Soc9ets an1 Asse42le1 Parts :#$7#0; at t8e (ront Part
1. Apen unit according to ite" 9.2. 2. )isconnect connections H2 and H1$ at t e ME MB1 also H; o& setpoint potentio"eters :11< &ro" t e ,B generator 3!B :91<. 1. )isconnect t e &lat cable :;2< to t e &ront 3!B &ro" t e connector H8 at t e ,B generator 3!B :91<.

4. )isconnect connectors H12 o& t e neutral electrode soc#et :12< and H15 o& t e active
electrode soc#et :11<$ at t e ME MB1 also H11 o& t e bipolar soc#et :14< at t e &ront side o& t e ,B generator 3!B :91<. 9. )isconnect t e plugs o& t e "ains s%itc cable tree :;5< &ro" t e connection H1 at t e rear o& t e ,B generator 3!B :91< and &ro" t e "ains cord soc#et :21<. 4. Lnscre% t readed bolts :42< &ro" t e upper le&t and rig t &ront inside o& t e &ront part :1<. Ta#e a%ay &ront part &ro" t e &ront o& t e case botto". 7. Lnscre% and replace &aulty soc#et. Note &or correct "ounting position. An e=c ange o& bipolar soc#et :14< o& t e ME MB1$ re"ove cla"p ring &ro" t e old soc#et$ ta#e old soc#et out o& t e &lange :17< and replace by spare part. Note spacer :18< % en reasse"bling to t e &ront part.

8. Bor e=c ange o& t e "ains s%itc :21<$ disconnect t e plugs o& t e cable tree :;5<. 3ress do%n
plastic springs at t e upper and lo%er side o& t e body o& t e s%itc and press s%itc out%ards. 3ress in spare part &ro" t e &ront side$ note t at t e J5J at t e roc#er as to be upside. Reconnect cable tree as s o%n in t e %iring diagra". Ta#e care o& correct connection. Baulty connection o& t e %ires "ay result in da"age o& t e s%itc .

9. Bor re"oving t e &ront 3!B :95< &ro" t e &ront part :1<$ t e plastic spring olders at t e upper
edge o& t e board ave to be bent a%ay. T en tilt board a%ay &ro" t e &ront part until it can be ta#en out o& t e receptacles at t e lo%er edge o& t e board. T e spring olders are only to be bent bac#%ards % en t e &ront part is disasse"bled. I& t e &ront part is asse"bled to t e case botto"$ t e transversal bar at t e &ront o& t e case botto" in ibits t at. Bor reasse"bling$ place board into t e receptacles belo% t e #ey ori&ices in t e &ront part. Ta#e care o& rig t positioning o& t e #eys in t eir ori&ices. T en latc t e upper edge be ind t e spring olders % ile t e olders are to be bent slig tly a%ay by and.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual 15. Bor reasse"bling$ place &ront part :1< at t e &ront edge o& t e case botto" :2<. Rearrange t readed bolts :42< at t e le&t and rig t upper inside o& t e &ront and tig ten.


3lace cable tree :;5< o& t e "ains s%itc into t e space beneat t e le&t side o& t e ,B generator 3!B :91<$ rearrange connection H1 at t e ,B generator 3!B and rearrange connection o& t e bro%n and t e bro%n and % ite cable to t e "ains cord soc#et :21<.

12. Rearrange connection o& t e neutral electrode soc#et :12< to t e connector H12 at t e le&t side o& t e &ront o& t e ,B generator 3!B. 11. Rearrange connection o& t e active electrode soc#et :11< to t e connector H15 at t e le&t side o& t e &ront o& t e ,B generator 3!B. 1;. Rearrange connection o& t e &oots%itc soc#et :1;< to t e connector H7 at t e &ront o& t e ,B generator 3!B. 19. Wit t e ME MB1$ rearrange connection o& t e bipolar electrode soc#et :14< to t e connector H11 at t e &ront o& t e ,B generator 3!B. 14. Rearrange connection o& &lat cable :;2< &ro" t e &ront 3!B to connector H8 at t e rig t side o& t e ,B generator 3!B.


Rearrange connections o& t e setpoint potentio"eters :11< to t e connectors at t e &ront o& t e ,B generator 3!B$ t e le&t potentio"eter &or cutting to H2$ t e potentio"eter &or "onopolar coagulation to H1. Wit t e ME MB1$ additionally reconnect t e potentio"eter &or "onopolar coagulation to H;. 3er&or" sa&ety c ec#s according to ite" 4.9. !lose unit according to ite" 9.2.

