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Newsletter 1 

EDITION 2009(1)  JULY 31, 2009 

Meet the TARGET team 

Key Points 

 TARGET is pionee-
ring the use of personali-
sed serious games to help
users to learn about
professional skills and

 TARGET combines
fast, transformative,
adaptive, responsive and
engaging ways to master
those skills and some- TARGET (Transformative, Adaptive, Responsive and enGaging EnvironmenT) is a Large-scale
Integrating Project partly funded by the European Community under the Seventh Framework
times to improve upon Programme: ICT-2007.4.3 Digital Libraries & Technology-Enhanced Learning 2009-2011 (Grant
them. Agreement N° 231717).

 Hit Your Target by This shows the team’s inaugural meeting, at University College London in January.
joining the TARGET (Photo courtesy of Matthias ZIMMERMANN)
discussion group, now From left to right:
on LinkedIn (http://
ID), Alvaro de OLIVEIRA (Alfamicro), Paul LEFRERE (Alfamicro), Antti KORHANEN (Nokia), Tuija HEIKURA (HSE), Veli-Pekka NIITAMO (Nokia), Leif M. HOKSTAD
(NTNU), Walter WÖLFEL (Siemens), Matthias ZIMMERMANN (Siemens), Ekaterina
Key Contents  Lars ONSØYEN (Sintef), Ioana HULPUŞ (Cyntelix), Rui PRADA (INESC-ID), Ana PAIVA
(INESC-ID), Bjørn ANDERSEN (Sintef), Dietrich ALBERT (TUG-KMI), Ingrid
SPJELKAVIK (Sintef), Georg ÖTTL (TUG-KMI), Christian WILK (Project Officer, EU),
Fast ways to beco- 2
Marco RAPINO (HSE), Stephanie LINEK (TUG-KMI), Fabrizio GIORGINI (Giunti), William
me competent SEAGER (UCL), Manuel FRADINHO (Cyntelix), Christian RENAUD (Advisory Board,
Papers on TAR- 3 Cisco), Poul HANSEN (Advisory Board, Aalborg University). Inset: Angela SASSE (UCL)
Anywhere, any time 4
The FP7 logo and the European emblem are owned by the European Community. Their use in
Psychological bases 5 this newsletter reflects the fact that the TARGET consortium receives funding from the
for serious games European Community. The consortium is solely responsible for the content of this newsletter,
Integration with 5
which does not represent the opinion of the European Community. The European Community
HRM systems is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained therein.

Fast ways to acquire valuable skills and insights 
London, March: Launched in the European Year of hence the range of challenges they
Creativity and Innovation, TARGET feel comfortable with; and to per-
Uniquely, TARGET offers users fast,
provides a possible way to reduce the form excellently even under stress.
transformative, adaptive, responsive
shortage of managers with high-level This will help them to prepare for
and engaging ways to learn about, to
skills in areas important for Europe’s the challenges they expect to face,
master and sometimes improve upon,
competitiveness, including skills rele- and also unexpected challenges.
professional skills and insights in
vant to creativity and innovation.
areas that are important to them, The approach taken in TARGET is a
their peers, employers and society. The TARGET consortium is devel- general one, applicable to low-level
oping links with some of the most skills as found in many vocational
Initial applications: project management;
admired professional groupings in courses, as well as to the higher-level
associated cross-cultural issues; and
those areas. and more challenging skills that are
processes and skills associated with
the main focus of its trials. Hence
innovation (including skills for listen- An example is the APM, Association
TARGET will share its methods with
ing, noticing, influencing). for Project Management. TARGET
all interested European projects and
is led by Norway’s SINTEF organi-
Here are examples of further higher- training organizations. This should
zation, a centre of excellence in pro-
level skills that TARGET could help help to extend Europe’s body of
ject management.
with: sense-making (spotting patterns knowledge in key areas, needed to
and key factors); bricolage (building on Through such links, TARGET will make jobs more secure.
what is to hand, including others’ reach out to growing numbers of
Funding is from the European Com-
skills, insights and experiences); con- professional users, conceivably in the
mission (5.8 million euro) and from
tributing helpfully (sharing knowledge millions at European level, helping
industry. Project partners include
constructively); reflection (learning how them to widen their experience of
companies that are in a position to
to get faster and better at acquiring tackling challenges; to deal with chal-
deliver the benefits quickly to a wide
skills); and rehearsing (polishing skills lenges in ever-improving ways; to
range of citizens, such as NOKIA
in advance of demonstrating them). broaden their repertoire of skills and

