NR-221103 - Digital Circuits Design and Appliction

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Set No.

Code No: 221103

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.


(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) State and prove clamping theorem.
b) Sketch the double ended clipper circuit using two diodes and explain the working
with the help of its transfer characteristics.

2. Design a collector coupled transistor monostable multivibrator to produce a time

delay of 100 µsec. Give a suitable triggering circuit for it. Explain its working with
appropriate transforms use ± 12V use transistors having 100 ≤ hfe ≤ 250,
VCE(sat) = 0.3V and VBE(sat) = 0.7V and VBE(out off) = 0V.

3.a) Draw the functional block diagram of 555 timer and explain its operation.
b) Explain any one application of 555 in detail.

4.a) Use De-Morgan’s theorem and convert the following expression to equivalent
expression that have only OR and complement operations.
F = x y + xz + y z.
b) Design a 4 line to 16 line de-multiplexer. How is a de-multiplexer different from
c) Prove that A+B = A⊕ B ⊕ AB.

5.a) Design a 4 bit decade counter using JK flip flops. Draw the truths table and explain.
b) Explain the operation of an universal shift register show the left and right shift
c) Convert JK flip flop to D flip flop.

6.a) Draw the functional block diagram of 505 IC and explain its operation as frequency
synthesizer and frequency translator.
b) Explain and contrast the LED and LCD display systems.

7.a) Explain and sketch the response of a High pass RC circuit to a square wave input for
(i) RC << T (ii) RC = T and (iii) RC >> T. Where T is the time period of the square
wave input.
b) Explain the operation of a transistor bootstrap voltage time base generator with the
help of relevant wave forms. Derive the necessary expressions.

8. Write short notes on any two of the following:

a) SCR triggering circuits.
b) TTL ICs application circuits.
c) Astable Multivibrator.
Set No.

Code No: 221103 2

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.


(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Explain the steady state response of a diode clamping circuit.
b) A rectangular voltage pulse of duration 5 m sec and magnitude 10V is applied to a
series RC high pass filter. The capacitor C is initially unchanged. Determine the
output voltage Vo for R = 1 KΩ and C = 1 µf.

2.a) What is clipping? Draw the different types of clipper circuits naming each one of
them. Draw the output wave forms.
b) Explain the various triggering techniques used to trigger the bistable multivibrator.

3.a) Explain any two methods of triggering SCR.

b) Draw the circuit diagram of a miller sweep circuit and explain its operation with

4.a) Find the minimal SOP expressions for the function.

f(A, B, C, D) = Σm (1, 2, 3, 5, 13) + Σd (6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15) Implement the minimized
function using NAND gates.
b) Design a BCD to seners segment decoder circuit.

5.a) Explain Master slave JK flip flop with truth table and circuit operation. How is
clocked JK FF different from this?
b) Construct a full adder using half adders. Differentiate between a serial adder and
parallel adder.

6.a) Explain how a frequency modulated wave is demodulated using IC 565 with a neat
schematic diagram. Derive the necessary equations.
b) What are the different driver circuits used in display systems?
c) Explain the design of any one typical application circuits.

7.a) Design a 555 astable multivibrator to generate an output pulse with a frequency of
4 KHz and a duty cycle of 60% use Vcc = 15V.
b) Obtain the response of a low pass RC circuit for an exponential input and square wave

8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

a) Mono stable multivibrator.
b) Binary and decade counters.
c) LED and LCD display systems.

Set No.

Code No: 221103 3

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.
(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Sketch and explain the response of a low pass RC circuit when the input is an
exponential and ramp functions.
b) The periodic waveform shown in figure is applied to an RC integrating network
whose time constant is 10 µsec. Sketch the output wave form and calculate the
maximum and minimum values of output voltage with respect to ground.

2.a) Draw and explain BJT astable multivibrator showing its collector wave forms.
b) Design a BJT monostable that generates a time delay of 1µsec. Explain its working.

3.a) Describe the working of constant current sweep circuit with a neat sketch and relevant
wave forms.
b) What are the applications of 555 timer?

4.a) (i) (4500)10 = (?)8 = (?)2.

(ii) Add (-19)10 to (-10)10 using 2’s complement.
b) Realise the following expression using NAND gates.
f(x, y, z) = (xy + z) (y + xz).
c) Design an octal to binary encoder.

5.a) Implement a full adder circuit with a decoder and two OR gates.
b) Design a BCD counter with JK flip flops.

6.a) Explain the operation of 565 PLL IC. Mention its applications.
b) Explain the operation of Dot matrix display, with the help of block diagram.

7.a) Draw the circuit diagram for clipping at two independent levels. Explain its operation
with the help of its transfer characteristics.
b) State and prove clamping theorem.

8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

a) SCR triggering circuits
b) Multiplexers and De Multiplexers.
c) CMOS IC application circuits.
Set No.


Code No: 221103

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.
(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Derive the percentage of tilt in a high pass RC circuit for a square wave input.
b) Make a plot of Vo against Vi for the range of Vi from 0 to 50V. Indicate all slopes and
voltage levels. The circuit is shown below in figure. Assume that the diodes are

2.a) Explain the design considerations of monostable multivibrator using BJT and derive
the expression for output time period.
b) List the applications of astable multivibrators.

3.a) Draw and explain the bootstrap sweep generator with relevant waveforms.
b) Explain the turn on and turn off methods of an SCR.

4.a) Implement the function ‘F’ with the following two-level forms : NAND–AND and
OR-NAND. F(A, B, C, D) = Σ(0,1,2,3,4,8,9,12).
b) Draw the logic diagram of 1 to 4 line demultiplexer and explain its operation.
c) Explain the following functions in the POS form: F = A + BC .

5.a) Design a full adder with minimum number of NAND gates.

b) Draw the circuit and explain the crystal controlled clock generators.
c) Compare the characteristics of TTL and CMOS IC’s (families).

6.a) Draw the block diagram of PLL and qualitatively explain its operation. Define lock
range and capture range.
b) Discuss various applications of PLL.

7.a) Sketch the functional schematic of 555 and explain how it can be used to produce a
symmetrical square wave.
b) Explain the switching characteristics of a transistor. Explain the operation of
transistor as a switching element in relay driver circuits.

8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

a) JK master slave flip flops.
b) Dot matrix display.
c) Bistable circuit and its applications.

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