18. 1>.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

+"+ Disasse42ling an1 Reasse42ling o3 )( &enerator PCB :+1; 1. Apen unit according to ite" 9.2. An disasse"bling o& t e ,B generator board$ please #eep in
"ind t at t e capacitors in t e SM3S section #eep voltage &or about 25 Seconds a&ter s%itc ing o&& and disconnection &ro" "ains until t ey are disc arged. 2. )isconnect all connectors &ro" t e board. 1. /oosen t e seven e= nuts :4;< &ro" t e &i=ation bolts %it a 7"" soc#et %renc . Re"ove nuts and loc# %as ers :44<. ;. Re"ove board to t e upside. 9. An "ounting o& a ne% board$ c ange t e plug :;1< or :;;< respectively &ro" t e connector H4 o& t e old board to t e ne% board. Bot o& t e "icrocontrollers I! )15 and I! )1> ave also to be trans&erred to t e ne% ,B generator board :re&er to ite"s 4.1 and 4.;<.

6. An reasse"bling$ please note t at all o& t e seven plastic spacers :4>< are present at t e
&i=ation bolts. 3lace board &ro" t e upside at t e &i=ation bolts. 7. 3ut on loc# %as ers :44< and e= nuts :4;< and retig ten.

8. Reconnect all cable connections* connect cable :;5< &ro" t e "ains s%itc to H1 at t e le&t
rear edge$ cable &ro" NE soc#et :12< to H12 at t e le&t &ront edge$ t e connector o& t e active electrode soc#et :11< to H15 at t e le&t &ront edge$ t e connector o& t e &oots%itc soc#et :1;< to H7 in t e "iddle o& t e &ront edge$ %it t e ME MB1 t e connector o& t e bipolar soc#et :14< to H11 in t e "iddle o& t e &ront edge. Reconnect t e connectors o& t e setpoint potentio"eters to H2 and H1$ %it t e ME MB1 also to H; at t e &ront edge$ t e connector o& t e &lat cable :;2< to t e &ront board to H8 at t e rig t side and t e connector o& t e sound transducer asse"bly :15< to H1; at t e rig t rear edge according to t e %iring diagra". >. 3er&or" align"ents according to ite" 8.2. 15. 11. 3er&or" sa&ety c ec#s according to ite" 4.9. !lose case according to ite" 9.2.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

+"* E<c8ange o3 Mains Cor1 Soc9et :$1;

1. Apen case according to ite" 9.2. 2. )isconnect connectors o& "ains s%itc cable tree :;5< and 3E line :;1<. 1. /oosen scre%s :41< %it soc#et %renc 9.9"" &ro" t e inside$ re"ove loc# %as ers :49< and ta#e a%ay t e soc#et &ro" t e inner side. ;. An asse"bling o& a spare part$ re"ove &use older :22< %it &uses &ro" t e old part and place it into t e ne% part. 9. An reasse"bling$ place "ains cord soc#et &ro" t e inner side at t e t readed bolts at t e rear case %all$ put on loc# %as ers :49< %it nuts :41< and tig ten. 4. 3er&or" sa&ety c ec#s according to ite" 4.9. 7. !lose case according to ite" 9.2.

+"/ Disasse42ling an1 Reasse42ling o3 Soun1 Trans1ucer Su2asse42ly :#.;

1. Apen case according to ite" 9.2. 2. )isconnect connection H1; &ro" t e ,B generator board :91<. 1. /oosen t e t ree e= nuts :41<$re"ove loc# %as ers and re"ove subasse"bly. ;. Bor reasse"bling$ place transducer subasse"bly :15< at t e t readed bolts at t e rear case %all. 3lease note t at t e plastic spacers :41< are present. Retig ten %it loc# %as ers :49< and nuts :41<. 9. Rearrange cable connection H1; at t e rig t rear edge o& t e ,B generator board. 4. 3er&or" sa&ety c ec#s according to ite" 4.9. 7. !lose case according to ite" 9.2.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

*" Service Align4ents an1 C8ec9s

*"1 C8ec9s
*"1"1 Test 4eans use1 Sa&ety test* Bunctional c ec#s$ align"ent and "easure"ent* Bender sa&ety tester O3451 or co"parable unit

,B po%er and current "eter type MARTIN E3M 2 or BM 25>7 or co"parable unit Folt"eter

Au=. test "eans*

1?;NN coa= plug %it resistor 275 A "s 1?;NN coa= plug s orted Monopolar MARTIN andpiece or Monopolar andpiece %it LS t ree pin connector Set o& "onopolar "easure cords Sy""etrical bipolar "easure cord Scre% driver &or align"ent

*"1"$ La2ellingC /abel JE'uipotentialJ under t e e'uipotential ter"inal at t e outside o& t e rear case %all. /abel J3rotection Eart J beneat t e 3E ter"inal at t e inner side o& t e rear case %all. Serial nu"ber at t e type label and at t e inner side o& t e rear case %all. !E label at t e rear case %all.