The Technical Details 
At the heart of TARGET is a way of Flight simulators are for the few who terns that are important; we call these
delivering personalised “serious really need them. TARGET will let “Threshold Concepts”.
games” that present the user with vastly larger numbers of people learn
2. Ways to handle and accommodate
complex situations that result in ex- fast, polish their skills and extend
new knowledge; we base our ap-
periences that are gradually honed their repertoires.
proach on biological principles, a
into knowledge, as with Chesley
Interacting with the software, each “Knowledge Ecology”.
“Sully” Sullenberger, the pilot of the
user will be presented with complex
plane that made a splash landing in 3. Ways to avoid or minimize over-
situations in the form of scenarios.
New York’s Hudson River in 2009. load and other sources of stress, so
The user can try out different strate- that people can internalize new
What amazing expertise, coolness,
gies and solutions, completely risk- knowledge efficiently and can per-
quick thinking, modesty: “We did
free compared with real life, and see form at their peak level; we call this
what we were trained to do in an
how these work. “Reducing Cognitive Load”.
emergency”. Pilots practice how they
will handle potential disasters such as Over time this will result in deep and 4. Ways for all of us to develop our
a crash landing. They use realistic lasting learning. TARGET is a break- competences by sharing what each of
computer simulations - serious through in other ways too: uniquely, us knows and can do; we call this
games - gaining the wide range of it brings together five things that “Learning Communities”.
experiences they need to handle un- help people to build high-level skills.
5. Ways to accumulate lessons
expected events well, even under
1. Examples and insights that trans- learned through real and theoretical
stress. Sully and his co-pilot were
form our understanding of a knowl- situations; we call this approach
back on the simulators before they
edge domain and help us to see pat- “Experience Management”.
returned to flying.

Spreading global awareness of TARGET  
UAE, January: Other attendees included a represen- US, September:
tative from sister project ROLE; EU
Awareness of TARGET has spread A recent outcome of TARGET’s
SMEs, chambers of commerce; mul-
rapidly since its start in January, participation in the Abu Dhabi work-
tinationals (eg, Cisco, Intel).
partly because of the many events shop is an invitation to the Alfamicro
that TARGET partners have at- The workshop, part of a summit on representative to attend a policy
tended around the world as part of the needs of cities, had these aims: workshop in the US, looking at ways
their commitment to dissemination. to use analytics and horizon scans to
- to establish a global community to
identify competencies needed for the
The first such event, in January, saw identify the competences needed for
future, and ways to acquire those
the participation of staff of TAR- competitiveness in priority areas (eg,
competencies fast. The workshop
GET partners Alfamicro and energy, waste).
will be attended by US government
Cyntelix at a US-EU joint workshop
- to discuss community-of-practice officials, industry leaders and senior
in Abu Dhabi.
ideas for competence development. managers in education and training.

TARGET papers presented at important EU workshop 
Zürich, May: ment in industrial organizations, and This second paper mainly attempted
how people that enter professional to advise efforts to design serious
TARGET presented two papers to a
organizations today are part of a games based on the experience many
focused audience of about 50 Euro-
gamer generation that have some or TARGET partners gained through
peans highly engaged in technology-
much experience with on-line games. the PRIME project. As part of the
enhanced learning research, at ETH
The argument of the paper was that preparations for the TARGET game
Zurich “Learning and Innovation in
games are not yet mature enough to design process, a systematic
Value Added Networks”, the annual
support the industrial training chal- “debriefing” of the PRIME effort
workshop of the IFIP Working
lenge as stand-alone efforts. Rather, was carried out, and the results are
Group 5.7 on Experimental Interac-
games can support the training and extremely useful both to TARGET
tive Learning in Industrial Manage-
competence development in a syn- developers and others setting out to
chronized setup with other means, create serious games. The lessons
“Changing the Way We Learn: e.g., internal workshops, linking the learned covered the full development
Towards Agile Learning and Co- game to business decisions, etc. process, from analysis of interests of
operation”, by Hansen, Poul end users to the evaluation of the
“The Creation of a Serious Game:
Kyvsgaard, Fradinho, Manuel, An- achievements of the project and the
Lessons Learned from the
dersen, Bjørn, and Lefrere, Paul. possible impact of a game in the con-
PRIME Project”, by Andersen,
tinuous learning process and consid-
This paper addressed the need for Bjørn, Cassina, Jacopo, Duin, Heiko,
ered aspects such as game design,
learning and competence develop- and Fradinho, Manuel.
production process and usage issues.

