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CURRICULUM VITAE Name in Full: Post Desired: Place and Date of birth !

tate of "ri#in and Nationalit$: KOLAPO Tajudeen Akanbi Assistant Lecturer, English (Literature) General Hos ital !"o, October #$, #%&&, Osun 'tate, (igerian)

Marital !tatus % Number and A#es of Children: *arried+ One, % ,ears Current Postal% Contact Address &'ith (hone no) and e*mail+ c+o *rs) -) O) Olasu o, P) O) .o/ 0$1, Hidden *anna *inistr,,Osogbo,Osun 'tate) E2ail:,, Tel: 34#5#%41355, 343$%$53&40

Permanent Address:

*r) Kola o House, !6eso"a o 7one !!, Oke 8idi, Ede -oad, O6atedo, 9ia Osogbo, Osun 'tate) 13#1 ; 13#5 13#3 > 13#1 1331 > 1330 1335 > 133$ 1333 > 1331 #%%? > #%%% #%45 > #%4%

Institutions Attended &'ith Dates+: (ational Teacher:s !nstitute, Kaduna <ni=ersit, o6 !badan Adekunle Ajasin <ni=ersit,, Akungba ; Akoko Osun 'tate Pol,technic, !ree Osun 'tate Pol,technic, !ree (urudeen Gra22ar 'chool, Ogbo2oso Ori OKe .a tist Pri2ar, 'chool, Ogbo2oso Educational ,ualifications &'ith dates+PG@E *) A) Literature .) A) (Hons) English and Literar, 'tudies H) () @) *ass Ao22unication O) () @) *ass Ao22unication O:Le=el 'chool Aerti6icate 'chool Lea=ings Aerti6icate Professional ,ualifications &'ith dates+Membershi( of Professional .odiesDistinctions and A/ards &'ith dates+

13#5 13#1 1330 133$ 1331 #%%% #%4% (il (il (il

!tatement of 'or0 E1(erience includin# full details of former and (resent (ostsOsun 'tate .roadcasting Aor oration ('!BE') A ril > Cul,, 133# Osun 'tate .roadcasting Aor oration ( !)T)) *arch, 1331 > Deb), 1335 Dederal Go=ern2ent Aollege, Anka, 7a26ara 'tate (P)T)) Debruar, > *a,, 1334 7a26ara 'tate Teachers 'er=ice .oard (*aster !!) *a, > August, 1334 EbunOlu"a !nternational 'chool, O6atedo, Osogbo, Osun state August 1334 > Can) 13#3 Educational Ad=ance2ent Aentre, Osogbo stud, Aentre (o=e2ber > 13## till date Post*#raduate !u(er2isionPresent Em(lo$ment !tatus Em(lo$er and !alar$: E1tra*Curricular Acti2ities: Name and Address of Referee # @r) Oriaku English Language @e art2ent, <ni=ersit, o6 !badan, !badan, O,o 'tate, 08033786713, Email; 1) @-) A@EGOKE O) C) Estate *anage2ent @e art2ent, Oba6e2i A"olo"o <ni=ersit,, !le;!6e, Osun 'tate) 08033951330,Email; 5) *-) ') A) ABOT<(@E The (igeria Econo2ics 'ociet, ((E'), @e art2ent o6 Econo2ics, <ni=ersit, o6 !badan, 08039123530,Email;a oedu! Pro(osed date of a2ailabilit$ for dut$ if selected-ight a"a, (il Lecturer, Pastor E *rs .a2gbose, F?3,333 -eading, ' orts, Ga2es and Acting

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