Ty5e la2elC
&e2r" Martin Lu1>igstaler StraDe 1#$ D /0+#$ Tuttlingen

Medi@in6Tec ni#





100-127/230-240V 50/60 Hz 800VA Type CF Class I -------------------------------------Monop : 400W/300 !" 450 #Hz $n% 10s/30s -------------------------------------&e'$al (o): M*M1 0000+8,,,,

Ma1e in &er4any

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

Medi@in6Tec ni#


&e2r" Martin Lu1>igstaler StraDe 1#$ D /0+#$ Tuttlingen




100-127/230-240V 50/60 Hz 800VA Type CF Class I -------------------------------------Monop : 400W/300 !" 450 #Hz -$p : 100W/100 !" $n% 10s/30s -------------------------------------&e'$al (o): M*M-1 0000+8,,,,

Ma1e in &er4any

Designation o3 3usesC

100-127V T8A 220-240V T4A

*"1"# (unctional c8ec9s

1. !onnect &oots%itc to unit. !onnect active electrode soc#et and neutral electrode soc#et o& t e
unit %it "onopolar "easure cords to t e po%er "eter. Set po%er "eter to 155 A "s and operate "ains s%itc o& t e unit. ! ec# "ains s%itc &or proper operation.

2. W en t e po%er6on sel&test is over$ c ec# all #eys &or proper operation. Aperate % ic belong
to t e sa"e &unctional bloc# alternating. I& t e #eys operate properly$ s%itc over occurs on "oderate operating &orce % ic %ill be ac#no%ledged by lig ting o& t e operated #ey and si"ultaneous beco"ing dar# o& t e neig bour #ey.

3. Aperating o& setpoint potentio"eters$ c ec# &or Ga" o& "ove"ent or ot er "ec anical &aults.
;. )isconnect "easure cord &ro" neutral electrode soc#et. T e red alar" la"p over t e soc#et as to start blin#ing. Aperate one o& t e &inger s%itc es at t e electrode andle. An inter"itting acoustic %arning signal "ust be audible. Reconnect "easure cord. T e alar" la"p "ust stop blin#ing.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

5. Aperation o& JcuttingJ &unction %it t e yello% &oots%itc pedal and t e yello% #ey at t e
electrode andle successively. T en an acoustic activation signal "ust be audible and t e yello% indication la"p J!LTJ as to lig t. ! ec# &or continuous alteration o& output po%er by turning t e rotary #nob &or cutting po%er setting and observing t e display o& t e po%er "eter. 4. Aperation o& JcoagulationJ &unction %it t e blue &oots%itc pedal blue #ey at t e electrode andle successively. Wit t e ME MB1$ t e signal pat o& t e &oots%itc signal "ust be set to t e "onopolar coagulation c annel by operation o& t e corresponding selection #ey. T e acoustic activation signal "ust be audible and t e blue indication la"p J!AA+J as to lig t. ! ec# &or continuous alteration o& output po%er by turning t e rotary #nob &or coagulation po%er setting and observing t e display o& t e po%er "eter.

7. Wit t e ME MB1$ connect t e bipolar output %it t e bipolar "easure cord to t e po%er
"eter$ set #ey &or &oots%itc signal pat selection to bipolar coagulation. Activate bipolar coagulation %it t e blue &oots%itc pedal. ! ec# &or continuous alteration o& output po%er by turning t e rotary #nob &or bipolar po%er setting and observing t e display o& t e po%er "eter.

*"$ Align4ent o3 )( &enerator Boar1

Spare parts o& t e ,B generator board are pre6adGusted by MARTIN. In case t e align"ent "ust be per&or"ed ane%$ proceed as &ollo%s*

1. Align"ent o& neutral electrode "onitor. !onnect volt"eter to t e test points H18 :ground< and
H22 :plus<. 3lug 1?;NN coa= plug %it incorporated 275 resistor into NE soc#et. Set tri""er JNEJ to a display o& 2.1F.