TARGET paper presented at HCI 2009 conference 
San Diego, July: Bjørn, Fradinho, Manuel, Lefrere, analysis applied to understand how
Paul, and Niitamo, Veli-Pekka. the challenges of managing projects
About 1,900 researchers attended a
are increased by cultural issues.
co-located 9-conference event. This The paper explored how the Serious
paper was presented as part of a HCI Games approach can be exploited to The TARGET approach was de-
2009 special session: aid dealing with cross-cultural issues scribed. Attendees discussed how the
in project management. TARGET serious game can be de-
“The Coming Revolution in Com-
signed to achieve enhanced cross-
petence Development: Using Seri- Some of the skills required in project
cultural skills in users.
ous Games to Improve Cross- management were reviewed, and
Cultural Skills”, by Andersen, different models of cross-cultural Link:

TARGET bridges more and more user needs 
Italy, July: “managing staff’s skills and compe- tence Development in Europe for
tency portfolios” and “identifying, tomorrow and beyond”. This work-
TARGET could be relevant to even
charting and monitoring personal shop (
more user needs than first thought:
skills”. Elisabetta Parodi and her node/201). presented the rationale,
Ola Badersten, Managing Director of
colleagues in the Giunti team work- implementation and use of the TEN-
Giunti Labs Scandinavia, sees the
ing on TARGET are very excited by Competence infrastructure.
scope as including links between
the opportunities opening up for
rapid competence development and The workshop combined an insight
TARGET, both in terms of potential
“traditional skills management, gap into the state of the art of compe-
large-scale adoption, and in terms of
and training analysis, succession tence development, stimulating dis-
collaboration with other projects
planning and performance manage- cussion and accounts of pilot user
funded, like TARGET, by the Euro-
ment”. According to Andrea Gentili experiences with the TENCompe-
pean Commission’s Technology En-
of Giunti Labs, a further area of po- tence software and areas covered by
hanced Learning programme. An
tential demand is from corporates, the new eXact Portfolio software.
example is the TENCompetence
“for gap analysis, training needs TARGET was represented both by
project. In July, Giunti hosted a
analysis, assessment, peer review, job the Giunti team and by Alfamicro
workshop “Learning and Compe-
appraisals and succession planning”,

“Anywhere, any time” competence development 
Frankfurt, February: make them more employable : reach- Such facilities, coupled with the abil-
ing higher, further; performing ity through serious games to practise
Through projects such as TARGET,
smarter, faster; sharing more, wider. and perfect skills, meet needs dis-
Nokia is driving for field-leading
In future newsletters we will look at cussed in February at a conference in
innovations in how and where peo-
how Nokia’s vision is supported in Frankfurt “Strategic Learning and
ple can empower themselves, what-
depth by TARGET. Here, we report Development 2009: Improving Your
ever their current aspirations are.
on recent successes. Business Performance by Developing
Nokia’s vision of the Knowledge and Optimising Your Learning &
Nokia was recently voted one of the
Society envisions a world where Development Methods”. The Nokia
best providers of Leadership Educa-
“connecting people to what matters speaker was Petri-Jukka Salo, Direc-
tion in Europe, Middle East, Africa.
empowers them to make the most of tor, Human Resources Development,
TARGET’s Observatory will echo
every moment”. Nokia Services & Software.
key aspects of how Nokia looks
If learning can be made faster, then ahead when it plans what to include A perennial need at such events is for
competence development can be- in courses, so that users become bet- a reliable and affordable way to
come possible any place and any ter informed about the current levels achieve rapid competence develop-
time. TARGET offers users that of competence required in a field, ment. Nokia’s investment in TAR-
prospect. They can achieve increas- and about the competencies that are GET brings that goal much nearer.
ingly more challenging goals, that likely to be in demand.