2. Align"ent o& cutting po%er* !onnect active electrode soc#et and neutral electrode soc#et %it

"easure cords to ,B po%er "eter % ic is set to 155 . Set rotary #nob &or JcutJ po%er setting to "a=i"u" :position 15<. 3us t e le&t selection #ey &or cut 1 selection. Activate cutting "ode. Set tri""er J!LTJ to a display o& ;55 W. T en select #ey &or cut 2$ activate cutting "ode and c ec# displayed value o& ,B po%er. T e value as to be in t e range o& 155 W 45 W.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

H1 H9


($ (1


NE H22 H18





BI6 !AA+

H12 NE

H11 AE2 H15 AE1

H11 BI3


H2 !LT H1 !AA+ H; BI6!AA+



Setting o3 o5eration 5oint o3 E 4onitorC Bet>een B10 an1 B$$ $"#- >it8 resistor $/. at E soc9et

Out5ut 5o>er Out5ut 5o>er Cut 1C Conta9t CoagulationC '.. !atts at #.. $+. !atts at $..

Out5ut 5o>er Out5ut 5o>er Bi5olar CoagulationC S5ray CoagulationC 1.. !atts at 1.. 1$. !atts at #.. :ME MB1 only;


3osition o& align"ent points

Rev 1.1 11

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

3. Align"ent o& contact coagulation ,B po%er* Set ,B po%er "eter to 255 . Turn rotary #nob &or

JcoagulationJ po%er setting to "a=i"u" :position 15<. 3us t e le&t selection #ey &or contact coagulation. Activate t e "onopolar coagulation "ode. Set tri""er J!AA+J to display o& 295 W at t e ,B po%er "eter. T8is setting also in3luences t8e out5ut 5o>er align4ent 3or s5ray coagulation" SoA on altering t8is settingA t8e align4ent 3or s5ray coagulation is also to 2e 1one ane>@ JcoagulationJ po%er setting to "a=i"u" :position 15<. 3us t e rig t selection #ey &or spray coagulation. Activate t e "onopolar coagulation "ode. Set tri""er JS3RAMJ to display o& 125 W at t e ,B po%er "eter. T8is setting reEuires t8e 5rece1ing align4ent o3 contact coagulation@

4. Align"ent o& spray coagulation ,B po%er* Set ,B po%er "eter to 155 . Turn rotary #nob &or

5. Wit t e ME MB1$ align"ent o& bipolar coagulation ,B po%er* !onnect bipolar output soc#et

%it bipolar "easure cord to ,B po%er "eter % ic is set to 155 . Turn rotary #nob &or Jbipolar coagulationJ to "a=i"u" :position 15<. 3us t e selection #ey &or &oots%itc signal pat selection in t e bipolar section o& t e &ront panel. Activate t e bipolar coagulation "ode. Set tri""er KBI6!AA+I to display o& 155 W o& t e ,B po%er "eter.

Measuring t8e )( lea9age currents

Measure"ent according to IE! 4516262 ite" 1>.152* Setting t e ,B po%er "eter to "easure"ent o& ,B lea#age currents* Set po%er "eter to 255 and connect one o& t e ter"inals to ground potential$ e. g. to t e e'uipotential connector at t e rear side o& t e unit. T e relevant value is t e current. !onnect t e ot er ter"inal to t e neutral electrode soc#et by "eans o& t e "easure cord % ile t e active electrode soc#et is le&t open %it out any cable connected to it. Activate t e unit by &oots%itc at all "onopolar current "odes %it "a=i"u" po%er setting. An upper li"it o& 155"A "ust not be e=ceeded. !onnect t e not grounded ter"inal o& t e ,B po%er "eter to t e active electrode soc#et :center conductor o& coa= soc#et<$ plug s orted 1?;NN coa= plug into neutral electrode soc#et to disable NE "onitoring alar". Activate t e unit at all "onopolar current "odes %it "a=i"u" po%er setting. An upper li"it o& 155"A "ust not be e=ceeded. Note t at t e "easure cord le&t in t e NE soc#et instead o& t e s orted plug %ill increase t e "easured lea#age current due to t e additional ground capacitance o& t is cable. Wit t e ME MB1* !onnect t e bipolar "easure cord to t e bipolar output soc#et and connect one o& t e banana plugs to t e not grounded ter"inal o& t e ,B po%er "eter. Activate bipolar coagulation %it "a=i"u" po%er setting by "eans o& t e &oots%itc . An upper li"it o& 75"A "ust not be e=ceeded. T en repeat "easure %it t e ot er banana plug instead o& t e &irst o& t e "easure cord connected to t e ,B po%er "eter.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

*"# Mains -oltage Setting at t8e Mains In5ut Circuit

T e units ME M1 and ME MB1 can be c anged bet%een t e voltage ranges 155F to 127F and 225F to 2;5F. T e c ange is to be per&or"ed by e=c anging o& a plug at t e ,B generator board and by e=c ange o& t e "ains &uses in t e "ains cord soc#et. Lsually$ t e unit is set to t e "ains voltage o& t e destination "ar#et at t e "anu&acturerNs site$ t e setting is "ar#ed at t e unitNs rear side. I& t ere is t e re'uire"ent o& c anging t e "ains voltage setting$ t en proceed as &ollo%s* )isconnect "ains cord. Apen unit according to ite" 9.2. Setting to range $$.- to $'.-C 1. E=c ange o& t e bridging plug :;;< o& t e connection H4 at t e le&t o& t e rear edge o& t e ,B generator board %it bridging plug :;1<. 2. Mains &uses* 2 pieces o& ;A slo% blo% 1. Altering o& t e label at t e rear side o& t e unit. Setting to range 1..- to 1$/-C 1. E=c ange o& t e bridging plug :;1 o& t e connection H4 at t e le&t o& t e rear edge o& t e ,B generator board %it bridging plug :;;<. 2. Mains &uses* 2 pieces o& 8A slo% blo% 1. Altering o& t e label at t e rear side o& t e unit. A&ter c ange o& setting$ per&or" sa&ety c ec# according to ite" 4.9 and note t e alteration in t e unitNs acco"panying docu"ents.

*"' So3t>are U51ating The units ME M1 and ME MB1 are equipped ith t ! "i#r!#!ntr!$$ers hi#h #!ntain the pr!%ra" "e"!ries &e"'edded #!ntr!$$er(. )n #ase !* a s!*t are updatin%+ !ne !* the #!ntr!$$er itse$* !r '!th !* the" are t! 'e e,#han%ed. This is t! 'e per*!r"ed as *!$$! s1. .pen the #ase a##!rdin% t! ite" 5.2. /e$ease the "i#r!#!ntr!$$er #hip *r!" its s!#0et '1 $i*tin% it !** !* the s!#0et '1 use !* a suited t!!$ &s#re dri2er !r si"i$ar( thr!u%h the !ri*i#e at the side a$$ and ta0e it a a1 up ards. 2. 3$a#e the ne #!"p!nent+ n!te that the 4pin 14 "ar0 is dire#ted t! ards the 'i% heatsin0.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

$$.- to $'.- 1..- to 1$/T'A T0A :slo> 2lo>; :slo> 2lo>;

E<c8ange on c8ange to ot8er 4ains voltage

:;1< :;;<

IC D1, 4icrocontroller



H1 H9


($ (1


B"BB MB1 D1,




B"BB MB1 D1.



BI6 !AA+

H12 NE

H11 AE2 H15 AE1

H11 BI3


H2 !LT H1 !AA+ H; BI6!AA+


! ange o& settings

Rev 1.1

IC D1. 4icrocontroller


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

*"+ Sa3ety C8ec9s to 2e Re5eate1 Perio1ically

T e "anu&acturer suggests to per&or" c ec#s %it t is unit all 2; "ont s by persons % o are in t e position to per&or" suc sa&ety c ec#s in an ordinary "anner because o& t eir training$ t eir #no%ledge and t eir e=perience gained by practice and % o are not subGect to orders concerning t is c ec#ing activities. ! ec# visual unit and accessories &or &unction i"pairing "ec anical da"ages. ! ec# sa&ety relevant labels &or readability. ! ec# &use cartridges &or no"inal current value and blo% c aracteristic. 3er&or" &unctional c ec# according to t e userNs instruction "anual. ! ec# &or continuous c ange o& output po%er corresponding to t e sense o& turn o& t e po%er setting potentio"eters. !o"pare setpoint and actual values o& "a=i"u" output po%er &ed to t e no"inal resistors according to ite" ;.2 at all outputs in t e available operation "odes. ! ec# acoustic and optical signals at po%er activation. ! ec# &or electrical para"eters according to t e test report &or periodic sa&ety c ec#s. T e lea#age currents "ay override t e &irst "easured values &or 95 3ercent and additionally s all not override t e "a=i"u" values "entioned above. T e &irst "easured values can be seen &ro" t e acco"panying test reports at t e &irst setup o& t e unit. T e sa&ety c ec# is to enter in t e unitNs boo#let. I& t e unit is out o& &unction and?or unsa&e$ it is to be repaired or t e user "ust be in&or"ed about t e a@ard associated %it it.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

Test Re5ort

I) No.* .................................................... Serial No.* ME M1..................................... ME MB1................................... Manu&acturer* Martin Me1i6in7Tec8ni9

Tester* ........................................................