Keynote speech on knowledge life­cycles 
London, June: education and training solutions that Skills management modules – known
are not just faster and technically as ‘eXact Portfolio’.
In a keynote speech to the ePortfolio
superior, but that take a knowledge
conference (, This is part of “Blending new genera-
life-cycle view of what is needed, as
Fabrizio Cardinali, CEO of TAR- tion skills, portfolio and learning
Giunti is doing in TARGET.
GET partner Giunti Labs, discussed content management systems for
the context of a key element of TAR- Giunti is using TARGET as one of personalizing learning in Europe -
GET: a knowledge life-cycle view of its routes to demonstrating possible and surviving both the global crisis
Rapid Competence Development. synergies. and increasing competition”.
Giunti’s many customers, especially For example Cardinali announced a
in Europe, are highly interested in state-of-the-art set of Portfolio and
EDITION 2009(1)  PAGE 5 

Psychological bases for game­based learning 
Graz, April: mutual dependencies between the the provision of adaptive interven-
problems captured by prerequisite tions without disturbing the game-
TARGET’s partners include one of
relations, not all potential knowledge play.
Europe’s leading applied psychology
states will occur.
groups, TUG-KMI in Graz, Austria. In the context of technology en-
In TARGET, they are pioneering The basic idea of the CbKST is to hanced learning (TEL) respectively
extensions to a powerful approach to assume a set of competences (skills, learning management systems,
modeling how high-level competence abilities, knowledge) underlying the CbKST was already successfully
depends on lower-level competence. problems of the domain. Similar to adapted within the former EC-
This is called Competence-based the problems, the competences are in project (6th framework) iClass.
Knowledge Space Theory (CbKST). some form dependent to each other
The main goal of the iClass project
CbKST is the first of possibly several too, thus not every potential compe-
was to develop an intelligent cogni-
theories of knowledge / learning that tence state occur.
tive-based open learning system and
will be applied to TARGET’s serious
The relationships between the com- environment, adapted to individuals
petences and problems are estab- in pre-university education.
TUG-KMI organized a CbKST lished by a function. Such function
In the context of game-based learn-
workshop for the TARGET consor- assigns a collection of subsets of
ing, CbKST has already proved its
tium at the beginning of April at our competences (i.e., competence states)
effectiveness in the EC-project (6th
2nd project meeting in Graz. In that to each problem, which are relevant
framework) ELEKTRA.
way, the basics of CbKST and the for solving it.
related microadaptivity-approach Thereby CbKST and the derived
The outlined approach has several
were explained and the relevance and microadaptivity-approach were an
integration in the TARGET-project integrative part of the ELEKTRA-
were outlined. On the one hand, given the perform- methodology which was presented at
ance, that is, the subset of problems the WEBIST-conference at 24th
Michael Bedek of TUG-KMI kindly
a learner could master and/or the March 2009 in Lisbon (see also
summarized the key points for us,
actions a learner shows in a game
consulting his colleagues Georg Otti
scenario, the latent underlying com- index.htm ).
and Stephanie Linek. He explains:
petences can be identified.
Within TARGET the CbKST and
“The CbKST is an extension of the
On the other hand, effective compe- the microadaptivity-approach will be
originally behavioristic Knowledge
tence development can be realized further enhanced and adapted as one
Space Theory (KST) where every
through adaptive individual learning of the driving learning strategies
knowledge domain is characterized
paths based on assumed prerequisite guiding the competence development
by a set of problems.
relations. of individuals.
The goal of the KST is to assess the
A further development in this area is Other projects supported by the FP7
so called knowledge state of the
the so-called microadaptivity- framework in which the CbKST
learner in an efficient way. The
approach which is of special impor- and/or the microadaptivity-approach
knowledge state of a learner is identi-
tance for game-based learning since it will be applied are MedCAP, 80Days,
fied by the subset of problems this
enables an adaptive assessment and GRAPPLE and ROLE.”
person is capable of solving. Due to

Bringing it all together 
We aim to provide individuals and ganizations. Various communities Fax: +47-73597117
enterprises with a learning environ- will support the learning process, Email:
ment that is more effective than what including a community of mentors to
is available today. An important part advise learners.
of our approach is integration with
Contact Person: STRINDVEIEN 4
the Human Resource Management
systems used in companies, to bring
Tel: +47-73590561 NORWAY
the TARGET approach inside or-
The TARGET partners 
Lead Organisation: Austria:
Contact Person: Finland:
Tel: +47-73590561 HELSINGIN KAUPPAKORKEAKOULU (Helsinki School of Economics)
Fax: +47-73597117
SINTEF (coordinator)

Discussion space on LinkedIn 
TARGET now hosts a discussion
space on LinkedIn. Please join us:

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