A%ner* ........................................................ .................................................................... ....................................................................

.ind o& Lnit* Electrosurgery unit Type* ME M1 ME MB1

Mear o& 3roduction* ..................

Test Stan1ar1C Test ResultC



1. Measure"ents re&er to reverse o& t is test report 2. 3oints o& non6co"pliance* .................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ 1. No &aults o& &aults % ic do not concern sa&ety. T e unit "ay be operated &or &urt er use. ;. T e unit "ay be operated &or &urt er use i& t e &aults "entioned above are re"oved. 9. Errors % ic re'uire "aintenance or repair o& t e unit be&ore ne=t operation else patients$ users or t ird persons "ay be obGect o& a@ard. )ate* Signature* Ne=t date o& c ec# *

Test report s eet &or periodically sa&ety c ec#s$ &ront &ace

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

&edi9in3!echni0 Test Re5ortC Ty5eC ME M1 ME MB1


!urrent No.*


o"C """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
GA Co44"

Correc Uncorr t " 1. Type label 2. LserNs instruction "anual 1. /abelling ;. Aperation ele"ents 9. E'uipotential connector 4. +enuine accessoriesP :Else designation o& "anu&acturer< 7. Fisual c ec# o& ,B connection cords 8. Boots%itc at A3 site %aterproo& and A3 proo& >. Aperation "ode o& neutral electrode "ar#ed 15. No output po%er % en neutral electrode "issing 11. Monitoring circuit o& t e neutral electrode 12 ! ec# &or operation o& ands%itc and &oots%itc control 11 ! ec# &or optical and acoustic signal on ,B activation 1; ,B po%er "easure"ent :"a=i"u" at no"inal resistance< !utting 1 at 155 A "s :;55W C 5 W ? Q 85W<* !utting 2 at 155 A "s :155W 45W<* !ontact coagulation at 255 A "s :295W 95W<* Spray coagulation at 155 A "s :125W 2;W<* Bipolar coagulation at 155 A "s :155W 25W<*

.............. Watts .............. Watts .............. Watts .............. Watts .............. Watts

!o""ents* .................................................................................................................................... .... ...................................................................................................................................................... ..... ...................................................................................................................................................... ..... Electrical 4easure4ents accor1ing to IEC *.1C 19. Isolation resistance "ains versus case* ............... M 14. Isolation resistance applied part* ............... M 17. Measure"ent o& protective eart conductor resistance* ............... 18. /o% &re'uency lea#age current$ nor"al condition* ............... A 1>. /o% &re'uency lea#age current$ single &ault condition* ............... A 25. Enclosure lea#age current$ nor"al condition* ............... A 21. Enclosure lea#age current$ single &ault condition 3E conductor* ............... A 22. Enclosure lea#age current$ single &ault condition "ains* ............... A 21. 3atient lea#age current$ nor"al condition* ............... A 2;. 3atient lea#age current$ single &ault condition 3E conductor* ................ A 29. 3atient lea#age current$ single &ault condition "ains* ............... A 24. 3atient au=iliary current$ nor"al condition* ................ A 27. 3atient au=iliary current$ single &ault condition 3E conductor* ................ A 28. 3atient au=iliary current$ single &ault condition "ains* ............... A 2>. 3atient lea#age current %it voltage in parallel to applied part* ................ A 15. dto.$ interc anged p ases* ................ A Unit c8ec9e1 at ............................. (ro4C ....................................................................................

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

Test report s eet &or periodically sa&ety c ec#s$ reverse

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

/" (ault Diagnosis

5ault $ro+a+le )ause Main s it#h i$$u"inati!n 5! "ains 2!$ta%e re"ains dar0+ e$e"ents at the *r!nt re"ain dar0+ n! !perati!n !* the unit Mains #!rd n!t !r n!t pr!per #!nne#ted at the p$u% side !r at the unit6s side Mains p! er is n!t s it#hed !n Mains *use '$! n !rou+leshooting Che#0 "ains p! er supp$1

Che#0 #!nne#ti!n !* "ains #!rd

Mains s it#h i$$u"inati!n $i%hts+ the e$e"ents at the *r!nt re"ain dar0+ n! !perati!n !* unit.

Mains s it#h i$$u"inati!n $i%hts+ e$e"ents at the *r!nt !perate n!r"a$$1+ n! 89 !utput p! er and n! a#!usti# a#ti2ati!n si%na$ 5! !utput p! er ith !n$1 !ne 9au$t !* the setp!int E,#han%e setp!int #urrent "!de p!tenti!"eter !* this #urrent p!tenti!"eter "!de !r its #a'$e #!nne#ti!n 9au$t !* the setp!int si%na$ path E,#han%e 89 %enerat!r '!ard

7 it#h !n unit Che#0 *uses in the unit6s "ains s!#0et and rep$a#e hen needed. )* the *use '$! s a%ain i""ediate$1+ there is a *au$t ith the 7M37. /ep$a#e 89 %enerat!r '!ard. 3ri"ar1 *use 91 !* the au,i$iar1 Che#0 *!r pr!per "ar0in% !* "ains trans*!r"er is '$! n "ains 2!$ta%e at the unit6s rear side. Che#0 *use 91 inside the unit and rep$a#e i* needed. )* *use 91 !r 92 '$! s a%ain i""ediate$1 a*ter e,#han%e+ then e,#han%e 89 %enerat!r '!ard. 7e#!ndar1 *use 92 !* the Che#0 *!r pr!per "ar0in% !* au,i$iar1 "ains trans*!r"er is "ains 2!$ta%e at the unit6s rear '$! n side. Che#0 *use 92 inside the unit and rep$a#e i* needed. )* *use 92 !r 91 '$! s a%ain i""ediate$1 a*ter e,#han%e+ then e,#han%e 89 %enerat!r '!ard. 9au$t !* the 89 %enerat!r E,#han%e 89 %enerat!r '!ard

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

I! )19$ pin 1 Autput voltage signal o& SM3S 5.9F to 9F

I! )19$ pin 2 I! )19$ pins 11 and 1; I! N1$ pin 1 Setpoint voltage Autput signals o& t e !urrent li"iter signal signal o&SM3S 3WM controller appro=. ;F* Not active 5.9F to 9F appro=. 2F* Active

I! )17$ pin 19 Autput signal o& pulse pattern generator

H1 H9


($ (1


NE H22 H18





BI6 !AA+

H12 NE

H11 AE2 H15 AE1

H11 BI3


H2 !LT H1 !AA+ H; BI6!AA+


R147 Autput voltage o& SM3S 19F to 155F )!

I! )2$ pin 2 Autput signal o& setpoint generator 2F to 12F

3osition o& Test 3oints

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

0" Alterations
0"1 Proce1ure
As e=perience s o%s$ during t eir sales li&eti"e tec nical products undergo repeated tec nical alterations due to steady product i"prove"ents. To t e service t is i"poses t e proble" o& aving several versions o& t e sa"e type o& unit and prior to eac repair it "ust be clari&ied % ic version is present. Prior to any 4ani5ulation o3 t8e unit it is necessary to 9no> t8e state o3 t8e version@ Wit t e units ME M1 and ME MB1$ t is is indicated in t e serial nu"ber* ME MB1 BB BB BB BBBB Type o& unit ,ard%are state So&t%are state Mear o& production !onsecutive nu"bering

0"$ )ar1>are State

T e ard%are state is de&ined by* Revision state o& boards Revision state o& "ec anical construction Revision state o& align"ents T e boards are e'uipped %it t%o labels. Ane o& t e labels contains t e "anu&acturerNs identity nu"ber !;56HHHH and a consecutive test nu"ber %it signature or identity nu"ber o& t e tester. T e second label indicates t e state o& revision. I& suc a revision is present in t e "ar#et$ it %ill be concern o& t e &ollo%ing ite"s. I& suc a board %ill be repaired at t e "anu&acturerNs site$ it %ill get a t ird JrepairJ label. I& possible$ suc boards %ill be updated to t e actual state o& revision and$ a&ter co"plete test procedure$ %ill be used &or repairs as e=c ange boards. I& it as t e sa"e MARTIN ordering code as t e old part according to ite" 9.1$ a board %it a ig er state o& revision "ay replace a board o& lo%er state o& revision :stepdo%n co"patibility<. -ice versaA t8is is generally not vali1@ Rev 1.1 ;1

Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual W at "a#es t e di&&erence bet%een ne% revisions and t eir predecessors and % ic co"patibilities are valid %ill be e=plained in t e ite"s corresponding to t e di&&erent con&igurations. An release o& a ne% revision$ a description o& t e ne% con&iguration %ill be created and distributed by t e MARTIN Service !enter by t e sa"e %ay li#e t is service docu"entation.

0"# So3t>are State

T e operation codes and t e tables &or bot o& t is "icrocontrollers are stored in t e E3RAMs % ic are incorporated in t ese controllers. T ey are labelled as &ollo%s* B"BB MB1 DBB State o& progra" Me"bers ip o& ME units )istinction )15$ )1> T e progra" state designates t e version o& t e operation code. T e last t%o o& t ree digits &or" a continuing nu"ber % ic designates a stepdo%n6co"patible revision % ile t e &irst digit is associated to t e ard%are con&iguration. An an so&t%are e=c ange$ absolute care "ust be ta#en t at t is &irst digit is identical to t at o& t e replaced one. I& t is digit %ould be incre"ented$ t en bot o& t e &ollo%ing ones %ill be reset to @ero. T ere are no di&&erent progra" versions &or ME M1 and ME MB1$ t e ME M1 %ill be e'uipped %it t e sa"e controllers as t e ME MB1. T e units ME M1 and ME MB1 ave t%o independent carriers o& so&t%are )15 and )1>. W ile )15 per&or"s t e control &unctions$ )1> generates t e optical and acoustic activation and alar" signals and supports sa&ety "onitoring &unctions o& t e unit. In contrast to ot er ME units$ t e progra" versions o& bot so&t%are carriers "ay be di&&erent. T e so&t%are version "ar#ed in t e serial nu"ber deter"ines a co"bination o& bot so&t%are carrier versions. An e=c ange o& a so&t%are carrier &or so&t%are updating$ please note t at t e &irst digit o& t e so&t%are version %ill be #ept t e sa"e and t at bot o& t e &urt er digits &or" a nu"ber % ic s all not be less t an t at o& t e &or"er so&t%are carrier.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

0"' Con3igurations ME M1

0"'"1 Con3iguration .... Serial nu"bers* So&t%are* Bront 3!B* ,B generator 3!B* Bro" ME M1 5555 >8 5155 to ME M1 5555 >8 511> 1.52 MB1 )15 :Ardering code 586558655621<. 1.59 MB1 )1> :Ardering code 586558655622<. !;561971 version 55. As a spare part$ also version 51 "ay be used :ordering code 5865156556;5<. !;561972 version 55. As a spare part$ also version 51 "ay be used :ordering code 58651;655624<.

0"'"$ Con3iguration .1.. Serial nu"bers* So&t%are* Bront 3!B* Bro" ME M1 5155 >8 5125 1.52 MB1 )15 :Ardering code 586558655621<. 1.59 MB1 )1> :Ardering code 586558655622<. !;561971 version 51 :ordering code 5865156556;5<.

,B generator 3!B** !;561972 version 51 :ordering code 58651;655624<.

Rev 1.1


Martin ME MB1 ME M1 Service Manual

0"+ Con3igurations ME MB1

0"+"1 Con3iguration .... Serial nu"bers* So&t%are* Bro" ME MB1 5555 >8 5155 to ME MB1 5555 >8 51;> 1.51 MB1 )15. As a spare part$ use 1.52 MB1 )15 :Ardering code 586558655621<. 1.52 MB1 )1>. As a spare part$ use 1.59 MB1 )1> :Ardering code 586558655622<. !;5619;1 version 55. As a spare part$ also version 51 "ay be used :ordering code 58651565561><. !;561911 version 51 or 52. As a spare part$ also version 51 "ay be used :ordering code 58651;655629<.

Bront 3!B* ,B generator 3!B*

0"+"$ Con3iguration ...1 Serial nu"bers* So&t%are* Bront 3!B* ,B generator 3!B* Bro" ME MB1 5551 >8 5195 to ME MB1 5551 >8 51>> 1.52 MB1 )15 :Ardering code 586558655621<. 1.59 MB1 )1> :Ardering code 586558655622<. !;5619;1 version 55$ Fersion 51 :ordering code 58651565561><. !;561911 version 52. As a spare part$ also version 51 "ay be used :ordering code 58651;655629<.

0"+"# Con3iguration .1.1 Serial nu"bers* So&t%are* Bront 3!B* ,B generator 3!B* Bro" ME MB1 5151 >8 5255 1.52 MB1 )15 :Ardering code 586558655621<. 1.59 MB1 )1> :Ardering code 586558655622<. !;5619;1 version 51 :ordering code 58651565561><. !;561911 version 51 :ordering code 58651;655629<.

Rev 1.1


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